/*: @*: This file is organized into two main blocks. The first block contains @*: code (non-string) sections which are specific to languages. Please put @*: the code sections in the correct language. @*: The second block is reserved for [Strings] which localizers will be @*: working with. It is further divided using "#if LANGUAGE ==" for language @*: specific strings. For strings which are common to all languages @*: place outside the #ifs. @*: @*: This file is first precompiled with LANGUAGE_ID @*: set to the language (see inf\win4\inf\makefile.inc for details). @*: For example, for usa builds, the sections under #if LANGUAGE == 0x409 @*: will appear. @*: @*: Important: To support locstudio, this file contains only ONE [Strings] section. @*: @*/
#if LANGUAGE_ID == 0x409 //USA specific sections
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x804 //CHS specific sections [ServicesToStopInstallation] @*: @*: ntbug#370081 @*: s,asdsrv,compdata\tsbasd.htm,compdata\tsbasd.txt,%tsbasd%
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x404 //CHT specific sections [ServicesToStopInstallation] @*: @*: ntbug#370081 @*: s,asdsrv,compdata\tsbasd.htm,compdata\tsbasd.txt,%tsbasd%
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x411 //JPN specific sections [ServicesToDisable]
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382097 @*: r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Client Manager 6.0",DisplayName,"Intel LANDesk Client Manager 6.0 (with NEC Extensions)",compdata\necldcm1.htm,compdata\necldcm1.txt,%NECLDCM1%
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382108 @*: r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Client Manager 6.0",DisplayName,"Intel LANDesk Client Manager 6 (with NEC Extensions)",compdata\necldcm2.htm,compdata\necldcm2.txt,%NECLDCM2%
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382132 @*: r,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{A05E8183-866A-11D3-97DF-0000F8D8F2E9}",DisplayName,"pcAnywhere 9.2 EX",compdata\pcany921.htm,compdata\pcany921.txt,%pcany921ex%
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382148 @*: f,"%SystemDrive%\necread\necread.txt",,compdata\necupkit.htm,compdata\necupkit.txt,%necupkit% f,"%SystemDrive%\necread\necread.doc",,compdata\necupkit.htm,compdata\necupkit.txt,%necupkit% f,"%SystemDrive%\necread\necread.htm",,compdata\necupkit.htm,compdata\necupkit.txt,%necupkit% f,"%SystemRoot%\necread.txt",,compdata\necupkit.htm,compdata\necupkit.txt,%necupkit% f,"%SystemRoot%\necread.doc",,compdata\necupkit.htm,compdata\necupkit.txt,%necupkit% f,"%SystemRoot%\necread.htm",,compdata\necupkit.htm,compdata\necupkit.txt,%necupkit%
@*: georger - comment out to match bugfix for 397107 - bdd entry replaces this @*: @*: Windowsbug#392205 @*: @*:f,"%systemroot%\system32\drivers\necmffil.sys",,compdata\necmfkb.htm,compdata\necmfkb.txt,%necmffil%,ntcompat.inf,"NECMFKB_INST",0x50
@*: @*: Windowsbug#392208 @*: r,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ApfiltrService",DisplayName,"NEC NX PAD Filter Driver",compdata\nxpad.htm,compdata\nxpad.txt,%NXPAD%
@*: @*: ntbug#360995 @*: @*: WindowsBug#433109 masasu - change inf indication from mblclean.inf to ntcompat.inf r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TSPOFF","DisplayName","Toshiba Software Power Off for Desktop",compdata\tsbspoff.htm,compdata\tsbspoff.txt,%tsbspof%,ntcompat.inf,"TSPOFF_INST" r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\THAL","DisplayName","Toshiba Software Power Off V2.0",compdata\tsbspoff.htm,compdata\tsbspoff.txt,%tsbspof%,ntcompat.inf,"TSPOFF_INST" r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\THAL","DisplayName","Toshiba Software Power Off V2.1",compdata\tsbspoff.htm,compdata\tsbspoff.txt,%tsbspof%,ntcompat.inf,"TSPOFF_INST" r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\THAL","DisplayName","Toshiba Software Power Off V2.2",compdata\tsbspoff.htm,compdata\tsbspoff.txt,%tsbspof%,ntcompat.inf,"TSPOFF_INST"
@*: @*: ntbug#412862 @*: @*: WindowsBug#433109 masasu - change inf indication from mblclean.inf to ntcompat.inf s,NdisPowerSrv,compdata\generic.htm,compdata\generic.txt,%tlsus%,,,,ntcompat.inf,"TLSUS_INST"
@*: @*: ntbug#359835 @*: s,CBTSB,compdata\TCBEnab.htm,compdata\TCBEnab.txt,"Enabler for Toshiba CardBusLANCard(LANCB00A)"
@*: @*: ntbug#374979 @*: s,poolext,compdata\poolext.htm,compdata\poolext.txt,%poolext%
@*: @*: ntbug#375644 @*: s,CBIDE2LM,compdata\tsb24cdj.htm,compdata\tsb24cdj.txt,"Toshiba 24x CD-ROM Drive (PA2673UJ)"
@*: @*: ntbug#375671 @*: s,WakeUp,compdata\FJpman.htm,compdata\FJpman.txt,%WakeUp%,"%systemroot%\system32\drivers\f3dmfbe.sys"
@*: @*: ntbug#360992 @*: @*: WindowsBug#433109 masasu - change inf indication from mblclean.inf to ntcompat.inf s,TAPM_NT,compdata\tsbapmdt.htm,compdata\tsbapmdt.txt,"Toshiba Advanced Power Management for Desktop",,,,ntcompat.inf,"TAPM_INST"
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382084 @*: r,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Pcassist",DisplayName,"DMITOOL",compdata\necdmi.htm,compdata\necdmi.txt,%NECDMITOOL%
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382130 @*: r,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\pcANYWHERE32",DisplayName,"pcAnywhere 9.0 EX",compdata\pcanyex2.htm,compdata\pcanyex2.txt,%pcany90ex%
@*: @*: Windowsbug#382145 @*: r,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\pcANYWHERE32_OEM","","",compdata\pcanyex1.htm,compdata\pcanyex1.txt,%pcany32ex%
@*: georger - comment out to match bugfix for 397108 - bdd entry replaces this @*: @*: Windowsbug#388059(392213) @*: @*:f,"%systemroot%\system32\drivers\nip1394.sys","2.90.2745.0",compdata\NIP1394.htm,compdata\NIP1394.txt,%NIP1394%,,,0x50
@*: @*: ntbug#370079 @*: s,ampd,compdata\tsbams.htm,compdata\tsbams.txt,%tsbams%
@*: @*: ntbug#375682 @*: r,"SOFTWARE\Fujitsu\Install\PROBEPRO","ProductName","PROBEPRO",compdata\probepro.htm,compdata\probepro.txt,%probepro%
@*: @*: ntbug#375685 @*: s,fjhwmn,compdata\fjhwmn.htm,compdata\fjhwmn.txt,%fjhwmn%
@*: @*: ntbug#412862 @*: @*: WindowsBug#432228 to localization the string @*: @*: [TLSUS_INST] DELREG = TLSUS_DELREG DELFILES = TLSUS_DELFILES
[TLSUS_DELREG] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\%ToshibaLanSupSvc%" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ToshibaLanSupSvc%" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Toshiba\%ToshibaLanSupSvc%" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_NDISPOWERSRV" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NdisPowerSrv"
[TLSUS_DELFILES] NdisPowSrv.exe regstsrv.dll Uninst.isu
[DestinationDirs] TLSUS_DELFILES = 16422,"Toshiba\%ToshibaLanSupSvc%"
@*: georger - comment out to match bugfix for 397107 - bdd entry replaces this @*: @*: WindowsBug#392205 @*: @*: [NECMFKB_INST] ; NEC OneTouchStartButton @*: DelReg=NECMFKB_DELREG @*: DelFiles=NECMFKB_DELFILES @*: @*:[NECMFKB_DELREG] @*:HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","NECMFK" @*:HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NecMfFil" @*:HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NecMfHid" @*:HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MFKGTKEY"
@*:[NECMFKB_DELFILES] @*:necmffil.sys @*:necmfhid.sys @*:mfkgtkey.sys
@*:[DestinationDirs] @*:NECMFKB_DELFILES = 12
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x412 //KOR specific sections
#if LANGUAGE_ID != 0x411 //NON-JPN specific sections [ServicesToDisable] f,"%systemroot%\system32\mfc42loc.dll","=6.00.8168.0",,,,ntcompat.inf,"PICTUREIT2000",0x00000002,"=0x35887682"
[PICTUREIT2000] ; PictureIt 2000 delete localized version of mfc42loc.dll DelFiles = PICTUREIT2000_delFile
[PICTUREIT2000_delFile] mfc42loc.dll
// String section below for localizers [Strings] nv_agp = "Filtro AGP NVIDIA" palmusb = "Scheda USB Palm" cw10 = "Driver scheda LAN senza fili basato su Intersil" Winnov = "Software Winnov Videum" ndcprtns = "Software AP basato su Intersil" IBM_UMS = "Servizio UMS IBM" ALKB2K = "Driver filtro mouse e tastiera Altiris" ACLIENT = "Servizio client Altiris " CiManager = "Gestione CI Intel" CPQPWREX="Estensione shell gestione alimentazione Compaq" gsnw = "Servizi gateway per NetWare" Hard_Disk_Monitor = "Monitoraggio disco rigido" i2cnt = "Driver SMBus Via" McVirus = "McAfee VirusScan NT" McVirus32 = "Network Associates VirusScan NT" CrashMon = "McAfee Crash Monitor" Mgactrl_grp = "Matrox Powerdesk NT" SYSTEMSOFTCWDT = "Installare CardWizard" SBS45FaxClient = "Client Microsoft Fax Server" SBS50FaxClient = "Client Fax condiviso Microsoft" pstrip1 = "PowerStrip.lnk" pstrip2 = "Documentazione in linea.lnk" pstrip3 = "Note sulla versione.lnk" cardwizard = "CardWizard per Windows NT" phoenix = "PHOENIX CARD EXECUTIVE" phoenixapm1 = "PHOENIX ADVANCE POWER MANAGEMENT" phoenixapm2 = "PHOENIX ADVANCED POWER MANAGEMENT" Daytona_prof = "TBS Daytona" cpqdiag = "Compaq Diagnostics per Windows NT" cpqinf = "Compaq Information Center" evian = "Controller RAID Promise" iocreatedrvlnk = "Crea collegamenti unit�.lnk" iocopymachine = "Copiatrice Iomega.lnk" iotoolsnthlp = "Aiuto NT per strumenti Iomega.lnk" ioparaccel = "Acceleratore porta parallela.lnk" iormvdrvlnk = "Rimuovi collegamenti unit�.lnk" io1stepbck = "Backup 1-Step.lnk" io1steprst = "Ripristino 1-Step.lnk" ionttools = "NT per strumenti Iomega.lnk" ioqcktools = "Strumenti rapidi.lnk" ioqcktools2 = "Strumenti rapidi Iomega.lnk" ioicons = "Icone Iomega.lnk" iostartopt = "Opzioni di avvio Iomega.lnk" iorefresh = "Aggiorna.lnk" iomegaware = "IomegaWare.lnk" TCAUDIAG_PRF1="Utilit� 3Com NIC" ZipM98 = "ZipMagic 98" ENSQAUDM_PRF1 = "Mixer AudioPCI ENSONIQ" NAV5_PRF1="Norton AntiVirus AutoProtect" NAV5_GRP1="Avvio" NAV5_PRF2="Norton AntiVirus" HPMTTSM = "HP TopTools per portatili" HPMTTSM2 = "HP DMI" HPMTTSM3="HP Brio DMI Software" HPMTTSM4="HP DMI" HPMTTSM5="HP TopTools per Desktop" HPPRESREADY = "Presentazione HP pronta - richiede la reinstallazione dopo l'aggiornamento" cpqcwsetup = "Installazione Cardware" NetshieldNt = "Network Associates NetShield NT" CFGSAFE_GRP1 = "Avvio" DIRECTCD_GRP = "Adaptec DirectCD" cs4281 = "Driver audio per Crystal CS4281 SoundFusion (TM)" piixide2 = "Controller IDE 2 PIIX" intlsisl = "Controller dispositivo di archiviazione RAID Zero-Channel possibilmente non compatibile - Fare clic su Dettagli." ptircomm = "Emulatore seriale IR Puma" ptirpro = "Protocollo Puma IR" ptobphy = "Driver Puma IR" tivoli = "Controllo remoto Tivoli" buslogic = "Controller SCSI Buslogic" cpqfws2e = "Controller SCSI Fast-Wide Compaq" fd16_700 = "Controller SCSI Future Domain" fireport = "Controller SCSI Fireport Diamond" flashpnt = "Controller SCSI Flashpoint" ncrc710 = "Controller SCSI NCR 710" BlackIce21cn = "BlackICE Defender 2.1.cn" atpw2k = "Strumenti di amministrazione di Windows 2000" atpxp = "Strumenti di amministrazione" HSFADDREMOVE = "Voce Conexant HSF in Installazione applicazioni" nVidiaNT4Upgrade = "Voce driver video NVIDIA Windows NT 4.0 in Installazione applicazioni" 3DlabsUpgrade = "Voce driver 3Dlabs in Installazione applicazioni" isvgina = "Software componente aggiuntivo sostitutivo" PC-cillin2000 = "PC-cillin 2000" CarbonCopy32 = "Carbon Copy 32" syshwcfg = "XPoint Easy Backup" OmniPagePro10 = "OmniPage Pro 10" OnStor2k = "Driver OnSpecLink Storage Class" Melco2 = "Scheda MCR-U2 SmartMedia / CompactFlash MELCO INC." HyperDsk = "Controller RAID AMI Hyperdisk" epcfw2k = "Driver CompactFlash porta parallela" epssfd2k = "Driver SmartMedia porta parallela" SFU2.0_NFS_CLIENT = "Client NFS SFU 2.0" SFU2.0_NFS_CLIENT_RDR = "Redirector del client NFS SFU 2.0"
#if LANGUAGE_ID == 0x409
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x804 @*:; CHS specific sections
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x404
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x411 tsbams = "Sottosistema gestione disponibilit�" poolext = "Miglioramenti pool" WakeUp = "Fujitsu Power MANagement per Windows" probepro = "Fujitsu PROBEPRO" fjhwmn = "Gestione client LANDesk Intel per Fujitsu FMV" tlsus="Servizio sospensione LAN Toshiba" tsbspof = "Spegnimento software Toshiba" NECDMITOOL ="DMITOOL" NECLDCM1="Gestione client Intel(R) LANDesk(R) 6.0 (con estensioni NEC)" NECLDCM2="Gestione client Intel(R) LANDesk(R) 6 (con estensioni NEC)" pcany90ex = "pcAnywhere 9.0 EX" pcany921ex = "pcAnywhere 9.2 EX" pcany32ex = "pcANYWHERE32 EX" necupkit="Leggere questo rapporto quando si utilizza un personal computer NEC." ;necmffil="NEC One-touch start buttons Driver" ; georger - reconcile with bdd for bug#397108 NXPAD="NX PAD" ;NIP1394="IEEE1394 Network Driver" ; georger - reconcile with bdd for bug#397107 ; WindowsBug#432228 masasu ToshibaLanSupSvc="Toshiba LAN SuspendService"
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x412 #endif
3ComDA = "DynamicAccess 3Com" 3cxm356 = "Modem 3com/MHZ 3CXM356 PCCARD WIN" @@:@s:gateway = "XLink Omni NFS Gateway 4.0" AironetWinDGS = "WinDGS" CiscoAironet = "Utilit� client Aironet" DECjensen = "Digital DECpc AXP 150" EiconTA = "Software modem DIVA T-A ISDN Eicon" IBMsmapint = "Driver IBM ThinkPad SMAPI" IBMtppwr = "Driver IBM Power Management ThinkPad SMAPI" OlicomLANScout = "Olicom LANScout" OlicomLANScoutManager = "Gestione Olicom LANScout" OlicomRapidConfig = "Olicom RapidConfig/ATM" OlicomRapidGuide = "Manuale d'uso RapidFire 616x" OlicomRapidOnlineDoc = "Documentazione Online RapidFire 616X" a8940 = "Scheda Adaptec IEEE-1394" accel3d = "Scheda video AccelPro MX" acsremoved = "Windows XP Server non supporta pi� Servizio controllo ammissione (ACS). Prima di eseguire l'aggiornamento, � necessario disinstallare Servizio controllo ammissione." adaptecperc2 = "Controller RAID avanzato Adaptec" aic789x = "Adaptec AIC789x" aicdrv = "Adaptec AICDRV" alisnd ="Driver audio ALI NT4" allegro3 = "Allegro3" als4000 = "Advance Logic, Inc. ALS4000" ;apfiltr = "Alps Pointing Device" ;georger - sync bdd/ntcompat entries - bug270295 ark= "Acceleratore video ARK" aspi = "Adaptec ASPI32" assetci = "Informazioni sul numero di serie IBM" at3d = "Driver video Alliance ProMotion" atakmini = "Atakmini" atapipd = "IBM PIIX Bus Master" atmhelpr = "ATMhelper" auddrive = "Driver audio versione precedente ESS" avmdrv32 = "Fast AV Master" avpgatek = "Antivirus F-Secure" award = "Schede Award" bayman = "Softex BayManager" cards = "Card Executive" cardware = "Driver Compaq CardWare" cbus2_mp = "Corollary C-bus Architecture" cbusmc_mp = "Corollary C-bus Micro Channel Architecture" ccntdrv = "Calcomp Tablet" cda1000 = "Scheda host Adaptec ARO/AAA RAID" cdr4vsd = "Driver filtro Adaptec CD-R" cfgsafe = "ConfigSafe per Windows NT" cheyennealert = "Cheyenne Alert Notification Server" cheyenneanti = "Cheyenne InocuLAN Anti-Virus Server" cheyenneauto = "Cheyenne AutoDownload Server" cheyenneexchange = "Cheyenne InocuLAN Exchange AV Server" ;cheyennefilter = "Cheyenne Filter Driver" ;georger - sync bdd/ntcompat entries - bug388307 cheyennefloppy = "Driver floppy Cheyenne" cic = "CIC Manta Handwriter" cirque = "Driver Cirque CruiseCat" cldvd = "Decodificatore DVD Creative Labs" cmosa = "Dell OpenManage Client" cmpci = "Driver audio CMedia 8738 NT4.0" cmtos = "Toshiba Client Manager" cnr117 = "Periferica a nastro floppy Seagate/Conner" cnr157 = "Seagate STT8000A" cpq32fs2 = "Driver controller SCSI Compaq CPQ32FS2" cpqdiag_ds = "Compaq Diagnostics per Windows NT" cpqeasypoint4 = "Compaq EasyPoint IV - Richiede la reinstallazione dopo l'aggiornamento" cpqmpd = "Periferica CD-ROM Compaq Notebook Expansion Base" cpqmulti = "Software Compaq Windows NT Multibay" cpqpnpmg = "Compaq PnP Manager for Windows NT 4.0" cpqrcmc = "Servizio monitor remoto Compaq" cpqrs = "Protezione remota e ROM Flash remota Compaq" cpqsmrt2 = "Compaq CPQSMRT2" csa64xx = "Adapter CMD 64xx 32-Bit IDE" ctz_crdl = "Lettore Citizen Cradle" cwbaudio = "Driver audio CrystalWare" d3nt = "Driver Iomega Click!" daytona = "Utilit� audio TBS, stazione audio 2 TBS, applicazione musicale TBS" decatapi = "Driver Digital Equipment Corp. Atapi" dellperc2 = "Controller RAID Dell PERC2" dellps = "Driver Dell 410 Auto-Shutdown" dellth = "Driver Dell 410 Thermal Shutdown" deskon = "DeskOn - avvio del sistema" DeskView = "DeskView" deskwol = "DeskWOL - Riattivazione LAN" directcd = "Software Adaptec DirectCD" dlc = "Driver protocollo DLC Microsoft" atalk = "Protocollo AppleTalk" dmisl = "IBM DMI Service Layer" dmusic = "Driver Direct Music" dock = "Software Softex Docking" docksvc = "Ultra 2000 Docking Services" drvncdb = "HP Colorado Backup II 6.0" ds1wdm = "Driver audio Yamaha DS1 WDM" dsmigrat = "Migrazione servizi di directory" dsmigratpath = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\dsmigrat\dsmigrat.dll" duplexwrite = "Software Siemens DuplexWrite" eacmos = "Eacmos" eaps2kbd = "Eaps2kbd" eawdmfd = "Pulsante di facile accesso" el575nd5 = "Driver el575nd5" elsa1 = "Elsa1" elsa2 = "Elsa2" emu10k="Driver Creative SBLive" ensqaudm = "Mixer AudioPCI ENSONIQ" ensqio = "Ensqio" essm2e = "Driver Maestro M2E per notebook Toshiba" eusbmsd = "SanDisk USB ImageMate" exide = "Driver DMA disco Toshiba TECRA" faboot = "Full Armor Boot" fazam = "Full Armor Zero Administration" fidmou = "Fujitsu Takamisawa Touchpad - Reinstallare dopo l'aggiornamento" flow7 = "FlowCharter 7" fujitsu = "Fujitsu" gdtx = "Controller SCSI ICP-Vortex" genius = "Driver Genius Easyscroll" gfx40 = "GFX40" glint = "Schede Glint Based" halhook = "Compaq Survey Tool" hdmib = "Monitor dissco rigido per Siemens Serverview" hdmon = "Monitor unit� disco rigido" hercpwr = "Hercules PowerTools" hollywoodplus = "Sigma Designs REALMagic Hollywood pi� decoder" hpdmi = "HP Desktop Management Interface Component" hpextkbd = "Hewlett-Packard C4734 Extended Keyboard" hpntlock = "Blocco HP per NT4" hponetouchomni500msg="HP OneTouch" hponetouchomnixe3msg="HP OneTouch" hpcimsg = "Interfaccia di configurazione HP" hpperc2 = "Hewlett-Packard NetRAID-4M" hpsmart = "HP Brio PC Smart Disk Monitor 1.0" hpsparnt = "HP OfficeJet 1150C" hptoptools = "HP TopTools for Desktops Agent" hptoptoolsidm = "HP TopTools Device Manager" hptp4track="Driver IBM Trackpoint - Richiede la reinstallazione dopo l'aggiornamento" hptwotrack="Driver IBM Trackpoint - Richiede la reinstallazione dopo l'aggiornamento" iamdrv = "Driver software AtGuard" iamserv = "Servizio software AtGuard" iavboot4 = "Monitor IBM AntiVirus Real Time" ibmdmibios = "Strumentazione per Windows NT IBM DMI BIOS" ibmir = "Driver IRDA a bassa velocit� IBM" ibmmpg = "Decodificatore IBM MPEG-2" ibmraid = "Scheda SCSI IBM ServeRAID II" ibmtp4 = "Driver mouse a due tracce IBM" ibmvc = "IBM 9397 Video Capture" ibmwc = "Utilit� IBM" icsupgrd = "Condivisione connessione Internet (ICS)" ils = "ILS Site Server" imgatapi = "Driver ATAPI Iomega" initio = "Initio INI-910" intelata = "Intel Ultra ATA" intelapp = "Applicazione Intel Speed Step" intelatadriver = "Driver Intel Ultra ATA Storage" IntelSpeedStepLink = "Applicazione Intel(R) SpeedStep(TM) technology" intellimouse = "Software Microsoft IntelliPoint" iomega = "Unit� ZIP porta parallela Iomega" iomegnt = "Controller Iomega Jaz/Zip PCI SCSI" iphasei = "Modulo Interphase x526 Fibre Channel IP" iphases = "Driver Interphase x526 Fibre Channel SCSI" isotp4 = "Protocollo ISO/TP4" kbstuff = "Driver tastiera controllo remoto SMS" kmw = "Kensington MouseWorks" laplink = "Servizio di controllo remoto TSI" laplnk2k = "LapLink" ldcm = "Gestione client LANDesk Intel" ldcm1 = "Monitor di notifica LDCM Intel" ldcm2 = "Intel LDCM OSCI" ldcm3 = "Intel LDCM CiSmBios" lexmark1 = "Driver stampante Lexmark" lhacm = "Formato registrazione audio Lernout and Hauspie" liquidaudio = "Driver audio Liquid" lm75 = "Monitor termico CPU IBM" lm78ci = "Monitor di sistema PC IBM" lmrepl = "Replicatore di directory" logitech = "Driver per mouse Logitech" logkeycomm = "Logitech Key Commander" ltmodem = "Driver modem Lucent Technologies" ma_delta="Scheda interfaccia M Audio Delta/Audiophile" macd98 = "MacDrive 98" maestro = "Driver audio Maestro ESS precedente" maestro0 = "Driver pulsanti tastiera estesa BTC" maxsuperd = "Unit� Parallel LS-120 SuperDisk Maxell" mca_up = "IBM PS/2 o altro computer basato su Micro Channel" mcafeecr = "McAfee Crash Monitor" mcfilter = "McAfee VirusScan" mcis = "Internet Authentication Service, Commercial Edition (IAS/C)" megaraid = "Driver Megaraid" mgactrl = "Utilit� Powerdesk" missing_proc_feat = "Funzionalit� processore richieste non presenti" mkecr56x = "Interfaccia CD-ROM Pansonic" mps_mca_mp = "Computer Micro Channel multiprocessore MPS" msp1c = "Microsoft Proxy Client 1.0" msp1s = "Microsoft Proxy Server 1.0" msp2s = "Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0" mssql65 = "Microsoft SQL Server 6.5" msss3 = "Microsoft Site Server 3.0" mstock65 = "Metastock 6.5" multipath = "Software MultiPath Siemens" mvaudio = "Scheda audio Media Vision" mwave = "Driver MWAVE IBM" mwavedsp = "Driver modem Thinkpad IBM per NT4" mwkmuch="Scheda audio digitale Multi!Wav" mx400="Driver audio MX400 Diamond per NT4.0" n40s3 = "Colorgraphic Pro Lightning V+ Scheda video" nav5 = "Norton AntiVirus" nbf = "Driver del protocollo NETBEUI Microsoft" ncr_mp = "Computer Micro Channel multiprocessore NCR" ncrc810 = "Driver NCR/Symbios/LSI 8xx" netfbase = "Programma di supporto Netfinity" nma2nt = "Driver Neomagic precedente" nmsmsAgent="Agente Network Monitor 1.x" nmxnt = "Driver NT4 NMXNT" ntmidi = "NT MIDI" nwcli32 = "Novell Client32" oak611 = "Oak Tech Audia 3D" oilchg25 = "Oil Change 2.5" onstream = "OnStream SC30, SC50, SI50, DI30, DP30, o unit� nastro USB30" opl3sa = "Driver audio OPL3 Yamaha precedente" orb = "Unit� portatile Orb" ;otman5 = "Backup Exec" ;georger - sync bdd/ntcompat entries - bug 374722/412013 palm = "3com HotSync Manager" panadvdram = "Driver DVD-RAM" panda = "Panda Anti-Virus" parallel = "Driver classe porta parallela per Windows NT4 e Windows 2000" pcany = "Servizo host PCAnywhere" pcanyw92 = "pcAnywhere 9.2" pccs = "System Soft PCCS" pcenable = "System Soft PCENABLE" pcpnp="Gestore scheda PC per Windows NT 4.0" pedge = "driver controller RAID PowerEdge Dell" pelmouse = "Mouse Suite" pfs = "OnStream Echo" ph97r40= "Scheda video Pipeline Philips" phoenixad = "Driver gestioen alimentazione Phoenix" phoenixpm = "Utilit� di gestione alimentazione Phoenix" piixide = "Controller PIIX IDE Intel" plscsi = "Scheda SCSI Prolific" power = "Gestione alimentazioen avanzata Softex/Phoenix" powpath = "Software EMC Power Path" ps2cont = "Driver mouse Contour" pscan = "Monitor tempo reale per NT PC-cillin" pstrip = "PowerStrip" pumacsm = "Gestione installazione connessione Intellisync Pumatech" pwricon="Compaq Window NT PowerControl" qic117 = "Periferica a nastro QIC117 General" qs_up = "Desktop MultiClient Digital Multia" qt3 = "Quicktime 3.0" quicken2000 = "Quicken 2000" rcentrl = "Applicazione fax Ring Central" rchelp = "Helper video controllo remoto SMS" reachout = "Stac Reachout Enterprise" riptide = "Driver audio Rockwell" roxioburning = "Supporto masterizzazione CD roxio" rtcphoenix = "Client Phoenix RTC" s100 = "Driver audio S100 (ESS Allegro) Dimond per NT4.0" s3color = "Applicazione pannello di controllo video S3" s3knldrv = "Controller audio S3 Sonic Vibes" s3knljs = "Controller audio (Joystick) S3 Sonic Vibes" sb16snd = "Driver SoundBlaster 16 precedente" sbawe32 = "Driver AWE32 SoundBlaster precedente" sbpcint4 = "Sbpcint4" scandrv = "Driver scanner Plustek" scidrv = "Driver interfaccia configurazione di sistema Toshiba" tscidrv = "Driver interfaccia configurazione di sistema Toshiba" tsbselbay = "Servizio Selectable Bay Toshiba" tsbds = "Servizio di alloggiamento Toshiba" SCM_USB_Compact_Flash = "Lettore scheda CompactFlash USB SCM/Memorex" scsigold = "Scheda host SCSI Pro Gold SIIG" sd120ppd = "Unit� porta parallela LS-120 Imation" sgcomp = "Driver grafica Cobalt Silicon Graphics (solo per NT 4.0)" sgiusb00 = "Driver mouse/tastiera USB Silicon Graphics (solo per NT 4.0)" sgkrmp = "Driver grafica Cobalt-2 Silicon Graphics (solo per NT 4.0)" sgptmp = "Driver grafica Cobalt-3 Silicon Graphics (solo per NT 4.0)" sharshtl = "Periferica di archiviazione porta parallela Shuttle Sharer" siigc = "Driver SIIG Cyber PCI" sis = "Archiviazione istanza singola" sisv = "Scheda video SiS 62xx" siwvid = "Numega SoftICE" skusbkbf = "Tastiera ad accesso rapido IBM" slnt7554 = "Modem SmartLink non supportato" smnt40 = "smnt40" sms11 = "Systems Management Server 1.1" sms12 = "Systems Management Server 1.2" sms2 = "Systems Management Server 2.0" sms2sp3 = "Systems Management Server 2.0 (Service Pack 3)" sna2 = "SNA Server 2.0" sna21 = "SNA Server 2.1" sna211 = "SNA Server 2.11" sna3 = "SNA Server 3.0" sna4 = "SNA Server 4.0" snd801nt = "Sistema audio DT0398(TM) Diamond DT(R)" snd93x = "Scheda audio Opti 931" sndblst = "Driver SoundBlaster precedente" sndsys = "Driver sistema audio precedente di Windows" snidpms = "Driver DPMS Siemens" soff = "Applicazione SoftOff IBM" soff_nt = "Driver SoftOff IBM" sonymemstick = "Driver Sony Memory Stick" sonyjdu = "Utilit� Sony Jog Dial" sqlwin5 = "SQL Windows Edition 5" sscntrl = "Driver filtro WinGuardNT Dr. Solomon" sscpvivo = "Scheda audio Vivo Ensoniq" ssi365 = "System Soft Card Wizard" sspcic = "System Soft SSPCIC" sspower = "System Soft Power Profiler" stbmvp = "Driver MVPPro STB" stdat3 = "Archive Python" stlthg46 = "STLTHG46" stordgr = "Controller DGR/DGR Ultra RAIDPro Storage Dimensions" sttscsi3 = "Conner CTT8000-S" symc8xx = "Driver SYMC8XX Symbios Logic" synaptic = "Software Synaptics TouchPad" sysmgmt = "Servizio di gestione sistema Compaq" tcaudiag = "3Com TCAUDIAG" tdifiltr = "i.Share 3.0 NT" TITSB = "Abilitatore LAN senza fili per NT" tlntsvr = "Server Telnet" tmaster = "Periferiche di gioco ThrustMaster" tmdigpro = "Thrustmaster Nascar(R) Pro Digital(TM)" tmdualag = "Game pad analogico doppio Guillemot" tos3comwin = "Modem a 54 k 3com-Noteworty" tosdvd = "Lettore DVD Toshiba 7000 Series" tpchrsrv = "Gestione alimentazione ThinkPad IBM" tpconfig1= "Utilit� di configurazione ThinkPad" tpfuel = "ThinkPad Fuel" tpfuel_name="Fuel" tpfuel_dir="ThinkPad" tppmport = "IBM ThinkPad Power Extention" tppwrmon = "IBM Thinkpad Power Monitor" tridwnw = "Driver audio 4D Wave Trident" tsb24cd = "Unit� CD-ROM 24x Toshiba" tsbapm = "Sistema di gestione alimentazione Toshiba per Windows NT" tsbasd = "Software sottosistema di chiusura automatica Toshiba" tsbhddpw ="Utilit� password unit� disco rigido Toshiba" tsbmc = "Controllo mouse Toshiba" tsbvcap = "Software di acquisizione video Toshiba" tt128 = "IXMICRO Twin Turbo 128" ultra66 = "Controller IDE Ultra Promise" umax = "VistaScan v2.40" usbkbdwm = "Mouse e tastiera USB NEC" viadriver = "Driver IDE VIA Bus Master" wacomdrv = "Periferica di scrittura digitale Wacom" wcgodrv = "Driver per fotocamera Creative Video Blaster WebCam Go e Go Plus" waveart = "Rockwell Wave Artist" wce21 = "Servizi Windows CE" winachsf = "Modem HSF Conexant non supportato" winmdm = "Periferica WinModem" winner="Scheda video Elsa Gloria L/MX" wmcacaa = "Modem Global MiniPCI 56K V.90 Compaq di 3COM" wscan316 = "WebScanX 3.1.6" wtcls2k = "Driver Pablo Tablet" YACXG="Driver audio AC-XG NT4 Yamaha" ydsxgdk="Periferica di alloggiamento audio (WDM) DS-XG YAMAHA" YMHSoftSynth="Yamaha SoftSynthesizer S-YXG50" zmntmon = "Zip Magic 98"
@*:; @*:;printupg stuff = phillipc @*:; hpaio4 ="HP OfficeJet R Series" brth7150 ="Brother MFC 7150" cpqij ="Compaq IJ700/IJ900" cnbj51 ="Canon BJC-5100" epscolor ="Epson Stylus Color Series" epson3 ="EPSON Stylus Series & IP-100" epson1 ="EPSON ActionLaser & EPL Series" hplj3100 ="HP LaserJet 3100" hp4050p6 ="HP LaserJet 4050/8000/8100 PCL6 Series" hplj4050 ="HP LaserJet 4050/8000/8100 PCL5e Series" hplj5e ="HP LaserJet 4/5/6 Series" hp_pld ="Driver HP Laserjet 5 / 6 Series" hpclj450 ="HP C LaserJet 4500-HP" hpclj850 ="HP CLJ 8500 - PCL" hpdsk6 ="Stampante HP DeskJet 820C Series" hpdj810 ="Stampante HP DeskJet 810C Series" hpdj880 ="HP DeskJet" hpdsk14 ="HP DeskJet 710C Series" hpdsk7 ="HP DeskJet 720C Series" hpdsk3 ="Stampante HP DeskJet 895C Series" hpdsk8 ="HP DeskJet 690C Series v11.0" hpdsk9 ="HP DeskJet 680C Series v11.0" hpdsk10 ="HP DeskJet 670C Series v11.0" hpdsk11 ="HP DeskJet 660C v11.0" hpdj610 ="HP DeskJet 610C Series" hpdj815 ="Stampante HP DeskJet 815C Series" hpdj830 ="Stampante HP DeskJet 830C Series" hpaio1 ="Stampante HP OfficeJet Series 700" hpdsk12 ="HP DeskJet 1100C/1120C Series" hpdsk5 ="HP DeskJet 850 Series" hpdsk1 ="Stampante HP 2000C/2500C" hpdsk2 ="HP DeskJet 890C Series" hpdsk4 ="HP DeskJet 870 Series" hpdj1000 ="Stampante HP DeskJet 1000C" lex3200 ="Lexmark 3200 Series ColorFine" lexoptra ="Lexmark Optra Series" necpg1 ="NEC SuperScript Series" okipg2 ="OKI OKIPAGE 8c" okipg1 ="OKIPAGE 20n PCLXL : Avanzata" cnmulti1 ="Stampante Canon MultiPASS L6000" alpsprt ="Alps MD-5000" xerox1 ="Xerox DocuPrint P12" mnlt1 ="Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro" hpojg ="HP OfficeJet" hpps ="HP PhotoSmart Series" xerox2 ="Xerox WorkCentre 385" xerox4 ="Xerox DocuPrint XJ6C" lm5700 ="Lexmark 5700 Series Color Fine" minpw20 ="Stampante" min8e ="Minolta Pageworks 8e" mta57080 ="Mita DP-570/580" xerox6 ="Xerox DocuPrint P8" okipg8w ="Okidata Okipage 8w" epsphoto ="Epson Stylus Photo Series" lmoptra ="Lexmark Optra Series" xeroxwct ="Xerox WorkCentre 450cp" hpmon = "Monitor porta di rete HP" REXSERA="Driver Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA REXSERA" REXSERE="Driver Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA REXSERE" REXSERPD="Driver Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA REXSERPD" RexService="Driver Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA" NECJ09="Scheda interfaccia PC-9801N-J09 NEC R8100"
// this is a localized registry key. Apparently it's not possible to just put the localized PART of the key in here. // the localization MUST be identical to the name that W2k, where it was in netdlc.inf // the same key is used in admin\ntsetup\inf\win4\inf\usa\hivesys.txt hpmon_regkey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Porta di rete Hewlett-Packard"
sdselect = "Olympus CAMEDIA SmartDisk Flash Path"
@*:; @*:;WIA stuff = IssaK @*:; W2K_INBOX_TWAIN_DS = "Driver TWAIN per Windows 2000 inbox" WIA_HPI_USB = "HP PhotoSmart S20" WIA_ARTEC_AS6E = "Scanner Artec AS6E" WIA_ACER = "Scanner Acer" WIA_VISIONEER_5300 = "Scanner Visioneer" WIA_VISIONEER_6100 = "Scanner Visioneer 6100 o OneTouch" WIA_HP_3300C = "Scanner ScanJet Hewlett-Packard" WIA_HP_4300C = "Scanner ScanJet 3400C/4300C Hewlett-Packard" WIA_HP_5300C = "Scanner ScanJet 5300C Hewlett-Packard" WIA_MICROTEK = "Scanner Microtek" WIA_KODAK_4800 = "Fotocamera Kodak 4800 o Kodak DC-290" WIA_CANONSCAN_620P = "Scanner CanoScan 620P Canon" WIA_CANONSCAN_S100 = "Canon PowerShot ELPH S100" WIA_PLUSTEK_12000T = "Plustek 12000T" wdm_inaec = "Driver AEC Intel"
@*:; @*:;jamesb bulk changes @*:; spxio8pser = "Driver I/O8+ Specialix" spxslxosser = "Driver SX Specialix" spxrio = "Driver RIO Specialix" spxspxdriver = "Driver SPX PortDirector Specialix" spxsxdriver = "Driver SX PortDirector Specialix" spxio8driver = "Driver I/O8+ PortDirector Specialix" spxspeeddriver = "Driver SPEED PortDirector Specialix"
@*:; @*:;String substitutions that include localizable parts @*:;-Currently the parser cannot handle %string% insode quotes and @*:;so we need the entire string in this section @*:; dccmanpath = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\Servizi Windows CE\dccman.exe" snmpagents = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\Siemens\SNMPAgents\Agents\HD_MIB.DLL" intellisync = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\Intellisync\txcsm.exe" intelatapf = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\Intel\IntelATA\IntelATA.exe" naipath = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\Network Associates\VirusScan NT\VsTskMgr.exe" palmvii = "%systemdrive%\Programmi\franklin covey\planner\palm\hotsync.exe" hponetouchomni500path="%SystemDrive%\Programmi\HP One-Touch\OneTouch.Exe" hponetouchomnixe3path="%SystemDrive%\Programmi\One-Touch\CP32NBTN.Exe"
@*:; @*:; Unsupported video adapters - PeterA @*:; 3dfx1 = "Chip di accelerazione 3D Voodoo 3dfx Interactive Inc" 3dfx2 = "Acceleratore 3D 3dfx Voodoo2" 3Dlabs3 = "Acceleratore 3D GLint 500TX Sapphire 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd" 3Dlabs4 = "Processore GLint Delta Geometry 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd" 3Dlabs5 = "Acceleratore GLint MX 3D 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd" 3Dlabs6 = "3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint Gamma G1" 3Dlabs7 = "3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint R3" Alliance8 = "Acceleratore GUI ProVideo 6424 Alliance Semiconductor CA - USA" Alliance9 = "Acceleratore AT25 ProMotion-AT3D Alliance Semiconductor CA - USA" ARK10 = "Acceleratore GUI ARK2000PV Stingray ARK Logic, Inc" Avance11 = "Acceleratore GUI ALG2301 Avance Logic Inc." Chips12 = "Acceleratore GUI 65555 VGA Chips And Technologies" videodevice = "Periferica video" Chromatic15 = "Processore multimediale Mpact Chromatic Research Inc" Macronix16 = "Macronix International Co. Ltd. MX86251" Matrox17 = "Acceleratore GUI MGA-PX2085 Ultima/Atlas Matrox" Matrox18 = "Acceleratore GUI MGA-I Ultima/Impression Matrox" NEC19 = "Acceleratore 3D PoverVR PCX2 NEC Corporation" NEC20 = "Processore grafico PowerVR Neon 250 PowerVR series II NEC Corporation" Rendition21 = "Rendition Inc Verite 2000" S324 = "Acceleratore GUI Vision 964 S3 Incorporated" S325 = "S3 Incorporated 86C362/86C368 Trio3D2x & Trio3D2x+ AGP" S332 = "S3 Incorporated 86C410 Savage 2000" Sigma33 = "Acceleratore GUI REALmagic64/GX Sigma Designs Corp." Silicon34 = "Acceleratore video e grafica SiS 6215 PCI Silicon Integrated System" Tseng35 = "Acceleratore GUI ET4000W32P-A Tseng Labs" Tseng36 = "Acceleratore GUI ET4000W32P-C Tseng Labs" Tseng37 = "Acceleratore GUI ET4000W32P-D Tseng Labs" Tseng38 = "Modulo di gestione grafica/multimedia ET6000 Tseng Labs" Weitek42 = "Acceleratore GUI P9000 Weitek"