[Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$"
[NtFiles_KnownLocation] @*: @*: Specifies files that are installed to a location unspecified by the INF. @*: @*: <destfile>=<dirid> @*: ;empty
[FILELIST.PLATFORMS] @*: @*: Specifies the list of valid platforms for filegen @*: @*: <platform tag> @*: @*: NOTE: The tag doesn't correspond to any part of %_NTTREE%. It is filegen-specific. @*: X86
[FILELIST.PRODUCTS] @*: @*: Specifies the SKU subdirectory off of %_NTTREE% for a platform tag. @*: @*: <product tag>=[<SKU subdir>] @*: @*: NOTE: The tag doesn't correspond to any part of %_NTTREE%. It is filegen-specific. @*: WKS= DTC=DTCINF SRV=SRVINF ENT=ENTINF
[FILELIST.MULTIPLEPLATFORMS] @*: @*: Specifies a list of platforms for platforms that emulate other platforms. @*: Example: ALPHA=ALPHA,X86 @*: @*: <platform>=<platform1>[, <platform2> [, <platform n> ...]] @*: X86=X86
[FILELIST.GENERATE] @*: @*: Specifies the platform/product combination that filelist.dat is created. @*: Used to separate the case when only the header file is needed. @*: X86,WKS
[FILELIST.PRIVATEIDDIR] @*: @*: Specifies a standard dir ID for a private logical dir ID defined by the INF. @*: @*: <inf>, <inf's private dir id>, <standard id & subdir> @*: clusocm.inf,33001,11\Cluster clusocm.inf,33002,11\Cluster clusocm.inf,33003,11\Cluster iis.inf,32768,11\inetsrv iis.inf,32777,11\INETSRV\IISADMIN\HTMLDOCS ims.inf,32768,11\inetsrv fp40ext.inf,40002,16422\Microsoft FrontPage Express fp40ext.inf,40003,16422\Microsoft FrontPage Express\BIN
[FILELIST.IGNOREDIR.X86.WKS] @*: @*: Specifies dirs to ignore. Now obsolete as filegen does not scan a tree. It used to, @*: but now it only scans the dirs given on the cmd line. Still implemented though, @*: so it could be used to ignore a command line dir spec. @*: @*: <subdirname> @*: ; empty
[FILELIST.EXCLUDEDIR] @*: @*: Specifies logical dir IDs to keep out of filelist.dat @*: @*: <dirid> @*: ;empty
[FILELIST.EXCLUDEDIR.X86.WKS] @*: @*: Specifies logical dir IDs to keep out of filelist.dat for x86/wks tags @*: @*: <dirid> @*: @*: ISSUE -- is this section applied to the delete list in filelist.dat? I don't think so. 12 23 51 52 53 55 16428 XX001 66000 66003
[FILELIST.RENAMEDIRS] @*: @*: This section is used for renaming some directories. It is done over and @*: over until no rename is performed. For example directory 10\system32\drivers will @*: require two passes but eventually will be renamed to 12 @*: @*: only one * allowed as wildchars at the end of the string @*: @*: <dirid & subdir>[\*], <dirid>[\*] @*: 10\system32,11 10\system32\*,11\* 25\system32,11 25\system32\*,11\* 11\drivers,12 11\drivers\*,12\* 10\inf,17 10\inf\*,17\* 25\inf,17 25\inf\*,17\* 10\help,18 10\help\*,18\* 25\help,18 25\help\*,18\* 10\fonts,20 10\fonts\*,20\* 25\fonts,20 25\fonts\*,20\* 11\spool,51 11\spool\*,51\* 51\drivers,52 51\drivers\*,52\* 51\prtprocs,55 51\prtprocs\*,55\* 24\%ProgramFiles%,16422 24\%ProgramFiles%\*,16422\* 24\%ProgramFilesx86%,XX001 24\%ProgramFilesx86%\*,XX001\* 16422\%CommonFiles%,16427 16422\%CommonFiles%\*,16427\* XX001\%CommonFiles%,16428 XX001\%CommonFiles%\*,16428\*
[FILELIST.EXCLUDEINF] @*: @*: This section allows you to exclude certain CopyFiles sections from INF files @*: from processing. The syntax is: @*: <inf file>,<section name> @*: If you don't specify section name, the whole INF is excluded from processing @*: corelist.inf
[FILELIST.EXCLUDE] @*: @*: This section is for excluding certain files from processing (wild chars allowed) @*: @*: <filepattern>,<collsion> @*: @*: <filepattern> specifies file name or wildcard pattern @*: <collision> argument is for how the file will be treated @*: 0 - any name collision on 9x is not treated as an OSFILE - do not include in header file or filelist.dat @*: 1 - any name collision on 9x is NOT treated as an OSFILE but this file is @*: considered installed by NT. If some other rule (migdb) removed the Win9x file @*: the NT installed file will take over - include in header file, include in section 1 and in section 2 @*: of filelist.dat @*: ;empty
[FILELIST.EXCLUDE.X86.WKS] msoobe.exe,0 rsaenh.dll,0 autoconv.exe,0 setup.exe,0 *.pbr,0 *.htm,0 *.html,0 *.htt,0 *.css,0 *.cdf,0 *.theme,0 *.vxd,0 *.386,0 *.class,0 *.inf,0 *.bmp,0 *.gif,0 *.ani,0 *.fon,0 *.fot,0 *.fnt,0 *.cur,0 *.rmi,0 *.mid,0 *.wav,0 *.avi,0 *.ttf,0 *.tta,0 *.jpg,0 *.tif,0 *.ico,0 *.mov,0 *.mpe,0 *.pcx,0 *.tga,0 *.jpe,0 *.wmf,0 *.dos,0 *.icm,0 *.ini,0 *.spd,0 @*: @*: NTBUG9:390651 @*: imjpcd.dic imjpch.dic imjpgn.grm imjpln.dic imjpnm.dic imjpsb.dic imjpst.dic imjptk.dic imjpzp.dic @*: @*: <end 390651> @*: @*: @*: NTBUG9:275726 @*: langbar.chm,0 input.hlp,0 @*: @*: NTBUG9:435797 @*: fp30reg.dll fp40ext.dll fp4amsft.dll fp4anscp.dll fp4apws.dll fp4areg.dll fp4atxt.dll fp4autl.dll fp4avnb.dll fp4avss.dll fp4awebs.dll fp4awel.dll fp98sadm.exe fp98swin.exe fpadmcgi.exe fpadmdll.dll fpcibase.sys fpcibase.usa fpcmbase.sys fpcmbase.usa fpcount.exe fpencode.dll fpexedll.dll fpext.msg fpmmc.chm fpmmc.dll fpmmc.msc fpmmcglo.hlp fpmmcsat.dll fpnpbase.sys fpnpbase.usa fpremadm.exe fpsrvadm.exe fpsrvadm.exe fpsrvwin.exe @*:
[FILELIST.FORCEINCLUDE] @*: @*: This section allows you to include certain files that were previously excluded using the @*: FILELIST.EXCLUDE section above. The point here is to be able to fine tune exclusion. @*: For example you might want to exclude all JPG files, but you want to include just one of @*: them (foo.jpg). @*: @*: <filename> @*: ;empty
[FILELIST.FORCEINCLUDE.X86.WKS] Windows 2000.jpg Windows XP.bmp
[FILELIST.KNOWNFILES] @*: @*: This file provides additional details missing from INF files. @*: @*: <destfile>,<srcfile>,<infname>,<dirspec> [,<priority>] @*: @*: destfile - Specifies the file name that exists on the target machine @*: srcfile - Specifies the file name that exists on the source media @*: infname - Specifies the INF that installs the file @*: dirspec - Specifies the directory specification (because one does not @*: exist in <infname>) @*: priority - Specifies -1 (default) to append this known file to the list, @*: or a zero-based priority, used with patterns to choose the @*: best suitable location. Priority zero is the highest. @*: notepad.exe,notepad.exe,layout.inf,11
[FILELIST.KNOWNFILES.X86.WKS] Windows 2000.jpg,Windows 2000.jpg,layout.inf,10\Web\Wallpaper mapi32.dll,mapi32.dll,layout.inf,11 oledb32x.dll,oledb32x.dll,mdac.inf,16427\system\ole db auhook.dll,auhook.dll,au.inf,50 Windows XP.bmp,Windows XP.bmp,layout.inf,10\Web\Wallpaper
[FILELIST.HEADERFILES] @*: @*: This section allows you to specify all files that you want to be included in the header file @*: generated by this tool. (Please be aware that, if the files are excluded using exclude sections @*: above, they will not be in the header file). Pattern matching allowed @*: @*: @*: <filepattern>,<collsion> @*: @*: <filepattern> specifies file name or wildcard pattern @*: <collision> argument is for how the file will be treated @*: 0 - any name collision on 9x is not treated as an OSFILE - do not include in header file or filelist.dat @*: 1 - any name collision on 9x is NOT treated as an OSFILE but this file is @*: considered installed by NT. If some other rule (migdb) removed the Win9x file @*: the NT installed file will take over - include in header file, include in section 1 and in section 2 @*: of filelist.dat @*: ;empty