// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000
// File: H N A P P P R T . C P P
// Contents: CHNetAppProtocol Implementation
// Notes:
// Author: jonburs 21 June 2000
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// ATL methods
HRESULT CHNetAppProtocol::FinalRelease()
{ if (m_piwsHomenet) m_piwsHomenet->Release(); if (m_bstrProtocol) SysFreeString(m_bstrProtocol);
return S_OK; }
// Object initialization
HRESULT CHNetAppProtocol::Initialize( IWbemServices *piwsNamespace, IWbemClassObject *pwcoInstance )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERT(NULL == m_piwsHomenet); _ASSERT(NULL == m_bstrProtocol); _ASSERT(NULL != piwsNamespace); _ASSERT(NULL != pwcoInstance);
// Read and cache our builtin value
hr = GetBooleanValue( pwcoInstance, c_wszBuiltIn, &m_fBuiltIn );
// Store the path to the object
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GetWmiPathFromObject(pwcoInstance, &m_bstrProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { m_piwsHomenet = piwsNamespace; m_piwsHomenet->AddRef(); }
return hr; }
// IHNetApplicationProtocol methods
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::GetName( OLECHAR **ppszwName )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (NULL == ppszwName) { hr = E_POINTER; }
if (S_OK == hr) { *ppszwName = NULL;
hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { //
// Read the name property from our instance
hr = pwcoProtocol->Get( c_wszName, NULL, &vt, NULL, NULL );
pwcoProtocol->Release(); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { _ASSERT(VT_BSTR == V_VT(&vt));
// Allocate memory for the return string
*ppszwName = reinterpret_cast<OLECHAR*>( CoTaskMemAlloc((SysStringLen(V_BSTR(&vt)) + 1) * sizeof(OLECHAR)) );
if (NULL != *ppszwName) { wcscpy(*ppszwName, V_BSTR(&vt)); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
VariantClear(&vt); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::SetName( OLECHAR *pszwName )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (TRUE == m_fBuiltIn) { //
// Can't change values for builtin protocols
hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; } else if (NULL == pszwName) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Wrap the passed-in string in a BSTR and a variant
VariantInit(&vt); V_VT(&vt) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&vt) = SysAllocString(pszwName); if (NULL == V_BSTR(&vt)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (S_OK == hr) { //
// Set the property on the instance
hr = pwcoProtocol->Put( c_wszName, 0, &vt, NULL );
VariantClear(&vt); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Write the modified instance to the store
hr = m_piwsHomenet->PutInstance( pwcoProtocol, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, NULL, NULL ); }
pwcoProtocol->Release(); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::GetOutgoingIPProtocol( UCHAR *pucProtocol )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (NULL == pucProtocol) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pwcoProtocol->Get( c_wszOutgoingIPProtocol, 0, &vt, NULL, NULL );
pwcoProtocol->Release(); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { _ASSERT(VT_UI1 == V_VT(&vt));
*pucProtocol = V_UI1(&vt); VariantClear(&vt); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::SetOutgoingIPProtocol( UCHAR ucProtocol )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (TRUE == m_fBuiltIn) { //
// Can't change values for builtin protocols
hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; } else if (0 == ucProtocol) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { BSTR bstrWQL; USHORT usPort; //
// Make sure this change doesn't result in a duplicate
bstrWQL = SysAllocString(c_wszWQL);
if (NULL != bstrWQL) { hr = GetOutgoingPort(&usPort);
if (S_OK == hr) { if (ApplicationProtocolExists( m_piwsHomenet, bstrWQL, usPort, ucProtocol )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } SysFreeString(bstrWQL); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { VariantInit(&vt); V_VT(&vt) = VT_UI1; V_UI1(&vt) = ucProtocol;
hr = pwcoProtocol->Put( c_wszOutgoingIPProtocol, 0, &vt, NULL );
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Write the modified instance to the store
hr = m_piwsHomenet->PutInstance( pwcoProtocol, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, NULL, NULL ); }
pwcoProtocol->Release(); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::GetOutgoingPort( USHORT *pusPort )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (NULL == pusPort) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pwcoProtocol->Get( c_wszOutgoingPort, 0, &vt, NULL, NULL );
pwcoProtocol->Release(); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// WMI uses V_I4 for it's uint16 type
_ASSERT(VT_I4 == V_VT(&vt));
*pusPort = static_cast<USHORT>(V_I4(&vt)); VariantClear(&vt); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::SetOutgoingPort( USHORT usPort )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (TRUE == m_fBuiltIn) { //
// Can't change values for builtin protocols
hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; } else if (0 == usPort) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { BSTR bstrWQL; UCHAR ucProtocol; //
// Make sure this change doesn't result in a duplicate
bstrWQL = SysAllocString(c_wszWQL);
if (NULL != bstrWQL) { hr = GetOutgoingIPProtocol(&ucProtocol);
if (S_OK == hr) { if (ApplicationProtocolExists( m_piwsHomenet, bstrWQL, usPort, ucProtocol )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } SysFreeString(bstrWQL); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); } if (S_OK == hr) { //
// WMI uses V_I4 for it's uint16 type
VariantInit(&vt); V_VT(&vt) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vt) = usPort;
hr = pwcoProtocol->Put( c_wszOutgoingPort, 0, &vt, NULL );
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Write the modified instance to the store
hr = m_piwsHomenet->PutInstance( pwcoProtocol, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, NULL, NULL ); }
pwcoProtocol->Release(); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::GetResponseRanges( USHORT *puscResponses, HNET_RESPONSE_RANGE *prgResponseRange[] )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; USHORT usResponses; VARIANT vt; IUnknown **rgUnknown; IWbemClassObject *pObj;
if (NULL != prgResponseRange) { *prgResponseRange = NULL;
if (NULL != puscResponses) { *puscResponses = 0; } else { hr = E_POINTER; } } else { hr = E_POINTER; } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { //
// Get the number of response ranges
hr = pwcoProtocol->Get( c_wszResponseCount, 0, &vt, NULL, NULL );
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// WMI uses V_I4 for it's uint16 type
_ASSERT(VT_I4 == V_VT(&vt));
usResponses = static_cast<USHORT>(V_I4(&vt)); VariantClear(&vt); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Allocate enough memory for the output array.
*prgResponseRange = reinterpret_cast<HNET_RESPONSE_RANGE*>( CoTaskMemAlloc(usResponses * sizeof(HNET_RESPONSE_RANGE)) );
if (NULL == *prgResponseRange) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Retrieve the response array
hr = pwcoProtocol->Get( c_wszResponseArray, 0, &vt, NULL, NULL ); }
pwcoProtocol->Release(); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Process the array: for each element, QI for IWbemClassObject
// and copy the range data into the return struct
hr = SafeArrayAccessData( V_ARRAY(&vt), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&rgUnknown) );
if (S_OK == hr) { for (USHORT i = 0; i < usResponses; i++) { hr = rgUnknown[i]->QueryInterface( IID_PPV_ARG(IWbemClassObject, &pObj) );
_ASSERT(S_OK == hr);
hr = CopyResponseInstanceToStruct( pObj, &(*prgResponseRange)[i] );
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } }
SafeArrayUnaccessData(V_ARRAY(&vt)); }
VariantClear(&vt); }
if (S_OK == hr) { *puscResponses = usResponses; } else if (prgResponseRange && *prgResponseRange) { CoTaskMemFree(*prgResponseRange); *prgResponseRange = NULL; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::SetResponseRanges( USHORT uscResponses, HNET_RESPONSE_RANGE rgResponseRange[] )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol; VARIANT vt;
if (TRUE == m_fBuiltIn) { //
// Can't change values for builtin protocols
hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; } else if (0 == uscResponses || NULL == rgResponseRange) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { VariantInit(&vt); V_VT(&vt) = VT_ARRAY | VT_UNKNOWN; hr = ConvertResponseRangeArrayToInstanceSafearray( m_piwsHomenet, uscResponses, rgResponseRange, &V_ARRAY(&vt) ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Put the array and count properties
hr = pwcoProtocol->Put( c_wszResponseArray, 0, &vt, NULL );
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// WMI uses V_I4 for it's uint16 type
V_VT(&vt) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vt) = uscResponses;
hr = pwcoProtocol->Put( c_wszResponseCount, 0, &vt, NULL ); } }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Write the instance back to the store
hr = m_piwsHomenet->PutInstance( pwcoProtocol, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, NULL, NULL ); }
pwcoProtocol->Release(); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::GetBuiltIn( BOOLEAN *pfBuiltIn )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (NULL != pfBuiltIn) { *pfBuiltIn = m_fBuiltIn; } else { hr = E_POINTER; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::GetEnabled( BOOLEAN *pfEnabled )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol;
if (NULL == pfEnabled) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol); }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = GetBooleanValue( pwcoProtocol, c_wszEnabled, pfEnabled );
pwcoProtocol->Release(); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::SetEnabled( BOOLEAN fEnable )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pwcoProtocol;
hr = GetProtocolObject(&pwcoProtocol);
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = SetBooleanValue( pwcoProtocol, c_wszEnabled, fEnable );
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Write the modified instance to the store
hr = m_piwsHomenet->PutInstance( pwcoProtocol, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, NULL, NULL ); }
pwcoProtocol->Release(); }
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Notify service of update.
STDMETHODIMP CHNetAppProtocol::Delete()
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (TRUE == m_fBuiltIn) { //
// Can't delete builtin protocols
hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; } else { hr = m_piwsHomenet->DeleteInstance( m_bstrProtocol, 0, NULL, NULL );
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// Notify service of update.
return hr; }
HRESULT CHNetAppProtocol::GetProtocolObject( IWbemClassObject **ppwcoInstance )
{ _ASSERT(NULL != ppwcoInstance);
return GetWmiObjectFromPath( m_piwsHomenet, m_bstrProtocol, ppwcoInstance ); }