my ($input_file, $output_file, $sp_map) = @ARGV; my $sp_file = "$ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}\\spfiles.txt";
my %spmap; open SPMAP, $sp_map; while (<SPMAP>) { chomp; $_ = lc $_; my ($src, $dst) = /(\S+)\s*(\S+)/; $src =~ s/^(...inf|lang)\\//i; $dst =~ s/^([im].|lang|new)\\//i; if ($dst =~ /\\/) { $spmap{$src} = "" if !exists $spmap{$src}; next; }
if ($dst =~ /\_$/) { $dst =~ s/\_$/substr $src, -1/e; } $spmap{$src} = $dst; } close SPMAP;
my %sp; open SPFILE, $sp_file or die $!; while (<SPFILE>) { chomp; $_ = lc $_; my ($tag, $path, $file) = /^([^\;\s]*\s+)?([^\;\s]*\\)?([^\\\;\s]*)/; next if $file eq "" or $tag =~ /[cd]/i; my $name; my $temp = $path.$file; if (exists $spmap{$temp} or $tag =~ /[sm]/i) { $name = $spmap{$temp}; } else { $name = $file; } next if !defined $name or $name eq ""; $sp{$name}++; } close SPFILE;
open IN, $input_file or die $!; my @lines = <IN>; close IN;
if ($lines[0] =~ /^\xff\xfe/) { ProcessUnicode(); } else { ProcessANSI(); }
sub ProcessANSI { open OUT, ">$output_file" or die $!; for (@lines) { if (/^\[sourcedisksfiles.*\]$/i ... /^\[(?!sourcedisksfiles).*\]$/i) { my ($file) = /^([^\s=]+)/; if ($sp{lc $file}) { s/(=\s*)1,/${1}100,/; s/(=\s*)7,/${1}107,/; } } print OUT $_; } close OUT;
# NOTE: In my testing, $flag doesn't behave as expected, instead EVERY line is # processed. Probably something like the if(...) in the above loop would be better. if ($ENV{_BuildArch} =~ /ia64/i){ open OUT, ">$output_file" or die $!; my $flag=FALSE; for (@lines) { if (/^\[sourcedisksfiles\.ia64\]$/i || $flag==TRUE) { $flag=TRUE; if (/\[(.*)\]/) {$flag=FALSE;} my ($file) = /^([^\s=]+)/; if (/=\s*55,/) { $file =~ /.(.*)$/; if ($sp{lc $1}) { s/(=\s*)55,/${1}155,/; s/(=\s*)56,/${1}156,/; } } } print OUT $_; } close OUT; } }
sub ProcessUnicode { # Need to reread our data open IN, $input_file or die $!; binmode(IN); @lines = <IN>; close IN;
open OUT, ">${output_file}";# or die $!; binmode(OUT);
for (@lines) { # if (/^\[sourcedisksfiles.*\]$/i ... /^\[(?!sourcedisksfiles).*\]$/i) Except in unicode... if (/^\0\[\0s\0o\0u\0r\0c\0e\0d\0i\0s\0k\0s\0f\0i\0l\0e\0s\0.*\]\0$\0/i ... /^\0\[\0(?!s\0o\0u\0r\0c\0e\0d\0i\0s\0k\0s\0f\0i\0l\0e\0s\0).*\]\0$\0/i) { my ($file) = /^([^\s=]+)/; $file =~ s/\0//g; # Get rid of extra \0s from unicode to compare file name if ($sp{lc $file}) { # s/(=\s*)1,/${1}100,/; Except that its a unicode file, so we've gotta be nasty # = s* 1 , ${1}1 0 0 , s/(=[\s\0]*)1\0,\0/${1}1\0\x30\0\x30\0,\0/; # s/(=\s*)7,/${1}107,/; Except that its a unicode file, so we've gotta be nasty # = s* 7 , ${1}1 0 7 , s/(=[\s\0]*)7\0,\0/${1}1\0\x30\0\x37\0,\0/; } } print OUT $_; } close OUT;
# Do we have any 55s for the ia64 build? if ($ENV{_BuildArch} =~ /ia64/i) { open OUT, ">$output_file" or die $!; binmode(OUT); for (@lines) { # if (/^\[sourcedisksfiles\.ia64]$/i ... /^\[(?!sourcedisksfiles\.ia64).*\]$/i) Except in unicode... if (/^\0\[\0s\0o\0u\0r\0c\0e\0d\0i\0s\0k\0s\0f\0i\0l\0e\0s\0\.\0i\0a\0\x36\0\x34\0\]\0$\0/i ... /^\0\[\0(?!s\0o\0u\0r\0c\0e\0d\0i\0s\0k\0s\0f\0i\0l\0e\0s\0\.\0i\0a\0\x36\0\x34\0).*\]\0$\0/i) { my ($file) = /^([^\s=]+)/; $file =~ s/\0//g; # Get rid of extra \0s from unicode to compare file name $file =~ /.(.*)$/; # Trim the 1st character
if ($sp{lc $1}) { # s/(=\s*)55,/${1}155,/; Except that its a unicode file, so we've gotta be nasty # = s* 5 5 , ${1}1 5 5 , s/(=[\s\0]*)5\0\x35\0,\0/${1}1\0\x35\0\x35\0,\0/; # s/(=\s*)56,/${1}156,/; Except that its a unicode file, so we've gotta be nasty # = s* 5 6 , ${1}1 5 6 , s/(=[\s\0]*)5\0\x36\0,\0/${1}1\0\x35\0\x36\0,\0/; } } print OUT $_; } close OUT; } }