// FrameworkNotifySink.cpp: implementation of the CFrameworkNotifySink class.
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "sink.h"
#include "mbutton.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "mmenu.h"
#include "shellico.h"
// Construction/Destruction
HWND CFrameworkNotifySink::m_hwndTitle = NULL; extern BOOL fPlaying; extern BOOL fIntro; extern BOOL fShellMode; extern HPALETTE hpalMain; //main palette of app
extern LPCDOPT g_pOptions; extern LPCDDATA g_pData; extern HWND hwndMain;
CFrameworkNotifySink::CFrameworkNotifySink(PCOMPNODE pNode) { m_dwRef = 0; m_pNode = pNode;
LoadString(NULL,IDS_APPNAME,m_szAppName,sizeof(m_szAppName)/sizeof(TCHAR)); }
CFrameworkNotifySink::~CFrameworkNotifySink() { }
HRESULT CFrameworkNotifySink::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) { return S_OK; }
ULONG CFrameworkNotifySink::AddRef() { return (m_dwRef++); }
ULONG CFrameworkNotifySink::Release() { if (0!=--m_dwRef) return m_dwRef;
delete this; return 0; }
HRESULT CFrameworkNotifySink::OnEvent(MMEVENTS mmEventID, LPVOID pEvent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (mmEventID) { case (MMEVENT_SETTITLE) : { MMSETTITLE* pSetTitle = (MMSETTITLE*)pEvent; if (pSetTitle->mmInfoText == MMINFOTEXT_TITLE) { if (m_hwndTitle) { _tcscpy(m_pNode->szTitle,pSetTitle->szTitle); TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szText,TEXT("%s - %s"),pSetTitle->szTitle,m_szAppName);
//only do this if the titles don't match
TCHAR szOrgTitle[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowText(m_hwndTitle,szOrgTitle,sizeof(szOrgTitle)/sizeof(TCHAR)); if (_tcscmp(szOrgTitle,szText)!=0) { SetWindowText(m_hwndTitle,szText); RedrawWindow(m_hwndTitle,NULL,NULL,RDW_FRAME|RDW_INVALIDATE);
if (fShellMode) { ShellIconSetTooltip(); } //end if shell mode
} } //end if window ok
} //end if title
if (pSetTitle->mmInfoText == MMINFOTEXT_DESCRIPTION) { if (IsIconic(m_hwndTitle)) { TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szText,TEXT("%s - %s"),pSetTitle->szTitle,m_szAppName); SetWindowText(m_hwndTitle,szText); }
if (fShellMode) { ShellIconSetTooltip(); } } //end if description
} break; case (MMEVENT_ONPLAY) : { CMButton* pButton = GetMButtonFromID(m_hwndTitle,IDB_PLAY); if (pButton) { if (fIntro) { pButton->SetIcon(IDI_MODE_INTRO); pButton->SetToolTipID(IDB_TT_INTRO); } else { pButton->SetIcon(IDI_ICON_PAUSE); pButton->SetToolTipID(IDB_TT_PAUSE); } }
if (fShellMode) { ShellIconSetState(PAUSE_ICON); } //end if shell mode
SetThreadExecutionState(ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED | ES_CONTINUOUS); fPlaying = TRUE; } break;
case (MMEVENT_ONSTOP) : { CMButton* pButton = GetMButtonFromID(m_hwndTitle,IDB_PLAY); if (pButton) { pButton->SetIcon(IDI_ICON_PLAY); pButton->SetToolTipID(IDB_TT_PLAY); }
fPlaying = FALSE; if (fShellMode) { ShellIconSetState(PLAY_ICON); } //end if shell mode
} break;
case (MMEVENT_ONPAUSE) : { CMButton* pButton = GetMButtonFromID(m_hwndTitle,IDB_PLAY); if (pButton) { pButton->SetIcon(IDI_ICON_PLAY); pButton->SetToolTipID(IDB_TT_PLAY); }
fPlaying = FALSE; if (fShellMode) { ShellIconSetState(PLAY_ICON); } //end if shell mode
} break;
case (MMEVENT_ONMEDIAUNLOADED) : { CMButton* pButton = GetMButtonFromID(m_hwndTitle,IDB_PLAY); if (pButton) { pButton->SetIcon(IDI_ICON_PLAY); pButton->SetToolTipID(IDB_TT_PLAY); }
fPlaying = FALSE; if (fShellMode) { ShellIconSetState(NODISC_ICON); } //end if shell mode
} break;
case (MMEVENT_ONUSERNOTIFY) : { } break;
case (MMEVENT_ONDISCCHANGED) : { MMONDISCCHANGED* pDisc = (MMONDISCCHANGED*)pEvent; SendMessage(m_hwndTitle,WM_DISCCHANGED,pDisc->nNewDisc,pDisc->fDisplayVolChange); } break; }
return hr; }
void* CFrameworkNotifySink::GetCustomMenu() { CustomMenu* pMenu = NULL; AllocCustomMenu(&pMenu);
return (pMenu); }
HPALETTE CFrameworkNotifySink::GetPalette() { return hpalMain; }
void* CFrameworkNotifySink::GetOptions() { return ((void*)GetCDOpt()); }
void* CFrameworkNotifySink::GetData() { return ((void*)GetCDData()); }
// * GetCDOpt
// Creates or returns the global CDOpt
LPCDOPT GetCDOpt() { if (g_pOptions == NULL) { CDOPT_CreateInstance(NULL, IID_ICDOpt, (void**)&g_pOptions); }
return g_pOptions; }
// * GetCDData
// Creates or returns the global CDOpt
LPCDDATA GetCDData() { if (g_pData == NULL) { HRESULT hr = CDOPT_CreateInstance(NULL, IID_ICDData, (void**)&g_pData); }
return g_pData; }