// -*- Mode: C++ -*- /******************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Interface definitions for DirectAnimation components
#include <olectl.h> #include "danimid.h"
// Pick up Trident headers import "oleidl.idl"; import "servprov.idl";
typedef IDAPickableResult *PickableResultPtr;
[ uuid(34f681d0-3640-11cf-9294-00aa00b8a733), helpstring("DirectAnimation Library"), lcid(0x0000), version(1.0) ] library DirectAnimation {
interface IDAViewSite ; interface IDAView ; interface IDABehavior; interface IDANumber; interface IDABvrHook; interface IDADrawingSurface; interface IDAPickableResult; interface IDAEvent;
// ==================================== // DABehavior object definition // ====================================
[ uuid(283807B7-2C60-11d0-A31D-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDABehavior : IDispatch { HRESULT GetClassName([out, retval] BSTR * pClassName); HRESULT Init([in] IDABehavior *toBvr);
HRESULT Importance([in] double relativeImportance, [out, retval] IDABehavior **ppBvr);
HRESULT RunOnce([out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT SubstituteTime([in] IDANumber *xform, [out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT SwitchTo([in] IDABehavior *switchTo); HRESULT SwitchToNumber([in] double numToSwitchTo); HRESULT SwitchToString([in] BSTR strToSwitchTo);
HRESULT Hook([in] IDABvrHook *notifier, [out, retval] IDABehavior **pBvr);
HRESULT Duration([in] double duration, [out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT DurationAnim([in] IDANumber *duration, [out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT Repeat([in] LONG count, [out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT RepeatForever([out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT IsReady([in] VARIANT_BOOL bBlock, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *b); }
// ==================================== // DABehavior object definition // ====================================
[helpstring("Bitflags for Modifiable Behaviors")] enum { DAContinueTimeline = (1L << 0), DASwitchFinal = (1L << 1), DASwitchNextTick = (1L << 2), };
[ uuid(9CADDC0C-AD56-11d1-9FF8-00C04FA32195), helpstring("DirectAnimation Behavior2"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Behavior : IDABehavior { HRESULT SwitchToEx([in] IDABehavior * newBvr, [in] DWORD dwFlags); HRESULT ApplyPreference([in] BSTR pref, [in] VARIANT val, [out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT ExtendedAttrib([in] BSTR arg1, [in] VARIANT arg2, [out, retval] IDABehavior **ppResult);
[helpstring("Bitflags for IDA2Image::ImageQuality")] typedef enum { DAQUAL_AA_TEXT_ON = (1L << 0), DAQUAL_AA_TEXT_OFF = (1L << 1), DAQUAL_AA_LINES_ON = (1L << 2), DAQUAL_AA_LINES_OFF = (1L << 3), DAQUAL_AA_SOLIDS_ON = (1L << 4), DAQUAL_AA_SOLIDS_OFF = (1L << 5), DAQUAL_AA_CLIP_ON = (1L << 6), DAQUAL_AA_CLIP_OFF = (1L << 7), DAQUAL_MSHTML_COLORS_ON = (1L << 8), DAQUAL_MSHTML_COLORS_OFF = (1L << 9), DAQUAL_QUALITY_TRANSFORMS_ON = (1L << 10), DAQUAL_QUALITY_TRANSFORMS_OFF = (1L << 11) } DA_IMAGE_QUALITY_FLAGS;
[helpstring("Bitflags for IDA2View::GetInvalidatedRects")] typedef enum { DAINVRECT_MERGE_BOXES = (1L << 0) } DA_INVALIDATED_RECTS_FLAGS;
[helpstring("Enum for IDA2LineStyle::DashStyle")]
[helpstring("Enum for IDA2LineStyle::EndStyle")]
[helpstring("Enum for IDA2LineStyle::JoinStyle")]
// ==================================== // IDAImport interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(FC54BEAA-5B12-11d1-8E7B-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Import Interface"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAImport : IDABehavior { HRESULT ImportStatus([out, retval] LONG * status);
HRESULT ImportCancel();
[propget, helpstring("The import priority")] HRESULT ImportPriority([out, retval] float * prio);
[propput] HRESULT ImportPriority([in] float prio); }
// ==================================== // IDAModifiableBehavior interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(FC54BEAB-5B12-11d1-8E7B-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Modifiable Behavior Interface"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAModifiableBehavior : IDABehavior { [propget, helpstring("The current behavior")] HRESULT CurrentBehavior([out, retval] IDABehavior ** bvr);
[propput] HRESULT CurrentBehavior([in] VARIANT val);
HRESULT SwitchToEx([in] IDABehavior * newBvr, [in] DWORD dwFlags); }
// // coclass for DABehavior objects //
[ uuid(283807B8-2C60-11d0-A31D-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation Behavior Object") ] coclass DABehavior { [default] interface IDABehavior; };
// ==================================== // IDAUntilNotifier interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(3F3DA01A-4705-11d0-8710-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Until Notify Callback"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAUntilNotifier : IDispatch { HRESULT Notify([in] IDABehavior * eventData, [in] IDABehavior * curRunningBvr, [in] IDAView * curView, [out, retval] IDABehavior ** ppBvr); }
// ==================================== // IDABvrHook interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(3E2487C4-8709-11d0-B177-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Bvr Callback"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDABvrHook : IUnknown { HRESULT Notify([in] LONG id, [in] VARIANT_BOOL startingPerformance, [in] double startTime, [in] double gTime, [in] double lTime, [in] IDABehavior * sampleVal, [in] IDABehavior * curRunningBvr, [out, retval] IDABehavior ** ppBvr); }
interface IDABoolean; interface IDACamera; interface IDAColor; interface IDAGeometry; interface IDAImage; interface IDAMatte; interface IDAMicrophone; interface IDAMontage; interface IDANumber; interface IDAPath2; interface IDAPoint2; interface IDAPoint3; interface IDASound; interface IDAString; interface IDATransform2; interface IDATransform3; interface IDAVector2; interface IDAVector3; interface IDAFontStyle; interface IDALineStyle; interface IDAEndStyle; interface IDAJoinStyle; interface IDADashStyle; interface IDABbox2; interface IDABbox3; interface IDAPair; interface IDAEvent; interface IDAArray; interface IDATuple; interface IDAUserData;
// ==================================== // IDABoolean interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BC0-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Boolean Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDABoolean : IDABehavior { HRESULT Extract ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDACamera interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BE1-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Camera Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDACamera : IDABehavior { HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform3 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Depth ([in] double depth_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ; HRESULT DepthAnim ([in] IDANumber * depth_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ; HRESULT DepthResolution ([in] double resolution_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ; HRESULT DepthResolutionAnim ([in] IDANumber * resolution_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAColor interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BC5-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Color Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAColor : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT Red ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Green ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Blue ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Hue ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Saturation ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Lightness ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; }
// ==================================== // IDAGeometry interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BDF-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Geometry Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAGeometry : IDABehavior { HRESULT RenderSound ([in] IDAMicrophone * mic_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Pickable ([out, retval] IDAPickableResult * * ret_0) ; HRESULT PickableOccluded ([out, retval] IDAPickableResult * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Undetectable ([out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_0) ; HRESULT EmissiveColor ([in] IDAColor * col_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT DiffuseColor ([in] IDAColor * col_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT SpecularColor ([in] IDAColor * col_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT SpecularExponent ([in] double power_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT SpecularExponentAnim ([in] IDANumber * power_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Texture ([in] IDAImage * texture_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Opacity ([in] double level_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT OpacityAnim ([in] IDANumber * level_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform3 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; [propget] HRESULT BoundingBox ([out, retval] IDABbox3 * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Render ([in] IDACamera * cam_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT LightColor ([in] IDAColor * color_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT LightAttenuationAnim ([in] IDANumber * constant_0, [in] IDANumber * linear_1, [in] IDANumber * quadratic_2, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_3) ; HRESULT LightAttenuation ([in] double constant_0, [in] double linear_1, [in] double quadratic_2, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_3) ; }
// ==================================== // IDAImage interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BD3-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Image Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAImage : IDABehavior { HRESULT Pickable ([out, retval] IDAPickableResult * * ret_0) ; HRESULT PickableOccluded ([out, retval] IDAPickableResult * * ret_0) ; HRESULT ApplyBitmapEffect ([in] IUnknown * effectToApply_0, [in] IDAEvent * firesWhenChanged_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ; [propget] HRESULT BoundingBox ([out, retval] IDABbox2 * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Crop ([in] IDAPoint2 * min_0, [in] IDAPoint2 * max_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ; HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform2 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT OpacityAnim ([in] IDANumber * opacity_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Opacity ([in] double opacity_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Undetectable ([out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Tile ([out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Clip ([in] IDAMatte * m_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT MapToUnitSquare ([out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_0) ; [restricted] HRESULT ClipPolygonImageEx ([in] LONG points_0size, [in,size_is(points_0size)] IDAPoint2 * points_0[], [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT ClipPolygonImage ([in] VARIANT points_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAMatte interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BD1-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Matte Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAMatte : IDABehavior { HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform2 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAMicrophone interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BE5-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Microphone Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAMicrophone : IDABehavior { HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform3 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAMicrophone * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAMontage interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BD5-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Montage Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAMontage : IDABehavior { HRESULT Render ([out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDANumber interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(9CDE7340-3C20-11d0-A330-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation Number Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDANumber : IDABehavior { HRESULT Extract ([out, retval] double * ret_0) ; HRESULT AnimateProperty ([in] BSTR propertyPath_0, [in] BSTR scriptingLanguage_1, [in] VARIANT_BOOL invokeAsMethod_2, [in] double minUpdateInterval_3, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_4) ; HRESULT ToStringAnim ([in] IDANumber * precision_0, [out, retval] IDAString * * ret_1) ; HRESULT ToString ([in] double precision_0, [out, retval] IDAString * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAPath2 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BCF-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Path2 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAPath2 : IDABehavior { HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform2 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT BoundingBox ([in] IDALineStyle * style_0, [out, retval] IDABbox2 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Fill ([in] IDALineStyle * border_0, [in] IDAImage * fill_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ; HRESULT Draw ([in] IDALineStyle * border_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Close ([out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDAPoint2 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BC7-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Point2 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAPoint2 : IDABehavior { HRESULT AnimateControlPosition ([in] BSTR propertyPath_0, [in] BSTR scriptingLanguage_1, [in] VARIANT_BOOL invokeAsMethod_2, [in] double minUpdateInterval_3, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_4) ; HRESULT AnimateControlPositionPixel ([in] BSTR propertyPath_0, [in] BSTR scriptingLanguage_1, [in] VARIANT_BOOL invokeAsMethod_2, [in] double minUpdateInterval_3, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_4) ; [propget] HRESULT X ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Y ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT PolarCoordAngle ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT PolarCoordLength ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform2 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAPoint3 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BD7-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Point3 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAPoint3 : IDABehavior { HRESULT Project ([in] IDACamera * cam_0, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_1) ; [propget] HRESULT X ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Y ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Z ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT SphericalCoordXYAngle ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT SphericalCoordYZAngle ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT SphericalCoordLength ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform3 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDASound interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BE3-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Sound Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDASound : IDABehavior { HRESULT PhaseAnim ([in] IDANumber * phaseAmt_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Phase ([in] double phaseAmt_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT RateAnim ([in] IDANumber * pitchShift_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Rate ([in] double pitchShift_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT PanAnim ([in] IDANumber * panAmt_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Pan ([in] double panAmt_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT GainAnim ([in] IDANumber * gainAmt_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Gain ([in] double gainAmt_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Loop ([out, retval] IDASound * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDAString interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BC3-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation String Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAString : IDABehavior { HRESULT Extract ([out, retval] BSTR * ret_0) ; HRESULT AnimateProperty ([in] BSTR propertyPath_0, [in] BSTR scriptingLanguage_1, [in] VARIANT_BOOL invokeAsMethod_2, [in] double minUpdateInterval_3, [out, retval] IDAString * * ret_4) ;
// ==================================== // IDATransform2 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BCB-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Transform2 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDATransform2 : IDABehavior { HRESULT Inverse ([out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT IsSingular ([out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDATransform3 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BDB-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Transform3 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDATransform3 : IDABehavior { HRESULT Inverse ([out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT IsSingular ([out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_0) ; HRESULT ParallelTransform2 ([out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDAVector2 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BC9-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Vector2 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAVector2 : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT Length ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT LengthSquared ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Normalize ([out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_0) ; HRESULT MulAnim ([in] IDANumber * scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Mul ([in] double scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT DivAnim ([in] IDANumber * scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Div ([in] double scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ; [propget] HRESULT X ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Y ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT PolarCoordAngle ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT PolarCoordLength ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform2 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAVector3 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BD9-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Vector3 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAVector3 : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT Length ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT LengthSquared ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Normalize ([out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_0) ; HRESULT MulAnim ([in] IDANumber * scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Mul ([in] double scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT DivAnim ([in] IDANumber * scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Div ([in] double scalar_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ; [propget] HRESULT X ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Y ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Z ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT SphericalCoordXYAngle ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT SphericalCoordYZAngle ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT SphericalCoordLength ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Transform ([in] IDATransform3 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAFontStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(25B0F91D-D23D-11d0-9B85-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation FontStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAFontStyle : IDABehavior { HRESULT Bold ([out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Italic ([out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Underline ([out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Strikethrough ([out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_0) ; HRESULT AntiAliasing ([in] double aaStyle_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Color ([in] IDAColor * col_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT FamilyAnim ([in] IDAString * face_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Family ([in] BSTR face_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT SizeAnim ([in] IDANumber * size_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Size ([in] double size_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Weight ([in] double weight_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT WeightAnim ([in] IDANumber * weight_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDALineStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BF1-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation LineStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDALineStyle : IDABehavior { HRESULT End ([in] IDAEndStyle * obsolete_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * obsolete_1) ; HRESULT Join ([in] IDAJoinStyle * obsolete_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * obsolete_1) ; HRESULT Dash ([in] IDADashStyle * obsolete_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * obsolete_1) ; HRESULT WidthAnim ([in] IDANumber * sty_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT width ([in] double sty_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT AntiAliasing ([in] double aaStyle_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Detail ([out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_0) ; HRESULT Color ([in] IDAColor * clr_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDAEndStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BEB-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation EndStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAEndStyle : IDABehavior {
// ==================================== // IDAJoinStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BED-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation JoinStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAJoinStyle : IDABehavior {
// ==================================== // IDADashStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BEF-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation DashStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDADashStyle : IDABehavior {
// ==================================== // IDABbox2 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BCD-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Bbox2 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDABbox2 : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT Min ([out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Max ([out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDABbox3 interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BDD-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Bbox3 Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDABbox3 : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT Min ([out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Max ([out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDAPair interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(C46C1BF3-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Pair Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAPair : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT First ([out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_0) ; [propget] HRESULT Second ([out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDAEvent interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(50B4791E-4731-11d0-8912-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Event Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAEvent : IDABehavior { HRESULT Notify ([in] IDAUntilNotifier * notifier_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Snapshot ([in] IDABehavior * b_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ; HRESULT AttachData ([in] IDABehavior * data_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ; HRESULT ScriptCallback ([in] BSTR scriptlet_0, [in] BSTR language_1, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_2) ;
// ==================================== // IDAArray interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(D17506C2-6B26-11d0-8914-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Array Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAArray : IDABehavior { HRESULT NthAnim ([in] IDANumber * index_0, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_1) ; HRESULT Length ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDATuple interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(5DFB2650-9668-11d0-B17B-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Tuple Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDATuple : IDABehavior { HRESULT Nth ([in] long index_0, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_1) ; [propget] HRESULT Length ([out, retval] long * ret_0) ;
// ==================================== // IDAUserData interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(AF868305-AB0B-11d0-876A-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Userdata Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAUserData : IDABehavior { [propget] HRESULT Data ([out, retval] IUnknown * * ret_0) ;
interface IDA2Geometry; interface IDA2Image; interface IDA2FontStyle; interface IDA2LineStyle; interface IDA2Event; interface IDA2Array; interface IDA2Color;
// ==================================== // IDA2Geometry interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(B90E5258-574A-11d1-8E7B-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Geometry Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Geometry : IDAGeometry { HRESULT AddPickData ([in] IUnknown * id_0, [in] VARIANT_BOOL ignoresOcclusion_1, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_2) ; HRESULT Shadow ([in] IDAGeometry * geoContainingLights_0, [in] IDAPoint3 * planePoint_1, [in] IDAVector3 * planeNormal_2, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_3) ; HRESULT LightRangeAnim ([in] IDANumber * range_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT LightRange ([in] double range_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT BlendTextureDiffuse ([in] IDABoolean * blended_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT AmbientColor ([in] IDAColor * color_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT D3DRMTexture ([in] IUnknown * rmTex_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT ModelClip ([in] IDAPoint3 * planePt_0, [in] IDAVector3 * planeVec_1, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_2) ; HRESULT Lighting ([in] IDABoolean * lighting_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; HRESULT TextureImage ([in] IDAImage * texture_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ; }
// ==================================== // IDA3Geometry Interface Definition // ====================================
[ uuid (EB5093C7-56F9-11d2-88CE-00C04FA35859), helpstring("DirectAnimation Geometry Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA3Geometry : IDA2Geometry { HRESULT Billboard ([in] IDAVector3 *axis_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry **ret_1); }
// ==================================== // IDA2Image interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(B90E5259-574A-11d1-8E7B-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Image Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Image : IDAImage { HRESULT AddPickData ([in] IUnknown * id_0, [in] VARIANT_BOOL ignoresOcclusion_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ; HRESULT RenderResolution ([in] long width_0, [in] long height_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ; HRESULT ImageQuality ([in] DWORD dwQualityFlags_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; HRESULT ColorKey ([in] IDAColor * colorKey_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDA3Image interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(AD083DBB-5817-11d2-ABA1-00C04FD92B6B), helpstring("DirectAnimation Image Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA3Image : IDA2Image { HRESULT TransformColorRGB ([in] IDATransform3 * xf_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ; }
// ==================================== // IDA2FontStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(960D8EFF-E494-11d1-AB75-00C04FD92B6B), helpstring("DirectAnimation FontStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2FontStyle : IDAFontStyle { HRESULT TransformCharacters ([in] IDATransform2 * transform_0, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDA2LineStyle interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(5F00F545-DF18-11d1-AB6F-00C04FD92B6B), helpstring("DirectAnimation LineStyle Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2LineStyle : IDALineStyle { HRESULT DashStyle ([in] DWORD ds_enum_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT MiterLimit ([in] double mtrlim_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT MiterLimitAnim ([in] IDANumber * mtrlim_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT JoinStyle ([in] DWORD js_enum_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ; HRESULT EndStyle ([in] DWORD es_enum_0, [out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDA2Event interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(B90E525A-574A-11d1-8E7B-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Event Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Event : IDAEvent { HRESULT NotifyScript ([in] BSTR scriptlet_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
// ==================================== // IDA2Array interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(2A8F0B06-BE2B-11d1-B219-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Array Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Array : IDAArray { HRESULT AddElement ([in] IDABehavior * b_0, [in] DWORD flag_1, [out, retval] long * ret_2) ; HRESULT RemoveElement ([in] long i_0) ; }
// ==================================== // IDA3Array interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(3089d9a0-4ce1-11d2-933e-00a0c9b72d4d), helpstring("DirectAnimation Array3"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA3Array : IDA2Array { HRESULT SetElement([in] LONG index, [in] IDABehavior * b, [in] LONG flag) ; HRESULT GetElement([in] LONG index, [out, retval] IDABehavior **ret); }
// ==================================== // IDA2Color interface definition // ====================================
[ uuid(28A4B924-61FE-11d2-A740-00C04F79754C), helpstring("DirectAnimation Color Behavior"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Color : IDAColor { HRESULT AnimateProperty ([in] BSTR propertyPath_0, [in] BSTR scriptingLanguage_1, [in] VARIANT_BOOL invokeAsMethod_2, [in] double minUpdateInterval_3, [out, retval] IDA2Color * * ret_4) ; }
// ==================================== // DAView object definition // ====================================
[ uuid(283807B3-2C60-11d0-A31D-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation View Site interface"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAViewSite : IDispatch { HRESULT SetStatusText([in] BSTR StatusText); }
[ uuid(69B5BC70-9B19-11d0-9B60-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation View Preferences"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAPreferences : IDispatch { HRESULT PutPreference([in] BSTR preferenceName, [in] VARIANT value); HRESULT GetPreference([in] BSTR preferenceName, [out, retval] VARIANT *value);
// Propagate the preferences down to the view they hang off // of. Note that not all preferences can be propagated // successfully at all times. HRESULT Propagate(); }
[ uuid(283807B4-2C60-11d0-A31D-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation View"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ]
interface IDAView : IDispatch {
// SetSimulation time sets the time for subsequent rendering [propget, helpstring("The current simulation time.")] HRESULT SimulationTime([out, retval] double * simTime);
HRESULT Tick([in] double simTime, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *needToRender);
// This method Render to the given target HRESULT Render();
// Add behavior that's not part of the model or notifier // return to the run list, the view/notifier will retrieve the // bvrs and run them. The id is used to remove it from the // view. Note can't use bvr for id purpose. HRESULT AddBvrToRun([in] IDABehavior *bvr, [out, retval] LONG *pId);
HRESULT RemoveRunningBvr([in] LONG id);
HRESULT StartModel([in] IDAImage * pImage, [in] IDASound * pSound, [in] double startTime);
HRESULT StopModel();
[propget, helpstring("The window to display the view in.")] HRESULT Window([out,retval] long * hwnd);
[propput] HRESULT Window([in] long hwnd);
[propget, helpstring("The DirectDraw Surface to display the view in.")] HRESULT IDirectDrawSurface([out,retval] IUnknown **ddsurf);
[propput] HRESULT IDirectDrawSurface([in] IUnknown *ddsurf);
[propget, helpstring("The HDC to display the view in.")] HRESULT DC([out,retval] HDC *dc);
[propput] HRESULT DC([in] HDC dc);
[propget, helpstring("Composition mode: compose to backbuffer or directly to target")] HRESULT CompositeDirectlyToTarget([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *composeToTarget);
[propput] HRESULT CompositeDirectlyToTarget([in] VARIANT_BOOL composeToTarget);
HRESULT SetViewport([in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] LONG w, [in] LONG h);
HRESULT SetClipRect([in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] LONG w, [in] LONG h);
HRESULT RePaint([in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] LONG w, [in] LONG h);
HRESULT PaletteChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL bNew);
[propget] HRESULT Site([out,retval] IDAViewSite ** pViewSite);
[propput] HRESULT Site([in] IDAViewSite * pViewSite);
[propput] HRESULT ClientSite([in] IOleClientSite * pClientSite);
[propget] HRESULT ClientSite([out,retval] IOleClientSite ** pClientSite);
HRESULT OnMouseMove([in] double when, [in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] BYTE modifiers);
HRESULT OnMouseButton([in] double when, [in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] BYTE button, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bPressed, [in] BYTE modifiers);
HRESULT OnKey([in] double when, [in] LONG key, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bPressed, [in] BYTE modifiers);
HRESULT OnFocus([in] VARIANT_BOOL bHasFocus);
[propget] HRESULT Preferences([out, retval] IDAPreferences **prefs);
// Just like IViewObjectEx::QueryHitPoint HRESULT QueryHitPoint([in] DWORD dwAspect, [in] LPCRECT prcBounds, [in] POINT ptLoc, [in] LONG lCloseHint, [out, retval] DWORD *pHitResult); }
[helpstring("Bitflags for StartModelEx")] enum { DAAsyncFlag = 0x00000001 };
[ uuid(2AE71568-4B34-11d1-B1E3-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation View2"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ]
interface IDA2View : IDAView { [restricted] HRESULT QueryHitPointEx([in] LONG s, [size_is(s)] DWORD_PTR *cookies, [size_is(s * 5)] double *points, [in] LPCRECT prcBounds, [in] POINT ptLoc, [out, retval] LONG *hits);
HRESULT StartModelEx([in] IDAImage * pImage, [in] IDASound * pSound, [in] double startTime, [in] DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT GetDDD3DRM([out] IUnknown **directDraw, [out] IUnknown **d3drm);
HRESULT GetRMDevice([out] IUnknown **d3drmDevice, [out] DWORD *sequenceNumber);
[restricted] HRESULT GetInvalidatedRects([in] DWORD flags, [in] LONG s, [size_is(s)] RECT *pRects, [out, retval] LONG *pNumRects); }
// ==================================== // IDA3View Interface // ====================================
[ uuid(d5570790-57e2-11d2-933f-00a0c9b72d4d), helpstring("DirectAnimation View3"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ]
interface IDA3View : IDA2View { HRESULT Pause(); HRESULT Resume(); HRESULT OnMouseLeave([in] double when); [propget, helpstring("The window to display the view in.")] HRESULT Window2([out,retval] HWND * hwnd);
[propput] HRESULT Window2([in] HWND hwnd); }
[ uuid(89131312-7806-11d2-8BEE-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring ("DirectAnimation View Object Events") ] dispinterface _IDAViewEvents { properties: methods: [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_START)] void Start(); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_STOP)] void Stop(); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_ONMOUSEMOVE)] void OnMouseMove([in] double when, [in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] int modifiers); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_ONMOUSEBUTTON)] void OnMouseButton([in] double when, [in] LONG xPos, [in] LONG yPos, [in] int button, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bPressed, [in] int modifiers); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_ONKEY)] void OnKey([in] double when, [in] LONG key, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bPressed, [in] int modifiers); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_ONFOCUS)] void OnFocus([in] VARIANT_BOOL bHasFocus); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_PAUSE)] void Pause(); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_RESUME)] void Resume(); [id(DISPID_VIEWEVENT_ERROR)] void Error([in] long HResult, [in] BSTR ErrorString); };
// // coclass for DAView objects. //
[ uuid(283807B5-2C60-11d0-A31D-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation View Object") ] coclass DAView { [default] interface IDA3View; [default, source] dispinterface _IDAViewEvents; };
typedef enum {DAEmpty = 0, DASolid = 1, DADash = 2} DA_DASH_STYLE; typedef enum {DAEndFlat = 0, DAEndSquare = 1, DAEndRound = 2} DA_END_STYLE; typedef enum {DAJoinBevel = 0, DAJoinRound = 1, DAJoinMiter = 2} DA_JOIN_STYLE;
// ==================================== // DADrawingSurface object definition // ==================================== [ uuid(BC0BFD34-D21D-11d0-9385-00C04FB6BD36), helpstring("DirectAnimation DrawingSurface interface"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ]
interface IDADrawingSurface : IDispatch { [propget] HRESULT Image([out,retval] IDAImage ** img);
[propput] HRESULT LineStyle([in] IDALineStyle *ls);
[propput] HRESULT BorderStyle([in] IDALineStyle *bs);
[propput] HRESULT FontStyle([in] IDAFontStyle *fs);
[propput] HRESULT ClipMatte([in] IDAMatte *matte);
[propput] HRESULT MouseEventsEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL on);
[propput] HRESULT HatchFillTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL fillOff);
[propget] HRESULT LocalContextImage([out,retval] IDAImage ** img);
HRESULT Reset();
HRESULT Clear();
HRESULT SaveGraphicsState();
HRESULT RestoreGraphicsState();
HRESULT Opacity([in] double opac);
HRESULT OpacityAnim([in] IDANumber *opac);
HRESULT Crop([in] double lowerLeftX, [in] double lowerLeftY, [in] double upperRightX, [in] double upperRightY);
HRESULT CropPoints([in] IDAPoint2 *min, [in] IDAPoint2 *max);
HRESULT Transform([in] IDATransform2 *xform);
HRESULT LineColor([in] IDAColor *clr);
HRESULT LineWidth([in] double w);
HRESULT LineDashStyle([in] DA_DASH_STYLE id);
HRESULT LineEndStyle([in] DA_END_STYLE id);
HRESULT LineJoinStyle([in] DA_JOIN_STYLE id);
HRESULT BorderColor([in] IDAColor *clr);
HRESULT BorderWidth([in] double w);
HRESULT BorderDashStyle([in] DA_DASH_STYLE id);
HRESULT BorderEndStyle([in] DA_END_STYLE obsolete);
HRESULT BorderJoinStyle([in] DA_JOIN_STYLE id);
HRESULT Font([in] BSTR FontFace, [in] LONG sizeInPoints, [in] VARIANT_BOOL Bold, [in] VARIANT_BOOL italic, [in] VARIANT_BOOL underline, [in] VARIANT_BOOL strikethrough);
HRESULT TextureFill([in] IDAImage *obsolete1, [in] double obsolete2, [in] double obsolete3);
HRESULT ImageFill([in] IDAImage *obsolete1, [in] double obsolete2, [in] double obsolete3);
HRESULT FillTexture([in] IDAImage *img);
HRESULT FillImage([in] IDAImage *img);
HRESULT FillStyle([in] int ID);
HRESULT FillColor([in] IDAColor *foreground);
HRESULT SecondaryFillColor([in] IDAColor *val);
HRESULT GradientShape([in] VARIANT pts);
HRESULT GradientExtent([in] double startx, [in] double starty, [in] double finishx, [in] double finishy);
HRESULT GradientExtentPoints([in] IDAPoint2 *startColor, [in] IDAPoint2 *stopColor);
HRESULT GradientRolloffPower([in] double power);
HRESULT GradientRolloffPowerAnim([in] IDANumber *power);
HRESULT FixedFillScale(); HRESULT HorizontalFillScale(); HRESULT VerticalFillScale(); HRESULT AutoSizeFillScale();
[restricted] HRESULT PolylineEx([in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDAPoint2 *pts[]); HRESULT Polyline([in] VARIANT v);
[restricted] HRESULT PolygonEx([in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDAPoint2 *pts[]);
HRESULT Polygon([in] VARIANT v);
HRESULT LinePoints([in] IDAPoint2 *p1, [in] IDAPoint2 *p2);
HRESULT Line([in] double startX, [in] double startY, [in] double endX, [in] double endY);
HRESULT ArcRadians([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double startAngle, [in] double endAngle, [in] double arcWidth, [in] double arcHeight);
HRESULT ArcDegrees([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double startAngle, [in] double endAngle, [in] double arcWidth, [in] double arcHeight);
HRESULT Oval([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double w, [in] double h);
HRESULT Rect([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double w, [in] double h);
HRESULT RoundRect([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double w, [in] double h, [in] double arcWidth, [in] double arcHeight);
HRESULT PieRadians([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double startAngle, [in] double endAngle, [in] double arcWidth, [in] double arcHeight);
HRESULT PieDegrees([in] double xPos, [in] double yPos, [in] double startAngle, [in] double endAngle, [in] double arcWidth, [in] double arcHeight);
HRESULT Text([in] BSTR str, [in] double xPos, [in] double yPos);
HRESULT TextPoint([in] BSTR str, [in] IDAPoint2 *point);
HRESULT FillPath([in] IDAPath2 *path);
HRESULT DrawPath([in] IDAPath2 *path);
HRESULT OverlayImage([in] IDAImage *img); }
[ uuid(45393DF0-54B9-11cf-92A2-00AA00B8A733), helpstring("DirectAnimation Site interface"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDASite : IDispatch { HRESULT SetStatusText([in] BSTR StatusText); HRESULT ReportError([in] HRESULT hr, [in] BSTR ErrorText); HRESULT ReportGC([in] VARIANT_BOOL bStarting); }
[ uuid(4A933702-E36F-11d0-9B99-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation Importation Result"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAImportationResult : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Image from import")] HRESULT Image([out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage);
[propget, helpstring("Sound from import")] HRESULT Sound([out, retval] IDASound **ppSound);
[propget, helpstring("Geometry from import")] HRESULT Geometry([out, retval] IDAGeometry **ppGeometry);
[propget, helpstring("Media duration in seconds")] HRESULT Duration([out, retval] IDANumber **ppDuration);
[propget, helpstring("Event that fires on download completion")] HRESULT CompletionEvent([out, retval] IDAEvent **ppCompletionEvent);
[propget, helpstring("Percentage progress (from 0 to 1).")] HRESULT Progress([out, retval] IDANumber **ppProgress);
[propget, helpstring("Media size in bytes")] HRESULT Size([out, retval] IDANumber **ppSizeInBytes); }
[ uuid(BACD4D86-4A4F-11d1-9BC8-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation DXTransform Application Result"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDADXTransformResult : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Resulting geometry")] HRESULT OutputBvr([out, retval] IDABehavior **ppOutputBvr);
[propget, helpstring("IDispatch of the IDXTransform")] HRESULT TheTransform([out, retval] IDispatch **ppTheTransform);
[helpstring("Attach a behavior to a property of the transform.")] HRESULT PutBvrAsProperty([in] BSTR property, [in] IDABehavior *bvr);
[ uuid(4A933703-E36F-11d0-9B99-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation Pickable Structure"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, dual ] interface IDAPickableResult : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("The pickable image")] HRESULT Image([out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage);
[propget, helpstring("The pickable geometry")] HRESULT Geometry([out, retval] IDAGeometry **ppGeometry);
[propget, helpstring("Event that fires upon picking")] HRESULT PickEvent([out, retval] IDAEvent **ppPickEvent); }
[ uuid(542FB452-5003-11cf-92A2-00AA00B8A733), helpstring("DirectAnimation Statics"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDAStatics : IDispatch { [propget] HRESULT VersionString([out, retval] BSTR *str);
[propget] HRESULT Site([out,retval] IDASite ** pSite);
[propput] HRESULT Site([in] IDASite * pSite);
[propput] HRESULT ClientSite([in] IOleClientSite * pClientSite);
[propget] HRESULT ClientSite([out,retval] IOleClientSite ** pClientSite);
[propput] HRESULT PixelConstructionMode([in] VARIANT_BOOL bMode);
[propget] HRESULT PixelConstructionMode([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL * bMode);
HRESULT TriggerEvent([in] IDAEvent *event, [in] IDABehavior *data);
HRESULT NewDrawingSurface([out,retval] IDADrawingSurface ** pds); // Media importation
HRESULT ImportMovie([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult); HRESULT ImportMovieAsync([in] BSTR url, [in] IDAImage *pImageStandIn, [in] IDASound *pSoundStandIn, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportImage([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage); HRESULT ImportImageAsync([in] BSTR url, [in] IDAImage *pImageStandIn, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportImageColorKey([in] BSTR url, [in] BYTE colorKeyRed, [in] BYTE colorKeyGreen, [in] BYTE colorKeyBlue, [out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage); HRESULT ImportImageAsyncColorKey([in] BSTR url, [in] IDAImage *pImageStandIn, [in] BYTE colorKeyRed, [in] BYTE colorKeyGreen, [in] BYTE colorKeyBlue, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportSound([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult); HRESULT ImportSoundAsync([in] BSTR url, [in] IDASound *pSoundStandIn, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportGeometry([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] IDAGeometry **ppGeometry);
HRESULT ImportGeometryAsync([in] BSTR url, [in] IDAGeometry *pGeoStandIn, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportDirectDrawSurface([in] IUnknown *dds, [in] IDAEvent *updateEvent, [out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage);
HRESULT Cond([in] IDABoolean *c, [in] IDABehavior *i, [in] IDABehavior *e, [out, retval] IDABehavior **pCondBvr);
[restricted] HRESULT DAArrayEx([in] LONG s, [in, size_is(s)] IDABehavior *pBvrs[], [out, retval] IDAArray **bvr);
HRESULT DAArray([in] VARIANT bvrs, [out, retval] IDAArray **bvr);
[restricted] HRESULT DATupleEx([in] LONG s, [in, size_is(s)] IDABehavior *pBvrs[], [out, retval] IDATuple **bvr);
HRESULT DATuple([in] VARIANT bvrs, [out, retval] IDATuple **bvr);
HRESULT ModifiableBehavior([in] IDABehavior *orig, [out, retval] IDABehavior **bvr);
HRESULT UninitializedArray([in] IDAArray *typeTmp, [out, retval] IDAArray **bvr);
HRESULT UninitializedTuple([in] IDATuple *typeTmp, [out, retval] IDATuple **bvr);
[restricted] HRESULT NumberBSplineEx([in] int degree, [in] LONG numKnots, [in, size_is(numKnots)] IDANumber *knots[], [in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDANumber *ctrlPts[], [in] LONG numWts, [in, size_is(numWts)] IDANumber *weights[], [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDANumber **bvr);
HRESULT NumberBSpline([in] int degree, [in] VARIANT knots, [in] VARIANT CtrlPts, [in] VARIANT weights, [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDANumber **bvr);
[restricted] HRESULT Point2BSplineEx([in] int degree, [in] LONG numKnots, [in, size_is(numKnots)] IDANumber *knots[], [in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDAPoint2 *ctrlPts[], [in] LONG numWts, [in, size_is(numWts)] IDANumber *weights[], [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 **bvr);
HRESULT Point2BSpline([in] int degree, [in] VARIANT knots, [in] VARIANT CtrlPts, [in] VARIANT weights, [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 **bvr);
[restricted] HRESULT Point3BSplineEx([in] int degree, [in] LONG numKnots, [in, size_is(numKnots)] IDANumber *knots[], [in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDAPoint3 *ctrlPts[], [in] LONG numWts, [in, size_is(numWts)] IDANumber *weights[], [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 **bvr);
HRESULT Point3BSpline([in] int degree, [in] VARIANT knots, [in] VARIANT CtrlPts, [in] VARIANT weights, [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 **bvr);
[restricted] HRESULT Vector2BSplineEx([in] int degree, [in] LONG numKnots, [in, size_is(numKnots)] IDANumber *knots[], [in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDAVector2 *ctrlPts[], [in] LONG numWts, [in, size_is(numWts)] IDANumber *weights[], [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAVector2 **bvr);
HRESULT Vector2BSpline([in] int degree, [in] VARIANT knots, [in] VARIANT CtrlPts, [in] VARIANT weights, [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAVector2 **bvr);
[restricted] HRESULT Vector3BSplineEx([in] int degree, [in] LONG numKnots, [in, size_is(numKnots)] IDANumber *knots[], [in] LONG numPts, [in, size_is(numPts)] IDAVector3 *ctrlPts[], [in] LONG numWts, [in, size_is(numWts)] IDANumber *weights[], [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAVector3 **bvr);
HRESULT Vector3BSpline([in] int degree, [in] VARIANT knots, [in] VARIANT CtrlPts, [in] VARIANT weights, [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDAVector3 **bvr);
HRESULT Pow ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Abs ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Sqrt ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Floor ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Round ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Ceiling ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Asin ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Acos ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Atan ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Sin ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Cos ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Tan ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Exp ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Ln ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Log10 ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT ToDegrees ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT ToRadians ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Mod ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Atan2 ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Add ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Sub ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Mul ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Div ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT LT ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT LTE ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT GT ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT GTE ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT EQ ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT NE ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Neg ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT InterpolateAnim ([in] IDANumber * from_0, [in] IDANumber * to_1, [in] IDANumber * duration_2, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Interpolate ([in] double from_0, [in] double to_1, [in] double duration_2, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT SlowInSlowOutAnim ([in] IDANumber * from_0, [in] IDANumber * to_1, [in] IDANumber * duration_2, [in] IDANumber * sharpness_3, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT SlowInSlowOut ([in] double from_0, [in] double to_1, [in] double duration_2, [in] double sharpness_3, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT SoundSource ([in] IDASound * snd_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Mix ([in] IDASound * left_0, [in] IDASound * right_1, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT And ([in] IDABoolean * a_0, [in] IDABoolean * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Or ([in] IDABoolean * a_0, [in] IDABoolean * b_1, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Not ([in] IDABoolean * a_0, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Integral ([in] IDANumber * b_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Derivative ([in] IDANumber * b_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT IntegralVector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT IntegralVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DerivativeVector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DerivativeVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DerivativePoint2 ([in] IDAPoint2 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DerivativePoint3 ([in] IDAPoint3 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT KeyState ([in] IDANumber * n_0, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT KeyUp ([in] LONG arg_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT KeyDown ([in] LONG arg_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DANumber ([in] double num_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DAString ([in] BSTR str_0, [out, retval] IDAString * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT DABoolean ([in] VARIANT_BOOL num_0, [out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT SeededRandom ([in] double arg_0, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_1) ;
[propget] HRESULT MousePosition ([out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT LeftButtonState ([out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT RightButtonState ([out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DATrue ([out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DAFalse ([out, retval] IDABoolean * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT LocalTime ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT GlobalTime ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Pixel ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT UserData ([in] IUnknown * data_0, [out, retval] IDAUserData * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT UntilNotify ([in] IDABehavior * b0_0, [in] IDAEvent * event_1, [in] IDAUntilNotifier * notifier_2, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Until ([in] IDABehavior * b0_0, [in] IDAEvent * event_1, [in] IDABehavior * b1_2, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT UntilEx ([in] IDABehavior * b0_0, [in] IDAEvent * event_1, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Sequence ([in] IDABehavior * s1_0, [in] IDABehavior * s2_1, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPath ([in] IDAPath2 * path_0, [in] double duration_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAngle ([in] IDAPath2 * path_0, [in] double duration_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAngleUpright ([in] IDAPath2 * path_0, [in] double duration_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathEval ([in] IDAPath2 * path_0, [in] IDANumber * eval_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAngleEval ([in] IDAPath2 * path_0, [in] IDANumber * eval_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAngleUprightEval ([in] IDAPath2 * path_0, [in] IDANumber * eval_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAnim ([in] IDAPath2 * obsoleted1_0, [in] IDANumber * obsoleted2_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAngleAnim ([in] IDAPath2 * obsoleted1_0, [in] IDANumber * obsoleted2_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FollowPathAngleUprightAnim ([in] IDAPath2 * obsoleted1_0, [in] IDANumber * obsoleted2_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ConcatString ([in] IDAString * s1_0, [in] IDAString * s2_1, [out, retval] IDAString * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT PerspectiveCamera ([in] double focalDist_0, [in] double nearClip_1, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT PerspectiveCameraAnim ([in] IDANumber * focalDist_0, [in] IDANumber * nearClip_1, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ParallelCamera ([in] double nearClip_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT ParallelCameraAnim ([in] IDANumber * nearClip_0, [out, retval] IDACamera * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT ColorRgbAnim ([in] IDANumber * red_0, [in] IDANumber * green_1, [in] IDANumber * blue_2, [out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT ColorRgb ([in] double red_0, [in] double green_1, [in] double blue_2, [out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT ColorRgb255 ([in] short red_0, [in] short green_1, [in] short blue_2, [out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT ColorHsl ([in] double hue_0, [in] double saturation_1, [in] double lum_2, [out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT ColorHslAnim ([in] IDANumber * hue_0, [in] IDANumber * saturation_1, [in] IDANumber * lum_2, [out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_3) ;
[propget] HRESULT Red ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Green ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Blue ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Cyan ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Magenta ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Yellow ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Black ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT White ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Aqua ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Fuchsia ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Gray ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Lime ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Maroon ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Navy ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Olive ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Purple ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Silver ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Teal ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT Predicate ([in] IDABoolean * b_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT NotEvent ([in] IDAEvent * event_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT AndEvent ([in] IDAEvent * e1_0, [in] IDAEvent * e2_1, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT OrEvent ([in] IDAEvent * e1_0, [in] IDAEvent * e2_1, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ThenEvent ([in] IDAEvent * e1_0, [in] IDAEvent * e2_1, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT LeftButtonDown ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT LeftButtonUp ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT RightButtonDown ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT RightButtonUp ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Always ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Never ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT TimerAnim ([in] IDANumber * n_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Timer ([in] double n_0, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT AppTriggeredEvent ([out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT ScriptCallback ([in] BSTR obsolete1_0, [in] IDAEvent * obsolete2_1, [in] BSTR obsolete3_2, [out, retval] IDAEvent * * ret_3) ;
[propget] HRESULT EmptyGeometry ([out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT UnionGeometry ([in] IDAGeometry * g1_0, [in] IDAGeometry * g2_1, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT UnionGeometryArrayEx ([in] LONG imgs_0size, [in,size_is(imgs_0size)] IDAGeometry * imgs_0[], [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT UnionGeometryArray ([in] VARIANT imgs_0, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_1) ;
[propget] HRESULT EmptyImage ([out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DetectableEmptyImage ([out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT SolidColorImage ([in] IDAColor * col_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ;
[restricted] HRESULT GradientPolygonEx ([in] LONG points_0size, [in,size_is(points_0size)] IDAPoint2 * points_0[], [in] LONG colors_1size, [in,size_is(colors_1size)] IDAColor * colors_1[], [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT GradientPolygon ([in] VARIANT points_0, [in] VARIANT colors_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT RadialGradientPolygonEx ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] LONG points_2size, [in,size_is(points_2size)] IDAPoint2 * points_2[], [in] double fallOff_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT RadialGradientPolygon ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] VARIANT points_2, [in] double fallOff_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
[restricted] HRESULT RadialGradientPolygonAnimEx ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] LONG points_2size, [in,size_is(points_2size)] IDAPoint2 * points_2[], [in] IDANumber * fallOff_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT RadialGradientPolygonAnim ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] VARIANT points_2, [in] IDANumber * fallOff_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT GradientSquare ([in] IDAColor * lowerLeft_0, [in] IDAColor * upperLeft_1, [in] IDAColor * upperRight_2, [in] IDAColor * lowerRight_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT RadialGradientSquare ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] double fallOff_2, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT RadialGradientSquareAnim ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] IDANumber * fallOff_2, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT RadialGradientRegularPoly ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] double numEdges_2, [in] double fallOff_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT RadialGradientRegularPolyAnim ([in] IDAColor * inner_0, [in] IDAColor * outer_1, [in] IDANumber * numEdges_2, [in] IDANumber * fallOff_3, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT GradientHorizontal ([in] IDAColor * start_0, [in] IDAColor * stop_1, [in] double fallOff_2, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT GradientHorizontalAnim ([in] IDAColor * start_0, [in] IDAColor * stop_1, [in] IDANumber * fallOff_2, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT HatchHorizontal ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] double spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchHorizontalAnim ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] IDANumber * spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchVertical ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] double spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchVerticalAnim ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] IDANumber * spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchForwardDiagonal ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] double spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchForwardDiagonalAnim ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] IDANumber * spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchBackwardDiagonal ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] double spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchBackwardDiagonalAnim ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] IDANumber * spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchCross ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] double spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchCrossAnim ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] IDANumber * spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchDiagonalCross ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] double spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT HatchDiagonalCrossAnim ([in] IDAColor * lineClr_0, [in] IDANumber * spacing_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Overlay ([in] IDAImage * top_0, [in] IDAImage * bottom_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT OverlayArrayEx ([in] LONG imgs_0size, [in,size_is(imgs_0size)] IDAImage * imgs_0[], [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT OverlayArray ([in] VARIANT imgs_0, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_1) ;
[propget] HRESULT AmbientLight ([out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DirectionalLight ([out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT PointLight ([out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT SpotLightAnim ([in] IDANumber * fullcone_0, [in] IDANumber * cutoff_1, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT SpotLight ([in] IDANumber * fullcone_0, [in] double cutoff_1, [out, retval] IDAGeometry * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT DefaultLineStyle ([out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT EmptyLineStyle ([out, retval] IDALineStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT JoinStyleBevel ([out, retval] IDAJoinStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT JoinStyleRound ([out, retval] IDAJoinStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT JoinStyleMiter ([out, retval] IDAJoinStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT EndStyleFlat ([out, retval] IDAEndStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT EndStyleSquare ([out, retval] IDAEndStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT EndStyleRound ([out, retval] IDAEndStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DashStyleSolid ([out, retval] IDADashStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DashStyleDashed ([out, retval] IDADashStyle * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DefaultMicrophone ([out, retval] IDAMicrophone * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT OpaqueMatte ([out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT ClearMatte ([out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT UnionMatte ([in] IDAMatte * m1_0, [in] IDAMatte * m2_1, [out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT IntersectMatte ([in] IDAMatte * m1_0, [in] IDAMatte * m2_1, [out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT DifferenceMatte ([in] IDAMatte * m1_0, [in] IDAMatte * m2_1, [out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT FillMatte ([in] IDAPath2 * p_0, [out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT TextMatte ([in] IDAString * str_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * fs_1, [out, retval] IDAMatte * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT EmptyMontage ([out, retval] IDAMontage * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT ImageMontage ([in] IDAImage * im_0, [in] double depth_1, [out, retval] IDAMontage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ImageMontageAnim ([in] IDAImage * im_0, [in] IDANumber * depth_1, [out, retval] IDAMontage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT UnionMontage ([in] IDAMontage * m1_0, [in] IDAMontage * m2_1, [out, retval] IDAMontage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Concat ([in] IDAPath2 * p1_0, [in] IDAPath2 * p2_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT ConcatArrayEx ([in] LONG paths_0size, [in,size_is(paths_0size)] IDAPath2 * paths_0[], [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT ConcatArray ([in] VARIANT paths_0, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Line ([in] IDAPoint2 * p1_0, [in] IDAPoint2 * p2_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Ray ([in] IDAPoint2 * pt_0, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT StringPathAnim ([in] IDAString * str_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * fs_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT StringPath ([in] BSTR str_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * fs_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT PolylineEx ([in] LONG points_0size, [in,size_is(points_0size)] IDAPoint2 * points_0[], [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Polyline ([in] VARIANT points_0, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_1) ;
[restricted] HRESULT PolydrawPathEx ([in] LONG points_0size, [in,size_is(points_0size)] IDAPoint2 * points_0[], [in] LONG codes_1size, [in,size_is(codes_1size)] IDANumber * codes_1[], [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT PolydrawPath ([in] VARIANT points_0, [in] VARIANT codes_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ArcRadians ([in] double startAngle_0, [in] double endAngle_1, [in] double arcWidth_2, [in] double arcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT ArcRadiansAnim ([in] IDANumber * startAngle_0, [in] IDANumber * endAngle_1, [in] IDANumber * arcWidth_2, [in] IDANumber * arcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT ArcDegrees ([in] double startAngle_0, [in] double endAngle_1, [in] double arcWidth_2, [in] double arcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT PieRadians ([in] double startAngle_0, [in] double endAngle_1, [in] double arcWidth_2, [in] double arcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT PieRadiansAnim ([in] IDANumber * startAngle_0, [in] IDANumber * endAngle_1, [in] IDANumber * arcWidth_2, [in] IDANumber * arcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT PieDegrees ([in] double startAngle_0, [in] double endAngle_1, [in] double arcWidth_2, [in] double arcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT Oval ([in] double width_0, [in] double height_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT OvalAnim ([in] IDANumber * width_0, [in] IDANumber * height_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Rect ([in] double width_0, [in] double height_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT RectAnim ([in] IDANumber * width_0, [in] IDANumber * height_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT RoundRect ([in] double width_0, [in] double height_1, [in] double cornerArcWidth_2, [in] double cornerArcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
HRESULT RoundRectAnim ([in] IDANumber * width_0, [in] IDANumber * height_1, [in] IDANumber * cornerArcWidth_2, [in] IDANumber * cornerArcHeight_3, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_4) ;
[restricted] HRESULT CubicBSplinePathEx ([in] LONG points_0size, [in,size_is(points_0size)] IDAPoint2 * points_0[], [in] LONG knots_1size, [in,size_is(knots_1size)] IDANumber * knots_1[], [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT CubicBSplinePath ([in] VARIANT points_0, [in] VARIANT knots_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT TextPath ([in] IDAString * obsolete1_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * obsolete2_1, [out, retval] IDAPath2 * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT Silence ([out, retval] IDASound * * ret_0) ;
[restricted] HRESULT MixArrayEx ([in] LONG snds_0size, [in,size_is(snds_0size)] IDASound * snds_0[], [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT MixArray ([in] VARIANT snds_0, [out, retval] IDASound * * ret_1) ;
[propget] HRESULT SinSynth ([out, retval] IDASound * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT DefaultFont ([out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT FontAnim ([in] IDAString * str_0, [in] IDANumber * size_1, [in] IDAColor * col_2, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Font ([in] BSTR str_0, [in] double size_1, [in] IDAColor * col_2, [out, retval] IDAFontStyle * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT StringImageAnim ([in] IDAString * str_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * fs_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT StringImage ([in] BSTR str_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * fs_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT TextImageAnim ([in] IDAString * obsoleted1_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * obsoleted2_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT TextImage ([in] BSTR obsoleted1_0, [in] IDAFontStyle * obsoleted2_1, [out, retval] IDAImage * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT XVector2 ([out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT YVector2 ([out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT ZeroVector2 ([out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Origin2 ([out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT Vector2Anim ([in] IDANumber * x_0, [in] IDANumber * y_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Vector2 ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Point2Anim ([in] IDANumber * x_0, [in] IDANumber * y_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Point2 ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Vector2PolarAnim ([in] IDANumber * theta_0, [in] IDANumber * radius_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Vector2Polar ([in] double theta_0, [in] double radius_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Vector2PolarDegrees ([in] double theta_0, [in] double radius_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Point2PolarAnim ([in] IDANumber * theta_0, [in] IDANumber * radius_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Point2Polar ([in] double theta_0, [in] double radius_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT DotVector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * v_0, [in] IDAVector2 * u_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT NegVector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT SubVector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * v1_0, [in] IDAVector2 * v2_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT AddVector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * v1_0, [in] IDAVector2 * v2_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT AddPoint2Vector ([in] IDAPoint2 * p_0, [in] IDAVector2 * v_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT SubPoint2Vector ([in] IDAPoint2 * p_0, [in] IDAVector2 * v_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT SubPoint2 ([in] IDAPoint2 * p1_0, [in] IDAPoint2 * p2_1, [out, retval] IDAVector2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT DistancePoint2 ([in] IDAPoint2 * p_0, [in] IDAPoint2 * q_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT DistanceSquaredPoint2 ([in] IDAPoint2 * p_0, [in] IDAPoint2 * q_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT XVector3 ([out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT YVector3 ([out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT ZVector3 ([out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT ZeroVector3 ([out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_0) ;
[propget] HRESULT Origin3 ([out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT Vector3Anim ([in] IDANumber * x_0, [in] IDANumber * y_1, [in] IDANumber * z_2, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Vector3 ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [in] double z_2, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Point3Anim ([in] IDANumber * x_0, [in] IDANumber * y_1, [in] IDANumber * z_2, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Point3 ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [in] double z_2, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Vector3SphericalAnim ([in] IDANumber * xyAngle_0, [in] IDANumber * yzAngle_1, [in] IDANumber * radius_2, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Vector3Spherical ([in] double xyAngle_0, [in] double yzAngle_1, [in] double radius_2, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Point3SphericalAnim ([in] IDANumber * zxAngle_0, [in] IDANumber * xyAngle_1, [in] IDANumber * radius_2, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Point3Spherical ([in] double zxAngle_0, [in] double xyAngle_1, [in] double radius_2, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT DotVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v_0, [in] IDAVector3 * u_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT CrossVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v_0, [in] IDAVector3 * u_1, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT NegVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v_0, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT SubVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v1_0, [in] IDAVector3 * v2_1, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT AddVector3 ([in] IDAVector3 * v1_0, [in] IDAVector3 * v2_1, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT AddPoint3Vector ([in] IDAPoint3 * p_0, [in] IDAVector3 * v_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT SubPoint3Vector ([in] IDAPoint3 * p_0, [in] IDAVector3 * v_1, [out, retval] IDAPoint3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT SubPoint3 ([in] IDAPoint3 * p1_0, [in] IDAPoint3 * p2_1, [out, retval] IDAVector3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT DistancePoint3 ([in] IDAPoint3 * p_0, [in] IDAPoint3 * q_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT DistanceSquaredPoint3 ([in] IDAPoint3 * p_0, [in] IDAPoint3 * q_1, [out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_2) ;
[propget] HRESULT IdentityTransform3 ([out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT Translate3Anim ([in] IDANumber * tx_0, [in] IDANumber * ty_1, [in] IDANumber * tz_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Translate3 ([in] double tx_0, [in] double ty_1, [in] double tz_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Translate3Rate ([in] double tx_0, [in] double ty_1, [in] double tz_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Translate3Vector ([in] IDAVector3 * delta_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Translate3Point ([in] IDAPoint3 * new_origin_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale3Anim ([in] IDANumber * x_0, [in] IDANumber * y_1, [in] IDANumber * z_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Scale3 ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [in] double z_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Scale3Rate ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [in] double z_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
HRESULT Scale3Vector ([in] IDAVector3 * scale_vec_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale3UniformAnim ([in] IDANumber * uniform_scale_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale3Uniform ([in] double uniform_scale_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale3UniformRate ([in] double uniform_scale_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Rotate3Anim ([in] IDAVector3 * axis_0, [in] IDANumber * angle_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Rotate3 ([in] IDAVector3 * axis_0, [in] double angle_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Rotate3Rate ([in] IDAVector3 * axis_0, [in] double angle_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Rotate3Degrees ([in] IDAVector3 * axis_0, [in] double angle_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Rotate3RateDegrees ([in] IDAVector3 * axis_0, [in] double angle_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT XShear3Anim ([in] IDANumber * a_0, [in] IDANumber * b_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT XShear3 ([in] double a_0, [in] double b_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT XShear3Rate ([in] double a_0, [in] double b_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT YShear3Anim ([in] IDANumber * c_0, [in] IDANumber * d_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT YShear3 ([in] double c_0, [in] double d_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT YShear3Rate ([in] double c_0, [in] double d_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ZShear3Anim ([in] IDANumber * e_0, [in] IDANumber * f_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ZShear3 ([in] double e_0, [in] double f_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT ZShear3Rate ([in] double e_0, [in] double f_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT Transform4x4AnimEx ([in] LONG m_0size, [in,size_is(m_0size)] IDANumber * m_0[], [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Transform4x4Anim ([in] VARIANT m_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Compose3 ([in] IDATransform3 * a_0, [in] IDATransform3 * b_1, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT Compose3ArrayEx ([in] LONG xfs_0size, [in,size_is(xfs_0size)] IDATransform3 * xfs_0[], [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Compose3Array ([in] VARIANT xfs_0, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT LookAtFrom ([in] IDAPoint3 * to_0, [in] IDAPoint3 * from_1, [in] IDAVector3 * up_2, [out, retval] IDATransform3 * * ret_3) ;
[propget] HRESULT IdentityTransform2 ([out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT Translate2Anim ([in] IDANumber * Tx_0, [in] IDANumber * Ty_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Translate2 ([in] double Tx_0, [in] double Ty_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Translate2Rate ([in] double Tx_0, [in] double Ty_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Translate2Vector ([in] IDAVector2 * delta_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Translate2Point ([in] IDAPoint2 * pos_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale2Anim ([in] IDANumber * x_0, [in] IDANumber * y_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Scale2 ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Scale2Rate ([in] double x_0, [in] double y_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
HRESULT Scale2Vector2 ([in] IDAVector2 * obsoleteMethod_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale2Vector ([in] IDAVector2 * scale_vec_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale2UniformAnim ([in] IDANumber * uniform_scale_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale2Uniform ([in] double uniform_scale_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Scale2UniformRate ([in] double uniform_scale_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Rotate2Anim ([in] IDANumber * angle_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Rotate2 ([in] double angle_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Rotate2Rate ([in] double angle_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Rotate2Degrees ([in] double angle_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Rotate2RateDegrees ([in] double angle_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT XShear2Anim ([in] IDANumber * arg_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT XShear2 ([in] double arg_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT XShear2Rate ([in] double arg_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT YShear2Anim ([in] IDANumber * arg_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT YShear2 ([in] double arg_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT YShear2Rate ([in] double arg_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
[restricted] HRESULT Transform3x2AnimEx ([in] LONG m_0size, [in,size_is(m_0size)] IDANumber * m_0[], [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Transform3x2Anim ([in] VARIANT m_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Compose2 ([in] IDATransform2 * a_0, [in] IDATransform2 * b_1, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_2) ;
[restricted] HRESULT Compose2ArrayEx ([in] LONG xfs_0size, [in,size_is(xfs_0size)] IDATransform2 * xfs_0[], [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT Compose2Array ([in] VARIANT xfs_0, [out, retval] IDATransform2 * * ret_1) ;
// Obsoleted methods!!! [helpstring("Obsolete method: Use DATuple instead")] HRESULT Tuple([in] VARIANT obsolete1, [out, retval] IDATuple **obsolete2);
[helpstring("Obsolete method: Use DAArray instead")] HRESULT Array([in] VARIANT obsolete1, [out, retval] IDAArray **obsolete2);
[propget] HRESULT AreBlockingImportsComplete([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *bComplete); }
// ==================================== // DAStatics object definition // ====================================
[ uuid(FA261CF0-C44E-11d1-9BE4-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation Statics2"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA2Statics : IDAStatics {
HRESULT ImportDirect3DRMVisual([in] IUnknown *visual, [out, retval] IDAGeometry **bvr);
// For the Ex version, this is assumed to *not* be through // scripting, so any IUnknown can be passed in as theXf. [restricted] HRESULT ApplyDXTransformEx([in] IUnknown *theXf, [in] LONG numInputs, [in, size_is(numInputs)] IDABehavior **inputs, [in] IDANumber *evaluator, [out, retval] IDADXTransformResult **ppResult);
// For use through scripting: Can only pass in transforms that // support IDispatch. HRESULT ApplyDXTransform([in] VARIANT varXf, [in] VARIANT inputs, [in] VARIANT evaluator, [out, retval] IDADXTransformResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ModifiableNumber([in] double initVal, [out, retval] IDANumber **ppResult); HRESULT ModifiableString([in] BSTR initVal, [out, retval] IDAString **ppResult);
enum { DAARRAY_CHANGEABLE = 0x00000001 } ;
[restricted] HRESULT DAArrayEx2([in] LONG s, [in, size_is(s)] IDABehavior *pBvrs[], [in] DWORD dwFlags, [out, retval] IDAArray **bvr);
HRESULT DAArray2([in] VARIANT bvrs, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [out, retval] IDAArray **bvr);
HRESULT ImportGeometryWrapped([in] BSTR url, [in] LONG wrapType, [in] double originX, [in] double originY, [in] double originZ, [in] double zAxisX, [in] double zAxisY, [in] double zAxisZ, [in] double yAxisX, [in] double yAxisY, [in] double yAxisZ, [in] double texOriginX, [in] double texOriginY, [in] double texScaleX, [in] double texScaleY, [in] DWORD flags, [out, retval] IDAGeometry **ppGeometry);
HRESULT ImportGeometryWrappedAsync([in] BSTR url, [in] LONG wrapType, [in] double originX, [in] double originY, [in] double originZ, [in] double zAxisX, [in] double zAxisY, [in] double zAxisZ, [in] double yAxisX, [in] double yAxisY, [in] double yAxisZ, [in] double texOriginX, [in] double texOriginY, [in] double texScaleX, [in] double texScaleY, [in] DWORD flags, [in] IDAGeometry *pGeoStandIn, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportDirect3DRMVisualWrapped([in] IUnknown *visual, [in] LONG wrapType, [in] double originX, [in] double originY, [in] double originZ, [in] double zAxisX, [in] double zAxisY, [in] double zAxisZ, [in] double yAxisX, [in] double yAxisY, [in] double yAxisZ, [in] double texOriginX, [in] double texOriginY, [in] double texScaleX, [in] double texScaleY, [in] DWORD flags, [out, retval] IDAGeometry **bvr);
HRESULT UntilNotifyScript ([in] IDABehavior * b0_0, [in] IDAEvent * event_1, [in] BSTR scriptlet_2, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_3) ;
[propget] HRESULT ViewFrameRate ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ;
[restricted] HRESULT UnionMontageArrayEx ([in] LONG mtgs_0size, [in,size_is(mtgs_0size)] IDAMontage * mtgs_0[], [out, retval] IDAMontage * * ret_1) ;
HRESULT UnionMontageArray ([in] VARIANT mtgs_0, [out, retval] IDAMontage * * ret_1) ;
[propget] HRESULT ModifiableBehaviorFlags([out, retval] DWORD * dwFlags); [propput] HRESULT ModifiableBehaviorFlags([in] DWORD dwFlags); [propget] HRESULT EmptyColor ([out, retval] IDAColor * * ret_0) ; }
// ==================================== // IDA3Statics Interface Definition // ====================================
[ uuid(6e0b5fc4-4d1e-11d2-aa53-00c04fc2f60f), helpstring("DirectAnimation Statics3"), local, object, pointer_default(unique), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface IDA3Statics : IDA2Statics { // these streaming interfaces are temporary and will be replaced // by Kevin's new import api HRESULT ImportSoundStream([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
HRESULT ImportMovieStream([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] IDAImportationResult **ppResult);
[restricted] HRESULT SequenceArrayEx ([in] LONG sz, [in,size_is(sz)] IDABehavior * bvrs_0[], [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_1);
HRESULT SequenceArray ([in] VARIANT bvrs_0, [out, retval] IDABehavior * * ret_1) ;
[propget] HRESULT ViewTimeDelta ([out, retval] IDANumber * * ret_0) ;
HRESULT TriMesh ([in] int nTriangles, [in] VARIANT positions, [in] VARIANT normals, [in] VARIANT UVs, [in] VARIANT indices, [out, retval] IDAGeometry **result);
[restricted] HRESULT TriMeshEx ([in] int nTriangles, [in] int nPositions, [in, size_is(nPositions)] float positions[], [in] int nNormals, [in, size_is(nNormals)] float normals[], [in] int nUVs, [in, size_is(nUVs)] float UVs[], [in] int nIndices, [in, size_is(nIndices)] int indices[], [out, retval] IDAGeometry **result);
HRESULT RadialGradientMulticolor ([in] VARIANT offsets, [in] VARIANT colors, [out, retval] IDAImage **result) ;
[restricted] HRESULT RadialGradientMulticolorEx ([in] int nOffsets, [in, size_is(nOffsets)] IDANumber *offsets[], [in] int nColors, [in, size_is(nColors)] IDAColor *colors[], [out, retval] IDAImage **result) ;
HRESULT LinearGradientMulticolor ([in] VARIANT offsets, [in] VARIANT colors, [out, retval] IDAImage **result) ;
[restricted] HRESULT LinearGradientMulticolorEx ([in] int nOffsets, [in, size_is(nOffsets)] IDANumber *offsets[], [in] int nColors, [in, size_is(nColors)] IDAColor *colors[], [out, retval] IDAImage **result) ;
// coclass for DAStatics objects [ uuid(542FB453-5003-11cf-92A2-00AA00B8A733), helpstring("DirectAnimation Statics Object"), appobject ] coclass DAStatics { [default] interface IDA3Statics; };
typedef enum {DAMultimediaTimer = 0, DAContainerTimer = 1, DAWMTimer = 2} DA_TIMER_SOURCE;
// // Control classes //
[ object, uuid(0E41257B-812D-11D0-9B4A-00C04FC2F51D), dual, helpstring("DirectAnimation ActiveX viewer interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDAViewerControl : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("property updateInterval")] HRESULT UpdateInterval([out, retval] double *pVal);
[propput, helpstring("property updateInterval")] HRESULT UpdateInterval([in] double newVal);
[propget, helpstring("property View")] HRESULT View([out, retval] IDAView **ppView);
[propput, helpstring("property View")] HRESULT View([in] IDAView *pView);
[propget, helpstring("property Image")] HRESULT Image([out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage);
[propput, helpstring("property Image")] HRESULT Image([in] IDAImage *pImage);
[propget, helpstring("property BackgroundImage")] HRESULT BackgroundImage([out, retval] IDAImage **ppImage);
[propput, helpstring("property BackgroundImage")] HRESULT BackgroundImage([in] IDAImage *pImage);
[propget, helpstring("property Sound")] HRESULT Sound([out, retval] IDASound **ppSound);
[propput, helpstring("property Sound")] HRESULT Sound([in] IDASound *pSound);
[propget, helpstring("property PixelLibrary")] HRESULT PixelLibrary([out, retval] IDAStatics **ppStatics);
[propget, helpstring("property MeterLibrary")] HRESULT MeterLibrary([out, retval] IDAStatics **ppStatics);
[helpstring("Add a behavior to run at start time")] HRESULT AddBehaviorToRun([in] IDABehavior *pBehavior);
[helpstring("Start the model")] HRESULT Start();
// Note that the DAViewerControl interface is hardcoded for a // single input image. Will need to generalize as more // general clients come on line. [hidden, propget, helpstring("inputImage property")] HRESULT InputImage([out, retval] IDAImage **pVal);
[propget] HRESULT OpaqueForHitDetect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *b);
[propput] HRESULT OpaqueForHitDetect([in] VARIANT_BOOL b);
[propget] HRESULT TimerSource([out, retval] DA_TIMER_SOURCE *ts);
[propput] HRESULT TimerSource([in] DA_TIMER_SOURCE ts);
[helpstring("Add a error handling routine")] HRESULT RegisterErrorHandler([in] BSTR scriptlet);
[ object, uuid(BA8B033E-1E91-11d1-8809-00C04FC29D46), dual, helpstring("DirectAnimation ActiveX windowed viewer interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDAViewerControlWindowed : IDAViewerControl { };
///// Version 2 viewer interfaces
[ object, uuid(F3E1B522-D8A6-11d1-9BE5-00C04FC2F51D), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDA2ViewerControl : IDAViewerControl { HRESULT SetPreference([in] BSTR pref, [in] VARIANT val); HRESULT GetPreference([in] BSTR pref, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVal); };
[ object, uuid(A3034056-EC1C-11d1-9BE8-00C04FC2F51D), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDA2ViewerControlWindowed : IDAViewerControlWindowed { HRESULT SetPreference([in] BSTR pref, [in] VARIANT val); HRESULT GetPreference([in] BSTR pref, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVal); };
[ object, uuid(09509866-79AA-11d2-8BF5-00C04FC2F51D), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDA3ViewerControl : IDA2ViewerControl { HRESULT Stop(); HRESULT Pause(); HRESULT Resume(); HRESULT Tick(); };
[ object, uuid(09509867-79AA-11d2-8BF5-00C04FC2F51D), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDA3ViewerControlWindowed : IDA2ViewerControlWindowed { HRESULT Stop(); HRESULT Pause(); HRESULT Resume(); HRESULT Tick(); };
[ uuid(3584F274-61EA-11d2-8BD9-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring ("Direct Animation ActiveX Control Events") ] dispinterface _IDAViewerControlEvents { properties: methods: [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_START)] void Start(); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_MOUSEUP)] void MouseUp([in] long Button, [in] long KeyFlags, [in] long x, [in] long y); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_MOUSEDOWN)] void MouseDown([in] long Button, [in] long KeyFlags, [in] long x, [in] long y); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_MOUSEMOVE)] void MouseMove([in] long Button, [in] long KeyFlags, [in] long x, [in] long y); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_CLICK)] void Click(); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_KEYPRESS)] void KeyPress([in] long KeyAscii); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_KEYUP)] void KeyUp([in] long KeyCode, [in] long KeyData); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_KEYDOWN)] void KeyDown([in] long KeyCode, [in] long KeyData); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_ERROR)] void Error([in] long HResult, [in] BSTR ErrorString); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_STOP)] void Stop(); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_PAUSE)] void Pause(); [id(DISPID_DANIMEVENT_RESUME)] void Resume();
// =========================================================================== // C O N T R O L C O C L A S S E S // ===========================================================================
[ uuid(B6FFC24C-7E13-11D0-9B47-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation ActiveX windowless viewer class"), ] coclass DAViewerControl { [default] interface IDA3ViewerControl; [default, source] dispinterface _IDAViewerControlEvents; };
[ uuid(69AD90EF-1C20-11d1-8801-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation ActiveX windowed viewer class"), ] coclass DAViewerControlWindowed { [default] interface IDA3ViewerControlWindowed; [default, source] dispinterface _IDAViewerControlEvents; };
// // coclass for CDABoolean objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BC1-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Boolean Behavior Object") ] coclass DABoolean { [default] interface IDABoolean; };
// // coclass for CDACamera objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BE2-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Camera Behavior Object") ] coclass DACamera { [default] interface IDACamera; };
// // coclass for CDAColor objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BC6-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Color Behavior Object") ] coclass DAColor { [default] interface IDA2Color; };
// // coclass for CDAGeometry objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BE0-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Geometry Behavior Object") ] coclass DAGeometry { [default] interface IDA3Geometry; };
// // coclass for CDAImage objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BD4-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Image Behavior Object") ] coclass DAImage { [default] interface IDA3Image; };
// // coclass for CDAMatte objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BD2-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Matte Behavior Object") ] coclass DAMatte { [default] interface IDAMatte; };
// // coclass for CDAMicrophone objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BE6-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Microphone Behavior Object") ] coclass DAMicrophone { [default] interface IDAMicrophone; };
// // coclass for CDAMontage objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BD6-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Montage Behavior Object") ] coclass DAMontage { [default] interface IDAMontage; };
// // coclass for CDANumber objects //
[ uuid(9CDE7341-3C20-11d0-A330-00AA00B92C03), helpstring("DirectAnimation Number Behavior Object") ] coclass DANumber { [default] interface IDANumber; };
// // coclass for CDAPath2 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BD0-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Path2 Behavior Object") ] coclass DAPath2 { [default] interface IDAPath2; };
// // coclass for CDAPoint2 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BC8-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Point2 Behavior Object") ] coclass DAPoint2 { [default] interface IDAPoint2; };
// // coclass for CDAPoint3 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BD8-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Point3 Behavior Object") ] coclass DAPoint3 { [default] interface IDAPoint3; };
// // coclass for CDASound objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BE4-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Sound Behavior Object") ] coclass DASound { [default] interface IDASound; };
// // coclass for CDAString objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BC4-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation String Behavior Object") ] coclass DAString { [default] interface IDAString; };
// // coclass for CDATransform2 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BCC-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Transform2 Behavior Object") ] coclass DATransform2 { [default] interface IDATransform2; };
// // coclass for CDATransform3 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BDC-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Transform3 Behavior Object") ] coclass DATransform3 { [default] interface IDATransform3; };
// // coclass for CDAVector2 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BCA-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Vector2 Behavior Object") ] coclass DAVector2 { [default] interface IDAVector2; };
// // coclass for CDAVector3 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BDA-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Vector3 Behavior Object") ] coclass DAVector3 { [default] interface IDAVector3; };
// // coclass for CDAFontStyle objects //
[ uuid(25B0F91C-D23D-11d0-9B85-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("DirectAnimation FontStyle Behavior Object") ] coclass DAFontStyle { [default] interface IDA2FontStyle; };
// // coclass for CDALineStyle objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BF2-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation LineStyle Behavior Object") ] coclass DALineStyle { [default] interface IDA2LineStyle; };
// // coclass for CDAEndStyle objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BEC-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation EndStyle Behavior Object") ] coclass DAEndStyle { [default] interface IDAEndStyle; };
// // coclass for CDAJoinStyle objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BEE-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation JoinStyle Behavior Object") ] coclass DAJoinStyle { [default] interface IDAJoinStyle; };
// // coclass for CDADashStyle objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BF0-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation DashStyle Behavior Object") ] coclass DADashStyle { [default] interface IDADashStyle; };
// // coclass for CDABbox2 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BCE-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Bbox2 Behavior Object") ] coclass DABbox2 { [default] interface IDABbox2; };
// // coclass for CDABbox3 objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BDE-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Bbox3 Behavior Object") ] coclass DABbox3 { [default] interface IDABbox3; };
// // coclass for CDAPair objects //
[ uuid(C46C1BF4-3C52-11d0-9200-848C1D000000), helpstring("DirectAnimation Pair Behavior Object") ] coclass DAPair { [default] interface IDAPair; };
// // coclass for CDAEvent objects //
[ uuid(50B4791F-4731-11d0-8912-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Event Behavior Object") ] coclass DAEvent { [default] interface IDA2Event; };
// // coclass for CDAArray objects //
[ uuid(D17506C3-6B26-11d0-8914-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Array Behavior Object") ] coclass DAArray { [default] interface IDA3Array; };
// // coclass for CDATuple objects //
[ uuid(5DFB2651-9668-11d0-B17B-00C04FC2A0CA), helpstring("DirectAnimation Tuple Behavior Object") ] coclass DATuple { [default] interface IDATuple; };
// // coclass for CDAUserData objects //
[ uuid(AF868304-AB0B-11d0-876A-00C04FC29D46), helpstring("DirectAnimation Userdata Behavior Object") ] coclass DAUserData { [default] interface IDAUserData; };
// These are provided strictly for backwards compatability, and // shouldn't be used in new applications.
[ uuid(BCBB1F75-E384-11d0-9B99-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("OBSOLETE: DirectAnimation ImportationResult Object") ] coclass DAImportationResult { [default] interface IDAImportationResult; };
[ uuid(BCBB1F74-E384-11d0-9B99-00C04FC2F51D), helpstring("OBSOLETE: DirectAnimation PickableResult Object") ] coclass DAPickableResult { [default] interface IDAPickableResult; }; }