// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999.
// File: CIDIR.CXX
// Contents: Persistent directory
// Classes: CiDirectory
// History: 3-Apr-91 BartoszM Created stub.
// 3-May-96 dlee Don't read it in -- map on-disk data
// 4-Nov-97 dlee Support merge shrink from front
// Notes: File format is two initial ULONGs with the count of level 1
// and count of level 2 keys, then the actual level 1 and level
// 2 keys.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mmstrm.hxx>
#include <cidir.hxx>
#include <cistore.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
// Member: CiDirectory::CiDirectory, public
// Synopsis: Open existing or create empty directory
// Arguments: [storage] -- Through which streams are opened
// [objectId] -- Wid to open
// [mode] -- Mode to open the stream
// History: 13-Jun-91 BartoszM Created.
CiDirectory::CiDirectory( CiStorage & storage, WORKID objectId, PStorage::EOpenMode mode ) : _storage( storage ), _objectId( objectId ), _cKeys( 0 ), _cLevel2Keys( 0 ), _pbCurrent( 0 ), _pcKeys( 0 ), _fReadOnly( PStorage::eOpenForRead == mode ) { // If opening for create, don't try reading in existing data if the file
// exists since we want to blow it all away later anyway.
if ( PStorage::eCreate != mode ) ReadIn( !_fReadOnly ); } //CiDirectory
// Member: CiDirectory::DoSeekForKeyBuf
// Synopsis: Find the key in the array of keys.
// Arguments: [key] -- search key
// [aKeys] -- array of keys to search
// [low] -- the index of the lower bound of the search
// [cKeys] -- # of keys over which the search happens
// Returns: index of the greatest key <= the search key
// History: 5-May-96 dlee Created
inline ULONG CiDirectory::DoSeekForKeyBuf( const CKeyBuf & key, CDirectoryKey ** aKeys, ULONG low, ULONG cKeys ) { #if CIDBG == 1
Win4Assert( 0 != cKeys ); ULONG cArray = cKeys; #endif // CIDBG == 1
ULONG iHi = low + cKeys - 1; ULONG iLo = low;
// do a binary search looking for the key
do { ULONG cHalf = cKeys / 2;
if ( 0 != cHalf ) { ULONG cTmp = cHalf - 1 + ( cKeys & 1 ); ULONG iMid = iLo + cTmp;
Win4Assert( iMid < ( low + cArray ) );
if ( aKeys[ iMid ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ) { iHi = iMid - 1; cKeys = cTmp; } else if ( ! aKeys[ iMid + 1 ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ) { iLo = iMid + 1; cKeys = cHalf; } else { return iMid; } } else if ( cKeys > 1 ) { Win4Assert( ( iLo + 1 ) < ( low + cArray ) );
if ( aKeys[ iLo + 1 ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ) return iLo; else return iLo + 1; } else return iLo; } while ( TRUE );
Win4Assert(( ! "Invalid doseek function exit point" )); return 0; } //DoSeekForKeyBuf
// Member: CiDirectory::Seek
// Synopsis: Find bit offset and key of the greatest key less than or
// equal to search key.
// If none is found <= the search key, return the first item.
// Arguments: [key] -- search key
// [pKeyInit] -- key found: less or equal to search key.
// only returned if non-zero
// [off] -- bit offset of keyInit
// History: 22-Apr-92 BartoszM Created
void CiDirectory::Seek( const CKeyBuf & key, CKeyBuf * pKeyInit, BitOffset & off ) { // If a master merge failed, the stream may not be mapped. Map it.
if ( ! key.IsMinKey() ) { //
// Check if there is no level 2 (ie the dir is being created)
// In the case where there is no level 2, there is no max key
// at the end of the array. That's ok because queries will go
// to the old index for keys greater than the last key in this
// directory.
if ( 0 == _cLevel2Keys ) { iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aKeys.GetPointer(), 0, _cKeys ); Win4Assert( iKey < _cKeys ); Win4Assert( ( iKey == ( _cKeys - 1 ) ) || ( _aKeys[ iKey + 1 ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ) ); } else { iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aLevel2Keys.GetPointer(), 0, _cLevel2Keys ); iKey *= eDirectoryFanOut; Win4Assert( iKey < _cKeys ); unsigned cKeys = __min( eDirectoryFanOut, _cKeys - iKey ); iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aKeys.GetPointer(), iKey, cKeys ); Win4Assert( ( 1 == _cKeys ) || ( iKey < ( _cKeys - 1 ) ) ); Win4Assert( ( 1 == _cKeys) || ( _aKeys[ iKey + 1 ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ) ); }
Win4Assert( 0 == iKey || !_aKeys[ iKey ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) );
// If the search key is <= the first key, return the min key
if ( ( 0 == iKey ) && ( ( 0 == _cKeys ) || ( _aKeys[ 0 ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ) ) ) { // the key is less than the first key, return minkey
if ( 0 != pKeyInit ) pKeyInit->FillMin();
off.Init( 0, 0 );
return; } } else { iKey = 0; }
_aKeys[ iKey ]->Offset( off );
if ( 0 != pKeyInit ) _aKeys[ iKey ]->MakeKeyBuf( *pKeyInit ); } //Seek
// Member: CiDirectory::Seek
// Synopsis: Find bit offset and key of the greatest key less than or
// equal to search key.
// If none is found <= the search key, return the first item.
// Arguments: [key] -- search key
// [pKeyInit] -- key found: less or equal to search key.
// only returned if non-zero
// [off] -- bit offset of keyInit
// History: 22-Apr-92 BartoszM Created
void CiDirectory::Seek( const CKey & key, CKeyBuf * pKeyInit, BitOffset & off ) { CKeyBuf keyBuf; keyBuf = key;
Seek( keyBuf, pKeyInit, off ); } //Seek
// Member: CiDirectory::SeekNext
// Synopsis: Find the first key in the next page
// Arguments: [key] -- the search key in this page
// [off] -- the offset of the first key
// History: 8-Mar-94 t-joshh Created
void CiDirectory::SeekNext ( const CKeyBuf & key, CKeyBuf * pKeyInit, BitOffset & off ) { ULONG iKey;
if ( _cKeys > 0 && ! key.IsMinKey() ) { if ( 0 == _cLevel2Keys ) { iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aKeys.GetPointer(), 0, _cKeys ); } else { iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aLevel2Keys.GetPointer(), 0, _cLevel2Keys ); iKey *= eDirectoryFanOut; Win4Assert( iKey < _cKeys ); unsigned cKeys = __min( eDirectoryFanOut, _cKeys - iKey ); iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aKeys.GetPointer(), iKey, cKeys ); }
// this IS a seek next
iKey++; } else { iKey = 0; }
Win4Assert ( iKey < _cKeys );
_aKeys[ iKey ]->Offset( off );
if ( 0 != pKeyInit ) _aKeys[ iKey ]->MakeKeyBuf( *pKeyInit );
#if CIDBG == 1
_aKeys[ iKey ]->MakeKeyBuf( _keyLast ); #endif // CIDBG == 1
} //SeekNext
// Member: CiDirectory::Add
// Synopsis: Adds entry to directory
// Arguments: [posKey] -- offset of key in file
// [key] -- key to add
// History: 22-Apr-92 BartoszM Created
void CiDirectory::Add( BitOffset & posKey, const CKeyBuf & key ) { Win4Assert( !_fReadOnly ); Win4Assert( &key != 0 );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_PDIR, "PDir::Add %.*ws at %d:%d\n", key.StrLen(), key.GetStr(), posKey.Page(), posKey.Offset() ));
LokWriteKey( key, posKey );
#if CIDBG==1
_bitOffLastAdded = posKey; #endif // CIDBG
} //Add
// Member: CiDirectory::ReMapIfNeeded, private
// Synopsis: ReMaps the directory stream if it isn't mapped due to a
// failure to extend or map the directory stream during a
// shrink from front master merge.
// History: 6-Aug-98 dlee Created
void CiDirectory::ReMapIfNeeded() { // If it's already mapped, we're set
if ( 0 != _streamBuf.Get() ) return;
Win4Assert( !_fReadOnly );
// Map the file
_stream->MapAll( _streamBuf );
// Rebase pointers if the new stream pointer is different
if ( 0 == _cKeys ) { _pcKeys = (ULONG *) _streamBuf.Get(); _pbCurrent = (BYTE *) ( _pcKeys + 2 ); } else if ( _pcKeys != (ULONG *) _streamBuf.Get() ) { BYTE *pbOldBase = (BYTE *) _pcKeys; BYTE *pbNewBase = (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get(); UINT_PTR cb = _pbCurrent - pbOldBase;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cKeys; i++ ) { BYTE * p = (BYTE *) _aKeys[ i ]; p = p - pbOldBase + pbNewBase; _aKeys[ i ] = (CDirectoryKey *) p; }
_pcKeys = (ULONG *) _streamBuf.Get(); _pbCurrent = pbNewBase + cb; } } //ReMapIfNeeded
#if CIDBG == 1 // for testing failure path
BOOL g_fFailDirectoryMergeExtend = FALSE; #endif // CIDBG == 1
// Member: CiDirectory::GrowIfNeeded, private
// Synopsis: Grows the file if necessary and maps the new section
// Arguments: [cbToGrow] -- # of bytes to append to the file
// History: 8-May-96 dlee Created
void CiDirectory::GrowIfNeeded( unsigned cbToGrow ) { if ( ( _pbCurrent + cbToGrow ) >= ( (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get() + _streamBuf.Size() ) ) { BYTE * pbOldBase = (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get(); unsigned cbOld = (unsigned)(_pbCurrent - (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get());
_stream->Unmap( _streamBuf ); ULONG sizeNew = CommonPageRound( cbOld + cbToGrow ); _stream->SetSize( _storage, sizeNew );
#if CIDBG == 1
// For testing failure at this point...
if ( g_fFailDirectoryMergeExtend ) { g_fFailDirectoryMergeExtend = FALSE; THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); } #endif // CIDBG == 1
_stream->MapAll( _streamBuf ); _pcKeys = (ULONG *) _streamBuf.Get(); _pbCurrent = (BYTE*) _streamBuf.Get() + cbOld;
// Rebase all the pointers in the key array if the new base
// address of the mapping is different than the old one.
BYTE * pbNewBase = (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get();
if ( pbOldBase != pbNewBase ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cKeys; i++ ) { BYTE * p = (BYTE *) _aKeys[ i ]; p = p - pbOldBase + pbNewBase; _aKeys[ i ] = (CDirectoryKey *) p; } } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "no cidir rebasing needed\n" )); }
// Toss the .dir file pages out of the working set
_streamBuf.PurgeFromWorkingSet( -1, -1 ); } } //GrowIfNeeded
// Member: CiDirectory::LokWriteKey, private
// Synopsis: Adds entry to directory
// Arguments: [key] -- key to add
// [bitOffset] -- offset of key in file
// History: 02-May-94 DwightKr Created
// Notes: Writes a single key to the mapped buffer.
inline void CiDirectory::LokWriteKey( const CKeyBuf & key, BitOffset & bitOffset ) { // If this is the first key, open the stream for writing
if ( 0 == _cKeys ) { // Close any existing stream from a failed merge
_stream.Set( _storage.QueryExistingDirStream ( _objectId, TRUE ) );
if ( 0 == _stream.GetPointer() || !_stream->Ok() ) { _stream.Free(); _stream.Set( _storage.QueryNewDirStream ( _objectId ) ); }
if ( ( 0 == _stream.GetPointer() ) || !_stream->Ok() ) THROW( CException ( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ) );
_stream->SetSize( _storage, COMMON_PAGE_SIZE ); _stream->MapAll( _streamBuf );
_pcKeys = (ULONG *) _streamBuf.Get(); _pbCurrent = (BYTE*) ( _pcKeys + 2 );
// Make sure the stream is in good shape in case we stop and restart
// the merge.
_pcKeys[0] = 0; _pcKeys[1] = 0; _stream->Flush( _streamBuf, 2 * sizeof ULONG, TRUE ); }
Win4Assert( key.Count() <= 0xff ); BYTE count = (BYTE)key.Count();
unsigned size = CDirectoryKey::ComputeSize( count, key.Pid() ); GrowIfNeeded( size );
CDirectoryKey *pkey = new( _pbCurrent ) CDirectoryKey;
// write the key
pkey->Write( count, bitOffset, key.Pid(), key.GetBuf() );
if ( _cKeys >= _aKeys.Count() ) _aKeys.ReSize( __max( 32, _cKeys * 2 + 1 ) );
_aKeys[ _cKeys ] = pkey;
_pbCurrent += size;
_cKeys++; } //LokWriteKey
// Member: CiDirectory::LokBuildDir, public
// Synopsis: Builds the directory tree correspdong to the leaf pages
// Arguments: [maxKey] -- largest key to add to directory
// History: ??-???-?? ???????? Created
// 02-May-94 DwightKr Added maxKey argument
// Notes: Writes keys from the beginning of the array up to and including
// maxKey (which is usually the splitKey). This will result in
// a directory that contains entries upto and including maxKey.
// It is certainly possible that the key array has keys past
// maxKey, but we don't want to add them to the directory since
// maxKey represents the largest key that has persistently
// written to disk during a master merge.
// The above would matter if downlevel master merges were
// atomic throughout. If they ever become atomic, we
// need to truncate the file after this key.
void CiDirectory::LokBuildDir( const CKeyBuf & maxKey ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_PDIR, "PDir::LokBuildDir %d\n", _cKeys ));
CKeyBuf maxKeyValue; maxKeyValue.FillMax();
// Write out a maximum key at the end.
// The offset for the maximum key is not actually used my anyone,
// since the directory is structured to find a key <= the desired
// key. If someone generates a query for maxKey then everything
// will be returned. The offset of maxKey is therefore arbitrary.
BitOffset maxBitOffset; maxBitOffset.Init( 0, 0 ); LokWriteKey( maxKeyValue, maxBitOffset );
// Write the keys in the level 2 tree.
// Write every DirectoryFanOut'th, so we can do a search on this Level2
// first, and reduce the working set.
_cLevel2Keys = 0;
CDirectoryKey *pkey = _aKeys[ 0 ];
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < _cKeys; x++ ) { if ( 0 == ( x & ( eDirectoryFanOut - 1 ) ) ) { unsigned cb = pkey->Size(); unsigned oKey = (unsigned)((BYTE *) pkey - (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get()); GrowIfNeeded( cb ); pkey = (CDirectoryKey *) ( (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get() + oKey ); RtlCopyMemory( _pbCurrent, pkey, cb ); _pbCurrent += cb; _cLevel2Keys++; }
pkey = pkey->NextKey(); }
// Write another max-key at the end. Decrement the # of keys since it
// is incorrectly incremented in LokWriteKey()
LokWriteKey( maxKeyValue, maxBitOffset ); _cLevel2Keys++; _cKeys--;
// write the # of keys in the file and the # of keys in level 2.
_pcKeys[0] = _cKeys; _pcKeys[1] = _cLevel2Keys;
// remember the size of the file used and release the mapping
unsigned cbFile = (unsigned)(_pbCurrent - (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get());
_stream->Flush( _streamBuf, cbFile, TRUE ); _stream->Unmap( _streamBuf );
// truncate and close the file
_stream->SetSize( _storage, cbFile ); _stream->Close(); _stream.Free();
_cKeys = 0;
// read the directory back in, in read-only mode
ReadIn( FALSE ); } //LokBuildDir
// Method: CiDirectory::ReadIn
// Synopsis: Load directory from storage
// Arguments: [fWrite] -- If TRUE, we're recovering from a stopped master
// merge, either clean or dirty. This can be TRUE
// even on read only catalogs if a MM is paused.
// History: 17-Feb-1994 KyleP Added header
void CiDirectory::ReadIn( BOOL fWrite ) { _stream.Set( _storage.QueryExistingDirStream( _objectId, fWrite ) );
if ( ( 0 == _stream.GetPointer() ) || !_stream->Ok() ) { if ( fWrite ) { // New index; it'll be created later
_stream.Free(); return; } else { Win4Assert( !"Corrupt directory" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexDirectory1" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); } }
_stream->MapAll( _streamBuf );
BYTE * pbBuf = (BYTE *) _streamBuf.Get(); BYTE * pbEnd = pbBuf + _streamBuf.Size();
if ( _streamBuf.Size() <= ( 2 * sizeof ULONG ) ) { Win4Assert( !"Corrupt directory" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexDirectory2" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
// The count of keys is stored in the first 4 bytes
// The count of level 2 keys is stored in the next 4 bytes
// There can be 0 level 2 keys if we stopped during the middle
// of a master merge.
// An empty index has a directory with 1 level 1 max key and 2 level
// 2 max keys.
_pcKeys = (ULONG *) pbBuf; _cKeys = _pcKeys[0]; _cLevel2Keys = _pcKeys[1];
if ( ( !fWrite && 0 == _cKeys ) || ( _cLevel2Keys > ( _cKeys + 1 ) ) || ( !fWrite && ( 0 == _cLevel2Keys ) ) ) { Win4Assert( !"Corrupt directory" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexDirectory3" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
pbBuf += ( 2 * sizeof ULONG );
// Store pointers to each of the keys
_aKeys.Free(); _aKeys.Init( _cKeys );
CDirectoryKey *pkey = new( pbBuf ) CDirectoryKey;
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < _cKeys; x++ ) { if ( (BYTE *) pkey >= pbEnd ) { Win4Assert( !"Corrupt directory" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexDirectory5" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
_aKeys[ x ] = pkey; pkey = pkey->NextKey(); }
// Level2 keys can exist when fWrite is TRUE if we failed a master
// merge after building the level2 directory. It's likely the failure
// is in recording the transaction that the merge completed.
if ( fWrite ) _cLevel2Keys = 0; else if ( 0 != _cLevel2Keys ) { _aLevel2Keys.Init( _cLevel2Keys );
for ( x = 0; x < _cLevel2Keys; x++ ) { if ( (BYTE *) pkey >= pbEnd ) { Win4Assert( !"Corrupt directory" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexDirectory6" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
_aLevel2Keys[ x ] = pkey; pkey = pkey->NextKey(); }
// If we didn't read as many keys as expected, the file is corrupt.
// This is only true if the directory has level 2 keys, since the
// file may have bogus data at the end if we are in the middle of
// a master merge.
if ( (BYTE *) pkey != pbEnd ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "pkey, pbEnd: 0x%x, 0x%x\n", pkey, pbEnd )); Win4Assert( !"Corrupt directory" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexDirectory4" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); } }
// Initialize _pbCurrent, so we can restart a failed master merge
if ( fWrite ) _pbCurrent = (BYTE *) pkey;
// Toss the .dir file pages out of the working set
_streamBuf.PurgeFromWorkingSet( -1, -1 );
// toss the level1 directory from the working set
VirtualUnlock( _aKeys.GetPointer(), _aKeys.SizeOf() );
_fReadOnly = !fWrite; } //ReadIn
// Member: CiDirectory::Close, public
// Effects: Closes the directory. Usually called when a merge fails.
// History: 21-Apr-92 BartoszM Created
void CiDirectory::Close() { LokClose(); } //Close
// Member: CiDirectory::LokClose, public
// Effects: Closes the directory. Usually called when a merge fails.
// History: 18-Nov-97 dlee Created
void CiDirectory::LokClose() { if ( !_stream.IsNull() ) { // The _stream object can exist but not have a file open at this
// point if a merge failed, so only unmap what is mapped.
if ( ( _stream->Ok() ) && ( 0 != _streamBuf.Get() ) ) _stream->Unmap( _streamBuf );
_stream.Free(); } } //LokClose
// Function: DeleteKeysAfter
// Synopsis: Deletes all keys in the tree after the specified key.
// Arguments: [key] - The key after which all keys in the tree must be
// deleted.
// History: 13-Nov-97 dlee Created
// Notes: Note that "key" is NOT deleted - only keys after "key" are
// deleted.
void CiDirectory::DeleteKeysAfter( const CKeyBuf & key ) { //
// If we're restarting a failed master merge after LokBuildDir
// succeeded, we have to close re-open the stream for write.
if ( _fReadOnly ) { LokClose(); ReadIn( TRUE ); } else if ( 0 != _cKeys ) ReMapIfNeeded();
// Now, wipe the level 2, since we're still building level 1
_cLevel2Keys = 0; _aLevel2Keys.Free();
// Truncate level 1 at keys <= key
if ( 0 != _cKeys ) { // use the tree to find the greatest key <= key
ULONG iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aKeys.GetPointer(), 0, _cKeys );
// Move to the next key which must be > the seek key, but may be
// beyond the # of keys in the directory.
if ( iKey < _cKeys ) { Win4Assert( _aKeys[ iKey ]->IsGreaterThanKeyBuf( key ) ); _cKeys = iKey; _pbCurrent = (BYTE *) _aKeys[iKey]; } } } //DeleteKeysAfter
// Function: LokFlushDir
// Synopsis: Flushes the current state of the directory, up to and
// including the key specified. Called at checkpoints during
// a master merge. There may be some keys after the key
// specified. Leave them in the file, but don't include them
// in the count of keys.
// Arguments: [key] - The key before which and including is flushed
// History: 10-Aug-98 dlee Created
void CiDirectory::LokFlushDir( const CKeyBuf & key ) { Win4Assert( !_fReadOnly ); Win4Assert( 0 == _cLevel2Keys );
// Truncate level 1 at keys <= key
if ( 0 != _cKeys ) { ReMapIfNeeded();
// use the tree to find the greatest key <= key
ULONG iKey = DoSeekForKeyBuf( key, _aKeys.GetPointer(), 0, _cKeys );
_pcKeys[0] = iKey + 1; _pcKeys[1] = 0; _streamBuf.Flush( TRUE ); } } //LokFlushDir
// Member: CiDirectory::MakeBackupCopy
// Synopsis: Creates a backup of the persistent directory using the
// storage provided.
// Arguments: [storage] - Destination storage
// [progressTracker] - Track progress and aborts.
// History: 3-18-97 srikants Created
void CiDirectory::MakeBackupCopy( PStorage & storage, PSaveProgressTracker & progressTracker ) { CiStorage & dstStorage = *((CiStorage *)&storage);
XPtr<PMmStream> dstStream; CMmStreamBuf dstStreamBuf;
dstStream.Set( dstStorage.QueryExistingDirStream( _objectId, TRUE ) );
if ( 0 == dstStream.GetPointer() || !dstStream->Ok() ) { dstStream.Free(); dstStream.Set( dstStorage.QueryNewDirStream( _objectId ) ); }
Win4Assert( 0 != _stream.GetPointer() );
ULONG cb = _streamBuf.Size();
dstStream->SetSize( dstStorage, cb ); dstStream->MapAll( dstStreamBuf );
RtlCopyMemory( dstStreamBuf.Get(), _streamBuf.Get(), cb );
dstStream->Flush( dstStreamBuf, cb ); dstStream->Unmap( dstStreamBuf ); } //MakeBackupCopy