// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000.
// File: ixsinfo.cxx
// Contents: Query SSO query information methods
// History: 30 Jan 1997 Alanw Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ssodebug.hxx"
#include "ixsso.hxx"
#include "ixsinfo.hxx"
#include <cgiesc.hxx>
#include <string.hxx>
#include <tgrow.hxx>
// CixssoQuery Methods
// Function: AddURLTerm - public inline
// Synopsis: Add a term to a URL QueryString
// Arguments: [vString] - virtual string in which the result is accumulated
// [pwszTerm] - tag name, assumed to not need encoding
// [pwszValue] - value part
// [ulCodepage] - code page for URL encoding
// History: 19 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
inline void AddURLTerm( CVirtualString & vString, WCHAR * pwszTerm, WCHAR * pwszValue, ULONG ulCodepage) { if (vString.StrLen() > 0) vString.CharCat( L'&' ); vString.StrCat(pwszTerm); URLEscapeW( pwszValue, vString, ulCodepage, TRUE ); }
// Member: CixssoQuery::QueryToURL - public
// Synopsis: Produce a URL QueryString from the state of the query object
// Arguments: [pbstrQueryString] - The URL-encoded query string is
// returned here
// History: 19 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
STDMETHODIMP CixssoQuery::QueryToURL(BSTR * pbstrQueryString) { _err.Reset();
SCODE sc = S_OK; CVirtualString vString( 512 );
*pbstrQueryString = 0; TRY {
if (_pwszCatalog) { AddURLTerm( vString, L"ct=", _pwszCatalog, _ulCodepage ); }
if (_pwszDialect) { AddURLTerm( vString, L"di=", _pwszDialect, _ulCodepage ); }
if (_pwszSort) { AddURLTerm( vString, L"so=", _pwszSort, _ulCodepage ); } if (_pwszGroup) { AddURLTerm( vString, L"gr=", _pwszGroup, _ulCodepage ); } if (_pwszRestriction) { AddURLTerm( vString, L"qu=", _pwszRestriction, _ulCodepage ); }
if (_maxResults) { WCHAR awchBuf[20]; wsprintf(awchBuf, L"%d", _maxResults); AddURLTerm( vString, L"mh=", awchBuf, _ulCodepage ); }
if (_cFirstRows) { WCHAR awchBuf[20]; wsprintf(awchBuf, L"%d", _cFirstRows); AddURLTerm( vString, L"fr=", awchBuf, _ulCodepage ); }
if (_StartHit.Get()) { XGrowable<WCHAR> awchBuf;
FormatLongVector( _StartHit.Get(), awchBuf ); AddURLTerm( vString, L"sh=", awchBuf.Get(), _ulCodepage ); }
if (_fAllowEnumeration) { AddURLTerm( vString, L"ae=", L"1", _ulCodepage ); }
// OptimizeFor defaults to Hitcount
if (_dwOptimizeFlags != eOptHitCount) { WCHAR awchBuf[4]; unsigned i = 0;
if (_dwOptimizeFlags & eOptPerformance) awchBuf[i++] = L'x'; if (_dwOptimizeFlags & eOptRecall) awchBuf[i++] = L'r'; if ( !(_dwOptimizeFlags & eOptHitCount) ) awchBuf[i++] = L'h'; awchBuf[i] = L'\0';
AddURLTerm( vString, L"op=", awchBuf, _ulCodepage ); }
// The URL encoded string is assembled. Copy it into a BSTR for return.
BSTR bstr = SysAllocStringLen( vString.GetPointer(), vString.StrLen() ); if (0 == bstr) THROW(CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); *pbstrQueryString = bstr; } CATCH (CException, e) { sc = GetOleError( e ); } END_CATCH
if (FAILED(sc)) { SetError( sc, OLESTR("QueryToURL") ); } return sc; }
// Member: CixssoQuery::SetQueryFromURL - public
// Synopsis: Parse a URL QueryString and update object state accordingly.
// Arguments: [bstrQueryString] - The input URL-encoded query string
// History: 20 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
STDMETHODIMP CixssoQuery::SetQueryFromURL(BSTR bstrQueryString) { _err.Reset();
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CQueryInfo Info;
ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "QUERY_STRING = %ws\n", bstrQueryString ));
// Parse the string, which has the following format:
// tag1=Value1&tag2=value2&tag3=value+%7c+0&foo&bar
unsigned cchBuffer = SysStringLen(bstrQueryString); WCHAR * pwszToken = (WCHAR *)bstrQueryString;
while ( pwszToken && (L'\0' != *pwszToken) ) { //
// Find the value on the right hand side of the equal sign.
WCHAR *pwszTag = pwszToken; WCHAR *pwszValue = wcschr( pwszTag, L'=' );
if ( 0 != pwszValue ) { unsigned cchTag = CiPtrToUint( pwszValue - pwszTag ); pwszValue++;
// Point to the next Tag.
pwszToken = wcschr( pwszToken, L'&' );
ULONG cchValue;
if ( 0 != pwszToken ) { if ( pwszToken < pwszValue ) { //
// We have a construction like foo&bar=value. Set
// the tag with a null value and go on to the next
// tag=value pair.
cchValue = 0; } else cchValue = CiPtrToUlong( pwszToken - pwszValue );
pwszToken++; } else { cchValue = CiPtrToUlong( (WCHAR *)&bstrQueryString[cchBuffer] - pwszValue ); }
if ( 0 == cchValue ) { ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetQueryFromURL - setting %.*ws=NULL\n", cchTag, pwszTag ));
XPtrST<WCHAR> xpValue( 0 ); Info.SetQueryParameter( pwszTag, xpValue ); } else { XGrowable<BYTE> achBuf( cchValue ); for ( unsigned i=0; i<cchValue; i++ ) { Win4Assert( pwszValue[i] < 0x100 ); achBuf[i] = (BYTE) pwszValue[i]; } XPtrST<WCHAR> xpwchValue( new WCHAR[cchValue+1] );
DecodeURLEscapes( achBuf.Get(), cchValue, xpwchValue.GetPointer(), _ulCodepage );
ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetQueryFromURL - setting %.*ws=%ws\n", cchTag, pwszTag, xpwchValue.GetPointer() ));
Info.SetQueryParameter( pwszTag, xpwchValue ); } } else if ( 0 != pwszToken ) { //
// There was no tag=value pair found; a lonely '&' was
// found. Skip it and proceed to the next '&'.
pwszToken = wcschr( pwszToken+1, L'&' ); } }
Info.MakeFinalQueryString(); if (Info.GetQuery()) { delete _pwszRestriction; _pwszRestriction = Info.AcquireQuery(); }
if (Info.GetCatalog()) { delete _pwszCatalog; _pwszCatalog = Info.AcquireCatalog(); } if ( Info.GetDialect() ) { delete _pwszDialect; _pwszDialect = Info.AcquireDialect(); }
if (Info.GetSort()) { delete _pwszSort; _pwszSort = Info.AcquireSort(); } if (Info.GetGroup()) { delete _pwszGroup; _pwszGroup = Info.AcquireGroup(); }
if (Info.GetMaxHits()) { _maxResults = Info.GetMaxHits(); }
if (Info.GetFirstRows()) { _cFirstRows = Info.GetFirstRows(); }
if (Info.GetStartHit().Count()) { unsigned cHits = Info.GetStartHit().Count(); SCODE sc; SAFEARRAY* psa; XSafeArray xsa;
psa = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_I4, 1, cHits); if( ! psa ) THROW(CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ));
for (unsigned i=1; i<=cHits; i++) { long rgIx[1]; LONG lVal = Info.GetStartHit().Get(i-1); rgIx[0] = (long)i; sc = SafeArrayPutElement( xsa.Get(), rgIx, &lVal );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) ); }
_StartHit.Destroy(); _StartHit.Set( xsa.Acquire() ); }
if (Info.WasAllowEnumSet()) { _fAllowEnumeration = Info.GetAllowEnum(); }
if (eOptHitCount != Info.GetOptimizeFor()) { _dwOptimizeFlags = Info.GetOptimizeFor(); } } CATCH( CIxssoException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); Win4Assert( !SUCCEEDED(sc) ); SetError( sc, OLESTR("SetqueryFromURL"), eIxssoError ); } AND_CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = GetOleError( e ); SetError( sc, OLESTR("SetQueryFromURL") ); } END_CATCH
return sc; }
// CQueryInfo Methods
// Function: EncodeTagString - inline
// Synopsis: Encode a one or two character tag into a DWORD value
// Arguments: [pwszTag] - a pointer to the tag
// [dwCodedTag] - the coded value which is returned
// [iParam] - the numeric value for the tag
// Notes: Tags consisting of one alpha character, two alpha characters
// or one alpha followed by a numeric character are recognized
// and converted into a DWORD (whose value just happens to be
// the same as a one or two character character constant for the
// alpha characters in the tag). If the third form is recognized,
// the iParam parameter gets the value of the numeric character,
// otherwise iParam is zero.
// dwCodedTag will be zero if pwszTag is not one of the allowed
// forms.
// History: 19 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
inline void EncodeTagString( WCHAR const * pwszTag, DWORD & dwCodedTag, USHORT & iParam ) { dwCodedTag = 0; iParam = 0; if (0 == pwszTag || L'\0' == *pwszTag) return;
if (isalpha(*pwszTag)) { dwCodedTag = towupper(*pwszTag) & 0xFF; if (isalpha(pwszTag[1])) { dwCodedTag <<= 8; dwCodedTag |= (towupper(pwszTag[1]) & 0xFF); } else if (isdigit(pwszTag[1])) iParam = pwszTag[1] - L'0'; else if (L'=' == pwszTag[1] || L'&' == pwszTag[1] || L'\0' == pwszTag[1]) return; else { dwCodedTag = 0; return; }
if ( L'=' != pwszTag[2] && L'&' != pwszTag[2] && L'\0' != pwszTag[2]) dwCodedTag = 0; } return; }
// Member: CQueryInfo::SetQueryParameter - public
// Synopsis: Process a QueryString parameter
// Arguments: [pwszTag] - the tag name for the parameter
// [pwszValue] - the value for the parameter
// History: 19 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
void CQueryInfo::SetQueryParameter( WCHAR const * pwszTag, XPtrST<WCHAR> & pwszValue ) { DWORD dwParamCode; USHORT iParam;
EncodeTagString( pwszTag, dwParamCode, iParam ); if (0 == dwParamCode) return;
for (unsigned i=0; i<cQueryTagTable; i++) if (dwParamCode == aQueryTagTable[i].dwTagName) break;
if (i == cQueryTagTable) return;
i = aQueryTagTable[i].qtQueryTagType;
switch (i) { case qtQueryFullText: AddToParam( _xpQuery, pwszValue ); break;
case qtMaxHits: { LONG cNum = 0; if (0 != pwszValue.GetPointer()) cNum = _wtoi( pwszValue.GetPointer() );
if (cNum > 0) { _maxHits = cNum; } else { ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "CIxsQueryInfo::SetQueryParameter - invalid numeric %ws\n", pwszValue.GetPointer() )); } } break;
case qtFirstRows: { LONG cNum = 0; if (0 != pwszValue.GetPointer()) cNum = _wtoi( pwszValue.GetPointer() );
if (cNum > 0) { _cFirstRows = cNum; } else { ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "CIxsQueryInfo::SetQueryParameter - invalid numeric %ws\n", pwszValue.GetPointer() )); } } break;
case qtStartHit: ParseNumberVectorString( pwszValue.GetPointer(), GetStartHit() ); break;
case qtCatalog: AddToParam( _xpCatalog, pwszValue ); break;
case qtDialect: AddToParam( _xpDialect, pwszValue ); break;
case qtSort: AddToParam( _xpSort, pwszValue ); break;
case qtSortDown: if (pwszValue.GetPointer()) AddToParam( _xpSort, pwszValue, L",", L"[d]" ); break;
case qtGroup: AddToParam( _xpGroup, pwszValue ); break;
case qtGroupDown: if (pwszValue.GetPointer()) AddToParam( _xpGroup, pwszValue, L",", L"[d]" ); break; #endif // IXSSO_CATEGORIZE == 1
case qtAllowEnumeration: _fAllowEnumeration = 0 != pwszValue.GetPointer() && iswdigit(*pwszValue.GetPointer()) && *pwszValue.GetPointer() != L'0'; _fSetAllowEnumeration = 1; break;
case qtOptimizeFor: { WCHAR * pwszVal = pwszValue.GetPointer();
while (pwszVal && *pwszVal) { WCHAR chKey = towupper(*pwszVal);
if (chKey == L'X') { _dwOptimizeFor &= ~eOptRecall; _dwOptimizeFor |= eOptPerformance; } else if (chKey == L'R') { _dwOptimizeFor &= ~eOptPerformance; _dwOptimizeFor |= eOptRecall; } else if (chKey == L'H') { _dwOptimizeFor &= ~eOptHitCount; } // else if (chKey == L'P')
// _dwOptimizeFor |= eOptPrecision;
pwszVal++; } break; }
case qtColumn: Win4Assert( iParam >= 0 && iParam < 10 ); SetBuiltupQueryTerm( _aQueryCol, iParam, pwszValue ); break;
case qtOperator: Win4Assert( iParam >= 0 && iParam < 10 ); SetBuiltupQueryTerm( _aQueryOp, iParam, pwszValue ); break;
case qtQuery: Win4Assert( iParam >= 0 && iParam < 10 ); SetBuiltupQueryTerm( _aQueryVal, iParam, pwszValue ); break;
default: ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "SetQueryFromURL - reserved tag %.2ws\n", pwszTag )); THROW( CIxssoException(MSG_IXSSO_INVALID_QUERYSTRING_TAG, 0) ); break; }
return; }
// Member: CQueryInfo::AddToParam - private
// Synopsis: Append a string to a parameter
// Arguments: [xpString] - A smart pointer to the string to be appended to
// [pwszValue] - The value to be added to xpString
// [pwszPre] - the separator for multiple values in xpString.
// Defaults to ','.
// [pwszPost] - unconditionally appended to pwszValue
// History: 19 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
void CQueryInfo::AddToParam( XPtrST<WCHAR> & xpString, XPtrST<WCHAR> & pwszValue, WCHAR const * pwszPre, WCHAR const * pwszPost ) { unsigned cch = 0;
if (0 == xpString.GetPointer()) { if (0 == pwszPost) { xpString.Set( pwszValue.Acquire() ); } else { if (pwszValue.GetPointer()) cch = wcslen(pwszValue.GetPointer());
xpString.Set( new WCHAR[cch + wcslen(pwszPost) + 1] ); if (cch) wcsncpy(xpString.GetPointer(), pwszValue.GetPointer(), cch); wcscpy(xpString.GetPointer() + cch, pwszPost); } return; }
cch = wcslen(xpString.GetPointer()); cch += pwszPre ? wcslen(pwszPre) : wcslen(L","); if (pwszValue.GetPointer()) cch += wcslen( pwszValue.GetPointer() ); if (pwszPost) cch += wcslen( pwszPost );
XPtrST<WCHAR> xpDest( new WCHAR[cch+1] );
wcscpy(xpDest.GetPointer(), xpString.GetPointer()); wcscat(xpDest.GetPointer(), pwszPre ? pwszPre : L","); if (pwszValue.GetPointer()) wcscat(xpDest.GetPointer(), pwszValue.GetPointer()); if (pwszPost) wcscat(xpDest.GetPointer(), pwszPost);
xpString.Free(); xpString.Set( xpDest.Acquire() ); }
// Member: CQueryInfo::SetBuiltupQueryTerm - private
// Synopsis: Add an individual partial query term to an array of terms.
// Arguments: [apString] - A dynamic array of string pointers
// [iTerm] - The index of the term to be added
// [pwszValue] - The value to be added to apString
// Notes: If the array entry for the term is already set, it is
// overwritten.
// History: 21 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
void CQueryInfo::SetBuiltupQueryTerm( CDynArray<WCHAR> & apString, unsigned iTerm, XPtrST<WCHAR> & pwszValue ) { Win4Assert( iTerm < 10 );
delete apString.Acquire(iTerm); apString.Add( pwszValue.GetPointer(), iTerm ); pwszValue.Acquire(); }
// Member: CQueryInfo::MakeFinalQueryString - public
// Synopsis: Combine the built-up query terms into the complete query
// restriction.
// Arguments: - NONE -
// History: 20 Mar 1997 Alanw Created
void CQueryInfo::MakeFinalQueryString( ) { //
// Add query terms to any pre-existing full query string
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Ignore the term if the qn= part was not set.
if ( _aQueryVal[i] != 0 ) { XPtrST<WCHAR> xpStr(0); AddToParam( _xpQuery, xpStr, IMPLIED_QUERY_TERM_OPERATOR, L" ( ");
if ( _aQueryCol[i] != 0 ) { xpStr.Set( _aQueryCol.Acquire(i) ); AddToParam( _xpQuery, xpStr, L"", L" "); xpStr.Free(); } if ( _aQueryOp[i] != 0 ) { xpStr.Set( _aQueryOp.Acquire(i) ); AddToParam( _xpQuery, xpStr, L"", L" "); xpStr.Free(); } if ( _aQueryVal[i] != 0 ) { xpStr.Set( _aQueryVal.Acquire(i) ); AddToParam( _xpQuery, xpStr, L"", L" "); xpStr.Free(); }
AddToParam( _xpQuery, xpStr, L")"); } } }