Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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498 lines
23 KiB

  1. [OS Files - Always Delete]
  2. mfc42loc.dll, INSYSDIR, BINFILEVER("6.00.8168.0"), FILESIZE(0x0000B000), CHECKSUM(0xB9182185)
  3. [Strings]
  4. @*:
  5. @*: Codepage should be changed to the localized language codepage
  6. @*: during localization. This is used to implement the ability to
  7. @*: append/replace inf files at run time based on infs which
  8. @*: were not present when the cd was made.
  9. @*:
  10. codepage=1252
  11. @*:
  12. @*: Adaptec
  13. @*:
  14. Adaptec_Easy_CD_Creator_4 = Adaptec Easy CD Creator
  15. Adaptec_EZ_SCSI = "Adaptec EZ-SCSI 5.0 CD-spelare �r inkompatibel med installationen."
  16. @*:
  17. @*: Adobe
  18. @*:
  19. adobe_type_mgr = "Programmet ATM Control Panel kommer att avinstalleras under uppgraderingen, eftersom Adobe Type Manager-teckensnitt identifieras av Windows XP. N�r uppgraderingen slutf�rts kan du hantera ATM-teckensnitt p� Kontrollpanelen i Windows XP."
  20. @*:
  21. @*: AMI (American Megatrends)
  22. @*:
  23. AMI_HyperDisk = "AMI Hyperdisk RAID Controller"
  24. @*:
  25. @*: Ati
  26. @*:
  27. ATI_Player = "Du kommer inte kunna �ppna MPEG-filer."
  28. @*:
  29. @*: Autodesk
  30. @*:
  31. 3D_Studio_Max_r2_5 = "Windows XP-drivrutiner f�r Sentinel-parallellportskort m�ste installeras efter uppgraderingen. De h�r drivrutinerna finns p� 3D Studio Max-CD:n i mappen Sentinel\Win_nt50 folder. Mer information finns i direkthj�lpen f�r 3D Studio Max."
  32. @*:
  33. @*: Borland
  34. @*:
  35. BCC50_winspctr = "Du kommer inte att kunna anv�nda direkthj�lpen n�r WinSpector k�rs."
  36. borland_turbo_dbg = "Borland Turbo Debugger m�ste installeras om efter uppgraderingen till Windows XP, eftersom programmet anv�nder drivrutiner som inte st�der Windows XP. Innan du uppgraderar b�r du kontrollera produktens dokumentation och se om den st�der Windows NT 4.0 och nyare."
  37. @*:
  38. @*: removed because of 417344
  39. @*:
  40. @*:Borland_DD = "You will encounter display problems while using this program."
  41. @*:Delphi_20 = "You will encounter display problems while using Object Inspector."
  42. qpro56 = "Du kommer inte kunna anv�nda WYSIWYG-l�ge efter uppgraderingen."
  43. @*:
  44. @*: 365466,417537
  45. @*:
  46. BoundsChecker_6.03 = "Bounds Checker 6.03"
  47. @*:
  48. @*: 36434
  49. @*:
  50. BoundsChecker_6.2 = "Bounds Checker 6.2"
  51. @*:
  52. @*: Cheyenne
  53. @*:
  54. Cheyenne_ARCServe_Agent = "Cheyenne Client Agent for Windows 95"
  55. @*:
  56. @*: 356893 - Cirque
  57. @*:
  58. Cirque_Glidepoint="Cirque Glidepoint Touchpad Drivers"
  59. @*:
  60. @*: CosmoPlayer
  61. @*:
  62. CosmoPlayer = "Cosmo Software CosmoPlayer"
  63. @*:
  64. @*: Crystal SoundFusion - 205660
  65. @*:
  66. Crystal_SoundFusion(tm) = "Crystal SoundFusion(tm)"
  67. crystal_soundfusion_msg = "Audio, MIDI och mixer-funktionerna i Crystal Semiconductors SoundFusion(tm) st�ds av Windows XP men accelerationsfunktionerna st�ds inte. Efter uppgraderingen kommer den h�r datorn att ha ljud, men de funktioner som tillhandah�lls av PCI-delen av den h�r enheten kommer inte att vara tillg�ngliga. Kontakta Crystal Semiconductor Corporation om du vill veta mer."
  68. @*:
  69. @*: Corel WordPerfect 8 - 318611
  70. @*:
  71. @*:
  72. @*: removed because of 418320
  73. @*:
  74. @*:COREL_wpwin8 = "After upgrading to Windows XP you will be unable to use macros."
  75. @*:
  76. @*: Dell
  77. @*:
  78. Dell_OpenManage_Client="Dell OpenManage Client"
  79. @*:
  80. @*: NewTek Lightwave 5.5 - 360025
  81. @*:
  82. NewTek_Lightwave_5.5="Windows XP-drivrutiner f�r Windows XP-drivrutiner f�r Sentinel-parallellportskort m�ste ominstalleras efter uppgraderingen om programmet ska kunna k�ras. Drivrutinerna finns p�"
  83. @*:
  84. @*: NTBUG9: eMachines - 307558
  85. @*:
  86. eMachines_Keyboard_Software = "Support f�r eMachines Keyboard Hotbutton"
  87. @*:
  88. @*: HASP - 297408
  89. @*:
  90. HASP = "HASP - s�kerhetsdrivrutiner f�r Windows 9x"
  91. @*:
  92. @*: Helix
  93. @*:
  94. Helix_Nuts_and_Bolts = "Nuts & Bolts"
  95. @*:
  96. @*: Highpoint
  97. @*:
  98. HPT366 = "Highpoint HPT366 Ultra DMA-styrenhet"
  99. @*:
  100. @*: HP
  101. @*:
  102. HP_Brio_Keyboard.Loc = "Hewlett Packard Brio-tangentbord"
  103. hpbriokbd = "Programvaran som st�der Hewlett Packard Brio Keyboard �r inte utvecklad f�r Windows XP. Efter uppgraderingen kommer tangentbordet att fungera korrekt, men knapparna Suspend and Help p� tangentbordet kommer inte att fungera. Kontakta Hewlett Packard f�r att f� uppdaterade filer."
  104. HP_Multimedia_Keyboard.Loc = "Hewlett Packard Multimedia Keyboard"
  105. hpmmkbd = "Programvaran som st�der Hewlett Packard Multimedia Keyboard utvecklades inte f�r Windows XP. De ut�kade funktionerna kommer inte att fungera efter uppgraderingen. Kontakta Hewlett Packard f�r att f� uppdaterad programvara."
  106. HP_Registration_Wizard = "HP Personal Guide and Registration Wizard"
  107. @*:
  108. @*: IBM
  109. @*:
  110. ibmaptezkbd = "Programvaran som tillhandah�ller den ut�kade funktionaliteten i IBM Aptiva Keyboard utvecklades f�r Windows 95. Kontakta IBM f�r att f� Windows XP-kompatibel programvara."
  111. IBM_Aptiva_Extended_Keyboard = "IBM Aptiva Extended Keyboard"
  112. @*:
  113. @*: Iomega
  114. @*:
  115. Iomega_Tools = "Iomega Zip Software"
  116. Iomega_Tools_Msg = "Du kommer att beh�va en ny version av programvaran Iomega Zip som st�der Windows XP. G� till <A HREF=""""></A> och h�mta ny programvara."
  117. IOMEGA_CLIK = "Gr�nssnitt f�r Iomega Clik!-parallellport "
  118. @*:
  119. @*: Kensington
  120. @*:
  121. Kensington_Input_Device = "Indatadrivrutiner f�r Kensington (MouseWorks eller Webracer)"
  122. @*:
  123. @*: Logitech
  124. @*:
  125. Logitech_WingMan_3.25 = "Logitech WingMan 3.25"
  126. Logitech_Mouseware = "Logitech Mouseware Drivers"
  127. @*:
  128. @*: Lotus
  129. @*:
  130. Lotus_SmartSuite_96 = "Lotus SmartSuite"
  131. lotus_ssuite_96 = "Om du vill uppn� maximal kompatibilitet med Microsoft Windows XP, rekommenderas du att uppgradera till Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition 9.5 eller senare. Anv�ndare som bor i USA kan uppgradera den h�r versionen av SmartSuite genom att ringa 1-800-343-5414. Anv�ndare som bor utanf�r USA kan kontakta n�rmaste �terf�rs�ljare. Du kan �ven kontakta Lotus genom att bes�ka deras hemsida p� adressen\home.nsf\welcome\customerservice."
  132. @*:
  133. @*: Mayo Clinic
  134. @*:
  135. mayo_clinic = "Mindre allvarliga bildsk�rmsproblem kan uppst� n�r det h�r programmet anv�nds."
  136. @*:
  137. @*: Mediamatics
  138. @*:
  139. Mediamatics_MPEG_VideoCD_Player = "Det h�r programmet kanske anv�nder skiljetecken ist�llet f�r bokst�ver vid visning av enhetslistan."
  140. @*:
  141. @*: Micrographx - disabled (416718)
  142. @*:
  143. @*: mgxs3d2 = "Micrografx Simply 3D 2 displays an incorrect error message when starting. You can safely ignore the message. Contact Micrografx for updated files."
  144. @*:
  145. @*: Microsoft
  146. @*:
  147. msasimov = "Helsk�rmsl�ge kommer inte att fungera korrekt n�r du uppgraderat till Windows XP."
  148. msbhuman = "Du m�ste inaktivera helsk�rmsanimationer n�r installationen har slutf�rts."
  149. msgolf3 = "Kanske uppst�r bildsk�rmsproblem n�r du konfigurerar spel med flera deltagare."
  150. msbasket = "Videodelen i det h�r programmet fungerar inte med Windows XP."
  151. odbc25 = "Du kommer inte att kunna anv�nda hj�lpen n�r du k�r 16-bitars administrat�rsprogrammet."
  152. Microsoft_Proxy_Client_1.0 = "Microsoft Proxy-klient"
  153. Microsoft_Proxy_Client_2.0 = "Microsoft Proxy-klient"
  154. MSFURY3 = "Helsk�rmsl�ge kommer inte att fungera korrekt n�r du uppgraderat till Windows XP."
  155. Microsoft_FrontPage_98 = "Microsoft FrontPage 98"
  156. msmoney97 = "Du m�ste installera om dina Microsoft Money 97-alternativ f�r Home banking efter att uppgraderingen slutf�rts."
  157. Microsoft_Outlook_2000 = "Microsoft Outlook 2000"
  158. Microsoft_Network_2 = "The Microsoft Network"
  159. Microsoft_Network_5 = "The Microsoft Network"
  160. Microsoft_Windows_CE_Services = "Windows CE Services"
  161. Microsoft_Windows_CE_Help = "Uppdaterad programvara beh�vs f�r Windows CE-enheten. Innan du uppgraderar till Windows XP kan du g� till <A HREF=""""></A> och bes�ka produktsidan f�r Windows CE."
  162. Microsoft_SQL_Server_7.0 = "Microsoft SQL Server 7.0"
  163. Microsoft_Windows_Messaging = "Microsoft Exchange - inkorg"
  164. mswms = "Din Microsoft Exchange-inkorg kommer inte att fungera efter att installationen �r klar. Du kan anv�nda Microsoft Outlook Express ist�llet."
  165. msol2000 = "Du m�ste installera om Microsoft Outlook 2000 efter att installationsprogrammet f�r Windows XP slutf�rts. Starta Outlook f�r att utf�ra ominstallationen. Om Outlook 2000 �r en del av din startmapp kommer ominstallationen att starta automatiskt f�rsta g�ngen du loggar in p� Windows XP. Ominstallationen tar ett tag och f�rloppsindikatorn b�rjar om flera g�nger."
  166. SBSFaxClient_45 = "Microsoft Fax Server Client"
  167. SBSFaxClient_45Msg.1 = "Ditt nuvarande faxprogram fr�n Microsoft (Small Business Server 4.5 Fax Client) kommer inte att fungera efter uppgradering till Windoxs XP. Avinstallera programmet med hj�lp av L�gg till eller ta bort program i Kontrollpanelen och starta sedan om uppgraderingen. F�r att du ska kunna anv�nda det h�r faxprogrammet efter uppgradering till Windows XP m�ste du h�mta den uppdaterade versionen av programmet."
  168. SBSFaxClient_45Msg.2 = "Den uppdaterade versionen finns p� <A HREF=></A>. Du kommer att beh�va omkonfigurera de nuvarande faxinst�llningarna till de som g�ller f�r den h�r versionen av programmet."
  169. SBSFaxClient_50 = "Microsoft Shared Fax Client"
  170. SBSFaxClient_50Msg = "Ditt nuvarande faxprogram fr�n Microsoft mer inte att vara tillg�nglig efter uppgradering till Windoxs XP och kommer att ers�ttas av Windows XP Fax. Avinstallera programmet med hj�lp av L�gg till eller ta bort program i Kontrollpanelen och starta sedan om uppgraderingen. Dina nuvarande faxinst�llningar och data kommer att sparas och kan anv�nda Windows XP Fax f�r att f� tillg�ng till dina nuvarande faxservrar efter uppgraderingen."
  171. @*:
  172. @*: Mijenix
  173. @*:
  174. fs10 = "Mijenix Free Space anv�nder en annan komprimeringsmetod under Windows XP. Om du vill f�rs�kra dig om att inte f�rlora data vid uppgraderingen, m�ste du expandera filer och mappar som komprimerats med Free Space och sedan avinstallera produkten. Efter att �verflyttningen �r klar, kan du installera om Free Space och anv�nda det p� normalt s�tt."
  175. @*:
  176. @*: Norton
  177. @*:
  178. yeo = "Norton Your Eyes Only kan orsaka allvarliga problem under uppgraderingen till Windows XP. P� grund av dessa inkompatibiliteter m�ste du avinstallera det h�r programmet fr�n systemet innan du forts�tter."
  179. @*:
  180. @*: Packard Bell Navigator Assistant
  181. @*:
  182. Mouse_Suite = "IBM Mouse Valueadd-programvara"
  183. PB_Nav_Assistant = "Vissa delar av det h�r programmet kommer inte att fungera korrekt efter uppgraderingen. Till exempel, m�jligheten att �ppna program efter att knappen ""Software"" tryckts ner kommer att g� f�rlorad."
  184. @*:
  185. @*: Novell.
  186. @*:
  187. Novell_Groupwise_5 = "Novell Groupwise Version 5"
  188. @*:
  189. @*: Peachtree Software, Inc.
  190. @*:
  191. ptacc60 = "Efter uppgraderingen till Windows XP kommer du inte att kunna anv�nda hj�lpen i det h�r programmet. Om du installerar om Peachtree Accounting kommer problemet att l�sas."
  192. @*:
  193. @*: PowerQuest
  194. @*:
  195. Power_Quest_Boot_Magic="PowerQuest BootMagic"
  196. Power_Quest_Partition_Magic_4="PowerQuest PartitionMagic 4"
  197. Power_Quest_Partition_Magic_5.0="PowerQuest PartitionMagic 5.0"
  198. @*:
  199. @*: V Communications
  200. @*:
  201. sc40 = "System Commander kan orsaka allvarliga problem under uppgraderingen till Windows XP. P� grund av det m�ste du avinstallera System Commander innan du forts�tter uppgraderingen."
  202. @*:
  203. @*: Quarterdeck
  204. @*:
  205. Quarterdeck_Clean_Sweep_40 = "Quarterdeck Clean Sweep 4.0"
  206. @*:
  207. @*: **** Misc apps ****
  208. @*:
  209. Agate_Technologies_Tioman_ProSwap = "Agat� Technologies Tioman ProSwap"
  210. America_Online_3 = "America Online 3.0"
  211. America_Online_4 = "America Online 4.0"
  212. Compaq_Intelligent_Manageability = "Compaq Intelligent Manageability"
  213. Compuserve_4 = "Compuserve 4.0"
  214. CI5="Det h�r programmet kan orsaka allvarliga problem under uppgraderingen till Windows XP. P� grund av detta m�ste du avinstallera ControlIt innan du forts�tter. Du kan installera om programmet igen n�r uppgraderingen har slutf�rts."
  215. dashboard_95="Vissa delar av Dashboard 95 st�der inte Windows XP. N�r installationen slutf�rts kommer du inte kunna anv�nda panelerna Programs eller Win Tools. Vissa ikoner kommer kanske inte heller att visas i snabbstartf�ltet i Dashboard."
  216. Puma_Technology_Intellisync = "Puma Technology Intellisync"
  217. stbvision95 = "Verktyget STB Vision 95 som medf�ljade grafikkortet st�der inte Windows XP. Grafikkortet kommer att fungera korrekt, men du kommer inte kunna anv�nda det h�r verktyget."
  218. HP_Message_Board = "Funktionen Learn About HP Message Board (som inneh�ller sj�lvstudierna) i programmet st�der inte Windows XP."
  219. Videobrush_Whiteboard="Du kommer inte att kunna anv�nda AVI-filer som indata."
  220. v3pro98 ="Det h�r viruskontrollprogrammet kan orsaka allvarliga problem under uppgraderingen till Windows XP. Du m�ste avinstallera V3 Professional 98 innan du forts�tter."
  221. Mortice_Kern_Systems_Toolkit_6.2 = "MKS Toolkit"
  222. Phoenix_BaySwap = "BaySwap kommer att tas bort under uppgraderingen till Windows XP. BaySwap ers�tts av funktioner som ing�r i Windows XP."
  223. PowerDesk_98_FileFinder = "Mijenix PowerDesk 98"
  224. pdesk98ff = "PowerDesk File Finder kommer inte att kunna visa sin Viewer Pane p� Windows XP."
  225. Creative_Labs_SB_Accessories = "Tillbeh�r till Creative Labs SoundBlaster"
  226. Logitech_Mouseware_Control_Center = "Logitech Mouseware-kontrollcenter"
  227. Panda_Antivirus="Panda Antivirus"
  228. Reachout_Enterprise_8.01 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
  229. Reachout_Enterprise_8.02 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
  230. Reachout_Enterprise_8.41 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
  231. Reachout_Enterprise_8.42 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
  232. SCM_USB_Compact_Flash = "L�sare f�r SCM/Memorex USB CompactFlash-kort"
  233. Sony_Digital_Video = "Program f�r Sony Digital Video"
  234. Sony_Media_Bar = "Sony Media Bar"
  235. Sony_Notebook_Setup = "Installation av Sony Notebook"
  236. Sony_Picture_Gear = "Sony PictureGear"
  237. Sony_Programmable_Power_Key = "Programmerbar Sony Power Key"
  238. Sony_Smart_Capture = "Sony Smart Capture"
  239. Dr_Solomon_AntiVirus = "Dr. Solomon's AntiVirus"
  240. SystemSoft_VoiceView_Customer_Support = "Program f�r SystemSoft VoiceView-kundsupport"
  241. Traveling_Software_LapLink_2000_3.0 = "Laplink 2000"
  242. Trend_Micro_Virus_Buster = "Trend Micro Virus Buster"
  243. WUCUN_TS_JOBFILE = "Meddelande om viktigt Windows-uppdatering.job"
  244. HPOneTouchApp="HP OneTouch"
  245. HPONETOUCHCOMPATMSG="HP OneTouch har k�nda kompatibilitetsproblem med den h�r Windows-versionen. Om du vill ha mer information om det h�r programmet kan du bes�ka <A ID=""HPUrl"" HREF="""" TITLE=""G� till"" target=""_new"">Hewlett Packards webbplats</a>."
  246. PQSecondChance = "Power Quest Second Chance"
  247. Silicon_Motion_Control_Utility = "Silicon Motion Control Utility"
  248. @*:
  249. @*: WinXP Bug# 402083
  250. @*: This string is in a Silent Uninstall Section so it does not appear in the report
  251. @*: The app is being auto-uninstalled, as 3Com no longer supports it on any OS
  252. @*: and they have specifically requested we not direct customers to them for updates
  253. @*:
  254. 3Com_NIC_Diagnostics="3Com_NIC_Diagnostics"
  255. @*:
  256. @*: **** Misc devices ****
  257. @*:
  258. ati_mach_64 = "Ditt ATI Mach 64VT-grafikkort har ut�kat funktioner f�r Kontrollpanelen och Enhetshanteraren p� s�tt som bara fungerar p� Windows 95 och Windows 98. Kontakta ATI och be om en uppdaterad drivrutin f�r Windows XP."
  259. AdB_Multi_Wave_Digital_Dev = "Multi!Wav PRO Series (en multimedieenhet)"
  260. condev = "En inkompatibilitet mellan videokortet och datorns moderkort har uppt�ckts. P� grund av detta kan datorn inte starta efter uppgraderingen. Kontakta maskinvarutillverkaren om du beh�ver hj�lp."
  261. Diamond_Monster_Control_Panel="Kontrollpanel f�r Diamond Monster Sound II"
  262. @*:
  263. @*: **** DVD Movie Players ***
  264. @*:
  265. ATI_3.1_DVD_Player = "ATI Multimedia Center"
  266. Chromatic_mpact_DVD = "Chromatic Mpact DVD-filmspelare"
  267. Creative_DXR3_DVD_Player = "Creative DXR3 DVD-filmspelare"
  268. Creative_Labs_DVD_Player = "Creative Labs DVD-filmspelare"
  269. CyberLink_Power_DVD = "CyberLink Power DVD-filmspelare"
  270. Diamond_DVD_Navigator = "Diamond DVD-navigat�r"
  271. Divicore_Decoder = "Divicore DVD-filmspelare"
  272. Electronic_Arts_DVD_Player = "Electronic Arts DVD-spelare"
  273. Intervideo_WinDVD = "Intervideo WinDVD-filmspelare"
  274. LuxSonor_Inc_DVD = "LuxSonor Inc. DVD-filmspelare"
  275. LuxSonor_Creative_Mix = "DVD-filmspelare"
  276. Margi_DVD-to-Go = "Margi DVD-to-Go-filmspelare"
  277. Mediamatics_Inc_DVD_Player = "Mediamatics Inc. DVD-filmspelare"
  278. MGI_DVD_Max = "MGI DVD Max-filmspelare"
  279. @*:
  280. @*: 421357:
  281. @*:
  282. Nec_Z1_DVD = "NEC DVD-videospelare"
  283. @*:
  284. Quadrant_International_DVD_Player = "Quadrant Intl. DV-filmspelare"
  285. Ravisent_DVD_Player = "Ravisent DVD-spelare"
  286. Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Hollywood_Plus = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Hollywood Plus"
  287. Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Ventura = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Ventura"
  288. Software_Dynamics_DVD_Player = "Software Dynamics DVD-filmspelare"
  289. Sony_DVD_Player = "Sony DVD-filmspelare"
  290. Sony_DVD_Player_2 = "Sony Media Bar DVD-filmspelare"
  291. @*:
  292. @*: 353805,417537
  293. @*:
  294. Symantec_InternetFastFind = "Internet FastFind"
  295. @*:
  296. Toshiba_DVD_player = "Toshiba DVD-filmspelare"
  297. VaroVision_DVD_Player = "VaroVision DVD-filmspelare"
  298. Xing_DVD_Player_v1 = "Xing DVD-filmsspelare"
  299. Xing_DVD_Player_v2 = "Xing DVD-filmsspelare"
  300. Zoran_SoftDVD_Player = "Zoran SoftDVD-filmspelare"
  301. @*:
  302. @*:
  303. @*: Imaging Device Software
  304. @*:
  305. Contact_Manufacturer_MSG = "Den drivrutin som f�r n�rvarande �r installerad f�r enheten kanske inte �r den senaste versionen. Kontakta tillverkaren och be om en uppdaterad drivrutin."
  306. Kodak_DC240_DC280 = "Kodak DC 240/280 ZOOM Acquire"
  307. Pacific_Imaging_630P = "Pacific Imaging 630P"
  308. Epson_TWAIN = "Epson TWAIN"
  309. Foto_BEE = "I/O Magic 420 Foto Bee-programvara"
  310. Umax_Astra_Cam = "UMAX Astra Cam"
  311. HP_5200C = "HP Precision Scan"
  312. Kodak_DC265 = "Kodak DC 265 ZOOM Acquire"
  313. Artec_Viewstation_AS6E = "Artec Viewstation AS6E"
  314. @*:
  315. @*: Screen savers
  316. @*:
  318. @*: These are the names of the files for US Win95 and Win98. If the names are localized on Win95 (Win98),
  319. @*: or have different names, please change accordingly.
  320. @*:
  321. SS3DFOB = "3D-flygande objekt.scr"
  322. SS3DFLB = "3D-f�rvandlaren.scr"
  323. SS3DMAZ = "3D-labyrint.scr"
  324. SS3DTEX = "3D-text.scr"
  325. SSCUCOL = "Kurvor och f�rger.scr"
  326. SSFLYTS = "Flyga genom rymden.scr"
  327. SSMMIND = "Mystify.scr"
  328. SSSCROL = "Rullande remsa.scr"
  329. SS3DFOB98 = "3D-flygande objekt.scr"
  330. SS3DFLB98 = "3D-f�rvandlaren.scr"
  331. SS3DMAZ98 = "3D-labyrint.scr"
  332. SS3DTEX98 = "3D-text.scr"
  333. SSCUCOL98 = "Kurvor och f�rger.scr"
  334. SSFLYTS98 = "Flyga genom rymden.scr"
  335. SSMMIND98 = "Mystify.scr"
  336. SSSCROL98 = "Rullande remsa.scr"
  337. @*:
  338. @*: Active desktop wallpapers
  339. @*:
  341. @*: These are the names of the files used as Active desktop wallpapers for both Win98 and NT.
  342. @*: These are HTM files located in %windir%\web\wallpaper directory.
  343. @*: If the names are localized or have different names, please change accordingly.
  344. @*:
  345. ActiveDesktopWallpaper9x = "windows98.htm"
  346. ActiveDesktopWallpaperNT = "Windows 2000.jpg"
  347. @*:
  348. @*: This is Accessories folder from within Program Files (e.g. C:\Program Files\Accessories).
  349. @*: Do not touch if not localized for your language.
  350. @*:
  351. Accessories = Tillbeh�r
  352. @*:
  353. @*: After you install IE5 from Microsoft Web page, there will be a directory created
  354. @*: (usually called "Windows Update Setup Files") which has some backup files. Inside this
  355. @*: folder there is a file called "This folder is safe to delete.txt". Please replace the
  356. @*: name with the localized one on your build (if appropriate).
  357. @*:
  358. SafeToDeleteFile = "Den h�r mappen f�r raderas.txt"
  359. @*:
  360. @*: Online_Services is the name of the directory created on the desktop that has LNKs
  361. @*: to connect to various online services.
  362. @*: About_Online_Services is the name of a TXT file named (on US systems) "About The Online
  363. @*: Services.txt".
  364. @*: Please localize accordingly. (If the dir or file does not exist, please don't touch).
  365. About_Online_Services = Om Onlinetj�nster.txt
  366. Online_Services = Onlinetj�nster
  367. @*:
  368. @*: When a user installs Plus!98 on a machine several new screen savers are installed. The next entries
  369. @*: are part of the fix needed to make those screen savers work. The screen savers involved are (US names):
  370. @*: Architecture.scr
  371. @*: Science Fiction (high color).scr
  372. @*: Falling Leaves (high color).scr
  373. @*: Geometry (high color).scr
  374. @*: Rock-n-Roll (high color).scr
  375. @*:
  376. @*: Each screen saver has a corresponding SCN file usually located somewhere in %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes
  377. @*: For example the SCN file for Architecture.SCR is %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes\Architec\Architec.scn.
  378. @*:
  379. @*: The SCN files have a section called (US name) "Description" and a key in that section called "Name".
  380. @*: the CA_SCR_SECTION and CA_SCR_KEY keys below need to be modified if either the section or the key are localized.
  381. @*: IMPORTANT! Please do not use quotes!!!!
  382. @*:
  383. @*: The CA_SCR_Archit_LONG item below is the name of the "Architecture" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  384. @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  385. @*: The CA_SCR_Archit_SHORT item below is the name of the "Architecture" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  386. @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  387. @*:
  388. @*: The CA_SCR_SciFi_LONG item below is the name of the "Science Fiction (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  389. @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  390. @*: The CA_SCR_SciFi_SHORT item below is the name of the "Science Fiction (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  391. @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  392. @*:
  393. @*: The CA_SCR_FallingL_LONG item below is the name of the "Falling Leaves (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  394. @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  395. @*: The CA_SCR_FallingL_SHORT item below is the name of the "Falling Leaves (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  396. @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  397. @*:
  398. @*: The CA_SCR_Geometry_LONG item below is the name of the "Geometry (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  399. @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  400. @*: The CA_SCR_Geometry_SHORT item below is the name of the "Geometry (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  401. @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  402. @*:
  403. @*: The CA_SCR_RockRoll_LONG item below is the name of the "Rock-n-Roll (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  404. @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  405. @*: The CA_SCR_RockRoll_SHORT item below is the name of the "Rock-n-Roll (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
  406. @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
  407. @*:
  408. @*:
  409. CA_SCR_SECTION = Beskrivning
  410. CA_SCR_KEY = Namn
  411. CA_SCR_Archit_LONG = Arkitektur
  412. CA_SCR_Archit_SHORT = ARKITE~1
  413. CA_SCR_SciFi_LONG = Science Fiction (high color)
  414. CA_SCR_SciFi_SHORT = SCIENC~1
  415. CA_SCR_FallingL_LONG = Falling Leaves (high color)
  416. CA_SCR_FallingL_SHORT = FALLIN~1
  417. CA_SCR_Geometry_LONG = Geometry (high color)
  418. CA_SCR_Geometry_SHORT = GEOMET~1
  419. CA_SCR_RockRoll_LONG = Rock-n-Roll (high color)
  420. CA_SCR_RockRoll_SHORT = ROCK-N~1
  421. @*:
  422. @*: Localized screen saver names -- localize to match Win9x
  423. @*:
  424. Scr_Dangerous_Creatures = "Dangerous Creatures.scr"
  425. Scr_Inside_your_Computer = "I din dator.scr"
  426. Scr_Leonardo_da_Vinci = "Leonardo da Vinci.scr"
  427. Scr_The_60s_USA = "The 60's.scr"
  428. Scr_The_Golden_Era = "De gyllene �ren.scr"
  429. Scr_Underwater = "Havens djup.scr"
  430. Scr_Windows_95 = "Windows 95.scr"
  431. Scr_Windows_98 = "Windows 98.scr"
  432. Scr_Baseball = "Baseball.scr"
  433. Scr_Jungle = "Djungel.scr"
  434. Scr_Mystery = "Mysterium.scr"
  435. Scr_Nature = "Natur.scr"
  436. Scr_Space = "Rymd.scr"
  437. Scr_Sports = "Sport.scr"
  438. Scr_Travel = "Resande.scr"