// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: RameshV
// Description: implements the basic structures for a list of class defintitions
// ThreadSafe: no
// Locks: none
// Please read stdinfo.txt for programming style.
#include <mm.h>
#include <array.h>
#include <wchar.h>
typedef struct _M_CLASSDEF { DWORD RefCount; DWORD ClassId; BOOL IsVendor; DWORD Type; LPWSTR Name; LPWSTR Comment; DWORD nBytes; LPBYTE ActualBytes; } M_CLASSDEF, *PM_CLASSDEF, *LPM_CLASSDEF;
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListInit( IN OUT PM_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefList ) { return MemArrayInit(&ClassDefList->ClassDefArray); } //EndExport(inline)
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListCleanup( IN OUT PM_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefList ) { return MemArrayCleanup(&ClassDefList->ClassDefArray); } //EndExport(inline)
DWORD MemClassDefListFindClassDefInternal( // dont use this fn outside of classdefl.c
IN PM_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefList, IN DWORD ClassId, IN LPWSTR Name, IN LPBYTE ActualBytes, IN DWORD nBytes, IN LPBOOL pIsVendor, OUT PARRAY_LOCATION Location ) //EndExport(function)
{ DWORD Error; PM_CLASSDEF ThisClassDef;
for( Error = MemArrayInitLoc(&ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, Location) ; ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != Error ; Error = MemArrayNextLoc(&ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, Location) ) { Require(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error);
Error = MemArrayGetElement( &ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, Location, (LPVOID *)&ThisClassDef ); Require(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error && ThisClassDef);
if( pIsVendor != NULL && ThisClassDef->IsVendor != *pIsVendor) continue;
if( ThisClassDef->ClassId == ClassId ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if( nBytes == ThisClassDef->nBytes ) { if( 0 == memcmp(ActualBytes, ThisClassDef->ActualBytes, nBytes)) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if( Name && 0 == wcscmp(ThisClassDef->Name, Name) ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListFindOptDef( // search either by ClassId or by Actual bytes and fill matched stuff
IN PM_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefList, IN DWORD ClassId, IN LPWSTR Name, IN LPBYTE ActualBytes, IN DWORD nBytes, OUT PM_CLASSDEF *ClassDef // NULL or valid matching class def
) { ARRAY_LOCATION Location; DWORD Error;
Error = MemClassDefListFindClassDefInternal( ClassDefList, ClassId, Name, ActualBytes, nBytes, NULL, &Location ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error) return Error;
Error = MemArrayGetElement( &ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, &Location, (LPVOID*)ClassDef ); Require(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error);
return Error; }
DWORD MemClassDefListAddClassDef( // Add or replace option
IN OUT PM_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefList, IN DWORD ClassId, IN BOOL IsVendor, IN DWORD Type, IN LPWSTR Name, IN LPWSTR Comment, IN LPBYTE ActualBytes, IN DWORD nBytes ) //EndExport(function)
AssertRet(ClassDefList && ClassId && Name && ActualBytes && nBytes, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
Error = MemClassDefListFindClassDefInternal( ClassDefList, ClassId, Name, ActualBytes, nBytes, &IsVendor, &Location );
Size = sizeof(M_CLASSDEF)+nBytes; Size = ROUND_UP_COUNT(Size, ALIGN_WORST); Size += (1+wcslen(Name))*sizeof(WCHAR); if( Comment ) Size += (1+wcslen(Comment))*sizeof(WCHAR);
ThisClassDef = MemAlloc(Size); if( NULL == ThisClassDef ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
ThisClassDef->RefCount = 1; ThisClassDef->ClassId = ClassId; ThisClassDef->IsVendor = IsVendor; ThisClassDef->Type = Type; ThisClassDef->nBytes = nBytes; ThisClassDef->ActualBytes = sizeof(M_CLASSDEF) + (LPBYTE)ThisClassDef; memcpy(ThisClassDef->ActualBytes, ActualBytes, nBytes); ThisClassDef->Name = (LPWSTR)(ROUND_UP_COUNT(sizeof(M_CLASSDEF)+nBytes, ALIGN_WORST) + (LPBYTE)ThisClassDef); wcscpy(ThisClassDef->Name, Name); if( Comment ) { ThisClassDef->Comment = 1 + wcslen(Name) + ThisClassDef->Name; wcscpy(ThisClassDef->Comment, Comment); } else { ThisClassDef->Comment = NULL; }
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error ) { DebugPrint2("Overwriting class definition for class-id 0x%lx\n", ClassId); Error = MemArrayGetElement( &ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, &Location, (LPVOID *)&OldClassDef ); Require(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error); MemFree(OldClassDef);
Error = MemArraySetElement( &ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, &Location, ThisClassDef ); Require(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error); return Error; }
Error = MemArrayAddElement( &ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, ThisClassDef ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) MemFree(ThisClassDef);
return Error; }
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListDelClassDef( IN OUT PM_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefList, IN DWORD ClassId, IN LPWSTR Name, IN LPBYTE ActualBytes, IN DWORD nBytes ) { ARRAY_LOCATION Location; DWORD Error; PM_CLASSDEF ThisClassDef;
Error = MemClassDefListFindClassDefInternal( ClassDefList, ClassId, Name, ActualBytes, nBytes, NULL, &Location ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) return Error;
Error = MemArrayDelElement( &ClassDefList->ClassDefArray, &Location, &ThisClassDef ); Require(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error && ThisClassDef);
MemFree(ThisClassDef); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //EndExport(inline)
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListGetRefCount( IN PM_CLASSDEF ThisClassDef ) { return ThisClassDef->RefCount; } //EndExport(inline)
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListIncRefCount( // return increased by one value
IN PM_CLASSDEF ThisClassDef ) { return ++ThisClassDef->RefCount; } //EndExport(inline)
DWORD _inline MemClassDefListDecRefCount( // return decreased by one value
IN PM_CLASSDEF ThisClassDef ) { return --ThisClassDef->RefCount; } //EndExport(inline)
ULONG ClassIdRunningCount = 100;
DWORD MemNewClassId( VOID ) //EndExport(function)
{ return InterlockedIncrement(&ClassIdRunningCount); }
// end of file