// DITH775.C - full color dither (to a palette with 7 red, 7 green 5 blue
// levels)
// NOTE this file contains the 'C' code and DITH775A.ASM has the ASM code.
// This file does the following dithering
// 24bpp -> 8bpp
// 16bpp -> 8bpp
// 8bpp -> 4bpp N/I
// 16bpp -> 4bpp N/I
// 24bpp -> 4bpp N/I
// Using four different methods
// Lookup - fastest 1 table lookup per 16bpp pel (160K for table)
// Scale - fast 2 table lookups per 16bpp pel (128K for tables)
// Table - fast 3 table lookups plus shifting (~1K for tables)
// Lookup and Scale are 386 asm code *only* (in dith775a.asm)
// Table is in 'C' and 386 asm.
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "drawdibi.h"
#include "dither.h"
#include "dith775.h"
//#define OLDDITHER
#ifdef _WIN32
#define DITHER_TABLEC 0 // table based 'C' code
#define DITHER_TABLE 1 // table based assembler
#define DITHER_SCALE 2 // scale tables
#define DITHER_LOOKUP 3 // 5 lookup tables!
UINT wDitherMethod = (UINT)-1;
LPVOID Dither16InitScale(void); LPVOID Dither16InitLookup(void);
int giDitherTableUsage = 0; LPVOID glpDitherTable;
// DitherTableInit()
STATICFN LPVOID DitherTableInit() { // no need to re-init table.
if (glpDitherTable || wDitherMethod != (UINT)-1) { giDitherTableUsage++; return glpDitherTable; }
// choose a dither method
if (wDitherMethod == -1) { wDitherMethod = DITHER_DEFAULT; }
#ifdef DEBUG
wDitherMethod = (int)mmGetProfileInt(szDrawDib, TEXT("DitherMethod"), (UINT)wDitherMethod); #endif
switch (wDitherMethod) { default: case DITHER_TABLEC: case DITHER_TABLE: break;
#ifndef _WIN32
case DITHER_SCALE: glpDitherTable = Dither16InitScale();
if (glpDitherTable == NULL) wDitherMethod = DITHER_TABLE;
case DITHER_LOOKUP: glpDitherTable = Dither16InitLookup();
if (glpDitherTable == NULL) wDitherMethod = DITHER_TABLE;
break; #endif // _WIN32
giDitherTableUsage = 1; return glpDitherTable; }
// DitherTableFree()
void FAR PASCAL DitherTableFree() { if (giDitherTableUsage == 0 || --giDitherTableUsage > 0) return;
if (glpDitherTable) { GlobalFreePtr(glpDitherTable); glpDitherTable = NULL; wDitherMethod = (UINT)-1; } }
// DitherInit()
LPVOID FAR PASCAL Dither8Init(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut, DITHERPROC FAR *lpDitherProc, LPVOID lpDitherTable) { return DitherDeviceInit(lpbi, lpbiOut, lpDitherProc, lpDitherTable); }
// DitherInit()
LPVOID FAR PASCAL Dither16Init(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut, DITHERPROC FAR *lpDitherProc, LPVOID lpDitherTable) { Get775Colors(lpbiOut);
// choose a dither method
if (lpDitherTable == NULL) lpDitherTable = DitherTableInit();
switch (wDitherMethod) { default: case DITHER_TABLEC: *lpDitherProc = Dither16C; break; #ifndef _WIN32
case DITHER_TABLE: *lpDitherProc = Dither16T; break;
case DITHER_SCALE: *lpDitherProc = Dither16S; break;
case DITHER_LOOKUP: *lpDitherProc = Dither16L; break; #endif // _WIN32
return lpDitherTable; }
// DitherTerm()
void FAR PASCAL Dither16Term(LPVOID lpDitherTable) { DitherTableFree(); }
// Dither24Init()
LPVOID FAR PASCAL Dither24Init(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut, DITHERPROC FAR *lpDitherProc, LPVOID lpDitherTable) { Get775Colors(lpbiOut);
// choose a dither method
if (lpDitherTable == NULL) lpDitherTable = DitherTableInit();
switch (wDitherMethod) { default: case DITHER_TABLE: case DITHER_TABLEC: *lpDitherProc = Dither24C; break; #ifndef _WIN32
case DITHER_SCALE: *lpDitherProc = Dither24S; break; #endif // _WIN32
return lpDitherTable; }
// Dither24Term()
void FAR PASCAL Dither24Term(LPVOID lpDitherTable) { DitherTableFree(); }
// Dither32Init()
LPVOID FAR PASCAL Dither32Init(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut, DITHERPROC FAR *lpDitherProc, LPVOID lpDitherTable) { // no need to re-init table.
// choose a dither method
if (lpDitherTable == NULL) lpDitherTable = DitherTableInit();
switch (wDitherMethod) { default: case DITHER_TABLE: case DITHER_TABLEC: *lpDitherProc = Dither32C; break; #ifndef _WIN32
case DITHER_SCALE: *lpDitherProc = Dither32S; break; #endif // _WIN32
return lpDitherTable; }
// Dither32Term()
void FAR PASCAL Dither32Term(LPVOID lpDitherTable) { DitherTableFree(); }
// Dither16InitScale()
LPVOID Dither16InitScale() { LPVOID p; LPBYTE pbLookup; LPWORD pwScale; UINT r,g,b;
p = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_SHARE, 32768l*2+64000);
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
pwScale = (LPWORD)p;
for (r=0; r<32; r++) for (g=0; g<32; g++) for (b=0; b<32; b++) *pwScale++ = 1600 * r + 40 * g + b;
/* should this be WORD or UINT ? */ pbLookup = (LPBYTE)(((WORD _huge *)p) + 32768l);
for (r=0; r<40; r++) for (g=0; g<40; g++) for (b=0; b<40; b++) *pbLookup++ = lookup775[35*rlevel[r] + 5*glevel[g] + blevel[b]];
return p; }
// Dither16InitLookup()
LPVOID Dither16InitLookup() { LPVOID p; BYTE _huge *pb; UINT r,g,b,i,j;
p = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND|GMEM_SHARE, 32768l*5);
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
pb = (BYTE _huge *)p;
for (i=0; i<5; i++) { j = ((i < 3) ? i*2 : i*2-1); for (r=0; r<32; r++) { for (g=0; g<32; g++) { for (b=0; b<32; b++) { *pb++ = lookup775[rlevel[r+i]*35 + glevel[g+i]*5 + blevel[b+j]]; } } } }
return p; }
// GetDithColors() get the dither palette
STATICFN void Get775Colors(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi) { LPRGBQUAD prgb = (LPRGBQUAD)(((LPBYTE)lpbi) + (UINT)lpbi->biSize); int i;
for (i=0; i<256; i++) { prgb[i].rgbRed = dpal775[i][0]; prgb[i].rgbGreen = dpal775[i][1]; prgb[i].rgbBlue = dpal775[i][2]; prgb[i].rgbReserved = 0; }
lpbi->biClrUsed = 256; }
#if 0
// CreateDith775Palette() create the dither palette
HPALETTE FAR CreateDith775Palette() { int i; HDC hdc; HPALETTE hpal;
struct { WORD palVersion; WORD palNumEntries; PALETTEENTRY palPalEntry[256]; } pal;
pal.palVersion = 0x300; pal.palNumEntries = 256;
for (i=0; i<(int)pal.palNumEntries; i++) { pal.palPalEntry[i].peRed = dpal775[i][0]; pal.palPalEntry[i].peGreen = dpal775[i][1]; pal.palPalEntry[i].peBlue = dpal775[i][2]; pal.palPalEntry[i].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; }
// our palette is built assuming the "cosmic" colors at the
// beging and the end. so put the real mcoy there!
hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) { GetSystemPaletteEntries(hdc, 0, 10, &pal.palPalEntry[0]); GetSystemPaletteEntries(hdc, 246, 10, &pal.palPalEntry[246]); } ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); #endif
hpal = CreatePalette((LPLOGPALETTE)&pal);
return hpal; } #endif
// Dither24TC - dither from 24 to 8 using the Table method in 'C' Code
void FAR PASCAL Dither24C( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER biDst, // --> BITMAPINFO of the dest
LPVOID lpDst, // --> to destination bits
int DstX, // Destination origin - x coordinate
int DstY, // Destination origin - y coordinate
int DstXE, // x extent of the BLT
int DstYE, // y extent of the BLT
LPVOID lpSrc, // --> to source bits
int SrcX, // Source origin - x coordinate
int SrcY, // Source origin - y coordinate
LPVOID lpDitherTable) // dither table.
{ int x,y; int r,g,b; UINT wWidthSrc; UINT wWidthDst; BYTE _huge *pbS; BYTE _huge *pbD;
if (biDst->biBitCount != 8 || biSrc->biBitCount != 24) return;
DstXE &= ~3;
wWidthSrc = ((UINT)biSrc->biWidth*3+3)&~3; wWidthDst = ((UINT)biDst->biWidth+3)&~3;
pbD = (BYTE _huge *)lpDst + DstX + (DWORD)(UINT)DstY * (DWORD)wWidthDst; pbS = (BYTE _huge *)lpSrc + SrcX*3 + (DWORD)(UINT)SrcY * (DWORD)wWidthSrc;
wWidthSrc -= DstXE*3; wWidthDst -= DstXE;
#define GET24() \
b = (int)*pbS++; \ g = (int)*pbS++; \ r = (int)*pbS++;
#define DITHER24(mr, mg, mb) \
GET24(); *pbD++ = (BYTE)lookup775[ rdith775[r + mr] + gdith775[g + mg] + ((b + mb) >> 6) ];
for (y=0; y<DstYE; y++) { switch (y & 3) { case 0: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER24( 1, 1, 2); DITHER24( 17, 17, 26); DITHER24( 25, 25, 38); DITHER24( 41, 41, 62); } break;
case 1: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER24( 31, 31, 46); DITHER24( 36, 36, 54); DITHER24( 7, 7, 10); DITHER24( 12, 12, 18); } break;
case 2: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER24( 20, 20, 30); DITHER24( 4, 4, 6); DITHER24( 39, 39, 58); DITHER24( 23, 23, 34); } break;
case 3: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER24( 33, 33, 50); DITHER24( 28, 28, 42); DITHER24( 15, 15, 22); DITHER24( 9, 9, 14); } break; } /*switch*/
pbS += wWidthSrc; pbD += wWidthDst; } }
// Dither32C - dither from 32 to 8 using the Table method in 'C' Code
void FAR PASCAL Dither32C( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER biDst, // --> BITMAPINFO of the dest
LPVOID lpDst, // --> to destination bits
int DstX, // Destination origin - x coordinate
int DstY, // Destination origin - y coordinate
int DstXE, // x extent of the BLT
int DstYE, // y extent of the BLT
LPVOID lpSrc, // --> to source bits
int SrcX, // Source origin - x coordinate
int SrcY, // Source origin - y coordinate
LPVOID lpDitherTable) // dither table.
{ int x,y; int r,g,b; UINT wWidthSrc; UINT wWidthDst; BYTE _huge *pbS; BYTE _huge *pbD;
if (biDst->biBitCount != 8 || biSrc->biBitCount != 32) return;
DstXE &= ~3;
wWidthSrc = ((UINT)biSrc->biWidth*4+3)&~3; wWidthDst = ((UINT)biDst->biWidth+3)&~3;
pbD = (BYTE _huge *)lpDst + DstX + (DWORD)(UINT)DstY * (DWORD)wWidthDst; pbS = (BYTE _huge *)lpSrc + SrcX*4 + (DWORD)(UINT)SrcY * (DWORD)wWidthSrc;
wWidthSrc -= DstXE*4; wWidthDst -= DstXE;
#define GET32() \
b = (int)*pbS++; \ g = (int)*pbS++; \ r = (int)*pbS++; \ pbS++;
#define DITHER32(mr, mg, mb) \
GET32(); *pbD++ = (BYTE)lookup775[ rdith775[r + mr] + gdith775[g + mg] + ((b + mb) >> 6) ];
for (y=0; y<DstYE; y++) { switch (y & 3) { case 0: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER32( 1, 1, 2); DITHER32( 17, 17, 26); DITHER32( 25, 25, 38); DITHER32( 41, 41, 62); } break;
case 1: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER32( 31, 31, 46); DITHER32( 36, 36, 54); DITHER32( 7, 7, 10); DITHER32( 12, 12, 18); } break;
case 2: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER32( 20, 20, 30); DITHER32( 4, 4, 6); DITHER32( 39, 39, 58); DITHER32( 23, 23, 34); } break;
case 3: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER32( 33, 33, 50); DITHER32( 28, 28, 42); DITHER32( 15, 15, 22); DITHER32( 9, 9, 14); } break; } /*switch*/
pbS += wWidthSrc; pbD += wWidthDst; } }
// Dither16TC - dither from 16 to 8 using the Table method in 'C' Code
void FAR PASCAL Dither16C( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER biDst, // --> BITMAPINFO of the dest
LPVOID lpDst, // --> to destination bits
int DstX, // Destination origin - x coordinate
int DstY, // Destination origin - y coordinate
int DstXE, // x extent of the BLT
int DstYE, // y extent of the BLT
LPVOID lpSrc, // --> to source bits
int SrcX, // Source origin - x coordinate
int SrcY, // Source origin - y coordinate
LPVOID lpDitherTable) // dither table.
{ int x,y; int r,g,b; WORD w; UINT wWidthSrc; UINT wWidthDst; BYTE _huge *pbS; BYTE _huge *pbD;
if (biDst->biBitCount != 8 || biSrc->biBitCount != 16) return;
DstXE = DstXE & ~3; // round down!
wWidthSrc = ((UINT)biSrc->biWidth*2+3)&~3; wWidthDst = ((UINT)biDst->biWidth+3)&~3;
pbD = (BYTE _huge *)lpDst + DstX + (DWORD)(UINT)DstY * (DWORD)wWidthDst; pbS = (BYTE _huge *)lpSrc + SrcX*2 + (DWORD)(UINT)SrcY * (DWORD)wWidthSrc;
wWidthSrc -= DstXE*2; wWidthDst -= DstXE;
#define GET16() \
w = *((WORD _huge *)pbS)++; \ r = (int)((w >> 7) & 0xF8); \ g = (int)((w >> 2) & 0xF8); \ b = (int)((w << 3) & 0xF8);
#define DITHER16(mr, mg, mb) \
GET16(); *pbD++ = (BYTE)lookup775[ rdith775[r + mr] + gdith775[g + mg] + ((b + mb) >> 6)];
for (y=0; y<DstYE; y++) { switch (y & 3) { case 0: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER16( 1, 1, 2); DITHER16( 17, 17, 26); DITHER16( 25, 25, 38); DITHER16( 41, 41, 62); } break;
case 1: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER16( 31, 31, 46); DITHER16( 36, 36, 54); DITHER16( 7, 7, 10); DITHER16( 12, 12, 18); } break;
case 2: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER16( 20, 20, 30); DITHER16( 4, 4, 6); DITHER16( 39, 39, 58); DITHER16( 23, 23, 34); } break;
case 3: for (x=0; x<DstXE; x+=4) { DITHER16( 33, 33, 50); DITHER16( 28, 28, 42); DITHER16( 15, 15, 22); DITHER16( 9, 9, 14); } break; } /*switch*/
pbS += wWidthSrc; pbD += wWidthDst; } }
#if 0
// this is the original code
void Dith775ScanLine(Rbuf, Gbuf, Bbuf, n, row, paloffset) DWORD n; // pixels per row
int *Rbuf, *Gbuf, *Bbuf; int row; // distance from top of image
WORD *paloffset; { int i;
// DITHER(x,y,rgb)
switch (row & 3) { case 0: for (i=0; i<n; i+=4) { paloffset[i] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i] + 1] + gdith775[Gbuf[i] + 1] + ((Bbuf[i] + 2) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+1] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+1] + 17] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+1] + 17] + ((Bbuf[i+1] + 26) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+2] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+2] + 25] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+2] + 25] + ((Bbuf[i+2] + 38) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+3] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+3] + 41] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+3] + 41] + ((Bbuf[i+3] + 62) >> 6) ]; } break;
case 1: for (i=0; i<n; i+=4) { paloffset[i] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i] + 31] + gdith775[Gbuf[i] + 31] + ((Bbuf[i] + 46) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+1] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+1] + 36] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+1] + 36] + ((Bbuf[i+1] + 54) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+2] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+2] + 7] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+2] + 7] + ((Bbuf[i+2] + 10) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+3] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+3] + 12] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+3] + 12] + ((Bbuf[i+3] + 18) >> 6) ]; } break;
case 2: for (i=0; i<n; i+=4) { paloffset[i] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i] + 20] + gdith775[Gbuf[i] + 20] + ((Bbuf[i] + 30) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+1] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+1] + 4] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+1] + 4] + ((Bbuf[i+1] + 6) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+2] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+2] + 39] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+2] + 39] + ((Bbuf[i+2] + 58) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+3] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+3] + 23] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+3] + 23] + ((Bbuf[i+3] + 34) >> 6) ]; } break;
case 3: for (i=0; i<n; i+=4) { paloffset[i] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i] + 33] + gdith775[Gbuf[i] + 33] + ((Bbuf[i] + 50) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+1] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+1] + 28] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+1] + 28] + ((Bbuf[i+1] + 42) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+2] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+2] + 15] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+2] + 15] + ((Bbuf[i+2] + 22) >> 6) ]; paloffset[i+3] = lookup775[ rdith775[Rbuf[i+3] + 9] + gdith775[Gbuf[i+3] + 9] + ((Bbuf[i+3] + 14) >> 6) ]; } break; } /*switch*/ } #endif
#if 0
{ HPALETTE hpalT; HWND hwnd; BYTE xlat[256]; int fh; static BOOL fHack = TRUE; OFSTRUCT of; char buf[80];
// convert palette to a palette that mappes 1:1 to the system
// palette, this will allow us to draw faster
hwnd = GetActiveWindow();
hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
if (fHack && (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE)) { fHack = FALSE;
for (i=0; i<(int)pal.palNumEntries; i++) { pal.palPalEntry[i].peRed = (BYTE)0; pal.palPalEntry[i].peGreen = (BYTE)0; pal.palPalEntry[i].peBlue = (BYTE)0; pal.palPalEntry[i].peFlags = (BYTE)PC_RESERVED; }
hpalT = CreatePalette((LPLOGPALETTE)&pal); hpalT = SelectPalette(hdc, hpalT, FALSE); RealizePalette(hdc); hpalT = SelectPalette(hdc, hpalT, FALSE); DeleteObject(hpalT);
hpalT = SelectPalette(hdc, hpal, FALSE); RealizePalette(hdc); GetSystemPaletteEntries(hdc, 0, 256, pal.palPalEntry); SelectPalette(hdc, hpalT, FALSE);
PostMessage(hwnd, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0);
for (i=0; i<256; i++) { // this wont work right for dup's in the palette
j = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,RGB(pal.palPalEntry[i].peRed, pal.palPalEntry[i].peGreen,pal.palPalEntry[i].peBlue));
xlat[j] = (BYTE)i; }
SetPaletteEntries(hpal, 0, 256, pal.palPalEntry);
for (i=0; i < sizeof(lookup775)/sizeof(lookup775[0]); i++) lookup775[i] = xlat[lookup775[i]];
// dump the new palette and lookup table out.
fh = OpenFile("c:/foo775.h", &of, OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE);
if (fh != -1) { wsprintf(buf, "BYTE lookup775[245] = {\r\n"); _lwrite(fh, buf, lstrlen(buf));
for (i=0; i < sizeof(lookup775)/sizeof(lookup775[0]); i++) { wsprintf(buf, "%3d,", lookup775[i]);
if (i % 16 == 0 && i != 0) _lwrite(fh, "\r\n", 2);
_lwrite(fh, buf, lstrlen(buf)); }
wsprintf(buf, "}\r\n\r\nint dpal775[256][3] = {\r\n"); _lwrite(fh, buf, lstrlen(buf));
for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { wsprintf(buf, "{0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x},", pal.palPalEntry[i].peRed, pal.palPalEntry[i].peGreen, pal.palPalEntry[i].peBlue);
if (i % 4 == 0 && i != 0) _lwrite(fh, "\r\n", 2);
_lwrite(fh, buf, lstrlen(buf)); }
wsprintf(buf, "}\r\n"); _lwrite(fh, buf, lstrlen(buf));
_lclose(fh); } }
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } #endif