Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains miscellaneous utility routines used by the DHCP server service. Code is hacked from convert.c
Shubho Bhattacharya (a-sbhatt) 11/17/98
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
PVOID DhcpAllocateMemory( DWORD Size ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function allocates the required size of memory by calling LocalAlloc.
Size - size of the memory block required.
Return Value:
Pointer to the allocated block.
--*/ {
return calloc(1, Size); }
#undef DhcpFreeMemory
VOID DhcpFreeMemory( PVOID Memory ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function frees up the memory that was allocated by DhcpAllocateMemory.
Memory - pointer to the memory block that needs to be freed up.
Return Value:
--*/ {
ASSERT( Memory != NULL ); free( Memory ); }
LPWSTR DhcpOemToUnicodeN( IN LPCSTR Ansi, IN OUT LPWSTR Unicode, IN USHORT cChars ) {
OEM_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString;
RtlInitString( &AnsiString, Ansi );
UnicodeString.MaximumLength = cChars * sizeof( WCHAR );
if( Unicode == NULL ) { UnicodeString.Buffer = DhcpAllocateMemory( UnicodeString.MaximumLength ); } else { UnicodeString.Buffer = Unicode; }
if ( UnicodeString.Buffer == NULL ) { return NULL; }
if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE))){ if( Unicode == NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( UnicodeString.Buffer ); UnicodeString.Buffer = NULL; } return NULL; }
return UnicodeString.Buffer; }
LPWSTR DhcpOemToUnicode( IN LPCSTR Ansi, IN OUT LPWSTR Unicode ) { OEM_STRING AnsiString;
RtlInitString( &AnsiString, Ansi );
return DhcpOemToUnicodeN( Ansi, Unicode, (USHORT) RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize( &AnsiString ) ); }
Routine Description:
Convert an OEM (zero terminated) string to the corresponding UNICODE string.
Ansi - Specifies the ASCII zero terminated string to convert.
Unicode - Specifies the pointer to the unicode buffer. If this pointer is NULL then this routine allocates buffer using DhcpAllocateMemory and returns. The caller should freeup this memory after use by calling DhcpFreeMemory.
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated UNICODE string in an allocated buffer. The buffer can be freed using DhcpFreeMemory.
LPSTR DhcpUnicodeToOem( IN LPCWSTR Unicode, OUT LPSTR Ansi )
Routine Description:
Convert an UNICODE (zero terminated) string to the corresponding OEM string.
Ansi - Specifies the UNICODE zero terminated string to convert.
Ansi - Specifies the pointer to the oem buffer. If this pointer is NULL then this routine allocates buffer using DhcpAllocateMemory and returns. The caller should freeup this memory after use by calling DhcpFreeMemory.
Return Value:
NULL - There was some error in the conversion.
Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated OEM string in an allocated buffer. The buffer can be freed using DhcpFreeMemory.
OEM_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, Unicode );
AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( &UnicodeString );
if( Ansi == NULL ) { AnsiString.Buffer = DhcpAllocateMemory( AnsiString.MaximumLength ); } else { AnsiString.Buffer = Ansi; }
if ( AnsiString.Buffer == NULL ) { return NULL; }
if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, FALSE))){ if( Ansi == NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( AnsiString.Buffer ); AnsiString.Buffer = NULL; }
return NULL; }
return AnsiString.Buffer; }
VOID DhcpHexToString( OUT LPWSTR Buffer, IN const BYTE * HexNumber, IN DWORD Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions converts are arbitrary length hex number to a Unicode string. The string is not NUL terminated.
Buffer - A pointer to a buffer for the resultant Unicode string. The buffer must be at least Length * 2 characters in size.
HexNumber - The hex number to convert.
Length - The length of HexNumber, in bytes.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i; int j;
for (i = 0; i < Length * 2; i+=2 ) {
j = *HexNumber & 0xF; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i+1] = j + L'0'; } else { Buffer[i+1] = j + L'A' - 10; }
j = *HexNumber >> 4; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i] = j + L'0'; } else { Buffer[i] = j + L'A' - 10; }
HexNumber++; }
return; }
VOID DhcpHexToAscii( OUT LPSTR Buffer, IN LPBYTE HexNumber, IN DWORD Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions converts are arbitrary length hex number to an ASCII string. The string is not NUL terminated.
Buffer - A pointer to a buffer for the resultant Unicode string. The buffer must be at least Length * 2 characters in size.
HexNumber - The hex number to convert.
Length - The length of HexNumber, in bytes.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i; int j;
for (i = 0; i < Length; i+=1 ) {
j = *HexNumber & 0xF; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i+1] = j + '0'; } else { Buffer[i+1] = j + 'A' - 10; }
j = *HexNumber >> 4; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i] = j + '0'; } else { Buffer[i] = j + 'A' - 10; }
HexNumber++; }
return; }
VOID DhcpDecimalToString( OUT LPWSTR Buffer, IN BYTE Number ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions converts a single byte decimal digit to a 3 character Unicode string. The string not NUL terminated.
Buffer - A pointer to a buffer for the resultant Unicode string. The buffer must be at least 3 characters in size.
Number - The number to convert.
Return Value:
--*/ { Buffer[2] = Number % 10 + L'0'; Number /= 10;
Buffer[1] = Number % 10 + L'0'; Number /= 10;
Buffer[0] = Number + L'0';
return; }
DWORD DhcpDottedStringToIpAddress( LPSTR String ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions converts a dotted decimal form ASCII string to a Host order IP address.
String - The address to convert.
Return Value:
The corresponding IP address.
--*/ { struct in_addr addr;
addr.s_addr = inet_addr( String ); return( ntohl(*(LPDWORD)&addr) ); }
LPSTR DhcpIpAddressToDottedString( IN DWORD IpAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions converts a Host order IP address to a dotted decimal form ASCII string.
IpAddress - Host order IP Address.
Return Value:
String for IP Address.
--*/ { DWORD NetworkOrderIpAddress;
NetworkOrderIpAddress = htonl(IpAddress); return(inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr *)&NetworkOrderIpAddress)); }
DWORD DhcpStringToHwAddress( OUT LPSTR AddressBuffer, IN LPCSTR AddressString ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions converts an ASCII string to a hex number.
AddressBuffer - A pointer to a buffer which will contain the hex number.
AddressString - The string to convert.
Return Value:
The number of bytes written to AddressBuffer.
--*/ { int i = 0; char c1, c2; int value1, value2;
while ( *AddressString != 0) {
c1 = (char)toupper(*AddressString);
if ( isdigit(c1) ) { value1 = c1 - '0'; } else if ( c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F' ) { value1 = c1 - 'A' + 10; } else { break; }
c2 = (char)toupper(*(AddressString+1));
if ( isdigit(c2) ) { value2 = c2 - '0'; } else if ( c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F' ) { value2 = c2 - 'A' + 10; } else { break; }
AddressBuffer [i] = value1 * 16 + value2; AddressString += 2; i++; }
return( i ); }
#if DBG
VOID DhcpAssertFailed( IN LPCSTR FailedAssertion, IN LPCSTR FileName, IN DWORD LineNumber, IN LPSTR Message ) /*++
Routine Description:
Assertion failed.
FailedAssertion :
FileName :
LineNumber :
Message :
Return Value:
--*/ { #ifndef DHCP_NOASSERT
RtlAssert( (PVOID)FailedAssertion, (PVOID)FileName, (ULONG) LineNumber, (PCHAR) Message); #endif
DhcpPrint(( 0, "Assert @ %s \n", FailedAssertion )); DhcpPrint(( 0, "Assert Filename, %s \n", FileName )); DhcpPrint(( 0, "Line Num. = %ld.\n", LineNumber )); DhcpPrint(( 0, "Message is %s\n", Message ));
VOID DhcpPrintRoutine( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN LPCSTR Format, ... )
#define WSTRSIZE( wsz ) ( ( wcslen( wsz ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) )
#define MAX_PRINTF_LEN 1024 // Arbitrary.
va_list arglist; char OutputBuffer[MAX_PRINTF_LEN]; ULONG length = 0;
// Put a the information requested by the caller onto the line
va_start(arglist, Format); length += (ULONG) vsprintf(&OutputBuffer[length], Format, arglist); va_end(arglist);
#if DBG
DhcpAssert(length <= MAX_PRINTF_LEN); #endif //DBG
// Output to the debug terminal,
DbgPrint( "%s", OutputBuffer); }
#endif // DBG
DWORD CreateDumpFile( IN PWCHAR pwszName, OUT PHANDLE phFile ) { HANDLE hFile;
*phFile = NULL;
if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError();
*phFile = hFile;
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID CloseDumpFile( IN HANDLE hFile ) { if( hFile ) CloseHandle(hFile); }
DWORD DhcpDottedStringToIpAddressW( IN LPCWSTR pwszString ) { DWORD dwStrlen = 0; DWORD dwLen = 0; DWORD dwRes = 0; LPSTR pszString = NULL; if( pwszString == NULL ) return dwRes;
pszString = DhcpUnicodeToOem(pwszString, NULL); if( pszString ) { dwRes = DhcpDottedStringToIpAddress(pszString); } return dwRes; }
LPWSTR DhcpIpAddressToDottedStringW( IN DWORD IpAddress ) { DWORD dwStrlen = 0; DWORD dwLen = 0; DWORD dwRes = 0; LPWSTR pwszString = NULL; LPSTR pszString = NULL; pszString = DhcpIpAddressToDottedString(IpAddress);
pwszString = DhcpOemToUnicode(pszString, NULL);
return pwszString; }
BOOL IsIpAddress( IN LPCWSTR pwszAddress ) { LPSTR pszAdd = NULL; LPSTR pszTemp = NULL;
if( IsBadStringPtr(pwszAddress, MAX_IP_STRING_LEN+1) is TRUE ) return FALSE; if( wcslen(pwszAddress) < 3 ) return FALSE; pszAdd = DhcpUnicodeToOem(pwszAddress, NULL);
pszTemp = strtok(pszAdd, "."); while(pszTemp isnot NULL ) { DWORD i=0; for(i=0; i<strlen(pszTemp); i++) { if( tolower(pszTemp[i]) < L'0' or tolower(pszTemp[i]) > L'9' ) return FALSE; }
if( atol(pszTemp) < 0 or atol(pszTemp) > 255 ) { return FALSE; } pszTemp = strtok(NULL, "."); }
if( INADDR_NONE is inet_addr(pszAdd) ) { DhcpFreeMemory(pszAdd); pszAdd = NULL; return FALSE; } else { DhcpFreeMemory(pszAdd); pszAdd = NULL; return TRUE; } }
BOOL IsValidScope( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, IN LPCWSTR pwszAddress ) { if( ( pwszServer is NULL ) or ( pwszAddress is NULL ) ) return FALSE;
if( IsIpAddress(pwszAddress) ) { LPDHCP_SUBNET_INFO SubnetInfo = NULL; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress = StringToIpAddress(pwszAddress); DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; dwError = DhcpGetSubnetInfo((LPWSTR)pwszServer, IpAddress, &SubnetInfo); if(dwError is NO_ERROR ) { DWORD SubnetAddress = SubnetInfo->SubnetAddress; DhcpRpcFreeMemory(SubnetInfo); return (IpAddress == SubnetAddress); } else return FALSE;
} return FALSE; }
BOOL IsValidMScope( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, IN LPCWSTR pwszMScope ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; LPDHCP_MSCOPE_INFO MScopeInfo = NULL;
if( ( pwszMScope is NULL ) or ( pwszServer is NULL ) ) return FALSE; Error = DhcpGetMScopeInfo( (LPWSTR)pwszServer, (LPWSTR)pwszMScope, &MScopeInfo); if( Error isnot NO_ERROR ) return FALSE;
DhcpRpcFreeMemory(MScopeInfo); return TRUE; }
BOOL IsValidServer( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer ) {
struct hostent * lpHostEnt = NULL; DWORD dwIpAddress = 0; if( pwszServer is NULL ) return FALSE; //Is it an IPAddress?
if( IsIpAddress(pwszServer) ) { dwIpAddress = inet_addr(DhcpUnicodeToOem(pwszServer, NULL));
lpHostEnt = gethostbyaddr((char *)&dwIpAddress, 4, AF_INET); if( lpHostEnt is NULL ) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else if( wcslen(pwszServer) > 2 && wcsncmp(pwszServer, L"\\\\", 2) is 0 ) { lpHostEnt = gethostbyname(DhcpUnicodeToOem(pwszServer+2, NULL));
if( lpHostEnt is NULL ) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else return FALSE;
return FALSE; }
if( IsBadStringPtr(pwszServer, MAX_COMPUTER_NAME_LEN) is TRUE ) return FALSE;
fReturn = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, wcName, &dwLen); if( fReturn is TRUE ) { if( _wcsnicmp(wcName, pwszServer, (dwLen>wcslen(pwszServer))?wcslen(pwszServer):dwLen) is 0 ) { return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL IsPureNumeric(IN LPCWSTR pwszStr) { DWORD dwLen = 0, i;
if( pwszStr is NULL ) return FALSE;
dwLen = wcslen(pwszStr);
for(i=0; i<dwLen; i++ ) { if( pwszStr[i] >= L'0' and pwszStr[i] <= L'9' ) { continue; } else return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
#define CHARTONUM(chr) (isalpha(chr)?(tolower(chr)-'a')+10:chr-'0')
WCHAR StringToHex(IN LPCWSTR pwcString) { LPSTR pcInput = NULL; LPWSTR pwcOut = NULL; int i = 0, len = 0; UCHAR tmp[2048] = {L'\0'};
pcInput = DhcpUnicodeToOem(pwcString, NULL); if(pcInput is NULL ) return (WCHAR)0x00;
len = strlen(pcInput);
for (i=0;i<(len-1);i+=2) { UCHAR hi=CHARTONUM(pcInput[i])*16; UCHAR lo=CHARTONUM(pcInput[i+1]); tmp[(i)/2]=hi+lo; }
// The last byte...
if (i<len) { tmp[(i)/2]=CHARTONUM(pcInput[i]); i+=2; } pwcOut = DhcpOemToUnicode(tmp, NULL);
if( pwcOut is NULL ) return (WCHAR)0x00;
return pwcOut[0];
LPSTR StringToHexString(IN LPCSTR pszInput) { int i = 0, len = 0; LPSTR pcOutput = NULL;
if(pszInput is NULL ) { return NULL; }
len = strlen(pszInput);
pcOutput = DhcpAllocateMemory(len);
if( pcOutput is NULL ) { return NULL; }
for (i=0;i<(len-1);i+=2) { UCHAR hi=CHARTONUM(pszInput[i])*16; UCHAR lo=CHARTONUM(pszInput[i+1]); pcOutput[(i)/2]=hi+lo; }
// The last byte...
if (i<len) { pcOutput[(i)/2]=CHARTONUM(pszInput[i]); i+=2; }
return pcOutput;
BOOL IsPureHex( IN LPCWSTR pwszString ) { DWORD dw = 0, i = 0;
BOOL fResult = TRUE;
if( pwszString is NULL ) return FALSE;
if( wcslen(pwszString) > 2 or wcslen(pwszString) is 0 ) return FALSE;
dw = wcslen(pwszString);
for( i=0; i<dw; i++ ) { WCHAR wc = pwszString[i]; if( iswxdigit(wc) ) { continue; } else { fResult = FALSE; break; } } return fResult;
DATE_TIME DhcpCalculateTime( IN DWORD RelativeTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
The function calculates the absolute time of a time RelativeTime seconds from now.
RelativeTime - Relative time, in seconds.
Return Value:
The time in RelativeTime seconds from the current system time.
--*/ { SYSTEMTIME systemTime; ULONGLONG absoluteTime;
if( RelativeTime == INFINIT_LEASE ) { ((DATE_TIME *)&absoluteTime)->dwLowDateTime = DHCP_DATE_TIME_INFINIT_LOW; ((DATE_TIME *)&absoluteTime)->dwHighDateTime = DHCP_DATE_TIME_INFINIT_HIGH; } else {
GetSystemTime( &systemTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &systemTime, (FILETIME *)&absoluteTime );
absoluteTime = absoluteTime + RelativeTime * (ULONGLONG)10000000; }
return( *(DATE_TIME *)&absoluteTime ); }
PBYTE GetLangTagA( ) { char b1[8], b2[8]; static char buff[80];
if (_stricmp(b1, b2)) sprintf(buff, "%s-%s", b1, b2); else strcpy(buff, b1);
return buff; }
LPWSTR MakeDayTimeString( IN DWORD dwTime ) { LPWSTR pwszTime = NULL; WCHAR wcDay[4] = {L'\0'}, wcHr[3] = {L'\0'}, wcMt[3] = {L'\0'}; DWORD dwDay = 0, dwHr = 0, dwMt = 0, dw = 0;
pwszTime = malloc(10*sizeof(WCHAR));
if( pwszTime ) { for( dw=0; dw < 10; dw++ ) pwszTime[dw] = L'0';
pwszTime[3] = L':'; pwszTime[6] = L':'; pwszTime[9] = L'\0';
dwDay = dwTime/(24*60*60); dwTime = dwTime - dwDay*24*60*60;
dwHr = dwTime/(60*60); dwTime = dwTime - dwHr*60*60;
dwMt = dwTime/60; dwTime = dwTime - dwMt*60;
_itow(dwDay, wcDay,10); _itow(dwHr, wcHr, 10); _itow(dwMt, wcMt, 10);
if( dwDay isnot 0 ) { wcsncpy(pwszTime+3-wcslen(wcDay), wcDay, wcslen(wcDay)); }
if( dwHr isnot 0 ) { wcsncpy(pwszTime+6-wcslen(wcHr), wcHr, wcslen(wcHr)); }
if( dwMt isnot 0 ) { wcsncpy(pwszTime+9-wcslen(wcMt), wcMt, wcslen(wcMt)); } } return pwszTime; }
DWORD GetDateTimeInfo(IN LCTYPE lcType, IN LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime, OUT LPWSTR pwszBuffer, IN OUT DWORD *pdwBufferLen) { DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; BOOL fQueryLen = FALSE; int cchFormat = 0, cchData = 0; PVOID pfnPtr = NULL; DWORD dwBuff = 0, dwInputBuff = 0;
LPWSTR pwszFormat = NULL, pwszData = NULL;
if( pdwBufferLen is NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
dwInputBuff = *pdwBufferLen; *pdwBufferLen = 0;
if( pwszBuffer is NULL or dwInputBuff is 0 ) { fQueryLen = TRUE; }
cchFormat = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, lcType, NULL, 0);
if( cchFormat is 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; }
pwszFormat = DhcpAllocateMemory(cchFormat*sizeof(WCHAR)); if( pwszFormat is NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto RETURN; }
cchFormat = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, lcType, pwszFormat, cchFormat);
if( cchFormat is 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; } if( lcType isnot LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT ) { cchData = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, lpSystemTime, pwszFormat, NULL, 0);
if( cchData is 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; } if( fQueryLen is FALSE ) { if( cchData > (int)dwInputBuff ) { dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto RETURN; }
cchData = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, lpSystemTime, pwszFormat, pwszBuffer, (int)dwInputBuff);
if( cchData is 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; } } } else { cchData = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, lpSystemTime, pwszFormat, NULL, 0);
if( cchData is 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; } if( fQueryLen is FALSE ) { if( cchData > (int)dwInputBuff ) { dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto RETURN; }
cchData = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, lpSystemTime, pwszFormat, pwszBuffer, (int)dwInputBuff);
if( cchData is 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; } } }
dwBuff += cchData; *pdwBufferLen = dwBuff;
RETURN: if( pwszFormat ) { DhcpFreeMemory(pwszFormat); pwszFormat = NULL; } return dwError;
DWORD FormatDateTimeString( IN FILETIME ftTime, IN BOOL fShort, OUT LPWSTR pwszBuffer, OUT DWORD *pdwBuffLen) { BOOL fQueryLen = FALSE; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR, dwBufferLen = 0; DWORD dwBuff = 0, dwInputBuff = 0; FILETIME ftLocalTime = {0}; SYSTEMTIME stTime = {0};
if( pdwBuffLen is NULL ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } dwInputBuff = *pdwBuffLen;
if( pwszBuffer is NULL or dwInputBuff is 0 ) { fQueryLen = TRUE; }
if( !FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ftTime, &ftLocalTime) ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; }
if( !FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftLocalTime, &stTime) ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto RETURN; } if( fQueryLen is TRUE ) { dwError = GetDateTimeInfo(fShort ? LOCALE_SSHORTDATE : LOCALE_SLONGDATE, &stTime, NULL, &dwBuff);
if( dwError isnot NO_ERROR ) goto RETURN;
} else { dwBuff = dwInputBuff; dwError = GetDateTimeInfo(fShort ? LOCALE_SSHORTDATE : LOCALE_SLONGDATE, &stTime, pwszBuffer, &dwBuff); }
dwBufferLen += dwBuff;
//Increment to add a space between date and time
dwBufferLen ++;
if( fQueryLen is TRUE ) { dwBuff = 0; dwError = GetDateTimeInfo(LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, &stTime, NULL, &dwBuff); if( dwError isnot NO_ERROR ) goto RETURN; } else { if( dwBufferLen > dwInputBuff ) { dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto RETURN; }
wcscat( pwszBuffer, L" "); dwBuff = dwInputBuff - dwBufferLen; dwError = GetDateTimeInfo(LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, &stTime, pwszBuffer + dwBufferLen - 1, &dwBuff); if( dwError isnot NO_ERROR ) goto RETURN; }
dwBufferLen += dwBuff; *pdwBuffLen = dwBufferLen; RETURN: return dwError; }
LPWSTR GetDateTimeString(IN FILETIME ftTime, IN BOOL fShort, OUT int *piType ) {
DWORD Status = NO_ERROR, i=0, dwTime = 0;
LPWSTR pwszTime = NULL;
int iType = 0; DWORD dwLen = 0;
Status = FormatDateTimeString(ftTime, fShort, NULL, &dwTime);
if( Status is NO_ERROR ) { dwLen = ( 23 > dwTime ) ? 23 : dwTime; pwszTime = DhcpAllocateMemory((dwLen+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if( pwszTime is NULL ) { iType = 1; } else { dwTime++; Status = FormatDateTimeString(ftTime, fShort, pwszTime, &dwTime);
if( Status is NO_ERROR ) { iType = 0; } else { DhcpFreeMemory(pwszTime); pwszTime = NULL; iType = 1; } } } else { pwszTime = NULL; iType = 1; }
if( pwszTime ) { for( i=wcslen(pwszTime); i<dwLen; i++ ) pwszTime[i] = L' '; }
*piType = iType; return pwszTime; }