// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// dmperf.h
// @doc EXTERNAL
#ifndef _DMPERF_H_
#define _DMPERF_H_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "dmusicc.h"
#include "dmusici.h"
#include "dmusicf.h"
#include "dmime.h"
#include "ntfylist.h"
#include "dmsstobj.h"
#include "audpath.h"
#include "..\shared\dmusicp.h"
typedef struct _DMUS_SEGSTATEDATA { _DMUS_SEGSTATEDATA * pNext; // Linked list of these.
DWORD dwQueue; // Which queue it is in.
WCHAR wszName[DMUS_MAX_NAME]; // Name of object.
MUSIC_TIME mtLoopStart; // Loop start point.
MUSIC_TIME mtLoopEnd; // Loop end point.
DWORD dwRepeats; // The original repeat setting (before countdown)
MUSIC_TIME mtLength; // Length of segment.
REFERENCE_TIME rtGivenStart; // Start time given in PlaySegment, unquantized
MUSIC_TIME mtResolvedStart;// Start time resolved to desired resolution
MUSIC_TIME mtOffset; // Start time of the segment in absolute time, as if it were started from the beginning.
MUSIC_TIME mtLastPlayed; // The last played absolute time
MUSIC_TIME mtPlayTo; // Used to stop play at a specific time. Ignored when 0.
MUSIC_TIME mtSeek; // How far into the segment we are.
MUSIC_TIME mtStartPoint; // Point in the segment where playback started
DWORD dwRepeatsLeft;// Current repeats left.
DWORD dwPlayFlags;// Segment playback control flags
BOOL fStartedPlay; // Indicates if the segstate has started to play yet
IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegState; // Pointer to segstate.
// IDirectMusicParamHook */
#define INTERFACE IDirectMusicParamHook
/* IDirectMusicParamHook */ STDMETHOD(GetParam) (THIS_ REFGUID rguidType, DWORD dwGroupBits, DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext, void* pData, IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegState, DWORD dwTrackFlags, HRESULT hr) PURE; };
#define INTERFACE IDirectMusicSetParamHook
/* IDirectMusicSetParamHook */ STDMETHOD(SetParamHook) (THIS_ IDirectMusicParamHook *pIHook) PURE; };
#define INTERFACE IDirectMusicPerformanceStats
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectMusicPerformanceStats, IUnknown) { /* IUnknown */ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID, LPVOID FAR *) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE;
/* IDirectMusicPerformanceStats */ STDMETHOD(TraceAllSegments) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateSegstateList) (THIS_ DMUS_SEGSTATEDATA ** ppList) PURE; STDMETHOD(FreeSegstateList) (THIS_ DMUS_SEGSTATEDATA * pList) PURE; };
// the following constants represent time in milliseconds
#define TRANSPORT_RES 100
#define REALTIME_RES 10
// the following constants represent time in 100 nanosecond increments
#define REF_PER_MIL 10000 // For converting from reference time to mils
#define MARGIN_MIN (100 * REF_PER_MIL) //
#define MARGIN_MAX (400 * REF_PER_MIL) //
#define PREPARE_TIME (m_dwPrepareTime * REF_PER_MIL) // Time
#define NEARTIME (100 * REF_PER_MIL)
// here's a convenience inline function that helps using resolution bits
inline DWORD SIMPLIFY_RESOLUTION(DWORD x) { if( x & DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT ) { return DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT; } else if( x & DMUS_SEGF_SEGMENTEND ) { return DMUS_SEGF_SEGMENTEND; } else if( x & DMUS_SEGF_MARKER ) { return DMUS_SEGF_MARKER; } else if( x & DMUS_SEGF_MEASURE ) { return DMUS_SEGF_MEASURE; } else if( x & DMUS_SEGF_BEAT ) { return DMUS_SEGF_BEAT; } else if( x & DMUS_SEGF_GRID ) { return DMUS_SEGF_GRID; } else return 0; } */
struct PRIV_PMSG;
// pNext contains the next pointer for the next PMsg
// dwPrivFlags contains private flags used by the performance
// rtLast contains the previous time when an event is requeued,
// which is used by the flush routine
#define PRIV_PART \
struct PRIV_PMSG* pNext; \ DWORD dwPrivFlags; \ DWORD dwPrivPubSize; \ REFERENCE_TIME rtLast;
typedef struct PRIV_PART_STRUCT { /* begin PRIV_PART */ PRIV_PART /* end PRIV_PART */ } PRIV_PART_STRUCT;
typedef struct PRIV_PMSG { /* begin PRIV_PART */ PRIV_PART /* end PRIV_PART */ /* begin DMUS_PMSG_PART */ DMUS_PMSG_PART /* end DMUS_PMSG_PART */ } PRIV_PMSG;
typedef struct PRIV_TEMPO_PMSG { /* begin PRIV_PART */ PRIV_PART /* end PRIV_PART */ DMUS_TEMPO_PMSG tempoPMsg; } PRIV_TEMPO_PMSG;
#define PRIV_FLAG_ALLOC_MASK 0x0000FFFF0 // using 4 bits for this for now
#define PRIV_FLAG_ALLOC 0x0000CAFE0 // arbitrary pattern for allocated
#define PRIV_FLAG_FREE 0x0000DEAD0 // pattern for in free list
#define PRIV_FLAG_QUEUED 0x000000001 // set if in a queue
#define PRIV_FLAG_REMOVE 0x000000002 // set if this needs to be removed from a queue
#define PRIV_FLAG_TRACK 0x000000004 // indicates this message was generated by a track
#define PRIV_FLAG_FLUSH 0x000000008 // this is a curve that needs to be flushed after
// its end value has played
#define PRIV_FLAG_REQUEUE 0x000100000 // set if this needs to be requeued to a queue
class CPMsgQueue { public: CPMsgQueue(); ~CPMsgQueue(); void Enqueue(PRIV_PMSG *pItem); PRIV_PMSG * Dequeue(); PRIV_PMSG * Dequeue(PRIV_PMSG *pItem); PRIV_PMSG * GetHead() { return (m_pTop);} PRIV_PMSG * FlushOldest(REFERENCE_TIME rtTime); long GetCount(); void Sort(); private: PRIV_PMSG * m_pTop; // Top of list.
PRIV_PMSG * m_pLastAccessed; // Last item access in list.
// structure used to hold Ports and Buffers
typedef struct PortTable { REFERENCE_TIME rtLast; // last message time packed
IDirectMusicPort* pPort; IDirectMusicBuffer* pBuffer; IReferenceClock* pLatencyClock; BOOL fBufferFilled; // TRUE if there are messages in the buffer that should be sent to the port
DWORD dwChannelGroups; // Number of channel groups active on the port.
CLSID guidPortID; // The class id of the port, for matching with audio path requests.
DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 PortParams; // PortParams returned when this port was created.
} PortTable;
// structure to hold a channel of an accumulated parameter.
// The CChannelMap keeps a linked list of these, one list each
// for each parameter type.
class CMergeParam : public AListItem { public: CMergeParam* GetNext() { return (CMergeParam*)AListItem::GetNext();} long m_lData; // Current parameter data.
DWORD m_dwIndex; // Which layer.
class CParamMerger : public AList { public: CParamMerger(); void Clear(long lInitValue); BYTE MergeMidiVolume(DWORD dwIndex, BYTE bMIDIVolume); BYTE GetVolumeStart(DWORD dwIndex); short MergeTranspose(DWORD dwIndex, short nTranspose); long MergeValue(DWORD dwIndex, long lData, long lCenter, long lRange); long GetIndexedValue(DWORD dwIndex); private: long MergeData(DWORD dwIndex, long lData); void AddHead(CMergeParam* pMergeParam) { AList::AddHead((AListItem*)pMergeParam);} CMergeParam* GetHead(){return (CMergeParam*)AList::GetHead();} CMergeParam* RemoveHead() {return (CMergeParam *) AList::RemoveHead();} void Remove(CMergeParam* pMergeParam){AList::Remove((AListItem*)pMergeParam);} void AddTail(CMergeParam* pMergeParam){AList::AddTail((AListItem*)pMergeParam);} BYTE VolumeToMidi(long lVolume); static long m_lMIDIToDB[128]; // Array for converting MIDI to centibel volume.
static long m_lDBToMIDI[97]; // For converting volume to MIDI.
long m_lMergeTotal; // Total for all parameters in the list, but not including m_lData.
long m_lZeroIndexData; // Default (no index) data.
// structure to hold a single ChannelMap
class CChannelMap { public: void Clear(); // Completely clears and resets structure.
void Reset(BOOL fVolumeAndPanToo); // Clears just the midi controllers.
CParamMerger m_VolumeMerger; // Set of volumes to merge.
CParamMerger m_ExpressionMerger; // Set of expression controllers to merge.
CParamMerger m_TransposeMerger; // Set of transpositions to merge.
CParamMerger m_PitchbendMerger; // Set of pitchbends to merge.
CParamMerger m_PanMerger; // Set of pans to merge.
CParamMerger m_FilterMerger; // Set of filters to merge.
CParamMerger m_ModWheelMerger; // Set of mod wheel controls to merge.
CParamMerger m_ReverbMerger; // Set of reverb levels to merge.
CParamMerger m_ChorusMerger; // Set of chorus levels to merge.
DWORD dwPortIndex; // index into the PortTable
DWORD dwGroup; // group number of the port
DWORD dwMChannel; // channel number in the group
short nTranspose; // amount to transpose
WORD wFlags; // CMAP_X flags
} ;
#define CMAP_FREE (WORD) 1 // This channel is currently not in use.
#define CMAP_STATIC (WORD) 2 // This channel is in use as a regular, static pchannel.
#define CMAP_VIRTUAL (WORD) 4 // This channel is in use for a dynamic, virtual pchannel.
// structure used to hold a PChannelMap block of 16.
class CChannelBlock : public AListItem { public: CChannelBlock* GetNext() { return (CChannelBlock*)AListItem::GetNext();} void Init(DWORD dwPChannelStart, DWORD dwPortIndex, DWORD dwGroup, WORD wFlags); DWORD m_dwPChannelStart; // first PChannel index
CChannelMap m_aChannelMap[PCHANNEL_BLOCKSIZE]; DWORD m_dwFreeChannels; // Number of channels currently free.
DWORD m_dwPortIndex; // Port id, if this is completely assigned to one port.
class CChannelBlockList : public AList { public: void Clear(); void AddHead(CChannelBlock* pChannelBlock) { AList::AddHead((AListItem*)pChannelBlock);} CChannelBlock* GetHead(){return (CChannelBlock*)AList::GetHead();} CChannelBlock* RemoveHead() {return (CChannelBlock *) AList::RemoveHead();} void Remove(CChannelBlock* pChannelBlock){AList::Remove((AListItem*)pChannelBlock);} void AddTail(CChannelBlock* pChannelBlock){AList::AddTail((AListItem*)pChannelBlock);} };
// structure to hold a global GUID and its data
typedef struct GlobalData { ~GlobalData() { if( pData ) { delete [] pData; } } struct GlobalData* pNext; GUID guidType; void* pData; DWORD dwSize; } GlobalData;
// structure to hold internal tempo message with relative tempo
typedef struct DMInternalTempo { /* begin PRIV_PART */ PRIV_PART /* end PRIV_PART */ DMUS_TEMPO_PMSG tempoPMsg; float fltRelTempo; // the current relative tempo, from .5 to 2
} DMInternalTempo;
/* Integer constants for defining each segstate queue */
#define SQ_PRI_WAIT 0
#define SQ_CON_WAIT 1
#define SQ_SEC_WAIT 2
#define SQ_PRI_PLAY 3
#define SQ_CON_PLAY 4
#define SQ_SEC_PLAY 5
#define SQ_PRI_DONE 6
#define SQ_CON_DONE 7
#define SQ_SEC_DONE 8
#define SQ_COUNT 9
#define IsPriQueue( dwCount ) ((dwCount % 3) == 0)
#define IsConQueue( dwCount ) ((dwCount % 3) == 1)
#define IsSecQueue( dwCount ) ((dwCount % 3) == 2)
#define IsWaitQueue( dwCount ) (dwCount <= SQ_SEC_WAIT)
#define IsPlayQueue( dwCount ) ((dwCount >= SQ_PRI_PLAY) && (dwCount <= SQ_SEC_PLAY))
#define IsDoneQueue( dwCount ) (dwCount >= SQ_PRI_DONE)
DEFINE_GUID(IID_CPerformance, 0xade66ea2, 0xe1c5, 0x4552, 0x85, 0x27, 0x1e, 0xef, 0xa5, 0xa, 0xfd, 0x7b);
class CSong;
// class CPerformance
class CPerformance : public IDirectMusicPerformance8, public IDirectMusicTool, public IDirectMusicGraph, public IDirectMusicPerformanceStats, public IDirectMusicPerformanceP, public IDirectMusicSetParamHook { friend class CAudioPath; friend class CSegState; friend class CBufferManager;
public: CPerformance(); ~CPerformance();
public: // IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID &iid, void **ppv); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release();
// IDirectMusicPerformance
STDMETHODIMP Init(IDirectMusic** ppDirectMusic,LPDIRECTSOUND pDSound,HWND hWnd ); STDMETHODIMP PlaySegment(IDirectMusicSegment *pSegment,DWORD dwFlags, __int64 i64StartTime,IDirectMusicSegmentState **ppSegmentState); STDMETHODIMP Stop(IDirectMusicSegment *pSegment, IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegmentState,MUSIC_TIME mtTime,DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHODIMP GetSegmentState(IDirectMusicSegmentState **ppSegmentState,MUSIC_TIME mtTime); STDMETHODIMP SetPrepareTime(DWORD dwMilliSeconds); STDMETHODIMP GetPrepareTime(DWORD* pdwMilliSeconds); STDMETHODIMP SetBumperLength(DWORD dwMilliSeconds); STDMETHODIMP GetBumperLength(DWORD* pdwMilliSeconds); STDMETHODIMP SendPMsg(DMUS_PMSG *pPMsg); STDMETHODIMP MusicToReferenceTime(MUSIC_TIME mtTime,REFERENCE_TIME *prtTime); STDMETHODIMP ReferenceToMusicTime(REFERENCE_TIME rtTime,MUSIC_TIME *pmtTime); STDMETHODIMP IsPlaying(IDirectMusicSegment *pSegment,IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegState); STDMETHODIMP GetTime(REFERENCE_TIME *prtNow,MUSIC_TIME *pmtNow); STDMETHODIMP AllocPMsg(ULONG cb,DMUS_PMSG** ppPMsg); STDMETHODIMP FreePMsg(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg); STDMETHODIMP SetNotificationHandle(HANDLE hNotificationEvent,REFERENCE_TIME rtMinimum); STDMETHODIMP GetNotificationPMsg(DMUS_NOTIFICATION_PMSG** ppNotificationPMsg); STDMETHODIMP AddNotificationType(REFGUID rguidNotification); STDMETHODIMP RemoveNotificationType(REFGUID rguidNotification); STDMETHODIMP GetGraph(IDirectMusicGraph** ppGraph); STDMETHODIMP SetGraph(IDirectMusicGraph* pGraph); STDMETHODIMP AddPort(IDirectMusicPort* pPort); STDMETHODIMP RemovePort(IDirectMusicPort* pPort); STDMETHODIMP AssignPChannelBlock(DWORD dwBlockNum,IDirectMusicPort* pPort,DWORD dwGroup); STDMETHODIMP AssignPChannel(DWORD dwPChannel,IDirectMusicPort* pPort,DWORD dwGroup,DWORD dwMChannel); STDMETHODIMP PChannelInfo(DWORD dwPChannel,IDirectMusicPort** ppPort,DWORD* pdwGroup,DWORD* pdwMChannel); STDMETHODIMP DownloadInstrument(IDirectMusicInstrument* pInst,DWORD dwPChannel, IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument**,DMUS_NOTERANGE* pNoteRanges, DWORD dwNumNoteRanges,IDirectMusicPort**,DWORD*,DWORD*); STDMETHODIMP Invalidate(MUSIC_TIME mtTime,DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHODIMP GetParam(REFGUID rguidDataType,DWORD dwGroupBits,DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime,MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext,void* pData); STDMETHODIMP SetParam(REFGUID rguidDataType,DWORD dwGroupBits,DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime,void* pData); STDMETHODIMP GetGlobalParam(REFGUID rguidType,void* pData,DWORD dwSize); STDMETHODIMP SetGlobalParam(REFGUID rguidType,void* pData,DWORD dwSize); STDMETHODIMP GetLatencyTime(REFERENCE_TIME* prtTime); STDMETHODIMP GetQueueTime(REFERENCE_TIME* prtTime); STDMETHODIMP AdjustTime(REFERENCE_TIME rtAmount); STDMETHODIMP CloseDown(void); STDMETHODIMP GetResolvedTime(REFERENCE_TIME rtTime,REFERENCE_TIME* prtResolved,DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHODIMP MIDIToMusic(BYTE bMIDIValue,DMUS_CHORD_KEY* pChord, BYTE bPlayMode,BYTE bChordLevel,WORD *pwMusicValue); STDMETHODIMP MusicToMIDI(WORD wMusicValue,DMUS_CHORD_KEY* pChord, BYTE bPlayMode,BYTE bChordLevel,BYTE *pbMIDIValue); STDMETHODIMP TimeToRhythm(MUSIC_TIME mtTime,DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE *pTimeSig, WORD *pwMeasure,BYTE *pbBeat,BYTE *pbGrid,short *pnOffset); STDMETHODIMP RhythmToTime(WORD wMeasure,BYTE bBeat,BYTE bGrid, short nOffset,DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE *pTimeSig,MUSIC_TIME *pmtTime); // IDirectMusicPerformance8
STDMETHODIMP InitAudio(IDirectMusic** ppDirectMusic, IDirectSound** ppDirectSound, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwDefaultPathType, DWORD dwPChannelCount, DWORD dwFlags, DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS *pParams); STDMETHODIMP PlaySegmentEx(IUnknown* pSource, WCHAR *pwzSegmentName, IUnknown* pTransition, DWORD dwFlags, __int64 i64StartTime, IDirectMusicSegmentState** ppSegmentState, IUnknown *pFrom, IUnknown *pAudioPath); STDMETHODIMP StopEx(IUnknown *pObjectToStop,__int64 i64StopTime,DWORD dwFlags) ; STDMETHODIMP ClonePMsg(DMUS_PMSG* pSourcePMSG,DMUS_PMSG** ppCopyPMSG) ; STDMETHODIMP CreateAudioPath( IUnknown *pSourceConfig, BOOL fActivate, IDirectMusicAudioPath **ppNewPath); STDMETHODIMP CreateStandardAudioPath(DWORD dwType, DWORD dwPChannelCount, BOOL fActivate, IDirectMusicAudioPath **ppNewPath); STDMETHODIMP SetDefaultAudioPath(IDirectMusicAudioPath *pAudioPath) ; STDMETHODIMP GetDefaultAudioPath(IDirectMusicAudioPath **pAudioPath) ; STDMETHODIMP GetParamEx(REFGUID rguidType, DWORD dwTrackID, DWORD dwGroupBits, DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext, void* pParam);
// IDirectMusicTool
STDMETHODIMP Init(IDirectMusicGraph* pGraph); STDMETHODIMP ProcessPMsg(IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf,DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg); STDMETHODIMP Flush(IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf,DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME mtTime); STDMETHODIMP GetMsgDeliveryType(DWORD*); STDMETHODIMP GetMediaTypeArraySize(DWORD*); STDMETHODIMP GetMediaTypes(DWORD**,DWORD);
// IDirectMusicGraph
STDMETHODIMP Shutdown(); STDMETHODIMP InsertTool(IDirectMusicTool *pTool,DWORD *pdwPChannels,DWORD cPChannels,LONG lIndex); STDMETHODIMP GetTool(DWORD,IDirectMusicTool**); STDMETHODIMP RemoveTool(IDirectMusicTool*); STDMETHODIMP StampPMsg( DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg ); // IDirectMusicPerformanceStats
STDMETHODIMP TraceAllSegments() ; STDMETHODIMP CreateSegstateList(DMUS_SEGSTATEDATA ** ppList) ; STDMETHODIMP FreeSegstateList(DMUS_SEGSTATEDATA * pList) ; // IDirectMusicPerformanceP
STDMETHODIMP GetPortAndFlags(DWORD dwPChannel,IDirectMusicPort **ppPort,DWORD * pdwFlags); // IDirectMusicSetParamHook
STDMETHODIMP SetParamHook(IDirectMusicParamHook *pIHook);
// Access from segstate, audiopath and segment...
HRESULT GetGraphInternal(IDirectMusicGraph** ppGraph); HRESULT FlushVirtualTrack(DWORD dwId,MUSIC_TIME mtTime, BOOL fLeaveNotesOn); HRESULT GetControlSegTime(MUSIC_TIME mtTime,MUSIC_TIME* pmtNextSeg); HRESULT GetPriSegTime(MUSIC_TIME mtTime,MUSIC_TIME* pmtNextSeg); HRESULT GetPathPort(CPortConfig *pConfig); void RemoveUnusedPorts(); DWORD GetPortID(IDirectMusicPort * pPort); HRESULT AddPort(IDirectMusicPort* pPort,GUID *pguidPortID, DMUS_PORTPARAMS8 *pParams,DWORD *pdwPortID); private: // private member functions
void Init(); friend DWORD WINAPI _Transport(LPVOID); friend DWORD WINAPI _Realtime(LPVOID); HRESULT CreateThreads(); HRESULT AllocPMsg(ULONG cb,PRIV_PMSG** ppPMsg); HRESULT FreePMsg(PRIV_PMSG* pPMsg); inline bool SendShortMsg(IDirectMusicBuffer* pBuffer, IDirectMusicPort* pPort,DWORD dwMsg, REFERENCE_TIME rt, DWORD dwGroup); HRESULT PackNote(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME rt ); HRESULT PackCurve(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME rt ); HRESULT PackMidi(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME rt ); HRESULT PackSysEx(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME rt ); HRESULT PackPatch(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME rt ); HRESULT PackWave(DMUS_PMSG* pPMsg,REFERENCE_TIME rt ); void SendBuffers(); void Realtime(); void Transport(); void ProcessEarlyPMsgs(); PRIV_PMSG *GetNextPMsg(); REFERENCE_TIME GetTime(); REFERENCE_TIME GetLatency(); REFERENCE_TIME GetBestSegLatency( CSegState* pSeg ); void PrepSegToPlay(CSegState *pSegState, bool fQueue = false); void ManageControllingTracks(); void PerformSegStNode(DWORD dwList,CSegState* pSegStNode); void AddEventToTempoMap( PRIV_PMSG* pPMsg ); void FlushMainEventQueues( DWORD, MUSIC_TIME mtFlush, MUSIC_TIME mtFlushUnresolved, BOOL fLeaveNotesOn); // flush all events in all queues.
void FlushEventQueue( DWORD dwId,CPMsgQueue *pQueue, REFERENCE_TIME rtFlush, REFERENCE_TIME rtFlushUnresolved, BOOL fLeaveNotesOn ); void ClearMusicStoppedNotification(); HRESULT PlayOneSegment( CSegment* pSegment, DWORD dwFlags, __int64 i64StartTime, CSegState **ppSegState, CAudioPath *pAudioPath); HRESULT PlaySegmentInternal( CSegment* pSegment, CSong * pSong, WCHAR *pwzSegmentName, CSegment* pTransition, DWORD dwFlags, __int64 i64StartTime, IDirectMusicSegmentState** ppSegmentState, IUnknown *pFrom, CAudioPath *pAudioPath); CSegState *GetSegmentForTransition(DWORD dwFlags,MUSIC_TIME mtTime, IUnknown *pFrom); void QueuePrimarySegment( CSegState* pSeg ); void QueueSecondarySegment( CSegState* pSeg ); void CalculateSegmentStartTime( CSegState* pSeg ); MUSIC_TIME ResolveTime( MUSIC_TIME mtTime, DWORD dwResolution, MUSIC_TIME *pmtIntervalSize ); void GetTimeSig( MUSIC_TIME mtTime, DMUS_TIMESIG_PMSG* pTimeSig ); void SyncTimeSig( CSegState *pSegState ); void DequeueAllSegments(); void AddToTempoMap( double dblTempo, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, REFERENCE_TIME rtTime ); void UpdateTempoMap(MUSIC_TIME mtStart, bool fFirst, CSegState *pSegState, bool fAllDeltas = true); void IncrementTempoMap(); void RecalcTempoMap(CSegState *pSegState, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, bool fAllDeltas = true); void RevalidateRefTimes( CPMsgQueue * pList, MUSIC_TIME mtTime ); void AddNotificationTypeToAllSegments( REFGUID rguidNotification ); void RemoveNotificationTypeFromAllSegments( REFGUID rguidNotification ); CNotificationItem* FindNotification( REFGUID rguidNotification ); HRESULT GetPort(DWORD dwPortID, IDirectMusicPort **ppPort); HRESULT AllocVChannelBlock(DWORD dwPortID,DWORD dwGroup); HRESULT AllocVChannel(DWORD dwPortID, DWORD dwDrumFlags, DWORD *pdwPChannel, DWORD *pdwGroup,DWORD *pdwMChannel); HRESULT ReleasePChannel(DWORD dwPChannel); CChannelMap * GetPChannelMap( DWORD dwPChannel ); HRESULT AssignPChannelBlock(DWORD dwBlockNum,DWORD dwPortIndex,DWORD dwGroup,WORD wFlags); HRESULT AssignPChannel(DWORD dwPChannel,DWORD dwPortIndex,DWORD dwGroup,DWORD dwMChannel,WORD wFlags); HRESULT PChannelIndex( DWORD dwPChannel, DWORD* pdwIndex, DWORD* pdwGroup, DWORD* pdwMChannel, short* pnTranspose = NULL ); void GenerateNotification( DWORD dwNotification, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt ); CSegState* GetPrimarySegmentAtTime( MUSIC_TIME mtTime ); void ResetAllControllers( REFERENCE_TIME rtTime); void ResetAllControllers(CChannelMap* pChannelMap, REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, bool fGMReset); void DoStop( CSegState* pSegState, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, BOOL fInvalidate ); void DoStop( CSegment* pSeg, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, BOOL fInvalidate ); HRESULT GetChordNotificationStatus( DMUS_NOTE_PMSG* pNote, DWORD dwTrackGroup, REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, DMUS_PMSG** ppNew); void OnChordUpdateEventQueues( DMUS_NOTIFICATION_PMSG* pNotify); void OnChordUpdateEventQueue( DMUS_NOTIFICATION_PMSG* pNotify, CPMsgQueue *pQueue, REFERENCE_TIME rtFlush ); #ifdef DBG
void TraceAllChannelMaps(); #endif
// private member variables
IDirectMusic8* m_pDirectMusic; IDirectSound8* m_pDirectSound; IReferenceClock* m_pClock; IDirectMusicGraph* m_pGraph; CAudioPath * m_pDefaultAudioPath; // Default audio path.
DWORD m_dwNumPorts; // the number of ports
PortTable* m_pPortTable; // array of ports, number equals m_dwNumPorts
CChannelBlockList m_ChannelBlockList; // List of pchannel maps, in blocks of 16
CChannelBlockList m_FreeChannelBlockList; // List of pchannel maps that are no longer in use
CSegStateList m_SegStateQueues[SQ_COUNT]; // Lists of all active segment states.
CSegStateList m_ShutDownQueue; // List of segments that are pending shutdown.
CAudioPathList m_AudioPathList; // List of all active audio paths in this performance.
CBufferManager m_BufferManager; // List of all buffers currently in use.
DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS m_AudioParams; // Initial requirements, as set in InitAudio, by app.
HANDLE m_hNotification; // notification handle set in SetNotificationHandle
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtNotificationDiscard; // minimum time to hold onto a notification message
CNotificationList m_NotificationList; GlobalData* m_pGlobalData; // list of global data structs
DWORD m_dwAudioPathMode; // 0 for not yet set, 1 for old methods, 2 for using AudioPaths.
BOOL m_fInTransportThread; // This is used to signal that the transport thread
// is active and the realtime thread should hold
// off on processing the early queue.
BOOL m_fInTrackPlay; // This is used to signal that a track is in the process of
// generating events. These will have the PRIV_FLAG_TRACK flag set.
CPMsgQueue m_EarlyQueue; // List of PMsgs that play immediately.
CPMsgQueue m_NearTimeQueue; // List of PMsgs that play a little early.
CPMsgQueue m_OnTimeQueue; // List of PMsgs that play exactly when due.
CPMsgQueue m_TempoMap; // List of tempo changes.
CPMsgQueue m_OldTempoMap; // List of old tempo changes.
CPMsgQueue m_NotificationQueue; // List of notification messages.
CPMsgQueue m_TimeSigQueue; // List of time signature changes.
// cache of allocated pmsg's
#define PERF_PMSG_CB_MIN 48
#define PERF_PMSG_CB_MAX 101
DWORD m_dwInitCS; CRITICAL_SECTION m_PMsgCacheCrSec; CRITICAL_SECTION m_SegmentCrSec; CRITICAL_SECTION m_PipelineCrSec; // For all the CPMsgQueues
HANDLE m_hTransport; // to wake up the Transport thread when needed
HANDLE m_hRealtime; HANDLE m_hTransportThread; // to kill the Transport thread if needed
HANDLE m_hRealtimeThread;
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtStart; // time when this performance started
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtAdjust; // adjustment time to compensate for e.g. smpte drift
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtHighestPackedNoteOn; // highest time of packed note on
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtEarliestStartTime; // Time of last Stop(0,0,0). New segment can not start before this.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtQueuePosition; // the highest time a message has been packed, or the latency + m_rtBumperLength, whichever is greater
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtNextWakeUp; // Next time the pipeline thread needs to wake up to deliver a message.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtBumperLength; // Distance ahead of latency clock to send events down to synth.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtTransported; // the highest time transported
MUSIC_TIME m_mtPlayTo; // the time to play to on the next transport cycle
MUSIC_TIME m_mtTempoCursor; // Tempo map has been generated up to this point.
DWORD m_dwPrepareTime; // time ahead, in milliseconds, to transport
DWORD m_dwBumperLength; // Millisecond version of m_rtBumperLength.
long m_lMasterVolume; // master volume.
float m_fltRelTempo; // relative tempo, can be from 0 to 200
long m_cRef; WORD m_wRollOverCount; // tracks when timeGetTime rolls over
DWORD m_dwTransportThreadID; // transport thread id
DWORD m_dwRealtimeThreadID; BOOL m_fKillThread; // signal to transport thread to die
BOOL m_fKillRealtimeThread; BOOL m_fPlaying; BOOL m_fMusicStopped; BOOL m_fTempoChanged; // When a tempo change occurs, refresh transport so clock time tracks don't get clobbered.
IUnknown * m_pUnkDispatch; // holds the controlling unknown of the scripting object that implements IDispatch
DWORD m_dwVersion; // Version number, indicating DX6, DX7, or DX8. Determined by which interface requested.
IDirectMusicSegmentState * m_pGetParamSegmentState; // Set prior to playing a segment, so GetParam() can know which segment called it.
DWORD m_dwGetParamFlags; // Set prior to playing a segment track, so GetParam() can know how to search for the parameter.
IDirectMusicParamHook * m_pParamHook; bool m_fReleasedInTransport; // The performance had its final release in the transport thread
bool m_fReleasedInRealtime; // The performance had its final release in the realtime thread
#endif // _DMPERF_H_