* * drvlib.c * * Multimedia kernel driver support library (drvlib) * * Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation * * This module contains * * -- the entry point and startup code * -- debug support code * * History * ***************************************************************************/
#include <drvlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
CRITICAL_SECTION mmDrvCritSec; // Serialize access to device lists
#if DBG
char ModuleName[MAX_PATH]; #endif
#if DBG
* read profile item from registry */
//#include <profile.key>
#define KEYNAMEA "Software\\Microsoft\\Multimedia\\"
#define KEYNAME TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Multimedia\\")
UINT mmGetProfileIntA(LPCSTR appname, LPCSTR valuename, INT uDefault);
// Now map all instances of GetProfileIntA to mmGetProfileIntA
#define GetProfileIntA mmGetProfileIntA
static HKEY GetKeyA(LPCSTR appname, BOOL fCreate) { HKEY key = 0; char achName[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpyA(achName, KEYNAMEA); lstrcatA(achName, appname);
if ((!fCreate && RegOpenKeyA(ROOTKEY, achName, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (fCreate && RegCreateKeyA(ROOTKEY, achName, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { }
return(key); }
* read a UINT from the profile, or return default if * not found. */ UINT mmGetProfileIntA(LPCSTR appname, LPCSTR valuename, INT uDefault) { DWORD dwType; INT value = uDefault; DWORD dwData; int cbData;
HKEY key = GetKeyA(appname, FALSE);
if (key) {
cbData = sizeof(dwData); if (RegQueryValueExA( key, (LPSTR)valuename, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwData, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_DWORD || dwType == REG_BINARY) { value = (INT)dwData; } else if (dwType == REG_SZ) { value = atoi((LPSTR) &dwData); } }
RegCloseKey(key); }
return((UINT)value); }
#endif // DBG
@api BOOL | DllInstanceInit | This procedure is called whenever a process attaches or detaches from the DLL.
@parm PVOID | hModule | Handle of the DLL.
@parm ULONG | Reason | What the reason for the call is.
@parm PCONTEXT | pContext | Some random other information.
@rdesc The return value is TRUE if the initialisation completed ok, FALSE if not.
BOOL DrvLibInit(HINSTANCE hModule, ULONG Reason, PCONTEXT pContext) {
if (Reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
#if DBG
** Cache our dll name for debugging */
{ char ModuleFileName[MAX_PATH];
if (GetModuleFileNameA((HMODULE)hModule, ModuleFileName, MAX_PATH) == 0) { mmdrvDebugLevel = 0; } else { char drive[MAX_PATH]; char dir[MAX_PATH]; char ext[MAX_PATH];
// note: we could use the WIN32 API GetFileTitle
_splitpath(ModuleFileName, drive, dir, ModuleName, ext); mmdrvDebugLevel = GetProfileIntA("DEBUG", ModuleName, 0); dprintf2 (("Starting, debug level=%d", mmdrvDebugLevel)); } } #endif
hInstance = hModule;
// Create our process DLL heap
hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); if (hHeap == NULL) { return FALSE; }
DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule); InitializeCriticalSection(&mmDrvCritSec);
// Load our device list
if (sndFindDevices() != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { DeleteCriticalSection(&mmDrvCritSec); return FALSE; }
} else { if (Reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { dprintf2(("Ending"));
TerminateMidi(); TerminateWave();
DeleteCriticalSection(&mmDrvCritSec); } } return TRUE; }
#if DBG
int mmdrvDebugLevel = 0;
@api void | mmdrvDbgOut | This function sends output to the current debug output device.
@parm LPSTR | lpszFormat | Pointer to a printf style format string. @parm ??? | ... | Args.
@rdesc There is no return value.
void mmdrvDbgOut(LPSTR lpszFormat, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list va;
OutputDebugStringA(ModuleName); OutputDebugStringA(": ");
va_start(va, lpszFormat); vsprintf(buf, lpszFormat, va); va_end(va);
OutputDebugStringA(buf); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); }
@api void | dDbgAssert | This function prints an assertion message.
@parm LPSTR | exp | Pointer to the expression string. @parm LPSTR | file | Pointer to the file name. @parm int | line | The line number.
@rdesc There is no return value.
void dDbgAssert(LPSTR exp, LPSTR file, int line) { dprintf1(("Assertion failure:")); dprintf1((" Exp: %s", exp)); dprintf1((" File: %s, line: %d", file, line)); DebugBreak(); }
#endif // DBG