* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: cubemap.cpp * Content: Implementation of the CCubeMap class. * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ddrawpr.h"
#include "cubemap.hpp"
#include "cubesurf.hpp"
#include "d3di.hpp"
#include "resource.inl"
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::Create"
// Static class function for creating a cube-map object.
// (Because it is static; it doesn't have a this pointer.)
// We do all parameter checking here to reduce the overhead
// in the constructor which is called by the internal Clone
// method which is used by resource management as part of the
// performance critical download operation.
HRESULT CCubeMap::Create(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpEdge, DWORD cLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT UserFormat, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DCubeTexture8 **ppCubeMap) { HRESULT hr;
// Do parameter checking here
if (!VALID_PTR_PTR(ppCubeMap)) { DPF_ERR("Bad parameter passed for ppSurface for creating a cubemap"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
// Zero-out return parameter
*ppCubeMap = NULL;
// Check if format is valid
hr = Validate(pDevice, D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE, Pool, Usage, UserFormat); if (FAILED(hr)) { // VerifyFormat does it's own DPFing
// Infer internal usage flags
Usage = InferUsageFlags(Pool, Usage, UserFormat);
// Expand cLevels if necessary
if (cLevels == 0) { // See if HW can mip
if ( (Pool != D3DPOOL_SCRATCH) && (!(pDevice->GetD3DCaps()->TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPCUBEMAP))) { // Can't mip so use 1
cLevels = 1; } else { // Determine number of levels
cLevels = ComputeLevels(cpEdge); } }
// Start parameter checking
if (cLevels > 32) { DPF_ERR("No more than 32 levels are supported for a cubemap texture");
// This limitation is based on the number of
// bits that we have allocated for iLevel in
// some of the supporting classes.
// Check if the device supports mipped cubemaps
if (cLevels > 1) { if ((cpEdge >> (cLevels - 1)) == 0) { DPF_ERR("Too many levels for Cube Texture of this size."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } }
D3DFORMAT RealFormat = UserFormat;
if (Pool != D3DPOOL_SCRATCH) { // Check size constraints for cubemap
if (pDevice->GetD3DCaps()->TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_CUBEMAP_POW2) { if (!IsPowerOfTwo(cpEdge)) { DPF_ERR("Device requires that edge must be power of two for cube-maps"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } }
// Check texture size restrictions
if (cpEdge > pDevice->GetD3DCaps()->MaxTextureWidth) { DPF_ERR("Texture width is larger than what the device supports. Cube Texture creation fails."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (cpEdge > pDevice->GetD3DCaps()->MaxTextureHeight) { DPF_ERR("Texture height is larger than what the device supports. Cube Texture creation fails."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
// Check that the device supports cubemaps
if (!(pDevice->GetD3DCaps()->TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_CUBEMAP)) { DPF_ERR("Device doesn't support Cube Texture; Cube Texture creation failed."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
// Check if the device supports mipped cubemaps
if (cLevels > 1) { if (!(pDevice->GetD3DCaps()->TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPCUBEMAP)) { DPF_ERR("Device doesn't support mipped cube textures; creation failed."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } }
// Map Depth/Stencil formats; returns no change if no
// mapping is needed
RealFormat = pDevice->MapDepthStencilFormat(UserFormat); }
// Size may need to be 4x4
if (CPixel::Requires4X4(UserFormat)) { if (cpEdge & 3) { DPF_ERR("DXT Formats require edge to be a multiples of 4. Cube Texture creation fails."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } }
// Validate against zero width/height
if (cpEdge == 0) { DPF_ERR("Edge must be non-zero. Cube Texture creation fails."); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
// Allocate a new CubeMap object and return it
CCubeMap *pCubeMap = new CCubeMap(pDevice, cpEdge, cLevels, Usage, UserFormat, RealFormat, Pool, REF_EXTERNAL, &hr); if (pCubeMap == NULL) { DPF_ERR("Out of Memory creating cubemap"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("Error during initialization of cubemap"); pCubeMap->ReleaseImpl(); return hr; }
// We're done; just return the object
*ppCubeMap = pCubeMap;
return hr; } // static Create
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::CCubeMap"
// Constructor the cube map class
CCubeMap::CCubeMap(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpEdge, DWORD cLevels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT UserFormat, D3DFORMAT RealFormat, D3DPOOL UserPool, REF_TYPE refType, HRESULT *phr ) : CBaseTexture(pDevice, cLevels, UserPool, UserFormat, refType), m_prgCubeSurfaces(NULL), m_rgbPixels(NULL), m_IsAnyFaceDirty(TRUE) { // Sanity check
DXGASSERT(phr); DXGASSERT(cLevels <= 32);
// Initialize basic structures
m_prgCubeSurfaces = NULL; m_rgbPixels = NULL; m_desc.Format = RealFormat; m_desc.Pool = UserPool; m_desc.Usage = Usage; m_desc.Type = D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE; m_desc.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE; m_desc.Width = cpEdge; m_desc.Height = cpEdge;
// Initialize ourselves to all dirty
for (DWORD iFace = 0; iFace < CUBEMAP_MAXFACES; iFace++) { m_IsFaceCleanArray [iFace] = FALSE; m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace] = TRUE; }
// We assume that we start out dirty
// We always have 6 faces now
DWORD cFaces = 6;
// Allocate Pixel Data
m_cbSingleFace = CPixel::ComputeMipMapSize(cpEdge, cpEdge, cLevels, RealFormat);
// Round up to nearest 32 for alignment
m_cbSingleFace += 31; m_cbSingleFace &= ~(31);
m_desc.Size = m_cbSingleFace * cFaces;
// Allocate Pixel Data for SysMem or D3DManaged cases
if (IS_D3D_ALLOCATED_POOL(UserPool) || IsTypeD3DManaged(Device(), D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE, UserPool)) { m_rgbPixels = new BYTE[m_desc.Size];
if (m_rgbPixels == NULL) { *phr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return; } }
// Create the DDSURFACEINFO array and CreateSurfaceData object
DXGASSERT(cLevels <= 32);
DDSURFACEINFO SurfInfo[6 * 32]; ZeroMemory(SurfInfo, sizeof(SurfInfo));
D3D8_CREATESURFACEDATA CreateSurfaceData; ZeroMemory(&CreateSurfaceData, sizeof(CreateSurfaceData));
// Set up the basic information
CreateSurfaceData.hDD = pDevice->GetHandle(); CreateSurfaceData.pSList = &SurfInfo[0]; CreateSurfaceData.dwSCnt = cLevels * cFaces; CreateSurfaceData.Type = D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE; CreateSurfaceData.dwUsage = m_desc.Usage; CreateSurfaceData.Format = RealFormat; CreateSurfaceData.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE; CreateSurfaceData.Pool = DetermineCreationPool(Device(), D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE, Usage, UserPool);
// Iterate of each face/level to create the individual level
// data
for (iFace = 0; iFace < cFaces; iFace++) { // Start width and height at the full size
cpEdge = m_desc.Width; DXGASSERT(m_desc.Width == m_desc.Height);
for (DWORD iLevel = 0; iLevel < cLevels; iLevel++) { int index = (iFace * cLevels) + iLevel;
// Fill in the relevant information
DXGASSERT(cpEdge >= 1); SurfInfo[index].cpWidth = cpEdge; SurfInfo[index].cpHeight = cpEdge;
// If we allocated the memory, pass down
// the sys-mem pointers
if (m_rgbPixels) { D3DLOCKED_RECT lock; ComputeCubeMapOffset(iFace, iLevel, NULL, // pRect
SurfInfo[index].pbPixels = (BYTE*)lock.pBits; SurfInfo[index].iPitch = lock.Pitch;
// Scale width and height down for each level
cpEdge >>= 1; } }
// Allocate array of pointers to CubeSurfaces
m_prgCubeSurfaces = new CCubeSurface*[cLevels*cFaces]; if (m_prgCubeSurfaces == NULL) { *phr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return; }
// Zero the memory for safe cleanup
ZeroMemory(m_prgCubeSurfaces, sizeof(*m_prgCubeSurfaces) * cLevels * cFaces);
if (UserPool != D3DPOOL_SCRATCH) { // Call the HAL to create this surface
*phr = pDevice->GetHalCallbacks()->CreateSurface(&CreateSurfaceData); if (FAILED(*phr)) return;
// NOTE: any failures after this point needs to free up some
// kernel handles
// Remember what pool we really got
m_desc.Pool = CreateSurfaceData.Pool;
// We need to remember the handles from the top most
// level of the mip-map
SetKernelHandle(SurfInfo[0].hKernelHandle); }
// Create and Initialize each CubeLevel
for (iFace = 0; iFace < cFaces; iFace++) { for (DWORD iLevel = 0; iLevel < cLevels; iLevel++) { int index = (iFace * cLevels) + iLevel;
DXGASSERT((BYTE)iFace == iFace); DXGASSERT((BYTE)iLevel == iLevel);
// Create the appropriate cube-level depending on type
// Is this a sys-mem surface; could be d3d managed
if (IS_D3D_ALLOCATED_POOL(m_desc.Pool)) { m_prgCubeSurfaces[index] = new CCubeSurface(this, (BYTE)iFace, (BYTE)iLevel, SurfInfo[index].hKernelHandle); } else { // This is driver kind of cube-map; could be driver managed
m_prgCubeSurfaces[index] = new CDriverCubeSurface(this, (BYTE)iFace, (BYTE)iLevel, SurfInfo[index].hKernelHandle); }
if (m_prgCubeSurfaces[index] == NULL) { DPF_ERR("Out of memory creating cube map level"); *phr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Need to free handles that we got before we return; we
// only free the ones that weren't successfully entrusted
// to a CCubeSurf because those will be cleaned up automatically
// at their destructor
if (UserPool != D3DPOOL_SCRATCH) { for (UINT i = index; i < ((cFaces * cLevels) - 1); i++) { DXGASSERT(SurfInfo[i].hKernelHandle);
D3D8_DESTROYSURFACEDATA DestroySurfData; DestroySurfData.hDD = Device()->GetHandle(); DestroySurfData.hSurface = SurfInfo[i].hKernelHandle; Device()->GetHalCallbacks()->DestroySurface(&DestroySurfData); } }
return; } } }
// If this is a D3D managed surface then we need
// to tell the Resource Manager to remember us. This has to happen
// at the very end of the constructor so that the important data
// members are built up correctly
if (CResource::IsTypeD3DManaged(Device(), D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE, UserPool)) { *phr = InitializeRMHandle(); }
} // CCubeMap::CCubeMap
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::~CCubeMap"
// Destructor
CCubeMap::~CCubeMap() { // The destructor has to handle partially
// created objects.
if (m_prgCubeSurfaces) { // How many faces do we have?
DWORD cFaces = 6;
// Delete each CubeSurface individually
for (DWORD iSurf = 0; iSurf < (cFaces * m_cLevels); iSurf++) { delete m_prgCubeSurfaces[iSurf]; } delete [] m_prgCubeSurfaces; } delete [] m_rgbPixels; } // CCubeMap::~CCubeMap
// Methods for the Resource Manager
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::Clone"
// Specifies a creation of a resource that
// looks just like the current one; in a new POOL
// with a new LOD.
HRESULT CCubeMap::Clone(D3DPOOL Pool, CResource **ppResource) const
{ // NULL out parameter
*ppResource = NULL;
// Determine the number of levels/width/height
// of the clone
DWORD cLevels = GetLevelCountImpl(); DWORD Edge = m_desc.Width; DXGASSERT(m_desc.Width == m_desc.Height);
// If LOD is zero, then there are no changes
if (dwLOD > 0) { // Clamp LOD to cLevels-1
if (dwLOD >= cLevels) { dwLOD = cLevels - 1; }
// scale down the destination texture
// to correspond the appropiate max lod
Edge >>= dwLOD; if (Edge == 0) Edge = 1;
// Reduce the number based on the our max lod.
cLevels -= dwLOD; }
// Sanity checking
DXGASSERT(cLevels >= 1); DXGASSERT(Edge > 0);
// Create the new cube-map object now
// Note: we treat clones as REF_INTERNAL; because
// they are owned by the resource manager which
// is owned by the device.
// Also, we adjust the usage to disable lock-flags
// since we don't need lockability
DWORD Usage = m_desc.Usage; Usage &= ~(D3DUSAGE_LOCK | D3DUSAGE_LOADONCE);
HRESULT hr; CResource *pResource = new CCubeMap(Device(), Edge, cLevels, Usage, m_desc.Format, // UserFormat
m_desc.Format, // RealFormat
Pool, REF_INTERNAL, &hr);
if (pResource == NULL) { DPF_ERR("Failed to allocate cube-map object when copying"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF(5, "Failed to create cube-map when doing texture management"); pResource->DecrementUseCount(); return hr; }
*ppResource = pResource;
return hr; } // CCubeMap::Clone
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetBufferDesc"
// Provides a method to access basic structure of the
// pieces of the resource. A resource may be composed
// of one or more buffers.
const D3DBUFFER_DESC* CCubeMap::GetBufferDesc() const { return (const D3DBUFFER_DESC*)&m_desc; } // CCubeMap::GetBufferDesc
// IUnknown methods
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::QueryInterface"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppvObj) { API_ENTER(Device());
if (!VALID_PTR_PTR(ppvObj)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid ppvObj parameter to QueryInterface for Cubemap"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (!VALID_PTR(&riid, sizeof(GUID))) { DPF_ERR("Invalid guid memory address to QueryInterface for Cubemap"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (riid == IID_IDirect3DCubeTexture8 || riid == IID_IDirect3DBaseTexture8 || riid == IID_IDirect3DResource8 || riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppvObj = static_cast<void*>(static_cast<IDirect3DCubeTexture8*>(this)); AddRef(); return S_OK; }
DPF_ERR("Unsupported Interface identifier passed to QueryInterface for Cubemap"); // Null out param
*ppvObj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } // QueryInterface
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::AddRef"
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CCubeMap::AddRef() { API_ENTER_NO_LOCK(Device()); return AddRefImpl(); } // AddRef
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::Release"
return ReleaseImpl(); } // Release
// IDirect3DResource methods
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetDevice"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::GetDevice(IDirect3DDevice8 ** ppvObj) { API_ENTER(Device()); return GetDeviceImpl(ppvObj); } // GetDevice
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::SetPrivateData"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::SetPrivateData(REFGUID riid, CONST VOID* pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags) { API_ENTER(Device());
// For the private data that 'really' belongs to the
// CubeMap, we use m_cLevels. (0 through m_cLevels-1 are for
// each of the children levels.)
return SetPrivateDataImpl(riid, pvData, cbData, dwFlags, m_cLevels); } // SetPrivateData
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetPrivateData"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::GetPrivateData(REFGUID riid, LPVOID pvData, LPDWORD pcbData) { API_ENTER(Device());
// For the private data that 'really' belongs to the
// CubeMap, we use m_cLevels. (0 through m_cLevels-1 are for
// each of the children levels.)
return GetPrivateDataImpl(riid, pvData, pcbData, m_cLevels); } // GetPrivateData
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::FreePrivateData"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::FreePrivateData(REFGUID riid) { API_ENTER(Device());
// For the private data that 'really' belongs to the
// CubeMap, we use m_cLevels. (0 through m_cLevels-1 are for
// each of the children levels.)
return FreePrivateDataImpl(riid, m_cLevels); } // FreePrivateData
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetPriority"
STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CCubeMap::GetPriority() { API_ENTER_RET(Device(), DWORD);
return GetPriorityImpl(); } // GetPriority
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::SetPriority"
STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CCubeMap::SetPriority(DWORD dwPriority) { API_ENTER_RET(Device(), DWORD);
return SetPriorityImpl(dwPriority); } // SetPriority
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::PreLoad"
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CCubeMap::PreLoad(void) { API_ENTER_VOID(Device());
PreLoadImpl(); return; } // PreLoad
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetType"
return m_desc.Type; } // GetType
// IDirect3DMipTexture methods
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetLOD"
return GetLODImpl(); } // GetLOD
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::SetLOD"
return SetLODImpl(dwLOD); } // SetLOD
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetLevelCount"
STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CCubeMap::GetLevelCount() { API_ENTER_RET(Device(), DWORD);
return GetLevelCountImpl(); } // GetLevelCount
// IDirect3DCubeMap methods
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetLevelDesc"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::GetLevelDesc(UINT iLevel, D3DSURFACE_DESC *pDesc) { API_ENTER(Device());
if (iLevel >= m_cLevels) { DPF_ERR("Invalid level number passed CCubeMap::GetLevelDesc"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
return GetSurface(FaceType, iLevel)->GetDesc(pDesc);
} // GetLevelDesc
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::GetCubeMapSurface"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::GetCubeMapSurface(D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, UINT iLevel, IDirect3DSurface8 **ppSurface) { API_ENTER(Device());
if (!VALID_PTR_PTR(ppSurface)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid ppSurface parameter passed to CCubeMap::GetCubeMapSurface"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
// Null out parameter
*ppSurface = NULL;
// Continue parameter checking
if (iLevel >= m_cLevels) { DPF_ERR("Invalid level number passed CCubeMap::OpenCubemapLevel"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } if (!VALID_CUBEMAP_FACETYPE(FaceType)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid face type passed CCubeMap::OpenCubemapLevel"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } // Count bits in dwAllFaces less than dwFaceType's bit
*ppSurface = GetSurface(FaceType, iLevel); (*ppSurface)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } // GetCubeMapSurface
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::LockRect"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::LockRect(D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, UINT iLevel, D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags) { API_ENTER(Device());
if (pLockedRectData == NULL) { DPF_ERR("Invalid parameter passed to CCubeMap::LockRect"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (!VALID_CUBEMAP_FACETYPE(FaceType)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid face type passed CCubeMap::LockRect"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (iLevel >= m_cLevels) { DPF_ERR("Invalid level number passed CCubeMap::LockRect"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
return GetSurface(FaceType, iLevel)->LockRect(pLockedRectData, pRect, dwFlags); } // LockRect
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::UnlockRect"
STDMETHODIMP CCubeMap::UnlockRect(D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, UINT iLevel) { API_ENTER(Device());
if (!VALID_CUBEMAP_FACETYPE(FaceType)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid face type passed CCubeMap::UnlockRect"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } if (iLevel >= m_cLevels) { DPF_ERR("Invalid level number passed CCubeMap::UnlockRect"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
return GetSurface(FaceType, iLevel)->UnlockRect();
} // UnlockRect
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::UpdateTexture"
// This function does type-specific parameter checking
// before calling UpdateDirtyPortion
HRESULT CCubeMap::UpdateTexture(CBaseTexture *pResourceTarget) { CCubeMap *pTexSource = static_cast<CCubeMap*>(this); CCubeMap *pTexDest = static_cast<CCubeMap*>(pResourceTarget);
// Figure out how many levels in the source to skip
DXGASSERT(pTexSource->m_cLevels >= pTexDest->m_cLevels); DWORD StartLevel = pTexSource->m_cLevels - pTexDest->m_cLevels; DXGASSERT(StartLevel < 32);
// Compute the size of the top level of the source that is
// going to be copied.
UINT SrcWidth = pTexSource->Desc()->Width; UINT SrcHeight = pTexSource->Desc()->Height; if (StartLevel > 0) { SrcWidth >>= StartLevel; SrcHeight >>= StartLevel; if (SrcWidth == 0) SrcWidth = 1; if (SrcHeight == 0) SrcHeight = 1; }
// Source and Dest should be the same sizes at this point
if (SrcWidth != pTexDest->Desc()->Width) { if (StartLevel) { DPF_ERR("Source and Destination for UpdateTexture are not" " compatible. Since both have the same number of" " levels; their widths must match. UpdateTexture" " for CubeTexture fails"); } else { DPF_ERR("Source and Destination for UpdateTexture are not" " compatible. Since they have the different numbers of" " levels; the widths of the bottom-most levels of" " the source must match all the corresponding levels" " of the destination. UpdateTexture" " for CubeTexture fails"); } return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (SrcHeight != pTexDest->Desc()->Height) { if (StartLevel) { DPF_ERR("Source and Destination for UpdateTexture are not" " compatible. Since both have the same number of" " levels; their heights must match. UpdateTexture" " for CubeTexture fails"); } else { DPF_ERR("Source and Destination for UpdateTexture are not" " compatible. Since they have the different numbers of" " mip-levels; the heights of the bottom-most levels of" " the source must match all the corresponding levels" " of the destination. UpdateTexture" " for CubeTexture fails"); } return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
return UpdateDirtyPortion(pResourceTarget); } // UpdateTexture
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::UpdateDirtyPortion"
// Tells the resource that it should copy itself
// to the target. It is the caller's responsibility
// to make sure that Target is compatible with the
// Source. (The Target may have different number of mip-levels
// and be in a different pool; however, it must have the same size,
// faces, format, etc.)
// This function will clear the dirty state.
HRESULT CCubeMap::UpdateDirtyPortion(CResource *pResourceTarget) { // If we are clean, then do nothing
if (!m_IsAnyFaceDirty) { if (IsDirty()) { DPF_ERR("A Cube Texture has been locked with D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE but " "no call to AddDirtyRect was made before the texture was used. " "Hardware texture was not updated."); } return S_OK; }
// We are dirty; so we need to get some pointers
CCubeMap *pTexSource = static_cast<CCubeMap*>(this); CCubeMap *pTexDest = static_cast<CCubeMap*>(pResourceTarget);
// Call TexBlt for each face
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (CanTexBlt(pTexDest)) { CD3DBase *pDevice = static_cast<CD3DBase*>(Device());
// Hack: go in reverse order for driver compat.
for (INT iFace = CUBEMAP_MAXFACES-1; iFace >= 0; iFace--) { // Skip clean faces
if (m_IsFaceCleanArray[iFace]) continue;
// Figure out the right handles to use for this operation
D3DCUBEMAP_FACES Face = (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES) iFace; DWORD dwDest = pTexDest->GetSurface(Face, 0 /* iLevel */)->DrawPrimHandle(); DWORD dwSource = pTexSource->GetSurface(Face, 0 /* iLevel */)->DrawPrimHandle(); // Is this face all dirty?
if (m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace]) { POINT p = {0 , 0}; RECTL r = {0, 0, Desc()->Width, Desc()->Height};
hr = pDevice->CubeTexBlt(pTexDest, pTexSource, dwDest, dwSource, &p, &r); } else { // this face must be dirty
// Is this face partially dirty
hr = pDevice->CubeTexBlt(pTexDest, pTexSource, dwDest, dwSource, (LPPOINT)&m_DirtyRectArray[iFace], (LPRECTL)&m_DirtyRectArray[iFace]); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("Failed to update texture; not clearing dirty state for Cubemap");
return hr; } } } else { // We can't use TexBlt, so we have to copy each level individually
// through InternalCopyRects
// Determine number of source levels to skip
DXGASSERT(pTexSource->m_cLevels >= pTexDest->m_cLevels); DWORD StartLevel = pTexSource->m_cLevels - pTexDest->m_cLevels; DWORD LevelsToCopy = pTexSource->m_cLevels - StartLevel; DXGASSERT(StartLevel < this->m_cLevels); DXGASSERT(0 < pTexDest->m_cLevels);
CBaseSurface *pSurfaceSrc; CBaseSurface *pSurfaceDest;
// Iterate over each face
for (DWORD iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++) { if (m_IsFaceCleanArray[iFace]) continue;
if (m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace]) { for (DWORD iLevel = 0; iLevel < LevelsToCopy; iLevel++) { DWORD IndexSrc = iFace * this->m_cLevels + iLevel + StartLevel; DXGASSERT(IndexSrc < (DWORD)(this->m_cLevels * 6)); pSurfaceSrc = this->m_prgCubeSurfaces[IndexSrc];
DWORD IndexDest = iFace * pTexDest->m_cLevels + iLevel; DXGASSERT(IndexDest < (DWORD)(pTexDest->m_cLevels * 6)); pSurfaceDest = pTexDest->m_prgCubeSurfaces[IndexDest];
// Source and Dest should be the same
// or our caller made a mistake
DXGASSERT(pSurfaceSrc->InternalGetDesc().Width == pSurfaceDest->InternalGetDesc().Width); DXGASSERT(pSurfaceSrc->InternalGetDesc().Height == pSurfaceDest->InternalGetDesc().Height);
// Copy the entire level
hr = Device()->InternalCopyRects(pSurfaceSrc, NULL, 0, pSurfaceDest, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("Failed to update texture; not clearing dirty state for Cubemap"); return hr; } } } else { if (StartLevel) { ScaleRectDown(&m_DirtyRectArray[iFace], StartLevel); }
// Use the rect for the top level; but just
// copy the entirety of other levels
DWORD iLevel = 0;
DWORD IndexSrc = iFace * this->m_cLevels + iLevel + StartLevel; DXGASSERT(IndexSrc < (DWORD)(this->m_cLevels * 6)); pSurfaceSrc = this->m_prgCubeSurfaces[IndexSrc];
DWORD IndexDest = iFace * pTexDest->m_cLevels + iLevel; DXGASSERT(IndexDest < (DWORD)(pTexDest->m_cLevels * 6)); pSurfaceDest = pTexDest->m_prgCubeSurfaces[IndexDest];
DXGASSERT(pSurfaceSrc->InternalGetDesc().Width == pSurfaceDest->InternalGetDesc().Width); DXGASSERT(pSurfaceSrc->InternalGetDesc().Height == pSurfaceDest->InternalGetDesc().Height);
// Passing pPoints as NULL means just do a non-translated
// copy
hr = Device()->InternalCopyRects(pSurfaceSrc, &m_DirtyRectArray[iFace], 1, pSurfaceDest, NULL); // pPoints
if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("Failed to update texture; not clearing dirty state for Cubemap"); return hr; }
// Copy each of the levels
for (iLevel = 1; iLevel < LevelsToCopy; iLevel++) { // Get the next surfaces
DWORD IndexSrc = iFace * this->m_cLevels + iLevel + StartLevel; DXGASSERT(IndexSrc < (DWORD)(this->m_cLevels * 6)); pSurfaceSrc = this->m_prgCubeSurfaces[IndexSrc];
DWORD IndexDest = iFace * pTexDest->m_cLevels + iLevel; DXGASSERT(IndexDest < (DWORD)(pTexDest->m_cLevels * 6)); pSurfaceDest = pTexDest->m_prgCubeSurfaces[IndexDest];
// Check that sizes match
DXGASSERT(pSurfaceSrc->InternalGetDesc().Width == pSurfaceDest->InternalGetDesc().Width); DXGASSERT(pSurfaceSrc->InternalGetDesc().Height == pSurfaceDest->InternalGetDesc().Height);
// Copy the entirety of non-top levels
hr = Device()->InternalCopyRects(pSurfaceSrc, NULL, 0, pSurfaceDest, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("Failed to update texture; not clearing dirty state for Cubemap"); return hr; } } } } } // Remember that we did the work
m_IsAnyFaceDirty = FALSE; for (DWORD iFace = 0; iFace < CUBEMAP_MAXFACES; iFace++) { m_IsFaceCleanArray [iFace] = TRUE; m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace] = FALSE; }
// Notify Resource base class that we are now clean
OnResourceClean(); DXGASSERT(!IsDirty());
return S_OK; } // CCubeMap::UpdateDirtyPortion
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::MarkAllDirty"
// Allows the Resource Manager to mark the texture
// as needing to be completely updated on next
// call to UpdateDirtyPortion
void CCubeMap::MarkAllDirty() { // Set palette to __INVALIDPALETTE so that UpdateTextures
// calls the DDI SetPalette the next time.
// Mark everything dirty
m_IsAnyFaceDirty = TRUE; for (int iFace = 0; iFace < CUBEMAP_MAXFACES; iFace++) { m_IsFaceCleanArray [iFace] = FALSE; m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace] = TRUE; }
// Notify Resource base class that we are now dirty
} // CCubeMap::MarkAllDirty
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::AddDirtyRect"
if (pRect != NULL && !VALID_PTR(pRect, sizeof(RECT))) { DPF_ERR("Invalid Rect parameter to AddDirtyRect for Cubemap"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (!VALID_CUBEMAP_FACETYPE(FaceType)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid FaceType parameter to AddDirtyRect for Cubemap"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
if (pRect) { if (!CPixel::IsValidRect(Desc()->Format, Desc()->Width, Desc()->Height, pRect)) { DPF_ERR("AddDirtyRect for a Cube Texture failed"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } }
InternalAddDirtyRect((UINT)FaceType, pRect); return S_OK; } // AddDirtyRect
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::InternalAddDirtyRect"
void CCubeMap::InternalAddDirtyRect(DWORD iFace, CONST RECT *pRect) { // If driver managed then batch token
if (Desc()->Pool == D3DPOOL_MANAGED && !IsD3DManaged()) { RECTL Rect; DXGASSERT((Device()->GetD3DCaps()->Caps2 & DDCAPS2_CANMANAGERESOURCE) != 0); if (pRect == NULL) { Rect.left = 0; Rect.top = 0; Rect.right = (LONG)Desc()->Width; Rect.bottom = (LONG)Desc()->Height; } else { Rect = *((CONST RECTL*)pRect); } static_cast<CD3DBase*>(Device())->AddCubeDirtyRect(this, GetSurface((D3DCUBEMAP_FACES)iFace, 0)->DrawPrimHandle(), &Rect); // This will fail only due to catastrophic
// error and we or the app can't do a
// a whole lot about it, so return nothing
return; }
// Need to mark dirty bit in CResource so that the resource manager works correctly.
// If everything is being modified; then we're totally dirty
if (pRect == NULL) { m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace] = TRUE; m_IsFaceCleanArray [iFace] = FALSE; m_IsAnyFaceDirty = TRUE; return; }
// If we're all dirty, we can't get dirtier
if (m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace]) { return; }
// If the rect is the entire surface then we're all dirty
DXGASSERT(pRect != NULL); if (pRect->left == 0 && pRect->top == 0 && pRect->right == (LONG)Desc()->Width && pRect->bottom == (LONG)Desc()->Height) { m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace] = TRUE; m_IsFaceCleanArray [iFace] = FALSE; m_IsAnyFaceDirty = TRUE; return; }
// If the face is currently clean; then just remember the
// new rect
if (m_IsFaceCleanArray[iFace]) { m_DirtyRectArray [iFace] = *pRect; m_IsFaceCleanArray[iFace] = FALSE; m_IsAnyFaceDirty = TRUE; return; }
// Union in this Rect
// If we're unioning in rects, then we must
// already be marked dirty but not all dirty
DXGASSERT(!m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace]); DXGASSERT(m_IsAnyFaceDirty);
if (m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].left > pRect->left) { m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].left = pRect->left; } if (m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].right < pRect->right) { m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].right = pRect->right; } if (m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].top > pRect->top) { m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].top = pRect->top; } if (m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].bottom < pRect->bottom) { m_DirtyRectArray[iFace].bottom = pRect->bottom; }
return; } // InternalAddDirtyRect
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::OnSurfaceLock"
// Methods for the CubeSurface to call
// Notification when a cube-surface is locked for writing
void CCubeMap::OnSurfaceLock(DWORD iFace, DWORD iLevel, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags) { // Need to Sync first
// We only care about the top-most levels of the cube-map
if (iLevel != 0) { return; }
// We don't need to mark the surface dirty if this was a
// read-only lock; (this can happen for RT+Tex where we
// need to sync even for read-only locks).
if (dwFlags & D3DLOCK_READONLY) { return; }
// Notify the resource that we are dirty
// Don't do anything if we are already all dirty or
// if the app has specified that we shouldn't keep
// track of this rect
if (!m_IsFaceAllDirtyArray[iFace] && !(dwFlags & D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE)) { InternalAddDirtyRect(iFace, pRect); } // We're done now.
} // OnSurfaceLock
#define DPF_MODNAME "CCubeMap::IsTextureLocked"
// Debug only parameter checking do determine if a piece
// of a mip-chain is locked
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL CCubeMap::IsTextureLocked() { for (DWORD iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++) { for (UINT iLevel = 0; iLevel < m_cLevels; iLevel++) { D3DCUBEMAP_FACES Face = (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES) iFace; if (GetSurface(Face, iLevel)->IsLocked()) return TRUE; } } return FALSE;
} // IsTextureLocked
#endif // !DEBUG
// End of file : cubemap.cpp