// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: A R C . C P P
// Contents: Notification support for active ras connections.
// Notes: This module maintains a global array of active RAS connections.
// This array is initialized with a call to
// HrArcEnsureCachedAndListening. A thread waits for
// notifications that a RAS connection has either been connected
// or disconnected. When this happens, the thread calls
// ArcWaitCallback which updates the
// global array. The thread gets its handle to wait on from
// HrArcEnsureCachedAndListening. The thread is not implemented
// here but rather a sytem-provide thread pool is used.
// Author: shaunco 7 Feb 1998
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "arc.h"
#include "conman.h"
#include "ncmisc.h"
#include "ncras.h"
#include "nmbase.h"
#include <raserror.h>
// This is the global data representing active ras connections.
struct ACTIVE_RAS_CONNECTIONS { // This is set after calling ArcInitialize.
BOOL fInitialized;
// This critical section protects reading and writing to members of
// this structure.
// This is the array and count of active ras connections.
RASCONN* aRasConn; DWORD cRasConn;
// This is the event handle that is signled when a connection is
// connected or disconnected.
HANDLE hEvent;
// This is the wait handle returned from RtlRegisterWait.
// This is set after the first call to HrArcEnsureCachedAndListening.
BOOL fCachedAndListening; };
// Function: ArcInitialize
// Purpose: Initialize this module for use.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: nothing
// Author: shaunco 7 Feb 1998
// Notes: This can only be called once. It must be called before
// any other Arc* API can be called.
VOID ArcInitialize () { Assert (!g_Arc.fInitialized);
InitializeCriticalSection (&g_Arc.critsec); g_Arc.fInitialized = TRUE; }
// Function: ArcUninitialize
// Purpose: Uninitialize this module.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: nothing
// Author: shaunco 7 Feb 1998
// Notes: This can only be called once. It must be called after the
// last call to any other Arc* API.
VOID ArcUninitialize () { Assert (g_Arc.fInitialized);
if (g_Arc.fCachedAndListening) { CExceptionSafeLock EsLock (&g_Arc.critsec);
if (g_Arc.hWait) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "ArcUninitialize: calling RtlDeregisterWait");
RtlDeregisterWait (g_Arc.hWait); g_Arc.hWait = NULL; }
TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "ArcUninitialize: closing event handle"); CloseHandle (g_Arc.hEvent); g_Arc.hEvent = NULL;
MemFree (g_Arc.aRasConn); g_Arc.aRasConn = NULL; g_Arc.cRasConn = 0;
g_Arc.fCachedAndListening = FALSE; }
// We can't delete the critical section unless we can guarantee
// that no other API (like HrArcFindRasConnFromGuidId)
// will be called. (This is assumed.)
DeleteCriticalSection (&g_Arc.critsec); g_Arc.fInitialized = FALSE; }
// Function: ArcWaitCallback
// Purpose: Called by the RTL thread pool for this process when
// g_Arc.hEvent is signaled. This event will be signaled by
// the Rasman service when the state of an outgoing
// connection changes.
// Arguments:
// pvContext [in] Our user data. (Not used here.)
// fTimeout [in] TRUE if we were called because of a timeout.
// Returns: nothing
// Author: shaunco 7 Feb 1998
// Notes: Be quick about this. We're being called on a thread provided
// by the system.
VOID NTAPI ArcWaitCallback ( PVOID pvContext, BOOLEAN fTimeout) { Assert (g_Arc.fInitialized); Assert (g_Arc.fCachedAndListening);
// Let's be sure we only do work if the service state is still running.
// If we have a stop pending for example, we don't need to do anything.
if (SERVICE_RUNNING != _Module.DwServiceStatus ()) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "ArcWaitCallback called while service is not " "in SERVICE_RUNNING state. Ignoring."); return; }
// Lock scope
{ // Prevent other threads from reading the data we are about to update.
CExceptionSafeLock EsLock (&g_Arc.critsec);
DWORD cRasConnOld = g_Arc.cRasConn;
MemFree (g_Arc.aRasConn); hr = HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections (&g_Arc.aRasConn, &g_Arc.cRasConn);
TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "ArcWaitCallback called: connection count: %u -> %u", cRasConnOld, g_Arc.cRasConn); }
// Tell the connection manager to advise it's clients that a change
// occured and re-enumeration is neccessary.
CConnectionManager::NotifyClientsOfChange ();
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "ArcWaitCallback"); }
HRESULT HrArcEnsureCachedAndListening () { Assert (g_Arc.fInitialized);
if (g_Arc.fCachedAndListening) { return S_OK; }
g_Arc.fCachedAndListening = TRUE; TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Initializing active ras " "connections cache...");
// Prevent other threads from reading the data we are about to update.
CExceptionSafeLock EsLock (&g_Arc.critsec);
// Create an auto-reset event and register it with
// RasConnectionNotification.
g_Arc.hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (g_Arc.hEvent) { // We want to register for state changes to all connection objects
// so we pass INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE for the first parameter.
DWORD dwErr = RasConnectionNotification ( reinterpret_cast<HRASCONN>(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), g_Arc.hEvent, RASCN_Connection | RASCN_Disconnection | RASCN_BandwidthAdded | RASCN_BandwidthRemoved);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "RasConnectionNotification", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Initialize the array of active RAS connections before
// registering for a wait callack on the event.
MemFree (g_Arc.aRasConn); hr = HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections (&g_Arc.aRasConn, &g_Arc.cRasConn); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { NTSTATUS status; status = RtlRegisterWait (&g_Arc.hWait, g_Arc.hEvent, ArcWaitCallback, NULL, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT (status); TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "RtlRegisterWait", hr); } else { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Cached and listening for " "ras connection state changes...");
hr = S_OK; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { MemFree (g_Arc.aRasConn); g_Arc.aRasConn = NULL; } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { CloseHandle (g_Arc.hEvent); g_Arc.hEvent = NULL; } } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error (); TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CreateEvent", hr); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrArcEnsureCachedAndListening"); return hr; }
HRESULT HrArcFindRasConnFromGuidId ( const GUID* pguidId, HRASCONN* phRasConn) { Assert (g_Arc.fInitialized); Assert (pguidId); Assert (phRasConn);
// Initialize the output parameter.
*phRasConn = NULL;
// Prevent the update thread from updating the data
// until we are done reading it.
CExceptionSafeLock EsLock (&g_Arc.critsec);
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < g_Arc.cRasConn; dwIndex++) { if (*pguidId == g_Arc.aRasConn[dwIndex].guidEntry) { *phRasConn = g_Arc.aRasConn[dwIndex].hrasconn; hr = S_OK; break; } }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, (S_FALSE == hr), "HrArcFindRasConnFromGuidId"); return hr; }