Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Savas Guven (savasg) 27-Nov-2000
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
// Initialize the static member
ULONG CSockDispatcher::UniqueId = 0;
const PCHAR CSockDispatcher::ObjectNamep = "CSockDispatcher";
const PCHAR DispatcheeNode::ObjectNamep = "DispatcheeNode";
const PCHAR _Dispatchee::ObjectNamep = "DISPATCHEE";
// Anythin to initialize?
CSockDispatcher::CSockDispatcher() { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, (" CSockDispatcher - Default Constructor ")); }
CSockDispatcher::CSockDispatcher ( ULONG IpAddress, USHORT port ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function Should simplY call the InitDispatcher with the appropriate parameters passed here.
Return Value:
--*/ { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, (" CSockDispatcher - CNSTR with IP and PORT %hu ", htons(port)));
this->InitDispatcher(IpAddress, port); }
// What needs to be deleted. ?
// All the DispatcheeNodes needs to be deleted.
CSockDispatcher::~CSockDispatcher() { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, ("CSockDispatcher - ~ DESTRUCTOR "));
if(this->bCleanupCalled is FALSE) { CSockDispatcher::ComponentCleanUpRoutine(); }
// This will cause the Destructors of inherited classes to
// be called which will call their respective Cleanups
this->bCleanupCalled = FALSE; }
ULONG CSockDispatcher::InitDispatcher ( ULONG IpAddress, USHORT port ) /*++
Routine Description:
InitDispatcher initializes the socket and issues an Accept Furthermore It needs to Reference for the Accept call (which should be dereferenced at at the AcceptCompletion
ULONG IpAddress - IP on which the TCP socket (for accept) should wait on. USHORT port - Port on which the TCP socket (for accept) should wait on.
Return Value: Returns the ULONG Win32/Winsock2 Error code
--*/ { ULONG Error = NO_ERROR;
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, ("CSockDispatcher - InitDispatcher "));
// Create a stream scoket on the given IP and PORT
Error = this->NhCreateStreamSocket(IpAddress, port, NULL);
if(Error) { ErrorOut();
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, ("CSockDispatcher - Init> can't create the SOCKET"));
return Error; }
Error = listen(this->Socket, SOMAXCONN);
if(Error) { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, ("CSockDispatcher - Init> Can' Listen the Created socket"));
return Error; }
// Since the Socket inheritance guarantees that
// the REFERENCING of the self-object will be done
// we should not reference ourselves again here.
Error = this->NhAcceptStreamSocket(g_IcqComponentReferencep, NULL, NULL, DispatcherAcceptCompletionRoutine, this, NULL); if(Error) { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, ("CSockDispatch - Init> Accept call has failed"));
ErrorOut(); }
return Error; }
void CSockDispatcher::ComponentCleanUpRoutine(void) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DispatcheeNode * DNp = NULL;
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, (" CSockDispatcher - ComponentCleanUpRoutine ")); this->bCleanupCalled = TRUE; }
void CSockDispatcher::StopSync(void) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { this->NhDeleteSocket();
this->Deleted = TRUE; }
ULONG CSockDispatcher::InitDispatchee(PDISPATCHEE Dispatchp) /*++
Routine Description:
Gives a unique ID to the Dispatchee and then creates a Dispatchee node to put the dispatchee into a List.. (If it is not there already) the counter of the dispatcher should be incremented. Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { DispatcheeNode * DNp = NULL;
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, ("CSockDispatcher - InitDispatchee "));
if(Dispatchp is NULL) return 0; // Unknown Parameter
if(Dispatchp->GetID() != 0) return 0; // " "
this->AcquireLock(); Dispatchp->SetID(++UniqueId); this->ReleaseLock();
NEW_OBJECT(DNp, DispatcheeNode); //DNp = new DispatcheeNode();
if(DNp is NULL) { Dispatchp->SetID(0);
return FALSE; }
DNp->InitDispatcheeNode( Dispatchp ); this->listDispNodes.InsertSorted( DNp );
// We dereference the DispatcheeNode so that its life time ends,
// when it is removed from the list.
DEREF_COMPONENT( DNp, eRefInitialization ); return S_OK; }
ULONG CSockDispatcher::RemoveDispatchee(PDISPATCHEE Dispatchp) { DispatcheeNode* DNp = NULL;
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_INFO, ("CSockDispatcher - InitDispatchee "));
if ( Dispatchp is NULL ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return E_INVALIDARG;}
if ( Dispatchp->GetID() == 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG;}
DNp = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*>(this->listDispNodes.SearchNodeKeys(Dispatchp->GetID(), 0));
if ( DNp is NULL) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
return S_OK; }
ULONG CSockDispatcher::GetDispatchInfo ( PULONG IPp, PUSHORT Portp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Should Return the IP and Port on which this Dispatcher is operating. Arguments:
PULONG IPp - The IP on which the Dispatcher is operating . PUSHORT Portp - The
Return Value:
--*/ { if(IPp is NULL || Portp is NULL) return 0; // Fail
this->NhQueryLocalEndpointSocket(IPp, Portp);
return 1; }
ULONG CSockDispatcher::AddDispatchRequest ( PDISPATCHEE Dispatchp, PDispatchRequest DispatchRequestp ) /*++
Routine Description:
This will add a Dispatch Request to the related Dispatch Node's request list. Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { DispatcheeNode * DNp = NULL;
if(Dispatchp is NULL || DispatchRequestp is NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; // FAIL.
} //
// Is there such an entry?
DNp = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*> (this->listDispNodes.SearchNodeKeys(Dispatchp->GetID(), 0));
if(DNp is NULL) { ASSERT ( FALSE );
return 1; }
// This will Delete a DispatchRequest. Note that Dispatched Requests are removed
// from the list
ULONG CSockDispatcher::DeleteDispatchRequest ( PDispatchRequest DispatchRequestp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DispatcheeNode * DNp = NULL; DispatchReply DR;
if(DispatchRequestp is NULL) return E_FAIL; // FAIL
ZeroMemory(&DR, sizeof(DispatchReply));
DR.dispatch.dstIp = DispatchRequestp->dstIp; DR.dispatch.dstPort = DispatchRequestp->dstPort; DR.dispatch.srcIp = DispatchRequestp->srcIp; DR.dispatch.srcPort = DispatchRequestp->srcPort;
for (DNp = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*>(this->listDispNodes.SearchNodeKeys(0,0)); DNp != NULL; DNp = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*>(DNp->Nextp)) { if(DNp->isDispatchYours(&DR)) { DNp->DeleteDispatchRequest(DispatchRequestp);
return NO_ERROR; } }
return NO_ERROR; }
// DispatcherNode MEMBER functions.
DispatcheeNode::~DispatcheeNode() /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, (" DispatcheeNode - Destructor"));
if(this->bCleanupCalled is FALSE) { DispatcheeNode::ComponentCleanUpRoutine(); }
this->bCleanupCalled = FALSE; }
void DispatcheeNode::ComponentCleanUpRoutine(void) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, (" DispatcheeNode - CLEAN UP")); // PDispatchRequest DRp = NULL;
// Dereference the Dispatchee.
DEREF_COMPONENT( DispatchTop, eRefInitialization );
DispatchTop = NULL;
// Remove the List elements.
// Destructor of the List class will handle this
this->bCleanupCalled = TRUE; }
VOID DispatcheeNode::InitDispatcheeNode(PDISPATCHEE Dispatchp) /*++
Routine Description:
Note that a This Dispatching is intended to work on redirected TCP connections Thus the search Key is working on Destinations pairs
Return Value:
It references the Dispatchee Pointer. and the dereferencing will be done only When this OBJECT is dereferenced to NULL, Which happens only if this Node is deleted from the Dispatchee Node List within the CSockDispatcher. (At the time of destruction.) --*/
{ DispatchTop = Dispatchp;
REF_COMPONENT( Dispatchp, eRefSecondLevel );
if(DispatchTop != NULL) { this->iKey1 = Dispatchp->GetID(); this->iKey2 = 0; } else { this->iKey1 = 0; this->iKey2 = 0; } }
ULONG DispatcheeNode::isDispatchYours(PDispatchReply DispatchReplyp) /*++
Routine Description:
From the Reply structure we search for the existing Dispatch Requests This will reveal us wether such a query exists or not. Note that the Search Keys just contain the destination metric (IP:PORT)
Return Value:
--*/ { PDispatchRequest DRp = NULL; // DispatchReplyp->dispatch
if(DispatchReplyp is NULL) return 0; //FAIL
DRp = dynamic_cast<PDispatchRequest> (listRequests.SearchNodeKeys(DispatchReplyp->dispatch.dstIp, DispatchReplyp->dispatch.dstPort ) ); if(DRp != NULL) { //
// So that we know where the data came from..
// NOTE: that along with the interfaces this schema may change.
DispatchReplyp->dispatch.DirectionContext = DRp->DirectionContext;
// check the source addresses as well. Unless they are zero
if((DRp->srcIp != 0) && (DispatchReplyp->dispatch.srcIp != NULL)) { if(DispatchReplyp->dispatch.srcIp is DRp->srcIp ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Add a Request for Dispatch to the existing list of items - if it is not existing
ULONG DispatcheeNode::AddDispatchRequest(PDispatchRequest DispatchRequestp) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDispatchRequest DRp = NULL;
if(DispatchRequestp is NULL) return 0; // FAIL
// Is there such an entry already? IF there is one than ignore !?!?
DRp = dynamic_cast<PDispatchRequest> (listRequests.SearchNodeKeys(DispatchRequestp->dstIp, DispatchRequestp->dstPort)); if(DRp is NULL) { listRequests.InsertSorted(DispatchRequestp); } return TRUE; }
ULONG DispatcheeNode::DeleteDispatchRequest(PDispatchRequest DispatchRequestp) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDispatchRequest DRp = NULL;
if(DispatchRequestp is NULL) return 0; // FAIL
DRp = dynamic_cast<PDispatchRequest> (listRequests.SearchNodeKeys(DispatchRequestp->dstIp, DispatchRequestp->dstPort)); if(DRp is NULL) { return TRUE; } else { listRequests.RemoveNodeFromList(DRp); }
ULONG CSockDispatcher::GetOriginalDestination( PNH_BUFFER Bufferp, PULONG OriginalDestinationAddressp, PUSHORT OriginalDestinationPortp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PCNhSock AcceptedSocketp = NULL;
ULONG Error = 0, LocalAddress = 0, ActualClientAddress = 0; USHORT LocalPort = 0, ActualClientPort = 0; DispatcheeNode* DispatcheeNodep = NULL;
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_TRACE, (" Dispatcher - GetOrigDest"));
do { AcceptedSocketp = Bufferp->Socketp;
ASSERT(AcceptedSocketp != NULL);
AcceptedSocketp->NhQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(&ActualClientAddress, &ActualClientPort);
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_INFO, (" Dispatcher> Accept Completion SRC IP %s, PORT %hu", INET_NTOA(ActualClientAddress), htons(ActualClientPort)));
// Get a Sample Dispatchee Node which has a SecondaryControlChannel
// to ask the Destinations.
DispatcheeNodep = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*> (this->listDispNodes.SearchNodeKeys(0,0));
ASSERT(DispatcheeNodep != NULL);
Error = DispatcheeNodep->GetOriginalDestination(ActualClientAddress, ActualClientPort, OriginalDestinationAddressp, OriginalDestinationPortp);
if( FAILED(Error) ) { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, ("** !! Getting the ORIGINAL destination has failed "));
break; }
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_INFO, ("Original Destionation IP:(PORT) is %s:(%hu)", INET_NTOA(*OriginalDestinationAddressp), htons(*OriginalDestinationPortp)));
} while(FALSE);
return Error; }
ULONG DispatcheeNode::GetOriginalDestination(ULONG SrcAddress, USHORT SrcPort, PULONG DestAddrp, PUSHORT DestPortp) { return DispatchTop->IncomingRedirectForPeerToClientp->GetOriginalDestinationInformation(SrcAddress, SrcPort, DestAddrp, DestPortp, NULL);
VOID DispatcherAcceptCompletionRoutine ( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { CSockDispatcher * SDp = NULL; PCNhSock AcceptedSocketp = NULL; ULONG Error = 0, ErrorLevel = 0; DispatcheeNode * DNp; ULONG ActualClientAddress = 0, ActualDestinationAddress = 0; USHORT ActualClientPort = 0, ActualDestinationPort = 0;
ULONG keyLength; PDispatchReply DRp = NULL; ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_TRACE, (" Dispatcher - AcceptCompletionRoutine"));
do { SDp = reinterpret_cast<CSockDispatcher *> (Bufferp->Context);
AcceptedSocketp = Bufferp->Socketp;
ErrorLevel = 1;
// Process the accept-completion.
// first look for an error code. If an error occurred
// and the interface is no longer active, end the completion-handling.
// Otherwise, attempt to reissue the accept-request.
if(ErrorCode) { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, (" Dispatcher - AcceptCompletion> Error !!")); //
// Critical Error.. how to notify ?
// Delete the AcceptedSocketp - as it is a resource allocated previously.
break; } //
// Re issue the accept call,
REF_COMPONENT( SDp, eRefIoAccept );
Error = SDp->NhAcceptStreamSocket(NULL, NULL, NULL, DispatcherAcceptCompletionRoutine, SDp, NULL);
if(Error) { // NOTE: Defer the Acceptance of the socket.
DEREF_COMPONENT( SDp, eRefIoAccept ); ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, (" Error - Reissuing the Accept has failed on the Dispatcher"));
break; }
// MAJOR HANDLING SECTION - Dispatching the Accept
// Let the Accepted Socket inherit the same attributes as the Listening socket
SOCKET tempSock = SDp->GetSock();
Error = setsockopt(AcceptedSocketp->GetSock(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT, (PCHAR)&tempSock, sizeof(tempSock));
if(Error is SOCKET_ERROR) { ErrorOut();
Error = WSAGetLastError();
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, ("ERROR - Major Socket Error in Accept Completion %d", Error));
break; } //
// - Create a DispatchReply structure : find out the original addresses.
AcceptedSocketp->NhQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(&ActualClientAddress, &ActualClientPort);
Error = SDp->GetOriginalDestination(Bufferp, &ActualDestinationAddress, &ActualDestinationPort);
if( FAILED(Error) ) { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, ("Can't get the Destination Information"));
break; }
// createDispatchReply
DRp = new DispatchReply; if(DRp is NULL) { Error = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_ERROR, (" Can't create a Reply structure - out of memory")); break; } // Store the original header informations of the packet.
DRp->dispatch.dstIp = ActualDestinationAddress; DRp->dispatch.dstPort = ActualDestinationPort; DRp->dispatch.srcIp = ActualClientAddress; DRp->dispatch.srcPort = ActualClientPort; DRp->Socketp = AcceptedSocketp;
// - Ask each DispatcheeNode in the List wether this DispatchReply is its or not.
// How to traverse the List ??
for (DNp = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*>(SDp->listDispNodes.SearchNodeKeys(0,0)); DNp != NULL; DNp = dynamic_cast<DispatcheeNode*>(DNp->Nextp)) { if(DNp->isDispatchYours(DRp)) { PDISPATCHEE Disp = NULL;
// - if there is a hit Dispatch the Accepted socket.
Disp = DNp->GetDispatchee();
// ASSERT (Disp);
// This completion routine will clear the socket up
// if it is not using it.
Error = Disp->DispatchCompletionRoutine(DRp);
// Should we keep asking until finished? NOPE
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoAccept );
return; } }
// - if there is NO hit close the connection and delete every resource.
Error = 1; ErrorLevel = 2;
} while(FALSE);
if( Error != NO_ERROR ) { //
// Each errorlevel contains the one level below.
switch( ErrorLevel ) { case 2: // delete the allocated reply
delete DRp;
case 1: // close the socket
DEREF_COMPONENT( AcceptedSocketp, eRefInitialization );
break; default: // ASSERT(FALSE);
break; } }
// De-Reference Local Accept
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoAccept ); }
ULONG _Dispatchee::DispatchCompletionRoutine(PDispatchReply DispatchReplyp) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, ("> Dispatchee - DispatchCompletionRoutine"));
if(DispatchReplyp is NULL) return -1; // FAIL
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_TRACE, ("Dispatch Reply is as follows ORG dst %s - port %hu", INET_NTOA(DispatchReplyp->dispatch.dstIp), htons(DispatchReplyp->dispatch.dstPort)));
DEREF_COMPONENT( DispatchReplyp->Socketp, eRefInitialization );
ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, ("> Dispatchee - DispatchCompletionRoutine")); this->ReleaseLock(); return 0; }
_Dispatchee::_Dispatchee() :DispatchUniqueId(0), IncomingRedirectForPeerToClientp(NULL) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
_Dispatchee::~_Dispatchee() /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
void _Dispatchee::ComponentCleanUpRoutine(void) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { ICQ_TRC(TM_DISP, TL_DUMP, ("DISPATCHEE - Component Clean Up Routine")); }
PCHAR _Dispatchee::GetObjectName() { return ObjectNamep; } PCHAR DispatcheeNode::GetObjectName() { return ObjectNamep;} PCHAR CSockDispatcher::GetObjectName() { return ObjectNamep;}