#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <nspapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#define PROCESS_SIZE 16
INT InetStartService( LPCTSTR lpServiceName );
TCHAR gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted[20][PROCESS_SIZE]; int gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_nextuse; int gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_total;
int ServicesRestartList_EntryExists(LPCTSTR szServiceName) { int iFoundMatch = FALSE;
// loop thru the whole list
for(int i=0; i < gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_total;i++) { if (_tcsicmp(gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted[i], szServiceName) == 0) { iFoundMatch = TRUE; break; } }
return iFoundMatch; }
int ServicesRestartList_Add(LPCTSTR szServiceName) { DbgPrint(("ServicesRestartList_Add() on Service %S"), szServiceName);
// check if this value already exists in the globalarary
if (ServicesRestartList_EntryExists(szServiceName)) {return FALSE;} // move info into global array
if (gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_nextuse <= 20) { _tcscpy(gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted[gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_nextuse],szServiceName); // increment counter to array
// increment next use space
++gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_total; ++gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_nextuse; } return TRUE; }
int ServicesRestartList_RestartServices(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; INT err = 0;
// loop thru the whole list and restart the services in reverse
// order from how they were entered?
if (gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_total >= 1) { DbgPrint(("RestartServices() Start.")); for(int i=0; i < gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted_total;i++) { err = InetStartService(gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted[i]); DbgPrint(("Start service %S. err=%x"), gServicesWhichMustBeRestarted[i], err); } DbgPrint(("RestartServices() End.")); }
return iReturn; }
INT InetStartService( LPCTSTR lpServiceName ) { INT err = 0; const DWORD dwSvcSleepInterval = 500 ; const DWORD dwSvcMaxSleep = 180000 ; SC_HANDLE hScManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
DbgPrint(("Starting %S service..."), lpServiceName);
do { // set up the service first
if ((hScManager = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, GENERIC_ALL )) == NULL || (hService = ::OpenService( hScManager, lpServiceName, GENERIC_ALL )) == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); break; }
SERVICE_STATUS svcStatus; if ( !QueryServiceStatus( hService, &svcStatus )) { err = ::GetLastError(); break; }
if ( svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING ) break; // service already started and running
if ( !::StartService( hService, 0, NULL )) { err = ::GetLastError(); break; }
// Wait for the service to attain "running" status; but
// wait no more than 3 minute.
DWORD dwSleepTotal; for ( dwSleepTotal = 0 ; dwSleepTotal < dwSvcMaxSleep && (QueryServiceStatus( hService, &svcStatus )) //&& svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING ;
&& svcStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING ; dwSleepTotal += dwSvcSleepInterval ) { ::Sleep( dwSvcSleepInterval ) ; }
if ( svcStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING ) { err = dwSleepTotal > dwSvcMaxSleep ? ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT : svcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode; break; }
} while ( FALSE );
if (hService) CloseServiceHandle(hService); if (hScManager) CloseServiceHandle(hScManager); DbgPrint(("Service started with 0x%x"), err);
return(err); }
//Routine Description:
// Stop the named service and all those services which depend upon it.
// And if the service is hung and can't be stopped, then kill the darn thing.
// ServiceName (Name of service to stop)
//Return Status:
// TRUE - Indicates service successfully stopped
// FALSE - Timeout occurred.
int StopServiceAndDependencies(LPCTSTR ServiceName, int AddToRestartList) { DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():%S Service"), ServiceName);
int Err = 0; int iBeforeServiceStatus = 0; SC_HANDLE ScManagerHandle = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; DWORD Timeout; DWORD TimeoutMaxSecs = 60 * 10; //10mins -- iisadmin may take a long time
int iReturn = FALSE;
// Open a handle to the Service.
ScManagerHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL,NULL,SC_MANAGER_CONNECT ); if (ScManagerHandle == NULL) { Err = GetLastError(); DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():OpenSCManager: Err on Service %S Err=0x%x FAILED"), ServiceName, Err); goto Cleanup; }
ServiceHandle = OpenService(ScManagerHandle,ServiceName,SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_INTERROGATE | SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG ); if ( ServiceHandle == NULL ) { Err = GetLastError(); if (Err == ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { iReturn = TRUE; DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():%S Service does not exist."), ServiceName); } else { DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():OpenService: Err on Service %S Err=0x%x FAILED"), ServiceName, Err); } goto Cleanup; }
// Get the before service status.
if (QueryServiceStatus(ServiceHandle, &ServiceStatus)) { iBeforeServiceStatus = ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState; }
// Ask the service to stop.
if ( !ControlService( ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus) ) { Err = GetLastError(); // If there are dependent services running,
// determine their names and stop them.
if ( Err == ERROR_DEPENDENT_SERVICES_RUNNING ) { BYTE ConfigBuffer[4096]; LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS ServiceConfig = (LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS) &ConfigBuffer; DWORD BytesNeeded; DWORD ServiceCount; DWORD ServiceIndex;
// Get the names of the dependent services.
if ( !EnumDependentServices( ServiceHandle,SERVICE_ACTIVE,ServiceConfig,sizeof(ConfigBuffer),&BytesNeeded,&ServiceCount ) ) { Err = GetLastError(); DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():EnumDependentServices: Err on Service %S Err=0x%x FAILED"), ServiceName, Err); goto Cleanup; }
// Stop those services.
for ( ServiceIndex=0; ServiceIndex<ServiceCount; ServiceIndex++ ) { StopServiceAndDependencies( ServiceConfig[ServiceIndex].lpServiceName, AddToRestartList); }
// Ask the original service to stop.
if ( !ControlService( ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus) ) { Err = GetLastError();
// check if the service is already stopped..
if ( Err == ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL || Err == ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) { // check if the service is alread stopped.
if (QueryServiceStatus( ServiceHandle, &ServiceStatus )) { if ( ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED || ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) { iReturn = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } } } else { // The service must be in a hung mode. Let's kill it.
// Todo: NYI
DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():'%S' Service must be in a hung mode. unable to stop it."), ServiceName); //KillService(ServiceHandle);
//goto WaitLoop;
} goto Cleanup; }
} else { // check if the service is already stopped..
if ( Err == ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL || Err == ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) { // check if the service is alread stopped.
if (QueryServiceStatus( ServiceHandle, &ServiceStatus )) { if ( ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED || ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) { Err = ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState; iReturn = TRUE; goto Cleanup; } } } else { // The service must be in a hung mode. Let's kill it.
DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():'%S' Service must be in a hung mode."), ServiceName); //KillService(ServiceHandle);
//goto WaitLoop;
} goto Cleanup; } } else { // We successfully asked the service to stop...
// Loop waiting for the service to stop.
for ( Timeout=0; Timeout<TimeoutMaxSecs; Timeout++ ) { // Return or continue waiting depending on the state of the service.
if ( ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) { // The service successfully stopped.
DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies(): %S Service stopped."), ServiceName); iReturn = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
// Wait a second for the service to finish stopping.
Sleep( 1000 );
// Query the status of the service again.
if (! QueryServiceStatus( ServiceHandle, &ServiceStatus )) { Err = GetLastError(); DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies():QueryServiceStatus: Err on Service %S Err=0x%x FAILED"), ServiceName, Err); goto Cleanup; }
#if 0
// if the service we are trying to stop is a driver,
// then heck we should just get out of here..
if (TRUE == IsThisServiceADriver(ServiceName)) { DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies(): %S service is a driver, and can only be removed upon reboot."), ServiceName); goto Cleanup; } #endif
// if we get here then the service failed to stop.
DbgPrint(("StopServiceAndDependencies(): failed to stop %S service."), ServiceName);
Cleanup: if ( ScManagerHandle != NULL ) {(VOID) CloseServiceHandle(ScManagerHandle);} if ( ServiceHandle != NULL ) {(VOID) CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle);}
// if we successfully stopped this service, then
// add it to the restart service list
if (iReturn == TRUE) { if (iBeforeServiceStatus == SERVICE_RUNNING) { if (AddToRestartList) {ServicesRestartList_Add(ServiceName);} } } return iReturn; }