// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File:
// Contents: Common routines for dealing with INetCfg interfaces.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 24 Mar 1997
#pragma once
#ifndef _NCNETCFG_H_
#define _NCNETCFG_H_
#include "ncbase.h"
#include "nccom.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
#include "netcfgp.h"
#include "netcfgx.h"
BOOL FClassGuidFromComponentId ( PCWSTR pszComponentId, const GUID** ppguidClass);
BOOL FInfFileFromComponentId ( PCWSTR pszComponentId, PWSTR pszInfFile);
// Function: FEqualComponentId
// Purpose: Compares 2 components IDs to see if they are equal.
// Arguments:
// pszComp1 [in] Name of first component ID.
// pszComp2 [in] Name of second compoennt ID.
// Returns: TRUE if component IDs are equal, FALSE if not.
// Author: danielwe 9 Apr 1997
// Notes: Current comparison is case-INSENSITIVE
inline FEqualComponentId ( PCWSTR pszComp1, PCWSTR pszComp2) { return !lstrcmpiW(pszComp1, pszComp2); }
BOOL FGetInstanceGuidOfComponentFromAnswerFileMap ( IN PCWSTR pszComponentId, OUT GUID* pguid);
BOOL FGetInstanceGuidOfComponentInAnswerFile ( PCWSTR pszComponentId, INetCfg* pnc, LPGUID pguid);
enum FIBN_FLAGS { FIBN_NORMAL = 0x00000000, FIBN_PREFIX = 0x00000001 }; BOOL FIsBindingName ( PCWSTR pszName, DWORD dwFlags, INetCfgBindingInterface* pncbi);
BOOL FIsComponentId ( PCWSTR pszComponentId, INetCfgComponent* pncc);
struct NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS { DWORD dwSetupFlags; DWORD dwUpgradeFromBuildNo; PCWSTR pszAnswerFile; PCWSTR pszAnswerSection; };
struct FILTER_INSTALL_PARAMS { void * pnccAdapter; void * pnccFilter; tstring * pstrInterface; };
enum ARA_FLAGS { ARA_ADD = 0x01, ARA_REMOVE = 0x02, }; HRESULT HrAddOrRemoveAdapter ( INetCfg* pnc, PCWSTR pszComponentId, DWORD dwFlags, OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken, UINT cInstances, INetCfgComponent** ppncc);
HRESULT HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg ( BOOL* pfInitCom, INetCfg** ppnc, BOOL fGetWriteLock, DWORD cmsTimeout, PCWSTR pszwClientDesc, PWSTR* ppszwClientDesc);
HRESULT HrFindAndRemoveAllInstancesOfAdapter ( INetCfg* pnc, PCWSTR pszwComponentId);
HRESULT HrFindAndRemoveAllInstancesOfAdapters ( INetCfg* pnc, ULONG cComponents, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId);
HRESULT HrFindAndRemoveComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, const GUID* pguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken);
HRESULT HrFindAndRemoveComponents ( INetCfg* pnc, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId, OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken);
HRESULT HrFindAndRemoveComponentsOboComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId, INetCfgComponent* pnccObo);
HRESULT HrFindAndRemoveComponentsOboUser ( INetCfg* pnc, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId);
HRESULT HrFindComponents ( INetCfg* pnc, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId, INetCfgComponent** apncc);
HRESULT HrGetBindingInterfaceComponents ( INetCfgBindingInterface* pncbi, INetCfgComponent** ppnccUpper, INetCfgComponent** ppnccLower);
HRESULT HrGetLastComponentAndInterface ( INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp, INetCfgComponent** ppncc, PWSTR* ppszwInterfaceName);
HRESULT HrInstallComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, const GUID* pguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken, INetCfgComponent** ppncc);
HRESULT HrInstallComponents ( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId, OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken);
HRESULT HrInstallComponentsOboComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId, INetCfgComponent* pnccObo);
HRESULT HrInstallComponentsOboUser ( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, ULONG cComponents, const GUID** apguidClass, const PCWSTR* apszwComponentId);
HRESULT HrInstallComponentOboComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, INetCfgComponent* pnccObo, INetCfgComponent** ppncc);
HRESULT HrInstallComponentOboSoftware( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, PCWSTR pszwManufacturer, PCWSTR pszwProduct, PCWSTR pszwDisplayName, INetCfgComponent** ppncc);
HRESULT HrInstallComponentOboUser ( INetCfg* pnc, const NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS* pnip, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, INetCfgComponent** ppncc);
HRESULT HrInstallRasIfNeeded ( INetCfg* pnc);
HRESULT HrIsLanCapableAdapter ( INetCfgComponent* pncc);
HRESULT HrIsLanCapableProtocol ( INetCfgComponent* pncc);
HRESULT HrQueryNotifyObject ( INetCfgComponent* pncc, REFIID riid, VOID** ppvObject);
HRESULT HrRemoveComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, INetCfgComponent* pnccToRemove, OBO_TOKEN* pOboToken, PWSTR * pmszwRefs);
HRESULT HrRemoveComponentOboComponent ( INetCfg* pnc, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, INetCfgComponent* pnccObo);
HRESULT HrRemoveComponentOboSoftware ( INetCfg* pnc, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId, PCWSTR pszwManufacturer, PCWSTR pszwProduct, PCWSTR pszwDisplayName);
HRESULT HrRemoveComponentOboUser ( INetCfg* pnc, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR pszwComponentId);
HRESULT HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg ( BOOL fUninitCom, INetCfg* pnc, BOOL fHasLock = FALSE);
HRESULT HrUninitializeAndUnlockINetCfg ( INetCfg* pnc);
HRESULT HrRunWinsock2Migration();
HRESULT HrNcRemoveComponent(INetCfg* pinc, const GUID& guidClass, PCWSTR pszInstanceGuid);
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI HrDiAddComponentToINetCfg( IN INetCfg* pINetCfg, IN INetCfgInternalSetup* pInternalSetup, IN const NIQ_INFO* pInfo);
EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI UpdateLanaConfigUsingAnswerfile ( IN PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, IN PCWSTR pszSection);
HRESULT HrNcRegCreateComponentNetworkKeyForDevice(const GUID& guidClass, HKEY* phkey, PCWSTR pszInstanceGuid, PCWSTR pszPnpId); HRESULT HrNcRegCreateComponentNetworkKey(const GUID& guidClass, PHKEY phkeyComponent, PCWSTR pszInstanceGuid);
HRESULT HrNcNotifyINetCfgAndConnectionWizardOfInstallation( IN HDEVINFO hdi, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pdeid, IN PCWSTR pszPnpId, IN const GUID& InstanceGuid, IN NC_INSTALL_TYPE eType);
HRESULT HrNcNotifyINetCfgAndConnectionWizardOfInstallation(HDEVINFO hdi, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pdeid, PCWSTR pszwPnpId, PCWSTR pszInstanceGuid, NC_INSTALL_TYPE eType);
HRESULT HrNcNotifyINetCfgOfRemoval(HDEVINFO hdi, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pdeid, PCWSTR pszwInstanceGuid);
struct COMPONENT_INFO { PCWSTR pszComponentId; const GUID * pguidClass; PCWSTR pszInfFile; };
extern const COMPONENT_INFO* PComponentInfoFromComponentId ( PCWSTR pszComponentId);
// CIterNetCfgBindingPath - iterator for IEnumNetCfgBindingPath
// This class is is a simple wrapper around CIEnumIter with a call
// to INetCfgComponent::EnumBindingPaths to get the enumerator.
class CIterNetCfgBindingPath : public CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgBindingPath, INetCfgBindingPath*> { public: NOTHROW CIterNetCfgBindingPath (INetCfgComponent* pncc); NOTHROW ~CIterNetCfgBindingPath () { ReleaseObj(m_pebp); }
protected: IEnumNetCfgBindingPath* m_pebp; };
// CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath - iterator for IEnumNetCfgBindingPath
// This class is is a simple wrapper around CIEnumIter with a call
// to INetCfgComponent::EnumUpperBindingPaths to get the enumerator.
class CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath : public CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgBindingPath, INetCfgBindingPath*> { public: NOTHROW CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath (INetCfgComponent* pncc); NOTHROW ~CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath () { ReleaseObj(m_pebp); }
protected: IEnumNetCfgBindingPath* m_pebp; };
// CIterNetCfgBindingInterface - iterator for IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface
// This class is is a simple wrapper around CIEnumIter with a call
// to INetCfgBindingPath::EnumBindingInterfaces to get the enumerator.
class CIterNetCfgBindingInterface : public CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface, INetCfgBindingInterface*> { public: NOTHROW CIterNetCfgBindingInterface (INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp); NOTHROW ~CIterNetCfgBindingInterface () { ReleaseObj(m_pebi); }
protected: IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface* m_pebi; };
// CIterNetCfgComponent - iterator for IEnumNetCfgComponent
// This class is is a simple wrapper around CIEnumIter with a call
// to INetCfgClass::EnumComponents to get the enumerator.
class CIterNetCfgComponent : public CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgComponent, INetCfgComponent*> { public: NOTHROW CIterNetCfgComponent (INetCfg* pnc, const GUID* pguid); NOTHROW CIterNetCfgComponent (INetCfgClass* pncclass); NOTHROW ~CIterNetCfgComponent () { ReleaseObj(m_pec); }
protected: IEnumNetCfgComponent* m_pec; };
inline NOTHROW CIterNetCfgBindingPath::CIterNetCfgBindingPath(INetCfgComponent* pncc) : CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgBindingPath, INetCfgBindingPath*> (NULL) { AssertH(pncc); INetCfgComponentBindings* pnccb;
// If EnumBindingPaths() fails, make sure ReleaseObj() won't die.
m_pebp = NULL;
m_hrLast = pncc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pnccb) ); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { // Get the enumerator and set it for the base class.
// Important to set m_hrLast so that if this fails, we'll also
// fail any subsequent calls to HrNext.
m_hrLast = pnccb->EnumBindingPaths(EBP_BELOW, &m_pebp); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { SetEnumerator(m_pebp); } ReleaseObj( pnccb ); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, m_hrLast, FALSE, "CIterNetCfgBindingPath::CIterNetCfgBindingPath"); }
inline NOTHROW CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath::CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath(INetCfgComponent* pncc) : CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgBindingPath, INetCfgBindingPath*> (NULL) { AssertH(pncc); INetCfgComponentBindings* pnccb;
// If EnumBindingPaths() fails, make sure ReleaseObj() won't die.
m_pebp = NULL;
m_hrLast = pncc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pnccb) ); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { // Get the enumerator and set it for the base class.
// Important to set m_hrLast so that if this fails, we'll also
// fail any subsequent calls to HrNext.
m_hrLast = pnccb->EnumBindingPaths(EBP_ABOVE, &m_pebp); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { SetEnumerator(m_pebp); } ReleaseObj( pnccb ); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, m_hrLast, FALSE, "CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath::CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath"); }
inline NOTHROW CIterNetCfgBindingInterface::CIterNetCfgBindingInterface(INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp) : CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface, INetCfgBindingInterface*> (NULL) { AssertH(pncbp);
// If EnumBindingInterfaces() fails, make sure ReleaseObj() won't die.
m_pebi = NULL;
// Get the enumerator and set it for the base class.
// Important to set m_hrLast so that if this fails, we'll also
// fail any subsequent calls to HrNext.
m_hrLast = pncbp->EnumBindingInterfaces(&m_pebi); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { SetEnumerator(m_pebi); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, m_hrLast, FALSE, "CIterNetCfgBindingInterface::CIterNetCfgBindingInterface"); }
inline NOTHROW CIterNetCfgComponent::CIterNetCfgComponent(INetCfg* pnc, const GUID* pguid) : CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgComponent, INetCfgComponent*> (NULL) { AssertH(pnc);
// If EnumComponents() fails, make sure ReleaseObj() won't die.
m_pec = NULL;
INetCfgClass* pncclass; m_hrLast = pnc->QueryNetCfgClass(pguid, IID_INetCfgClass, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pncclass)); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { // Get the enumerator and set it for the base class.
// Important to set m_hrLast so that if this fails, we'll also
// fail any subsequent calls to HrNext.
m_hrLast = pncclass->EnumComponents(&m_pec); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { SetEnumerator(m_pec); }
ReleaseObj(pncclass); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, m_hrLast, FALSE, "CIterNetCfgComponent::CIterNetCfgComponent"); }
inline NOTHROW CIterNetCfgComponent::CIterNetCfgComponent(INetCfgClass* pncclass) : CIEnumIter<IEnumNetCfgComponent, INetCfgComponent*> (NULL) { AssertH(pncclass);
// If EnumComponents() fails, make sure ReleaseObj() won't die.
m_pec = NULL;
// Get the enumerator and set it for the base class.
// Important to set m_hrLast so that if this fails, we'll also
// fail any subsequent calls to HrNext.
m_hrLast = pncclass->EnumComponents(&m_pec); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrLast)) { SetEnumerator(m_pec); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, m_hrLast, FALSE, "CIterNetCfgComponent::CIterNetCfgComponent"); }
#endif // _NCNETCFG_H_