A console app to test the mciSendString API
Created by NigelT in a moment of frustration with the GUI world.
#include "mci.h"
#include "mcicda.h"
extern VOID winmmSetDebugLevel(int level); // extern VOID mcicdaSetDebugLevel(int level);
char cmd[256]; char ResultString[256]; char ErrorString[256];
void SendCommand(char *command); void Usage(void); BOOL Parse(char *command);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp;
if (argc > 1) {
// do the command line thing and exit
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (fp == NULL) { strcpy(cmd, argv[1]); strcat(cmd, ".mci"); fp = fopen(cmd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("\nCould not open %s or %s", argv[1], cmd); exit(1); } }
do { if (fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fp) == NULL) break; // strip the newline char from the end
cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = '\0'; printf("\nCommand: %s", cmd); if (!Parse(cmd)) break; } while(1);
} else {
// do the keyboard thing until we get bored
do { printf("\nCommand: "); gets(cmd); if (!Parse(cmd)) break; } while(1); }
return 0; }
BOOL Parse(char *command) { if (strcmpi(command, "q") == 0) { return FALSE; } else if (strcmpi(command, "?") == 0) { Usage(); } else if (strnicmp(command, "dmm", 3) == 0) { winmmSetDebugLevel(atoi(command+3)); // } else if (strnicmp(command, "dcd", 3) == 0) {
// mcicdaSetDebugLevel(atoi(command+3));
} else { SendCommand(command); } return TRUE; }
void SendCommand(char *command) { DWORD Result;
Result = mciSendString(command, ResultString, sizeof(ResultString), 0); printf("\nResult : %08XH %s", Result, ResultString); if (Result != 0) { mciGetErrorString(Result, ErrorString, sizeof(ErrorString)); printf("\nError : %s", ErrorString); } }
void Usage() { printf("\nUsage:"); printf("\nMCI <filename> Play an MCI script"); printf("\nMCI Enter command mode"); printf("\n\nCommands:"); printf("\nq \t\tQuit"); printf("\ndmm <n> \t\tSet WINMM debug level to <n>"); // printf("\ndcd <n> \t\tSet MCICDA debug level to <n>");
printf("\n? \t\tThis helpful little missive"); printf("\n<mci command>\t\tSome MCI command string"); }