[nls] ; ; These values are used by setupldr when starting text setup ; and by text setup to initialize nls values in the registry. ; ; For the codepage and UnicodeCasetable entries, the values are ; <filename>,<identifier> pairs. Setupldr uses the first <filename> ; as the file to load for use during text setup. ; AnsiCodepage = c_1252.nls,1252 OemCodepage = c_850.nls,850,c_437.nls,437 MacCodepage = c_10000.nls,10000 UnicodeCasetable = l_intl.nls,0407 OemHalFont = vga850.fon DefaultLayout = 00000407
[Keyboard] STANDARD = "XT-, AT- oder erweiterte Tastatur (83-104 Tasten)",files.i8042,i8042prt kbdhid = "USB-Tastatur",files.kbdhid,kbdhid @i:USB = "USB-Tastatur",files.kbdhid,kbdhid
[SystemPartitionFiles] @i:@@:bootfont.bin,"\"
; ; This section provides information about hard disk drivers. ; ; The left hand side is a name in the \Driver directory in the NT ; \Driver object namespace. ; ; Value #0 is a format string used in creating the descriptive name ; of the disk. ; [DiskDriverMap] abiosdsk = "%1!u! MB Micro Channel-Festplatte" atdisk = "%1!u! MB IDE/ESDI-Festplatte" disk = "%1!u! MB Festplatte %2!u!, ID=%3!u!, Bus=%4!u! (an %5)"
[ScsiClass] cdrom = "SCSI-CD-ROM" floppy = "SCSI-Diskettenlaufwerk" disk = "SCSI-Festplatte" ramdisk = "RAM-Festplattentreiber"
[FileSystems] fat = "FAT-Dateisystem" ntfs = "NTFS-Dateisystem" ksecdd = "Kernel Security Provider"
[FloppyDrivers] floppy = "Standarddiskettenlaufwerk" fat = "FAT-Dateisystem"
[CdRomDrivers] cdfs = "CD-ROM-Dateisystem"
[MouseDrivers] mouclass = "Mausklassentreiber" mouhid = "HID-Mausfiltertreiber"
; ; Font list ; ; Setup will create an entry in the [Fonts] section of win.ini ; for each of the following fonts. (Fonts copied during GUI setup ; have entries in [FontList] in a gui inf file -- see eng_ansi.txt.) ; Note that the [fonts] section of win.ini is shadowed into ; HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts. ; [FontListE] "Courier 10,12,15 (VGA-Aufl�sung)" = COURE.FON "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA-Aufl�sung)" = SSERIFE.FON "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA-Aufl�sung)" = SERIFE.FON "Tahoma (TrueType)" = TAHOMA.TTF "Microsoft Sans Serif (TrueType)" = MICROSS.TTF
@*: @*: If add a keyboard layout dll description here make sure @*: that you add the layout dll file name in [CmdConsFiles] @*: section in dosnet.inf also, so that when command console @*: is installed on the harddisk that particular layout file @*: can be copied @*: ["Keyboard Layout"] 0000041C = "Albanisch" 00000423 = "Belarussisch" 00000416 = "Brasilianisch (ABNT)" 00000402 = "Bulgarisch" 00010402 = "Bulgarisch (Lateinisch)" 00000406 = "D�nisch" 00000407 = "Deutsch (Deutschland)" 00010407 = "Deutsch (IBM)" 00000807 = "Deutsch (Schweiz)" 00000809 = "Englisch (Gro�britannien u. Nordirland)" 00001009 = "Englisch (Kanada - mehrsprachig)" 00000409 = "Englisch (USA)" 00010409 = "Englisch (USA, Dvorak)" 00030409 = "Englisch (USA, Dvorak f�r Linksh�nder)" 00040409 = "Englisch (USA, Dvorak f�r Rechtsh�nder)" 00020409 = "Englisch (USA, International)" 00000425 = "Estnisch" 0000040B = "Finnisch" 00000813 = "Fl�misch" 0000080C = "Franz�sisch (Belgien)" 0000040C = "Franz�sisch (Frankreich)" 00000C0C = "Franz�sisch (Kanada)" 00010C0C = "Franz�sisch (Kanada - mehrsprachig)" 0000100C = "Franz�sisch (Schweiz)" 00000408 = "Griechisch" 00050408 = "Griechisch (Lateinisch)" 00010408 = "Griechisch (220)" 00030408 = "Griechisch (220, Lateinisch)" 00020408 = "Griechisch (319)" 00040408 = "Griechisch (319, Lateinisch)" 00001809 = "Irisch" 0000040F = "Isl�ndisch" 00000410 = "Italienisch" 00010410 = "Italienisch (142)" 0000041a = "Kroatisch" 0000080A = "Lateinamerikanisch" 00000426 = "Lettisch" 00010426 = "Lettisch (QWERTY)" 00000427 = "Litauisch" 00000413 = "Niederl�ndisch" 00000414 = "Norwegisch" 00010415 = "Polnisch (214)" 00000415 = "Polnisch (Programmierer)" 00000816 = "Portugiesisch" 00000418 = "Rum�nisch" 00000419 = "Russisch" 00010419 = "Russisch (Schreibmaschine)" 0000041D = "Schwedisch" 00000C1A = "Serbisch (Kyrillisch)" 00010C1A = "Serbisch (Lateinisch)" 0000041B = "Slovakisch" 0001041B = "Slovakisch (QWERTY)" 00000424 = "Slovenisch" 0000040A = "Spanisch" 0001040A = "Spanisch (Variation)" 00000405 = "Tschechisch" 00010405 = "Tschechisch (QWERTY)" 0001041F = "T�rkisch F" 0000041F = "T�rkisch Q" 00000422 = "Ukrainisch" 0000040E = "Ungarisch" 0001040E = "Ungarisch (101-Tastatur)"
[DiskDrivers] dmboot = "Dynamische Datentr�gerunterst�tzung (dmboot)" i2omgmt = "Intelligent I/O-Unterst�tzungstreiber"
[InputDevicesSupport] usbehci = "Erweiterter Hostcontroller",files.usbehci,usbehci usbohci = "Open Hostcontroller",files.usbohci,usbohci usbuhci = "Universeller Hostcontroller",files.usbuhci,usbuhci usbhub = "Standard-USB-Hubtreiber",files.usbhub,usbhub hidusb = "HID-Parser",files.hidusb,hidusb serial = "Treiber f�r seriellen Anschluss",files.none,serial serenum = "Enumerator f�r seriellen Anschluss",files.none,serenum usbstor = "USB-Speicherklassentreiber",files.usbstor,usbstor usbccgp = "USB Generic Parent Driver",files.usbccgp,usbccgp
[SCSI] @i:sparrow = "Adaptec AHA-151X/AHA-152X/AIC-6X60 SCSI-Adapter" @i:aha154x = "Adaptec AHA-154X/AHA-164X SCSI-Hostadapter" aic78xx = "Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394X/AIC-78XX SCSI-Controller" aic78u2 = "Adaptec AHA-294XU2/AIC-7890 SCSI-Controller" adpu160m = "Adaptec AIC-789X/AHA-3960 Ultra160 PCI SCSI-Karte" afcnt = "Agilent HHBA-510x PCI Fibre Channel-Controller" dpti2o = "Adaptec 2000S/3000S Ultra160 SCSI RAID-Controller" afc9xxx = "Adaptec AFC-9210G PCI 64-bit/66MHz Fibre Channel 2Gbit-Controller" @i:asc3550 = "Advansys 3550 Ultra Wide SCSI-Hostadapter" @i:asc3350p = "Advansys ABP460 PCMCIA-SCSI-Hostadapter" @i:abp480n5 = "Advansys ABP480 CardBus SCSI-Hostadapter" @i:asc = "Advansys SCSI-Hostadapter" @i:amsint = "AMD PCI SCSI Controller/Ethernet-Adapter" mraid35x = "AMI MegaRaid RAID-Controller" @i:cpqarray = "Compaq Drive Array" cpqfcalm = "Compaq Fibre Channel-Hostcontroller" cpqarry2 = "Compaq Smart Array-Controller" cpqcissm = "Compaq Smart Array 5300-Controller" lp6nds35 = "Emulex LP6000 Fibre Channel-Hostadapter" @i:cd20xrnt = "IBM Portable PCMCIA-CD-ROM-Laufwerk" @i:ipsraidn = "IBM ServeRAID-Adapter" nfrd960 = "IBM ServeRAID-Adapter" @i:i2omp = "Intelligent E/A-Controller" atapi = "IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE-Controller" cbidf2k = "CardBus/PCMCIA IDE Miniport-Treiber" @i:ini910u = "Initio Ultra SCSI-Hostadapter" dac2w2k = "Mylex EXR2000,3000/AR160,170,352 Raid-Controller" dac960nt = "Mylex DAC960/Digital SWXCR-Ex Raid-Controller" @i:ultra = "Promise Technology Inc. Ultra IDE-Controller" ql1240 = "QLogic ISP 1240 SCSI-Hostadapter" ql10wnt = "QLogic PCI SCSI-Hostadapter" ql1080 = "Qlogic QLA1080, 64-Bit PCI LVD SCSI-HBA" ql1280 = "Qlogic QLA1280, 64 bit PCI LVD SCSI HBA" ql12160 = "QLogic QLA12160, 64 bit PCI DUAL 160M SCSI HBA" ql2100 = "QLogic QLA2000/QLA2100 PCI Fibre Channel Adapter" ql2200 = "QLogic QLA2200 PCI Fibre Channel-Adapter" sym_hi = "LSI Logic C896 PCI SCSI-Hostadapter" sym_u3 = "LSI Logic C1010 PCI SCSI-Hostadapter" @i:symc810 = "LSI Logic C8100 PCI SCSI-Hostadapter" symc8xx = "LSI Logic C8xx PCI SCSI-Hostadapter" symmpi = "LSI Logic PCI Fibre Channel-Hostadapter" hpn = "Hewlett Packard NetRAID-4M RAID-Controller" perc2 = "Dell PERC 2/3 RAID-Controller" perc2gat = "Dell PERC 2/3 RAID-Controller (Gatling)"
[BootBusExtenders] pci = "PCI-Bustreiber",files.pci,pci acpi = "ACPI Plug & Play-Bustreiber",files.acpi,acpi isapnp = "ISA Plug & Play-Bustreiber",files.isapnp,isapnp acpiec = "Integrierter ACPI-Controllertreiber",files.none,acpiec ohci1394 = "IEEE-1394-Bus-OHCI-konformer Anschlusstreiber",files.ohci1394,ohci1394
[BusExtenders] pcmcia = "PCMCIA-Unterst�tzung",files.pcmcia,pcmcia pciide = "PCI IDE-Bustreiber",files.pciide,pciide intelide = "Intel IDE-Bustreiber",files.intelide,intelide viaide = "VIA IDE-Bustreiber",files.viaide,viaide cmdide = "CMD IDE-Bustreiber",files.cmdide,cmdide toside = "Toshiba IDE-Bustreiber",files.toside,toside aliide = "ALI IDE-Bustreiber",files.aliide,aliide mountmgr = "Bereitstellungspunktverwaltung",files.none,mountmgr ftdisk = "Datentr�gerverwaltung",files.none,ftdisk partmgr = "Partitionsverwaltung",files.none,partmgr fdc = "Diskettenlaufwerkunterst�tzung",files.none,fdc dmload = "Dynamische Datentr�gerunterst�tzung (dmload)",files.none,dmload dmio = "Dynamische Datentr�gerunterst�tzung (dmio)",files.none,dmio sbp2port = "IEEE 1394 SBP2-Speicheranschlusstreiber", files.sbp2port,sbp2port @i:lbrtfdc = "TOSHIBA-Floppytreiber (Libretto Typ A)",files.lbrtfdc,lbrtfdc
[Computer] @i:acpiapic_mp = "ACPI-Multiprozessor-PC",files.none @i:acpiapic_up = "ACPI-Uniprozessor-PC",files.none @i:acpipic_up = "ACPI-PC",files.none @i:syspro_mp = "Compaq SystemPro Multiprozessor oder 100% kompatibel",files.none @i:mps_up = "MPS Uniprozessor-PC",files.none @i:mps_mp = "MPS Multiprozessor-PC",files.none @i:e_isa_up = "Standard-PC",files.none @i:486c_up = "Standard-PC mit C-Step i486",files.none
@m:acpipic_up = "ACPI UniProcessor ia64",files.none @m:acpipic_mp = "ACPI Multiprocessor ia64",files.none
[Display] @i:forcevga = "Standard-VGA (640x480, 16 Farben)",files.none @i:vga = "Automatische Erkennung",files.none @@!i:vga = "VGA-kompatibel",files.none @i:sglfb = "Cobalt",files.sglfb
[Mouse] @i:msps2 = "Microsoft Mouse Port-Maus (einschl. BallPoint)",files.i8042,i8042prt @i:lgps2 = "Logitech Mouse Port-Maus",files.i8042,i8042prt @i:msinp = "Microsoft InPort Bus-Maus",files.inport,inport @i:msbpser = "Serielle Microsoft BallPoint-Maus",files.sermouse,sermouse @i:lgser = "Serielle Logitech Mouse",files.sermouse,sermouse
@@:none = "Keine Maus oder kein anderes Zeigeger�t",files.none,"" @@:mouhid = "USB-Maus",files.mouhid,mouhid @@:msser = "Serielle Microsoft Mouse",files.sermouse,sermouse @@:ps2 = "Mouse Port-Maus",files.i8042,i8042prt @@:sermouse = "Serielle Maus",files.sermouse,sermouse @i:USB = "USB-Maus",files.mouhid,mouhid
@*: COMPAT: we purposely put two strings section in txtsetup.sif @*: The problem is that setupapi only reads strings from the first @*: strings section it encounters. Since older versions of the OS @*: accidentally had multiple Strings sections in the past, we make @*: Whistler have multiple strings sections so that older applications @*: (like win2k risetup) can read this file without requiring any change @*: The only string that risetup specifically cares about is whatever @*: LoadIdentifier points at, so you can probably safely add new strings @*: to this section. @*: @*: @*: The first strings section comes another one of the files that @*: builds txtsetup.sif
[Strings] @@!m:@w!p:wks_id = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" @m:@w!p:wks_id = "Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition" @@:@p:wks_id = "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" @@:@s!e!b:srv_id = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Server" @@:@e!d:srv_id = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Advanced Server" @@:@d:srv_id = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Datacenter Server" @@:@b:srv_id = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Blade Server" @@!m:@w!p:wks_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional [VGA mode]" @m:@w!p:wks_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition [VGA mode]" @@:@p:wks_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition [VGA-Modus]" @@:@s!e!b:srv_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Server [VGA-Modus]" @@:@e!d:srv_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Advanced Server [VGA-Modus]" @@:@d:srv_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Datacenter Server [VGA-Modus]" @@:@b:srv_id_vga = "Microsoft Windows 2002 Blade Server [VGA-Modus]" cancel_id = "Windows XP Setup abbrechen" 9x_id = "Microsoft Windows"