// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: T R A C E . H
// Contents: Class definition for CTracing
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 15 Apr 1997
#pragma once
#include "tracetag.h"
#include "stlalgor.h"
#include "stldeque.h"
#include "stlmap.h"
// ISSUE: The customized STL that we have conflicts with the declarations pulled in
// from stdexcpt.h which gets included by typeinfo.h. This sucks!
// Hence we can't include typeinfo.h to get RTTI's type_info structure,
// so we have to declare type_info ourselves. This is a well documented
// structure inside MSDN though.
class type_info { public: _CRTIMP virtual ~type_info(); _CRTIMP int operator==(const type_info& rhs) const; _CRTIMP int operator!=(const type_info& rhs) const; _CRTIMP int before(const type_info& rhs) const; _CRTIMP const char* name() const; _CRTIMP const char* raw_name() const; private: void *_m_data; char _m_d_name[1]; type_info(const type_info& rhs); type_info& operator=(const type_info& rhs); };
// This is needed for TraceHr, since we can't use a macro (vargs), but we
// need to get the file and line from the source.
#define FAL __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__
// The Trace Stack functions
#if defined (_IA64_)
#include <ia64reg.h>
extern "C" unsigned __int64 __getReg(int whichReg); extern "C" void __setReg(int whichReg, __int64 value); #pragma intrinsic(__getReg)
#pragma intrinsic(__setReg)
#define GetR32 __getReg(CV_IA64_IntR32)
#define GetR33 __getReg(CV_IA64_IntR33)
#define GetR34 __getReg(CV_IA64_IntR34)
#endif // defined(_IA64_)
extern "C" void* _ReturnAddress(void); #pragma intrinsic(_ReturnAddress)
extern LPCRITICAL_SECTION g_csTracing;
class CTracingIndent;
class CTracingFuncCall { public: #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
CTracingFuncCall(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, const DWORD_PTR ReturnAddress, const DWORD_PTR dwFramePointer); #elif defined (_IA64_)
CTracingFuncCall(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, const DWORD_PTR ReturnAddress, const __int64 Args1, const __int64 Args2, const __int64 Args3); #else
CTracingFuncCall(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine); #endif
CTracingFuncCall(const CTracingFuncCall& TracingFuncCall); ~CTracingFuncCall();
public: LPSTR m_szFunctionName; LPSTR m_szFunctionDName; LPSTR m_szFile; DWORD_PTR m_ReturnAddress;
#if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
DWORD m_arguments[3]; #elif defined (_IA64_ )
__int64 m_arguments[3]; #else
// ... add other processors here
DWORD m_dwFramePointer; DWORD m_dwThreadId; DWORD m_dwLine; friend CTracingIndent; };
class CTracingThreadInfo { public: CTracingThreadInfo(); ~CTracingThreadInfo();
public: LPVOID m_pfnStack; DWORD m_dwLevel; DWORD m_dwThreadId; friend CTracingIndent; };
class CTracingIndent { LPSTR m_szFunctionDName; DWORD m_dwFramePointer; BOOL bFirstTrace; public: #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
void AddTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, LPCVOID pReturnAddress, const DWORD_PTR dwFramePointer); #elif defined (_IA64_)
void AddTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, LPCVOID pReturnAddress, const __int64 Args1, const __int64 Args2, const __int64 Args3); #else
void AddTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine); #endif
void RemoveTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionDName, const DWORD dwFramePointer);
CTracingIndent(); ~CTracingIndent();
static CTracingThreadInfo* GetThreadInfo(); static DWORD getspaces(); static void TraceStackFn(TRACETAGID TraceTagId); static void TraceStackFn(IN OUT LPSTR szString, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwSize); };
#define IDENT_ADD2(x) indent ## x
#define IDENT_ADD(x) IDENT_ADD2(x)
#define __INDENT__ IDENT_ADD(__LINE__)
#define FP_ADD2(x) FP ## x
#define FP_ADD(x) FP_ADD2(x)
#define __FP__ FP_ADD(__LINE__)
#if defined (_X86_)
#define AddTraceLevel \
__if_not_exists(NetCfgFramePointer) \ { \ DWORD NetCfgFramePointer; \ BOOL fForceC4715Check = TRUE; \ } \ if (fForceC4715Check) \ { \ __asm { mov NetCfgFramePointer, ebp }; \ } \ __if_not_exists(NetCfgIndent) \ { \ CTracingIndent NetCfgIndent; \ } \ NetCfgIndent.AddTrace(__FUNCTION__, __FUNCDNAME__, __FILE__, __LINE__, _ReturnAddress(), NetCfgFramePointer); #elif defined (_IA64_)
#define AddTraceLevel \
__if_not_exists(NetCfgIndent) \ { \ CTracingIndent NetCfgIndent; \ } \ NetCfgIndent.AddTrace(__FUNCTION__, __FUNCDNAME__, __FILE__, __LINE__, _ReturnAddress(), 0, 0, 0);
// NetCfgIndent.AddTrace(__FUNCTION__, __FUNCDNAME__, __FILE__, __LINE__, _ReturnAddress(), GetR32, GetR33, GetR34);
// ISSUE: GetR32, GetR33, GetR34 is inherently unsafe and can cause an STATUS_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION exception
// if a register is being read that has the NAT bit set. Removing this for now until the compiler
// team provides a safe version of __getReg
#elif defined (_AMD64_)
#define AddTraceLevel \
__if_not_exists(NetCfgIndent) \ { \ CTracingIndent NetCfgIndent; \ } \ NetCfgIndent.AddTrace(__FUNCTION__, __FUNCDNAME__, __FILE__, __LINE__, _ReturnAddress(), 0); #else
#define AddTraceLevel \
__if_not_exists(NetCfgIndent) \ { \ CTracingIndent NetCfgIndent; \ } \ NetCfgIndent.AddTrace(__FUNCTION__, __FUNCDNAME__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif
// Trace error functions. The leaading _ is to establish the real function,
// while adding a new macro so we can add __FILE__ and __LINE__ to the output.
VOID WINAPI TraceErrorFn (PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza, HRESULT hr); VOID WINAPI TraceErrorOptionalFn (PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza, HRESULT hr, BOOL fOpt); VOID WINAPI TraceErrorSkipFn (PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza, HRESULT hr, UINT c, ...); VOID WINAPIV TraceLastWin32ErrorFn (PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza);
#define TraceError(sz, hr) TraceErrorFn(__FILE__, __LINE__, sz, hr);
#define TraceErrorOptional(sz, hr, _bool) TraceErrorOptionalFn(__FILE__, __LINE__, sz, hr, _bool);
#define TraceErrorSkip1(sz, hr, hr1) TraceErrorSkipFn(__FILE__, __LINE__, sz, hr, 1, hr1);
#define TraceErrorSkip2(sz, hr, hr1, hr2) TraceErrorSkipFn(__FILE__, __LINE__, sz, hr, 2, hr1, hr2);
#define TraceErrorSkip3(sz, hr, hr1, hr2, hr3) TraceErrorSkipFn(__FILE__, __LINE__, sz, hr, 3, hr1, hr2, hr3);
#define TraceLastWin32Error(sz) TraceLastWin32ErrorFn(__FILE__,__LINE__, sz);
VOID WINAPIV TraceHrFn ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, HRESULT hr, BOOL fIgnore, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...);
VOID WINAPIV TraceHrFn ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR pszaFunc, HRESULT hr, BOOL fIgnore, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...);
VOID WINAPIV TraceTagFn ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...);
#define TraceFileFunc(ttidWhich) AddTraceLevel; TraceFileFuncFn(ttidWhich);
#define TraceStack(ttidWhich) AddTraceLevel; CTracingIndent::TraceStackFn(ttidWhich);
#define TraceStackToString(szString, nSize) AddTraceLevel; CTracingIndent::TraceStackFn(szString, nSize);
#define TraceHr AddTraceLevel; TraceHrFn
#define TraceTag AddTraceLevel; TraceTagFn
#define TraceException(hr, szExceptionName) TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "A (%s) exception occurred", szExceptionName);
LPCSTR DbgEvents(DWORD Event); LPCSTR DbgEventManager(DWORD EventManager); LPCSTR DbgNcm(DWORD ncm); LPCSTR DbgNcs(DWORD ncs); LPCSTR DbgNccf(DWORD nccf); LPCSTR DbgNcsm(DWORD ncsm);
#define FAL (void)0
#define TraceError(_sz, _hr)
#define TraceErrorOptional(_sz, _hr, _bool)
#define TraceErrorSkip1(_sz, _hr, _hr1)
#define TraceErrorSkip2(_sz, _hr, _hr1, _hr2)
#define TraceErrorSkip3(_sz, _hr, _hr1, _hr2, _hr3)
#define TraceLastWin32Error(_sz)
#define TraceHr NOP_FUNCTION
#define TraceTag NOP_FUNCTION
#define TraceFileFunc(ttidWhich) NOP_FUNCTION
#define TraceException(hr, szExceptionName) NOP_FUNCTION
#define TraceStack(ttidWhich) NOP_FUNCTION
#define TraceStackToString(szString, nSize) NOP_FUNCTION
#define DbgEvents(Event) ""
#define DbgEventManager(EventManager) ""
#define DbgNcm(ncm) ""
#define DbgNcs(ncs) ""
#define DbgNccf(nccf) ""
#define DbgNcsm(nccf) ""
//---[ Initialization stuff ]-------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrInitTracing(); HRESULT HrUnInitTracing(); HRESULT HrOpenTraceUI(HWND hwndOwner);
template <class T> class CNetCfgDebug; // Fwd template to make this friendly to CObjectLeakTrack
// class: CObjectLeakTrack
// Purpose: Keep a list of all the CNetCfgDebug derived object instances and
// dump these out on request
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes: The data types in here are of type LPVOID in order to minimize
// dependencies when including the trace header.
class CObjectLeakTrack { public: CObjectLeakTrack(); ~CObjectLeakTrack(); void DumpAllocatedObjects(IN TRACETAGID TraceTagId, IN LPCSTR szClassName); BOOL AssertIfObjectsStillAllocated(IN LPCSTR szClassName);
protected: // For these, pThis is really of type CNetCfgDebug<T> *. Since this should only ever be called
// from CNetCfgDebug or ISSUE_knownleak, we are ok with the lack of compile-time type checking.
void Insert(IN LPCVOID pThis, IN LPCSTR szdbgClassName, IN TAKEOWNERSHIP LPSTR pszConstructionStack); void Remove(IN LPCVOID pThis);
friend class CNetCfgDebug; friend void RemoveKnownleakFn(LPCVOID pThis);
protected: LPVOID g_mapObjLeak; // This will actually be of type map<LPCVOID, pair<LPSTR, LPSTR> > ;
extern CObjectLeakTrack *g_pObjectLeakTrack; // The global list of NetConfig objects in the process.
// Call DumpAllocatedObjects on this to dump out the objects.
void RemoveKnownleakFn(LPCVOID pThis);
// class: CNetCfgDebug
// Purpose: In order to debug instance leaks of your class instances, you can
// derive your class from CNetCfgDebug. This adds no data members nor
// a v-table nor virtual functions to your class. It will add
// a constructor and destructor that will be called before & after yours
// respectively, in order to keep track of your class instances.
// This will only happen on CHK builds. On FRE builds deriving from this
// class has no effect, and is safe.
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes:
// This is s an ATL style parent template derive, e.g.:
// CNetCfgDbg<parent>
// e.g.
// class CConnectionManager : public ClassX,
// public classY,
// public CNetCfgBase<CConnectionManager>
// No other interaction with your class is needed. This will now automatically
// keep a list of all the instances allocated of this class (in debug mode),
// with a stack trace where they were allocated from. This is a Tracing
// stack trace so it's only successful for functions inside the callstack which
// actually used a TraceXxx statement (any trace statement) before they called
// the child functions.
// e.g.
// void X()
// {
// TraceFileFunc(ttidSomething);
// void Y()
// {
// void Z()
// {
// TraceTag(ttidSomething, "allocation class");
// CConnectionManager *pConnectionManager = new CConnectionManager();
// }
// TraceTag(ttidSomething, "Z called");
// }
// }
// This will spew the following when the process terminates (or when TraceAllocatedObjects is called):
// ASSERT: "An object leak has been detected. Please attach a user or kernel mode debugger and hit
// IGNORE to dump the offending stacks"
// The object of type 'class CConnectionManager' allocated at 0x7fe2345 has not been freed:
// it was constructed from the stack below:
// Z [EBP: 0x731d3128] 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x0000000a
// X [EBP: 0x731d310f] 0x0000000f 0x0000000e 0x0000000a
// (since Y() did not contain a trace statement before the call to Z() )
template <class T> class CNetCfgDebug { public: CNetCfgDebug() { if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)) { if (g_csTracing && g_pObjectLeakTrack) { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
DWORD dwConstructionStackSize = 16384; LPSTR pszConstructionStack = new CHAR[dwConstructionStackSize]; if (pszConstructionStack) { TraceStackToString(pszConstructionStack, &dwConstructionStackSize);
if (dwConstructionStackSize < 16384) { // Reduce the amount of memory required
LPSTR szTemp = new CHAR[dwConstructionStackSize]; if (szTemp) { memcpy(szTemp, pszConstructionStack, dwConstructionStackSize); delete[] pszConstructionStack;
pszConstructionStack = szTemp; } } else { } }
TraceTag(ttidAllocations, "An object of type '%s' was allocated at '0x%08x'", typeid(T).name(), this); g_pObjectLeakTrack->Insert(this, typeid(T).name(), pszConstructionStack); // ok to insert if pszConstructionStack is NULL.
LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } };
~CNetCfgDebug() { if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)) { if (g_csTracing && g_pObjectLeakTrack) { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
TraceTag(ttidAllocations, "An object of type '%s' was deleted at '0x%08x'", typeid(T).name(), this); g_pObjectLeakTrack->Remove(this);
LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } }; };
#define ISSUE_knownleak(pThis) RemoveKnownleakFn(pThis);
#define TraceAllocatedObjects(ttidWhich, ClassName) g_pObjectLeakTrack->DumpAllocatedObjects(ttidWhich, typeid(ClassName).name());
#define AssertIfAllocatedObjects(ClassName) g_pObjectLeakTrack->AssertIfObjectsStillAllocated(typeid(ClassName).name());
#define TraceAllAllocatedObjects(ttidWhich) g_pObjectLeakTrack->DumpAllocatedObjects(ttidWhich, NULL);
#define AssertIfAnyAllocatedObjects() g_pObjectLeakTrack->AssertIfObjectsStillAllocated(NULL);
template <class T> class CNetCfgDebug { };
#define ISSUE_knownleak(pThis) NOP_FUNCTION
#define TraceAllocatedObjects(ttidWhich, szClassName) NOP_FUNCTION
#define AssertNoAllocatedInstances(szClassName) NOP_FUNCTION