* * MODULE : PREVIEW.C * ****************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include "preview.h"
#include "mciwnd.h"
typedef struct { HWND hwnd; // common dialog handle.
LPARAM lCustData; // hold old value
RECT rcPreview; RECT rcImage; RECT rcText; HWND hwndMci; HFONT hfont; HPALETTE hpal; HANDLE hdib; char Title[128];
} PreviewStuff, FAR *PPreviewStuff;
#define PREVIEW_PROP "PreviewStuff"
#ifdef WIN32
#define SetPreviewStuff(hwnd, p) SetProp(hwnd,PREVIEW_PROP,(LPVOID)(p))
#define GetPreviewStuff(hwnd) (PPreviewStuff)(LPVOID)GetProp(hwnd, PREVIEW_PROP)
#define RemovePreviewStuff(hwnd) RemoveProp(hwnd,PREVIEW_PROP)
#define SetPreviewStuff(hwnd, p) SetProp(hwnd,PREVIEW_PROP,HIWORD(p))
#define GetPreviewStuff(hwnd) (PPreviewStuff)MAKELONG(0, GetProp(hwnd, PREVIEW_PROP))
#define RemovePreviewStuff(hwnd) RemoveProp(hwnd,PREVIEW_PROP)
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL PreviewOpen (HWND hwnd, LPOPENFILENAME pofn); static BOOL PreviewFile (PPreviewStuff p, LPSTR szFile); static BOOL PreviewPaint(PPreviewStuff p); static BOOL PreviewSize (PPreviewStuff p); static BOOL PreviewClose(PPreviewStuff p);
static HANDLE GetRiffDisp(LPSTR lpszFile, LPSTR szText, int iLen);
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL PreviewOpen(HWND hwnd, LPOPENFILENAME pofn) { LOGFONT lf; PPreviewStuff p; RECT rc;
p = (LPVOID)pofn->lCustData; pofn->lCustData = p->lCustData;
SetPreviewStuff(hwnd, p);
p->hwnd = hwnd; p->pofn = pofn;
// create a MCI window for preview.
p->hwndMci = MCIWndCreate(p->hwnd, NULL, // MCIWNDF_NOAUTOSIZEWINDOW |
// locate the preview in the lower corner of the dialog (below the
// cancel button)
GetClientRect(hwnd, &p->rcPreview); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDCANCEL), &rc); ScreenToClient(hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rc); ScreenToClient(hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rc+1);
// The open space we're allowed to use in the dialog is different in NT and on
// Win31. Under NT there is a network button at the bottom of the dialog on
// the right hand side, so we use the area from just under the CANCEL button to
// a little more than 1 button height from the bottom of the dialog.
// Under Win31, the network button is under CANCEL, so we use the area a little
// over one button height under CANCEL, to just about the bottom of the dialog.
#ifdef WIN32
if (1) #else
if (GetWinFlags() & WF_WINNT) #endif
{ p->rcPreview.top = rc.bottom + 4; p->rcPreview.left = rc.left; p->rcPreview.right = rc.right; p->rcPreview.bottom -= (rc.bottom - rc.top) + 12; } else { p->rcPreview.top = rc.bottom + (rc.bottom - rc.top) + 12; p->rcPreview.left = rc.left; p->rcPreview.right = rc.right; p->rcPreview.bottom -= 4; // leave a little room at the bottom
// create a font to use.
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lf), (LPVOID)&lf, 0); p->hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
return TRUE; }
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL PreviewClose(PPreviewStuff p) { if (p == NULL) return FALSE;
PreviewFile(p, NULL);
if (p->hfont) DeleteObject(p->hfont);
if (p->hwndMci) MCIWndDestroy(p->hwndMci); }
* ****************************************************************************/
#define SLASH(c) ((c) == '/' || (c) == '\\')
static LPSTR NiceName(LPSTR szPath) { LPSTR sz; LPSTR lpsztmp;
for (sz=szPath; *sz; sz++) ; for (; sz>szPath && !SLASH(*sz) && *sz!=':'; sz =AnsiPrev(szPath, sz)) ; if(sz>szPath) sz = AnsiNext(sz) ;
for(lpsztmp = sz; *lpsztmp && *lpsztmp != '.'; lpsztmp = AnsiNext(lpsztmp)) ; *lpsztmp = '\0';
AnsiLower(sz); AnsiUpperBuff(sz, 1);
return sz; }
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL PreviewFile(PPreviewStuff p, LPSTR szFile) { if (p == NULL || !p->hwndMci) return FALSE;
p->Title[0] = 0;
ShowWindow(p->hwndMci, SW_HIDE); MCIWndClose(p->hwndMci);
if (p->hdib) GlobalFree(p->hdib);
if (p->hpal) DeleteObject(p->hpal);
p->hdib = NULL; p->hpal = NULL;
if (szFile == NULL) return TRUE;
if (MCIWndOpen(p->hwndMci, szFile, 0) == 0) { lstrcpy(p->Title, NiceName(szFile));
if (MCIWndUseTime(p->hwndMci) == 0) { LONG len; UINT min,sec;
len = MCIWndGetLength(p->hwndMci);
if (len > 0) { #define ONE_HOUR (60ul*60ul*1000ul)
#define ONE_MINUTE (60ul*1000ul)
#define ONE_SECOND (1000ul)
min = (UINT)(len / ONE_MINUTE) % 60; sec = (UINT)(len / ONE_SECOND) % 60;
wsprintf(p->Title + lstrlen(p->Title), " (%02d:%02d)", min, sec); } } }
PreviewSize(p); PreviewPaint(p); return TRUE; }
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL PreviewSize(PPreviewStuff p) { RECT rc; RECT rcImage; RECT rcText; RECT rcPreview; HDC hdc; int dx; int dy; int dyPlayBar;
SetRectEmpty(&p->rcText); SetRectEmpty(&p->rcImage);
// if nothing to do clear it.
if (p->Title[0] == 0 && p->hdib == NULL) return FALSE;
rcPreview = p->rcPreview;
// compute the text rect, using DrawText
hdc = GetDC(p->hwnd); SelectObject(hdc, p->hfont);
rcText = rcPreview; rcText.bottom = rcText.top;
DrawText(hdc, p->Title, -1, &rcText, DT_CALCRECT|DT_LEFT|DT_WORDBREAK); ReleaseDC(p->hwnd, hdc);
// compute the image size
MCIWndChangeStyles(p->hwndMci, MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR, MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR); GetWindowRect(p->hwndMci, &rc); dx = rc.right - rc.left; dy = rc.bottom - rc.top; MCIWndChangeStyles(p->hwndMci, MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR, 0); GetWindowRect(p->hwndMci, &rc); dyPlayBar = rc.bottom - rc.top - dy;
rcImage = rcPreview; rcImage.bottom -= dyPlayBar;
// if wider than preview area scale to fit
if (dx > rcImage.right - rcImage.left) { rcImage.bottom = rcImage.top + MulDiv(dy,rcImage.right-rcImage.left,dx); } //
// if x2 will fit then use it
else if (dx * 2 < rcImage.right - rcImage.left) { rcImage.right = rcImage.left + dx*2; rcImage.bottom = rcImage.top + dy*2; } //
// else center the image in the preview area
else { rcImage.right = rcImage.left + dx; rcImage.bottom = rcImage.top + dy; }
if (rcImage.bottom > rcPreview.bottom - (rcText.bottom - rcText.top) - dyPlayBar) { rcImage.bottom = rcPreview.bottom - (rcText.bottom - rcText.top) - dyPlayBar; rcImage.right = rcPreview.left + MulDiv(dx,rcImage.bottom-rcImage.top,dy); rcImage.left = rcPreview.left; }
rcImage.bottom += dyPlayBar;
// now center
dx = ((rcPreview.right - rcPreview.left) - (rcText.right - rcText.left))/2; OffsetRect(&rcText, dx, 0);
dx = ((rcPreview.right - rcPreview.left) - (rcImage.right - rcImage.left))/2; OffsetRect(&rcImage, dx, 0);
dy = rcPreview.bottom - rcPreview.top; dy -= rcImage.bottom - rcImage.top; dy -= rcText.bottom - rcText.top;
if (dy < 0) dy = 0; else dy = dy / 2;
OffsetRect(&rcImage, 0, dy); OffsetRect(&rcText, 0, dy + rcImage.bottom - rcImage.top + 2);
// store RECTs
p->rcImage = rcImage; p->rcText = rcText;
// position window.
SetWindowPos(p->hwndMci, NULL, rcImage.left, rcImage.top, rcImage.right - rcImage.left, rcImage.bottom - rcImage.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
ShowWindow(p->hwndMci, SW_SHOW);
return TRUE; }
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL PreviewPaint(PPreviewStuff p) { HDC hdc; HBRUSH hbr; HWND hwnd = p->hwnd;
if (p == NULL) return TRUE;
hdc = GetDC(hwnd); hbr = (HBRUSH)DefWindowProc(hwnd, WM_CTLCOLOR, (WPARAM)hdc, MAKELONG(hwnd, CTLCOLOR_DLG)); ////FillRect(hdc, &p->rcPreview, hbr);
FillRect(hdc, &p->rcText, hbr);
SelectObject(hdc, p->hfont); DrawText(hdc, p->Title, -1, &p->rcText, DT_LEFT|DT_WORDBREAK);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); return TRUE; }
* ****************************************************************************/
/* Combo boxes */ #define cmb1 0x0470
#define cmb2 0x0471
/* Listboxes */ #define lst1 0x0460
#define lst2 0x0461
/* Edit controls */ #define edt1 0x0480
#define ID_TIMER 1234
#define PREVIEWWAIT 1000
WORD FAR PASCAL _loadds GetFileNamePreviewHook(HWND hwnd, unsigned msg, WORD wParam, LONG lParam) { int i; char ach[80];
PPreviewStuff p;
p = GetPreviewStuff(hwnd);
switch (msg) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case lst1: if (HIWORD(lParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { KillTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER); SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER, PREVIEWWAIT, NULL); } break;
case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: KillTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER); PreviewFile(p, NULL); break;
case cmb1: case cmb2: case lst2: if (HIWORD(lParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { KillTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER); PreviewFile(p, NULL); } break; } break;
case WM_TIMER: if (wParam == ID_TIMER) { KillTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER);
ach[0] = 0; i = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, lst1, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, lst1, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LONG)(LPSTR)ach); PreviewFile(p, ach); return TRUE; } break;
case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: case WM_PALETTECHANGED: if (p && p->hwndMci) SendMessage(p->hwndMci, msg, wParam, lParam); break;
case WM_PAINT: PreviewPaint(p); break;
case WM_INITDIALOG: PreviewOpen(hwnd, (LPOPENFILENAME)lParam);
p = GetPreviewStuff(hwnd);
if (!(p->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK)) return TRUE;
case WM_DESTROY: PreviewClose(p); break; }
if (p && (p->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK)) return p->lpfnHook(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); else return FALSE; }
* ****************************************************************************/
static BOOL GetFileNamePreview(LPOPENFILENAME lpofn, BOOL fSave) { BOOL f; PPreviewStuff p;
//////// Link to COMMDLG
if ((h = LoadLibrary("COMMDLG.DLL")) >= HINSTANCE_ERROR) (FARPROC)GetFileNameProc = GetProcAddress(h, fSave ? "GetSaveFileName" : "GetOpenFileName");
if (GetFileNameProc == NULL) return FALSE; //!!! what's the right error here?
#define OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON 0x00020000
// If we have a READ ONLY checkbox, or both HELP and NETWORK, then it's in
// our way, so get rid of it. (keep NETWORK, lose HELP)
if (!(lpofn->Flags & OFN_HIDEREADONLY)) lpofn->Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY; if ((lpofn->Flags & OFN_SHOWHELP) && !(lpofn->Flags & OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON)) lpofn->Flags &= ~OFN_SHOWHELP;
p = (LPVOID)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, sizeof(PreviewStuff));
if (p == NULL) { f = GetFileNameProc(lpofn); } else { p->lpfnHook = lpofn->lpfnHook; p->Flags = lpofn->Flags; p->lCustData = lpofn->lCustData;
lpofn->lpfnHook = GetFileNamePreviewHook; lpofn->Flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK; lpofn->lCustData = (LPARAM)p;
f = GetFileNameProc(lpofn);
lpofn->lpfnHook = p->lpfnHook; lpofn->Flags = p->Flags;
GlobalFreePtr(p); }
FreeLibrary(h); //!!! should we free DLL?
return f; }
* @doc EXTERNAL * * @api BOOL | GetOpenFileNamePreview | This is just like <f GetOpenFileName> * in COMMDLG, but with a preview window so people can see what movie * they're opening. * * @parm LPOPENFILENAME | lpofn | See the documentation for <f GetOpenFileName>. * * @rdesc Returns true if a file was opened. * * @xref GetOpenFileName * *************************************************************************/ BOOL FAR PASCAL _loadds GetOpenFileNamePreview(LPOPENFILENAME lpofn) { return GetFileNamePreview(lpofn, FALSE); }
* @doc EXTERNAL * * @api BOOL | GetSaveFileNamePreview | This is just like <f GetSaveFileName> * in COMMDLG, but with a preview window so people can see what movie * they're saving over. * * @parm LPOPENFILENAME | lpofn | See the documentation for <f GetSaveFileName>. * * @rdesc Returns true if a file was opened. * * @xref GetSaveFileName * *************************************************************************/ BOOL FAR PASCAL _loadds GetSaveFileNamePreview(LPOPENFILENAME lpofn) { return GetFileNamePreview(lpofn, TRUE); }
#if 0 ///////////////////// DONT NEED THIS
* ****************************************************************************/
//#define FOURCC_RIFF mmioFOURCC('R','I','F','F')
#define FOURCC_INFO mmioFOURCC('I','N','F','O')
#define FOURCC_DISP mmioFOURCC('D','I','S','P')
#define FOURCC_INAM mmioFOURCC('I','N','A','M')
#define FOURCC_ISBJ mmioFOURCC('I','S','B','J')
#define DibSizeImage(lpbi) (\
(DWORD)(UINT)((((int)lpbi->biBitCount*(int)lpbi->biWidth+31)&~31)>>3) * \ (DWORD)(UINT)lpbi->biHeight)
#define DibSize(lpbi) \
(lpbi->biSize + ((int)lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) + lpbi->biSizeImage)
#define DibNumColors(lpbi) \
(lpbi->biBitCount <= 8 ? (1 << (int)lpbi->biBitCount) : 0)
* * get both the DISP(CF_DIB) and the DISP(CF_TEXT) info in one pass, this is * much faster than doing multiple passes over the file. * ****************************************************************************/
static HANDLE GetRiffDisp(LPSTR lpszFile, LPSTR szText, int iLen) { HMMIO hmmio; MMCKINFO ck; MMCKINFO ckINFO; MMCKINFO ckRIFF; HANDLE h = NULL; LONG lSize; DWORD dw; HCURSOR hcur = NULL;
if (szText) szText[0] = 0;
/* Open the file */ hmmio = mmioOpen(lpszFile, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ);
if (hmmio == NULL) return NULL;
mmioSeek(hmmio, 0, SEEK_SET);
/* descend the input file into the RIFF chunk */ if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckRIFF, NULL, 0) != 0) goto error;
if (ckRIFF.ckid != FOURCC_RIFF) goto error;
while (!mmioDescend(hmmio, &ck, &ckRIFF, 0)) { if (ck.ckid == FOURCC_DISP) { if (hcur == NULL) hcur = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
/* Read dword into dw, break if read unsuccessful */ if (mmioRead(hmmio, (LPVOID)&dw, sizeof(dw)) != sizeof(dw)) goto error;
/* Find out how much memory to allocate */ lSize = ck.cksize - sizeof(dw);
if ((int)dw == CF_DIB && h == NULL) { /* get a handle to memory to hold the description and lock it down */ if ((h = GlobalAlloc(GHND, lSize+4)) == NULL) goto error;
if (mmioRead(hmmio, GlobalLock(h), lSize) != lSize) goto error; } else if ((int)dw == CF_TEXT && szText[0] == 0) { if (lSize > iLen-1) lSize = iLen-1;
szText[lSize] = 0;
if (mmioRead(hmmio, szText, lSize) != lSize) goto error; } } else if (ck.ckid == FOURCC_LIST && ck.fccType == FOURCC_INFO && szText[0] == 0) { while (!mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckINFO, &ck, 0)) { switch (ckINFO.ckid) { case FOURCC_INAM: // case FOURCC_ISBJ:
lSize = ck.cksize;
if (lSize > iLen-1) lSize = iLen-1;
szText[lSize] = 0;
if (mmioRead(hmmio, szText, lSize) != lSize) goto error;
break; }
if (mmioAscend(hmmio, &ckINFO, 0)) break; } }
// if we have both a picture and a title, then exit.
if (h != NULL && szText[0] != 0) break;
/* Ascend so that we can descend into next chunk
*/ if (mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0)) break; }
goto exit;
error: if (h) GlobalFree(h);
h = NULL; ckRIFF.fccType = 0;
exit: mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
// verify and correct the DIB
lpbi = (LPVOID)GlobalLock(h);
if (lpbi->biSize < sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) goto error;
if (lpbi->biClrUsed == 0) lpbi->biClrUsed = DibNumColors(lpbi);
if (lpbi->biSizeImage == 0) lpbi->biSizeImage = DibSizeImage(lpbi);
if (DibSize(lpbi) > GlobalSize(h)) goto error; }
if (hcur) SetCursor(hcur);
return h; }
#endif ///////////////////// DONT NEED THIS