* * AVIFILE.C * * routines for reading Standard AVI files * * Copyright (c) 1992 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. * ***************************************************************************/
#include <win32.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <vfw.h>
#include "avifilei.h"
#include "avifile.rc"
#include <checkbmi.h>
#include "debug.h"
#if !defined NUMELMS
#define NUMELMS(aa) (sizeof(aa)/sizeof((aa)[0]))
#ifdef _WIN32
// We need a structure to read in the AVIStreamHeader from persistent
// storage. This structure contains a RECT element, which in 16 bit land
// contains 4 16-bit values. Hence when 16 bit AVIFILE.DLL writes the
// file out, it uses a RECT composed of 4 16-bit values. On WIN32 we have
// to map this "short rect" to a WIN32 RECT of 4 32-bit elements. In order
// that 16 bit code can continue to read/write files interchangeably with
// 32 bit code we map the two structures on read/write.
// The AVIStreamHeader structure exists on disk. Hence the RECT struct
// is the same size for all systems, i.e. SHORT, 16 bit values. The code
// that reads/writes files, and returns INFO will map these 16 bit values
// to the 32 bit RECT structure as appropriate.
typedef struct tagSRECT { SHORT left; SHORT top; SHORT right; SHORT bottom; } SRECT;
typedef struct { FOURCC fccType; FOURCC fccHandler; DWORD dwFlags; /* Contains AVITF_* flags */ WORD wPriority; WORD wLanguage; DWORD dwInitialFrames; DWORD dwScale; DWORD dwRate; /* dwRate / dwScale == samples/second */ DWORD dwStart; DWORD dwLength; /* In units above... */
// new....
DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; DWORD dwQuality; DWORD dwSampleSize; SRECT rcFrame; /* does each frame need this? */
/* additional type-specific data goes in StreamInfo chunk */
/* For video: position within rectangle... */ /* For audio: volume? stereo channel? */ } AVIStreamHeaderShort; #else
// Map one name to the other for 16 bit code...
#define AVIStreamHeaderShort AVIStreamHeader
#if defined _WIN32 && !defined UNICODE
// This is Win 95 code. Explicit unicode stuff is needed.
int LoadUnicodeString(HINSTANCE hinst, UINT wID, LPWSTR lpBuffer, int cchBuffer) { char ach[256]; int i;
i = LoadString(hinst, wID, ach, NUMELMS(ach));
if (i > 0) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ach, -1, lpBuffer, cchBuffer);
return i; }
#define lstrlenW lstrlenUnicode
int WINAPI lstrlenUnicode( LPCWSTR lpString ) { int count = 0;
while (*lpString++) count++;
return count; }
#define LoadUnicodeString LoadString
extern "C" { LPSTR FAR lstrzcpyA (LPSTR pszTarget, LPCSTR pszSource, size_t cchMax) { lstrcpynA (pszTarget, pszSource, cchMax -1); pszTarget[ cchMax -1 ] = TEXT('\0'); return pszTarget; }
LPWSTR FAR lstrzcpyW (LPWSTR pszTarget, LPCWSTR pszSource, size_t cchMax) { lstrcpynW (pszTarget, pszSource, cchMax -1); pszTarget[ cchMax -1 ] = TEXT('\0'); return pszTarget; }
LPTSTR FAR lstrzcpy (LPTSTR pszTarget, LPCTSTR pszSource, size_t cchMax) { lstrcpyn (pszTarget, pszSource, cchMax -1); pszTarget[ cchMax -1 ] = TEXT('\0'); return pszTarget; }
LPWSTR FAR lstrzcpyAtoW (LPWSTR pszTarget, LPCSTR pszSourceA, size_t cchMax) { LPWSTR pszSourceW;
pszSourceW = (LPWSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE,sizeof(WCHAR)*cchMax); if (pszSourceW != NULL) { mbstowcs(pszSourceW, pszSourceA, cchMax); lstrcpynW (pszTarget, pszSourceW, cchMax -1); pszTarget[ cchMax -1 ] = TEXT('\0'); GlobalFreePtr(pszSourceW); } return pszTarget; }
LPSTR FAR lstrzcpyWtoA (LPSTR pszTarget, LPCWSTR pszSourceW, size_t cchMax) { LPSTR pszSourceA;
pszSourceA = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr (GMEM_MOVEABLE, cchMax); if (pszSourceA != NULL) { wcstombs(pszSourceA, pszSourceW, cchMax); lstrcpynA (pszTarget, pszSourceA, cchMax -1); pszTarget[ cchMax -1 ] = TEXT('\0'); GlobalFreePtr(pszSourceA); } return pszTarget; } } // extern "C"
extern "C" STDAPI CalculateFileDataRate(PAVIFILE pf, LONG FAR *plMaxBytesPerSec);
//#undef StreamFromFOURCC
//#define StreamFromFOURCC(fcc) (UINT)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(fcc)) - (BYTE)'0')
BOOL AddToIndex(CAVIFile FAR * pfile, DWORD ckid, DWORD cksize, LONG off, DWORD dwFlags);
EXTERN_C void DecodeRle(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, BYTE _huge *pb, BYTE _huge *prle, DWORD dwInSize); EXTERN_C HINSTANCE ghMod;
#define comptypeNONE mmioFOURCC('N','O','N','E')
#define comptypeRLE0 mmioFOURCC('R','L','E','0')
#define comptypeRLE mmioFOURCC('R','L','E',' ')
#define WIDTHBYTES(i) ((UINT)((i+31)&(~31))/8)
#define DIBWIDTHBYTES(lpbi) (UINT)WIDTHBYTES((UINT)(lpbi)->biWidth * (UINT)(lpbi)->biBitCount)
LONG lBufferSize = 0; int nBuffers = 0;
#define ckidSTREAMNAME mmioFOURCC('s', 't', 'r', 'n')
EXTERN_C LONG FAR PASCAL shfileReadProc(HANDLE hsf, LONG lSeek, LONG lRead, LPVOID lpBuffer) { if (shfileSeek((HSHFILE)hsf, lSeek, SEEK_SET) == -1) return -1;
if (shfileRead((HSHFILE)hsf, (HPSTR)lpBuffer, lRead) != lRead) return -1;
return lRead; }
#define INDEX_WRITE_SIZE 32l*1024
#define INDEX_READ_SIZE 32l*1024
static BOOL WriteOutIndex(CAVIFile FAR *pfile, DWORD dwOffsetMovie) { MMCKINFO ck; PAVIINDEXENTRY pIndex; LONG cnt = INDEX_WRITE_SIZE / sizeof(*pIndex); LONG l; BOOL f=FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD time; #endif
** Now write index out! */ ck.ckid = ckidAVINEWINDEX; ck.cksize = sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY) * pfile->px->nIndex;
if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) return FALSE;
DPF("Writing Index", time=timeGetTime());
if (pIndex) {
for (l=0; l < pfile->px->nIndex; ) {
cnt = IndexGetFileIndex(pfile->px, l, cnt, pIndex, -(LONG)dwOffsetMovie); if (cnt == 0) break;
//l = cnt * sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY);
if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR)pIndex, cnt * sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY)) != cnt * (LONG)sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY)) goto exit;
l += cnt;
DPF("!."); }
DPF("!Done (%ldms)\n", timeGetTime()-time);
if (!shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) f = TRUE;
exit: GlobalFreePtr(pIndex); }
return f; }
static BOOL ReadInIndex(CAVIFile FAR *pfile, DWORD size, DWORD dwOffsetMovie, BOOL fRle) { PAVIINDEXENTRY pIndex; LONG cnt; LONG lIndexAdjust; BOOL f = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD time; #endif
if (pIndex == NULL) goto exit;
pfile->px = IndexCreate();
if (pfile->px == 0) goto exit;
DPF("Reading index.", time = timeGetTime());
if (pfile->avihdr.dwFlags & AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX) lIndexAdjust = dwOffsetMovie; else lIndexAdjust = -1; // set when we read first index entry.
while (size > 0) {
cnt = min(INDEX_READ_SIZE, size);
if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile,(HPSTR)pIndex,cnt) != cnt) goto exit;
size -= cnt; cnt /= sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY);
// fix up the index
if (lIndexAdjust == -1) { lIndexAdjust = (LONG)(dwOffsetMovie + sizeof(DWORD)) - (LONG)pIndex->dwChunkOffset; }
pfile->px = IndexAddFileIndex(pfile->px, pIndex, cnt, lIndexAdjust, fRle);
if (pfile->px == NULL) goto exit;
DPF("!."); }
DPF("!Done (%ldms)\n", timeGetTime() - time);
f = TRUE;
exit: if (pIndex) GlobalFreePtr(pIndex);
return f; }
HRESULT SaveChanges(CAVIFile FAR * pfile, BOOL fRelease) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi; int stream; MMCKINFO ck; MMCKINFO ckRIFF; MMCKINFO ckLIST; MMCKINFO ckStream; LONG lCur; HRESULT hr = AVIERR_OK; AVIStreamHeaderShort strhdr;
// Clean up interleaving
if (pfile->fInRecord) { if (pfile->px->nIndex > pfile->lRecordIndex + 1) { AVIFileEndRecord((PAVIFILE) pfile); }
// back out of last record....
--pfile->px->nIndex; pfile->lWriteLoc -= 3 * sizeof(DWORD); shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, pfile->lWriteLoc, SEEK_SET); pfile->fInRecord = FALSE; }
// Go back and write out the header
lCur = shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, 0, SEEK_CUR); shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
/* Create RIFF chunk */ ckRIFF.cksize = 0; ckRIFF.fccType = formtypeAVI; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ckRIFF, MMIO_CREATERIFF)) { goto FileError; }
/* Create header list */ ckLIST.cksize = 0; ckLIST.fccType = listtypeAVIHEADER; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, MMIO_CREATELIST)) { goto FileError; }
/* Create AVI header chunk */ ck.cksize = sizeof(pfile->avihdr); ck.ckid = ckidAVIMAINHDR; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) { goto FileError; }
CalculateFileDataRate(&pfile->m_AVIFile, (LONG FAR *) &pfile->avihdr.dwMaxBytesPerSec);
// !!! CalculateFileDataRate may have seeked us to the wrong place....
shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, ck.dwDataOffset, SEEK_SET);
/* Write AVI header info */ if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR)&pfile->avihdr, sizeof(pfile->avihdr)) != sizeof(pfile->avihdr)) { goto FileError; }
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) { goto FileError; }
#if 0
for (l = 0; l < muldiv32(pfile->avihdr.dwTotalFrames, pfile->avihdr.dwMicroSecPerFrame, 1000000L); l++) {
for (stream = 0; stream < (int) pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; stream++) { } } #endif
for (stream = 0; stream < (int) pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; stream++) { pavi = pfile->ps[stream];
/* Create stream header list */ ckStream.cksize = 0; ckStream.fccType = listtypeSTREAMHEADER; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile,&ckStream,MMIO_CREATELIST)) { goto FileError; }
ck.ckid = ckidSTREAMHEADER; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) { goto FileError; }
// Make an AVIStreamHeader from the AVISTREAMINFO
strhdr.fccType = pavi->avistream.fccType; strhdr.fccHandler = pavi->avistream.fccHandler; strhdr.dwFlags = pavi->avistream.dwFlags; strhdr.wPriority = pavi->avistream.wPriority; strhdr.wLanguage = pavi->avistream.wLanguage; strhdr.dwRate = pavi->avistream.dwRate; strhdr.dwScale = pavi->avistream.dwScale; strhdr.dwStart = pavi->avistream.dwStart; strhdr.dwLength = pavi->avistream.dwLength; strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = pavi->avistream.dwSuggestedBufferSize; strhdr.dwQuality = pavi->avistream.dwQuality; strhdr.dwSampleSize = pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Write out the Short rectangle format
strhdr.rcFrame.left = (SHORT)pavi->avistream.rcFrame.left ; strhdr.rcFrame.right = (SHORT)pavi->avistream.rcFrame.right ; strhdr.rcFrame.top = (SHORT)pavi->avistream.rcFrame.top ; strhdr.rcFrame.bottom = (SHORT)pavi->avistream.rcFrame.bottom ; #else
strhdr.rcFrame = pavi->avistream.rcFrame; #endif
strhdr.dwInitialFrames = pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames;
if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) &strhdr, sizeof(strhdr)) != sizeof(strhdr)) { goto FileError; }
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) { goto FileError; }
ck.cksize = pavi->cbFormat; ck.ckid = ckidSTREAMFORMAT;
if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) goto FileError;
if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) pavi->lpFormat, ck.cksize) != (LONG) ck.cksize) goto FileError;
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) goto FileError;
if (pavi->avistream.szName[0]) { long sz = lstrlenW(pavi->avistream.szName)+1; ck.cksize = sz; ck.ckid = ckidSTREAMNAME;
if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) goto FileError;
#ifdef _WIN32
// the file format expects ANSI names!
LPSTR pA = (LPSTR) GlobalAllocPtr(GPTR, sz); if (pA == 0) { DPF(("memory allocation failed for Unicode conversion")); goto FileError; } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pavi->avistream.szName, -1, pA, sz, NULL, NULL);
sz = shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) pA, ck.cksize);
if (sz != (LONG) ck.cksize) goto FileError; #else
if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) pavi->avistream.szName, ck.cksize) != (LONG) ck.cksize) goto FileError; #endif
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) goto FileError; }
if (pavi->extra.cb) { DPF2("Writing %ld bytes of extra stream data.\n", pavi->extra.cb); if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) pavi->extra.lp, pavi->extra.cb) != (LONG) pavi->extra.cb) goto FileError; }
/* Ascend out of stream's header */ if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckStream, 0)) { goto FileError; } }
/* ascend from the Header list */ if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, 0)) { goto FileError; }
lCur = shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
DPF("Data list start = %ld, current pos = %ld\n", pfile->lDataListStart, lCur);
if (lCur + 8 > pfile->lDataListStart) { // !!! Ack: we didn't leave enough space for the header.
// !!! How can we avoid this?
DPF("Header was too big! Failing!\n"); goto FileError; }
/* Pad this header out so that the real data will start on a 2K
** boundary by writing a JUNK chunk. */ ck.ckid = ckidAVIPADDING; ck.cksize = pfile->lDataListStart - lCur - 8; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile,&ck,0)) { goto FileError; }
shfileZero(pfile->hshfile, pfile->lDataListStart - lCur - 8);
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) { goto FileError; }
/* Start the 'movi' list, where all of the actual data will be. */ ckLIST.cksize = pfile->lWriteLoc - pfile->lDataListStart - 8; ckLIST.fccType = listtypeAVIMOVIE; if (shfileCreateChunk(pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, MMIO_CREATELIST)) { goto FileError; }
shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, pfile->lWriteLoc, SEEK_SET);
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, 0)) goto FileError;
if (!WriteOutIndex(pfile, ckLIST.dwDataOffset)) goto FileError;
// Write out any extra data around
if (pfile->extra.cb) { DPF2("Writing %ld bytes of extra file data.\n", pfile->extra.cb);
if (shfileWrite(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) pfile->extra.lp, pfile->extra.cb) != (LONG) pfile->extra.cb) goto FileError; }
FinishUp: if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckRIFF, 0)) { hr = ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); }
// Always flush to be sure that the data really made it to the disk....
if (shfileFlush(pfile->hshfile, 0)) { hr = ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); }
return hr;
FileError: DPF("SaveChanges returning Error! This error will be ignored!\n"); hr = ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); goto FinishUp; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CUnknownImpl::Release() { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile; CAVIStream FAR * pavi; int iStream; CLock tlock(pfile);
DPF2("File %p: Usage--=%lx\n", (DWORD_PTR) (LPVOID) this, m_refs - 1);
uUseCount--; if (!--m_refs) {
if (pfile->fDirty) { ++m_refs; SaveChanges(pfile, TRUE); --m_refs;
// Unfortunately, it's too late to tell about any errors....
for (iStream = 0; iStream < (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; iStream++) { pavi = pfile->ps[iStream];
if (!pavi) continue;
delete pavi; }
if (pfile->hshfile) { shfileRelease(pfile->hshfile); shfileClose(pfile->hshfile, 0); }
if (pfile->px) FreeIndex(pfile->px);
if (pfile->extra.lp) { DPF2("Freeing %ld bytes of extra file data.\n", pfile->extra.cb); GlobalFreePtr(pfile->extra.lp); }
if (pfile->pb) EndBuffered(pfile->pb);
pfile->hshfile = NULL;
pfile->px = NULL;
// done with critsec now - no-one else has any refs to it
tlock.Exit(); #ifdef _WIN32
DeleteCriticalSection(&pfile->m_critsec); #endif
delete pfile; return 0; } else { if (pfile->hshfile) shfileRelease(pfile->hshfile); }
return m_refs; }
#ifndef _WIN32
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Save( LPCTSTR szFile, AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS FAR *lpOptions, AVISAVECALLBACK lpfnCallback) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile; HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK);
CLock tlock(pfile);
if (pfile->fDirty) { hr = SaveChanges(pfile, FALSE); }
return hr; }
#define SLASH(c) ((c) == TEXT('/') || (c) == TEXT('\\'))
| FileName - return a pointer to the filename part of szPath | | with no preceding path. | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPTSTR FAR FileName(LPCTSTR lszPath) { LPCTSTR lszCur; #ifdef _WIN32
// We really should be using GetFileTitle API as this will provide
// better validation on the input name.
for (lszCur = lszPath + lstrlen(lszPath); lszCur > lszPath && !SLASH(*lszCur) && *lszCur != ':';) { #ifdef _WIN32
lszCur = CharPrev(lszPath, lszCur); #else
lszCur = AnsiPrev(lszPath, lszCur); #endif
} if (lszCur == lszPath) return (LPTSTR)lszCur; else return (LPTSTR)(lszCur + 1); }
// We do not currently use the last defined parameter for IsRectBogus
// Use a macro to remove it. (It can be quickly restored.)
#define ISRECTBOGUS(lprc, dwW, dwH, lpbi) IsRectBogus(lprc, dwW, dwH)
INLINE BOOL IsRectBogus(LPRECT lprc, DWORD dwFrameWidth, DWORD dwFrameHeight) // unused LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi)
{ if (IsRectEmpty(lprc)) return TRUE;
if (lprc->right - lprc->left > (int) dwFrameWidth) return TRUE;
if (lprc->bottom - lprc->top > (int) dwFrameHeight) return TRUE;
// !!!! Check that rectangle matches lpbi?
// We've run out of things to check, so it's OK....
return FALSE; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::OpenInternal(DWORD mode) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = this; CAVIStream FAR * pavi; MMCKINFO ck; MMCKINFO ckRIFF; MMCKINFO ckLIST; MMCKINFO ckStream; DWORD dwSize; BOOL fRle=FALSE; LONG l; int iStream; int i; HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); IUnknown FAR * pUnk; AVIStreamHeaderShort strhdr; TCHAR ach[20]; TCHAR ach2[20]; int iStreamNumber; #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD time; #endif
CLock tlock(pfile);
if (!pfile->hshfile) { hr = ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEOPEN); goto error; }
if (mode & OF_CREATE) { // make a empty index.
pfile->px = IndexCreate();
if (pfile->px == 0) goto memerror;
pfile->lWriteLoc = 0; pfile->lHeaderSize = sizeof(MainAVIHeader) + 11 * sizeof(DWORD);
#define AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE 0x00000800 // Use CKType to find key frames?
pfile->avihdr.dwFlags = AVIF_HASINDEX | AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE; } else {
/* Read RIFF chunk */ if (shfileDescend(pfile->hshfile, &ckRIFF, NULL, 0) != 0) goto readerror;
* check for a 'QuickTime AVI' file, a QuickTime AVI file is a * QuickTime public movie with a AVI file in the 'mdat' atom. */ if (ckRIFF.cksize == mmioFOURCC('m','d','a','t')) { /*
* now the 'mdat' atom better be a RIFF/AVI or we cant handle it. */ if (shfileDescend(pfile->hshfile, &ckRIFF, NULL, 0) != 0) goto formaterror; }
if (ckRIFF.ckid != FOURCC_RIFF) goto formaterror;
if (ckRIFF.fccType != formtypeAVI) goto formaterror;
/* Read header list */ ckLIST.fccType = listtypeAVIHEADER; if (FindChunkAndKeepExtras(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDLIST)) goto error;
pfile->lHeaderSize = ckLIST.cksize + 8 * sizeof(DWORD);
/* Read AVI header chunk */ ck.ckid = ckidAVIMAINHDR; if (FindChunkAndKeepExtras(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ck, &ckLIST, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) goto error;
dwSize = min(ck.cksize, sizeof(MainAVIHeader));
/* Read AVI header info */ if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR)&pfile->avihdr, dwSize) != (LONG)dwSize) goto readerror;
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0)) goto readerror;
/* Check there aren't more streams than we can handle */ if (pfile->avihdr.dwStreams > MAXSTREAMS) { /* Make sure we don't crash deleteing non-existent streams */ pfile->avihdr.dwStreams = 0; goto error; }
for (iStream = 0; iStream < (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; iStream++) { pfile->ps[iStream] = NULL; }
/* Allocate stream data stuff, read streams */ for (iStream = 0; iStream < (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; ) {
if (shfileDescend(pfile->hshfile, &ckStream, &ckLIST, 0) != 0) goto readerror;
// found a non-stream header skip
if (ckStream.fccType != listtypeSTREAMHEADER || ckStream.ckid != FOURCC_LIST) { if ((hr = ReadIntoExtra(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ckStream)) != ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK)) goto error;
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckStream, 0) != 0) goto readerror;
continue; }
pfile->ps[iStream] = new FAR CAVIStream(NULL, &pUnk); if (!pfile->ps[iStream]) goto memerror;
pavi = pfile->ps[iStream]; pavi->pfile = pfile; pavi->iStream = iStream;
// walk every chunk in this stream header, until we are done.
while (shfileDescend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, &ckStream, 0) == 0) { switch (ck.ckid) { case ckidSTREAMHEADER: //
// set these to sane default's incase the file
// header is not big enough
// NOTE the stream rectangle is set to NULL, if
// this is a video stream it will be corrected
// when we process the format.
strhdr.dwQuality = (DWORD) ICQUALITY_DEFAULT;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Set the 16 bit rectangle values to 0
strhdr.rcFrame.left = strhdr.rcFrame.right= strhdr.rcFrame.top = strhdr.rcFrame.bottom = 0; #else
SetRectEmpty(&strhdr.rcFrame); #endif
l = min(ck.cksize, sizeof(strhdr));
if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR)&strhdr, l) != l) goto readerror;
// Copy fields from strhdr into StreamInfo
pavi->avistream.fccType = strhdr.fccType; pavi->avistream.fccHandler = strhdr.fccHandler; pavi->avistream.dwFlags = strhdr.dwFlags; //!!!
pavi->avistream.dwCaps = 0; // !!!
pavi->avistream.wPriority = strhdr.wPriority; pavi->avistream.wLanguage = strhdr.wLanguage; pavi->avistream.dwRate = strhdr.dwRate; pavi->avistream.dwScale = strhdr.dwScale; pavi->avistream.dwStart = strhdr.dwStart; pavi->avistream.dwLength = strhdr.dwLength; pavi->avistream.dwSuggestedBufferSize = strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize; pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames = strhdr.dwInitialFrames; pavi->avistream.dwQuality = strhdr.dwQuality; pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize = strhdr.dwSampleSize;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Copy the 16 bit rectangle we have read from
// persistent storage into a WIN32 RECT (32 bit)
// structure. There is no operator= defined for
// this "short rect" to RECT assignment.
pavi->avistream.rcFrame.left = strhdr.rcFrame.left; pavi->avistream.rcFrame.top = strhdr.rcFrame.top; pavi->avistream.rcFrame.right = strhdr.rcFrame.right; pavi->avistream.rcFrame.bottom= strhdr.rcFrame.bottom; #else
pavi->avistream.rcFrame = strhdr.rcFrame; #endif
pavi->avistream.dwEditCount = 0; pavi->avistream.dwFormatChangeCount = 0;
// Make up a stream name out of the filename, stream
// type, and stream number.
if (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) LoadString(ghMod, IDS_VIDEO, ach, NUMELMS(ach)); else if (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) LoadString(ghMod, IDS_AUDIO, ach, NUMELMS(ach)); else wsprintf(ach, TEXT("'%4.4hs'"), (LPSTR)&(pavi->avistream.fccType));
// figure out what # stream of this type this is....
iStreamNumber = 1; for (i = 0; i < iStream; i++) { if (pfile->ps[i]->avistream.fccType == pavi->avistream.fccType) ++iStreamNumber; } LoadString(ghMod, IDS_SSSTREAMD, ach2, NUMELMS(ach2));
{ TCHAR achTemp[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(achTemp, (LPTSTR)ach2, (LPTSTR)FileName(pfile->achFile), (LPTSTR)ach, iStreamNumber);
#if defined _WIN32 && !defined UNICODE
lstrzcpyAtoW (pavi->avistream.szName, achTemp, NUMELMS (pavi->avistream.szName)); #else
lstrzcpy (pavi->avistream.szName, achTemp, NUMELMS (pavi->avistream.szName)); #endif
} break;
if (pavi->lpFormat == NULL) { pavi->cbFormat = ck.cksize; pavi->lpFormat = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, ck.cksize);
if (pavi->lpFormat == NULL) goto memerror;
if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR) pavi->lpFormat, (LONG)ck.cksize) != (LONG)ck.cksize) goto readerror;
#define lpbi ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)pavi->lpFormat)
if (pavi->avistream.fccType != streamtypeVIDEO) break;
if (!ValidateBitmapInfoHeader(lpbi, ck.cksize)) { break; } //
// make sure this is set
if (lpbi->biClrUsed == 0 && lpbi->biBitCount <= 8) lpbi->biClrUsed = (1 << (int)lpbi->biBitCount);
// fix up bogus stream rectangles.
if (ISRECTBOGUS(&pavi->avistream.rcFrame, pfile->avihdr.dwWidth, pfile->avihdr.dwHeight, lpbi)) { SetRect(&pavi->avistream.rcFrame, 0, 0, (int)lpbi->biWidth, (int)lpbi->biHeight); }
// make sure the biCompression is right for
// RLE files.
if (lpbi->biCompression == 0 && lpbi->biBitCount == 8) { if (pavi->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeRLE0 || pavi->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeRLE) lpbi->biCompression = BI_RLE8; }
if (pavi->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeNONE && lpbi->biCompression == 0) pavi->avistream.fccHandler = comptypeDIB;
if (pavi->avistream.fccHandler == 0 && lpbi->biCompression == 0) pavi->avistream.fccHandler = comptypeDIB;
// Assuming a DIB handler has RGB data will blow up
// if it has RLE data, and VidEdit et. al write out
// confusing files like this.
//if (pavi->avistream.fccHandler == comptypeDIB)
// lpbi->biCompression = BI_RGB;
if (lpbi->biCompression <= BI_RLE8) fRle = TRUE;
#undef lpbi
} break;
if (pavi->lpData == NULL) { pavi->cbData = ck.cksize; pavi->lpData = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, ck.cksize);
if (pavi->lpData == NULL) goto memerror;
if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR)pavi->lpData, (LONG)ck.cksize) != (LONG)ck.cksize) goto readerror; } break;
case ckidSTREAMNAME: { #ifdef _WIN32
char achTemp[MAX_PATH];
l = (LONG)min((LONG) ck.cksize, NUMELMS(achTemp));
if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile, (LPSTR)achTemp, l) != l) { goto readerror; }
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, achTemp, -1, pavi->avistream.szName, NUMELMS(pavi->avistream.szName)); #else
l = min((LONG) ck.cksize, NUMELMS(pavi->avistream.szName));
if (shfileRead(pfile->hshfile, (HPSTR)pavi->avistream.szName, l) != l) goto readerror; #endif
} break;
case ckidAVIPADDING: case mmioFOURCC('p','a','d','d'): break;
default: if ((hr = ReadIntoExtra(&pavi->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ck)) != ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK)) goto error;
break; }
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0) != 0) goto readerror; }
/* Ascend out of stream header */ if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckStream, 0) != 0) goto readerror;
if (pavi->avistream.fccType == 0) goto formaterror;
if (pavi->lpFormat == NULL) goto formaterror;
// make sure the sample size is set right
switch(pavi->avistream.fccType) { case streamtypeAUDIO: /* Hack for backward compatibility with audio */ pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize = ((LPWAVEFORMAT)pavi->lpFormat)->nBlockAlign;
// For audio, this number isn't useful when reading.
// !!!pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames = 0;
// !!! We should let people read what the header says....
case streamtypeVIDEO: // !!! But what if the samples are all the right size?
pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize = 0; break;
default: // !!! ??? pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames = 0;
// !!! ??? pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize = 0;
break; }
l = NUMELMS(pavi->avistream.szName) - 1; pavi->avistream.szName[l] = TEXT('\0');
// next stream
iStream++; }
// Read extra data at end of header list....
FindChunkAndKeepExtras(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ck, &ckLIST, 0);
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, 0)) goto readerror;
/* Find big data chunk */ ckLIST.fccType = listtypeAVIMOVIE; if (FindChunkAndKeepExtras(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDLIST)) goto error;
pfile->lDataListStart = ckLIST.dwDataOffset - 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ckLIST, 0)) goto readerror;
// Keep track of where data can be written
pfile->lWriteLoc = ckLIST.dwDataOffset + ckLIST.cksize;
// read in or create a index, we only want the index entries for the
// stream we are interested in!
ck.ckid = ckidAVINEWINDEX; if (FindChunkAndKeepExtras(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ck, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) == 0 && ck.cksize != 0) {
if (!ReadInIndex(pfile, ck.cksize, ckLIST.dwDataOffset, fRle)) goto formaterror;
} else { /* Seek back to beginning of list, so we can scan */ shfileSeek(pfile->hshfile, ckLIST.dwDataOffset + sizeof(DWORD), SEEK_SET);
//!!! should we really scan big files, or give a error?
pfile->px = IndexCreate();
if (pfile->px == 0) goto formaterror;
DPF("Scanning index", time = timeGetTime());
/* Scan through chunks... */ while (shfileDescend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, &ckLIST, 0) == 0) {
/* Hack: don't ascend from LISTs */ if (ck.ckid != FOURCC_LIST) { if (shfileAscend(pfile->hshfile, &ck, 0) != 0) goto readerror; }
if (pfile->px->nIndex % 512 == 0) { DPF("!."); } }
DPF("!Done (%ldms)\n", timeGetTime() - time); }
if (pfile->px->nIndex == 0) goto formaterror;
// Read extra data at end of file....
FindChunkAndKeepExtras(&pfile->extra, pfile->hshfile, &ck, &ckRIFF, 0);
// shfileSetBuffer(pfile->hshfile, NULL, 0L, 0);
// compute dwSuggestedBufferSize
if (pfile->avihdr.dwFlags & AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED) {
LONG l; LONG lLen;
pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0;
for (l=IndexFirst(pfile->px, STREAM_REC); l != -1; l = IndexNext(pfile->px, l, 0)) {
lLen = IndexLength(pfile->px, l);
if (pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize < (DWORD)lLen) pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (DWORD)lLen; } }
// don't use additional buffering if we're using direct io
if (shfileIsDirect(pfile->hshfile)) { pfile->pb = NULL; } else #endif
if ((pfile->avihdr.dwFlags & AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED) && pfile->avihdr.dwInitialFrames) {
pfile->pb = InitBuffered((int) pfile->avihdr.dwInitialFrames * 2, pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize, pfile->hshfile, pfile->px); } else /* if (pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize > 0 &&
pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize < 32l*1024) */ {
int nBuffers = GetProfileIntA("avifile", "buffers", 5);
pfile->pb = InitBuffered(nBuffers, min(pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize * 2, 32768L), pfile->hshfile, pfile->px); } } }
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK);
readerror: return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEREAD);
memerror: return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
formaterror: return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADFORMAT);
error: if (hr == ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_ERROR); return hr; }
#ifndef _WIN32
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Open(LPCTSTR szFile, UINT mode) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile; UINT ui;
CLock tlock(pfile);
if (pfile->achFile[0]) return ResultFromScode(-1);
pfile->mode = mode; lstrcpy(pfile->achFile, szFile);
// Assumptions about avilib.cpp:
// We're assuming that if CREATE is set, WRITE is set too.
// We're assuming that we'll always see READWRITE instead of just WRITE.
// If it ain't broke, don't fix it - who do I look like, the share flag
// standards enforcing committee?
#if 0
// force the share flags to the 'correct' values
if (mode & OF_READWRITE) { pfile->mode = (mode & ~(MMIO_SHAREMODE)) | OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE; } else { pfile->mode = (mode & ~(MMIO_SHAREMODE)) | OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE; } #endif
// try to open the actual file
// If the first attempt fails, no system error box, please.
pfile->hshfile = shfileOpen(pfile->achFile, NULL, pfile->mode);
if (!pfile->hshfile && ((mode & MMIO_RWMODE) == OF_READ)) { // if the open fails, try again without the share flags.
pfile->mode &= ~(MMIO_SHAREMODE);
pfile->hshfile = shfileOpen(pfile->achFile, NULL, pfile->mode); }
if (pfile->hshfile) shfileAddRef(pfile->hshfile); // compensate for later rel of IUnknown
return pfile->OpenInternal(mode); } #endif
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::GetStream(PAVISTREAM FAR *ppavi, DWORD fccType, LONG lParam) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
CAVIStream FAR *pavi; int iStreamCur; int iStreamWant; int iStream; LONG lLength;
// thread locking
CLock tlock(pfile);
*ppavi = NULL;
iStreamWant = (int)lParam;
if (iStreamWant < 0 || iStreamWant >= (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_NODATA);
/* Allocate stream data stuff, read streams */ for (iStreamCur = -1, iStream = 0; iStream < (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; iStream++) { if (fccType == 0 || pfile->ps[iStream]->avistream.fccType == fccType) iStreamCur++;
if (iStreamCur == iStreamWant) break; }
if (iStreamCur != iStreamWant) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_NODATA);
pavi = pfile->ps[iStream];
if (pavi->fInit) goto returnnow;
pavi->fInit = TRUE;
#if 0
if ((pf->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) { pavi->hshfile = shfileOpen(pfile->achFile, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | pfile->mode);
if (!pavi->hshfile) goto error; } else #endif
pavi->hshfile = pfile->hshfile;
pavi->lPal = -4242;
pavi->psx = MakeStreamIndex(pfile->px, iStream, (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwStart - pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames, (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize, pfile->hshfile, shfileReadProc, NULL);
if (pavi->psx == NULL) { pavi->fInit = FALSE; // sigh; failed.
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY); }
AddRef(); // Now safe. We only ever return AVIERR_OK after this.
pavi->avistream.dwSuggestedBufferSize = pavi->psx->lMaxSampleSize;
if (pavi->psx->lPalFrames == 0) pavi->avistream.dwFlags &= ~AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES; else pavi->avistream.dwFlags |= AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES;
pavi->pb = pavi->pfile->pb;
if (!pavi->pb) {
if (!shfileIsDirect(pavi->hshfile)) #endif
lBufferSize = GetProfileIntA("avifile", "buffersize", 0) * 1024L; nBuffers = GetProfileIntA("avifile", "buffers", 0);
if (lBufferSize && nBuffers && !(pavi->pfile->mode & OF_CREATE)) { pavi->pb = InitBuffered(nBuffers, lBufferSize, pavi->hshfile, NULL); } } }
// use ReadBuffered() to read data!
if (pavi->pb) { pavi->psx->hFile = (HANDLE)pavi->pb; pavi->psx->Read = (STREAMIOPROC)BufferedRead; }
lLength = pavi->psx->lEnd - pavi->psx->lStart;
if (lLength != (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwLength + (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames) { #ifdef DEBUG
DPF("Stream %d: Length is %ld, header says %ld.\n", iStream, lLength, pavi->avistream.dwLength + pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames); #endif
//!!! should we correct the header!!!
returnnow: pavi->m_AVIStream.QueryInterface(IID_IAVIStream, (LPVOID FAR *) ppavi); Assert(*ppavi); // We had better return an interface pointer
// all done return success.
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); // success
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::CreateStream( PAVISTREAM FAR *ppavi, AVISTREAMINFOW FAR *psi) { CAVIFile FAR * pf = m_pAVIFile; CAVIStream FAR * pavi; int iStream = (int) pf->avihdr.dwStreams; IUnknown FAR * pUnk;
CLock tlock(m_pAVIFile);
// !!! If we are writing to an existing file, and not to a new file, we have
// a limitation where we cannot grow the size of the header.
// Check to see if the header will take up too much room!
if (pf->lWriteLoc > 0) { LONG lHeader = sizeof(AVIStreamHeader) + pf->lHeaderSize + 8 * sizeof(DWORD) + lstrlenW(psi->szName); if (lHeader > pf->lDataListStart) { DPF("Header will be too big with this new stream!\n"); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } } pf->lHeaderSize += sizeof(AVIStreamHeader) + 8 * sizeof(DWORD) + lstrlenW(psi->szName);
if (iStream >= MAXSTREAMS) { DPF("Ack: Too many streams: we only support %ld.\n", (LONG) MAXSTREAMS);
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
if ((pf->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
pf->ps[iStream] = new FAR CAVIStream(NULL, &pUnk);
if (!pf->ps[iStream]) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
pavi = pf->ps[iStream]; pavi->iStream = iStream; pavi->pfile = pf; pavi->avistream = *psi; pavi->avistream.dwLength = 0; // no data initially
pavi->avistream.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0; pavi->hshfile = pf->hshfile; pavi->m_AVIStream.AddRef(); AddRef();
pavi->lpFormat = NULL; // This will be set leater with a SetFormat
pavi->cbFormat = 0;
if (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) { SetRectEmpty(&pavi->avistream.rcFrame); }
if (pavi->iStream == 0) { pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwMicroSecPerFrame = max(1000L, muldiv32(1000000L, pavi->avistream.dwScale, pavi->avistream.dwRate)); }
/* Make sure the width and height of the created file are right.... */ pf->avihdr.dwWidth = max(pf->avihdr.dwWidth, (DWORD) pavi->avistream.rcFrame.right); pf->avihdr.dwHeight = max(pf->avihdr.dwHeight, (DWORD) pavi->avistream.rcFrame.bottom);
// Only if interleaved?
pf->avihdr.dwInitialFrames = max(pf->avihdr.dwInitialFrames, pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames);
*ppavi = &pavi->m_AVIStream;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); }
#if 0
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::AddStream( PAVISTREAM pavi, PAVISTREAM FAR *ppaviNew) { CAVIFile FAR * pf = m_pAVIFile; CAVIStream FAR * paviNew; int iStream = (int) pf->avihdr.dwStreams; HRESULT hr; IUnknown FAR * pUnk;
if ((pf->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
pfile->ps[iStream] = new FAR CAVIStream(NULL, &pUnk);
if (!pfile->ps[iStream]) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
paviNew = pf->ps[iStream]; paviNew->iStream = iStream; paviNew->pfile = pf; AVIStreamInfo(pavi, &paviNew->avistream, sizeof(paviNew->avistream)); paviNew->hshfile = pf->hshfile; paviNew->m_AVIStream.AddRef(); paviNew->paviBase = pavi; AVIStreamAddRef(pavi);
paviNew->cbFormat = AVIStreamFormatSize(pavi, 0); paviNew->lpFormat = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, paviNew->cbFormat); if (!paviNew->lpFormat) { AVIStreamClose((PAVISTREAM) pf->ps[iStream]); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY); }
AVIStreamReadFormat(pavi, 0, paviNew->lpFormat, &paviNew->cbFormat);
if (paviNew->iStream == 0) { pf->avihdr.dwMicroSecPerFrame = muldiv32(1000000L, paviNew->avistream.dwScale, paviNew->avistream.dwRate); }
*ppaviNew = (PAVISTREAM) paviNew;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); } #endif
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::WriteData( DWORD ckid, LPVOID lpData, LONG cbData) { CAVIFile FAR * pf = m_pAVIFile; CLock tlock(m_pAVIFile);
// !!! Anything else we can check?
if (lpData == NULL || cbData == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
if ((pf->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
pf->fDirty = TRUE;
return WriteExtra(&pf->extra, ckid, lpData, cbData); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::ReadData( DWORD ckid, LPVOID lpData, LONG FAR *lpcbData) { CAVIFile FAR * pf = m_pAVIFile;
CLock tlock(m_pAVIFile);
return ReadExtra(&pf->extra, ckid, lpData, lpcbData); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::EndRecord() { CAVIFile FAR * pf = m_pAVIFile; CLock tlock(m_pAVIFile);
if ((pf->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
pf->fDirty = TRUE; pf->avihdr.dwFlags |= AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED;
if (pf->lWriteLoc == 0) { pf->lWriteLoc = (pf->lHeaderSize + 1024 + 2047) & ~(2047);
// Leave room for start of first 'rec' chunk....
pf->lWriteLoc -= 3 * sizeof(DWORD);
pf->lDataListStart = pf->lWriteLoc - 3 * sizeof(DWORD); DPF("Writing first chunk at position %lu\n", pf->lWriteLoc); }
shfileSeek(pf->hshfile, pf->lWriteLoc, SEEK_SET);
if (pf->fInRecord) {
{ DWORD dwCurOffset; DWORD dwPadNeeded; MMCKINFO ck;
dwCurOffset = shfileSeek(pf->hshfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
// want to start next record at 2K-12 byte boundary
dwCurOffset = (dwCurOffset + 12) % 2048;
if (dwCurOffset != 0) { // we need to pad....
dwPadNeeded = 4096 - dwCurOffset - 8; if (dwPadNeeded >= 2048) dwPadNeeded -= 2048;
ck.ckid = mmioFOURCC('J','U','N','K'); ck.cksize = dwPadNeeded;
if (shfileCreateChunk(pf->hshfile, &ck, 0)) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); }
shfileZero(pf->hshfile, dwPadNeeded);
if (shfileAscend(pf->hshfile, &ck, 0)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); } } #endif
if (shfileAscend(pf->hshfile, (MMCKINFO FAR *) &pf->ckRecord, 0)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE);
IndexSetLength(pf->px, pf->lRecordIndex, pf->ckRecord.cksize);
// Keep the main suggested buffer size as big as the biggest
// record....
if (pf->ckRecord.cksize + 3 * sizeof(DWORD) > pf->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize) pf->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = pf->ckRecord.cksize + 3 * sizeof(DWORD); }
/* Start the next 'rec' list */ pf->ckRecord.cksize = 0; pf->ckRecord.fccType = listtypeAVIRECORD; pf->fInRecord = TRUE; if (shfileCreateChunk(pf->hshfile, (MMCKINFO FAR *) &pf->ckRecord, MMIO_CREATELIST)) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); }
pf->lWriteLoc = shfileSeek(pf->hshfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
pf->lRecordIndex = pf->px->nIndex;
if (!AddToIndex(pf, pf->ckRecord.fccType, 0, pf->ckRecord.dwDataOffset - 2 * sizeof(DWORD), AVIIF_LIST)) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY); }
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Info( AVIFILEINFOW FAR * pfi, LONG lSize) { CAVIFile FAR * pf = m_pAVIFile;
if (pfi == NULL) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
if (lSize < sizeof(AVIFILEINFOW)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL);
CLock tlock(m_pAVIFile);
pfi->dwMaxBytesPerSec = pf->avihdr.dwMaxBytesPerSec; pfi->dwFlags = (pf->avihdr.dwFlags & AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED); pfi->dwCaps = AVIFILECAPS_CANREAD | AVIFILECAPS_CANWRITE; pfi->dwStreams = pf->avihdr.dwStreams; pfi->dwSuggestedBufferSize = pf->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize; pfi->dwWidth = pf->avihdr.dwWidth; pfi->dwHeight = pf->avihdr.dwHeight; pfi->dwScale = pf->avihdr.dwMicroSecPerFrame; pfi->dwRate = 1000000L; pfi->dwLength = pf->avihdr.dwTotalFrames; pfi->dwEditCount = 0;
LoadUnicodeString(ghMod, IDS_AVIFILE, pfi->szFileType, NUMELMS(pfi->szFileType));
return AVIERR_OK; }
// AVIFileClose()
// close a AVIFile stream
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIStream::CUnknownImpl::Release() { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream;
CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (m_refs < 20) { DPF2("Stream %p: Usage--=%lx\n", (DWORD_PTR) (LPVOID) this, m_refs - 1); }
if (!--m_refs) { if (pavi->hshfile != pavi->pfile->hshfile) { shfileClose(pavi->hshfile, 0); pavi->hshfile = 0; }
if (pavi->pb && pavi->pb != pavi->pfile->pb) { EndBuffered(pavi->pb); pavi->pb = 0; }
if (pavi->psx) { FreeStreamIndex(pavi->psx); pavi->psx = NULL; }
pavi->fInit = FALSE;
// this call can cause the AVIFile object to be deleted, and
// thus we must release the critical section first. There is no
// danger in this, as nothing unsafe can happen to us between
// releasing it here and getting it again when we enter
// the file Release() call.
pavi->pfile->m_AVIFile.Release(); return 0; } return m_refs; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
void CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::ReadPalette(LONG lPos, LONG lPal, LPRGBQUAD prgb) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream;
CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
static struct { BYTE bFirstEntry; /* first entry to change */ BYTE bNumEntries; /* # entries to change (0 if 256) */ WORD wFlags; /* Mostly to preserve alignment... */ PALETTEENTRY peNew[256]; /* New color specifications */ } pc;
DPF("Reading palette: lPos = %ld, lPal = %ld\n", lPos, lPal);
if (lPal > lPos) lPal = 0;
// get the palette colors in the initial format header
if (lPal <= 0) { hmemcpy(prgb,(LPBYTE)lpbi+(int)lpbi->biSize, lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); lPal = -1; }
for (;;) { //
// search index forward for next palette change
l = StreamFindSample(pavi->psx, lPal+1, FIND_FORMAT|FIND_NEXT);
if (l < 0 || l > lPos || l == lPal) break;
lPal = l;
if (l <= (LONG) pavi->avistream.dwStart) continue;
LONG off = StreamFindSample(pavi->psx, lPal, FIND_FORMAT|FIND_OFFSET); LONG len = StreamFindSample(pavi->psx, lPal, FIND_FORMAT|FIND_LENGTH);
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD adw[2]; shfileSeek(pavi->hshfile, off-8, SEEK_SET); shfileRead(pavi->hshfile, (HPSTR)adw, sizeof(adw)); Assert(TWOCCFromFOURCC(adw[0]) == cktypePALchange); Assert(adw[1] == (DWORD) len); #endif
if (len > (LONG)(sizeof(AVIPALCHANGE) + (LONG)lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 2)) { DPF("Palette chunk obviously too large!\n"); break; }
// read palchange from file and apply it
shfileSeek(pavi->hshfile, off, SEEK_SET);
while (len >= (LONG)sizeof(AVIPALCHANGE)) {
if (shfileRead(pavi->hshfile, (HPSTR)&pc, sizeof(AVIPALCHANGE)) != sizeof(AVIPALCHANGE)) { DPF("Error reading palette change\n"); break; }
n = pc.bNumEntries == 0 ? 256 : (int)pc.bNumEntries;
if ((DWORD) n > lpbi->biClrUsed) { DPF("%d colors in palette change, only %lu in movie!\n", n, lpbi->biClrUsed); break; }
if (pc.bFirstEntry + n > (int)lpbi->biClrUsed) { DPF("%d colors in palette change, only %lu in movie!\n", n, lpbi->biClrUsed); break; }
if (shfileRead(pavi->hshfile, (HPSTR)&pc.peNew, n * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)) != (LONG) (n * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY))) { DPF("Error reading palette change entries\n"); break; }
for (i=0; i<n; i++) { pavi->argbq[pc.bFirstEntry+i].rgbRed = pc.peNew[i].peRed; pavi->argbq[pc.bFirstEntry+i].rgbGreen = pc.peNew[i].peGreen; pavi->argbq[pc.bFirstEntry+i].rgbBlue = pc.peNew[i].peBlue; pavi->argbq[pc.bFirstEntry+i].rgbReserved = 0; }
len -= n * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) + sizeof(AVIPALCHANGE); } } }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::ReadFormat(LONG lPos, LPVOID lpFormat, LONG FAR *lpcbFormat) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (lpcbFormat == NULL) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
if (lpFormat == NULL || *lpcbFormat == 0) { *lpcbFormat = pavi->cbFormat; return AVIERR_OK; }
if (pavi->avistream.dwFlags & AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES) {
// now go find the nearest palette change
lPal = StreamFindSample(pavi->psx, lPos, FIND_FORMAT|FIND_PREV);
if (lPal < 0) lPal = 0;
if (lPal != pavi->lPal) { ReadPalette(lPal, pavi->lPal, pavi->argbq); pavi->lPal = lPal; }
lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) pavi->lpFormat;
hmemcpy(lpFormat, lpbi, min((LONG) lpbi->biSize, *lpcbFormat));
if (*lpcbFormat > (LONG) lpbi->biSize) { hmemcpy((LPBYTE)lpFormat + (int)lpbi->biSize, pavi->argbq, min(lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD), *lpcbFormat - lpbi->biSize)); } } else { hmemcpy(lpFormat, pavi->lpFormat, min(*lpcbFormat, pavi->cbFormat)); }
if (*lpcbFormat < pavi->cbFormat) { *lpcbFormat = pavi->cbFormat; return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); }
*lpcbFormat = pavi->cbFormat;
return AVIERR_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Create(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Info(AVISTREAMINFOW FAR * psi, LONG lSize) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream;
CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (psi == NULL) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
if (lSize < sizeof(pavi->avistream)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL);
hmemcpy(psi, &pavi->avistream, sizeof(pavi->avistream));
return AVIERR_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::FindSample(LONG lPos, LONG lFlags) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (pavi->paviBase) { // If we haven't copied over the data yet, delegate.
return AVIStreamFindSample(pavi->paviBase, lPos, lFlags); }
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!lPos && (lFlags & FIND_FROM_START)) { lPos = pavi->avistream.dwStart; } else #endif
if (lPos < (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwStart) return -1;
if (lPos >= (LONG)(pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength)) return -1;
lPos = StreamFindSample(pavi->psx, lPos, (UINT)lFlags);
return lPos < 0 ? -1 : lPos; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Read( LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer, LONG FAR * plBytes, LONG FAR * plSamples) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; LONG lBytes; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (pavi->paviBase) { // If we haven't copied over the data yet, delegate.
return AVIStreamRead(pavi->paviBase, lStart, lSamples, lpBuffer, cbBuffer, plBytes, plSamples); }
// !!! What if start too big? Length too long?
if (lStart < (LONG) pavi->avistream.dwStart) { DPF("Read before start!\n"); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM); }
// Handle one of the sillier aspects of AVI files:
// Certain RLE-encoded files have their first frames split
// up into lots of small pieces. This code puts all of those
// pieces back together again if necessary.
if ((lStart == (LONG) pavi->avistream.dwStart) && (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) && (pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames > 0)) {
lStart -= (LONG) pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames; lBytes = (DWORD)(WORD)DIBWIDTHBYTES(lpbi) * (DWORD)(WORD)lpbi->biHeight;
// a NULL buffer means return the size buffer needed to read
// the given sample.
if (lpBuffer == NULL || cbBuffer == 0) {
if (plBytes) *plBytes = lBytes;
return AVIERR_OK; }
if (cbBuffer < lBytes) { if (plBytes) *plBytes = lBytes; DPF("ReadFirst: Buffer is %ld bytes, needed %ld\n", cbBuffer, lBytes); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); }
lp = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, lBytes);
if (!lp) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
while (lStart <= (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwStart) {
if (StreamRead(pavi->psx, lStart, 1, lp, lBytes) < 0) { GlobalFreePtr(lp); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEREAD); }
// We probably shouldn't assume RLE here....
DecodeRle(lpbi, (BYTE _huge *) lpBuffer, (BYTE _huge *) lp, lBytes); lStart++; }
GlobalFreePtr(lp); goto done; }
// do the read
lBytes = StreamRead(pavi->psx,lStart,lSamples,lpBuffer,cbBuffer);
// check for error
if (lBytes < 0) {
if (plBytes) *plBytes = 0;
if (plSamples) *plSamples = 0;
if (cbBuffer == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_ERROR);
// the error may have been buffer too small, check this.
if (cbBuffer < pavi->psx->lSampleSize) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL);
lBytes = StreamFindSample(pavi->psx,lStart,FIND_PREV|FIND_LENGTH);
if (cbBuffer < lBytes) {
if (plBytes) *plBytes = lBytes;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); } else return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEREAD); }
done: if (plBytes) *plBytes = lBytes;
if (plSamples) { LONG lSampleSize = pavi->psx->lSampleSize;
if (lSampleSize) *plSamples = lBytes / lSampleSize; else *plSamples = 1; }
return AVIERR_OK; }
* @doc INTERNAL DRAWDIB * * @api BOOL | DibEq | This function compares two dibs. * * @parm LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi1 | Pointer to one bitmap. * this DIB is assumed to have the colors after the BITMAPINFOHEADER * * @parm LPBITMAPINFOHEADER | lpbi2 | Pointer to second bitmap. * this DIB is assumed to have the colors after biSize bytes. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE if bitmaps are identical, FALSE otherwise. * **************************************************************************/ inline BOOL DibEq(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi1, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi2) { return lpbi1->biCompression == lpbi2->biCompression && lpbi1->biSize == lpbi2->biSize && lpbi1->biWidth == lpbi2->biWidth && lpbi1->biHeight == lpbi2->biHeight && lpbi1->biBitCount == lpbi2->biBitCount; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::SetFormat(LONG lPos,LPVOID lpFormat,LONG cbFormat) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile); LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) lpFormat; int i; RGBQUAD FAR * lprgb; struct { BYTE bFirstEntry; /* first entry to change */ BYTE bNumEntries; /* # entries to change (0 if 256) */ WORD wFlags; /* Mostly to preserve alignment... */ PALETTEENTRY pe[256]; } s;
// Make sure the stream isn't read-only
if ((pavi->pfile->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
if (pavi->lpFormat == NULL) { // !!! If we are writing to an existing file, and not to a new file, we
// have a limitation where we cannot grow the size of the header.
// Check to see if the header will take up too much room!
if (pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc > 0) { LONG lHeader = pavi->cbFormat + pavi->pfile->lHeaderSize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD); if (lHeader > pavi->pfile->lDataListStart) { DPF("Header will be too big with this format!\n"); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } } pavi->pfile->lHeaderSize += cbFormat + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
// This is a new stream, whose format hasn't been set.
pavi->lpFormat = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, cbFormat); if (!pavi->lpFormat) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY); }
hmemcpy(pavi->lpFormat, lpFormat, cbFormat); pavi->cbFormat = cbFormat;
if (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) {
if (ISRECTBOGUS(&pavi->avistream.rcFrame, pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwWidth, pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwHeight, lpbi)) { DPF("Resetting stream rectangle....\n"); SetRect(&pavi->avistream.rcFrame, 0, 0, (int)lpbi->biWidth, (int)lpbi->biHeight); }
if (lpbi->biClrUsed > 0) { // Get the right colors, so that we can detect palette changes
hmemcpy(pavi->argbq, (LPBYTE) lpbi + lpbi->biSize, lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); }
/* Make sure the width and height of the created file are right.... */ pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwWidth = max(pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwWidth, (DWORD) pavi->avistream.rcFrame.right); pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwHeight = max(pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwHeight, (DWORD) pavi->avistream.rcFrame.bottom); }
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); }
// First, check if the format is actually different....
if (cbFormat == pavi->cbFormat && (_fmemcmp(pavi->lpFormat, lpFormat, (int) cbFormat) == 0)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK);
// We really only support format changes if they're palette changes...
if (pavi->avistream.fccType != streamtypeVIDEO) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
// Can only currently set the palette at the end of the file
if (lPos < (LONG) (pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
// We can only change the palette for things with palettes....
if (lpbi->biBitCount > 8 || lpbi->biClrUsed == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
// Be sure only the palette is changing, nothing else....
if (cbFormat != pavi->cbFormat) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
if (!DibEq((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) lpFormat, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) pavi->lpFormat)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
// !!! Need to do here:
// Get the correct palette for this point in the file, and check
// that the new palette is in fact different.
lprgb = (RGBQUAD FAR *) ((LPBYTE) lpbi + lpbi->biSize);
if (_fmemcmp(pavi->argbq, lprgb, (UINT) lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK);
// Make the new format the current one....
hmemcpy(pavi->argbq, lprgb, lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); pavi->lPal = lPos;
// And be sure the stream is marked as having changes...
pavi->avistream.dwFlags |= AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES;
s.bFirstEntry = 0; s.bNumEntries = (BYTE) lpbi->biClrUsed; s.wFlags = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) lpbi->biClrUsed; i++, lprgb++) { s.pe[i].peRed = lprgb->rgbRed; s.pe[i].peGreen = lprgb->rgbGreen; s.pe[i].peBlue = lprgb->rgbBlue; }
// !!! Hack: use Write to write the palette change....
return Write(lPos, 0, &s, sizeof(AVIPALCHANGE) + lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY), AVIIF_NOTIME, NULL, NULL); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Write(LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, LPVOID lpData, LONG cbData, DWORD dwFlags, LONG FAR *plSampWritten, LONG FAR *plBytesWritten) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile); MMCKINFO ck; WORD cktype; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwmsec;
// !!! Idea: if it's audio-like data, and everything else matches the
// last chunk written out, then merge the new data in with the old
// data, rather than making a new chunk....
if ((pavi->pfile->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
if (!pavi->lpFormat) { // The format must be set before any write calls
// are made....
return ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED); }
if (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) cktype = aviTWOCC('w', 'b'); else if (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeVIDEO) { if (dwFlags & AVIIF_NOTIME) cktype = aviTWOCC('p', 'c'); else { LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) pavi->lpFormat;
if ((dwFlags & AVIIF_KEYFRAME) || (lpbi->biCompression <= BI_RLE8 && cbData == (LONG) lpbi->biSizeImage)) cktype = aviTWOCC('d', 'b'); else cktype = aviTWOCC('d', 'c'); // !!! 00dx ack!
} } else { cktype = aviTWOCC('d', 'c'); }
ck.ckid = MAKEAVICKID(cktype, pavi->iStream); ck.cksize = cbData;
if (lStart < 0) lStart = pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength;
if (lStart > (LONG) (pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength)) { if (pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize == 0) { // !!! hack--insert lots of blank index entries....
while (lStart > (LONG) (pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength)) { #if 1
hr = Write(pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength, 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; #else
if (!AddToIndex(pavi->pfile, ck.ckid, 0, 0, 0)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
++pavi->avistream.dwLength; pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwFlags |= AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX; #endif
} } else return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM); }
if (lStart < (LONG) (pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
pavi->pfile->fDirty = TRUE;
if (pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc == 0) { pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc = (pavi->pfile->lHeaderSize + 1024 + 2047) & ~(2047); pavi->pfile->lDataListStart = pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc - 3 * sizeof(DWORD); DPF("Writing first chunk at position %lu\n", pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc); }
#if 0
if ((lStart == (LONG) (pavi->avistream.dwStart + pavi->avistream.dwLength)) && (pavi->avistream.fccType == streamtypeAUDIO) && (pavi->pfile->lIndex > 0)) { AVIINDEXENTRY idx = pavi->pfile->pIndex[pavi->pfile->lIndex - 1];
if ((idx.ckid == ckid) && (idx.dwChunkOffset + 2 * sizeof(DWORD) + idx.dwChunkLength == lWriteLoc)) {
// We could append to the previous chunk here....
} }
if (cbData == 0) { ck.dwDataOffset = 0; pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwFlags |= AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX; } else #endif
{ shfileSeek(pavi->hshfile, pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc, SEEK_SET); shfileCreateChunk(pavi->hshfile, &ck, 0);
if (cbData) { if (shfileWrite(pavi->hshfile, (HPSTR) lpData, cbData) != cbData) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE); }
if (shfileAscend(pavi->hshfile, &ck, 0) != 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_FILEWRITE);
pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc = shfileSeek(pavi->hshfile, 0, SEEK_CUR); }
if (!AddToIndex(pavi->pfile, ck.ckid, cbData, ck.dwDataOffset - 2 * sizeof(DWORD), dwFlags)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
// if we dont have a stream index now is a good time to make one.
if (pavi->psx == NULL) {
pavi->psx = MakeStreamIndex(pavi->pfile->px, pavi->iStream, (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwStart - pavi->avistream.dwInitialFrames, (LONG)pavi->avistream.dwSampleSize, pavi->pfile->hshfile, shfileReadProc, NULL);
//!!! what about pavi->pb
if (!(dwFlags & AVIIF_NOTIME)) pavi->psx->lEnd -= lSamples; // correct for the decrement below
if (pavi->psx == NULL) { DPF("CAVIStream::Write no stream index!\n"); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY); }
if (!(dwFlags & AVIIF_NOTIME)) { pavi->avistream.dwLength += lSamples;
if (pavi->psx) pavi->psx->lEnd += lSamples; }
if (cbData > (LONG) pavi->avistream.dwSuggestedBufferSize) pavi->avistream.dwSuggestedBufferSize = cbData;
if (cbData > (LONG) pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize) pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = cbData;
// Recalculate the overall file length....
dwmsec = muldiv32(pavi->avistream.dwLength, pavi->avistream.dwScale * 1000L, pavi->avistream.dwRate); pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwTotalFrames = max(pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwTotalFrames, (DWORD) muldiv32(dwmsec, 1000L, pavi->pfile->avihdr.dwMicroSecPerFrame)); // !!! The above calculation could easily overflow.
if (plBytesWritten) *plBytesWritten = cbData;
if (plSampWritten) *plSampWritten = lSamples;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Delete(LONG lStart,LONG lSamples) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if ((pavi->pfile->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
// go through and kill things from the index?
// !!! what about keyframe boundaries?
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::ReadData(DWORD ckid, LPVOID lp, LONG FAR *lpcb) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
return ReadExtra(&pavi->extra, ckid, lp, lpcb); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::WriteData(DWORD ckid, LPVOID lp, LONG cb) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
DPF("WriteData asked to write %ld bytes\n", cb);
if ((pavi->pfile->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
// !!! If we are writing to an existing file, and not to a new file, we have
// a limitation where we cannot grow the size of the header.
// Check to see if the header will take up too much room.
if (pavi->pfile->lWriteLoc > 0) { LONG lHeader = cb + pavi->pfile->lHeaderSize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD); if (lHeader > pavi->pfile->lDataListStart) { DPF("Header will be too big with this extra data!\n"); return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } }
pavi->pfile->lHeaderSize += cb + 3 * sizeof(DWORD);
pavi->pfile->fDirty = TRUE;
return WriteExtra(&pavi->extra, ckid, lp, cb); }
#if 0
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Clone(PAVISTREAM FAR * ppaviNew) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } #endif
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CStreamingImpl::Begin(LONG lStart, LONG lEnd, LONG lRate) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (shfileIsDirect(pavi->hshfile)) { shfileStreamStart(pavi->hshfile); } else #endif
if (pavi->pb) BeginBufferedStreaming(pavi->pb, lRate > 0);
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CStreamingImpl::End() { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream; CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if (shfileIsDirect(pavi->hshfile)) { shfileStreamStop(pavi->hshfile); } else #endif
if (pavi->pb) EndBufferedStreaming(pavi->pb);
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_OK); }
static BOOL AddToIndex(CAVIFile FAR * pfile, DWORD ckid, DWORD cksize, LONG off, DWORD dwFlags) { PAVIINDEX px; AVIINDEXENTRY idx;
idx.ckid = ckid; idx.dwChunkOffset = off; idx.dwChunkLength = cksize; idx.dwFlags = dwFlags;
px = IndexAddFileIndex(pfile->px, &idx, 1, 0, FALSE);
if (px == NULL) return FALSE;
// GlobalReAlloc may have moved our pointer, we need to patch all
// places we use it!
if (px != pfile->px) {
DPF("Index pointer has changed!\n");
pfile->px = px;
for (int i=0; i<(int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; i++) {
CAVIStream FAR *ps = pfile->ps[i];
if (ps->psx) ps->psx->px = px; }
if (pfile->pb) pfile->pb->px = px; }
return TRUE; }
#ifdef _WIN32
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::SetInfo(AVISTREAMINFOW FAR *lpInfo, LONG cbInfo) { CAVIStream FAR * pavi = m_pAVIStream;
CLock tlock(pavi->pfile);
if ((pavi->pfile->mode & (OF_WRITE | OF_READWRITE)) == 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_READONLY);
if ((cbInfo < sizeof(AVISTREAMINFOW)) || (IsBadReadPtr(lpInfo, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFOW)))) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
// Things we don't copy:
// fccType
// fccHandler
// dwFlags
// dwCaps
// dwLength
// dwInitialFrames
// dwSuggestedBufferSize
// dwSampleSize
// dwEditCount
// dwFormatChangeCount
pavi->avistream.wPriority = lpInfo->wPriority; pavi->avistream.wLanguage = lpInfo->wLanguage; pavi->avistream.dwScale = lpInfo->dwScale; pavi->avistream.dwRate = lpInfo->dwRate; pavi->avistream.dwStart = lpInfo->dwStart; // !!! ???
pavi->avistream.dwQuality = lpInfo->dwQuality; pavi->avistream.rcFrame = lpInfo->rcFrame;
if (lpInfo->szName[0]) _fmemcpy(pavi->avistream.szName, lpInfo->szName, sizeof(pavi->avistream.szName));
pavi->pfile->fDirty = TRUE;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::DeleteStream(DWORD fccType, LONG lParam) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
CAVIStream FAR *pavi; int iStreamCur; int iStreamWant; int iStream;
// thread locking
CLock tlock(pfile);
iStreamWant = (int)lParam;
if (iStreamWant < 0 || iStreamWant >= (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_NODATA);
/* Allocate stream data stuff, read streams */ for (iStreamCur = -1, iStream = 0; iStream < (int)pfile->avihdr.dwStreams; iStream++) { if (fccType == 0 || pfile->ps[iStream]->avistream.fccType == fccType) iStreamCur++;
if (iStreamCur == iStreamWant) break; }
if (iStreamCur != iStreamWant) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_NODATA);
pavi = pfile->ps[iStream];
// Is somebody using this stream?
if (pavi->fInit) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
pfile->lHeaderSize -= sizeof(AVIStreamHeader) + 8 * sizeof(DWORD) + lstrlenW(pavi->avistream.szName);
while (iStream < (int) pfile->avihdr.dwStreams) { pfile->ps[iStream] = pfile->ps[iStream + 1]; iStream++; }
delete pavi;
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } #else
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Reserved1(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Reserved2(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Reserved3(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Reserved4(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CAVIFileImpl::Reserved5(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Reserved1(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Reserved2(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Reserved3(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Reserved4(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CAVIStreamImpl::Reserved5(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::CMarshalImpl( CAVIFile FAR* pAVIFile) { m_pAVIFile = pAVIFile; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::AddRef() { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->AddRef(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::Release() { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->Release(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
// *** IMarshal methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::GetUnmarshalClass (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags, LPCLSID pCid) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk = &m_pAVIFile->m_Unknown;
DPF("(F) UnMarshalClass called (context = %lx)\n", dwDestContext);
if (dwDestContext != MSHCTX_LOCAL) { LPMARSHAL pMarshal;
DPF("Marshal context is %lu: delegating...\n", dwDestContext);
hr = CoGetStandardMarshal(riid, NULL, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags, &pMarshal);
if (hr != NOERROR) return hr;
hr = pMarshal->GetUnmarshalClass(riid, pv, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags, pCid);
return hr; } *pCid = CLSID_AVISimpleUnMarshal; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::GetMarshalSizeMax (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags, LPDWORD pSize) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk = &m_pAVIFile->m_Unknown;
if (dwDestContext != MSHCTX_LOCAL) { LPMARSHAL pMarshal;
hr = CoGetStandardMarshal(riid, NULL, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags, &pMarshal);
if (hr != NOERROR) return hr;
hr = pMarshal->GetMarshalSizeMax(riid, pv, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags, pSize);
return hr; } *pSize = sizeof(pUnk);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::MarshalInterface (THIS_ LPSTREAM pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk = &m_pAVIFile->m_Unknown;
DPF("MarshalInterface (F) called\n");
if (dwDestContext != MSHCTX_LOCAL) { LPMARSHAL pMarshal;
DPF("Marshal context is %lu: delegating...\n", dwDestContext);
hr = CoGetStandardMarshal(riid, NULL, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags, &pMarshal);
if (hr != NOERROR) return hr;
hr = pMarshal->MarshalInterface(pStm, riid, pv, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags);
return hr; }
if ((riid != IID_IAVIStream && riid != IID_IAVIFile && riid != IID_IUnknown)) return ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG);
if ((hr = pStm->Write(&pUnk, sizeof(pUnk), NULL)) == NOERROR) AddRef();
DPF("Returns %lx\n", (DWORD) (LPVOID) hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::UnmarshalInterface (THIS_ LPSTREAM pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppv) { HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
DPF("(F) UnMarshalInterface called!!!\n"); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::ReleaseMarshalData (THIS_ LPSTREAM pStm) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk;
hr = pStm->Read(&pUnk,sizeof(pUnk),NULL); DPF("(F) ReleaseMarshalData\n"); if (hr == NOERROR) pUnk->Release();
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CMarshalImpl::DisconnectObject (THIS_ DWORD dwReserved) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
return hr; }
CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::CMarshalImpl( CAVIStream FAR* pAVIStream) { m_pAVIStream = pAVIStream; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { return m_pAVIStream->m_pUnknownOuter->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::AddRef() { return m_pAVIStream->m_pUnknownOuter->AddRef(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::Release() { return m_pAVIStream->m_pUnknownOuter->Release(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
// *** IMarshal methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::GetUnmarshalClass (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags, LPCLSID pCid) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk = &m_pAVIStream->m_Unknown;
DPF("(S) UnMarshalClass called (context = %lx)\n", dwDestContext); *pCid = CLSID_AVISimpleUnMarshal; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::GetMarshalSizeMax (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags, LPDWORD pSize) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk = &m_pAVIStream->m_Unknown;
*pSize = sizeof(pUnk);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::MarshalInterface (THIS_ LPSTREAM pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID pv, DWORD dwDestContext, LPVOID pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk = &m_pAVIStream->m_Unknown;
DPF("MarshalInterface (S) called\n"); if ((riid != IID_IAVIStream && riid != IID_IAVIStream && riid != IID_IUnknown)) return ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG);
if ((hr = pStm->Write(&pUnk, sizeof(pUnk), NULL)) == NOERROR) AddRef();
DPF("Returns %lx\n", (DWORD) (LPVOID) hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::UnmarshalInterface (THIS_ LPSTREAM pStm, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppv) { HRESULT hr = ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
DPF("(S) UnMarshalInterface called!!!\n"); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::ReleaseMarshalData (THIS_ LPSTREAM pStm) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; IUnknown FAR * pUnk;
hr = pStm->Read(&pUnk,sizeof(pUnk),NULL); DPF("(S) ReleaseMarshalData\n"); if (hr == NOERROR) pUnk->Release();
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIStream::CMarshalImpl::DisconnectObject (THIS_ DWORD dwReserved) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
return hr; } #endif // CUSTOMMARSHAL only
DecodeRle - 'C' version
Play back a RLE buffer into a DIB buffer
returns none
void DecodeRle(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, BYTE _huge *pb, BYTE _huge *prle, DWORD dwInSize) { BYTE cnt; BYTE b; WORD x; WORD dx,dy; DWORD wWidthBytes; DWORD dwOutSize; DWORD dwJump;
#define RLE_ESCAPE 0
#define RLE_EOL 0
#define RLE_EOF 1
#define RLE_JMP 2
#define RLE_RUN 3
#if 0
#ifndef _WIN32
// this uses ASM code found in RLEA.ASM
if (!(WinFlags & WF_CPU286)) DecodeRle386(lpbi, pb, prle); else if (lpbi->biSizeImage < 65536l) DecodeRle286(lpbi, pb, prle); else #endif
#define EatOutput(_x_) \
{ \ if (dwOutSize < (_x_)) { \ return; \ } \ dwOutSize -= (_x_); \ } #define EatInput(_x_) \
{ \ if (dwInSize < (_x_)) { \ return; \ } \ dwInSize -= (_x_); \ }
if (lpbi->biHeight <= 0) { return; } { wWidthBytes = (WORD)lpbi->biWidth+3 & ~3; dwOutSize = wWidthBytes * (DWORD)lpbi->biHeight;
x = 0;
for(;;) { EatInput(2); cnt = *prle++; b = *prle++;
if (cnt == RLE_ESCAPE) { switch (b) { case RLE_EOF: return;
case RLE_EOL: EatOutput(wWidthBytes - x); pb += wWidthBytes - x; x = 0; break;
case RLE_JMP: EatInput(2); dx = (WORD)*prle++; dy = (WORD)*prle++;
dwJump = (DWORD)wWidthBytes * dy + dx; EatOutput(dwJump); pb += dwJump; x += dx;
default: cnt = b; EatOutput(cnt); EatInput(cnt); x += cnt; while (cnt-- > 0) *pb++ = *prle++;
if (b & 1) { EatInput(1); prle++; }
break; } } else { x += cnt; EatOutput(cnt);
while (cnt-- > 0) *pb++ = b; } } } }
CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::CPersistStorageImpl( CAVIFile FAR* pAVIFile) { m_pAVIFile = pAVIFile; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::AddRef() { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->AddRef(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::Release() { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->Release(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
// *** IPersist methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::GetClassID (LPCLSID lpClassID) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
// *** IPersistStorage methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::IsDirty () { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
if (pfile->fDirty) return NOERROR; else return ResultFromScode(S_FALSE); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::InitNew (LPSTORAGE pStg) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::Load (LPSTORAGE pStg) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::Save (LPSTORAGE pStgSave, BOOL fSameAsLoad) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::SaveCompleted (LPSTORAGE pStgNew) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistStorageImpl::HandsOffStorage () { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::CPersistFileImpl( CAVIFile FAR* pAVIFile) { m_pAVIFile = pAVIFile; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::AddRef() { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->AddRef(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::Release() { return m_pAVIFile->m_pUnknownOuter->Release(); }
/* - - - - - - - - */
// *** IPersist methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::GetClassID (LPCLSID lpClassID) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
// *** IPersistFile methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::IsDirty () { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
if (pfile->fDirty) return NOERROR; else return ResultFromScode(S_FALSE); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::Load (LPCOLESTR lpszFileName, DWORD grfMode) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile; UINT ui;
CLock tlock(pfile);
if (pfile->achFile[0]) return ResultFromScode(-1);
pfile->mode = grfMode; #if defined _WIN32 && !defined UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpszFileName, -1, pfile->achFile, NUMELMS(pfile->achFile), NULL, NULL); #else
lstrcpy(pfile->achFile, lpszFileName); #endif
// Assumptions about avilib.cpp:
// We're assuming that if CREATE is set, WRITE is set too.
// We're assuming that we'll always see READWRITE instead of just WRITE.
// If it ain't broke, don't fix it - who do I look like, the share flag
// standards enforcing committee?
#if 0
// force the share flags to the 'correct' values
if (grfMode & OF_READWRITE) { pfile->mode = (grfMode & ~(MMIO_SHAREMODE)) | OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE; } else { pfile->mode = (grfMode & ~(MMIO_SHAREMODE)) | OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE; } #endif
// try to open the actual file
// If the first attempt fails, no system error box, please.
pfile->hshfile = shfileOpen(pfile->achFile, NULL, pfile->mode);
if (!pfile->hshfile && ((grfMode & MMIO_RWMODE) == OF_READ)) { // if the open fails, try again without the share flags.
pfile->mode &= ~(MMIO_SHAREMODE);
pfile->hshfile = shfileOpen(pfile->achFile, NULL, pfile->mode); } SetErrorMode(ui);
if (pfile->hshfile) { shfileAddRef(pfile->hshfile); // compensate for later release of IPersistFile
shfileAddRef(pfile->hshfile); // compensate for later release of IPersistFile
return pfile->OpenInternal(grfMode); }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::Save (LPCOLESTR lpszFileName, BOOL fRemember) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::SaveCompleted (LPCOLESTR lpszFileName) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CAVIFile::CPersistFileImpl::GetCurFile (LPOLESTR FAR * lplpszFileName) { CAVIFile FAR * pfile = m_pAVIFile;
return NOERROR; }