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// File: AVIRIFF.h
// Desc: Structures and defines for the RIFF AVI file format extended to
// handle very large/long files.
// Copyright (c) 1996 - 2000, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#pragma warning(disable: 4097 4511 4512 4514 4705)
#if !defined AVIRIFF_H
#define AVIRIFF_H
#if !defined NUMELMS
#define NUMELMS(aa) (sizeof(aa)/sizeof((aa)[0]))
// all structures in this file are packed on word boundaries
#include <pshpack2.h>
* heres the general layout of an AVI riff file (new format) * * RIFF (3F??????) AVI <- not more than 1 GB in size * LIST (size) hdrl * avih (0038) * LIST (size) strl * strh (0038) * strf (????) * indx (3ff8) <- size may vary, should be sector sized * LIST (size) strl * strh (0038) * strf (????) * indx (3ff8) <- size may vary, should be sector sized * LIST (size) odml * dmlh (????) * JUNK (size) <- fill to align to sector - 12 * LIST (7f??????) movi <- aligned on sector - 12 * 00dc (size) <- sector aligned * 01wb (size) <- sector aligned * ix00 (size) <- sector aligned * idx1 (00??????) <- sector aligned * RIFF (7F??????) AVIX * JUNK (size) <- fill to align to sector -12 * LIST (size) movi * 00dc (size) <- sector aligned * RIFF (7F??????) AVIX <- not more than 2GB in size * JUNK (size) <- fill to align to sector - 12 * LIST (size) movi * 00dc (size) <- sector aligned * *-===================================================================*/
// structures for manipulating RIFF headers
#define FCC(ch4) ((((DWORD)(ch4) & 0xFF) << 24) | \
(((DWORD)(ch4) & 0xFF00) << 8) | \ (((DWORD)(ch4) & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | \ (((DWORD)(ch4) & 0xFF000000) >> 24))
typedef struct _riffchunk { FOURCC fcc; DWORD cb; } RIFFCHUNK, * LPRIFFCHUNK; typedef struct _rifflist { FOURCC fcc; DWORD cb; FOURCC fccListType; } RIFFLIST, * LPRIFFLIST;
#define RIFFROUND(cb) ((cb) + ((cb)&1))
#define RIFFNEXT(pChunk) (LPRIFFCHUNK)((LPBYTE)(pChunk) \
+ sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) \ + RIFFROUND(((LPRIFFCHUNK)pChunk)->cb))
// ==================== avi header structures ===========================
// main header for the avi file (compatibility header)
#define ckidMAINAVIHEADER FCC('avih')
typedef struct _avimainheader { FOURCC fcc; // 'avih'
DWORD cb; // size of this structure -8
DWORD dwMicroSecPerFrame; // frame display rate (or 0L)
DWORD dwMaxBytesPerSec; // max. transfer rate
DWORD dwPaddingGranularity; // pad to multiples of this size; normally 2K.
DWORD dwFlags; // the ever-present flags
#define AVIF_HASINDEX 0x00000010 // Index at end of file?
#define AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX 0x00000020
#define AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED 0x00000100
#define AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE 0x00000800 // Use CKType to find key frames
#define AVIF_WASCAPTUREFILE 0x00010000
#define AVIF_COPYRIGHTED 0x00020000
DWORD dwTotalFrames; // # frames in first movi list
DWORD dwInitialFrames; DWORD dwStreams; DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; DWORD dwWidth; DWORD dwHeight; DWORD dwReserved[4]; } AVIMAINHEADER;
#define ckidODML FCC('odml')
#define ckidAVIEXTHEADER FCC('dmlh')
typedef struct _aviextheader { FOURCC fcc; // 'dmlh'
DWORD cb; // size of this structure -8
DWORD dwGrandFrames; // total number of frames in the file
DWORD dwFuture[61]; // to be defined later
// structure of an AVI stream header riff chunk
#define ckidSTREAMLIST FCC('strl')
#ifndef ckidSTREAMHEADER
#define ckidSTREAMHEADER FCC('strh')
typedef struct _avistreamheader { FOURCC fcc; // 'strh'
DWORD cb; // size of this structure - 8
FOURCC fccType; // stream type codes
#ifndef streamtypeVIDEO
#define streamtypeVIDEO FCC('vids')
#define streamtypeAUDIO FCC('auds')
#define streamtypeMIDI FCC('mids')
#define streamtypeTEXT FCC('txts')
FOURCC fccHandler; DWORD dwFlags; #define AVISF_DISABLED 0x00000001
#define AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES 0x00010000
WORD wPriority; WORD wLanguage; DWORD dwInitialFrames; DWORD dwScale; DWORD dwRate; // dwRate/dwScale is stream tick rate in ticks/sec
DWORD dwStart; DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; DWORD dwQuality; DWORD dwSampleSize; struct { short int left; short int top; short int right; short int bottom; } rcFrame; } AVISTREAMHEADER;
// structure of an AVI stream format chunk
#ifndef ckidSTREAMFORMAT
#define ckidSTREAMFORMAT FCC('strf')
// avi stream formats are different for each stream type
// BITMAPINFOHEADER for video streams
// WAVEFORMATEX or PCMWAVEFORMAT for audio streams
// nothing for text streams
// nothing for midi streams
#pragma warning(disable:4200)
// structure of old style AVI index
#define ckidAVIOLDINDEX FCC('idx1')
typedef struct _avioldindex { FOURCC fcc; // 'idx1'
DWORD cb; // size of this structure -8
struct _avioldindex_entry { DWORD dwChunkId; DWORD dwFlags;
#ifndef AVIIF_LIST
#define AVIIF_LIST 0x00000001
#define AVIIF_KEYFRAME 0x00000010
#define AVIIF_NO_TIME 0x00000100
#define AVIIF_COMPRESSOR 0x0FFF0000 // unused?
DWORD dwOffset; // offset of riff chunk header for the data
DWORD dwSize; // size of the data (excluding riff header size)
} aIndex[]; // size of this array
// ============ structures for timecode in an AVI file =================
// defined
// timecode time structure
typedef union _timecode { struct { WORD wFrameRate; WORD wFrameFract; LONG cFrames; }; DWORDLONG qw; } TIMECODE;
#define TIMECODE_RATE_30DROP 0 // this MUST be zero
// struct for all the SMPTE timecode info
typedef struct _timecodedata { TIMECODE time; DWORD dwSMPTEflags; DWORD dwUser; } TIMECODEDATA;
// dwSMPTEflags masks/values
// ============ structures for new style AVI indexes =================
// index type codes
#define AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS 0x01
#define AVI_INDEX_OF_SUB_2FIELD 0x03
#define AVI_INDEX_IS_DATA 0x80
// index subtype codes
// INDEX_OF_CHUNKS subtype codes
#define AVI_INDEX_SUB_2FIELD 0x01
// meta structure of all avi indexes
typedef struct _avimetaindex { FOURCC fcc; UINT cb; WORD wLongsPerEntry; BYTE bIndexSubType; BYTE bIndexType; DWORD nEntriesInUse; DWORD dwChunkId; DWORD dwReserved[3]; DWORD adwIndex[]; } AVIMETAINDEX;
#define STDINDEXSIZE 0x4000
#define NUMINDEX(wLongsPerEntry) ((STDINDEXSIZE-32)/4/(wLongsPerEntry))
#define NUMINDEXFILL(wLongsPerEntry) ((STDINDEXSIZE/4) - NUMINDEX(wLongsPerEntry))
// structure of a super index (INDEX_OF_INDEXES)
#define ckidAVISUPERINDEX FCC('indx')
typedef struct _avisuperindex { FOURCC fcc; // 'indx'
UINT cb; // size of this structure
WORD wLongsPerEntry; // ==4
BYTE bIndexSubType; // ==0 (frame index) or AVI_INDEX_SUB_2FIELD
DWORD nEntriesInUse; // offset of next unused entry in aIndex
DWORD dwChunkId; // chunk ID of chunks being indexed, (i.e. RGB8)
DWORD dwReserved[3]; // must be 0
struct _avisuperindex_entry { DWORDLONG qwOffset; // 64 bit offset to sub index chunk
DWORD dwSize; // 32 bit size of sub index chunk
DWORD dwDuration; // time span of subindex chunk (in stream ticks)
} aIndex[NUMINDEX(4)]; } AVISUPERINDEX; #define Valid_SUPERINDEX(pi) (*(DWORD *)(&((pi)->wLongsPerEntry)) == (4 | (AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES << 24)))
// struct of a standard index (AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS)
typedef struct _avistdindex_entry { DWORD dwOffset; // 32 bit offset to data (points to data, not riff header)
DWORD dwSize; // 31 bit size of data (does not include size of riff header), bit 31 is deltaframe bit
} AVISTDINDEX_ENTRY; #define AVISTDINDEX_DELTAFRAME ( 0x80000000) // Delta frames have the high bit set
#define AVISTDINDEX_SIZEMASK (~0x80000000)
typedef struct _avistdindex { FOURCC fcc; // 'indx' or '##ix'
UINT cb; // size of this structure
WORD wLongsPerEntry; // ==2
BYTE bIndexSubType; // ==0
DWORD nEntriesInUse; // offset of next unused entry in aIndex
DWORD dwChunkId; // chunk ID of chunks being indexed, (i.e. RGB8)
DWORDLONG qwBaseOffset; // base offset that all index intries are relative to
DWORD dwReserved_3; // must be 0
// struct of a time variant standard index (AVI_INDEX_OF_TIMED_CHUNKS)
typedef struct _avitimedindex_entry { DWORD dwOffset; // 32 bit offset to data (points to data, not riff header)
DWORD dwSize; // 31 bit size of data (does not include size of riff header) (high bit is deltaframe bit)
DWORD dwDuration; // how much time the chunk should be played (in stream ticks)
typedef struct _avitimedindex { FOURCC fcc; // 'indx' or '##ix'
UINT cb; // size of this structure
WORD wLongsPerEntry; // ==3
BYTE bIndexSubType; // ==0
DWORD nEntriesInUse; // offset of next unused entry in aIndex
DWORD dwChunkId; // chunk ID of chunks being indexed, (i.e. RGB8)
DWORDLONG qwBaseOffset; // base offset that all index intries are relative to
DWORD dwReserved_3; // must be 0
AVITIMEDINDEX_ENTRY aIndex[NUMINDEX(3)]; DWORD adwTrailingFill[NUMINDEXFILL(3)]; // to align struct to correct size
// structure of a timecode stream
typedef struct _avitimecodeindex { FOURCC fcc; // 'indx' or '##ix'
UINT cb; // size of this structure
WORD wLongsPerEntry; // ==4
BYTE bIndexSubType; // ==0
DWORD nEntriesInUse; // offset of next unused entry in aIndex
DWORD dwChunkId; // 'time'
DWORD dwReserved[3]; // must be 0
// structure of a timecode discontinuity list (when wLongsPerEntry == 7)
typedef struct _avitcdlindex_entry { DWORD dwTick; // stream tick time that maps to this timecode value
typedef struct _avitcdlindex { FOURCC fcc; // 'indx' or '##ix'
UINT cb; // size of this structure
WORD wLongsPerEntry; // ==7 (must be 4 or more all 'tcdl' indexes
BYTE bIndexSubType; // ==0
DWORD nEntriesInUse; // offset of next unused entry in aIndex
DWORD dwChunkId; // 'tcdl'
DWORD dwReserved[3]; // must be 0
AVITCDLINDEX_ENTRY aIndex[NUMINDEX(7)]; DWORD adwTrailingFill[NUMINDEXFILL(7)]; // to align struct to correct size
typedef struct _avifieldindex_chunk { FOURCC fcc; // 'ix##'
DWORD cb; // size of this structure
WORD wLongsPerEntry; // must be 3 (size of each entry in
// aIndex array)
DWORD nEntriesInUse; //
DWORD dwChunkId; // '##dc' or '##db'
DWORDLONG qwBaseOffset; // offsets in aIndex array are relative to this
DWORD dwReserved3; // must be 0
struct _avifieldindex_entry { DWORD dwOffset; DWORD dwSize; // size of all fields
// (bit 31 set for NON-keyframes)
DWORD dwOffsetField2; // offset to second field
#include <poppack.h>