* * Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: npatch.cpp * Content: Consersion of NPatches to Rect-Patches * ****************************************************************************/
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
UINT CVertexPointer::Stride[__NUMELEMENTS]; UINT CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements; UINT CVertexPointer::DataType[__NUMELEMENTS]; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const float Tension = 1.0f/3.0f; static const float OneOver3 = 1.0f/3.0f; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct UVW { float u, v, w, uu, vv, ww, uv, uw, vw; }; static UVW g_uvw[10]; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNPatch2TriPatch::CNPatch2TriPatch() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(this)); // Write only streams with RTPatches usage
for (int i=0; i < __NUMELEMENTS; i++) m_pOutStream[i] = new CTLStream(TRUE, D3DUSAGE_RTPATCHES); int k = 0; for(int vv = 3; vv >= 0; --vv) for(int uu = 0; uu < 4 - vv; ++uu) { int ww = 3 - uu - vv; float u = uu * OneOver3; float v = vv * OneOver3; float w = ww * OneOver3; g_uvw[k].u = u; g_uvw[k].v = v; g_uvw[k].w = w; g_uvw[k].uu = u*u; g_uvw[k].vv = v*v; g_uvw[k].ww = w*w; g_uvw[k].uv = u*v; g_uvw[k].uw = u*w; g_uvw[k].vw = v*w; k++; } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ComputeNormalControlPoint(D3DVECTOR* cp, float* pVi, float* pVj, float* pNi, float* pNj) { D3DVECTOR Pji; D3DVECTOR Nij; VecSub(*(D3DVECTOR*)pVj, *(D3DVECTOR*)pVi, Pji); VecAdd(*(D3DVECTOR*)pNj, *(D3DVECTOR*)pNi, Nij); FLOAT v = 2.0f * VecDot(Pji, Nij) / VecDot(Pji, Pji); Pji.x *= v; Pji.y *= v; Pji.z *= v; VecSub(Nij, Pji, *cp);
// Now go from polynomial coefficients to Bezier control points
cp->x *= 0.5f; cp->y *= 0.5f; cp->z *= 0.5f; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CNPatch2TriPatch::~CNPatch2TriPatch() { for (int i=0; i < __NUMELEMENTS; i++) delete m_pOutStream[i]; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert NPatch to Rect-Patch:
void CNPatch2TriPatch::MakeRectPatch(const CVertexPointer& pV0, const CVertexPointer& pV2, const CVertexPointer& pV1) { float t, Edge[3], B[10][3]; float n0[3]; float n1[3]; float n2[3];
float *p0 = (float*)pV0.pData[m_PositionIndex]; float *p1 = (float*)pV1.pData[m_PositionIndex]; float *p2 = (float*)pV2.pData[m_PositionIndex]; n0[0] = ((float*)pV0.pData[m_NormalIndex])[0]; n0[1] = ((float*)pV0.pData[m_NormalIndex])[1]; n0[2] = ((float*)pV0.pData[m_NormalIndex])[2]; n1[0] = ((float*)pV1.pData[m_NormalIndex])[0]; n1[1] = ((float*)pV1.pData[m_NormalIndex])[1]; n1[2] = ((float*)pV1.pData[m_NormalIndex])[2]; n2[0] = ((float*)pV2.pData[m_NormalIndex])[0]; n2[1] = ((float*)pV2.pData[m_NormalIndex])[1]; n2[2] = ((float*)pV2.pData[m_NormalIndex])[2]; // Coefficients to interpolate quadratic normals
// Convert NPatch to Tri-Patch first
if (m_PositionOrder == D3DORDER_CUBIC) { B[0][0] = p0[0]; B[0][1] = p0[1]; B[0][2] = p0[2]; B[6][0] = p1[0]; B[6][1] = p1[1]; B[6][2] = p1[2]; B[9][0] = p2[0]; B[9][1] = p2[1]; B[9][2] = p2[2]; Edge[0] = p1[0] - p0[0]; Edge[1] = p1[1] - p0[1]; Edge[2] = p1[2] - p0[2]; t = Edge[0] * n0[0] + Edge[1] * n0[1] + Edge[2] * n0[2]; B[1][0] = p0[0] + (Edge[0] - n0[0] * t) * Tension; B[1][1] = p0[1] + (Edge[1] - n0[1] * t) * Tension; B[1][2] = p0[2] + (Edge[2] - n0[2] * t) * Tension; Edge[0] = p0[0] - p1[0]; Edge[1] = p0[1] - p1[1]; Edge[2] = p0[2] - p1[2]; t = Edge[0] * n1[0] + Edge[1] * n1[1] + Edge[2] * n1[2]; B[3][0] = p1[0] + (Edge[0] - n1[0] * t) * Tension; B[3][1] = p1[1] + (Edge[1] - n1[1] * t) * Tension; B[3][2] = p1[2] + (Edge[2] - n1[2] * t) * Tension; Edge[0] = p2[0] - p1[0]; Edge[1] = p2[1] - p1[1]; Edge[2] = p2[2] - p1[2]; t = Edge[0] * n1[0] + Edge[1] * n1[1] + Edge[2] * n1[2]; B[7][0] = p1[0] + (Edge[0] - n1[0] * t) * Tension; B[7][1] = p1[1] + (Edge[1] - n1[1] * t) * Tension; B[7][2] = p1[2] + (Edge[2] - n1[2] * t) * Tension; Edge[0] = p1[0] - p2[0]; Edge[1] = p1[1] - p2[1]; Edge[2] = p1[2] - p2[2]; t = Edge[0] * n2[0] + Edge[1] * n2[1] + Edge[2] * n2[2]; B[8][0] = p2[0] + (Edge[0] - n2[0] * t) * Tension; B[8][1] = p2[1] + (Edge[1] - n2[1] * t) * Tension; B[8][2] = p2[2] + (Edge[2] - n2[2] * t) * Tension; Edge[0] = p2[0] - p0[0]; Edge[1] = p2[1] - p0[1]; Edge[2] = p2[2] - p0[2]; t = Edge[0] * n0[0] + Edge[1] * n0[1] + Edge[2] * n0[2]; B[2][0] = p0[0] + (Edge[0] - n0[0] * t) * Tension; B[2][1] = p0[1] + (Edge[1] - n0[1] * t) * Tension; B[2][2] = p0[2] + (Edge[2] - n0[2] * t) * Tension; Edge[0] = p0[0] - p2[0]; Edge[1] = p0[1] - p2[1]; Edge[2] = p0[2] - p2[2]; t = Edge[0] * n2[0] + Edge[1] * n2[1] + Edge[2] * n2[2]; B[5][0] = p2[0] + (Edge[0] - n2[0] * t) * Tension; B[5][1] = p2[1] + (Edge[1] - n2[1] * t) * Tension; B[5][2] = p2[2] + (Edge[2] - n2[2] * t) * Tension;
B[4][0] = (B[1][0] + B[2][0] + B[3][0] + B[5][0] + B[7][0] + B[8][0]) / 4.0f - (B[0][0] + B[6][0] + B[9][0]) / 6.0f; B[4][1] = (B[1][1] + B[2][1] + B[3][1] + B[5][1] + B[7][1] + B[8][1]) / 4.0f - (B[0][1] + B[6][1] + B[9][1]) / 6.0f; B[4][2] = (B[1][2] + B[2][2] + B[3][2] + B[5][2] + B[7][2] + B[8][2]) / 4.0f - (B[0][2] + B[6][2] + B[9][2]) / 6.0f; } if (m_NormalOrder == D3DORDER_QUADRATIC) { // Compute central control point
if (m_bNormalizeNormals) { VecNormalizeFast(*n0); VecNormalizeFast(*n1); VecNormalizeFast(*n2); } N002 = *(D3DVECTOR*)n1; N020 = *(D3DVECTOR*)n0; N200 = *(D3DVECTOR*)n2;
// Compute edge control points
ComputeNormalControlPoint(&N110, p0, p2, n0, n2); ComputeNormalControlPoint(&N101, p2, p1, n2, n1); ComputeNormalControlPoint(&N011, p1, p0, n1, n0); }
float CP[__NUMELEMENTS*4][10]; // Computed tri-patch control pointes
int iCP; // Float value index in the control point array
for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { iCP = 0; const float U = g_uvw[k].u; const float V = g_uvw[k].v; const float W = g_uvw[k].w;
for (UINT iElement=0; iElement < CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements; iElement++) { if (iElement == m_PositionIndex) { if (m_PositionOrder == D3DORDER_CUBIC) { CP[iCP++][k] = B[k][0]; CP[iCP++][k] = B[k][1]; CP[iCP++][k] = B[k][2]; } else { CP[iCP++][k] = p2[0] * U + p0[0] * V + p1[0] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = p2[1] * U + p0[1] * V + p1[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = p2[2] * U + p0[2] * V + p1[2] * W; } } else if (iElement == m_NormalIndex) { if (m_NormalOrder == D3DORDER_QUADRATIC) { D3DVECTOR Q; // Do degree elevation from quadratic to cubic
switch (k) { case 0: Q.x = N020.x; Q.y = N020.y; Q.z = N020.z; break; case 1: Q.x = (2.0f*N011.x + N020.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (2.0f*N011.y + N020.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (2.0f*N011.z + N020.z) * OneOver3; break; case 2: Q.x = (2.0f*N110.x + N020.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (2.0f*N110.y + N020.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (2.0f*N110.z + N020.z) * OneOver3; break; case 3: Q.x = (2.0f*N011.x + N002.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (2.0f*N011.y + N002.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (2.0f*N011.z + N002.z) * OneOver3; break; case 4: Q.x = (N011.x + N101.x + N110.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (N011.y + N101.y + N110.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (N011.z + N101.z + N110.z) * OneOver3; break; case 5: Q.x = (2.0f*N110.x + N200.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (2.0f*N110.y + N200.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (2.0f*N110.z + N200.z) * OneOver3; break; case 6: Q.x = N002.x; Q.y = N002.y; Q.z = N002.z; break; case 7: Q.x = (2.0f*N101.x + N002.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (2.0f*N101.y + N002.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (2.0f*N101.z + N002.z) * OneOver3; break; case 8: Q.x = (2.0f*N101.x + N200.x) * OneOver3; Q.y = (2.0f*N101.y + N200.y) * OneOver3; Q.z = (2.0f*N101.z + N200.z) * OneOver3; break; case 9: Q.x = N200.x; Q.y = N200.y; Q.z = N200.z; break; } CP[iCP++][k] = Q.x; CP[iCP++][k] = Q.y; CP[iCP++][k] = Q.z; } else { CP[iCP++][k] = n2[0] * U + n0[0] * V + n1[0] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = n2[1] * U + n0[1] * V + n1[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = n2[2] * U + n0[2] * V + n1[2] * W; } } else { switch(CVertexPointer::DataType[iElement]) { case D3DVSDT_FLOAT1: CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[0] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[0] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[0] * W; break; case D3DVSDT_FLOAT2: CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[0] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[0] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[0] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[1] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[1] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[1] * W; break; case D3DVSDT_FLOAT3: CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[0] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[0] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[0] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[1] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[1] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[2] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[2] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[2] * W; break; case D3DVSDT_FLOAT4: CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[0] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[0] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[0] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[1] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[1] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[2] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[2] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[2] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = ((float*)pV2.pData[iElement])[3] * U + ((float*)pV0.pData[iElement])[3] * V + ((float*)pV1.pData[iElement])[3] * W; break; case D3DVSDT_D3DCOLOR: case D3DVSDT_UBYTE4: DWORD c; c = *(DWORD*)pV0.pData[iElement]; float r[3], g[3], b[3], a[3]; r[0] = float(c & 0xFF); g[0] = float((c >> 8) & 0xFF); b[0] = float((c >> 16) & 0xFF); a[0] = float((c >> 24) & 0xFF); c = *(DWORD*)pV1.pData[iElement]; r[1] = float(c & 0xFF); g[1] = float((c >> 8) & 0xFF); b[1] = float((c >> 16) & 0xFF); a[1] = float((c >> 24) & 0xFF); c = *(DWORD*)pV2.pData[iElement]; r[2] = float(c & 0xFF); g[2] = float((c >> 8) & 0xFF); b[2] = float((c >> 16) & 0xFF); a[2] = float((c >> 24) & 0xFF); CP[iCP++][k] = r[2] * U + r[0] * V + r[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = g[2] * U + g[0] * V + g[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = b[2] * U + b[0] * V + b[1] * W; CP[iCP++][k] = a[2] * U + a[0] * V + a[1] * W; break; case D3DVSDT_SHORT2: CP[iCP++][k]= (float)( ((short*)pV2.pData[iElement])[0] * U + ((short*)pV0.pData[iElement])[0] * V + ((short*)pV1.pData[iElement])[0] * W); CP[iCP++][k] = (float)( ((short*)pV2.pData[iElement])[1] * U + ((short*)pV0.pData[iElement])[1] * V + ((short*)pV1.pData[iElement])[1] * W); break; case D3DVSDT_SHORT4: CP[iCP++][k] = (float)( ((short*)pV2.pData[iElement])[0] * U + ((short*)pV0.pData[iElement])[0] * V + ((short*)pV1.pData[iElement])[0] * W); CP[iCP++][k] = (float)( ((short*)pV2.pData[iElement])[1] * U + ((short*)pV0.pData[iElement])[1] * V + ((short*)pV1.pData[iElement])[1] * W); CP[iCP++][k] = (float)( ((short*)pV2.pData[iElement])[2] * U + ((short*)pV0.pData[iElement])[2] * V + ((short*)pV1.pData[iElement])[2] * W); CP[iCP++][k] = (float)( ((short*)pV2.pData[iElement])[3] * U + ((short*)pV0.pData[iElement])[3] * V + ((short*)pV1.pData[iElement])[3] * W); break; default: DXGASSERT(FALSE); } } } }
// Now convert Tri-Patch to Rect-Patch by transforming 10 tri-patch control
// points to 16 rect-patch control points
float CPR[16][__NUMELEMENTS*4]; // Computed rect-patch control pointes
{ for (int i=0; i < iCP; i++) { // First row - copy first point 4 times
CPR[0][i] = CPR[1][i] = CPR[2][i] = CPR[3][i] = CP[i][0];
// 2nd row
float v1 = CP[i][1]; float v2 = CP[i][2]; CPR[ 4][i] = v1; CPR[ 5][i] = (v1 * 2.0f + v2 ) * OneOver3; CPR[ 6][i] = (v1 + v2 * 2.0f) * OneOver3; CPR[ 7][i] = v2;
// 3rd row
CPR[ 8][i] = CP[i][3]; CPR[ 9][i] = (CP[i][3] + CP[i][4] * 2.0f) * OneOver3; CPR[10][i] = (CP[i][4] * 2.0f + CP[i][5] ) * OneOver3; CPR[11][i] = CP[i][5];
// 4th row - copy all elements
CPR[12][i] = CP[i][6]; CPR[13][i] = CP[i][7]; CPR[14][i] = CP[i][8]; CPR[15][i] = CP[i][9]; } }
// Output the result
{ for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) { UINT k = 0; for (UINT iElement=0; iElement < CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements; iElement++) { float* pout = (float*)m_OutVertex.pData[iElement]; switch(CVertexPointer::DataType[iElement]) { case D3DVSDT_FLOAT1: pout[0] = CPR[i][k++]; break; case D3DVSDT_FLOAT2: pout[0] = CPR[i][k++]; pout[1] = CPR[i][k++]; break; case D3DVSDT_FLOAT3: pout[0] = CPR[i][k++]; pout[1] = CPR[i][k++]; pout[2] = CPR[i][k++]; break; case D3DVSDT_FLOAT4: pout[0] = CPR[i][k++]; pout[1] = CPR[i][k++]; pout[2] = CPR[i][k++]; pout[3] = CPR[i][k++]; break; case D3DVSDT_D3DCOLOR: case D3DVSDT_UBYTE4: { DWORD c; float r = CPR[i][k++]; float g = CPR[i][k++]; float b = CPR[i][k++]; float a = CPR[i][k++]; c = DWORD(r); c |= DWORD(g) << 8; c |= DWORD(b) << 16; c |= DWORD(a) << 24; *(DWORD*)pout = c; } break; case D3DVSDT_SHORT2: ((short*)pout)[0] = (short)(CPR[i][k++]); ((short*)pout)[1] = (short)(CPR[i][k++]); break; case D3DVSDT_SHORT4: ((short*)pout)[0] = (short)(CPR[i][k++]); ((short*)pout)[1] = (short)(CPR[i][k++]); ((short*)pout)[2] = (short)(CPR[i][k++]); ((short*)pout)[3] = (short)(CPR[i][k++]); break; default: DXGASSERT(FALSE); } } m_OutVertex++; } } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DrawPatches(CD3DHal* pDevice, UINT PrimitiveCount) { // Unlock output vertex buffers
if (D3DVSD_ISLEGACY(pDevice->m_dwCurrentShaderHandle)) { pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->m_pVB->Unlock(); } else { CVDeclaration* pDecl = &pDevice->m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration; CVStreamDecl* pStreamDecl = pDevice->m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration.m_pActiveStreams; while (pStreamDecl) { pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[pStreamDecl->m_dwStreamIndex]->m_pVB->Unlock(); pStreamDecl = (CVStreamDecl*)pStreamDecl->m_pNext; } }
// Draw rect patches
float numSegs[4]; numSegs[0] = numSegs[1] = numSegs[2] = numSegs[3] = *(float*)&pDevice->rstates[D3DRS_PATCHSEGMENTS]; D3DRECTPATCH_INFO info; info.StartVertexOffsetWidth = pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_FirstVertex; info.StartVertexOffsetHeight = 0; info.Width = 4; info.Height = 4; info.Stride = 4; // verticies to next row of verticies
info.Basis = D3DBASIS_BEZIER; info.Order = D3DORDER_CUBIC;
for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { pDevice->DrawRectPatch(0, numSegs, &info); info.StartVertexOffsetWidth += 16; }
// Restore input vertex streams
if (D3DVSD_ISLEGACY(pDevice->m_dwCurrentShaderHandle)) { // Always need to call SetStreamSource to decrease reference count of
// the internal VB buffer
pDevice->SetStreamSource(0, pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[0].m_pVB, CVertexPointer::Stride[0]); if (pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[0].m_pVB) { // Remove additional ref count, because the stream is set
// second time
pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[0].m_pVB->Release(); pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[0].m_pVB = NULL; } } else { CVDeclaration* pDecl = &pDevice->m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration; CVStreamDecl* pStreamDecl = pDevice->m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration.m_pActiveStreams; while (pStreamDecl) { UINT si = pStreamDecl->m_dwStreamIndex; UINT Stride = pStreamDecl->m_dwStride; CVStream* pStream = &pDevice->m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[si]; // Always need to call SetStreamSource to decrease reference count
// of the internal VB buffer
pDevice->SetStreamSource(si, pStream->m_pVB, Stride); if (pStream->m_pVB) { // Remove additional ref count, because the stream is set second
// time
pStream->m_pVB->Release(); pStream->m_pVB = NULL; } pStreamDecl = (CVStreamDecl*)pStreamDecl->m_pNext; } } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CD3DHal_DrawNPatch(CD3DBase* pBaseDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimitiveType, UINT StartVertex, UINT PrimitiveCount) { CD3DHal* pDevice = static_cast<CD3DHal*>(pBaseDevice);
// Draw as usual for non-triangle primitive types
if (PrimitiveType < D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST) { (*pDevice->m_pfnDrawPrimFromNPatch)(pBaseDevice, PrimitiveType, StartVertex, PrimitiveCount); // m_pfnDrawPrim could be switched to fast path, so we need to restore it
pDevice->m_pfnDrawPrim = CD3DHal_DrawNPatch; return; }
#if DBG
UINT nVer = GETVERTEXCOUNT(PrimitiveType, PrimitiveCount); pDevice->ValidateDraw2(PrimitiveType, StartVertex, PrimitiveCount, nVer, FALSE); #endif
pDevice->PrepareNPatchConversion(PrimitiveCount, StartVertex);
// Go through triangles and generate tri-patches
CNPatch2TriPatch* pConvObj = pDevice->m_pConvObj; switch( PrimitiveType ) { case D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST: { for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { CVertexPointer pV0 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; CVertexPointer pV1 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; CVertexPointer pV2 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP: { // Get initial vertex values.
CVertexPointer pV0; CVertexPointer pV1 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; CVertexPointer pV2 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++;
for (UINT i =PrimitiveCount; i > 1; i -= 2) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2);
pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV2, pV1); }
if (i > 0) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN: { CVertexPointer pV0; CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; pV2 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; // Preload initial pV0.
pV1 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pConvObj->m_InpVertex; pConvObj->m_InpVertex++; pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; default: DXGASSERT(FALSE); }
pDevice->m_pDDI->SetWithinPrimitive(TRUE); DrawPatches(pDevice, PrimitiveCount); pDevice->m_pDDI->SetWithinPrimitive(FALSE); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CD3DHal_DrawIndexedNPatch(CD3DBase* pBaseDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimitiveType, UINT BaseIndex, UINT MinIndex, UINT NumVertices, UINT StartIndex, UINT PrimitiveCount) { CD3DHal* pDevice = static_cast<CD3DHal*>(pBaseDevice);
// Draw as usual for non-triangle primitive types
if (PrimitiveType < D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST) { (*pDevice->m_pfnDrawIndexedPrimFromNPatch)(pBaseDevice, PrimitiveType, BaseIndex, MinIndex, NumVertices, StartIndex, PrimitiveCount); // m_pfnDrawIndexedPrim could be switched to fast path, so we
// need to restore it
pDevice->m_pfnDrawIndexedPrim = CD3DHal_DrawIndexedNPatch; return; }
#if DBG
pDevice->ValidateDraw2(PrimitiveType, MinIndex + BaseIndex, PrimitiveCount, NumVertices, TRUE, StartIndex); #endif
pDevice->PrepareNPatchConversion(PrimitiveCount, BaseIndex);
// Go through triangles and generate tri-patches
CNPatch2TriPatch* pConvObj = pDevice->m_pConvObj;
if (pDevice->m_pIndexStream->m_dwStride == 2) { WORD* pIndices = (WORD*)pDevice->m_pIndexStream->Data() + StartIndex; switch( PrimitiveType ) { case D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST: { for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { CVertexPointer pV0; CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; pV0.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP: { CVertexPointer pV0; CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; // Get initial vertex values.
pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++));
for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 1; i -= 2) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2);
pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV2, pV1); }
if (i > 0) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN: { CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); // Preload initial pV0.
pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { CVertexPointer pV0 = pV1; pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV2, pV1); } } break; default: DXGASSERT(FALSE); } } else { DWORD* pIndices = (DWORD*)pDevice->m_pIndexStream->Data() + StartIndex; switch( PrimitiveType ) { case D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST: { for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { CVertexPointer pV0; CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; pV0.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP: { CVertexPointer pV0; CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; // Get initial vertex values.
pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++));
for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 1; i -= 2) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2);
pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV2, pV1); }
if (i > 0) { pV0 = pV1; pV1 = pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV1, pV2); } } break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN: { CVertexPointer pV1; CVertexPointer pV2; pV2.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); // Preload initial pV0.
pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); for (UINT i = PrimitiveCount; i > 0; i--) { CVertexPointer pV0 = pV1; pV1.SetVertex(pConvObj->m_InpVertex, (*pIndices++)); pConvObj->MakeRectPatch(pV0, pV2, pV1); } } break; default: DXGASSERT(FALSE); } }
DrawPatches(pDevice, PrimitiveCount); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conversion output will have the same number of streams as input and the
// same vertex shader
void CD3DHal::PrepareNPatchConversion(UINT PrimitiveCount, UINT StartVertex) { if (m_pConvObj == NULL) { m_pConvObj = new CNPatch2TriPatch; if (m_pConvObj == NULL) { D3D_THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Not enough memory"); }
// Pre-allocate output streams
for (int i=0; i < __NUMELEMENTS; i++) { m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[i]->Grow(512*32, m_pDDI); } }
m_pConvObj->m_PositionOrder = (D3DORDERTYPE)rstates[D3DRS_POSITIONORDER]; m_pConvObj->m_NormalOrder = (D3DORDERTYPE)rstates[D3DRS_NORMALORDER]; m_pConvObj->m_bNormalizeNormals = rstates[D3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS];
// Compute number of vertices in the output. Each output patch has 16
// control points
UINT nOutVertices = PrimitiveCount * 16;
if (D3DVSD_ISLEGACY(m_dwCurrentShaderHandle)) { CVStream* pStream = &m_pStream[0]; UINT Stride = pStream->m_dwStride;
// Get memory pointer for the input stream 0
m_pConvObj->m_pInpStreamMem[0] = pStream->Data() + StartVertex * Stride; if (Stride != m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->m_dwStride && m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->GetPrimitiveBase() != 0) { m_pDDI->FlushStates(); m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->Reset(); m_pConvObj->m_FirstVertex = 0; } // Allocate space in the corresponding output stream and get its
// memory pointer
m_pConvObj->m_pOutStreamMem[0] = m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->Lock(nOutVertices * Stride, m_pDDI); m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->SetVertexSize(Stride); m_pConvObj->m_FirstVertex = m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->GetPrimitiveBase(); m_pConvObj->m_FirstVertex /= Stride; m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->SkipVertices(nOutVertices); // Save the old vertex buffer
UINT tmp; GetStreamSource(0, (IDirect3DVertexBuffer8**)&m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[0].m_pVB, &tmp); // Set new vertex buffer as input stream
SetStreamSource(0, m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[0]->m_pVB, Stride);
// Initialize vertex elements pointers based on the FVF handle
UINT VertexOffset = 0; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements = 0; BYTE* pinp = m_pConvObj->m_pInpStreamMem[0]; BYTE* pout = m_pConvObj->m_pOutStreamMem[0]; // Position
m_pConvObj->m_PositionIndex = CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout; VertexOffset += 3*sizeof(float); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT3; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; // Data after position
switch (m_dwCurrentShaderHandle & D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK) { case D3DFVF_XYZB1: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT1; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB2: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 2; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT2; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB3: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 3; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT3; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB4: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 4; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT4; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB5: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 4; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT4; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 1; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT1; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; } //Normal
m_pConvObj->m_NormalIndex = CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += 3*sizeof(float); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT3; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; if (m_dwCurrentShaderHandle & D3DFVF_PSIZE) { m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT1; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; } if (m_dwCurrentShaderHandle & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) { m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(DWORD); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_D3DCOLOR; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; } if (m_dwCurrentShaderHandle & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(DWORD); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_D3DCOLOR; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; } UINT iTexCount = FVF_TEXCOORD_NUMBER(m_dwCurrentShaderHandle); for (UINT i = 0; i < iTexCount; i++) { switch (D3DFVF_GETTEXCOORDSIZE(m_dwCurrentShaderHandle, i)) { case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 2; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT2; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float); CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT1; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 3; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT3; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT4: m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.Stride[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = Stride; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pinp + VertexOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = pout + VertexOffset; VertexOffset += sizeof(float) * 4; CVertexPointer::DataType[CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements] = D3DVSDT_FLOAT4; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements++; break; } } } else { // Check if we can batch to the same output vertex streams.
// All output streams must have the same stride as declaration, the
// same primitive base and enough space to store output vertices
CVStreamDecl* pStreamDecl = m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration.m_pActiveStreams; BOOL bFirstStream = TRUE; UINT FirstVertexIndex = 0; while (pStreamDecl) { UINT si = pStreamDecl->m_dwStreamIndex; UINT Stride = pStreamDecl->m_dwStride; UINT PrimitiveBase = m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->GetPrimitiveBase(); PrimitiveBase /= Stride; if (bFirstStream) { FirstVertexIndex = PrimitiveBase; m_pConvObj->m_FirstVertex = FirstVertexIndex; } if ((m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->m_dwStride != Stride && PrimitiveBase != 0) || FirstVertexIndex != PrimitiveBase || !m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->CheckFreeSpace(nOutVertices * Stride)) { m_pDDI->FlushStates(); for (int i=0; i < __NUMELEMENTS; i++) { m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[i]->Reset(); } m_pConvObj->m_FirstVertex = 0; } bFirstStream = FALSE; pStreamDecl = (CVStreamDecl*)pStreamDecl->m_pNext; }
// Build an array of all vertex elements used in the shader by going
// through all streams and elements inside each stream.
CVDeclaration* pDecl = &m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration; pStreamDecl = m_pCurrentShader->m_Declaration.m_pActiveStreams; UINT ve = 0; // Vertex element index
bFirstStream = TRUE; while (pStreamDecl) { UINT si = pStreamDecl->m_dwStreamIndex; UINT Stride = pStreamDecl->m_dwStride; CVStream * pStream = &m_pStream[si]; m_pConvObj->m_pInpStreamMem[si] = pStream->Data() + StartVertex * Stride; // Allocate space in the corresponding output stream and get
// memory pointer
m_pConvObj->m_pOutStreamMem[si] = m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->Lock(nOutVertices * Stride, m_pDDI); m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->SetVertexSize(Stride); m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->SkipVertices(nOutVertices); // Save the old vertex buffer
UINT tmp; GetStreamSource(si, (IDirect3DVertexBuffer8**)&m_pConvObj->m_InpStream[si].m_pVB, &tmp); // Set new vertex buffer as input
SetStreamSource(si, m_pConvObj->m_pOutStream[si]->m_pVB, Stride);
for (DWORD i=0; i < pStreamDecl->m_dwNumElements; i++) { if (i >= __NUMELEMENTS) { D3D_THROW_FAIL("Declaration is using too many elements"); } // This is the array we build
CVElement* pVerElem = &pStreamDecl->m_Elements[i]; CVertexPointer::Stride[ve] = Stride; CVertexPointer::DataType[ve] = pVerElem->m_dwDataType; m_pConvObj->m_InpVertex.pData[ve] = m_pConvObj->m_pInpStreamMem[si] + pVerElem->m_dwOffset; m_pConvObj->m_OutVertex.pData[ve] = m_pConvObj->m_pOutStreamMem[si] + pVerElem->m_dwOffset; if (pVerElem->m_dwRegister == D3DVSDE_POSITION) m_pConvObj->m_PositionIndex = ve; else if (pVerElem->m_dwRegister == D3DVSDE_NORMAL) m_pConvObj->m_NormalIndex = ve; ve++; } pStreamDecl = (CVStreamDecl*)pStreamDecl->m_pNext; } pDecl->m_dwNumElements = ve; CVertexPointer::NumUsedElements = ve; } }