// DataChannel.cpp : Implementation of CDataChannel
#include "PreComp.h"
#include "DataChannel.h"
#include "AlgController.h"
// CDataChannel
STDMETHODIMP CDataChannel::Cancel() { MYTRACE_ENTER_NOSHOWEXIT("CDataChannel::Cancel()");
// Normal redirect cancel using original argument pass to CreateRedirect
HRESULT hr = g_pAlgController->GetNat()->CancelRedirect( (UCHAR)m_Properties.eProtocol, m_ulDestinationAddress, m_usDestinationPort, m_ulSourceAddress, m_usSourcePort, m_ulNewDestinationAddress, m_usNewDestinationPort, m_ulNewSourceAddress, m_usNewSourcePort );
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDataChannel::GetChannelProperties(ALG_DATA_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES** ppProperties) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (NULL != ppProperties) { *ppProperties = reinterpret_cast<ALG_DATA_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES*>( CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(ALG_DATA_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES)) );
if (NULL != *ppProperties) { CopyMemory(*ppProperties, &m_Properties, sizeof(ALG_DATA_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES)); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
return hr;
// Retrieve the requested event handle.
// The caller must call CloseHandle on this handle.
// This routine will fail if session creation notification was not requested.
// Notification will be triggered when the Channel is open (TCP)
// or when the first UDP packet are received
STDMETHODIMP CDataChannel::GetSessionCreationEventHandle(HANDLE* pHandle) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CDataChannel::GetSessionCreationEventHandle");
if ( pHandle == NULL ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( !m_hCreateEvent ) return E_FAIL;
if ( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), m_hCreateEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), pHandle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ) { MYTRACE("Duplicated handle from %d to new %d", m_hCreateEvent, *pHandle); } else {
MYTRACE_ERROR("Duplicating handle", 0); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
// Retrieve the requested event handle.
// The caller must call CloseHandle on this handle.
// This routine will fail if session deletion notification was not requested.
// Notification will be triggered when the Channel is close
// or when UDP packet are now reveice for a period of time.
STDMETHODIMP CDataChannel::GetSessionDeletionEventHandle(HANDLE* pHandle) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CDataChannel::GetSessionDeletionEventHandle");
if ( pHandle == NULL ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( !m_hDeleteEvent ) return E_FAIL;
if ( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), m_hDeleteEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), pHandle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ) { MYTRACE("Duplicated handle from %d to new %d", m_hDeleteEvent, *pHandle); } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("Duplicating handle", 0); return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }