// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: RameshV
// Description: This is the test program that tests the dhcpds functionality..
#include <windows.h>
#include <dhcpds.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <winsock.h>
// testing the DS functionality
VOID PrintAndFreeServers( IN LPDHCP_SERVER_INFO_ARRAY Servers ) { DWORD i;
for( i = 0; i < Servers->NumElements; i ++ ) { printf("Server %ws Address 0x%lx\n", Servers->Servers[i].ServerName, Servers->Servers[i].ServerAddress); }
LocalFree(Servers); // must do MIDL_user_free here..
void TestNew1( VOID ) { DWORD Result; DWORD IpAddress; WCHAR ServerName[256]; CHAR IpAddressString[256]; LPDHCP_SERVER_INFO_ARRAY Servers; DHCP_SERVER_INFO ThisServer = { 0 /* Flags */, 0 /* State */, NULL /* ServerName */, 0 /* ServerAddress */ };
Result = DhcpDsInit( 0, NULL ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Result ) { printf("DhcpDsInit: %ld (0x%lx)\n", Result, Result); return; }
Servers = NULL; Result = DhcpEnumServers( 0, NULL, &Servers, NULL, NULL ); printf("DhcpEnumServers:0x%lx (%ld)\n", Result, Result); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Result ) PrintAndFreeServers(Servers);
printf("ServerName: "); memset(ServerName, 0, sizeof(ServerName)); scanf("%ws", ServerName); printf("ServerAddress: "); memset(IpAddressString, 0, sizeof(IpAddressString)); scanf("%s", IpAddressString);
ThisServer.ServerName = ServerName; ThisServer.ServerAddress = inet_addr(IpAddressString); printf("DhcpAddServer(%ws, %s): ", ThisServer.ServerName, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&ThisServer.ServerAddress)); Result = DhcpAddServer(0, NULL, &ThisServer, NULL, NULL); printf("0x%lx (%ld)\n", Result, Result);
printf("ServerName: "); memset(ServerName, 0, sizeof(ServerName)); scanf("%ws", ServerName); printf("ServerAddress: "); memset(IpAddressString, 0, sizeof(IpAddressString)); scanf("%s", IpAddressString);
ThisServer.ServerName = ServerName; ThisServer.ServerAddress = inet_addr(IpAddressString); printf("DhcpDeleteServer(%ws, %s): ", ThisServer.ServerName, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&ThisServer.ServerAddress)); Result = DhcpDeleteServer(0, NULL, &ThisServer, NULL, NULL); printf("0x%lx (%ld)\n", Result, Result);
DhcpDsCleanup(); }
VOID TestAll( VOID ) { TestNew1(); }
void _cdecl main( VOID ) { TestAll(); }
// end of file