#pragma namespace ( "\\\\.\\root\\dhcp" )
[ description(""), singleton: DisableOverride ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER") ] class DHCP_Server { [ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t nacks sent") ] uint32 TotalNoOfNacks;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t offers sent") ] uint32 TotalNoOfOffers;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t declines received") ] uint32 TotalNoOfDeclines;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t releases received") ] uint32 TotalNoOfReleases;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t requests received") ] uint32 TotalNoOfRequests;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t discovery messages received") ] uint32 TotalNoOfDiscovers;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the DHCP server start time") ] string StartTime;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the number of\n\t\t\t acks received") ] uint32 TotalNoOfAcks;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the version of the DHCP server") ] string ServerVersion;
[ read, description("This variable indicates the API protocol supported by the DHCP server") ] uint32 APIProtocol;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the name of the database file") ] string DatabaseName;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the path to the database file") ] string DatabasePath;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the path to the backup database") ] string BackupPath;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the interval backups are done") ] uint32 BackupInterval;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the flags controlling the database logging") ] uint32 DatabaseLoggingFlag;
[ read,write, description("RestoreFlag") ] uint32 RestoreFlag;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the interval the database is cleaned up") ] uint32 DatabaseCleanupInterval;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the flags controlling the debug output levels") ] uint32 DebugFlag;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the number of ping retries") ] uint32 PingRetries;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the bootfile table") ] string BootFileTable;
[ read,write, description("This variable indicates the activity log state") ] boolean AuditLog;
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the APIProtocol parameter" ) ] uint32 SetAPIProtocol ( [in] uint32 APIProtocol);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the database file name" ) ] uint32 SetDatabaseName ( [in] string DatabaseName);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the path to the database file" ) ] uint32 SetDatabasePath ( [in] string DatabasePath);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the path to the backup directory" ) ] uint32 SetBackupPath ( [in] string BackupPath);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the backup time interval (in seconds)" ) ] uint32 SetBackupInterval ( [in] uint32 BackupInterval);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the database logging flag" ) ] uint32 SetDatabaseLoggingFlag ( [in] uint32 DatabaseLoggingFlag);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the restore flag" ) ] uint32 SetRestoreFlag ( [in] uint32 RestoreFlag);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the database cleanup interval (in seconds)" ) ] uint32 SetDatabaseCleanupInterval ( [in] uint32 DatabaseCleanupInterval);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the debug flag" ) ] uint32 SetDebugFlag ( [in] uint32 DebugFlag);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the number of ping retries" ) ] uint32 SetPingRetries ( [in] uint32 PingRetries);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the boot file table" ) ] uint32 SetBootFileTable ( [in] string BootFileTable);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows turning on/off the audit log" ) ] uint32 SetAuditLog ( [in] boolean AuditLog); };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_Subnet { [ key, read, Description ( "This variable indicates the subnet's IP network address" ) ] string Address;
[ read, Description ( "This variable indicates the subnet's IP mask" ) ] string Mask;
[ read, write, Description ( "This variable indicates the name of this subnet" ) ] string Name;
[ read, write, Description ( "This variable indicates the comment of this subnet" ) ] string Comment;
[ Values { "0", "1" }, ValueMap { "Enabled", "Disabled"}, read, write, Description ( "This variable shows the current state of the subnet" ) ] uint32 State;
[ read, Description ( "This variable indicates the number of addresses in use for this subnet" ) ] uint32 NumberOfAddressesInUse;
[ read, Description ( "This variable indicates the number of addresses free in this subnet" ) ] uint32 NumberOfAddressesFree;
[ read, Description ( "This variable indicates the number of pending offers given in this subnet" ) ] uint32 NumberOfPendingOffers; [ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the name of the subnet" ) ] uint32 SetName ( [in] string Name);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows setting the comment of the subnet" ) ] uint32 SetComment ( [in] string Comment);
[ implemented, description ( "This method allows enabling(0) / disabling(1) the subnet" ) ] uint32 SetState ( [in] uint32 State); };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_Lease { [ key, read, description ( "This key variable indicates the lease's IP Address" ) ] string Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This key variable indicates the subnet to which the lease belongs" ) ] string Address;
[ read, description ( "This variable indicates the mask which applies for the lease" ) ] string SubnetMask;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable indicates the MAC address of the client associated to the lease" ) ] uint8 UniqueClientIdentifier [];
[ read, write, description ( "This variable indicates the domain name for the client associated to the lease" ) ] string Name;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable indicates the comment associated to the lease" ) ] string Comment;
[ read, description ( "This variable indicates the date the lease expires" ) ] datetime LeaseExpiryDate;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable shows the type of the client associated to the lease" ) ] uint8 Type;
[ read, description ( "This variable shows the current state of the lease" ) ] uint8 State; };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_Reservation { [ key, read, description ( "This key variable indicates the lease's IP Address" ) ] string Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This key variable indicates the subnet to which the lease belongs" ) ] string Address;
[ read, description ( "This variable indicates the mask which applies for the lease" ) ] string SubnetMask;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable indicates the MAC address of the client associated to the lease" ) ] uint8 UniqueClientIdentifier [];
[ read, write, description ( "This variable indicates the domain name for the client associated to the lease" ) ] string Name;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable indicates the comment associated to the lease" ) ] string Comment;
[ read, description ( "This variable indicates the date the lease expires" ) ] datetime LeaseExpiryDate;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable shows the type of the client associated to the lease" ) ] uint8 Type;
[ read, description ( "This variable shows the current state of the lease" ) ] uint8 State;
[ read, write, description ( "This variable tells which kind of clients can allocate this reservation" ), values { "0", "1", "2", "3", "100"}, ValueMap {"Unspecified", "DHCP", "BOOTP", "Both", "None"} ] uint8 ReservationType; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_SubnetLease { [ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Subnet involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Subnet REF Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Lease involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Lease REF Lease; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_SubnetReservation { [ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Subnet involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Subnet REF Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Reservation involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Reservation REF Reservation; };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_SuperScope { [ key, read, description ( "This variable indicates the name of the superscope" ) ] string Name; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_SuperScopeSubnets { [ key, read, description ( "This variable references the SuperScope involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_SuperScope REF SuperScope;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Subnet involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Subnet REF Subnet; };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_Range { [ key, read, description ( "This variable points to the Subnet to which this range belongs" ) ] string Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable indicates the start address of the range" ) ] string StartAddress;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable indicates the end address of the range" ) ] string EndAddress;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable indicates the type of the range (Included vs. Excluded)" ) ] uint32 RangeType; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_SubnetIncludedRange { [ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Subnet involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Subnet REF Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Included Range involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Range REF Range; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_SubnetExcludedRange { [ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Subnet involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Subnet REF Subnet;
[ key, read, description ( "This variable references the Excluded Range involved in the association" ) ] DHCP_Range REF Range; };
[ Abstract ] class DHCP_OptionVariant { };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Uint8 : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint8 Value; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Uint16 : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint16 Value; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Uint32 : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint32 Value; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Uint32Uint32 : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint32 FirstValue; Uint32 SecondValue; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_IPAddress : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint32 Value; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_String : DHCP_OptionVariant { string Value; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Binary : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint8 Value []; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Encapsulated : DHCP_OptionVariant { Uint8 Value []; };
class DHCP_OptionVariant_Array : DHCP_OptionVariant { DHCP_OptionVariant Value []; };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description("") ] class DHCP_Option { [ key, read, write, description ( "this variable indicates the option's numeric identifier" ) ] uint32 Identifier;
[ read, write, description ( "this variable indicates the option's name" ) ] string Name;
[ read, write, description ( "this variable indicates the option's comment" ) ] string Comment;
[ read, write, description ( "this variable encapsulates the option's default values" ) ] DHCP_OptionVariant Values; };
/* [ Abstract, description("") ] class DHCP_OptionValue { DHCP_OptionVariant Value; };
[ description(""), dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER") ] class DHCP_ServerOptionValue : DHCP_OptionValue { [key] uint32 Identifier; };
[ description(""), dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER") ] class DHCP_SubnetOptionValue : DHCP_OptionValue { [key] string Subnet;
[key] uint32 Identifier; };
[ description(""), dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER") ] class DHCP_ReservationOptionValue : DHCP_OptionValue { [key] string Reservation;
[key] uint32 Identifier; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_OptionToOptionValue { [ Key, Read, Description ( "" ) ] DHCP_Option REF Option;
[ Key, Read, Description ( "" ) ] DHCP_OptionValue REF OptionValue; };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_VendorClass { [key] string Name; };
[ dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_UserClass { [key] string Name; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_UserClassToOptionValue { [ Key, Read, Description ( "" ) ] DHCP_UserClass REF UserClass;
[ Key, Read, Description ( "" ) ] DHCP_OptionValue REF OptionValue; };
[ Association: ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance, provider("MS_NT_DHCP_PROVIDER"), Description ( "" ) ] class DHCP_VendorClassToOptionValue { [ Key, Read, Description ( "" ) ] DHCP_VendorClass REF UserClass;
[ Key, Read, Description ( "" ) ] DHCP_OptionValue REF OptionValue; }; */