[OS Files - Always Delete] mfc42loc.dll, INSYSDIR, BINFILEVER("6.00.8168.0"), FILESIZE(0x0000B000), CHECKSUM(0xB9182185)
[Strings] @*: @*: Codepage should be changed to the localized language codepage @*: during localization. This is used to implement the ability to @*: append/replace inf files at run time based on infs which @*: were not present when the cd was made. @*: codepage=1254 @*: @*: Adaptec @*: Adaptec_Easy_CD_Creator_4 = Adaptec Easy CD Creator Adaptec_EZ_SCSI = "Adaptec EZ-SCSI 5.0 CD �alar y�kleme ile uyumsuz." @*: @*: Adobe @*: adobe_type_mgr = "Adobe Type Manager yaz� tipleri Windows XP taraf�ndan tan�nd���ndan, y�kseltme s�ras�nda, Kur ATM Denetim Masas� program�n� kald�r�r. Y�kseltmenin ard�ndan, ATM yaz� tiplerini Windows XP Denetim Masas�'n� kullanarak y�netin." @*: @*: AMI (American Megatrends) @*: AMI_HyperDisk = "AMI Hyperdisk RAID Denetleyicisi" @*: @*: Ati @*: ATI_Player = "MPEG dosyalar�n� a�amayacaks�n�z." @*: @*: Autodesk @*: 3D_Studio_Max_r2_5 = "Sentinel paralel ba�lant� noktas� ba�da�t�r�c�s� Windows XP s�r�c�leri y�kseltmenin ard�ndan yeniden y�klenmelidir. Bu s�r�c�leri, 3D Studio Max CD'sinde Sentinel\Win_nt50 klas�r�nde bulabilirsiniz. Ek y�nergeleri 3D Studio Max Yard�m�nda bulabilirsiniz." @*: @*: Borland @*: BCC50_winspctr = "WinSpector'u �al��t�r�rken Yard�m'� kullanamazs�n�z." borland_turbo_dbg = "Windows XP'yi desteklemeyen s�r�c�ler kulland���ndan, Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra Borland Turbo Debugger'� yeniden y�klemelisiniz . Y�kseltmeden �nce, Windows NT 4.0 ve y�kse�ini destekleyip desteklemedi�ini ��renmek i�in �r�n kutusuna bak�n." @*: @*: removed because of 417344 @*: @*:Borland_DD = "You will encounter display problems while using this program." @*:Delphi_20 = "You will encounter display problems while using Object Inspector." qpro56 = "Y�kseltmenin ard�ndan WYSIWYG modu kullanamazs�n�z." @*: @*: 365466,417537 @*: BoundsChecker_6.03 = "Bounds Checker 6.03" @*: @*: 36434 @*: BoundsChecker_6.2 = "S�n�r Denetleyicisi 6.03" @*: @*: Cheyenne @*: Cheyenne_ARCServe_Agent = "Cheyenne Client Agent for Windows 95" @*: @*: 356893 - Cirque @*: Cirque_Glidepoint="Cirque Glidepoint Touchpad S�r�c�leri" @*: @*: CosmoPlayer @*: CosmoPlayer = "Cosmo Software CosmoPlayer" @*: @*: Crystal SoundFusion - 205660 @*: Crystal_SoundFusion(tm) = "Crystal SoundFusion(tm)" crystal_soundfusion_msg = "Crystal Semiconductor'�n SoundFusion(tm) ses, MIDI ve kar��t�r�c� �zellikleri Windows XP taraf�ndan desteklense de ivme �zellikleri desteklenmez. Y�kseltmenin ard�ndan bilgisayar�n�z ses �zelli�i olacak; ancak bu ayg�t�n PCI b�l�m�hce sa�lanan �zellikler kullan�lamaz. Crystal Semiconductor Corporation'la temasa ge�ip ek bilgi edinin." @*: @*: Corel WordPerfect 8 - 318611 @*: @*: @*: removed because of 418320 @*: @*:COREL_wpwin8 = "After upgrading to Windows XP you will be unable to use macros." @*: @*: Dell @*: Dell_OpenManage_Client="Dell OpenManage �stemcisi" @*: @*: NewTek Lightwave 5.5 - 360025 @*: NewTek_Lightwave_5.5="Uygulaman�n ba�lat�lmas� i�in Sentinel paralel ba�lant� noktas� donan�m kilidi Windows XP s�r�c�leri y�kseltmenin ard�ndan yeniden y�klenmelidir. Bu s�r�c�leri, a�a��daki adreste bulabilirsiniz: http://www.rainbow.com/tech/pub/release/system_drivers/sysdrvr.exe" @*: @*: NTBUG9: eMachines - 307558 @*: eMachines_Keyboard_Software = "eMachines Klavye Hotbutton Support" @*: @*: HASP - 297408 @*: HASP = "HASP - Windows 9x G�venlik S�r�c�leri" @*: @*: Helix @*: Helix_Nuts_and_Bolts = "Nas�l �al���r" @*: @*: Highpoint @*: HPT366 = "Highpoint HPT366 Ultra DMA Denetleyicisi" @*: @*: HP @*: HP_Brio_Keyboard.Loc = "Hewlett Packard Brio Klavyesi" hpbriokbd = "Hewlett Packard Brio Klavyeyi destekleyen yaz�l�m Windows XP i�in tasar�mlanmam��. Y�kseltmenin ard�ndan klavye do�ru �ekilde �al��sa da klavyedeki Suspend ile Help d��meleri i�e kullan�lamaz. G�ncelle�tirme i�in Hewlett Packard'la temasa ge�in." HP_Multimedia_Keyboard.Loc = "Hewlett Packard �oklu Ortam Klavyesi" hpmmkbd = "Hewlett Packard �oklu Ortam Klavyesi'ni destekleyen yaz�l�m Windows XP i�in tasar�mlanmam��. Y�kseltmenin ard�ndan geni�letilmi� �zellikler �al��maz. G�ncelle�tirilmi� yaz�l�m� edinmek i�in Hewlett Packard'la temasa ge�in." HP_Registration_Wizard = "HP Personal Guide and Registration Wizard" @*: @*: IBM @*: ibmaptezkbd = "IBM Aptiva Klavye'nin geni�letilmi� kullan�m �zelli�i. Windows 95 i�in tasar�mlanm��. IBM'le temasa ge�ip Windows XP'de �al��an yaz�l�m� edinin." IBM_Aptiva_Extended_Keyboard = "IBM Aptiva Geni�letilmi� Klavye" @*: @*: Iomega @*: Iomega_Tools = "Iomega Zip Yaz�l�m�" Iomega_Tools_Msg = "Iomega Zip Software'in Windows XP'yi destekleyen yeni s�r�m�ne gerek var. Bu adrese gidip <A HREF=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=1797"">www.iomega.com</A> yeni yaz�l�m� indirin." IOMEGA_CLIK = "Iomega Clik! Paralel Ba�lant� Noktas� Arabirimi" @*: @*: Kensington @*: Kensington_Input_Device = "Kensington (MouseWorks or Webracer) Girdi S�r�c�leri" @*: @*: Logitech @*: Logitech_WingMan_3.25 = "Logitech WingMan 3.25" Logitech_Mouseware = "Logitech MouseWare S�r�c�leri" @*: @*: Lotus @*: Lotus_SmartSuite_96 = "Lotus SmartSuite" lotus_ssuite_96 = "For optimum compatibility with the Microsoft Windows XP operating system, Lotus recommends that you upgrade to Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition 9.5 or later. To upgrade to this version of SmartSuite, in the U.S. call 1-800-343-5414. Outside the U.S. please contact your local Customer Service representative. You can also contact us via the Web at www.lotus.com\home.nsf\welcome\customerservice." @*: @*: Mayo Clinic @*: mayo_clinic = "Bu program� kullan�rken �nemsiz g�r�nt� sorunlar�yla kar��la��rs�n�z." @*: @*: Mediamatics @*: Mediamatics_MPEG_VideoCD_Player = "Bu program, s�r�c� listesini g�r�nt�lerken harf yerine noktalama i�aretlerini kullanabilir." @*: @*: Micrographx - disabled (416718) @*: @*: mgxs3d2 = "Micrografx Simply 3D 2 displays an incorrect error message when starting. You can safely ignore the message. Contact Micrografx for updated files." @*: @*: Microsoft @*: msasimov = "Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra tam ekran modu do�ru �al��m�yor." msbhuman = "Kur tamamland�ktan sonra tam ekran animasyon �zelli�ini devre d��� b�rakmal�s�n�z." msgolf3 = "�ok oyunculu oyunlar� yap�land�r�rken g�r�nt� sorunuyla kar��la�abilirsiniz." msbasket = "Bu program�n video b�l�mleri Windows XP ile �al��maz." odbc25 = "16 bitY�netici program�n� kullan�rken Yard�m'� kullanamazs�n�z." Microsoft_Proxy_Client_1.0 = "Microsoft Proxy �stemci" Microsoft_Proxy_Client_2.0 = "Microsoft Proxy �stemci" MSFURY3 = "Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra tam ekran kipi d�zg�n �al��m�yor." Microsoft_FrontPage_98 = "Microsoft FrontPage 98" msmoney97 = "Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra Microsft Money 97 program�n�n Home Banking se�ene�ini yeniden y�klemeniz gerekir." Microsoft_Outlook_2000 = "Microsoft Outlook 2000" Microsoft_Network_2 = "The Microsoft Network" Microsoft_Network_5 = "The Microsoft Network" Microsoft_Windows_CE_Services = "Windows CE Hizmetleri" Microsoft_Windows_CE_Help = "Windows CE ayg�t�n�z i�in g�ncelle�tirilmi� yaz�l�m gerekli. Windows XP'ye y�kseltmeden �nce <A HREF=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=1798"">www.microsoft.com</A> web sitesine gidip Windows CE �r�n sayfas�n� ziyaret edin." Microsoft_SQL_Server_7.0 = "Microsoft SQL Server 7.0" Microsoft_Windows_Messaging = "Microsoft Exchange Gelen Kutusu" mswms = "Size ait Microsoft Exchange Gelen Kutusu, Kur tamamland�ktan sonra �al��maz. Bunun yerine Microsoft Outlook Express'i kullansan�z iyi olur." msol2000 = "Windows XP Kur tamamland�ktan sonra Microsoft Outlook 2000'i yeniden y�klemeniz gerekir. Bunu yapmak i�in Outlook'u ba�lat�n. Outlook 2000, Ba�lang�� klas�r�n�z�n bir ��esiyse, yeniden y�kleme Windows XP'de oturum a�t���n�zda otomatik olarak ba�lat�l�r. Yeniden y�kleme i�lemi biraz uzun s�rer; ilerleme �ubu�u birka� defa yeniden ba�lat�l�r." SBSFaxClient_45 = "Microsoft Fax Server �stemcisi" SBSFaxClient_45Msg.1 = "Varolan faks uygulaman�z (Small Business Server 4.5 Fax Client) Windows XP'ye y�kseltmeden sonra �al��mayacak. L�tfen Denetim Masas� Program Ekle/Kald�r'dan bu program� kald�r�m y�kseltmeyi yeniden ba�lat�n. Bu faks uygulamas�n� kullanmak i�in Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra kullanmak i�in uygulaman�n g�ncellenmi� s�r�m�n� y�klemeniz gerekecek." SBSFaxClient_45Msg.2 = "Bu y�kseltilmi� s�r�m <A HREF=http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=818>http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=818</A> adresinde bulunabilir. Uygulaman�n bu s�r�m� i�in varolan faks ayarlar�n�z� yeniden yap�land�rman�z gerekecek." SBSFaxClient_50 = "Microsoft Payla��lan Faks �stemcisi" SBSFaxClient_50Msg = "Varolan Microsoft faks uygulaman�z Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra kullan�lamayacak ve Windows XP Faks ile de�i�tirilecek.Denetim Masas�'ndan Program Ekle/Kald�r'� kullanarak bu faks uygulamas�n� kald�r�n ve y�kseltmeyi yeniden ba�lat�n. Ger�erli faks ayarlar�n�z ve verileriniz kaydedilecek ve y�kseltmeden sonra Windows XP Faks'� varolan faks sunucunuza eri�im i�in kullanabileceksiniz."
@*: @*: Mijenix @*: fs10 = "Mijenix Free Space, Windows XP �zerinde farkl� bir s�k��t�rma y�ntemi kullan�r. Y�kseltme s�ras�nda veri kaybettemek i�in Free Space'le s�k��t�r�lm�� dosya ve klas�rleri a��p �r�n� kald�r�n. Ge�i� tamamland�ktan sonra Free Space'i yeniden y�kleyip ola�an bir �ekilde kullanabilirsiniz." @*: @*: Norton @*: yeo = "Norton Your Eyes Only, Windows XP'ye y�kseltme s�ras�nda �nemli sorunlara neden olabilir. Bu uyumsuzluklar nedeniyle, devam etmeden �nce bu program� sisteminizden kald�rman�z gerekir." @*: @*: Packard Bell Navigator Assistant @*: Mouse_Suite = "IBM Mouse Valueadd Yaz�l�m�" PB_Nav_Assistant = "Bu uygulaman�n baz� b�l�mlerini y�kseltmeden sonra do�ru �ekilde �al��maz. �rne�in, ""Software"" d��mesini t�klatt�ktan sonra yaz�l�m uygulamalar�n� a�ma becerisi kaybolur." @*: @*: Novell. @*: Novell_Groupwise_5 = "Novell Groupwise Version 5" @*: @*: Peachtree Software, Inc. @*: ptacc60 = "Windows XP'ye y�kselttikten sonra bu program�n i�inden yard�ma eri�emezsiniz. Peachtree Accounting'i yeniden y�klemek bu sorunu ��zer." @*: @*: PowerQuest @*: Power_Quest_Boot_Magic="PowerQuest BootMagic" Power_Quest_Partition_Magic_4="PowerQuest PartitionMagic 4" Power_Quest_Partition_Magic_5.0="PowerQuest PartitionMagic 5.0" @*: @*: V Communications @*: sc40 = "System Commander, Windows XP'e y�kseltme s�ras�nda �nemli sorunlara neden olabilir. Bu uyumsuzluklar nedeniyle, devam etmeden �nce System Commander'� sisteminizden kald�rman�z gerekir." @*: @*: Quarterdeck @*: Quarterdeck_Clean_Sweep_40 = "Quarterdeck Clean Sweep 4.0" @*: @*: **** Misc apps **** @*: Agate_Technologies_Tioman_ProSwap = "Agat� Technologies Tioman ProSwap" America_Online_3 = "America Online 3.0" America_Online_4 = "America Online 4.0" Compaq_Intelligent_Manageability = "Compaq Ak�ll� Y�netilme" Compuserve_4 = "Compuserve 4.0" CI5="Bu uygulama, Windows XP'ye y�kseltme s�ras�nda ciddi sorunlara neden olabilir. Bu y�zden, devam etmeden �nce ControlIt'i kald�rmal�s�n�z. Kur tamamland�ktan sonra, bu uygulamay� yeniden y�kleyebilirsiniz." dashboard_95="Dashboard 95'in baz� b�l�mleri Windows XP'yi desteklemez. Kur tamamland�ktan sonra Programs ya da Win Tools panolar�n� kullanamazs�n�z. Ayr�ca, Dashboard Quick Launch Bar �zerinde baz� simgeler g�r�nt�lenmeyebilir." Puma_Technology_Intellisync = "Puma Technology Intellisync" stbvision95 = "Video kart�n�zla verilen STB Vision 95 hizmet program� Windows XP'yi desteklemiyor. Video kart�n�z �al��maya devam etse de bu hizmet program�n� kullanamazs�n�z." HP_Message_Board = "Program�n ��retici i�eren Learn About HP Message Board b�l�m�, Windows XP'yi desteklemiyor." Videobrush_Whiteboard="Girdi olarak AVI dosyalar�n� kullanamazs�n�z." v3pro98 ="Bu vir�s taray�c�s�, Windows XP'ye y�kseltme s�ras�nda �nemli sorunlara neden olabilir. Devam etmeden �nce V3 Professional 98'i kald�rman�z gerekir." Mortice_Kern_Systems_Toolkit_6.2 = "MKS Toolkit" Phoenix_BaySwap = "Windows XP'ye y�kseltme s�ras�nda BaySwap kald�r�lacak. Windows XP do�al i�levselli�i ile de�i�tirildi." PowerDesk_98_FileFinder = "Mijenix PowerDesk 98" pdesk98ff = "PowerDesk File Finder, Windows XP �zerinde G�r�nt�leme Panosu'nu g�r�nt�leyemez." Creative_Labs_SB_Accessories = "Creative Labs SoundBlaster Donat�lar" Logitech_Mouseware_Control_Center = "Logitech Mouseware Control Center" Panda_Antivirus="Panda Antivirus" Reachout_Enterprise_8.01 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise" Reachout_Enterprise_8.02 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise" Reachout_Enterprise_8.41 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise" Reachout_Enterprise_8.42 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise" SCM_USB_Compact_Flash = "SCM/Memorex USB CompactFlash Kart Okuyucusu" Sony_Digital_Video = "Sony Digital Video Applications" Sony_Media_Bar = "Sony Media Bar" Sony_Notebook_Setup = "Sony Notebook Setup" Sony_Picture_Gear = "Sony PictureGear" Sony_Programmable_Power_Key = "Sony Programmable Power Key" Sony_Smart_Capture = "Sony Smart Capture" Dr_Solomon_AntiVirus = "Dr. Solomon's AntiVirus" SystemSoft_VoiceView_Customer_Support = "SystemSoft VoiceView Customer Support Application" Traveling_Software_LapLink_2000_3.0 = "LapLink 2000" Trend_Micro_Virus_Buster = "Trend Micro Virus Buster" WUCUN_TS_JOBFILE = "windows �nemli y�kseltme bildirim i�i.job" HPOneTouchApp="HP OneTouch" HPONETOUCHCOMPATMSG="HP OneTouch �r�n�nde Windows'un bu s�r�m�nde bilinen uyumluluk sorunlar� var. Bu yaz�l�mla ilgili ayr�nt�l� bilgi i�in, <A ID=""HPUrl"" HREF=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=1619"" TITLE=""Go to http://www.hp.com/"" target=""_new"">Hewlett Packard Web Sitesi</a>'ni ziyaret edin." PQSecondChance = "Power Quest �kinci �ans" Silicon_Motion_Control_Utility = "Silicon Motion Control Arac�"
@*: @*: WinXP Bug# 402083 @*: This string is in a Silent Uninstall Section so it does not appear in the report @*: The app is being auto-uninstalled, as 3Com no longer supports it on any OS @*: and they have specifically requested we not direct customers to them for updates @*: 3Com_NIC_Diagnostics="3Com_NIC_Diagnostics"
@*: @*: **** Misc devices **** @*: ati_mach_64 = "ATI Mach 64VT video kart�n�z, yaln�zca Windows 95 ya da Windows 98 i�in tasar�mlanm�� Denetim Masas� Ayg�t Y�neticisi becerilerini geni�letti. Windows XP'de kullanmak �zerer g�ncelle�tirilmi� bir s�r�c� almak i�in ATI ile temasa ge�in." AdB_Multi_Wave_Digital_Dev = "Multi!Wav PRO Serisi (bir �oklu ortam ayg�t�)" condev = "Kur, video kart�n�zla bilgisayar a&na kart�n�z aras�nda bir uyumsuzluk saptad�. Bu nedenle, y�kseltmenin ard�ndan bilgisayar�n�z ba�lamayabilir. Teknik yard�m almak i�in donan�m�n�z�n �reticisine ba�vurun." Diamond_Monster_Control_Panel="Diamond Monster Sound II Control Panel" @*: @*: **** DVD Movie Players *** @*: ATI_3.1_DVD_Player = "ATI Multimedia Center" Chromatic_mpact_DVD = "Chromatic Mpact DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Creative_DXR3_DVD_Player = "Creative DXR3 DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Creative_Labs_DVD_Player = "Creative Labs DVD Movie Player" CyberLink_Power_DVD = "CyberLink Power DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Diamond_DVD_Navigator = "Diamond DVD Navigator" Divicore_Decoder = "Divicore DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Electronic_Arts_DVD_Player = "Electronic Arts DVD Player" Intervideo_WinDVD = "Intervideo WinDVD Film Oynat�c�s�" LuxSonor_Inc_DVD = "LuxSonor Inc. DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" LuxSonor_Creative_Mix = "DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Margi_DVD-to-Go = "Margi DVD-to-Go Film Oynat�c�s�" Mediamatics_Inc_DVD_Player = "Mediamatics Inc. DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" MGI_DVD_Max = "MGI DVD Max Film Oynat�c�s�" @*: @*: 421357: @*: Nec_Z1_DVD = "NEC DVD Video Player" @*: Quadrant_International_DVD_Player = "Quadrant Intl. DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Ravisent_DVD_Player = "Ravisent DVD Player" Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Hollywood_Plus = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Hollywood Plus" Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Ventura = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Ventura" Software_Dynamics_DVD_Player = "Software Dynamics DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Sony_DVD_Player = "Sony DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Sony_DVD_Player_2 = "Sony Media Bar DVD Movie Player" @*: @*: 353805,417537 @*: Symantec_InternetFastFind = "Internet FastFind" @*: Toshiba_DVD_player = "Toshiba DVD Movie Player" VaroVision_DVD_Player = "VaroVision DVD Film Oynat�c�s�" Xing_DVD_Player_v1 = "Xing DVD Movie Player" Xing_DVD_Player_v2 = "Xing DVD Movie Player" Zoran_SoftDVD_Player = "Zoran SoftDVD Film Oynat�c�s�"
@*: @*: @*: Imaging Device Software @*: Contact_Manufacturer_MSG = "Bu ayg�t i�in �u anda y�klenen s�r�c� en son s�r�m olamayabilir. Y�kseltme i�in �reticiye ba�vurun." Kodak_DC240_DC280 = "Kodak DC 240/280 ZOOM Acquire" Pacific_Imaging_630P = "Pacific Imaging 630P" Epson_TWAIN = "Epson TWAIN" Foto_BEE = "I/O Magic 420 Foto Bee Software" Umax_Astra_Cam = "UMAX Astra Cam" HP_5200C = "HP Precision Scan" Kodak_DC265 = "Kodak DC 265 ZOOM Acquire" Artec_Viewstation_AS6E = "Artec Viewstation AS6E" @*: @*: Screen savers @*: @*: IMPORTANT LOCALIZATION NOTE! @*: These are the names of the files for US Win95 and Win98. If the names are localized on Win95 (Win98), @*: or have different names, please change accordingly. @*: SS3DFOB = "3B U�an Nesneler.scr" SS3DFLB = "3B Saks�.scr" SS3DMAZ = "3B Labirent.scr" SS3DTEX = "3B Metin.scr" SSCUCOL = "E�riler ve Renkler.scr" SSFLYTS = "Uzayda Yolculuk.scr" SSMMIND = "Hayal D�nyas�.scr" SSSCROL = "Kayan Yaz�.scr" SS3DFOB98 = "3B U�an Nesneler.scr" SS3DFLB98 = "3B Saks�.scr" SS3DMAZ98 = "3B Labirent.scr" SS3DTEX98 = "3B Metin.scr" SSCUCOL98 = "E�riler ve Renkler.scr" SSFLYTS98 = "Uzayda Yolculuk.scr" SSMMIND98 = "Hayal D�nyas�.scr" SSSCROL98 = "Kayan Yaz�.scr"
@*: @*: Active desktop wallpapers @*: @*: IMPORTANT LOCALIZATION NOTE! @*: These are the names of the files used as Active desktop wallpapers for both Win98 and NT. @*: These are HTM files located in %windir%\web\wallpaper directory. @*: If the names are localized or have different names, please change accordingly. @*: ActiveDesktopWallpaper9x = "windows98.htm" ActiveDesktopWallpaperNT = "Windows XP.bmp"
@*: @*: This is Accessories folder from within Program Files (e.g. C:\Program Files\Accessories). @*: Do not touch if not localized for your language. @*: Accessories = Donat�lar
@*: @*: After you install IE5 from Microsoft Web page, there will be a directory created @*: (usually called "Windows Update Setup Files") which has some backup files. Inside this @*: folder there is a file called "This folder is safe to delete.txt". Please replace the @*: name with the localized one on your build (if appropriate). @*: SafeToDeleteFile = "Bu klas�r silinebilir.txt"
@*: @*: Online_Services is the name of the directory created on the desktop that has LNKs @*: to connect to various online services. @*: About_Online_Services is the name of a TXT file named (on US systems) "About The Online @*: Services.txt". @*: Please localize accordingly. (If the dir or file does not exist, please don't touch). About_Online_Services = About The Online Services.txt Online_Services = Online Services
@*: @*: When a user installs Plus!98 on a machine several new screen savers are installed. The next entries @*: are part of the fix needed to make those screen savers work. The screen savers involved are (US names): @*: Architecture.scr @*: Science Fiction (high color).scr @*: Falling Leaves (high color).scr @*: Geometry (high color).scr @*: Rock-n-Roll (high color).scr @*: @*: Each screen saver has a corresponding SCN file usually located somewhere in %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes @*: For example the SCN file for Architecture.SCR is %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes\Architec\Architec.scn. @*: @*: The SCN files have a section called (US name) "Description" and a key in that section called "Name". @*: the CA_SCR_SECTION and CA_SCR_KEY keys below need to be modified if either the section or the key are localized. @*: IMPORTANT! Please do not use quotes!!!! @*: @*: The CA_SCR_Archit_LONG item below is the name of the "Architecture" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: The CA_SCR_Archit_SHORT item below is the name of the "Architecture" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: @*: The CA_SCR_SciFi_LONG item below is the name of the "Science Fiction (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: The CA_SCR_SciFi_SHORT item below is the name of the "Science Fiction (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: @*: The CA_SCR_FallingL_LONG item below is the name of the "Falling Leaves (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: The CA_SCR_FallingL_SHORT item below is the name of the "Falling Leaves (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: @*: The CA_SCR_Geometry_LONG item below is the name of the "Geometry (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: The CA_SCR_Geometry_SHORT item below is the name of the "Geometry (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: @*: The CA_SCR_RockRoll_LONG item below is the name of the "Rock-n-Roll (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: The CA_SCR_RockRoll_SHORT item below is the name of the "Rock-n-Roll (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension) @*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!! @*: @*: CA_SCR_SECTION = A��klama CA_SCR_KEY = Ad� CA_SCR_Archit_LONG = Mimari CA_SCR_Archit_SHORT = ARCHIT~1 CA_SCR_SciFi_LONG = Science Fiction (high color) CA_SCR_SciFi_SHORT = SCIENC~1 CA_SCR_FallingL_LONG = Falling Leaves (high color) CA_SCR_FallingL_SHORT = FALLIN~1 CA_SCR_Geometry_LONG = Geometry (high color) CA_SCR_Geometry_SHORT = GEOMET~1 CA_SCR_RockRoll_LONG = Rock-n-Roll (high color) CA_SCR_RockRoll_SHORT = ROCK-N~1
@*: @*: Localized screen saver names -- localize to match Win9x @*: Scr_Dangerous_Creatures = "Dangerous Creatures.scr" Scr_Inside_your_Computer = "Inside your Computer.scr" Scr_Leonardo_da_Vinci = "Leonardo da Vinci.scr" Scr_The_60s_USA = "The 60's.scr" Scr_The_Golden_Era = "The Golden Era.scr" Scr_Underwater = "Underwater.scr" Scr_Windows_95 = "Windows 95.scr" Scr_Windows_98 = "Windows 98.scr" Scr_Baseball = "Baseball.scr" Scr_Jungle = "Jungle.scr" Scr_Mystery = "Mystery.scr" Scr_Nature = "Nature.scr" Scr_Space = "Space.scr" Scr_Sports = "Sports.scr" Scr_Travel = "Travel.scr"