#ifndef __SURFACE_HPP__
#define __SURFACE_HPP__
* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: surface.hpp * Content: Class header the stand-alone surface class. This class * is intended to be returned by the CreateRenderTarget * creation method. It is also used by the CreateZStencil * device method. * ***************************************************************************/
// Includes
#include "d3dobj.hpp"
#include "d3di.hpp"
// The CSurface class is a standalone surface class; "standalone" indicates
// that it doesn't rely on another class for storing state.
// The base class implementation assumes a sys-mem allocation.
class CSurface : public CBaseObject, public CBaseSurface { public: // Creation method to allow creation of render targets
static HRESULT CreateRenderTarget(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSampleType, BOOL bLockable, REF_TYPE refType, IDirect3DSurface8 **ppSurface) { DWORD Usage = D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET; if (bLockable) Usage = D3DUSAGE_LOCK | D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET;
return Create(pDevice, cpWidth, cpHeight, Usage, Format, MultiSampleType, refType, ppSurface); }
// Creation method to allow creation of Z/Stencil buffers
static HRESULT CreateZStencil(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSampleType, REF_TYPE refType, IDirect3DSurface8 **ppSurface) { return Create(pDevice, cpWidth, cpHeight, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL, Format, MultiSampleType, refType, ppSurface); }
// Creation method for stand-along ImageSurface
static HRESULT CreateImageSurface(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, D3DFORMAT Format, REF_TYPE refType, IDirect3DSurface8 **ppSurface);
// Destructor
virtual ~CSurface();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, VOID **ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ();
// IBuffer methods
STDMETHOD(SetPrivateData)(REFGUID riid, CONST VOID *pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHOD(GetPrivateData)(REFGUID riid, VOID *pvData, DWORD *pcbData);
STDMETHOD(FreePrivateData)(REFGUID riid);
STDMETHOD(GetContainer)(REFIID riid, void **ppContainer);
STDMETHOD(GetDevice)(IDirect3DDevice8 **ppDevice);
// IDirect3DSurface8 methods
STDMETHOD(LockRect)(D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags) PURE;
BOOL IsLockable() const { if (m_desc.Usage & D3DUSAGE_LOCK) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // IsLockable
#ifdef DEBUG
// DPF helper for explaining why lock failed
void ReportWhyLockFailed(void) const; #else // !DEBUG
void ReportWhyLockFailed(void) const { // Do Nothing In Retail
} // ReportWhyLockFailed
#endif // !DEBUG
D3DFORMAT GetUserFormat() const { return m_formatUser; } // GetUserFormat
// BaseSurface methods
virtual DWORD DrawPrimHandle() const { return BaseDrawPrimHandle(); } // GetDrawPrimHandle
virtual HANDLE KernelHandle() const { return BaseKernelHandle(); } // GetKernelHandle
virtual DWORD IncrementUseCount() { return CBaseObject::IncrementUseCount(); } // IncrementUseCount
virtual DWORD DecrementUseCount() { return CBaseObject::DecrementUseCount(); } // DecrementUseCount
virtual void Batch() { ULONGLONG qwBatch = static_cast<CD3DBase*>(Device())->CurrentBatch(); DXGASSERT(qwBatch >= m_qwBatchCount); m_qwBatchCount = qwBatch; } // Batch
// Sync should be called before
// any read or write access to the surface
virtual void Sync() { static_cast<CD3DBase*>(Device())->Sync(m_qwBatchCount); } // Sync
// OnDestroy function is called just
// before an object is about to get deleted; we
// use this to provide synching prior to deletion
virtual void OnDestroy() { Sync(); }; // OnDestroy
virtual D3DSURFACE_DESC InternalGetDesc() const;
virtual CBaseDevice * InternalGetDevice() const { return CBaseObject::Device(); } // Device
// Determines if a LOAD_ONCE surface has already
// been loaded
virtual BOOL IsLoaded() const { // These kinds of surfaces (RT/DS/Image) are never
// load-once; so this should never be called.
DXGASSERT(!(m_desc.Usage & D3DUSAGE_LOADONCE)); DXGASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } // IsLoaded
// End Of BaseSurface methods
// Creation method to allow creation of render targets/zbuffers
static HRESULT Create(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, DWORD dwUsage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSampleType, REF_TYPE refType, IDirect3DSurface8 **ppSurface);
// Surface description
// Pool that User specified
D3DPOOL m_poolUser;
// Format that User specified
D3DFORMAT m_formatUser;
// Constructor returns an error code
// if the object could not be fully
// constructed
CSurface(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, DWORD dwUsage, D3DFORMAT Format, REF_TYPE refType, HRESULT *phr );
private: // Batch count to make sure that the current
// command buffer has been flushed
// before read or write access to the
// bits
ULONGLONG m_qwBatchCount;
}; // class CSurface
// Derived class for system-memory version
class CSysMemSurface : public CSurface { // CSurface is the master class and can access
// whatever it wants
friend CSurface;
public: // Constructor
CSysMemSurface(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, DWORD dwUsage, D3DFORMAT Format, REF_TYPE refType, HRESULT *phr );
// destructor
virtual ~CSysMemSurface();
// Override Lock and Unlock
STDMETHOD(LockRect)(D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags);
// Internal lock functions bypass
// parameter checking and also whether the
// surface marked as Lockable or LockOnce
// etc. (Methods of CBaseSurface)
virtual HRESULT InternalLockRect(D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags);
virtual HRESULT InternalUnlockRect();
private: BYTE *m_rgbPixels; }; // class CSysMemSurface
// Derived class for the driver allocated version
class CDriverSurface : public CSurface { // CSurface is the master class and can access
// whatever it wants
friend CSurface;
public: // Constructor
CDriverSurface(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, DWORD dwUsage, D3DFORMAT UserFormat, D3DFORMAT RealFormat, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSampleType, HANDLE hKernelHandle, REF_TYPE refType, HRESULT *phr );
// destructor
virtual ~CDriverSurface();
// Override Lock and Unlock
STDMETHOD(LockRect)(D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags);
// Internal lock functions bypass
// parameter checking and also whether the
// surface marked as Lockable or LockOnce
// etc. (Methods of CBaseSurface)
virtual HRESULT InternalLockRect(D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags);
virtual HRESULT InternalUnlockRect();
}; // CDriverSurface
#endif // __SURFACE_HPP__