// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: D L O A D . C
// Contents: Delay Load Failure Hook
// Notes: This lib implements all of the stub functions for modules
// that are delayloaded by the OS. It merges together all of the
// dloadXXX.lib files from each depot.
// To Use: In your sources file, right after you specify the modules you
// are delayloading do:
// If you want to use kernel32 as your dload error handler. If you
// do this, your dll will be checked that everything it delayloads
// has a proper error handler function by the delayload.cmd postbuild
// script.
// To check that all functions you delayload have error handlers you
// can do the following:
// 1. do a "link -dump -imports foo.dll", and find all functions
// that you delay-import.
// 2. do a "link -dump -symbols \nt\public\internal\base\lib\*\dload.lib"
// and make sure every function that shows up as delayloaded in step #1
// has a error handler fn. in dload.lib.
// 3. if a function is missing in step #2 (dlcheck will also fails as
// part of postbuild), you need to add an error handler. Go to the depot
// where that dll is build, and go to the dload subdir (usually under
// the root or under the published\dload subdir) and add an error handler.
// Author: shaunco 19 May 1998
// Modified: reinerf 12 Jan 2001 Changed above comment
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// External global variables
extern HANDLE BaseDllHandle;
#if DBG
extern int DloadBreakOnFail; extern int DloadDbgPrint; #endif
#if DBG
#define DBG_ERROR 0
#define DBG_INFO 1
// Trace a message to the debug console. Prefix with who we are so
// people know who to contact.
INT __cdecl DbgTrace ( INT nLevel, PCSTR Format, ... ) { INT cch = 0; if (DloadDbgPrint) { if (nLevel <= DBG_INFO) { CHAR szBuf [1024]; va_list argptr; va_start (argptr, Format); cch = vsprintf (szBuf, Format, argptr); va_end (argptr); OutputDebugStringA ("dload: "); OutputDebugStringA (szBuf); } }
return cch; }
// Cannot use RtlAssert since doing so will cause setupapi.dll to fail
// for upgrade over win95(gold)
VOID WINAPI DelayLoadAssertFailed( IN PCSTR FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PCSTR Message OPTIONAL ) { DbgTrace ( DBG_ERROR, "Assertion failure at line %u in file %s: %s%s%s\r\n", LineNumber, FileName, FailedAssertion, (Message && Message[0] && FailedAssertion[0]) ? " " : "", Message ? Message : "" );
if (DloadBreakOnFail) { DebugBreak(); } }
#endif // DBG
FARPROC WINAPI DelayLoadFailureHook ( LPCSTR pszDllName, LPCSTR pszProcName ) { FARPROC ReturnValue = NULL;
MYASSERT (pszDllName); MYASSERT (pszProcName);
// Trace some potentially useful information about why we were called.
#if DBG
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pszProcName)) { DbgTrace (DBG_INFO, "DelayloadFailureHook: Dll=%s, ProcName=%s\n", pszDllName, pszProcName); } else { DbgTrace (DBG_INFO, "DelayloadFailureHook: Dll=%s, Ordinal=%u\n", pszDllName, (DWORD)((DWORD_PTR)pszProcName)); } #endif
ReturnValue = LookupHandler(pszDllName, pszProcName);
if (ReturnValue) { #if DBG
DbgTrace (DBG_INFO, "Returning handler function at address 0x%08x\n", (LONG_PTR)ReturnValue); #endif
} #if DBG
else { CHAR pszMsg [MAX_PATH];
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pszProcName)) { sprintf (pszMsg, "No delayload handler found for Dll=%s, ProcName=%s\n" "Please add one in private\\dload.", pszDllName, pszProcName); } else { sprintf (pszMsg, "No delayload handler found for Dll=%s, Ordinal=%u\n" "Please add one in private\\dload.", pszDllName, (DWORD)((DWORD_PTR)pszProcName)); }
DelayLoadAssertFailed ( "" , __FILE__, __LINE__, pszMsg); } #endif
return ReturnValue; }