Module Name:
This module sends sample BINL packets to the BINL server of your choice.
-b Use broadcast rather than directed datagram to <ServerName> -s <Servername> To specify a BINL server of your choice. Default is COLINW2
Colin Watson Apr 29 1997
Revision History:
#include <binl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <tdiinfo.h>
#include <wsipx.h>
#include <wsnwlink.h>
#include <nb30.h>
#include <binldef.h>
#define MAX_MSGLEN 80
#define MAX_ADDLEN 80
#define MAX_MSLOTNAME 80
typedef struct _OPTION2 { BYTE OptionType; BYTE OptionLength; BYTE OptionValue[]; } OPTION2, *POPTION2, *LPOPTION2;
BOOL __stdcall CtrlCHandler ( DWORD dwEvent );
void __stdcall Udp ( );
void __stdcall Usage ( CHAR *pszProgramName );
void __stdcall PrintError ( LPSTR lpszRoutine, LPSTR lpszCallName, DWORD dwError );
void __stdcall DoStartup ( void );
void __stdcall DoCleanup ( void );
VOID GetHardwareAddress( PUCHAR Address );
VOID DumpMessage( LPDHCP_MESSAGE BinlMessage );
// Global Variables
// If Startup was successful, fStarted is used to keep track.
BOOL fStarted = FALSE;
BOOL fBroadcast = FALSE;
// Global socket descriptor
LPSTR ServerName = "COLINW2";
ULONG ServerAddress; ULONG ClientAddress;
void __cdecl main ( INT argc, CHAR **argv ) { int i;
// Install the CTRL+BREAK Handler
if ( FALSE == SetConsoleCtrlHandler ( (PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlCHandler, TRUE ) ){ PrintError ( "main", "SetConsoleCtrlHandler", GetLastError ( ) ); }
// allow the user to override settings with command line switches
for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( ( *argv[i] == '-' ) || ( *argv[i] == '/' ) ) { switch ( tolower ( *( argv[i]+1 ) ) ) { //
// Broadcast
case 'b': fBroadcast = TRUE; break; //
// ServerName.
case 's': ServerName = argv[++i]; break;
// Help.
case 'h': case '?': default: Usage ( argv[0] ); } } else //
// Help.
Usage ( argv[0] ); }
// Print a Summary of the switches specfied
// Helpful for debugging
fprintf ( stdout, "SUMMARY:\n" ); if (fBroadcast) { fprintf ( stdout, "Broadcast test\n" ); } else { fprintf ( stdout, "Unicast to BINL server %s\n", ServerName ); }
DoStartup ( ); Udp();
return; }
// CtrlCHandler () intercepts the CTRL+BREAK or CTRL+C events and calls the
// cleanup routines.
BOOL __stdcall CtrlCHandler ( DWORD dwEvent ) { if ( ( CTRL_C_EVENT == dwEvent ) || ( CTRL_BREAK_EVENT == dwEvent ) ) { DoCleanup ( ); }
return FALSE; }
void __stdcall Discover( ) { // IP address structures needed to fill the source and destination
// addresses.
SOCKADDR_IN saUdpServ, saUdpCli;
INT err; DWORD nSize;
// Data used for building Messages
OPTION2 DiscoverOption = {OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCP_DISCOVER_MESSAGE}; #define DISCOVEROPTIONSIZE (DiscoverOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 ClientOption = {OPTION_CLIENT_CLASS_INFO,9,"PXEClient"}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
#define CLIENTOPTIONSIZE (ClientOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 NITOption = {OPTION_NETWORK_INTERFACE_TYPE,3,1,2,0}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
#define NITOPTIONSIZE (NITOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 SAOption = {OPTION_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE,1,0}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
#define SAOPTIONSIZE (SAOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 EndOption = {OPTION_END,0}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
do { sendagain: //
// Fill an IP address structure, to send an IP broadcast.
saUdpServ.sin_family = AF_INET; if (fBroadcast) { saUdpServ.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_BROADCAST ); } else { saUdpServ.sin_addr.s_addr = ServerAddress; } saUdpServ.sin_port = htons ( DHCP_SERVR_PORT );
// Practice with a dummy BINL Discover packet
ZeroMemory(MessageBuffer, sizeof(MessageBuffer)); Message->Operation = BOOT_REQUEST; Option = &Message->Option;
GetHardwareAddress(Message->HardwareAddress); Message->HardwareAddressType = 1; Message->HardwareAddressLength = 6; Message->TransactionID = 0x12345678;
memcpy(Option, &MagicCookie, COOKIESIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + COOKIESIZE);
memcpy(Option, &DiscoverOption, DISCOVEROPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + DISCOVEROPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &ClientOption, CLIENTOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + CLIENTOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &NITOption, NITOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + NITOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &SAOption, SAOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + SAOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &EndOption, ENDOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + ENDOPTIONSIZE);
err = sendto ( sock, (PUCHAR)Message, (PUCHAR)Option - (PUCHAR)Message, 0, (SOCKADDR *) &saUdpServ, sizeof ( SOCKADDR_IN ) );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "sendto", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
fprintf ( stdout, "%d bytes of data sent\n", err );
Sleep(1000); // Give server a few seconds to respond.
do {
err = ioctlsocket( sock, FIONREAD, &nSize);
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "recvfrom", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
if (!nSize) { goto sendagain; // we have processed all the DHCP/BINL responses
// receive a datagram on the bound port number.
nSize = sizeof ( SOCKADDR_IN ); err = recvfrom ( sock, (PUCHAR)Message, DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE, 0, (SOCKADDR FAR *) &saUdpCli, &nSize );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "recvfrom", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
if (Message->TransactionID == 0x12345678) { goto processit; } } while ( 1 ); // while there are datagrams queued
} while (1);
// print the sender's information.
fprintf ( stdout, "A Udp Datagram of length %d bytes received from ", err ); fprintf ( stdout, "\n\tIP Adress->%s ", inet_ntoa ( saUdpCli.sin_addr ) ); fprintf ( stdout, "\n\tPort Number->%d\n", ntohs ( saUdpCli.sin_port ) );
DumpMessage(Message); }
void __stdcall Request( ) { // IP address structures needed to fill the source and destination
// addresses.
SOCKADDR_IN saUdpServ, saUdpCli;
INT err; DWORD nSize;
// Data used for building Messages
OPTION2 RequestOption = {OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCP_REQUEST_MESSAGE}; #define REQUESTOPTIONSIZE (RequestOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 ClientOption = {OPTION_CLIENT_CLASS_INFO,9,"PXEClient"}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
#define CLIENTOPTIONSIZE (ClientOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 NITOption = {OPTION_NETWORK_INTERFACE_TYPE,3,1,2,0}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
#define NITOPTIONSIZE (NITOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 SAOption = {OPTION_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE,1,0}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
#define SAOPTIONSIZE (SAOption.OptionLength + 2)
OPTION2 EndOption = {OPTION_END,0}; // Size must ignore null at end of the string.
do { sendagain: //
// Fill an IP address structure, to send an IP broadcast.
saUdpServ.sin_family = AF_INET; if (fBroadcast) { saUdpServ.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_BROADCAST ); } else { saUdpServ.sin_addr.s_addr = ServerAddress; } //saUdpServ.sin_port = htons ( BINL_DEFAULT_PORT );
saUdpServ.sin_port = htons ( 0xaee8 );
// Practice with a dummy BINL Request packet
ZeroMemory(MessageBuffer, sizeof(MessageBuffer)); Message->Operation = BOOT_REQUEST; Option = &Message->Option;
GetHardwareAddress(Message->HardwareAddress); Message->HardwareAddressType = 1; Message->HardwareAddressLength = 6; Message->TransactionID = 0x56781234; Message->YourIpAddress = ClientAddress;
memcpy(Option, &MagicCookie, COOKIESIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + COOKIESIZE);
memcpy(Option, &RequestOption, REQUESTOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + REQUESTOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &ClientOption, CLIENTOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + CLIENTOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &NITOption, NITOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + NITOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &SAOption, SAOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + SAOPTIONSIZE);
memcpy(Option, &EndOption, ENDOPTIONSIZE); Option = (LPOPTION)((PUCHAR)Option + ENDOPTIONSIZE);
err = sendto ( sock, (PUCHAR)Message, (PUCHAR)Option - (PUCHAR)Message, 0, (SOCKADDR *) &saUdpServ, sizeof ( SOCKADDR_IN ) );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "sendto", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
fprintf ( stdout, "%d bytes of data sent\n", err );
Sleep(1000); // Give server a few seconds to respond.
do {
err = ioctlsocket( sock, FIONREAD, &nSize);
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "recvfrom", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
if (!nSize) { goto sendagain; // we have processed all the DHCP/BINL responses
// receive a datagram on the bound port number.
nSize = sizeof ( SOCKADDR_IN ); err = recvfrom ( sock, (PUCHAR)Message, DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE, 0, (SOCKADDR FAR *) &saUdpCli, &nSize );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "recvfrom", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
if (Message->TransactionID == 0x56781234) { goto processit; } } while ( 1 ); // while there are datagrams queued
} while (1);
// print the sender's information.
fprintf ( stdout, "A Udp Datagram of length %d bytes received from ", err ); fprintf ( stdout, "\n\tIP Adress->%s ", inet_ntoa ( saUdpCli.sin_addr ) ); fprintf ( stdout, "\n\tPort Number->%d\n", ntohs ( saUdpCli.sin_port ) );
DumpMessage(Message); }
void __stdcall Udp( ) { INT err; LPHOSTENT pServerHostEntry; char MyName[80];
// IP address structures needed to fill the source and destination
// addresses.
SOCKADDR_IN saUdpServ, saUdpCli;
// Initialize the global socket descriptor.
sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
if ( INVALID_SOCKET == sock) { PrintError ( "Udp", "socket", WSAGetLastError() ); }
if (fBroadcast) { err = setsockopt ( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (CHAR *) &fBroadcast, sizeof ( BOOL ) );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "setsockopt", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); } } else { // Convert ServerName to an IP address
ServerAddress = inet_addr(ServerName); // Dotted form of address
if ((ServerAddress == INADDR_NONE) && (memcmp(ServerName, "", sizeof("")))) { // must be a servername
pServerHostEntry = gethostbyname(ServerName); if (pServerHostEntry) { ServerAddress = *((PULONG)(pServerHostEntry->h_addr)); } else { PrintError ( "Udp", "gethostbyname", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); return; }
} }
// bind to a local socket and an interface.
saUdpCli.sin_family = AF_INET; saUdpCli.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_ANY ); saUdpCli.sin_port = htons ( DHCP_CLIENT_PORT );
err = bind ( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &saUdpCli, sizeof (SOCKADDR_IN) );
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == err ) { PrintError ( "Udp", "bind", WSAGetLastError ( ) ); }
// Find my (clients) IP address.
if (gethostname(MyName, sizeof(MyName)) != SOCKET_ERROR ){ PHOSTENT Host; Host = gethostbyname(MyName); if (Host) { ClientAddress = *(PDHCP_IP_ADDRESS)Host->h_addr; } }
// Call the cleanup routine.
DoCleanup ( );
return; }
// Usage () lists the available command line options.
void __stdcall Usage ( CHAR *pszProgramName ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Usage: %s\n", pszProgramName ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-b Use broadcast to DHCP/BINL socket\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-s <ServerName>, Use directed datagram to ServerName default - COLINW2)\n" ); exit ( 1 ); }
// PrintError () is a function available globally for printing the error and
// doing the cleanup.
void __stdcall PrintError ( LPSTR lpszRoutine, LPSTR lpszCallName, DWORD dwError ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "The Call to %s() in routine() %s failed with error %d\n", lpszCallName, lpszRoutine, dwError );
DoCleanup ( );
exit ( 1 ); }
// DoStartup () initializes the Winsock DLL with Winsock version 1.1
void __stdcall DoStartup ( void ) { WSADATA wsaData;
INT iRetVal;
iRetVal = WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD ( 1,1 ), &wsaData );
if ( 0 != iRetVal) { PrintError ( "DoStartup", "WSAStartup", iRetVal ); }
// Set the global flag.
fStarted = TRUE;
return; }
// DoCleanup () will close the global socket which was opened successfully by
// a call to socket (). Additionally, it will call WSACleanup (), if a call
// to WSAStartup () was made successfully.
void __stdcall DoCleanup ( void ) { if ( INVALID_SOCKET != sock ) { closesocket ( sock ); }
if ( TRUE == fStarted ) { WSACleanup ( ); }
fprintf ( stdout, "DONE\n" );
return; }
#define ClearNcb( PNCB ) { \
ZeroMemory( PNCB , sizeof (NCB) ); \ MoveMemory( (PNCB)->ncb_name, SPACES, sizeof(SPACES)-1 );\ MoveMemory( (PNCB)->ncb_callname, SPACES, sizeof(SPACES)-1 );\ }
#define SPACES " "
VOID GetHardwareAddress( PUCHAR Address ) { NCB myncb; ADAPTER_STATUS adapterstatus; UCHAR lanNumber;
LANA_ENUM Enum; ClearNcb( &myncb ); myncb.ncb_command = NCBENUM; myncb.ncb_lana_num = 0; myncb.ncb_length = sizeof(Enum); myncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)&Enum; Netbios( &myncb ); if (( myncb.ncb_retcode != NRC_GOODRET ) || ( !Enum.length )) { return; }
lanNumber = Enum.lana[0];
ClearNcb( &myncb ); myncb.ncb_command = NCBRESET; myncb.ncb_lsn = 0; // Request resources
myncb.ncb_lana_num = lanNumber; myncb.ncb_callname[0] = 0; // 16 sessions
myncb.ncb_callname[1] = 0; // 16 commands
myncb.ncb_callname[2] = 0; // 8 names
Netbios( &myncb );
if ( myncb.ncb_retcode != NRC_GOODRET ) return;
ClearNcb( &myncb ); myncb.ncb_command = NCBASTAT; myncb.ncb_lana_num = lanNumber; myncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)&adapterstatus; myncb.ncb_length = sizeof(adapterstatus); myncb.ncb_callname[0] = '*';
Netbios( &myncb ); if ( myncb.ncb_retcode != NRC_GOODRET ) return;
CopyMemory(Address, &adapterstatus.adapter_address[0], 6); }
VOID DumpMessage( LPDHCP_MESSAGE BinlMessage ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function dumps a DHCP packet in human readable form.
BinlMessage - A pointer to a DHCP message.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPOPTION option; BYTE i;
fprintf ( stdout,"Binl message: \n\n");
fprintf ( stdout,"Operation :"); if ( BinlMessage->Operation == BOOT_REQUEST ) { fprintf ( stdout, "BootRequest\n"); } else if ( BinlMessage->Operation == BOOT_REPLY ) { fprintf ( stdout, "BootReply\n"); } else { fprintf ( stdout, "Unknown\n"); }
fprintf ( stdout,"Hardware Address type : %d\n", BinlMessage->HardwareAddressType); fprintf ( stdout,"Hardware Address Length: %d\n", BinlMessage->HardwareAddressLength); fprintf ( stdout,"Hop Count : %d\n", BinlMessage->HopCount ); fprintf ( stdout,"Transaction ID : %lx\n", BinlMessage->TransactionID ); fprintf ( stdout,"Seconds Since Boot : %d\n", BinlMessage->SecondsSinceBoot ); fprintf ( stdout,"Client IP Address : " ); fprintf ( stdout,"%s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&BinlMessage->ClientIpAddress ) );
fprintf ( stdout,"Your IP Address : " ); fprintf ( stdout,"%s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&BinlMessage->YourIpAddress ) );
fprintf ( stdout,"Server IP Address : " ); fprintf ( stdout,"%s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&BinlMessage->BootstrapServerAddress ) );
fprintf ( stdout,"Relay Agent IP Address : " ); fprintf ( stdout,"%s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&BinlMessage->RelayAgentIpAddress ) );
fprintf ( stdout,"Hardware Address : "); for ( i = 0; i < BinlMessage->HardwareAddressLength; i++ ) { fprintf ( stdout,"%2.2x", BinlMessage->HardwareAddress[i] ); }
if (BinlMessage->HostName[0]) { fprintf( stdout, "\nHostName \"%s\"\n", BinlMessage->HostName); } if (BinlMessage->BootFileName[0]) { fprintf( stdout, "BootFileName \"%s\"\n", BinlMessage->BootFileName); }
option = &BinlMessage->Option;
fprintf ( stdout,"\nMagic Cookie: "); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { fprintf ( stdout,"%d ", *((LPBYTE)option)++ ); } fprintf ( stdout,"\n\n");
fprintf ( stdout,"Options:\n"); while ( option->OptionType != 255 ) { fprintf ( stdout,"\tType = %d ", option->OptionType ); for ( i = 0; i < option->OptionLength; i++ ) { fprintf ( stdout,"%2.2x", option->OptionValue[i] ); } fprintf ( stdout,"\n");
if ( option->OptionType == OPTION_PAD || option->OptionType == OPTION_END ) {
option = (LPOPTION)( (LPBYTE)(option) + 1);
} else {
option = (LPOPTION)( (LPBYTE)(option) + option->OptionLength + 2);
if ( (LPBYTE)option - (LPBYTE)BinlMessage > DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE ) { fprintf ( stdout,"End of message, but no trailer found!\n"); break; } } }