Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1985-1995. All rights reserved.
Title: aviplay.c - Code for actually playing AVI files, part of AVI's background task.
#include "graphic.h"
#define AVIREADMANY // read more than one record at a time
#ifdef _WIN32
//#define AVIREAD // multi-threaded async read of file
#undef AVIREAD
#ifdef AVIREAD
#include "aviread.h"
#define BOUND(x, low, high) max(min(x, high), low)
#define ALIGNULONG(i) ((i+3)&(~3)) /* ULONG aligned ! */
BOOL fOneIntervalPerLine=FALSE; #endif
// redefine StreamFromFOURCC to only handle 0-9 streams!
#undef StreamFromFOURCC
#define StreamFromFOURCC(fcc) (UINT)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(fcc)) - (BYTE)'0')
#ifdef DEBUG
static char szBadFrame[] = "Bad frame number"; static char szBadPos[] = "Bad stream position"; #define AssertFrame(i) AssertSz((long)(i) <= npMCI->lFrames && (long)(i) >= -(long)npMCI->wEarlyRecords, szBadFrame)
#define AssertPos(psi,i) AssertSz((long)(i) <= psi->lEnd && (long)(i) >= psi->lStart, szBadPos)
#define AssertFrame(i)
#define AssertPos(psi,i)
#define WIDTHBYTES(i) ((unsigned)((i+31)&(~31))/8) /* ULONG aligned ! */
#define DIBWIDTHBYTES(bi) (DWORD)WIDTHBYTES((int)(bi).biWidth * (int)(bi).biBitCount)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define AllocMem(dw) GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_SHARE, (dw)))
#define FreeMem(lp) GlobalFreePtr(lp)
static LPVOID AllocMem(DWORD dw); #define FreeMem(lp) GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF(lp))
INT gwSkipTolerance = 4; INT gwHurryTolerance = 2; INT gwMaxSkipEver = 60; #define YIELDEVERY 8
#ifdef DEBUG
#define WAITHISTOGRAM /* Extra debugging information */
//#define BEHINDHIST
#define TIMEPLAY
UINT wHist[100]; #endif
LONG lSkipped[NUMSKIPSSHOWN]; UINT wSkipped = 0; #endif
#define NUMBEHIND 50
WORD wBehind[NUMBEHIND]; #endif
#define NUMDRAWN 100
DWORD dwDrawTime[NUMDRAWN]; UINT wDrawn; #endif
#define NUMREAD 100
DWORD dwReadTime[NUMREAD]; UINT wRead; #endif
// If available, use a correctly functioning waveOutGetPosition
BOOL gfUseGetPosition; LONG giGetPositionAdjust;
#ifdef AVIREAD
* the aviread object creates a worker thread to read the file * asynchronously. That thread calls this callback function * to actually read a buffer from the file. The 'instance data' DWORD in * this case is npMCI. see aviread.h for outline. */ BOOL mciaviReadBuffer(PBYTE pData, DWORD_PTR dwInstanceData, long lSize, long * lpNextSize) { NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI = (NPMCIGRAPHIC) dwInstanceData; DWORD size; DWORD UNALIGNED * lp;
if(mmioRead(npMCI->hmmio, pData, lSize) != lSize) { return(FALSE); }
/* we've read in the complete chunk, plus the FOURCC, size and formtype of
* the next chunk. So the size of the next chunk is the last but one * DWORD in this buffer */ lp = (DWORD UNALIGNED *) (pData + lSize - 2 * sizeof(DWORD)); size = *lp;
/* don't forget to add on the FOURCC and size dwords */ *lpNextSize = size + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
return(TRUE); } #endif
// call this to find out the current position. This function
// should be safe to call from the user thread as well as from the
// worker thread
DWORD InternalGetPosition(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LPLONG lpl) { LONG l;
l = npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->dwBufferedVideo;
if ((npMCI->wTaskState == TASKCUEING) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) && l < npMCI->lRealStart) l = npMCI->lRealStart;
if (l < 0) l = 0;
*lpl = l;
return 0L; }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayNonInterleaved(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI); BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayInterleaved(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI); BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayAudioOnly(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI); BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayNonIntFromCD(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI); /***************************************************************************
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api UINT | mciaviPlayFile | Play an AVI file. * * @parm NPMCIGRAPHIC | npMCI | Pointer to instance data. * * @rdesc Notification code that should be returned. * ***************************************************************************/
UINT NEAR PASCAL mciaviPlayFile (NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, BOOL bSetEvent) { BOOL fContinue; DWORD dwFlags = npMCI->dwFlags;
UINT w; #endif
wSkipped = 0; #endif
//for (w = 0; (int)w < (sizeof(wHist)/sizeof(wHist[0])); w++)
//wHist[w] = 0;
ZeroMemory(wHist, sizeof(wHist)); #endif
//for (w = 0; w < NUMBEHIND; w++)
//wBehind[w] = 0;
ZeroMemory(wBehind, sizeof(wBehind)); #endif
wDrawn = 0; //for (w = 0; w < NUMDRAWN; w++)
//dwDrawTime[w] = 0;
ZeroMemory(dwDrawTime, sizeof(dwDrawTime)); #endif
wRead = 0; //for (w = 0; w < NUMREAD; w++)
//dwReadTime[w] = 0;
ZeroMemory(dwReadTime, sizeof(dwReadTime)); #endif
/* Figure out how much time each frame takes */ /* Then set a high resolution timer, unless */ /* we are in the special "play every frame". */
if (npMCI->dwSpeedFactor) {
// Only if we are worried about timing each frame...
// Set a timer resolution for a fraction of the frame rate
// Initially we set the timer to 4ms. This initial guess can
// be overridden by a registry setting.
// Note: there is no UI (yet?) for writing a value to the registry
if ((npMCI->msPeriodResolution = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("TimerResolution"), 4)) && (0 == timeBeginPeriod(npMCI->msPeriodResolution))) { // Timer successfully set
DPF1(("Set timer resolution to %d milliseconds\n", npMCI->msPeriodResolution)); } else { TIMECAPS tc; if ((timeGetDevCaps(&tc, sizeof(tc)) == 0) && (0 == timeBeginPeriod(tc.wPeriodMin))) { npMCI->msPeriodResolution = tc.wPeriodMin; DPF1(("Set timer resolution to the minimum of %d milliseconds\n", npMCI->msPeriodResolution)); } else { // Reset, so we do not try and call timeEndPeriod
// (note: the value may have been set by mmGetProfileInt)
npMCI->msPeriodResolution = 0; DPF1(("NO high resolution timer set\n")); } } } #endif
// internal task state (used only by worker thread to
// distinguish cueing/seeking/playing)
TIMEZERO(timePlay); TIMEZERO(timePrepare); TIMEZERO(timeCleanup); TIMEZERO(timePaused); TIMEZERO(timeRead); TIMEZERO(timeWait); TIMEZERO(timeYield); TIMEZERO(timeVideo); TIMEZERO(timeOther); TIMEZERO(timeAudio); TIMEZERO(timeDraw); TIMEZERO(timeDecompress);
TIMESTART(timePrepare); npMCI->dwTaskError = PrepareToPlay(npMCI);
// interframe timing
npMCI->nFrames = 0; npMCI->msFrameTotal = 0; npMCI->msSquares = 0; npMCI->msFrameMax = 0; npMCI->msFrameMin = 9999; npMCI->msReadMaxBytesPer = 0; npMCI->msReadMax = 0; npMCI->nReads = 0; npMCI->msReadTotal = 0; npMCI->msReadTimeuS = 0;
{ int i; PLONG pL; //for (i = 0; i < NBUCKETS; i++) {
// npMCI->buckets[i] = 0;
ZeroMemory(npMCI->buckets, NBUCKETS*sizeof(LONG)); pL = npMCI->paIntervals; if (pL) { ZeroMemory(pL, (npMCI->cIntervals)*sizeof(LONG)); } } #endif
// pick a play function.
switch (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg) { case MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED: Play = PlayInterleaved; break;
case MCIAVI_ALG_CDROM: Play = PlayNonIntFromCD; break; #endif
case MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK: Play = PlayNonInterleaved; break;
case MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY: Play = PlayAudioOnly; break;
default: Assert(0); return MCI_NOTIFY_ABORTED; //???
// bias lTo by dwBufferedVideo so we play to the right place
npMCI->lTo += npMCI->dwBufferedVideo;
npMCI->lFramePlayStart = npMCI->lRealStart;
DPF(("Playing from %ld to %ld, starting at %ld. Flags=%0.8x\n", npMCI->lFrom, npMCI->lTo, npMCI->lCurrentFrame, npMCI->dwFlags));
// at this point we have detected any errors that we are going to detect
// during startup. we can complete the synchronous portion of the command
// if requested to do so
if (bSetEvent) { bSetEvent = FALSE; TaskReturns(npMCI, npMCI->dwTaskError); }
if (npMCI->dwTaskError != 0L) goto SKIP_PLAYING;
/* We're done initializing; now we're warming up to play. */ npMCI->wTaskState = TASKCUEING;
try { // If the avi file is corrupt we want to try and catch errors without
// aborting the application. Hence we need this try/except clause at
// this very high level. It PROBABLY costs too much to set up the
// exception handler every time we want to draw a single frame.
/* Loop until things are done */ while (1) {
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) { if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lTo) break; } else { if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame > npMCI->lTo) break; }
if ((npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_UPDATING)) {
TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield); }
fContinue = Play(npMCI);
if (fContinue) fContinue = !TimeToQuit(npMCI);
if (!fContinue) break;
// while playing we may need to update
// always mark the movie as clean, even if a stream fails to update
// otherwise we will need to stop play and restart.
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) && (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NEEDUPDATE)) { DoStreamUpdate(npMCI, FALSE);
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NEEDUPDATE) { DOUT("Update failed while playing, I dont care!\n"); npMCI->dwFlags &= ~MCIAVI_NEEDUPDATE; //!!! I dont care if it failed
} }
/* Increment the frame number. If we're done, don't increment
** it an extra time, but just get out. */ if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) { if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame > npMCI->lTo) --npMCI->lCurrentFrame; else break; } else { if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lTo) ++npMCI->lCurrentFrame; else {
// need to ensure that we wait for audio to complete on the
// last frame played
if ((npMCI->lFrom != npMCI->lTo) && (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING)) {
npMCI->lCurrentFrame++; WaitTillNextFrame(npMCI); npMCI->lCurrentFrame--; }
break; } } } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL; }
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame != npMCI->lTo) {
DPF(("Ended at %ld, not %ld (drawn = %ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, npMCI->lTo, npMCI->lFrameDrawn));
// if we ended early lets set lCurrentFrame to the last frame
// drawn to guarantee we can re-paint the frame, we dont
// want to do this when we play to end because after playing
// from A to B the current position *must* be B or preston will
// enter a bug.
// but only set this if lFrameDraw is valid
if (npMCI->lFrameDrawn > (-(LONG)npMCI->wEarlyRecords)) npMCI->lCurrentFrame = npMCI->lFrameDrawn; }
SKIP_PLAYING: /* Flush any extra changes out to screen */
DPF2(("Updating unfinished changes....\n"));
// Make sure we really draw.... !!!do we need this?
// npMCI->lRealStart = npMCI->lCurrentFrame;
if (npMCI->hdc) DoStreamUpdate(npMCI, FALSE);
npMCI->lTo -= npMCI->dwBufferedVideo; npMCI->lCurrentFrame -= npMCI->dwBufferedVideo; npMCI->dwBufferedVideo = 0;
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < 0) { DPF2(("Adjusting position to be >= 0.\n")); npMCI->lCurrentFrame = 0; }
if (npMCI->lTo < 0) npMCI->lTo = 0;
/* Adjust position to be > start? */ /* Adjust position to be > where it was when we began? */
npMCI->dwTotalMSec += Now() - npMCI->dwMSecPlayStart;
TIMESTART(timeCleanup); DPF(("Cleaning up the play\n")); CleanUpPlay(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeCleanup);
#ifdef AVIREAD
/* shut down async reader */ if (npMCI->hAviRd) { avird_endread(npMCI->hAviRd); npMCI->hAviRd = NULL; } #endif
/* If we're repeating, do it. It sure would be nice if we could repeat
** without de-allocating and then re-allocating all of our buffers.... */ if (npMCI->dwTaskError == 0 && (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_STOP)) && (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REPEATING)) { npMCI->lFrom = npMCI->lRepeatFrom;
// DrawEnd() likes to clear this flag so make sure it gets set
// in the repeat case.
// make sure we set the task state back before we repeat.
// otherwise our code will think we are playing, for example.
// if the audio code thinks we are playing and see's the wave buffers
// are empty it will reset the wave device then restart it when
// they get full again, this is bad if we are pre-rolling audio.
DPF((".........repeating\n")); goto Repeat; }
/* Turn off flags only used during play. */ npMCI->dwFlags &= ~(MCIAVI_STOP | MCIAVI_PAUSE | MCIAVI_SEEKING | MCIAVI_REPEATING | MCIAVI_FULLSCREEN);
if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { DWORD dwCorrectTime; DWORD dwFramesPlayed;
dwFramesPlayed = (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) ? npMCI->lFramePlayStart - npMCI->lCurrentFrame : npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->lFramePlayStart;
dwCorrectTime = muldiv32(dwFramesPlayed, muldiv32(npMCI->dwMicroSecPerFrame, 1000L, (npMCI->dwSpeedFactor == 0 ? 1000 : npMCI->dwSpeedFactor)), 1000);
if (dwCorrectTime != 0 && npMCI->dwTotalMSec != 0) npMCI->dwSpeedPercentage = muldiv32(dwCorrectTime, 100, npMCI->dwTotalMSec); else npMCI->dwSpeedPercentage = 100;
if (dwFramesPlayed > 15) { npMCI->lFramesPlayed = (LONG)dwFramesPlayed; npMCI->lFramesSeekedPast = (LONG)npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast; npMCI->lSkippedFrames = (LONG)npMCI->dwSkippedFrames; npMCI->lAudioBreaks = (LONG)npMCI->dwAudioBreaks; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast) { DPF(("Didn't even read %ld frames.\n", npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast)); } if (npMCI->dwSkippedFrames && dwFramesPlayed > 0) { DPF(("Skipped %ld of %ld frames. (%ld%%)\n", npMCI->dwSkippedFrames, dwFramesPlayed, npMCI->dwSkippedFrames*100/dwFramesPlayed)); } if (npMCI->dwAudioBreaks) { DPF(("Audio broke up %lu times.\n", npMCI->dwAudioBreaks)); } #ifndef TIMEPLAY
DPF(("Played at %lu%% of correct speed.\n", npMCI->dwSpeedPercentage)); DPF(("Correct time = %lu ms, Actual = %lu ms.\n", dwCorrectTime, npMCI->dwTotalMSec)); #endif
// don't print pages of stuff when we've just stopped temporarily,
// it gets on my nerves.
if (! (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_UPDATING)) { #ifdef DEBUG
extern int giDebugLevel, giTimingLevel; int oldDebugLevel = giDebugLevel; giDebugLevel = max(giTimingLevel, oldDebugLevel); #endif
if (wSkipped) { DPF(("Skipped: ")); for (w = 0; w < wSkipped; w++) { DPF(("!%ld ", lSkipped[w])); } DPF(("!\n")); } #endif
if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED) { DPF(("Wait histogram: ")); for (w = 0; (int)w <= (int)npMCI->wABs; w++) { if (wHist[w]) { DPF(("![%d]: %d ",w,wHist[w])); } } DPF(("!\n")); } #endif
DPF(("Behind histogram: ")); for (w = 0; w <= NUMBEHIND; w++) { if (wBehind[w]) { DPF(("![%d]: %d ",w - BEHINDOFFSET,wBehind[w])); } } DPF(("!\n")); #endif
DPF(("Draw times: ")); for (w = 0; w < wDrawn; w++) { DPF(("!%lu ", dwDrawTime[w])); } DPF(("!\n")); #endif
DPF(("Read times: ")); for (w = 0; w < wRead; w++) { DPF(("!%lu ", dwReadTime[w])); } DPF(("!\n")); #endif
#define SEC(time) (UINT)(npMCI->time / 1000l) , (UINT)(npMCI->time % 1000l)
#define SECX(time,t) SEC(time) , (npMCI->t ? (UINT)(npMCI->time * 100l / npMCI->t) : 0)
DPF(("***********************************************************\r\n")); DPF((" timePlay: %3d.%03dsec\r\n",SEC(timePlay))); DPF((" timeRead: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeRead, timePlay))); DPF((" timeWait: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeWait, timePlay))); DPF((" timeYield: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeYield, timePlay))); DPF((" timeVideo: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeVideo, timePlay))); DPF((" timeDraw: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeDraw, timeVideo))); DPF((" timeDecompress: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeDecompress, timeVideo))); DPF((" timeAudio: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeAudio, timePlay))); DPF((" timeOther: %3d.%03dsec (%d%%)\r\n",SECX(timeOther, timePlay))); DPF((" timePaused: %3d.%03dsec\r\n",SEC(timePaused))); DPF((" timePrepare: %3d.%03dsec\r\n",SEC(timePrepare))); DPF((" timeCleanup: %3d.%03dsec\r\n",SEC(timeCleanup))); DPF(("***********************************************************\r\n")); #endif
// frame interval timing
if (npMCI->nFrames > 2) { int i;
DPF(("-- %ld frames, ave interval %ld ms\r\n", npMCI->nFrames, npMCI->msFrameTotal/(npMCI->nFrames-1))); DPF(("-- min %ld ms, max %ld ms\r\n", npMCI->msFrameMin, npMCI->msFrameMax)); DPF(("-- sd = sqrt(%ld)\r\n", (npMCI->msSquares - MulDiv(npMCI->msFrameTotal, npMCI->msFrameTotal, npMCI->nFrames-1) ) / (npMCI->nFrames-2) )); for (i = 3; i < NBUCKETS-3; i++) { DPF(("%d ms: %d\r\n", i * 10, npMCI->buckets[i])); }
DPF(("Actual intervals:\r\n")); for (i = 1; i < min(npMCI->cIntervals,npMCI->nFrames); i++) { DPF(("!%3ld ", *(npMCI->paIntervals+i))); if ((fOneIntervalPerLine) || ((i % 20) == 0)) DPF(("!\n")); } DPF(("!\r\n")); }
if (npMCI->nReads > 0) { DPF(("-- %ld disk reads, ave %ld ms, max %ld ms\r\n", npMCI->nReads, npMCI->msReadTotal/(npMCI->nReads), npMCI->msReadMax)); } #ifdef DEBUG
giDebugLevel = oldDebugLevel; #endif
/* If we set a high resolution timer earlier... */ if (npMCI->msPeriodResolution) { // Clear the timer resolution
timeEndPeriod(npMCI->msPeriodResolution); DPF1(("Cleared the timer resolution from %d milliseconds\n", npMCI->msPeriodResolution)); npMCI->msPeriodResolution = 0; } #endif
// if we are not stopping temporarily, then set task state to idle
if (! (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_UPDATING)) { npMCI->wTaskState = TASKIDLE; }
DPF(("mciaviPlayFile ending, dwTaskError==%d\n",npMCI->dwTaskError)); if (npMCI->dwTaskError) return MCI_NOTIFY_FAILURE;
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) { if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame <= npMCI->lTo) return MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL; } else { if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= npMCI->lTo) return MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL; }
#ifdef DEBUG
INLINE void FillR(HDC hdc, LPRECT prc, DWORD rgb) { SetBkColor(hdc,rgb); ExtTextOut(hdc,0,0,ETO_OPAQUE,prc,NULL,0,NULL); }
void StatusBar(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, int n, int dx, int max, int cur) { HDC hdc; RECT rc;
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_FULLSCREEN) return;
if (cur > max) cur = max+1;
if (cur < 0) cur = 0;
* If the window is iconic, or there is no title bar, return * without painting the status bars. */
if (!IsWindow(npMCI->hwndPlayback) || IsIconic(npMCI->hwndPlayback)) { return; } if (!(GetWindowLong((npMCI->hwndPlayback), GWL_STYLE) & WS_CAPTION)) { return; }
hdc = GetWindowDC(npMCI->hwndPlayback);
// show the amount of audio and how far behind we are
rc.left = 32; rc.top = 4 + n*5; rc.bottom = rc.top + 4;
rc.right = rc.left + cur * dx;
FillR(hdc, &rc, RGB(255,255,0));
rc.left = rc.right; rc.right = rc.left + (max - cur) * dx;
FillR(hdc, &rc, RGB(255,0,0));
ReleaseDC(npMCI->hwndPlayback, hdc); }
#define StatusBar(p,a,b,c,d)
BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayInterleaved(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { LONG iFrame; LONG iKey; LONG iNextKey; LONG iPrevKey; BOOL fHurryUp=FALSE; int iHurryUp=0; BOOL fPlayedAudio = FALSE; BOOL f;
DPF2(("PlayInterleaved, npMCI=%8x\n",npMCI));
/* If lCurrentFrame == lFrames, we're really at the end of
** the file, so there isn't another record to read. */ if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames) { /* Read new record into buffer */
DPF2(("Reading", iFrame = (LONG)timeGetTime())); TIMESTART(timeRead); f = ReadRecord(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeRead); DPF2((".done %ldms\n", (LONG)timeGetTime() - iFrame));
if (!f) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_INVALID_FILE; DPF(("Error reading frame #%ld\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame)); return FALSE; }
if (npMCI->hWave && npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= npMCI->lAudioStart) { TIMESTART(timeAudio); if (!PlayRecordAudio(npMCI, &fHurryUp, &fPlayedAudio)) { DPF(("Error playing frame #%ld audio\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame)); return FALSE; } TIMEEND(timeAudio); } }
/* If we're at the right frame, and we haven't started yet,
** then begin play and start timing. */
if ((npMCI->lCurrentFrame > npMCI->lRealStart + (LONG) npMCI->dwBufferedVideo) && (npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING)) {
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE)) { goto RestartPlay0; } else { // We were paused already, and now we're restarting or pausing
// again... so we've already done the KeepFilling stuff to pre-fill
// our buffers. If we don't skip over the KeepFilling stuff we'll
// roll ahead.
PauseAVI(npMCI); goto BePaused0; } }
if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE) {
#ifndef _WIN32
// no way do we want to do this on NT. If you get a slow disk, you will
// never get to pause because we can't get the stuff in fast enough to keep up
// !!! The above is not necessarily true
/* The line below says that if we're trying to pause,
** but we're behind on our audio, we should keep playing ** for a little bit so that our audio buffers get full. ** This way we'll be all cued up when we RESUME and be less ** likely to fall behind. ** The jerky playback fix makes us use big buffers now so ** the last buffer can never be totally filled, so it's OK ** to stop after filling up (total - 1) buffers. */ if (fPlayedAudio && npMCI->wABFull < npMCI->wABs - 1) goto KeepFilling; #endif
BePaused0: BePaused(npMCI);
RestartPlay0: if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_STOP) return FALSE;
if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE;
RestartAVI(npMCI); } }
#ifndef _WIN32
KeepFilling: #endif
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame > npMCI->lVideoStart && npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames && npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) {
iFrame = WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(npMCI);
if (iFrame >= npMCI->lFrames) goto dontskip;
iHurryUp = (int)(iFrame - npMCI->lCurrentFrame); fHurryUp = iHurryUp > gwHurryTolerance;
if (iHurryUp > 1 && npMCI->hpFrameIndex && (npMCI->dwOptionFlags & MCIAVIO_SKIPFRAMES)) {
// WE ARE BEHIND!!! by one or more frames.
// if we are late we can do one of the following:
// dont draw frames but keep reading/decompressing them
// (ie set fHurryUp)
// skip ahead to a key frame.
// !!! If we're very close to the next key frame, be more
// willing to skip ahead....
if (iHurryUp > gwSkipTolerance) {
iNextKey = FrameNextKey(iFrame); iPrevKey = FramePrevKey(iFrame);
if (iPrevKey > npMCI->lCurrentFrame && iFrame - iPrevKey < gwHurryTolerance && iNextKey - iFrame > gwSkipTolerance) {
DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to PREV KEY %ld (time for %ld next key=%ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iPrevKey, iFrame, iNextKey)); iKey = iPrevKey; } // !!! We'll only skip if the key frame is at most as far
// ahead as we are behind.....
else if (iNextKey > npMCI->lCurrentFrame && iNextKey <= iFrame + gwSkipTolerance /*gwMaxSkipEver*/) { DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to NEXT KEY %ld (time for %ld prev key=%ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iNextKey, iFrame, iPrevKey)); iKey = iNextKey; } else { DPF2(("WANTED to skip from %ld to %ld (time for %ld)!\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame,iNextKey,iFrame)); goto dontskip; }
npMCI->lVideoStart = iKey; npMCI->dwSkippedFrames += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; dontskip: fHurryUp = TRUE; } else { iKey = FrameNextKey(npMCI->lCurrentFrame);
if (iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame > 0 && iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame <= gwHurryTolerance) { DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to next key frame %ld (time for %ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iKey, iFrame));
npMCI->dwSkippedFrames += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->lVideoStart = iKey; fHurryUp = TRUE; } } } }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_WAVEPAUSED) fHurryUp = TRUE;
/* If we've actually started timing:
** Check if we should send a signal. ** Check to see if we should break out of the loop. ** Wait until it's time for the next frame. */ if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING && npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= npMCI->lVideoStart) {
if (npMCI->dwSignals) CheckSignals(npMCI, npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
/* Adjust to achieve proper tension. */ if (fPlayedAudio) { /* If we're playing, keep statistics about how we're doing. */ ++wHist[npMCI->wABFull]; } #endif
if (!WaitTillNextFrame(npMCI)) return FALSE; }
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= npMCI->lVideoStart && npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames) {
if (fHurryUp && wSkipped < NUMSKIPSSHOWN) { lSkipped[wSkipped++] = npMCI->lCurrentFrame; } #endif
/* hold critsec round all worker thread drawing */ EnterHDCCrit(npMCI); TIMESTART(timeVideo); if (!DisplayVideoFrame(npMCI, fHurryUp)) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_AVI_DISPLAYERROR; TIMEZERO(timeVideo); LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); return FALSE; }
TIMEEND(timeVideo); LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI);
if (!fHurryUp && (wDrawn < NUMDRAWN)) { dwDrawTime[wDrawn++] = npMCI->dwLastDrawTime; } #endif
StatusBar(npMCI, 0, 4, npMCI->wABs, npMCI->wABFull); StatusBar(npMCI, 1, 4, npMCI->wABs, npMCI->wABs - iHurryUp);
#ifdef AVIREAD
if ((npMCI->hAviRd) && (npMCI->lpBuffer != NULL)) { /* finished with this buffer - put back on queue */ avird_emptybuffer(npMCI->hAviRd, npMCI->lpBuffer); npMCI->lpBuffer = NULL; } #endif
DPF2(("PlayInterleaved...ENDING, npMCI=%8x, TaskState=%d\n", npMCI, npMCI->wTaskState)); return TRUE; }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayNonInterleaved(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { BOOL fHurryUp = FALSE; int iHurryUp; LONG iFrame; LONG iKey; LONG iNextKey; LONG iPrevKey;
DPF2(("PlayNonInterleaved, npMCI=%8x\n",npMCI)); if (npMCI->hWave) { TIMESTART(timeAudio); KeepPlayingAudio(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeAudio); }
if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) {
iFrame = WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(npMCI);
if (iFrame >= npMCI->lFrames) goto dontskip;
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) {
/* Since we're going backwards, always skip to key frame. */ DPF3((" Current = %ld, time for %ld.\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iFrame));
iFrame = FramePrevKey(iFrame);
// !!! Send signals for skipped frames?
npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast += npMCI->lCurrentFrame - iFrame; npMCI->dwSkippedFrames += npMCI->lCurrentFrame - iFrame; npMCI->lCurrentFrame = iFrame; } else if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames) {
{ int iDelta; iDelta = iFrame - npMCI->lCurrentFrame + BEHINDOFFSET; iDelta = min(NUMBEHIND, max(0, iDelta)); wBehind[iDelta]++; } #endif
iHurryUp = (int)(iFrame - npMCI->lCurrentFrame); fHurryUp = iHurryUp > gwHurryTolerance;
if (iHurryUp > 1 && npMCI->hpFrameIndex && (npMCI->dwOptionFlags & MCIAVIO_SKIPFRAMES)) {
// WE ARE BEHIND!!! by one or more frames.
// if we are late we can do one of the following:
// dont draw frames but keep reading/decompressing them
// (ie set fHurryUp)
// skip ahead to a key frame.
// !!! If we're very close to the next key frame, be more
// willing to skip ahead....
if (iHurryUp > gwSkipTolerance) {
iNextKey = FrameNextKey(iFrame); iPrevKey = FramePrevKey(iFrame);
if (iPrevKey > npMCI->lCurrentFrame && iFrame - iPrevKey < gwHurryTolerance && iNextKey - iFrame > gwSkipTolerance) {
DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to PREV KEY %ld (time for %ld next key=%ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iPrevKey, iFrame, iNextKey));
iKey = iPrevKey; fHurryUp = TRUE; } // !!! We'll only skip if the key frame is at most as far
// ahead as we are behind.....
else if (iNextKey > npMCI->lCurrentFrame && iNextKey <= iFrame + gwSkipTolerance /*gwMaxSkipEver*/) { DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to NEXT KEY %ld (time for %ld prev key=%ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iNextKey, iFrame, iPrevKey)); iKey = iNextKey; // assume next key
fHurryUp = FALSE; } else { DPF2(("WANTED to skip from %ld to %ld (time for %ld)!\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame,iNextKey,iFrame)); goto dontskip; }
npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->dwSkippedFrames += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->lCurrentFrame = iKey; dontskip: ; } else if (FramePrevKey(iFrame) == iFrame) { DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to %ld (time for key frame).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iFrame));
iKey = iFrame; npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->dwSkippedFrames += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->lCurrentFrame = iKey;
fHurryUp = FALSE; } else { iKey = FrameNextKey(npMCI->lCurrentFrame);
if (iKey > npMCI->lCurrentFrame && iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame <= gwHurryTolerance) { DPF2(("Skipping from %ld to next key frame %ld (time for %ld).\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iKey, iFrame));
npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->dwSkippedFrames += iKey - npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->lCurrentFrame = iKey;
fHurryUp = ((iKey - iFrame) > gwHurryTolerance); } } }
StatusBar(npMCI, 0, 4, npMCI->wABs, npMCI->wABFull); StatusBar(npMCI, 1, 4, npMCI->wABs, npMCI->wABs - iHurryUp); } }
// !!! Somewhere in here, read other streams.
// Should this be before, or after, video?
/* If lCurrentFrame == lFrames, we're really at the end of
** the file, so there isn't another record to read. */ if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames) { /* Read new record into buffer */
npMCI->dwLastReadTime = (DWORD)(-(LONG)timeGetTime()); TIMESTART(timeRead); if (!ReadNextVideoFrame(npMCI, NULL)) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_INVALID_FILE; DPF2(("Error reading frame #%ld\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame)); return FALSE; } TIMEEND(timeRead);
npMCI->dwLastReadTime += timeGetTime(); npMCI->lLastRead = npMCI->lCurrentFrame;
if (wRead < NUMREAD) { dwReadTime[wRead++] = npMCI->dwLastReadTime; } #endif
/* If we're at the right frame, and we haven't started yet,
** then begin play and start timing. */ if ((((npMCI->lCurrentFrame > (npMCI->lRealStart + (LONG) npMCI->dwBufferedVideo)) && (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < (npMCI->lTo))) || (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE)) && (npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING)) { if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE)) { goto RestartPlay; } else goto PauseNow; }
/* If we've actually started timing:
** Check if we should send a signal. ** Check to see if we should return FALSE out of the loop. ** Wait until it's time for the next frame. */ if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE) { PauseNow: PauseAVI(npMCI);
RestartPlay: if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE;
RestartAVI(npMCI); }
if (npMCI->dwSignals) CheckSignals(npMCI, npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames + (LONG) npMCI->dwBufferedVideo) { while (1) { iFrame = WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(npMCI);
TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield);
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) { if (iFrame <= npMCI->lCurrentFrame) break;
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lTo) break; } else { if (iFrame >= npMCI->lCurrentFrame) break;
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame > npMCI->lTo) break; }
if (npMCI->hWave) { TIMESTART(timeAudio); KeepPlayingAudio(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeAudio); }
DPF3(("Waiting: Current = %ld, time for %ld.\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, iFrame)); if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE)) { WaitTillNextFrame(npMCI); }
if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE; } }
if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE; }
if (((npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= npMCI->lVideoStart) && (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames)) || (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE)) {
// Quick exit if we are being told to stop
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_STOP) { return(FALSE); }
EnterHDCCrit(npMCI); TIMESTART(timeVideo); if (!DisplayVideoFrame(npMCI, fHurryUp)) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_AVI_DISPLAYERROR; TIMEZERO(timeVideo); LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); return FALSE; } TIMEEND(timeVideo); LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); #ifdef DRAWTIMEHIST
if (!fHurryUp && (wDrawn < NUMDRAWN)) { dwDrawTime[wDrawn++] = npMCI->dwLastDrawTime; } #endif
// now is a good time to deal with other streams
if (npMCI->nOtherStreams > 0 || npMCI->nVideoStreams > 1) {
if (npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING) iFrame = npMCI->lCurrentFrame;
TIMESTART(timeOther); DealWithOtherStreams(npMCI, iFrame); TIMEEND(timeOther); }
DPF2(("PlayNONInterleaved...ENDING, npMCI=%8x, TaskState=%d\n", npMCI, npMCI->wTaskState)); return TRUE; }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL PlayAudioOnly(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { DPF2(("PlayAudioOnly, npMCI=%8x\n",npMCI)); npMCI->lFrameDrawn = npMCI->lCurrentFrame;
if (npMCI->hWave) { TIMESTART(timeAudio); KeepPlayingAudio(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeAudio); }
/* If we're at the right frame, and we haven't started yet,
** then begin play and start timing. */ if ((npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING)) { if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE)) { goto RestartPlay; } else goto PauseNow; }
/* If we've actually started timing:
** Check if we should send a signal. ** Check to see if we should return FALSE out of the loop. ** Wait until it's time for the next frame. */ if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) {
npMCI->lCurrentFrame = WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(npMCI);
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE) { PauseNow: PauseAVI(npMCI);
RestartPlay: if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE;
RestartAVI(npMCI); }
if (npMCI->dwSignals) CheckSignals(npMCI, npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
// dont yield if updating
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_UPDATING)) { TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield); }
if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
#pragma message("PlayNonIntFromCD needs fixed?")
DPF2(("PlayNonIntFromCD, npMCI=%8x\n",npMCI)); AnotherChunk: /* If lCurrentFrame == lFrames, we're really at the end of
** the file, so there isn't another record to read. */ if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames) { /* Read new record into buffer */
TIMESTART(timeRead); ckid = ReadNextChunk(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeRead);
if (ckid == 0) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_INVALID_FILE; DPF(("Error reading frame #%ld\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame)); return FALSE; }
npMCI->lLastRead = npMCI->lCurrentFrame; wStream = StreamFromFOURCC(ckid);
if (wStream == (UINT) npMCI->nVideoStream) { if (TWOCCFromFOURCC(ckid) == cktypePALchange) { npMCI->lp += 2 * sizeof(DWORD); ProcessPaletteChange(npMCI, npMCI->dwThisRecordSize - 2 * sizeof(DWORD)); npMCI->lLastPaletteChange = npMCI->lCurrentFrame; goto AnotherChunk; } } else if (wStream == (UINT) npMCI->nAudioStream) { TIMESTART(timeAudio); if (npMCI->hWave) HandleAudioChunk(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeAudio); goto AnotherChunk; } else { goto AnotherChunk; } }
if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { lNewFrame = WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(npMCI);
DPF3((" Current = %ld, time for %ld.\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, lNewFrame)); if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < lNewFrame) { fHurryUp = TRUE; } }
/* If we're at the right frame, and we haven't started yet,
** then begin play and start timing. */ if ((npMCI->lCurrentFrame > npMCI->lRealStart + (LONG) npMCI->dwBufferedVideo) && (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lTo) && (npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING)) {
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE)) { goto RestartPlay; } else goto PauseNow; }
/* If we've actually started timing:
** Check if we should send a signal. ** Check to see if we should return FALSE out of the loop. ** Wait until it's time for the next frame. */ if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE) { PauseNow: PauseAVI(npMCI);
RestartPlay: if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE;
RestartAVI(npMCI); }
if (npMCI->dwSignals) CheckSignals(npMCI, npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
WaitMore: ///////WAITING//////////
lNewFrame = WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(npMCI);
TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield);
if (lNewFrame < npMCI->lCurrentFrame) { DPF3(("Waiting: Current = %ld, time for %ld.\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, lNewFrame)); WaitTillNextFrame(npMCI); if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE; else goto WaitMore; } }
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= npMCI->lVideoStart) { TIMESTART(timeVideo); EnterHDCCrit(npMCI); if (!DisplayVideoFrame(npMCI, fHurryUp)) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_AVI_DISPLAYERROR; TIMEZERO(timeVideo); LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); return FALSE; } TIMEEND(timeVideo); LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); }
return TRUE; } #endif
STATICFN INLINE LONG waveTime(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LONG lTime) { if (gfUseGetPosition && npMCI->wABFull > 0) { MMTIME mmtime; LONG lTimeInc; mmtime.wType = TIME_SAMPLES; waveOutGetPosition(npMCI->hWave, &mmtime, sizeof(mmtime)); if (mmtime.wType == TIME_SAMPLES) lTimeInc = muldiv32(mmtime.u.sample, 1000L, npMCI->pWF->nSamplesPerSec); else if (mmtime.wType == TIME_BYTES) lTimeInc = muldiv32(mmtime.u.cb, 1000L, npMCI->pWF->nAvgBytesPerSec); else goto ack2;
//DPF0(("lTime: %3d, LastDraw: %4d, lTimeInc: %5d ",
// lTime, npMCI->dwLastDrawTime, lTimeInc));
lTime = lTimeInc + npMCI->dwLastDrawTime; // !!! this is too accurate: adjust by 100ms to match old SB...
lTime = max(0, lTime - giGetPositionAdjust); } else { ack2: lTime += muldiv32(npMCI->dwAudioPlayed, 1000L, npMCI->pWF->nAvgBytesPerSec); } return(lTime); }
// NOTE we must grab dwTimingStart *before* calling
// timeGetTime() because dwTimingStart is changed in the wave
// callback and we dont want to have time go backward.
LONG lTime = npMCI->dwTimingStart;
lTime = (LONG)timeGetTime() - lTime + npMCI->dwLastDrawTime // + npMCI->dwLastReadTime
Assert(lTime >= 0);
if (npMCI->hWave) {
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_WAVEPAUSED) { lTime = 0; }
lTime = waveTime(npMCI, lTime); } return(lTime); }
/* This function returns what frame we should be on. */ LONG NEAR PASCAL WhatFrameIsItTimeFor(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { LONG lTime; LONG lFrame;
// If timing is off, it's always just time to play the current frame.
if (npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame == 0) return npMCI->lCurrentFrame;
// if we have not started playing npMCI->dwTimingStart is bogus
Assert(npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING); AssertFrame(npMCI->lCurrentFrame - (LONG)npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
lTime = GetVideoTime(npMCI);
/* Convert from MS to frames.... */ //force round down - subtract half a frame
lTime -= (npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame / 2000); if (lTime < 0) { lTime = 0; lFrame = 0; } else { lFrame = muldiv32(lTime, 1000, npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame); }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) {
lFrame = npMCI->lFramePlayStart - lFrame;
if (lFrame < npMCI->lTo) lFrame = npMCI->lTo; } else { lFrame = lFrame + npMCI->lFramePlayStart + npMCI->dwBufferedVideo;
if ((lFrame > npMCI->lTo) && (lFrame > npMCI->lCurrentFrame)) lFrame = npMCI->lTo; }
if (lFrame > npMCI->lFrames + (LONG)npMCI->dwBufferedVideo || lFrame < 0) { DPF(("WhatFrameIsItTimeFor: bad frame %ld\n", lFrame)); AssertSz(0, "bad frame in WhatFrameIsItTimeFor"); lFrame = npMCI->lCurrentFrame; }
return lFrame; }
/* This function returns time to go until the target frame */ LONG NEAR PASCAL HowLongTill(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { LONG lTime; LONG lTimeTarget; LONG lFrameTarget = npMCI->lCurrentFrame;
// If timing is off, it's always just time to play the current frame.
if (npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame == 0) return 0;
// if we have not started playing npMCI->dwTimingStart is bogus
Assert(npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING);
// no longer valid because of last-frame-audio fix
//AssertFrame(npMCI->lCurrentFrame - (LONG)npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
lTime = GetVideoTime(npMCI);
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) lFrameTarget = npMCI->lFramePlayStart - lFrameTarget; else lFrameTarget -= npMCI->lFramePlayStart + npMCI->dwBufferedVideo;
lTimeTarget = muldiv32(lFrameTarget, npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame, 1000);
//DPF0(("! >> %5d\n", lTimeTarget - lTime));
return lTimeTarget - lTime; }
static BOOL NEAR PASCAL PauseAVI(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { DPF2(("PauseAVI\n")); if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { int stream;
if (npMCI->hWave) waveOutPause(npMCI->hWave);
if (npMCI->hicDraw) ICDrawStop(npMCI->hicDraw);
for (stream = 0; stream < npMCI->streams; stream++) { if (SI(stream)->hicDraw) ICDrawStop(SI(stream)->hicDraw); }
npMCI->dwPauseTime = Now(); npMCI->dwTotalMSec += npMCI->dwPauseTime - npMCI->dwMSecPlayStart; }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_WAITING) { // waiting for completion of a pause or cue request
DPF3(("Releasing UI waiter\n")); SetEvent(npMCI->hEventAllDone); npMCI->dwFlags &= ~MCIAVI_WAITING; }
// this flag is set to indicate that notify should be issued
// when we reach a paused state (eg on Cue).
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_CUEING) { /* If we're cueing, report that it was successful. */ npMCI->dwFlags &= ~(MCIAVI_CUEING); GraphicDelayedNotify(npMCI, MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL); }
DPF2(("Pausing npMCI==%8x\n",npMCI)); npMCI->wTaskState = TASKPAUSED;
return TRUE; }
TIMEEND(timePlay); TIMESTART(timePaused);
while (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PAUSE) {
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_STOP) return FALSE;
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NEEDUPDATE) { /* Since we're paused and we have nothing better
** to do, update the screen. */ DoStreamUpdate(npMCI, FALSE); }
// block until told to do something else
// need to handle send-messages to the ole windows -see mciaviTask()
do { dwObject = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(2, &npMCI->hEventSend, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_SENDMESSAGE); if (dwObject == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2) { MSG msg;
// just a single peekmessage with NOREMOVE will
// process the inter-thread send and not affect the queue
PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); } } while (dwObject == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2);
// find out what needed doing
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_WAITING) { // waiting for completion of a pause or cue request
SetEvent(npMCI->hEventAllDone); npMCI->dwFlags &= ~MCIAVI_WAITING; }
TIMEEND(timePaused); TIMESTART(timePlay);
return TRUE; }
static BOOL NEAR PASCAL RestartAVI(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { int stream;
Assert(npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING);
/* Mark that play has actually begun */ npMCI->wTaskState = TASKPLAYING; DPF(("Restart AVI, TaskState now TASKPLAYING, npMCI=%8x\n", npMCI));
#ifndef _WIN32
TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskYield(); aviTaskYield(); aviTaskYield(); TIMEEND(timeYield); DPF2(("Starting (done yielding)\n")); #endif
/* Reset clock and restart */
if (npMCI->dwPauseTime == 0) { Assert(npMCI->dwTimingStart == 0); }
npMCI->dwMSecPlayStart = Now(); // get the time we started playing
// if we were paused subtract off the time we spent paused from
// the timing start
if (npMCI->dwPauseTime == 0) npMCI->dwTimingStart = npMCI->dwMSecPlayStart; else npMCI->dwTimingStart += (npMCI->dwMSecPlayStart - npMCI->dwPauseTime);
if (npMCI->hWave) waveOutRestart(npMCI->hWave);
if (npMCI->hicDraw) ICDrawStart(npMCI->hicDraw);
for (stream = 0; stream < npMCI->streams; stream++) { if (SI(stream)->hicDraw) ICDrawStart(SI(stream)->hicDraw); }
DPF(("Returning from RestartAVI\n")); return TRUE; }
/* This function sets up things that will be needed to play.
** ** Returns zero if no error, otherwise an MCI error code. ** ** Note: Even if this function returns an error, CleanUpPlay() ** will still be called, so we don't have to cleanup here. */ STATICFN DWORD NEAR PASCAL PrepareToPlay(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { BOOL fCDFile; BOOL fNetFile; BOOL fHardFile;
Assert(npMCI->wTaskState != TASKPLAYING);
// lets choose the play back method:
// playing reverse: (random access!)
// use MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK always (random access mode)
// audio is preloaded: (will never happen?)
// file is interleaved:
// file is not interleaved:
fCDFile = npMCI->uDriveType == DRIVE_CDROM; fNetFile = npMCI->uDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE; fHardFile = !fCDFile && !fNetFile;
if (npMCI->nVideoStreams == 0 && npMCI->nOtherStreams == 0) { npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY; } else if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE || npMCI->pf) { // avifile-handled files are always played as non-interleaved
// though audio buffering might be different
npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; } else if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NOTINTERLEAVED) { #if 0
if (fCDFile) npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_CDROM; else #endif
if (fNetFile) npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; else npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; } else { if (fCDFile) npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED; #if 0
else if (fNetFile) npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; else npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; #else
else if (fNetFile) npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED; else npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED; #endif
// Interleaved playback doesn't work well at very low speeds!
if ((npMCI->dwSpeedFactor < 100) && (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg != MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK) && (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg != MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY)) { DPF(("Was going to play interleaved, but speed < 10%% of normal...\n")); npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; }
#if 0
// sigh! we need to always have the index read now, so we do it in
// aviopen
/* Be sure the index has been read, if we need it. */
if (npMCI->hpFrameIndex == NULL) if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg != MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED || npMCI->lFrom > 0) ReadIndex(npMCI); #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
switch (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg) { case MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED: Assert(!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NOTINTERLEAVED)); DPF(("playing a interleaved file\n")); break;
case MCIAVI_ALG_CDROM: Assert(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NOTINTERLEAVED); DPF(("playing a non interleaved file from CD-ROM\n")); break;
case MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK: if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NOTINTERLEAVED) DPF(("random access play (non-interleaved file)\n")); else DPF(("random access play (interleaved file)\n")); break;
case MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY: Assert(npMCI->nAudioStreams); DPF(("audio-only!\n")); break;
default: Assert(0); break; } #endif
#if 0
// set a MMIO buffer if we are playing interleaved off a non cd-rom
if (npMCI->hmmio && fNetFile && npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED) {
#define BUFFER_SIZE (32l*1024)
if (npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer == NULL) {
DPF(("Using %u byte MMIO buffer...\n", BUFFER_SIZE));
npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer = AllocMem(BUFFER_SIZE);
mmioSetBuffer(npMCI->hmmio, npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, 0); }
//!!! should we do this for a seek?
//!!! should we free this in CleanUpPlay?
} else { if (npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer != NULL) FreeMem(npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer);
npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer = NULL;
if (npMCI->hmmio) mmioSetBuffer(npMCI->hmmio, NULL, 0, 0); } #endif
// !!!!
#ifdef DEBUG
gwHurryTolerance = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("Hurry"), 2); gwSkipTolerance = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("Skip"), gwHurryTolerance * 2); gwMaxSkipEver = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("MaxSkip"), max(60, gwSkipTolerance * 10));
gfUseGetPosition = DEFAULTUSEGETPOSITION; // !!! Detect WSS 1.0, 2.0?
gfUseGetPosition = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("GetPosition"), gfUseGetPosition); giGetPositionAdjust = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("GetPositionAdjust"), 100);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (gfUseGetPosition) { DPF2(("Using waveOutGetPosition adjusted by %dms instead of done bits...\n", giGetPositionAdjust)); } else { DPF2(("NOT using waveOutGetPosition\n")); } #endif
Assert(npMCI->lTo <= npMCI->lFrames); Assert(npMCI->lFrom >= 0);
/* Clear out variables, so we'll know what needs to be released. */ /* Access to these variables should only ever be on the task thread */ npMCI->hWave = NULL; npMCI->lpAudio = NULL; npMCI->lpBuffer = NULL; npMCI->dwBufferSize = 0L; npMCI->wABFull = 0;
npMCI->dwSkippedFrames = 0L; npMCI->dwFramesSeekedPast = 0L; npMCI->dwAudioBreaks = 0L;
npMCI->dwTotalMSec = 0; npMCI->dwLastDrawTime = 0; npMCI->dwLastReadTime = 0; npMCI->dwBufferedVideo = 0; npMCI->dwPauseTime = 0; npMCI->dwTimingStart = 0;
/* Figure out how fast we're playing.... */ if (npMCI->dwSpeedFactor) npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame = muldiv32(npMCI->dwMicroSecPerFrame, 1000L, npMCI->dwSpeedFactor); else npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame = 0; // Special "play every frame" mode
/* If we're already at the end, and we're going to repeat from the
** start of the file, just repeat now. */ if ((npMCI->lFrom == npMCI->lTo) && (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REPEATING) && (npMCI->lFrom != npMCI->lRepeatFrom)) { DPF(("Repeating from beginning before we've even started....\n")); npMCI->lFrom = npMCI->lRepeatFrom; }
if (npMCI->lFrom == npMCI->lTo) { npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_SEEKING; npMCI->dwFlags &= ~(MCIAVI_REVERSE | MCIAVI_REPEATING); }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) goto PlayWithoutWave;
if (npMCI->hicDraw) { ICGetBuffersWanted(npMCI->hicDraw, &npMCI->dwBufferedVideo); } #ifdef DEBUG
npMCI->dwBufferedVideo = mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("Buffer"), (int) npMCI->dwBufferedVideo); #endif
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) { npMCI->dwBufferedVideo = 0; }
if (npMCI->dwBufferedVideo) { DPF(("Buffering %lu frames of video ahead....\n", npMCI->dwBufferedVideo)); }
// now initialize the audio stream
/* Open up our wave output device, if appropriate.
* Appropriate means that there are audio streams, * that we are not muted, * that the user has not turned sound off * that we have not had the wave device stolen * and that the wave stream is ok */ if ((npMCI->nAudioStreams > 0) && (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PLAYAUDIO) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_LOSEAUDIO) && !(npMCI->dwOptionFlags & MCIAVIO_NOSOUND) && (npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame != 0)) {
npMCI->dwTaskError = SetUpAudio(npMCI, TRUE);
if ((npMCI->dwTaskError == MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) && (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg != MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY)) { DPF(("Not enough memory to play audio; continuing onward....\n")); CleanUpAudio(npMCI); npMCI->dwTaskError = 0; }
// we did not get a wave device, time to go steal one.
// only do this if we got a real play command
// from the user, and not a internal play command
// (like when repeating or restarting)
// MCIAVI_NEEDTOSHOW is set when the play command
// came in through graphic.c (ie from the outside world)
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NEEDTOSHOW) { if (StealWaveDevice(npMCI)) // Some other AVI task was prepared to release the
// wave device that they were holding. This gives us
// a second chance to set up for playing audio.
npMCI->dwTaskError = SetUpAudio(npMCI, TRUE); } #endif // STEALWAVE
if (npMCI->dwTaskError == MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE) { //
// even though we did not steal the wave device we still
// want it if it becomes available
npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_LOSTAUDIO; // we want it
} }
* We will fail to play even without a wave device available * in the following circumstances: * * 1: Playback algorithm is audio only * 2: Wave failure is not ...OUTPUTSINUSE or ...OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE * * In all other cases we continue and play without wave */
if (npMCI->dwTaskError) { if ( ((npMCI->dwTaskError != MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE) && (npMCI->dwTaskError != MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE)) || (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY) ) { // Must call CleanUpAudio(npMCI) to release buffers
return npMCI->dwTaskError; }
// Reset the error and continue
npMCI->dwTaskError = 0; }
} else { DPF2(("Playing silently, nAudioStreams=%d, PlayAudio=%x\n", npMCI->nAudioStreams, npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_PLAYAUDIO)); // Was someone stealing our wave device?
npMCI->dwFlags &= ~MCIAVI_LOSEAUDIO; // OK - reset the flag
PlayWithoutWave: return(PrepareToPlay2(npMCI)); }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NEEDTOSHOW) { ShowStage(npMCI); } /* Get and prepare the DC we're going to be playing into */
// must hold the critsec when getting dc to avoid
// interaction with window thread calling DeviceRealize
if (npMCI->hdc == NULL) { npMCI->hdc = GetDC(npMCI->hwndPlayback); // Shouldn't use cached DC!
if (npMCI->hdc == NULL) { LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); return MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL; }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) { //
// audio only
if (npMCI->nVideoStreams == 0 && npMCI->nOtherStreams == 0) { npMCI->lCurrentFrame = npMCI->lFrom; LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); return 0; } }
/* Start up the external decompressor, if any */ /* !!!We should check these for errors */
if (!DrawBegin(npMCI, NULL)) { LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI); return npMCI->dwTaskError ? npMCI->dwTaskError : MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL; }
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING)) { PrepareDC(npMCI); } // critsec just held around getting and preparing dc - look at
// InternalRealize to see the function we are protecting against.
** what if selecting the palette causes palette changes? we should ** yield and let the palette changes happen. */
if (npMCI->hicDraw && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) && (npMCI->dwBufferedVideo > 0)) { ICDrawFlush(npMCI->hicDraw); npMCI->lFrameDrawn = (- (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyRecords) - 1; }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_FULLSCREEN) { /* Clear out key state flags:
** We watch for escape, space, and the left button. ** Unfortunately, we must look for LBUTTON and RBUTTON in case ** the user has switched mouse buttons. In that instance, the ** UI might believe that the Left mouse button is physically the ** right-hand one, but GetAsyncKeyState looks at the physical ** left-hand mouse button. */ GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE); GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE); GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON); GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON); }
/* Figure out where in the file to start playing from */ CalculateTargetFrame(npMCI);
// !!! ACK: We're starting from after where we planned to finish....
if ((npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE) && (npMCI->lCurrentFrame <= npMCI->lTo)) { npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_SEEKING; }
// !!! This should be in CalcTarget
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) npMCI->lTo = npMCI->lRealStart;
// start all the streams
for (stream = 0; stream < npMCI->streams; stream++) {
STREAMINFO *psi = SI(stream);
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING)) { if (SI(stream)->ps) { AVIStreamBeginStreaming(SI(stream)->ps, MovieToStream(SI(stream), npMCI->lFrom), MovieToStream(SI(stream), npMCI->lTo), npMCI->dwPlayMicroSecPerFrame); // !!!
} } #endif
// NOTE DrawBegin() handled the default draw guy
if (psi->hicDraw && psi->hicDraw != npMCI->hicDraw) {
dw = ICDrawBegin(psi->hicDraw, (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_FULLSCREEN) ? ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN : ICDRAW_HDC,
npMCI->hpal, // palette to draw with
npMCI->hwndPlayback, // window to draw to
npMCI->hdc, // HDC to draw to
RCX(psi->rcDest), RCY(psi->rcDest), RCW(psi->rcDest), RCH(psi->rcDest),
RCX(psi->rcSource), RCY(psi->rcSource), RCW(psi->rcSource), RCH(psi->rcSource),
muldiv32(psi->sh.dwRate, npMCI->dwSpeedFactor, 1000), psi->sh.dwScale);
if ((LONG)dw < 0) { // !!! Error checking?
DPF(("Draw handler failed ICDrawBegin() (err = %ld)\n", dw)); }
// tell the draw handler the play range
ICDrawStartPlay(psi->hicDraw,psi->lPlayFrom, psi->lPlayTo); } }
// tell the draw handler the play range
if (npMCI->hicDraw) { ICDrawStartPlay(npMCI->hicDraw,npMCI->lRealStart,npMCI->lTo); }
// seek to the right place in the file.
dwPosition = CalculatePosition(npMCI);
if (dwPosition == 0) { return MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL; }
// see if we want to try to read two records at a shot, this
// should cut down the time spent in DOS doing reads.
// we only can do this if we have a index, and the buffer
// sizes are "small enough"
// if reading 2 buffers works good how about 3? 4?
// this helps on CD's and Networks but makes things slower
// on KenO's hard disk, so dont do hard disks.
// default is read many when coming from a Network, this is
// better than the old mmioSetBuffer() we used to do.
if (npMCI->uDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE) npMCI->fReadMany = TRUE; else npMCI->fReadMany = FALSE;
if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED && npMCI->dwSuggestedBufferSize <= 30*1024 && mmGetProfileInt(szIni, TEXT("ReadMany"), npMCI->fReadMany) && npMCI->hpFrameIndex) {
npMCI->dwBufferSize = npMCI->dwSuggestedBufferSize * 2; npMCI->fReadMany = TRUE; } else { npMCI->fReadMany = FALSE; }
if (npMCI->fReadMany) { DPF(("MCIAVI: reading two records at once (%ld bytes).\n", npMCI->dwBufferSize)); npMCI->lLastRead = npMCI->lCurrentFrame - 2; } #endif
// look for palette changes between the last place we read and where
// we're starting....
ProcessPaletteChanges(npMCI, npMCI->lVideoStart);
if (npMCI->hmmio) { /* Seek to the start of frame we're playing from */ mmioSeek(npMCI->hmmio, dwPosition, SEEK_SET); }
#ifdef AVIREAD
/* start the async read object if we are using interleaved
* and therefore consecutive reads */ if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED) {
/* start async reader - allocates itself new buffers */ npMCI->hAviRd = avird_startread(mciaviReadBuffer, (DWORD_PTR) npMCI, npMCI->dwNextRecordSize, npMCI->lCurrentFrame, min(npMCI->lTo+1, npMCI->lFrames));
if (!npMCI->hAviRd) { DPF(("async read failed - reading synchronously\n")); ResizeReadBuffer(npMCI, npMCI->dwNextRecordSize); }
} else { npMCI->hAviRd = NULL; }
if (!npMCI->hAviRd) #endif
{ if (!npMCI->lpBuffer) { return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
if (npMCI->hWave) { TIMESTART(timeAudio); if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK || npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_AUDIOONLY) { /* Load audio into our buffers */ for (w = 0; w < npMCI->wABs; w++) KeepPlayingAudio(npMCI); } else if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_CDROM) { //!!!!
npMCI->wPlaybackAlg = MCIAVI_ALG_HARDDISK; } TIMEEND(timeAudio); }
return 0L; /* Success! */ }
void NEAR PASCAL CleanUpPlay(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { int stream;
if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING) { if (npMCI->hicDraw) { ICDrawStop(npMCI->hicDraw); ICDrawStopPlay(npMCI->hicDraw); }
for (stream = 0; stream < npMCI->streams; stream++) { if (SI(stream)->hicDraw) { ICDrawStop(SI(stream)->hicDraw); ICDrawStopPlay(SI(stream)->hicDraw); } }
if (npMCI->hWave) { waveOutRestart(npMCI->hWave); // some wave devices need this
waveOutReset(npMCI->hWave); } } else if (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKCUEING) { if (npMCI->hicDraw) { /* Kick the device in the head to make sure it draws when we seek. */ ICDrawRenderBuffer(npMCI->hicDraw); } }
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING) && (npMCI->dwBufferedVideo > 0)) { ICDrawFlush(npMCI->hicDraw); npMCI->lFrameDrawn = (- (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyRecords) - 1; }
/* end drawing this will leave fullscreen mode etc. */ DrawEnd(npMCI);
for (stream = 0; stream < npMCI->streams; stream++) { if (SI(stream)->hicDraw) { LRESULT dw; dw = ICDrawEnd(SI(stream)->hicDraw); // !!! Error checking?
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_SEEKING)) { if (SI(stream)->ps) { AVIStreamEndStreaming(SI(stream)->ps); } } #endif
/* Clean up and close our wave output device. */ if (npMCI->hWave) {
Assert(!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_LOSTAUDIO)); // We should never hold the
// wave device AND have MCIAVI_LOSTAUDIO turned on.
// if we are not being forced to give up the audio try to
// give it to someone. Unless we are repeating. In which
// case someone might steal it from us, but we do not want
// to waste time looking for another user. We have it; we
// will keep it until forced to release it.
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NEEDTOSHOW) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REPEATING) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_UPDATING)) GiveWaveDevice(npMCI); else { DPF2(("Not giving the wave device away, flags=%x\n",npMCI->dwFlags)); } #endif
} else { //
// done playing, we dont want a wave device any more
// LATER: do we really want to turn this flag off if we are
// repeating? Today it is benign as the flag will be turned
// back on again when the video restarts. It will then try and
// open the audio, fail because it is in use, and turn on LOSTAUDIO.
// It would be more efficient to rely on the wave device being
// returned to us and not try to reopen it.
npMCI->dwFlags &= ~MCIAVI_LOSTAUDIO; }
/* Release the DC we played into. */
// worker thread must hold critsec round all access to hdc
// (can be used by DeviceRealize on winproc thread)
if (npMCI->hdc) { //
// we MUST call this otherwise our palette will stay selected
// as the foreground palette and it may get deleted (ie by
// DrawDibBegin) while still the foreground palette and GDI
// get's real pissed about this.
UnprepareDC(npMCI); #if 0
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_ANIMATEPALETTE) RealizePalette(npMCI->hdc); #endif
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_RELEASEDC) { ReleaseDC(npMCI->hwndPlayback, npMCI->hdc); HDCCritCheckIn(npMCI); npMCI->hdc = NULL; npMCI->dwFlags &= ~MCIAVI_RELEASEDC; } } LeaveHDCCrit(npMCI);
#ifdef AVIREAD
/* shut down async reader */ if (npMCI->hAviRd) { avird_endread(npMCI->hAviRd); npMCI->hAviRd = NULL; } else #endif
{ /* we weren't using async reader - so release the buffer we
* allocated */ ReleaseReadBuffer(npMCI); }
// !!! Should this take a "how many frames to check for" parameter,
// in case we need to check for signals on several frames at once?
void NEAR PASCAL CheckSignals(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LONG lFrame) { LONG lTemp;
lTemp = npMCI->signal.dwPeriod == 0 ? lFrame : (((lFrame - npMCI->signal.dwPosition) % npMCI->signal.dwPeriod) + npMCI->signal.dwPosition);
if ((DWORD) lTemp == npMCI->signal.dwPosition) { /* Send the signal in the right time format */ SEND_DGVSIGNAL(npMCI->dwSignalFlags, npMCI->signal.dwCallback, 0, (HANDLE) npMCI->wDevID, npMCI->signal.dwUserParm, ConvertFromFrames(npMCI, lFrame)); // !!! Needs to use time format at time of signal command!
} }
LONG WaitForFrame; #endif
LONG lMaxWait; #ifdef DEBUG
int iWait = 0; StatusBar(npMCI,2,1,4,iWait); // we should not wait more than 4 times...
/* Here we wait for a while if we're ahead
* of schedule (so that we can yield nicely instead of blocking * in the driver, for instance, and also so that we'll work off * faster devices.) */
/* Always yield at least once in a while (every 8 frames ~ 1/2 sec)*/ if ((npMCI->lCurrentFrame % YIELDEVERY) == 0) { TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield); }
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_WAVEPAUSED) return TRUE;
if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) return FALSE;
Assert(npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING);
// with the change to play the last frame of audio, these two asserts
// are no longer valid. We will wait until it's time for frame lTo+1
// and stop then (before attempting to read or draw it).
//AssertFrame(npMCI->lCurrentFrame - (LONG)npMCI->dwBufferedVideo);
//Assert(npMCI->lCurrentFrame <= npMCI->lTo);
Assert(!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_REVERSE));
/* The maximum wait time is 95% of the correct frame rate, or 100ms
* (to cope with a very slow frame rate) */ lMaxWait = min(100, muldiv32(npMCI->dwMicroSecPerFrame, 950L, (npMCI->dwSpeedFactor == 0 ? 1000 : npMCI->dwSpeedFactor)));
if (HowLongTill(npMCI) > 0) {
while ((WaitForFrame=HowLongTill(npMCI)) > 0) { ///////WAITING//////////
// use sleep regardless of accuracy as polling hurts on NT
if (npMCI->msPeriodResolution > 0) {
// NOTE: There are no fudge factors in here. This code
// needs to be tuned to allow for the overhead of calculating
// the wait time, for the overhead of the timer, etc.
// Don't wait for more than one frame time at a time....
if (WaitForFrame > lMaxWait) { WaitForFrame = lMaxWait; }
DPF2(("Sleeping for %d milliseconds\n", WaitForFrame)); TIMESTART(timeWait); Sleep(WaitForFrame); TIMEEND(timeWait); } else { Sleep(0); }
// check if anything interesting has happened
TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield); if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) { return FALSE; } } } else { // force some cpu idle time at least every 1/2 second, to ensure
// that other processes do get some time (eg for 16-bit hook procs).
/* Always yield at least once in a while (every 8 frames ~ 1/2 sec)*/ if ((npMCI->lCurrentFrame % YIELDEVERY) == 0) {
TIMESTART(timeWait); Sleep(1); TIMEEND(timeWait);
TIMESTART(timeYield); aviTaskCheckRequests(npMCI); TIMEEND(timeYield);
if (TimeToQuit(npMCI)) { return FALSE; } } }
return TRUE; }
/* Idea: this should go from the current frame to the frame
** we actually have to be at to start playing from. ** ** If fPlaying is set, that means we're really going to play. ** ** When this finishes: ** lAudioStart is set to the first frame with meaningful audio info ** lVideoStart is the first frame with meaningful video info ** lRealStart is the first frame that's 'real', namely ** the original value of lCurrentFrame. If the ** SEEK EXACT flag is not set, then lRealStart may ** actually not be what lCurrentFrame was, indicating ** that play may start from somewhere else. ** lCurrentFrame gets set to the first frame we have to read from. ** ** !!! This also needs to look for "palette key frames" or something. */ BOOL NEAR PASCAL CalculateTargetFrame(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { int i; LONG lVideoPlace; BOOL fForceBeginning = FALSE; int lMovieStart=0xffffffff; // Max UINT (or -1 when signed)
int lStreamStart;
npMCI->lCurrentFrame = npMCI->lFrom; npMCI->lRealStart = npMCI->lFrom;
// walk all streams and figure out where to start
for (i=0; i<npMCI->streams; i++) {
STREAMINFO *psi = SI(i);
if (!(psi->dwFlags & STREAM_ENABLED)) continue;
if (psi->dwFlags & STREAM_ERROR) continue;
if (psi->dwFlags & STREAM_AUDIO) continue;
// map from movie time to stream time.
psi->lPlayFrom = MovieToStream(psi, npMCI->lFrom); psi->lPlayTo = MovieToStream(psi, npMCI->lTo);
psi->dwFlags &= ~STREAM_ACTIVE;
// is this stream part of play?
if (psi->lPlayFrom < psi->lStart && psi->lPlayTo < psi->lStart) continue;
if (psi->lPlayFrom >= psi->lEnd && psi->lPlayTo >= psi->lEnd) continue;
psi->dwFlags |= STREAM_ACTIVE;
psi->lPlayFrom = BOUND(psi->lPlayFrom,psi->lStart,psi->lEnd); psi->lPlayTo = BOUND(psi->lPlayTo, psi->lStart,psi->lEnd); psi->lPlayStart = FindPrevKeyFrame(npMCI,psi,psi->lPlayFrom);
// if the main frame is invalid invalidate the stream too.
if (npMCI->lFrameDrawn <= (-(LONG)npMCI->wEarlyRecords)) { psi->lFrameDrawn = -4242; }
// if we have a drawn frame use it!
if ((psi->lFrameDrawn > psi->lPlayStart) && (psi->lFrameDrawn <= psi->lPlayFrom)) psi->lPlayStart = npMCI->lFrameDrawn + 1;
lStreamStart = StreamToMovie(psi, (DWORD)psi->lPlayStart); if ((DWORD)lMovieStart > (DWORD)lStreamStart) { (DWORD)lMovieStart = (DWORD)lStreamStart; }
// if seek exactly is off start play at the key frame
if (!(npMCI->dwOptionFlags & MCIAVIO_SEEKEXACT)) {
if (psi->lPlayFrom == psi->lPlayTo) psi->lPlayTo = psi->lPlayStart;
psi->lPlayFrom = psi->lPlayStart;
//!!! is this right for reverse?
if (StreamToMovie(psi, psi->lPlayFrom) < npMCI->lFrom) { // npMCI->lRealStart = StreamToMovie(psi, psi->lPlayFrom);
// npMCI->lFrom = npMCI->lRealStart;
} }
// if (StreamToMovie(psi, psi->lPlayStart) < npMCI->lCurrentFrame)
// npMCI->lCurrentFrame = StreamToMovie(psi, psi->lPlayStart);
DPF(("CalculateTargetFrame: Stream #%d: from:%ld, to:%ld, start:%ld\n", i, psi->lPlayFrom, psi->lPlayTo, psi->lPlayStart)); }
// we are done with now special case the video and audio streams.
// note: if lMovieStart has NOT been altered above then it will be -1
if (npMCI->lFrom < lMovieStart) { npMCI->lFrom = lMovieStart; }
/* If we're starting from the beginning, don't force the index
** to be read, but use it if we've already read it. */ if (npMCI->lFrom == 0 && npMCI->hpFrameIndex == NULL) goto ForceBeginning;
if (!npMCI->pbiFormat) { npMCI->lVideoStart = npMCI->lFrom;
if (npMCI->lVideoStart >= npMCI->lFrames) npMCI->lVideoStart = npMCI->lFrames - 1;
lVideoPlace = npMCI->lVideoStart; } else if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_HASINDEX) {
if (npMCI->hpFrameIndex == NULL) goto ForceBeginning;
// get nearest key frame
npMCI->lVideoStart = FramePrevKey(npMCI->lFrom);
if (npMCI->lVideoStart) { lVideoPlace = npMCI->lVideoStart; } else { /* Didn't find a key frame--retreat to the beginning. */ npMCI->lVideoStart = -(LONG)npMCI->wEarlyVideo; lVideoPlace = 0; }
if ((npMCI->lFrameDrawn > npMCI->lVideoStart) && (npMCI->lFrameDrawn <= npMCI->lFrom)) { npMCI->lVideoStart = npMCI->lFrameDrawn + 1; if (npMCI->lVideoStart >= npMCI->lFrames) npMCI->lVideoStart = npMCI->lFrames - 1; lVideoPlace = npMCI->lFrameDrawn; } } else { /* Always go back to frame 0 */ ForceBeginning: npMCI->lVideoStart = - (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyVideo; lVideoPlace = 0; fForceBeginning = TRUE; }
if (!(npMCI->dwOptionFlags & MCIAVIO_SEEKEXACT)) { npMCI->lRealStart = lVideoPlace; }
if (npMCI->hWave) { npMCI->lAudioStart = npMCI->lRealStart - (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyAudio; }
if (npMCI->hWave && (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED)) npMCI->lCurrentFrame = min(npMCI->lAudioStart, npMCI->lVideoStart); else npMCI->lCurrentFrame = npMCI->lVideoStart;
if (npMCI->lRealStart < npMCI->lCurrentFrame) npMCI->lCurrentFrame = npMCI->lRealStart;
if (fForceBeginning) { if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED) npMCI->lCurrentFrame = - (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyRecords; else npMCI->lCurrentFrame = - (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyVideo; }
if (npMCI->hWave) { LONG l;
/* Figure out what sample of audio we should be starting at */
// convert frame number to block
npMCI->dwAudioPos = MovieToStream(npMCI->psiAudio, npMCI->lRealStart);
// now convert block to byte position
npMCI->dwAudioPos = npMCI->dwAudioPos * npMCI->pWF->nBlockAlign;
Assert(npMCI->dwAudioPos % npMCI->pWF->nBlockAlign == 0);
if (npMCI->dwAudioPos > npMCI->dwAudioLength) npMCI->dwAudioPos = npMCI->dwAudioLength;
npMCI->dwAudioPlayed = 0L;
// convert the audio start back to a frame number.
// and posibly readjust the video start time.
l = npMCI->lRealStart - StreamToMovie(npMCI->psiAudio, npMCI->dwAudioPos/npMCI->pWF->nBlockAlign);
if (l < 0) DPF(("Audio will be ahead of the video by %ld frames\n", -l)); else if (l > 0) DPF(("Audio will be behind the video by %ld frames\n", l)); }
#ifdef DEBUG
Assert(npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames); if (npMCI->wPlaybackAlg == MCIAVI_ALG_INTERLEAVED) { Assert(npMCI->lCurrentFrame >= - (LONG) npMCI->wEarlyRecords); } if (npMCI->hWave) { Assert(npMCI->lAudioStart <= npMCI->lFrames); } Assert(npMCI->lVideoStart < npMCI->lFrames); #endif
return TRUE; }
void ReturnToOriginalPalette(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { if (npMCI->bih.biClrUsed) { hmemcpy(npMCI->argb, npMCI->argbOriginal, npMCI->bih.biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
if (npMCI->pbiFormat->biBitCount == 8) { hmemcpy((LPBYTE) npMCI->pbiFormat + npMCI->pbiFormat->biSize, (LPBYTE) npMCI->argb, sizeof(RGBQUAD) * npMCI->pbiFormat->biClrUsed); }
npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_PALCHANGED; npMCI->lLastPaletteChange = 0; } }
/* Returns the position in the file where the frame referenced
** by lCurrentFrame is. ** ** input npMCI->lCurrentFrame ** ** output npMCI->dwNextRecordSize set correctly ** npMCI->lLastRead set correctly ** returns offset to read from ** ** If there's an error, returns zero. */ DWORD NEAR PASCAL CalculatePosition(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { DWORD dwPosition;
if (npMCI->pf || npMCI->nVideoStreams == 0) return 1;
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame + npMCI->wEarlyRecords == 0) { ForceBeginning: npMCI->lCurrentFrame = - (LONG)npMCI->wEarlyRecords; //!!!BeforeBeginning:
dwPosition = npMCI->dwFirstRecordPosition; npMCI->dwNextRecordSize = npMCI->dwFirstRecordSize; npMCI->dwNextRecordType = npMCI->dwFirstRecordType; } else if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_HASINDEX) { if (npMCI->hpFrameIndex == NULL) goto ForceBeginning;
dwPosition = FrameOffset(npMCI->lCurrentFrame); npMCI->dwNextRecordSize = FrameLength(npMCI->lCurrentFrame) + 8; npMCI->dwNextRecordType = 0; } else { goto ForceBeginning; }
npMCI->lLastRead = npMCI->lCurrentFrame - 1;
DPF3(("Frame %ld: Seeking to position %lX\n", npMCI->lCurrentFrame, dwPosition));
DPF3(("CalculatePosition: next record = %lu bytes.\n", npMCI->dwNextRecordSize));
mmioSeek(npMCI->hmmio, dwPosition, SEEK_SET);
return dwPosition; }
* ***************************************************************************/
BOOL NEAR PASCAL ReadIndexChunk(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LONG iIndex) { Assert(iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < (LONG)npMCI->macIndex);
return ReadBuffer(npMCI, (LONG)IndexOffset(iIndex), (LONG)IndexLength(iIndex) + 8); }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api void | DealWithOtherStreams | does what is says * * this function is called inside of the non-interlaved play loop. * it's mission is to catch the "other" streams up to the current time. * * right now all we do is go to key frames, we should fix this * * @parm NPMCIGRAPHIC | npMCI | pointer to instance data block. * ***************************************************************************/
STATICFN INLINE void DealWithOtherStreams(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LONG lFrame) { int i; STREAMINFO *psi; LONG lPos; LONG err;
for (i=0; i<npMCI->streams; i++) {
// If this is the active audio or video stream, then ignore it
if ((i == npMCI->nVideoStream) || (i == npMCI->nAudioStream)) continue;
psi = SI(i);
if (!(psi->dwFlags & STREAM_ENABLED)) continue;
if (psi->hicDraw == NULL) continue;
lPos = MovieToStream(psi, lFrame);
if (lPos < psi->lPlayStart || lPos > psi->lPlayTo) { DPF2(("OtherStream(%d): out of range lPos = %ld [%ld, %ld]\n", i, lPos, psi->lPlayStart, psi->lPlayTo)); continue; }
// we have the right thing drawn now
// !!!we should not always go to a key frame.
if (psi->lFrameDrawn >= psi->lLastKey && psi->lFrameDrawn <= lPos && lPos < psi->lNextKey) { DPF2(("OtherStream(%d) lPos = %ld, lFrameDrawn=%ld, NextKey=%ld\n", i, lPos, psi->lFrameDrawn, psi->lNextKey)); continue; }
FindKeyFrame(npMCI, psi, lPos);
DPF2(("OtherStream(%d): pos=%ld (prev key=%ld, next key=%ld)\n",i,lPos,psi->lLastKey,psi->lNextKey));
lPos = psi->lLastKey;
if (!StreamRead(npMCI, psi, lPos)) { DPF2(("StreamRead failed\n")); continue; } else { DPF2(("Read stream, ThisRecordSize==%d, biSizeImage==%d\n", npMCI->dwThisRecordSize, 0)); }
// now draw the data.
err = (LONG)ICDraw(psi->hicDraw, 0L, psi->lpFormat, npMCI->lpBuffer,npMCI->dwThisRecordSize, psi->lLastKey - psi->lPlayFrom);
if (err >= 0) { psi->dwFlags &= ~STREAM_NEEDUPDATE; psi->lFrameDrawn = lPos; } else { DPF2(("Draw failed!\n")); } } }
* * FindKeyFrame * * given a stream position, find the previous and next key frame * cacheing the last ones found to make it sort of fast. * ***************************************************************************/
void NEAR PASCAL FindKeyFrame(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, STREAMINFO *psi, LONG lPos) { if (psi == NULL) psi = npMCI->psiVideo;
Assert(psi); // AssertPos(psi, lPos);
// if we are in the current key range return it.
if (psi->lLastKey <= lPos && lPos < psi->lNextKey) return;
if (lPos < psi->lStart || lPos >= psi->lEnd) return;
// otherwise query from the stream
if (psi->ps) { if (lPos == psi->lNextKey) psi->lLastKey = psi->lNextKey; else psi->lLastKey = AVIStreamFindSample(psi->ps, lPos, FIND_KEY|FIND_PREV);
psi->lNextKey = AVIStreamFindSample(psi->ps, lPos+1, FIND_KEY|FIND_NEXT);
if (psi->lLastKey == -1) ; // psi->lLastKey = psi->lStart;
if (psi->lNextKey == -1) psi->lNextKey = psi->lEnd+1; } #endif
else if (psi->dwFlags & STREAM_VIDEO) { //
// for a video stream either read our index or assume no key frames.
if (npMCI->hpFrameIndex && psi == npMCI->psiVideo) { psi->lLastKey = FramePrevKey(lPos); psi->lNextKey = FrameNextKey(lPos); } else { psi->lLastKey = psi->lStart; psi->lNextKey = psi->lEnd+1; } } else { //
// for a non-video stream assume all key frames
psi->lLastKey = lPos; psi->lNextKey = lPos+1; }
return; }
LONG NEAR PASCAL FindPrevKeyFrame(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, STREAMINFO *psi, LONG lPos) { FindKeyFrame(npMCI, psi, lPos); return psi->lLastKey; }
LONG NEAR PASCAL FindNextKeyFrame(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, STREAMINFO *psi, LONG lPos) { FindKeyFrame(npMCI, psi, lPos); return psi->lNextKey; }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL ProcessPaletteChanges(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LONG lFrame) { LONG iPalette; LONG iFrame; STREAMINFO *psi;
if (!(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_ANIMATEPALETTE)) return TRUE;
psi = npMCI->psiVideo; Assert(psi);
if (psi->ps) {
DWORD dw; //
// we are in the palette range nothing to do.
if (npMCI->lLastPaletteChange <= lFrame && npMCI->lNextPaletteChange > lFrame) {
return TRUE; }
dw = psi->cbFormat;
//!!! should be psi->lpFormat
if (AVIStreamReadFormat(psi->ps, lFrame, npMCI->pbiFormat, &dw) != 0) { DOUT("Unable to read Stream format\n"); return FALSE; }
npMCI->lLastPaletteChange = lFrame; npMCI->lNextPaletteChange = AVIStreamFindSample(psi->ps, lFrame+1, FIND_NEXT|FIND_FORMAT);
if (npMCI->lNextPaletteChange == -1) npMCI->lNextPaletteChange = npMCI->lFrames+2;
npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_PALCHANGED; return TRUE; } #endif
DPF2(("Looking for palette changes at %ld, last=%ld\n", lFrame, npMCI->lLastPaletteChange));
if (lFrame < npMCI->lLastPaletteChange) { ReturnToOriginalPalette(npMCI); }
/* If there's no index, assume we're starting from the beginning
** and thus we don't have to worry about palette changes. */ if (npMCI->hpFrameIndex == NULL) return TRUE;
// walk from the last palette change to the current frame, and apply any
// palette changes we find.
for (iFrame = npMCI->lLastPaletteChange, iPalette = FramePalette(iFrame); iFrame <= lFrame; iFrame++) {
if (iPalette != FramePalette(iFrame)) {
iPalette = FramePalette(iFrame);
/* We've found a palette change we need to deal with */ DPF2(("Processing palette change at frame %ld.\n", iFrame));
Assert(iPalette >= 0 && iPalette < (LONG)npMCI->macIndex);
if (!ReadIndexChunk(npMCI, iPalette)) return FALSE;
npMCI->lp += 2 * sizeof(DWORD); ProcessPaletteChange(npMCI, IndexLength(iPalette));
npMCI->lLastPaletteChange = iFrame; } }
return TRUE; }
if (npMCI->fReadMany) { //
// either read two records or return the one we read last time.
Assert(npMCI->hpFrameIndex); Assert(npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->lLastRead > 0); Assert(npMCI->lCurrentFrame - npMCI->lLastRead <= 2);
if (npMCI->lLastRead == npMCI->lCurrentFrame-1) { //
// return the second half of the buffer.
npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer + (UINT)npMCI->dwThisRecordSize; npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = npMCI->dwNextRecordSize; } else { //
// read in two buffers, and return the first one
// figure out how much to read by looking at the index
// we dont have to worry about the last frame because
// the dummy index entry on the end is 0 in length.
npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = FrameLength(npMCI->lCurrentFrame) + 8; npMCI->dwNextRecordSize = FrameLength(npMCI->lCurrentFrame+1) + 8;
if (!ReadBuffer(npMCI, -1, npMCI->dwThisRecordSize + npMCI->dwNextRecordSize)) return FALSE;
npMCI->lLastRead = npMCI->lCurrentFrame; npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer; npMCI->dwThisRecordSize -= npMCI->dwNextRecordSize; }
#ifdef DEBUG
pdw = (LPDWORD)(npMCI->lp + npMCI->dwThisRecordSize - 3 * sizeof(DWORD));
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames - 1) { Assert(pdw[0] == FOURCC_LIST); Assert(pdw[2] == listtypeAVIRECORD); } #endif
return TRUE; } else #endif
#ifdef AVIREAD
if (npMCI->hAviRd) { /* async reader is going - get the next buffer from him */ npMCI->lpBuffer = avird_getnextbuffer(npMCI->hAviRd, &dwThisBuffer); npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = npMCI->dwNextRecordSize;
if ((dwThisBuffer == 0) || (npMCI->lpBuffer == NULL)) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_FILE_READ; return FALSE; }
} else #endif
{ if (!ReadBuffer(npMCI, -1, (LONG)npMCI->dwNextRecordSize)) return FALSE; }
pdw = (DWORD UNALIGNED FAR *)(npMCI->lp + npMCI->dwThisRecordSize - 3 * sizeof(DWORD));
npMCI->dwNextRecordType = pdw[0]; npMCI->dwNextRecordSize = pdw[1] + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (npMCI->lCurrentFrame < npMCI->lFrames - 1) { Assert(pdw[0] == FOURCC_LIST); Assert(pdw[2] == listtypeAVIRECORD); } #endif
return TRUE; }
ReadAgain: dw = npMCI->dwNextRecordType;
if (!ReadBuffer(npMCI, -1, (LONG)npMCI->dwNextRecordSize)) return 0;
pdw = (LPDWORD)(npMCI->lp + npMCI->dwNextRecordSize - 2 * sizeof(DWORD));
if (dw == FOURCC_LIST) pdw--;
npMCI->dwNextRecordType = pdw[0]; npMCI->dwNextRecordSize = pdw[1] + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
if (dw == ckidAVIPADDING) goto ReadAgain;
return dw; }
Assert(psi); #ifdef USEAVIFILE
Assert(psi->ps); #endif
// if we are before the start or after the end, read nothing.
if (lPos < psi->lStart || lPos >= psi->lEnd) { lSize = 0; goto done; }
if (AVIStreamRead(psi->ps, lPos, 1, (LPSTR)npMCI->lpBuffer,npMCI->dwBufferSize,&lSize, NULL) != 0) {
// the read failed try incressing the buffer size
AVIStreamRead(psi->ps, lPos, 1, NULL, 0, &lSize, NULL);
if (lSize > (LONG) (npMCI->dwBufferSize)) {
DPF2(("ReadStream: Enlarging buffer....\n"));
if (!ResizeReadBuffer(npMCI, lSize)) { DPF(("Failed to increase buffer size!\n")); npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return FALSE; } }
if (AVIStreamRead(psi->ps, lPos, 1, (LPSTR)npMCI->lpBuffer,npMCI->dwBufferSize,&lSize,NULL) != 0) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_FILE_READ; return FALSE; } } #endif
done: npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer; npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = lSize; return TRUE; }
if (psi == NULL) psi = npMCI->psiVideo;
Assert(psi); AssertFrame(npMCI->lCurrentFrame);
if (psi->ps) { LONG lSize; LONG lPos;
// map from movie time into this stream.
lPos = MovieToStream(psi, npMCI->lCurrentFrame);
// if we are before the start or after the end, read nothing.
if (lPos < (LONG)psi->sh.dwStart || lPos >= (LONG)psi->sh.dwStart+(LONG)psi->sh.dwLength) { lSize = 0; goto done; }
// if this frame has a new palette then deal with it
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_ANIMATEPALETTE) { ProcessPaletteChanges(npMCI, lPos); }
if (AVIStreamRead(psi->ps, lPos, 1, (LPSTR) npMCI->lpBuffer + 2 * sizeof(DWORD), npMCI->dwBufferSize - 2 * sizeof(DWORD), &lSize, NULL) != 0) { //
// the read failed try incressing the buffer size
AVIStreamRead(psi->ps, lPos, 1, NULL, 0, &lSize, NULL);
if (lSize > (LONG) (npMCI->dwBufferSize - 2 * sizeof(DWORD))) {
DPF2(("ReadNextVideoFrame: Enlarging buffer....\n"));
if (!ResizeReadBuffer(npMCI, lSize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD))) { DPF(("Failed to increase buffer size!\n")); npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return FALSE; } }
if (AVIStreamRead(psi->ps, lPos, 1, (LPSTR) npMCI->lpBuffer + 2 * sizeof(DWORD), npMCI->dwBufferSize - 2 * sizeof(DWORD), &lSize, NULL) != 0) { return FALSE; } }
done: ((DWORD FAR *)npMCI->lpBuffer)[0] = MAKEAVICKID(cktypeDIBbits, npMCI->nVideoStream); ((DWORD FAR *)npMCI->lpBuffer)[1] = lSize;
npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer;
npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = lSize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
return TRUE; } #endif
// if we are not reading the "next" frame then figure out where it is.
if (npMCI->lLastRead != npMCI->lCurrentFrame-1) CalculatePosition(npMCI);
// dwNextRecordSize is the size to read
// and we are seeked to the right place.
if (npMCI->hpFrameIndex) {
// if this frame has a new palette then deal with it
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_ANIMATEPALETTE) { if (FramePalette(npMCI->lCurrentFrame) != FramePalette(npMCI->lLastPaletteChange))
ProcessPaletteChanges(npMCI, npMCI->lCurrentFrame); }
// now just go read the frame from the disk.
// if interleaved add 8 to skip the 'REC'!!!!
return ReadBuffer(npMCI, (LONG)FrameOffset(npMCI->lCurrentFrame), (LONG)FrameLength(npMCI->lCurrentFrame) + 8); } else { ReadAgainNoIndex: for (;;) { if (mmioDescend(npMCI->hmmio, &ck, NULL, 0) != 0) { DPF(("Unable to descend!\n")); npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_INVALID_FILE; return FALSE; }
/* If it's a list, stay descended in it. */ /* Hack: we never ascend. */ if (ck.ckid == FOURCC_LIST) continue;
/* Skip wave bytes, since they've been preloaded. */ if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_USINGALPHAFORMAT) { if ((ck.ckid != ckidAVIPADDING) && (ck.ckid != ckidOLDPADDING) && (ck.ckid != ckidWAVEbytes)) break; } else #endif
{ if (StreamFromFOURCC(ck.ckid) == (WORD)npMCI->nVideoStream) break; }
mmioAscend(npMCI->hmmio, &ck, 0); }
if (ck.cksize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD) > npMCI->dwBufferSize) { if (!ResizeReadBuffer(npMCI, ck.cksize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD))) { DPF(("ReadNextVideoFrame: Failed to increase buffer size!\n")); npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return FALSE; } }
*((LPMMCKINFO) npMCI->lpBuffer) = ck; if (mmioRead(npMCI->hmmio, npMCI->lpBuffer + 2 * sizeof(DWORD), ck.cksize) != (LONG) ck.cksize) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_INVALID_FILE; return FALSE; }
mmioAscend(npMCI->hmmio, &ck, 0); npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer;
npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = ck.cksize + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
if (TWOCCFromFOURCC(ck.ckid) == cktypePALchange) { npMCI->lp += 2 * sizeof(DWORD); ProcessPaletteChange(npMCI, ck.cksize); npMCI->lLastPaletteChange = npMCI->lCurrentFrame; goto ReadAgainNoIndex; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL NEAR PASCAL TimeToQuit(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { /* If we're using DisplayDib, give the user a chance to break. */
if ((npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_FULLSCREEN) && !(npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_NOBREAK) && (npMCI->wTaskState == TASKPLAYING)) {
// Check each of the "stop" events
if (1 & GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)) { npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_STOP; } else if (1 & GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON)) { npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_STOP; } else if (1 & GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) { npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_STOP; } else if (1 & GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { npMCI->dwFlags |= MCIAVI_STOP; } }
// this will be set by aviTaskCheckRequests if there is
// a request that we need to stop to handle
if (npMCI->dwFlags & MCIAVI_STOP) return TRUE;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (TestNTFlags(npMCI, NTF_RETRYAUDIO)) { ResetNTFlags(npMCI, NTF_RETRYAUDIO); /*
* IF we get access to the wave device, set the flag that * will cause the play to be restarted, then abort this play. */ SetUpAudio(npMCI, TRUE); if (npMCI->hWave) { SetNTFlags(npMCI, NTF_RESTARTFORAUDIO); return(TRUE); } } #endif
return FALSE; }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api BOOL | AllocateReadBuffer | Allocates buffers needed to read * disk information in to. The amount of memory to allocate * is in npMCI->dwBufferSize. * * @parm NPMCIGRAPHIC | npMCI | pointer to instance data block. * * @rdesc TRUE means OK, otherwise unable to allocate memory. * ***************************************************************************/ BOOL NEAR PASCAL AllocateReadBuffer(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { if (npMCI->dwBufferSize == 0) npMCI->dwBufferSize = npMCI->dwSuggestedBufferSize;
if (npMCI->dwBufferSize <= 8 * sizeof(DWORD)) { if (npMCI->dwBytesPerSec > 0 && npMCI->dwBytesPerSec < 600l*1024 && npMCI->dwMicroSecPerFrame > 0)
npMCI->dwBufferSize = (muldiv32(npMCI->dwBytesPerSec, npMCI->dwMicroSecPerFrame,1000000L) + 2047) & ~2047; else npMCI->dwBufferSize = 10*1024;
npMCI->dwSuggestedBufferSize = npMCI->dwBufferSize; }
DPF3(("allocating %lu byte read buffer.\n", npMCI->dwBufferSize));
if (npMCI->lpBuffer) { DPF(("Already have buffer in AllocateReadBuffer!\n")); return ResizeReadBuffer(npMCI, npMCI->dwBufferSize); }
//!!! we dont need DOS memory when we have a MMIO buffer!
//!!! we dont need DOS memory when we are using AVIFile???
if (npMCI->lpMMIOBuffer != NULL || npMCI->pf) npMCI->lpBuffer = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, npMCI->dwBufferSize); else npMCI->lpBuffer = AllocMem(npMCI->dwBufferSize);
return npMCI->lpBuffer != NULL; }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api BOOL | ResizeReadBuffer | Enlarges buffer needed to read * disk information in to. * * @parm NPMCIGRAPHIC | npMCI | pointer to instance data block. * * @parm DWORD | dwNewSize | new amount of memory to allocate * * @rdesc TRUE means OK, otherwise unable to allocate memory. * ***************************************************************************/ BOOL NEAR PASCAL ResizeReadBuffer(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, DWORD dwNewSize) { if (dwNewSize > npMCI->dwSuggestedBufferSize && !npMCI->fReadMany) npMCI->dwSuggestedBufferSize = dwNewSize;
if (dwNewSize <= npMCI->dwBufferSize) return TRUE;
DPF(("Increasing buffer size to %ld (was %ld).\n", dwNewSize, npMCI->dwBufferSize));
ReleaseReadBuffer(npMCI); npMCI->dwBufferSize = dwNewSize; return AllocateReadBuffer(npMCI); }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api void | ReleaseReadBuffer | Releases read buffer. * * @parm NPMCIGRAPHIC | npMCI | pointer to instance data block. * ***************************************************************************/ void NEAR PASCAL ReleaseReadBuffer(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI) { if (npMCI->lpBuffer) { DPF3(("Releasing read buffer.\n"));
npMCI->lpBuffer = NULL; npMCI->dwBufferSize = 0L; npMCI->fReadMany = FALSE; } }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api BOOL | ReadBuffer * ***************************************************************************/
BOOL NEAR PASCAL ReadBuffer(NPMCIGRAPHIC npMCI, LONG off, LONG len) { npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer; npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = len;
if (len == 0) { ((DWORD FAR *)npMCI->lpBuffer)[0] = 0; //!!!lpIndexEntry->ckid;
((DWORD FAR *)npMCI->lpBuffer)[1] = 0; npMCI->dwThisRecordSize = 8; return TRUE; }
if (len > (LONG)npMCI->dwBufferSize) { if (!ResizeReadBuffer(npMCI, len)) { DPF(("Failed to increase buffer size!\n")); npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return FALSE; }
npMCI->lp = npMCI->lpBuffer; }
if (off >= 0) DPF2(("ReadBuffer %ld bytes at %ld\n", len, off)); else DPF2(("ReadBuffer %ld bytes\n", len));
if (off >= 0) mmioSeek(npMCI->hmmio, off, SEEK_SET);
{ LONG lReadStart = -(LONG)timeGetTime(); #endif
if (mmioRead(npMCI->hmmio, npMCI->lp, len) != len) { npMCI->dwTaskError = MCIERR_FILE_READ; return FALSE; }
lReadStart += timeGetTime(); npMCI->nReads++; npMCI->msReadTotal += lReadStart; if (lReadStart > npMCI->msReadMax) { npMCI->msReadMax = lReadStart; } } #endif
return TRUE; }
* * @doc INTERNAL MCIAVI * * @api LPVOID | AllocMem | try to allocate DOS memory (< 1Mb) * * @parm DWORD | dw | size in bytes * ***************************************************************************/
#ifndef _WIN32
static LPVOID AllocMem(DWORD dw) { /* Memory allocation internal routines */
extern DWORD FAR PASCAL GlobalDosAlloc(DWORD);
if (p = (LPVOID)MAKELONG(0, LOWORD(GlobalDosAlloc(dw)))) { DPF(("Got %ld bytes DOS memory\n", dw)); GlobalReAlloc((HANDLE)HIWORD((DWORD)p), 0, GMEM_MODIFY|GMEM_SHARE); return p; } else { DPF(("unable to get %ld bytes of DOS memory\n", dw)); return GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_SHARE, dw)); } } #endif