* Module Name: database.c * * This module implements the database routines for the CD Audio app. * The information is stored in the ini file "cdaudio.ini" which should * be located in the nt\windows directory. * * Warning: * These functions ARE NOT THREAD safe. * The functions in this file MUST only be called on the UI thread. Before * calling any of the functions the CALLER MUST call LockTableOfContents * for the specified cdrom device. * * Author: * Rick Turner (ricktu) 31-Jan-1992 * * * Revision History: * * 04-Aug-1992 (ricktu) Incorperated routines from old cdaudio.c, * and made work w/new child window framework. * * * Copyright (c) 1993 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \**************************************************************************/ #pragma warning( once : 4201 4214 )
#define NOOLE
#include <windows.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "cdapi.h"
#include "cdplayer.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "literals.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Private entry points ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DWORD ComputeOldDiscId( int cdrom );
BOOL DeleteEntry( DWORD Id );
BOOL WriteEntry( int cdrom );
BOOL ReadEntry( int cdrom, DWORD dwId );
BOOL ReadMusicBoxEntry( int cdrom, DWORD dwId );
* ComputeOldDiscId * * This routine computes a unique ID based on the information * in the table of contexts a given disc. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD ComputeOldDiscId( int cdrom ) { int NumTracks,i; DWORD DiscId = 0;
NumTracks = g_Devices[ cdrom ]->toc.LastTrack - g_Devices[ cdrom ]->toc.FirstTrack;
for ( i = 0; i < NumTracks; i++ ) { DiscId += ( (TRACK_M(cdrom,i) << 16) + (TRACK_S(cdrom,i) << 8) + TRACK_F(cdrom,i) ); }
return DiscId;
* ComputeNewDiscId * * Just call mci to get the product ID. * * History: * dd-mm-94 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD ComputeNewDiscId( int cdrom ) { #ifdef USE_IOCTLS
return ComputeOrgDiscId( cdrom ); #else
MCI_INFO_PARMS mciInfo; TCHAR szBuffer[32]; DWORD dwRet;
mciInfo.lpstrReturn = szBuffer; mciInfo.dwRetSize = sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR);
dwRet = mciSendCommand( g_Devices[cdrom]->hCd, MCI_INFO, MCI_INFO_MEDIA_IDENTITY, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciInfo );
if ( dwRet != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { return 0L; }
_stscanf(szBuffer, TEXT("%ld"), &dwRet );
return dwRet;
* ComputeOrgDiscId * * This routine computes a unique ID based on the information * in the table of contexts a given disc. This is done by taking * the TMSF value for each track and XOR'ing it with the previous * quantity shifted left one bit. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD ComputeOrgDiscId( int cdrom ) { int NumTracks,i; DWORD DiscId = 0;
NumTracks = g_Devices[ cdrom ]->toc.LastTrack - g_Devices[ cdrom ]->toc.FirstTrack + 1;
for ( i = 0; i < NumTracks; i++ ) { DiscId = (DiscId << 1) ^ ((i<<24) + (TRACK_M(cdrom,i) << 16) + (TRACK_S(cdrom,i) << 8) + TRACK_F(cdrom,i) ); }
return DiscId;
* ErasePlayList * * Erases the current play list. This includes freeing the memory * for the nodes in the play list, and resetting the current track * pointer to NULL. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ VOID ErasePlayList( int cdrom ) {
PTRACK_PLAY temp, temp1;
// Free memory for each track in play list
temp = PLAYLIST( cdrom ); while (temp!=NULL) {
temp1 = temp->nextplay; LocalFree( (HLOCAL)temp ); temp = temp1;
// Reset pointers
PLAYLIST( cdrom ) = NULL; CURRTRACK( cdrom ) = NULL; }
* EraseSaveList * * Erases the current save list. This includes freeing the memory * for the nodes in the save list. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ VOID EraseSaveList( int cdrom ) {
PTRACK_PLAY temp, temp1;
// Free memory for each track in play list
temp = SAVELIST( cdrom ); while ( temp != NULL ) {
temp1 = temp->nextplay; LocalFree( (HLOCAL)temp ); temp = temp1;
// Reset pointers
SAVELIST( cdrom ) = NULL;
* EraseTrackList * * Erases the current track list. This includes freeing the memory * for the nodes in the track list, and resetting the track list * pointer to NULL. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ VOID EraseTrackList( int cdrom ) {
PTRACK_INF temp, temp1;
// Free memory for each track in track list
temp = ALLTRACKS( cdrom ); while ( temp != NULL ) {
temp1 = temp->next; LocalFree( (HLOCAL)temp ); temp = temp1; }
// Reset pointers
ALLTRACKS( cdrom ) = NULL;
* CopyPlayList * * Returns a copy of the playlist pointed to by p. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ PTRACK_PLAY CopyPlayList( PTRACK_PLAY p ) {
PTRACK_PLAY t,t1,tend,tret;
tret = tend = NULL;
// Duplicate list pointed to by p.
t = p; while( t!=NULL ) {
t1 = (PTRACK_PLAY)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_PLAY) ); t1->TocIndex = t->TocIndex; t1->min = t->min; t1->sec = t->sec; t1->nextplay = NULL; t1->prevplay = tend;
if (tret==NULL) {
tret = tend = t1; } else {
tend->nextplay = t1; tend = t1; }
t = t->nextplay;
* ResetPlayList * * Resets play order for the disc. Used to initialize/reset * the play list. This is done by reseting the doubly-linked list * of tracks in the g_Devices[...]->CdInfo.PlayList.[prevplay,nextplay] * pointers. All the tracks on the CD are stored in a singly linked list * pointed to by g_Devices[...]->CdInfo.AllTracks pointer. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ VOID ResetPlayList( int cdrom ) { PTRACK_INF t; PTRACK_PLAY temp, prev;
// Kill old play list
ErasePlayList( cdrom ); EraseSaveList( cdrom );
// Duplicate each node in AllTracks and insert in-order
// in SaveList list. The SaveList is the master which is
// used for the playlist.
t = ALLTRACKS( cdrom ); prev = NULL;
while (t!=NULL) {
temp = (PTRACK_PLAY)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_PLAY) );
temp->TocIndex = t->TocIndex; temp->min = 0; temp->sec = 0; temp->prevplay = prev; temp->nextplay = NULL;
if (prev!=NULL) {
prev->nextplay = temp; } else {
SAVELIST( cdrom ) = temp; }
prev = temp; t=t->next;
PLAYLIST( cdrom ) = CopyPlayList( SAVELIST( cdrom) ); }
* DeleteEntry * * The ID format has changed to make the id's for the different CD's * more unique. This routine will completely delete the old key value * from the ini file. We remove it by writing a NULL entry. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL DeleteEntry( DWORD Id ) { TCHAR Section[80];
wsprintf( Section, g_szSectionF, Id ); return WritePrivateProfileSection( Section, g_szEmpty, g_IniFileName ); }
* WriteEntry * * Write current disc information into database ini file. * The section for the current disc (section name is a hex * value of the disc id) is completely rewritten. * * This function uses 64K of stack !! * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL WriteEntry( int cdrom ) { TCHAR *Buffer; LPTSTR s; int i; TCHAR Section[ 10 ]; PTRACK_INF temp; PTRACK_PLAY temp1; BOOL fRc;
// Construct ini file buffer, form of:
// artist = artist name
// title = Title of disc
// numtracks = n
// 0 = Title of track 1
// 1 = Title of track 2
// n-1 = Title of track n
// order = 0 4 3 2 6 7 8 ... (n-1)
// numplay = # of entries in order list
// Is it legal to save this information?
if (!g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.save) return( TRUE );
Buffer = AllocMemory( 64000 * sizeof(TCHAR) ); // note: if the memory allocation fails, AllocMemory will terminate
// the application
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.IsVirginCd = FALSE;
s = Buffer;
s += 1 + wsprintf( s, g_szEntryTypeF, 1 ); s += 1 + wsprintf( s, g_szArtistF, g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Artist ); s += 1 + wsprintf( s, g_szTitleF, g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Title ); s += 1 + wsprintf( s, g_szNumTracksF, g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.NumTracks );
for ( temp = g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.AllTracks; temp!=NULL; temp = temp->next ) {
s += 1 + wsprintf( s, TEXT("%d=%s"), temp->TocIndex, temp->name ); }
s += wsprintf( s, g_szOrderF );
i = 0; for ( temp1 = g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.SaveList; temp1!=NULL; temp1 = temp1->nextplay ) {
s += wsprintf( s, TEXT("%d "), temp1->TocIndex ); i++;
} s += 1;
s += 1 + wsprintf( s, g_szNumPlayF, i );
// Just make sure there are NULLs at end of buffer
wsprintf( s, g_szThreeNulls );
wsprintf( Section, g_szSectionF, g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Id );
// Try writing buffer into ini file
fRc = WritePrivateProfileSection( Section, Buffer, g_IniFileName );
LocalFree( (HLOCAL)Buffer ); return fRc; }
* ReadMusicBoxEntry * * Try to parse the music box database ini file looking for the given disk * id. * * History: * dd-mm-94 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL ReadMusicBoxEntry( int cdrom, DWORD dwId ) { TCHAR Section[32];
int i; PTRACK_INF temp, curr;
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.iFrameOffset = NEW_FRAMEOFFSET;
// Try to read in section from ini file. Note that music box stores
// the key in decimal NOT hex.
wsprintf( Section, TEXT("%ld"), dwId );
GetPrivateProfileString( Section, g_szDiscTitle, g_szNothingThere, g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Title, TITLE_LENGTH, g_szMusicBoxIni );
// Was the section found?
if ( _tcscmp(g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Title, g_szNothingThere) == 0 ) {
// Nope, notify caller
return FALSE; }
** Now read the track information. Also the artists name is unknown. */
_tcscpy( ARTIST(cdrom), IdStr(STR_UNKNOWN) );
NUMTRACKS(cdrom) = LASTTRACK(cdrom) - FIRSTTRACK(cdrom) + 1; // Make sure there is at least one track!!!
if (0 == NUMTRACKS(cdrom)) { return FALSE; }
for ( i = 0, curr = NULL; i < NUMTRACKS(cdrom); i++ ) {
wsprintf( s, g_szMusicBoxFormat, i + 1 );
temp = (PTRACK_INF)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_INF) );
GetPrivateProfileString( Section, s, s, temp->name, TRACK_TITLE_LENGTH, g_szMusicBoxIni ); temp->TocIndex = i; temp->next = NULL;
if ( curr == NULL ) {
ALLTRACKS( cdrom ) = curr = temp; } else {
curr->next = temp; curr = temp; } }
// Make sure there is at least one track in Default playlist!!!
if (NULL == ALLTRACKS(cdrom)) { return FALSE; }
_tcscpy( ARTIST(cdrom), IdStr(STR_UNKNOWN) );
** Process the play list */
GetPrivateProfileString( Section, g_szPlayList, g_szNothingThere, s, TITLE_LENGTH, g_szMusicBoxIni );
** Was the section found? */ if ( _tcscmp(g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Title, g_szNothingThere) == 0 ) {
** Nope, just use the default playlist. */
ResetPlayList( cdrom );
} else {
LPTSTR lpPlayList, porder; PTRACK_PLAY temp1, prev; int i; const PLAYLEN = 8192;
lpPlayList = AllocMemory( sizeof(TCHAR) * PLAYLEN );
GetPrivateProfileString( Section, g_szPlayList, g_szNothingThere, lpPlayList, PLAYLEN, g_szMusicBoxIni );
_tcscat( lpPlayList, g_szBlank ); porder = lpPlayList; prev = NULL;
while ( *porder && (_stscanf( porder, TEXT("%d"), &i ) == 1) ) {
** Assert that i is a valid index. ** ie 0 <= i <= (NUMTRACKS(cdrom) - 1) */
i = min( (NUMTRACKS(cdrom) - 1), max( 0, i ) );
temp1 = (PTRACK_PLAY)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_PLAY) ); temp1->TocIndex = i; temp1->min = 0; temp1->sec = 0; temp1->prevplay = prev; temp1->nextplay = NULL;
if (prev == NULL) {
SAVELIST( cdrom ) = temp1; } else {
prev->nextplay = temp1; }
prev = temp1;
porder = _tcschr( porder, TEXT(' ') ) + 1; }
// Make sure there is at least one track in SAVED playlist!!!
if (NULL == SAVELIST(cdrom)) { // Nope, just use the default playlist instead!!!
ResetPlayList( cdrom ); }
PLAYLIST( cdrom ) = CopyPlayList( SAVELIST( cdrom ) );
LocalFree( (HLOCAL)lpPlayList ); }
return TRUE; }
* ReadEntry * * Try to read entry for new disc from database ini file. * The section name we are trying to read is a hex * value of the disc id. If the sections is found, * fill in the data for the disc in the cdrom drive. * * This function uses over 16K of stack space !! * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL ReadEntry( int cdrom, DWORD dwId ) {
DWORD rc; TCHAR Section[10]; TCHAR s[100],s1[100]; TCHAR order[ 8192 ]; TCHAR torder[ 8192 ]; int i; LPTSTR porder; int numtracks, numplay; PTRACK_INF temp, curr; PTRACK_PLAY temp1, prev; BOOL OldEntry; BOOL fRewriteEntry = FALSE;
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.iFrameOffset = NEW_FRAMEOFFSET;
// Try to read in section from ini file
wsprintf( Section, g_szSectionF, dwId );
rc = GetPrivateProfileString( Section, g_szTitle, g_szNothingThere, g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Title, TITLE_LENGTH, g_IniFileName );
// Was the section found?
if ( _tcscmp(g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Title, g_szNothingThere) == 0 ) {
// Nope, notify caller
return( FALSE ); }
// We found an entry for this disc, so copy all the information
// from the ini file entry
// Is this an old entry?
i = GetPrivateProfileInt( Section, g_szEntryType, 0, g_IniFileName );
OldEntry = (i==0);
numtracks = GetPrivateProfileInt( Section, g_szNumTracks, 0, g_IniFileName );
// Make sure there is at least one track!!!
if (0 == numtracks) { fRewriteEntry = TRUE; }
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.NumTracks = numtracks;
rc = GetPrivateProfileString( Section, g_szArtist, g_szUnknownTxt, (LPTSTR)ARTIST(cdrom), ARTIST_LENGTH, g_IniFileName );
// Validate the stored track numbers
if (g_Devices[cdrom]->fIsTocValid) {
int maxTracks; // validate the high point in ini file
maxTracks = g_Devices[cdrom]->toc.LastTrack;
if (numtracks > maxTracks) { // Current ini file contains invalid data
// this can result in the CD not playing at all as the end
// point is likely to be invalid
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.NumTracks = numtracks = maxTracks; fRewriteEntry = TRUE; } }
// Read the track list information
for (i=0, curr = NULL; i < numtracks; i++) {
temp = (PTRACK_INF)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_INF) ); temp->TocIndex = i; temp->next = NULL; wsprintf( s1, IdStr(STR_INIT_TRACK), i + 1 ); wsprintf( s, TEXT("%d"), i ); rc = GetPrivateProfileString( Section, s, s1, (LPTSTR)temp->name, TRACK_TITLE_LENGTH, g_IniFileName );
if (curr==NULL) {
ALLTRACKS( cdrom ) = curr = temp;
} else {
curr->next = temp; curr = temp;
// Make sure there is at least one entry in TRACK list
if (ALLTRACKS(cdrom) == NULL) { fRewriteEntry = TRUE; }
// if we detected a problem in the ini file, or the entry is an
// old format, rewrite the section.
if (OldEntry || fRewriteEntry) {
// Generate generic play list (all tracks in order)
ResetPlayList( cdrom );
// Need to rewrite this entry in new format
WriteEntry( cdrom );
} else {
// Read play list (order) information and construct play list doubly
// linked list
numplay = GetPrivateProfileInt( Section, g_szNumPlay, 0, g_IniFileName );
porder = torder; ZeroMemory( porder, sizeof(torder) );
// construct a default play order list
for ( i = 0; i < numtracks; i++ ) {
wsprintf( porder, TEXT("%d "), i ); /* porder += (_tcslen( porder ) * sizeof( TCHAR )); */ porder += _tcslen( porder );
rc = GetPrivateProfileString( Section, g_szOrder, torder, (LPTSTR)order, 8192, g_IniFileName );
// Ensure a trailing space
_tcscat( order, g_szBlank ); porder = order; prev = NULL;
while ( *porder && (_stscanf( porder, TEXT("%d"), &i ) == 1) ) {
** Assert that i is a valid index. ** ie 0 <= i <= (numtracks - 1) */
i = min( (numtracks - 1), max( 0, i ) );
temp1 = (PTRACK_PLAY)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_PLAY) ); temp1->TocIndex = i; temp1->min = 0; temp1->sec = 0; temp1->prevplay = prev; temp1->nextplay = NULL;
if (prev==NULL) {
SAVELIST( cdrom ) = temp1;
} else {
prev->nextplay = temp1;
} prev = temp1;
porder = _tcschr( porder, g_chBlank ) + 1;
// Make sure there is at least one entry in SAVED list
if (SAVELIST(cdrom) == NULL) { // Nope, use default list instead
ResetPlayList( cdrom ); WriteEntry( cdrom ); }
PLAYLIST( cdrom ) = CopyPlayList( SAVELIST( cdrom ) );
return TRUE; }
* WriteSettings * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL WriteSettings( VOID ) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; HKEY hKey; LONG lRet; DWORD dwTmp; extern BOOL g_fTitlebarShowing; //cdplayer.c
extern int cyMenuCaption; //cdplayer.c
lRet = RegCreateKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szRegistryKey, &hKey ); if ( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
// Save settings on exit
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fSaveOnExit; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szSaveSettingsOnExit, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
if ( !g_fSaveOnExit ) {
RegCloseKey( hKey ); return TRUE; }
// Small LED font
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fSmallLedFont; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szSmallFont, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Enable Tooltips
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fToolTips; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szToolTips, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Stop CD playing on exit
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fStopCDOnExit; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szStopCDPlayingOnExit, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Currect track time
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fDisplayT; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szDisplayT, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Time remaining for this track
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fDisplayTr; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szDisplayTr, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Time remaining for this play list
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fDisplayDr; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szDisplayDr, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Play in selected order
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fSelectedOrder; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szInOrderPlay, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Use single disk
dwTmp = (DWORD)!g_fSingleDisk; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szMultiDiscPlay, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Intro play ( Default 10Secs)
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fIntroPlay; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szIntroPlay, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_IntroPlayLength; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szIntroPlayLen, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Continuous play (loop at end)
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fContinuous; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szContinuousPlay, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Show toolbar
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fToolbarVisible; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szToolbar, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Show track information
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fTrackInfoVisible; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szDiscAndTrackDisplay, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Show track status bar
dwTmp = (DWORD)g_fStatusbarVisible; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szStatusBar, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Save window position.
wndpl.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement(g_hwndApp,&wndpl); if (!g_fTitlebarShowing) { wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top -= cyMenuCaption; }
// X pos
dwTmp = (DWORD)wndpl.rcNormalPosition.left; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szWindowOriginX, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
// Y pos
dwTmp = (DWORD)wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top; RegSetValueEx( hKey, g_szWindowOriginY, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTmp, sizeof(dwTmp) );
RegCloseKey( hKey ); return TRUE; }
* AddFindEntry * * Search the database file for the current disc, if found, read the * information, otherwise, generate some default artist and track names etc. * but don't store this in the database. A new entry is only added to the * database after the user has used the "Edit Track Titles" dialog box. * * The design of this function is complicated by the fact that we have to * support two previous attempts at generating CDplayer keys. Also, we try * to support the MusicBox key format now that it is compatible with the * new CDplayer format. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - ricktu - Created * \**************************************************************************/ VOID AddFindEntry( int cdrom, DWORD key, PCDROM_TOC lpTOC ) {
int i, num; PTRACK_INF temp, temp1;
** Kill off old PlayList, Save lists if they exists. */
ErasePlayList( cdrom ); EraseSaveList( cdrom ); EraseTrackList( cdrom );
** Check ini file for an existing entry ** ** First Look in cdplayer.ini using the new key, return if found */
// We initialize this field early, otherwise ReadEntry will not be
// able to save any new information (or lose invalid).
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.save = TRUE;
if ( ReadEntry(cdrom, key) ) { return; }
** Initialize these fields */ g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.IsVirginCd = FALSE; g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.Id = key;
** Look again in cdplayer.ini. This time use the original cdplayer key. ** If we found the original key in cdplayer.ini write the new key into ** cdplayer.ini and then return */
if ( ReadEntry(cdrom, ComputeOrgDiscId(cdrom)) ) {
** If the disc was under an Original id, we need to delete the ** old one, convert it to the new format, and save it under ** its new key. */
DeleteEntry( ComputeOrgDiscId(cdrom) ); WriteEntry( cdrom );
** Final look in cdplayer.ini. This time use the OLD cdplayer key. ** If we found the OLD key in cdplayer.ini write the new key into ** cdplayer.ini and then return */
else if ( ReadEntry(cdrom, ComputeOldDiscId(cdrom)) ) {
** If the disc was under an OLD id, we need to delete the ** old one, convert it to the new format, and save it under ** its new key. */
DeleteEntry( ComputeOldDiscId(cdrom) ); WriteEntry( cdrom ); }
** Couldn't find it in cdplayer.ini, now look for the key in musicbox.ini ** If we found the key in musicbox.ini write it into cdplayer.ini and ** then return */
else if ( ReadMusicBoxEntry(cdrom, key) ) {
WriteEntry( cdrom ); }
** This is a new entry, fill it in but don't store it in the database. */
else {
g_Devices[ cdrom ]->CdInfo.IsVirginCd = TRUE;
wsprintf( (LPTSTR)ARTIST( cdrom ), IdStr( STR_NEW_ARTIST ) ); wsprintf( (LPTSTR)TITLE( cdrom ), IdStr( STR_NEW_TITLE ) );
NUMTRACKS( cdrom ) = num = lpTOC->LastTrack - lpTOC->FirstTrack + 1;
** Create generic playlist, which is all audio tracks ** played in the order they are on the CD. First, create ** a singly linked list that contains all the tracks. ** Then, create a double linked list, using the nodes of ** from the single linked list for the play list. */
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
** Create storage for track */
temp = (PTRACK_INF)AllocMemory( sizeof(TRACK_INF) );
** Initialize information (storage already ZERO initialized) */
wsprintf( (LPTSTR)temp->name, IdStr( STR_INIT_TRACK ), i+1 ); temp->TocIndex = i; temp->next = NULL;
** Add node to singly linked list of all tracks */
if (i == 0) {
temp1 = ALLTRACKS( cdrom ) = temp; } else {
temp1->next = temp; temp1 = temp; } }
** Generate generic play list (all tracks in order) */
ResetPlayList( cdrom ); } }