#include "stdafx.h"
VOID IcqWriteCompletionRoutine ( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) /*++
Routine Description:
A generic Write Completion Routine. Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { PCNhSock Socketp = Bufferp->Socketp;
//Dereference Interface;
DEREF_COMPONENT( Socketp, eRefIoWrite);
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoWrite); }
VOID ReadServerCompletionRoutine ( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads the Server Responses to Client packets and then multiplexes this responses to the approprate client which was given in the Context information Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { PICQ_CLIENT IcqClientp = NULL; PCNhSock Socketp = NULL; ULONG Error = NO_ERROR;
if(Bufferp is NULL) return;
// Get the Client Information
Socketp = Bufferp->Socketp;
IcqClientp = (PICQ_CLIENT)Bufferp->Context;
ASSERT(IcqClientp != NULL);
if(ErrorCode) { // Re-issue a read operation if it is not critical Error.
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_ERROR, ("** !! READ ERROR in Server -> Client (UDP) !! **"));
} else // we need the context information
{ //
// reissue read first
REF_COMPONENT( IcqClientp, eRefIoRead );
Error = Socketp->NhReadDatagramSocket(g_IcqComponentReferencep, NULL, ReadServerCompletionRoutine, IcqClientp, NULL); if(Error) { ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_ERROR, ("READ ERROR"));
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqClientp, eRefIoRead ); } // multiplex the data
Error = IcqClientp->ServerRead(Bufferp, 0, 0);
if(Error) { NhReleaseBuffer( Bufferp ); } }
DEREF_COMPONENT( Socketp, eRefIoRead );
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoRead );
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqClientp, eRefIoRead ); }
VOID IcqReadClientUdpCompletionRoutine ( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the READ - DISPATCHER for the UDP Clients sending packets to the server will be caught here.. it will dispatch the packet to the appropriate ICQ client objects READER Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { PCNhSock Socketp = Bufferp->Socketp; ULONG Error = NO_ERROR; // HANDLE DynamicRedirectHandle = (HANDLE) Bufferp->Context;
PROFILER(TM_IO, TL_TRACE,("UDP-CLIEN-READ DATA CAME from %s e(%hu)", INET_NTOA(Bufferp->ReadAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), ErrorCode));
do { if(ErrorCode) { // Re-issue a read operation if it is not critical Error.
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_ERROR, ("** !! CLIENT~SERVER READ ERROR - Deletin all the Client Entries"));
Error = g_IcqPrxp->ReadFromClientCompletionRoutine(ErrorCode, BytesTransferred, Bufferp); break; } else { // Re-issue a read operation.
Error = Socketp->NhReadDatagramSocket(g_IcqComponentReferencep, NULL, IcqReadClientUdpCompletionRoutine, NULL,// DynamicRedirectHandle,
NULL); if(Error) { ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_ERROR,("TREAD !!> REISsUE READ ERROR ")); break; }
g_IcqPrxp->ReadFromClientCompletionRoutine(ErrorCode, BytesTransferred, Bufferp); } // else for if (ErrorCode)
} while ( FALSE );
DEREF_COMPONENT( Socketp, eRefIoRead);
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoRead); }
VOID IcqPeerConnectionCompletionRoutine ( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PCNhSock Socketp = NULL; PICQ_PEER IcqPeerp = NULL; ULONG Error; // ASSERT(Bufferp);
Socketp = Bufferp->Socketp;
IcqPeerp = reinterpret_cast<PICQ_PEER>(Bufferp->Context); // IcqClientp = reinterpret_cast<PICQ_CLIENT>(Bufferp->Context2);
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_TRACE, ("> IcqPeerConnectionCompletionRoutine"));
// ASSERT on all of them.
do { if(ErrorCode) { // Do - we need it?
// Delete the Shadow mapping
// if can't connect then Delete the existing Socket to which we have
// established connection.
if(IcqPeerp->MappingDirection is IcqFlagOutgoing) { STOP_COMPONENT(IcqPeerp->ToClientSocketp);
} else // incoming
{ STOP_COMPONENT(IcqPeerp->ToPeerSocketp);
break; } else { ULONG srcIp; USHORT srcPort; Socketp->NhQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(&srcIp, &srcPort);
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_TRACE, ("Connected to - Remote end is at %s:%hu", INET_NTOA(srcIp), htons(srcPort))); //
// Activate The Connection
// Issue the Read Operations on both Sockets with the Peer as their
// Context
if(IcqPeerp->MappingDirection is IcqFlagOutgoing) { IcqPeerp->ToPeerSocketp = Socketp;
ICQ_TRC(TM_MSG, TL_DUMP, ("Mapping is outGoing.. this socket is to the peer")); } else { IcqPeerp->ToClientSocketp = Socketp; }
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_TRACE, ("Issuing firstRead")); Socketp = IcqPeerp->ToClientSocketp;
REF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead );
Error = Socketp->NhReadStreamSocket ( g_IcqComponentReferencep, NULL, ICQ_BUFFER_SIZE, // we should give a size
0, IcqPeerReadCompletionRoutine, IcqPeerp, NULL );
if(Error) { ErrorOut();
ICQ_TRC(TM_MSG, TL_ERROR, (" ERROR - Read failed on ToClient Sock"));
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead ); break; }
// The other read operation
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_TRACE, ("Issuing second Read"));
Socketp = IcqPeerp->ToPeerSocketp;
REF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead ); Error = Socketp->NhReadStreamSocket ( g_IcqComponentReferencep, NULL, ICQ_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, IcqPeerReadCompletionRoutine, IcqPeerp, NULL ); if(Error) { ErrorOut();
ICQ_TRC(TM_MSG, TL_ERROR, (" ERROR - Read failed on ToPeer Sock"));
STOP_COMPONENT(IcqPeerp->ToClientSocketp); // reference will be cleared later
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead);
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead ); break; } //
// Reference the ICQ_PEER twice due to two read issues
IcqPeerp->bActivated = TRUE; } } while (FALSE);
DEREF_COMPONENT( Bufferp->Socketp, eRefIoConnect );
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoConnect);
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoConnect ); }
VOID IcqPeerReadCompletionRoutine ( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads TCP data between the peers. Within these flows there will be a place where the Data channel is negotiated. Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ {
PICQ_PEER IcqPeerp = NULL; PCNhSock Socketp = NULL; PCNhSock OtherSocketp = NULL; ULONG Error = NO_ERROR;
// ASSeRT(Bufferp);
Socketp = Bufferp->Socketp;
IcqPeerp = reinterpret_cast<PICQ_PEER>(Bufferp->Context);
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_TRACE, ("> IcqPeerReadCompletionRoutine E:(%X) D:(%u)", ErrorCode, BytesTransferred));
do { if( (ErrorCode != 0) || ((ErrorCode== 0) && (BytesTransferred == 0)) ) {
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_ERROR, ("Stoppping the Peer SESSION")); IcqPeerp->EndPeerSessionForClient(Socketp);
break; } else { if(BytesTransferred) { OtherSocketp = IcqPeerp->ToClientSocketp;
ICQ_TRC(TM_IO, TL_TRACE, (" Regular Data from a Peer(%u)/Client(%s) Socket", IcqPeerp->PeerUIN, // Peer-UIN
INET_NTOA(IcqPeerp->iKey1))); // Client-IP
// Determine which direction this Socket is from..
if(OtherSocketp is Socketp) { //
// NOTE: if it is from the ToClientSocketp then Process it
IcqPeerp->ProcessOutgoingPeerMessage(Bufferp->Buffer, Bufferp->BytesTransferred);
OtherSocketp = IcqPeerp->ToPeerSocketp; } // then forward it to the other side by simply writing it .
Error = OtherSocketp->NhWriteStreamSocket(g_IcqComponentReferencep, Bufferp, BytesTransferred, 0, IcqWriteCompletionRoutine, NULL, NULL); if(Error) { ICQ_TRC(TM_MSG, TL_ERROR, ("Error - In writing to the other side")); } }
// Issue another Read operation
REF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead );
Error = Socketp->NhReadStreamSocket(g_IcqComponentReferencep, NULL, ICQ_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, IcqPeerReadCompletionRoutine, IcqPeerp, NULL); if(Error) { DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead);
ICQ_TRC(TM_MSG, TL_ERROR, ("Peer connection no more??")); } } } while (FALSE);
DEREF_COMPONENT( Socketp, eRefIoRead );
DEREF_COMPONENT( IcqPeerp, eRefIoRead );
DEREF_COMPONENT( g_IcqComponentReferencep, eRefIoRead ); } // End of *IcqPeerReadCompletionRoutine*