Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
/* Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation */ // Linked list code -- approximates the VMM linked list API's
#include <windows.h>
#include "mmsystem.h"
#include "mmsys.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "mciseq.h"
List arrayOfLists[MAXLISTS]; // array of lists
/**************************** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *************************/ #define UNICODE
#ifdef DEBUG
PRIVATE BOOL NEAR PASCAL ListHandleBad(ListHandle lh) { if ((lh >= MAXLISTS) || arrayOfLists[lh].nodeSize == 0) { dprintf(("*** Bad List Handle ***")); // Must display before Break call
DebugBreak(); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
#define ListHandleBad(lh) FALSE
/**************************** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS *************************/
PUBLIC ListHandle FAR PASCAL List_Create(DWORD nodeSize, DWORD flags) //
//size must be non-zero
{ int i;
for(i = 0; ((i < MAXLISTS) && (arrayOfLists[i].nodeSize)); i++) ;
if (i >= MAXLISTS) return NULLLIST; else { arrayOfLists[i].nodeSize = nodeSize; return i; // return array index as "listHandle"
} }
PUBLIC NPSTR FAR PASCAL List_Allocate(ListHandle lh) { Node *myNode; DWORD size; HLOCAL hMemory;
if (ListHandleBad(lh)) return NULL;
size = (arrayOfLists[lh].nodeSize + NODEHDRSIZE + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; /* the above line serves to compute the total size, rounded up to
next longword boundary */ /* if (size > 65535)
if (hMemory = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, (int) size)) // make room for it
{ if (myNode = (Node *) LocalLock(hMemory)) // lock and get abs ptr to it
{ myNode->handle = hMemory; myNode->next = NULL; return (NPSTR) myNode->data; // return pointer (success!)
} else // couldn't lock
{ LocalFree(myNode->handle); // undo the alloc
return NULL; // fail
} } else // couldn't alloc
return NULL; // fail
PUBLIC void FAR PASCAL List_Deallocate(ListHandle lh, NPSTR node) { Node *myNode; Node *prevNode; NPSTR prevElement = NULL; NPSTR element;
if (ListHandleBad(lh)) return ;
for(element = List_Get_First(lh); // traverse 'till found or exausted
((element) && (element != node)) ; element = List_Get_Next(lh, element) ) prevElement = element;
if (element) // not exausted, must've found it
{ myNode = (Node *) (((LPBYTE) element) - NODEHDRSIZE);
// if was previous element in list, make it point over this one
if (prevElement) { prevNode = (Node *) (((LPBYTE) prevElement) - NODEHDRSIZE); prevNode->next = myNode->next; }
//make sure this node doesn't remain "first" or "next" node in list
if (arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode == myNode) arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode = myNode->next;
LocalFree(myNode->handle); // free it
List_Unlock(lh); }
PUBLIC VOID FAR PASCAL List_Destroy(ListHandle lh) { Node *myNode; Node *nextNode;
if (ListHandleBad(lh)) return ;
myNode = arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode; while (myNode != NULL) // free each node in list
{ nextNode = myNode->next; LocalFree(myNode->handle); myNode = nextNode; } arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode = NULL; // forget that you had the list
arrayOfLists[lh].nodeSize = 0L;
List_Unlock(lh); }
PUBLIC VOID FAR PASCAL List_Attach_Tail(ListHandle lh, NPSTR node) /* warning--this "node" is ptr to data. true node starts 10 bytes earlier */ { Node *myNode; Node *nodeToInsert;
if (ListHandleBad(lh)) return ;
nodeToInsert = (Node *) (((LPBYTE) node) - NODEHDRSIZE); myNode = arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode; if (!myNode) // if list empty, make it first
arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode = nodeToInsert; else { for ( ;(myNode->next != NULL); myNode = myNode->next); // traverse to end
myNode->next = nodeToInsert; // and put it there
} nodeToInsert->next = NULL; // make sure not pointing to outer space
List_Unlock(lh); }
PUBLIC NPSTR FAR PASCAL List_Get_First(ListHandle lh) { Node *thisNode; NPSTR retValue;
if (ListHandleBad(lh)) return NULL;
if (thisNode = arrayOfLists[lh].firstNode) retValue = (NPSTR)thisNode + NODEHDRSIZE; else retValue = NULL;
return retValue; }
PUBLIC NPSTR FAR PASCAL List_Get_Next(ListHandle lh, VOID* node) { Node* npNext;
if (ListHandleBad(lh)) return NULL;
if (!node) return NULL;
npNext = ((Node*)((NPSTR)node - NODEHDRSIZE))->next;
if (npNext) return (NPSTR)npNext + NODEHDRSIZE; else return NULL; }
#ifdef DEBUG
PUBLIC VOID FAR PASCAL List_Lock(ListHandle lh) { if (arrayOfLists[lh].fLocked) { dprintf(("**** List code reentered *****")); DebugBreak(); }
arrayOfLists[lh].fLocked++; }
PUBLIC VOID FAR PASCAL List_Unlock(ListHandle lh) { if (!arrayOfLists[lh].fLocked) { dprintf(("**** List code not locked!! HELP!! *****")); DebugBreak(); }
arrayOfLists[lh].fLocked--; }