SrvProp.cpp -- Properties class definition
MODULE: DhcpProv.dll
DESCRIPTION: Contains the definition of the class modeling the DHCP_Server property.
REVISION: 08/03/98 - created
******************************************************************/ #include <stdafx.h>
#include "Props.h"
/*------------------------Utility functions below------------------------------*/ // DESCRIPTION:
// Converts a CHString containing the string representation of an IPAddress to the DHCP_IP_ADDRESS type.
// I would have used here inet_addr but this one only takes char * as arguments (not wchar_t *)
// Note that the IPAddress can be any substring of 'str'!
BOOL inet_wstodw(CHString str, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS & IpAddress) { DWORD value; int i;
for (i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++) if (str[i] >= _T('0') && str[i] <= _T('9')) break;
IpAddress = 0; for (int k = 0; i < str.GetLength(); k++) { value = 0;
// at this point, str[i] is definitely a decimal digit
do { value *= 10; value += str[i++] - _T('0'); } while(str[i] >= _T('0') && str[i] <= _T('9'));
if (str[i] == _T('.')) { IpAddress <<= 8; IpAddress |= (value & 0xff); i++; if (str[i] >= _T('0') && str[i] <= _T('9')) continue; } if (k != 3) return FALSE; else break; }
IpAddress <<= 8; IpAddress |= (value & 0xff); return TRUE; }
BOOL dupDhcpBinaryData(DHCP_BINARY_DATA &src, DHCP_BINARY_DATA &dest) { dest.DataLength = src.DataLength; if (dest.DataLength == NULL) return TRUE; if (src.Data == NULL) return FALSE; dest.Data = (BYTE*)MIDL_user_allocate(dest.DataLength); if (!dest.Data) return FALSE; memcpy(dest.Data, src.Data, dest.DataLength); return TRUE; }
BOOL InstanceSetByteArray(CInstance *pInstance, const CHString& strProperty, BYTE *bArray, DWORD dwSzArray) { SAFEARRAY *saVariable; SAFEARRAYBOUND saVector; HRESULT retCode = WBEM_E_FAILED;
if (pInstance == NULL) return FALSE;
// first create the SAFEARRAY to pass to the pInstance
saVector.cElements = dwSzArray; // on the only dimension we have, there are dwSzArray elements
saVector.lLbound = 0; // the lowest index of the dimension is 0
saVariable = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, &saVector); // create a unsigned char array on one dimension
if (saVariable != NULL) // continue if creation succeeded
{ // transfer the binary array to the SAFEARRAY
for (long i = 0; i<dwSzArray; i++) { if (SafeArrayPutElement(saVariable, &i, bArray + i) != S_OK) break; }
if (i == dwSzArray) // if the SAFEARRAY was built successfully continue
{ // build the Variant that holds the SAFEARRAY
VARIANT Variant; Variant.vt = VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY; Variant.parray = saVariable;
// build the BSTR holding the property name
BSTR bstrProp = strProperty.AllocSysString();
if (bstrProp != NULL) // if the property was converted to BSTR successfully go on..
{ IWbemClassObject *wbemClassObject = pInstance->GetClassObjectInterface();
if (wbemClassObject != NULL) // everything went fine, now just put the value
retCode = wbemClassObject->Put(bstrProp, 0, &Variant, 0);
SysFreeString ( bstrProp ); } }
SafeArrayDestroy(saVariable); } return retCode == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
BOOL InstanceGetByteArray(CInstance *pInstance, const CHString& name, BYTE *&bArray, DWORD &dwSzArray) { SAFEARRAY *saVariable; SAFEARRAYBOUND saVector; BOOL bRet = FALSE ;
if (pInstance == NULL) return FALSE;
IWbemClassObject *wbemClassObject = pInstance->GetClassObjectInterface(); if ( wbemClassObject ) { VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
BSTR pName = name.AllocSysString(); HRESULT hr = wbemClassObject->Get(pName, 0, &v, NULL, NULL); SysFreeString(pName); if ( ( v.vt != VT_NULL) && (v.vt != (VT_UI1|VT_ARRAY))) { VariantClear(&v); return FALSE ; }
if (bRet = SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ( v.vt != VT_NULL && v.parray != NULL ) { SAFEARRAY *t_SafeArray = v.parray ; if ( SafeArrayGetDim ( t_SafeArray ) == 1 ) { LONG t_Dimension = 1 ; LONG t_LowerBound ; SafeArrayGetLBound ( t_SafeArray , t_Dimension , & t_LowerBound ) ; LONG t_UpperBound ; SafeArrayGetUBound ( t_SafeArray , t_Dimension , & t_UpperBound ) ;
dwSzArray = t_UpperBound - t_LowerBound + 1 ; bArray = (BYTE*)MIDL_user_allocate(dwSzArray * sizeof(BYTE));
for ( LONG t_Index = t_LowerBound ; t_Index <= t_UpperBound ; t_Index ++ ) { BYTE t_Element ; SafeArrayGetElement ( t_SafeArray , &t_Index , & t_Element ) ;
bArray [ t_Index ] = t_Element ; }
bRet = TRUE ; } } }
VariantClear(&v); }
return bRet ; }
/*-----------------------CDHCP_Property class definition---------------------------------*/ // constructor. An instance of this class has to be defined by the parameters below:
CDHCP_Property::CDHCP_Property( const WCHAR *wsPropName, // the name of the property
const PFN_PROPERTY_ACTION pfnActionGet, // the pointer to its GET function
const PFN_PROPERTY_ACTION pfnActionSet) // the pointer to its SET function
{ m_pfnActionGet = pfnActionGet; m_pfnActionSet = pfnActionSet;
if (wsPropName != NULL) { m_wsPropName = new WCHAR[wcslen(wsPropName) + 1]; // the name is copied into a local member variable
wcscpy(m_wsPropName, wsPropName); // released upon destruction
} else m_wsPropName = NULL; }
CDHCP_Property::~CDHCP_Property() { if (m_wsPropName != NULL) delete m_wsPropName; // release the memory allocated for the property name