* * capmisc.c * * Miscellaneous status and error routines. * * Microsoft Video for Windows Sample Capture Class * * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. * ***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <msvideo.h>
#include <drawdib.h>
#include "avicap.h"
#include "avicapi.h"
static char szNull[] = "";
* * GetKey * Peek into the message que and get a keystroke * */ WORD GetKey(BOOL fWait) { MSG msg;
msg.wParam = 0;
if (fWait) GetMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST);
while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE|PM_NOYIELD)) ; return msg.wParam; }
// wID is the string resource, which can be a format string
void FAR _cdecl statusUpdateStatus (LPCAPSTREAM lpcs, WORD wID, ...) { char ach[256]; char szFmt[132]; int j, k; BOOL fHasFormatChars = FALSE; if (lpcs-> CallbackOnStatus) { if (wID == NULL) { if (lpcs->fLastStatusWasNULL) // No need to send NULL twice in a row
return; lpcs->fLastStatusWasNULL = TRUE; lstrcpy (ach, szNull); } else if (!LoadString(lpcs->hInst, wID, szFmt, sizeof (szFmt))) { lpcs->fLastStatusWasNULL = FALSE; MessageBeep (0); return; } else { lpcs->fLastStatusWasNULL = FALSE; k = lstrlen (szFmt); for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { if (szFmt[j] == '%') { fHasFormatChars = TRUE; break; } } if (fHasFormatChars) wvsprintf(ach, szFmt, (LPSTR)(((WORD FAR *)&wID) + 1)); else lstrcpy (ach, szFmt); }
(*(lpcs->CallbackOnStatus)) (lpcs->hwnd, wID, ach); } }
// wID is the string resource, which can be a format string
void FAR _cdecl errorUpdateError (LPCAPSTREAM lpcs, WORD wID, ...) { char ach[256]; char szFmt[132]; int j, k; BOOL fHasFormatChars = FALSE; lpcs->dwReturn = wID;
if (lpcs-> CallbackOnError) { if (wID == NULL) { if (lpcs->fLastErrorWasNULL) // No need to send NULL twice in a row
return; lpcs->fLastErrorWasNULL = TRUE; lstrcpy (ach, szNull); } else if (!LoadString(lpcs->hInst, wID, szFmt, sizeof (szFmt))) { MessageBeep (0); lpcs->fLastErrorWasNULL = FALSE; return; } else { lpcs->fLastErrorWasNULL = FALSE; k = lstrlen (szFmt); for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { if (szFmt[j] == '%') { fHasFormatChars = TRUE; break; } } if (fHasFormatChars) wvsprintf(ach, szFmt, (LPSTR)(((WORD FAR *)&wID) + 1)); else lstrcpy (ach, szFmt); }
(*(lpcs->CallbackOnError)) (lpcs->hwnd, wID, ach); } }
// Callback client with ID of driver error msg
void errorDriverID (LPCAPSTREAM lpcs, DWORD dwError) { char ach[132]; lpcs->fLastErrorWasNULL = FALSE; lpcs->dwReturn = dwError;
if (lpcs-> CallbackOnError) { if (!dwError) lstrcpy (ach, szNull); else { videoGetErrorText (lpcs->hVideoIn, (UINT)dwError, ach, sizeof(ach)); } (*(lpcs->CallbackOnError)) (lpcs->hwnd, IDS_CAP_DRIVER_ERROR, ach); } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void FAR cdecl dprintf(LPSTR szFormat, ...) { char ach[128];
static BOOL fDebug = -1;
if (fDebug == -1) fDebug = GetProfileInt("Debug", "AVICAP", FALSE);
if (!fDebug) return;
lstrcpy(ach, "AVICAP: "); wvsprintf(ach+8,szFormat,(LPSTR)(&szFormat+1)); lstrcat(ach, "\r\n");
OutputDebugString(ach); }
/* _Assert(fExpr, szFile, iLine)
* * If <fExpr> is TRUE, then do nothing. If <fExpr> is FALSE, then display * an "assertion failed" message box allowing the user to abort the program, * enter the debugger (the "Retry" button), or igore the error. * * <szFile> is the name of the source file; <iLine> is the line number * containing the _Assert() call. */ #pragma optimize("", off)
BOOL FAR PASCAL _Assert(BOOL fExpr, LPSTR szFile, int iLine) { static char ach[300]; // debug output (avoid stack overflow)
int id; int iExitCode; void FAR PASCAL DebugBreak(void);
/* check if assertion failed */ if (fExpr) return fExpr;
/* display error message */ wsprintf(ach, "File %s, line %d", (LPSTR) szFile, iLine); MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); id = MessageBox(NULL, ach, "Assertion Failed", MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONHAND | MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE);
/* abort, debug, or ignore */ switch (id) {
/* kill this application */ iExitCode = 0; #ifndef WIN32
_asm { mov ah, 4Ch mov al, BYTE PTR iExitCode int 21h } #endif // WIN16
/* break into the debugger */ DebugBreak(); break;
/* ignore the assertion failure */ break;
} return FALSE; } #pragma optimize("", on)