* * DRAWPROC.C * * Standard AVI drawing handler. * * InstallAVIDrawHandler() * * Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. * ***************************************************************************/
#include <win32.h>
#include <vfw.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "mciavi.h"
#define FOURCC_VIDS mmioFOURCC('v','i','d','s')
#define FOURCC_AVIDraw mmioFOURCC('D','R','A','W')
#define VERSION_AVIDraw 0x00010000 // 1.00
#ifdef DEBUG
HDRAWDIB ghdd; #endif
#ifndef HUGE
#define HUGE _huge
typedef struct { HDRAWDIB hdd;
HDC hdc; // HDC to draw to
int xDst; // destination rectangle
int yDst; int dxDst; int dyDst; int xSrc; // source rectangle
int ySrc; int dxSrc; int dySrc; BOOL fBackground;
BOOL fRle; DWORD biSizeImage; BOOL fNeedUpdate;
LONG rate; // playback rate (uSec / frame)
// static stuff in this file.
LONG_PTR FAR PASCAL _loadds ICAVIDrawProc(DWORD_PTR id, HDRVR hDriver, UINT uiMessage, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2);
static LONG_PTR AVIDrawOpen(ICOPEN FAR * icopen); static LONG AVIDrawClose(PINSTINFO pi); static LONG AVIDrawGetInfo(ICINFO FAR *icinfo, LONG lSize); static LONG AVIDrawQuery(PINSTINFO pi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiIn); static LONG AVIDrawSuggestFormat(PINSTINFO pi, ICDRAWSUGGEST FAR *lpicd, LONG cbicd); STATICFN LONG AVIDrawBegin(PINSTINFO pi, ICDRAWBEGIN FAR *lpicd, LONG cbicd); STATICFN LONG AVIDraw(PINSTINFO pi, ICDRAW FAR *lpicd, LONG cbicd); static LONG AVIDrawEnd(PINSTINFO pi); static LONG AVIDrawChangePalette(PINSTINFO pi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi);
LONG_PTR FAR PASCAL _loadds ICAVIDrawProc(DWORD_PTR id, HDRVR hDriver, UINT uiMessage, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { INSTINFO *pi = (INSTINFO *)id;
switch (uiMessage) { case DRV_LOAD: case DRV_FREE: return 1;
open *********************************************************************/
case DRV_OPEN: if (lParam2 == 0L) return 1;
return AVIDrawOpen((ICOPEN FAR *)lParam2);
case DRV_CLOSE: return AVIDrawClose(pi);
Configure/Info messages *********************************************************************/
case DRV_QUERYCONFIGURE: // configuration from drivers applet
return 0;
case DRV_CONFIGURE: return 1;
state messages *********************************************************************/
case ICM_GETSTATE: case ICM_SETSTATE: return 0L;
// case ICM_GETINFO:
// return AVIDrawGetInfo((ICINFO FAR *)lParam1, lParam2);
decompress messages *********************************************************************/
case ICM_DRAW_QUERY: return AVIDrawQuery(pi, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lParam1);
case ICM_DRAW_SUGGESTFORMAT: return AVIDrawSuggestFormat(pi, (ICDRAWSUGGEST FAR *) lParam1, (LONG) lParam2);
case ICM_DRAW_BEGIN: return AVIDrawBegin(pi, (ICDRAWBEGIN FAR *) lParam1, (LONG) lParam2);
case ICM_DRAW_REALIZE: pi->hdc = (HDC) lParam1; if (!pi->hdc || !pi->hdd) break;
pi->fBackground = (BOOL) lParam2; return DrawDibRealize(pi->hdd, pi->hdc, pi->fBackground);
case ICM_DRAW_GET_PALETTE: if (!pi->hdd) break;
return (LONG_PTR) DrawDibGetPalette(pi->hdd); case ICM_DRAW: return AVIDraw(pi, (ICDRAW FAR *)lParam1, (LONG) lParam2);
case ICM_DRAW_CHANGEPALETTE: return AVIDrawChangePalette(pi, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) lParam1); case ICM_DRAW_END: return AVIDrawEnd(pi);
case ICM_DRAW_START: return DrawDibStart(pi->hdd, pi->rate);
case ICM_DRAW_STOP: return DrawDibStop(pi->hdd);
standard driver messages *********************************************************************/
case DRV_DISABLE: case DRV_ENABLE: return 1;
case DRV_INSTALL: case DRV_REMOVE: return 1; }
* * AVIDrawOpen() is called from the DRV_OPEN message * ****************************************************************************/
static LONG_PTR AVIDrawOpen(ICOPEN FAR * icopen) { INSTINFO * pinst;
if (icopen->dwFlags & ICMODE_COMPRESS) return 0;
if (icopen->dwFlags & ICMODE_DECOMPRESS) return 0;
pinst = (INSTINFO *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(INSTINFO));
if (!pinst) { icopen->dwError = ICERR_MEMORY; return 0; }
DPF2(("*** AVIDrawOpen()\n"));
// init structure
pinst->hdd = DrawDibOpen();
#ifdef DEBUG
// hack: put the hdd where FindDrawDevice can find it
ghdd = pinst->hdd; #endif
// return success.
icopen->dwError = ICERR_OK;
return (LONG_PTR) (UINT_PTR) pinst; }
* * Close() is called on the DRV_CLOSE message. * ****************************************************************************/ static LONG AVIDrawClose(PINSTINFO pi) { DPF2(("*** AVIDrawClose()\n"));
if (pi->hdd) { DrawDibClose(pi->hdd); } LocalFree((HLOCAL) pi);
return 1; }
#if 0
* * AVIDrawGetInfo() implements the ICM_GETINFO message * ****************************************************************************/ static LONG AVIDrawGetInfo(ICINFO FAR *icinfo, LONG lSize) { if (icinfo == NULL) return sizeof(ICINFO);
if (lSize < sizeof(ICINFO)) return 0;
icinfo->dwSize = sizeof(ICINFO); icinfo->fccType = FOURCC_VIDS; icinfo->fccHandler = FOURCC_AVIDraw; icinfo->dwFlags = VIDCF_DRAW; // supports inter-frame
icinfo->dwVersion = VERSION_AVIDraw; icinfo->dwVersionICM = ICVERSION; icinfo->szName[0] = 0; icinfo->szDescription[0]= 0;
return sizeof(ICINFO); } #endif
* * AVIDrawQuery() implements ICM_DRAW_QUERY * ****************************************************************************/ static LONG AVIDrawQuery(PINSTINFO pi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiIn) { //
// determine if the input DIB data is in a format we like.
if (lpbiIn == NULL) return ICERR_BADFORMAT;
// determine if the input DIB data is in a format we like.
// !!! Do we need a DrawDibQuery or something here to let this handle
// any compressed format?
if (lpbiIn->biCompression != BI_RGB && #if 0
!(lpbiIn->biBitCount == 8 && lpbiIn->biCompression == BI_RLE8)) #else
1) #endif
return ICERR_BADFORMAT; #endif
return ICERR_OK; }
static LONG AVIDrawSuggestFormat(PINSTINFO pi, ICDRAWSUGGEST FAR *lpicd, LONG cbicd) { HIC hic;
if (lpicd->lpbiSuggest == NULL) return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
hic = ICGetDisplayFormat(NULL, lpicd->lpbiIn, lpicd->lpbiSuggest, 0, lpicd->dxDst, lpicd->dyDst);
if (hic) ICClose(hic);
return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + lpicd->lpbiSuggest->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); }
* * AVIDrawBegin() implements ICM_DRAW_BEGIN * ****************************************************************************/
l = AVIDrawQuery(pi, lpicd->lpbi);
if ((l != ICERR_OK) || (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_QUERY)) return l;
// Copy over whatever we want to remember
pi->xDst = lpicd->xDst; pi->yDst = lpicd->yDst; pi->dxDst = lpicd->dxDst; pi->dyDst = lpicd->dyDst; pi->xSrc = lpicd->xSrc; pi->ySrc = lpicd->ySrc; pi->dxSrc = lpicd->dxSrc; pi->dySrc = lpicd->dySrc; pi->rate = muldiv32(lpicd->dwScale,1000000,lpicd->dwRate); pi->hdc = lpicd->hdc;
// !!! Should this be done somewhere else? drawdib mabey!
if (pi->hdc) SetStretchBltMode(pi->hdc, COLORONCOLOR);
wFlags = 0;
// !!! We need some way to have a "stupid" mode here....
if (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_BUFFER) wFlags |= DDF_BUFFER;
// Don't animate if we're realizing in the background
if (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_ANIMATE && !(pi->fBackground)) wFlags |= DDF_ANIMATE;
// remember if this is RLE because we may need to hack it later.
pi->fRle = lpicd->lpbi->biCompression == BI_RLE8; pi->biSizeImage = (DWORD)(((UINT)lpicd->lpbi->biWidth+3)&~3)*(DWORD)(UINT)lpicd->lpbi->biHeight;
DPF2(("*** AVIDrawBegin()\n"));
if (lpicd->hpal == (HPALETTE)MCI_AVI_SETVIDEO_PALETTE_HALFTONE) { DrawDibSetPalette(pi->hdd, NULL); wFlags |= DDF_HALFTONE; } else DrawDibSetPalette(pi->hdd, lpicd->hpal);
if (!DrawDibBegin(pi->hdd, pi->hdc, pi->dxDst, pi->dyDst, lpicd->lpbi, pi->dxSrc, pi->dySrc, wFlags)) return ICERR_UNSUPPORTED;
if (pi->hdc) DrawDibRealize(pi->hdd, pi->hdc, pi->fBackground);
return ICERR_OK; }
* * AVIDraw() implements ICM_DRAW * ****************************************************************************/
wFlags = DDF_SAME_DRAW|DDF_SAME_HDC; // !!! Right flags?
if ((lpicd->lpData == NULL) || (lpicd->cbData == 0)) {
if ((lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_UPDATE) || pi->fNeedUpdate) { DrawDibRealize(pi->hdd, pi->hdc, pi->fBackground); wFlags |= DDF_UPDATE; pi->fNeedUpdate = FALSE; lpicd->lpData = NULL; lpicd->cbData = 0; } else return ICERR_OK; // no data to draw.
} else { if (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_PREROLL) { wFlags |= DDF_DONTDRAW; pi->fNeedUpdate = TRUE; } else if (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_HURRYUP) { wFlags |= DDF_HURRYUP; pi->fNeedUpdate = TRUE; } else pi->fNeedUpdate = FALSE;
if (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_NOTKEYFRAME) wFlags |= DDF_NOTKEYFRAME;
// if we get a update while playing and we are drawing RLE delta's
// make sure we update.
if (pi->fRle && (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_UPDATE)) { DrawDibDraw(pi->hdd, pi->hdc, pi->xDst, pi->yDst, 0,0,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,DDF_UPDATE|DDF_SAME_HDC|DDF_SAME_DRAW); } }
// We need a hack here for the RLE case, to make sure that
// DIBs are marked correctly as BI_RLE8 or BI_RGB....
if (pi->fRle) { DPF2(("pi->fRle is true, cbData==%d, biSizeImage=%d\n", lpicd->cbData, pi->biSizeImage));
if (lpicd->cbData == pi->biSizeImage) ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpicd->lpFormat)->biCompression = BI_RGB; else { ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpicd->lpFormat)->biCompression = BI_RLE8; // We MUST set the correct size
((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpicd->lpFormat)->biSizeImage = lpicd->cbData; } }
f = DrawDibDraw(pi->hdd, pi->hdc, pi->xDst, pi->yDst, pi->dxDst, pi->dyDst, lpicd->lpFormat, lpicd->lpData, pi->xSrc, pi->ySrc, pi->dxSrc, pi->dySrc, wFlags);
if (pi->fRle) ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpicd->lpFormat)->biCompression = BI_RLE8;
if (!f) {
if (wFlags & DDF_UPDATE) DPF(("DrawDibUpdate failed\n")); else DPF(("DrawDibDraw failed\n"));
if (wFlags & DDF_UPDATE) { if (lpicd->dwFlags & ICDRAW_UPDATE) return ICERR_CANTUPDATE; else return ICERR_OK; } else return ICERR_ERROR; }
return ICERR_OK; }
static LONG AVIDrawChangePalette(PINSTINFO pi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi) { PALETTEENTRY ape[256]; LPRGBQUAD lprgb; int i;
lprgb = (LPRGBQUAD) ((LPBYTE) lpbi + lpbi->biSize);
for (i = 0; i < (int) lpbi->biClrUsed; i++) { ape[i].peRed = lprgb[i].rgbRed; ape[i].peGreen = lprgb[i].rgbGreen; ape[i].peBlue = lprgb[i].rgbBlue; ape[i].peFlags = 0; } DrawDibChangePalette(pi->hdd, 0, (int) lpbi->biClrUsed, (LPPALETTEENTRY)ape);
return ICERR_OK; }
* * AVIDrawEnd() implements ICM_DRAW_END * ****************************************************************************/
static LONG AVIDrawEnd(PINSTINFO pi) { return ICERR_OK; }