* * capinit.c * * Initialization code. * * Microsoft Video for Windows Sample Capture Class * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. * ***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <ver.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
// define these before any msvideo.h, so our functions get declared right.
#ifndef WIN32
#define VFWAPI FAR PASCAL _loadds
#define VFWAPIV FAR CDECL _loadds
#include "msvideo.h"
#include <drawdib.h>
#include "avicap.h"
#include "avicapi.h"
// for correct handling of capGetDriverDescription on NT and Chicago
// this is used by the NT version of avicap.dll (16bit) but not intended for
// public use, hence not in msvideo.h
DWORD WINAPI videoCapDriverDescAndVer ( DWORD wDriverIndex, LPSTR lpszName, UINT cbName, LPSTR lpszVer, UINT cbVer);
HINSTANCE ghInst; BOOL gfIsRTL; char szCaptureWindowClass[] = "ClsCapWin";
typedef struct tagVS_VERSION { WORD wTotLen; WORD wValLen; char szSig[16]; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO vffInfo; } VS_VERSION;
typedef struct tagLANGANDCP { WORD wLanguage; WORD wCodePage; } LANGANDCP;
BOOL FAR PASCAL RegisterCaptureClass (HINSTANCE hInst) { WNDCLASS cls;
// If we're already registered, we're OK
if (GetClassInfo(hInst, szCaptureWindowClass, &cls)) return TRUE;
cls.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); cls.hIcon = NULL; cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.lpszClassName = szCaptureWindowClass; cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE + 1); cls.hInstance = hInst; cls.style = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW | CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT | CS_GLOBALCLASS; cls.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) CapWndProc; cls.cbClsExtra = 0; // Kludge, VB Status and Error GlobalAlloc'd ptrs + room to grow...
cls.cbWndExtra = sizeof (LPCAPSTREAM) + sizeof (DWORD) * 4;
return TRUE; }
// Internal version
// Get the name and version of the video device
BOOL capInternalGetDriverDesc (WORD wDriverIndex, LPSTR lpszName, int cbName, LPSTR lpszVer, int cbVer) { return (BOOL) videoCapDriverDescAndVer( wDriverIndex, lpszName, cbName, lpszVer, cbVer);
// Exported version
// Get the name and version of the video device
BOOL VFWAPI capGetDriverDescription (WORD wDriverIndex, LPSTR lpszName, int cbName, LPSTR lpszVer, int cbVer) { return (capInternalGetDriverDesc (wDriverIndex, lpszName, cbName, lpszVer, cbVer)); }
// Disconnect from hardware resources
BOOL CapWinDisconnectHardware(LPCAPSTREAM lpcs) { if( lpcs->hVideoCapture ) { videoStreamFini (lpcs->hVideoCapture); videoClose( lpcs->hVideoCapture ); } if( lpcs->hVideoDisplay ) { videoStreamFini (lpcs->hVideoDisplay); videoClose( lpcs->hVideoDisplay ); } if( lpcs->hVideoIn ) { videoClose( lpcs->hVideoIn ); }
lpcs->fHardwareConnected = FALSE;
lpcs->hVideoCapture = NULL; lpcs->hVideoDisplay = NULL; lpcs->hVideoIn = NULL;
lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoSource = FALSE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoFormat = FALSE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoDisplay = FALSE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoDisplay = FALSE;
lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoIn = NULL; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoOut = NULL; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoExtIn = NULL; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoExtOut = NULL;
return TRUE; }
// Connect to hardware resources
// Return: TRUE if hardware connected to the stream
BOOL CapWinConnectHardware (LPCAPSTREAM lpcs, WORD wDeviceIndex) { DWORD dwError; CHANNEL_CAPS VideoCapsExternalOut; char ach1[_MAX_CAP_PATH]; char ach2[_MAX_CAP_PATH * 3]; CAPINFOCHUNK cic; HINSTANCE hInstT;
lpcs->hVideoCapture = NULL; lpcs->hVideoDisplay = NULL; lpcs->hVideoIn = NULL; lpcs->fHardwareConnected = FALSE; lpcs->fUsingDefaultPalette = TRUE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoSource = FALSE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoFormat = FALSE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoDisplay = FALSE; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.wDeviceIndex = wDeviceIndex;
// Clear any existing capture device name chunk
cic.fccInfoID = mmioFOURCC ('I','S','F','T'); cic.lpData = NULL; cic.cbData = 0; SetInfoChunk (lpcs, &cic);
// try and open the video hardware!!!
if( !(dwError = videoOpen( &lpcs->hVideoIn, wDeviceIndex, VIDEO_IN ) ) ) { if( !(dwError = videoOpen( &lpcs->hVideoCapture, wDeviceIndex, VIDEO_EXTERNALIN ) ) ) { // We don't require the EXTERNALOUT channel,
// but do require EXTERNALIN and IN
videoOpen( &lpcs->hVideoDisplay, wDeviceIndex, VIDEO_EXTERNALOUT ); if( (!dwError) && lpcs->hVideoCapture && lpcs->hVideoIn ) {
lpcs->fHardwareConnected = TRUE; capInternalGetDriverDesc (wDeviceIndex, ach1, sizeof (ach1), ach2, sizeof (ach2)); lstrcat (ach1, ", "); lstrcat (ach1, ach2);
statusUpdateStatus (lpcs, IDS_CAP_INFO, (LPSTR) ach1);
// Make a string of the current task and capture driver
ach2[0] = '\0'; if (hInstT = GetWindowWord (GetParent (lpcs->hwnd), GWW_HINSTANCE)) GetModuleFileName (hInstT, ach2, sizeof (ach2)); lstrcat (ach2, " -AVICAP- "); lstrcat (ach2, ach1);
// Set software chunk with name of capture device
if (*ach2) { cic.lpData = ach2; cic.cbData = lstrlen(ach2) + 1; SetInfoChunk (lpcs, &cic); } } } } if (dwError) errorDriverID (lpcs, dwError);
if(!lpcs->fHardwareConnected) { CapWinDisconnectHardware(lpcs); } else { if (lpcs->hVideoDisplay && videoGetChannelCaps (lpcs->hVideoDisplay, &VideoCapsExternalOut, sizeof (CHANNEL_CAPS)) == DV_ERR_OK) { lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasOverlay = (BOOL)(VideoCapsExternalOut.dwFlags & (DWORD)VCAPS_OVERLAY); } else lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasOverlay = FALSE; // if the hardware doesn't support it, make sure we don't enable
if (!lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasOverlay) lpcs->fOverlayWindow = FALSE;
// Start the external in channel streaming continuously
videoStreamInit (lpcs->hVideoCapture, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L); } // end if hardware is available
#if 0
// if we don't have a powerful machine, disable capture
if (GetWinFlags() & (DWORD) WF_CPU286) CapWinDisconnectHardware(lpcs); #endif
if (!lpcs->fHardwareConnected){ lpcs->fLiveWindow = FALSE; lpcs->fOverlayWindow = FALSE; }
if (lpcs->hVideoIn) lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoFormat = !videoDialog (lpcs-> hVideoIn, lpcs-> hwnd, VIDEO_DLG_QUERY);
if (lpcs->hVideoCapture) lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoSource = !videoDialog (lpcs-> hVideoCapture, lpcs-> hwnd, VIDEO_DLG_QUERY);
if (lpcs->hVideoDisplay) lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.fHasDlgVideoDisplay = !videoDialog (lpcs-> hVideoDisplay, lpcs-> hwnd, VIDEO_DLG_QUERY);
lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoIn = lpcs->hVideoIn; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoOut = NULL; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoExtIn = lpcs->hVideoCapture; lpcs->sCapDrvCaps.hVideoExtOut = lpcs->hVideoDisplay;
return lpcs->fHardwareConnected; }
// Creates a child window of the capture class
// Normally:
// Set lpszWindowName to NULL
// Set dwStyle to WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE
// Set hmenu to a unique child id
HWND VFWAPI capCreateCaptureWindow ( LPCSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hwndParent, int nID) { DWORD fdwFlags;
#define WS_EX_RIGHT 0
RegisterCaptureClass(ghInst); fdwFlags = gfIsRTL ? WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR | WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_RTLREADING : 0; return CreateWindowEx(fdwFlags, szCaptureWindowClass, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hwndParent, (HMENU) nID, ghInst, NULL); }
int CALLBACK LibMain(HINSTANCE hinst, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeap, LPSTR lpszCmdLine ) { char ach[2];
ghInst = hinst; LoadString(ghInst, IDS_CAP_RTL, ach, sizeof(ach)); gfIsRTL = ach[0] == '1'; return TRUE; }
int FAR PASCAL WEP(int i) { return 1; }