// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// proxy.cpp
// Defines the class RadiusProxy.
// 01/26/2000 Original version.
#include <proxypch.h>
#include <datastore2.h>
#include <proxy.h>
#include <radpack.h>
#include <iasevent.h>
#include <iasinfo.h>
#include <iasutil.h>
#include <dsobj.h>
// Resolver
// Utility class for resolving hostnames and iterating through the results.
class Resolver { public: Resolver() throw () : first(NULL), last(NULL) { }
~Resolver() throw () { if (first != &addr) delete[] first; }
// Returns true if the result set contains the specified address.
bool contains(ULONG address) const throw () { for (const ULONG* i = first; i != last; ++i) { if (*i == address) { return true; } }
return false; }
// Resolves the given name. The return value is the error code.
ULONG resolve(const PCWSTR name = NULL) throw () { // Clear out the existing result set.
if (first != &addr) { delete[] first; first = last = NULL; }
if (name) { // First try for a quick score on dotted decimal.
addr = ias_inet_wtoh(name); if (addr != INADDR_NONE) { addr = htonl(addr); first = &addr; last = first + 1; return NO_ERROR; } }
// That didn't work, so look up the name.
PHOSTENT he = IASGetHostByName(name); if (!he) { return GetLastError(); }
// Count the number of addresses returned.
ULONG naddr = 0; while (he->h_addr_list[naddr]) { ++naddr; }
// Allocate an array to hold them.
first = last = new (std::nothrow) ULONG[naddr]; if (first) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < naddr; ++i) { *last++ = *(PULONG)he->h_addr_list[i]; } }
return first ? NO_ERROR : WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
const ULONG* begin() const throw () { return first; }
const ULONG* end() const throw () { return last; }
private: ULONG addr, *first, *last;
// Not implemented.
Resolver(const Resolver&); Resolver& operator=(const Resolver&); };
// IASRemoteServer
// Extends RemoteServer to add IAS specific server information.
class IASRemoteServer : public RemoteServer { public: IASRemoteServer( const RemoteServerConfig& config, RadiusRemoteServerEntry* entry ) : RemoteServer(config), counters(entry) { // Create the Remote-Server-Address attribute.
IASAttribute name(true); name->dwId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_REMOTE_SERVER_ADDRESS; name->Value.itType = IASTYPE_INET_ADDR; name->Value.InetAddr = ntohl(config.ipAddress); attrs.push_back(name);
// Update our PerfMon entry.
if (counters) { counters->dwCounters[radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber] = ntohs(config.authPort); counters->dwCounters[radiusAccClientServerPortNumber] = ntohs(config.acctPort); } }
// Attributes to be added to each request.
IASAttributeVectorWithBuffer<1> attrs;
// PerfMon counters.
RadiusRemoteServerEntry* counters; };
RadiusProxy::RadiusProxy() : engine(this) { }
RadiusProxy::~RadiusProxy() throw () { }
STDMETHODIMP RadiusProxy::PutProperty(LONG Id, VARIANT* pValue) { if (pValue == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
try { configure(V_UNKNOWN(pValue)); hr = S_OK; } catch (const _com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } break; } default: { hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } }
return hr; }
void RadiusProxy::onEvent( const RadiusEvent& event ) throw () { // Convert the event context to an IASRemoteServer.
IASRemoteServer* server = static_cast<IASRemoteServer*>(event.context);
// Update the counters.
counters.updateCounters( event.portType, event.eventType, (server ? server->counters : NULL), event.data );
// We always use the address as an insertion string.
WCHAR addr[16], misc[16]; ias_inet_htow(ntohl(event.ipAddress), addr);
// Set up the default parameters for event reporting.
DWORD eventID = 0; DWORD numStrings = 1; DWORD dataSize = 0; PCWSTR strings[2] = { addr, misc }; const void* rawData = NULL;
// Map the RADIUS event to an IAS event ID.
switch (event.eventType) { case eventInvalidAddress: eventID = PROXY_E_INVALID_ADDRESS; _itow(ntohs(event.ipPort), misc, 10); numStrings = 2; break;
case eventMalformedPacket: eventID = PROXY_E_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; dataSize = event.packetLength; rawData = event.packet; break;
case eventBadAuthenticator: eventID = PROXY_E_BAD_AUTHENTICATOR; break;
case eventBadSignature: eventID = PROXY_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; break;
case eventMissingSignature: eventID = PROXY_E_MISSING_SIGNATURE; break;
case eventUnknownType: eventID = PROXY_E_UNKNOWN_TYPE; _itow(event.packet[0], misc, 10); numStrings = 2; break;
case eventUnexpectedResponse: eventID = PROXY_E_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE; dataSize = event.packetLength; rawData = event.packet; break;
case eventSendError: eventID = PROXY_E_SEND_ERROR; _itow(event.data, misc, 10); numStrings = 2; break;
case eventReceiveError: eventID = PROXY_E_RECV_ERROR; _itow(event.data, misc, 10); numStrings = 2; break;
case eventServerAvailable: eventID = PROXY_S_SERVER_AVAILABLE; break;
case eventServerUnavailable: eventID = PROXY_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE; _itow(server->maxLost, misc, 10); numStrings = 2; break; }
if (eventID) { IASReportEvent( eventID, numStrings, dataSize, strings, (void*)rawData ); } }
void RadiusProxy::onComplete( RadiusProxyEngine::Result result, PVOID context, RemoteServer* server, BYTE code, const RadiusAttribute* begin, const RadiusAttribute* end ) throw () { IRequest* comreq = (IRequest*)context;
// Map the result to a reason code.
IASREASON reason; switch (result) { case RadiusProxyEngine::resultSuccess: reason = IAS_SUCCESS; break;
case RadiusProxyEngine::resultNotEnoughMemory: reason = IAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; break;
case RadiusProxyEngine::resultUnknownServerGroup: reason = IAS_PROXY_UNKNOWN_GROUP; break;
case RadiusProxyEngine::resultUnknownServer: reason = IAS_PROXY_UNKNOWN_SERVER; break;
case RadiusProxyEngine::resultInvalidRequest: reason = IAS_PROXY_PACKET_TOO_LONG; break;
case RadiusProxyEngine::resultSendError: reason = IAS_PROXY_SEND_ERROR; break;
case RadiusProxyEngine::resultRequestTimeout: reason = IAS_PROXY_TIMEOUT; break;
default: reason = IAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
try { IASRequest request(comreq);
// Always store the server attributes if available.
if (server) { static_cast<IASRemoteServer*>(server)->attrs.store(request); }
if (reason == IAS_SUCCESS) { // Set the response code and determine the flags used for returned
// attributes.
DWORD flags = 0; switch (code) { case RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT: { response = IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_ACCEPT; flags = IAS_INCLUDE_IN_ACCEPT; break; }
default: { // The RadiusProxyEngine should never do this.
_com_issue_error(E_FAIL); } }
// Convert the received attributes to IAS format.
AttributeVector incoming; for (const RadiusAttribute* src = begin; src != end; ++src) { // Temporary hack to workaround bug in the protocol.
if (src->type != RADIUS_SIGNATURE) { translator.fromRadius(*src, flags, incoming); } }
if (!incoming.empty()) { // Get the existing attributes.
AttributeVector existing; existing.load(request);
// Erase any attributes that are already in the request.
AttributeIterator i, j; for (i = existing.begin(); i != existing.end(); ++i) { // Both the flags ...
if (i->pAttribute->dwFlags & flags) { for (j = incoming.begin(); j != incoming.end(); ) { // ... and the ID have to match.
if (j->pAttribute->dwId == i->pAttribute->dwId) { j = incoming.erase(j); } else { ++j; } } } }
// Store the remaining attributes.
incoming.store(request); } } } catch (const _com_error& ce) { response = IAS_RESPONSE_DISCARD_PACKET;
if (ce.Error() == E_INVALIDARG) { // We must have had an error translating from RADIUS to IAS format.
reason = IAS_PROXY_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } else { // Probably memory allocation.
reason = IAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } }
// Give it back to the pipeline.
comreq->SetResponse(response, reason); comreq->ReturnToSource(IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_HANDLED);
// This balances the AddRef we did before calling forwardRequest.
comreq->Release(); }
void RadiusProxy::onAsyncRequest(IRequest* pRequest) throw () { try { IASRequest request(pRequest);
// Set the packet code based on the request type.
BYTE packetCode; switch (request.get_Request()) { case IAS_REQUEST_ACCESS_REQUEST: { packetCode = RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST; break; }
default: { // The pipeline should never give us a request of the wrong type.
_com_issue_error(E_FAIL); } }
// Get the attributes from the request.
AttributeVector all, outgoing; all.load(request);
for (AttributeIterator i = all.begin(); i != all.end(); ++i) { // Send all the attributes received from the client except Proxy-State.
if (i->pAttribute->dwFlags & IAS_RECVD_FROM_CLIENT && i->pAttribute->dwId != RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_PROXY_STATE) { translator.toRadius(*(i->pAttribute), outgoing); } }
// If the request authenticator contains the CHAP challenge:
// it must be used so get the request authenticator (always to
// simplify the code)
PBYTE requestAuthenticator = 0; IASAttribute radiusHeader;
if (radiusHeader.load( request, IAS_ATTRIBUTE_CLIENT_PACKET_HEADER, IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING )) { requestAuthenticator = radiusHeader->Value.OctetString.lpValue + 4; } // Allocate an array of RadiusAttributes.
size_t nbyte = outgoing.size() * sizeof(RadiusAttribute); RadiusAttribute* begin = (RadiusAttribute*)_alloca(nbyte); RadiusAttribute* end = begin;
// Load the individual attributes.
for (AttributeIterator j = outgoing.begin(); j != outgoing.end(); ++j) { end->type = (BYTE)(j->pAttribute->dwId); end->length = (BYTE)(j->pAttribute->Value.OctetString.dwLength); end->value = j->pAttribute->Value.OctetString.lpValue;
++end; }
// Get the RADIUS Server group. This may be NULL since NAS-State bypasses
// proxy policy.
// AddRef the request because we're giving it to the engine.
// Add the request authenticator to the parameters of forwardRequest
// That can be NULL
engine.forwardRequest( (PVOID)pRequest, (group ? group->Value.String.pszWide : L""), packetCode, requestAuthenticator, begin, end ); } catch (...) { // We weren't able to forward it to the engine.
void RadiusProxy::configure(IUnknown* root) { // Get our IP addresses. We don't care if this fails.
Resolver localAddress, serverAddress; localAddress.resolve();
// Open the RADIUS Server Groups container. If it's not there, we'll just
// assume there's nothing to configure.
DataStoreObject inGroups( root, L"RADIUS Server Groups\0" ); if (inGroups.empty()) { return; }
// Reserve space for each group.
ServerGroups outGroups(inGroups.numChildren());
// Iterate through the groups.
DataStoreObject inGroup; while (inGroups.nextChild(inGroup)) { // Get the group name.
CComBSTR groupName; inGroup.getValue(L"Name", &groupName);
// Reserve space for each server. This is really a guess since a server
// may resolve to multiple IP addresses.
RemoteServers outServers(inGroup.numChildren());
// Iterate through the servers.
DataStoreObject inServer; while (inGroup.nextChild(inServer)) { USES_CONVERSION;
// Populate the RemoteServerConfig. It has a lot of fields.
RemoteServerConfig config;
CComBSTR name; inServer.getValue(L"Name", &name); CLSIDFromString(name, &config.guid);
ULONG port; inServer.getValue(L"Server Authentication Port", &port, 1812); config.authPort = htons((USHORT)port);
inServer.getValue(L"Server Accounting Port", &port, 1813); config.acctPort = htons((USHORT)port);
CComBSTR bstrAuth; inServer.getValue(L"Authentication Secret", &bstrAuth); config.authSecret = W2A(bstrAuth);
CComBSTR bstrAcct; inServer.getValue(L"Accounting Secret", &bstrAcct, bstrAuth); config.acctSecret = W2A(bstrAcct);
inServer.getValue(L"Priority", &config.priority, 1);
inServer.getValue(L"Weight", &config.weight, 50); // Ignore any zero weight servers.
if (config.weight == 0) { continue; }
// We don't use this feature for now.
config.sendSignature = false;
inServer.getValue( L"Forward Accounting On/Off", &config.sendAcctOnOff, true );
inServer.getValue(L"Request Timeout", &config.timeout, 3); // Don't allow zero for timeout
if (config.timeout == 0) { config.timeout = 1; }
inServer.getValue(L"Max Lost Requests", &config.maxLost, 5); // Don't allow zero for maxLost.
if (config.maxLost == 0) { config.maxLost = 1; }
inServer.getValue( L"Blackout Interval", &config.blackout, 10 * config.timeout ); if (config.blackout < config.timeout) { // Blackout interval must be >= request timeout.
config.blackout = config.timeout; }
// These need to be in msec.
config.timeout *= 1000; config.blackout *= 1000;
// Now we have to resolve the server name to an IP address.
CComBSTR address; inServer.getValue(L"Address", &address); ULONG error = serverAddress.resolve(address); if (error) { WCHAR errorCode[16]; _itow(GetLastError(), errorCode, 10); PCWSTR strings[3] = { address, groupName, errorCode }; IASReportEvent( PROXY_E_HOST_NOT_FOUND, 3, 0, strings, NULL ); }
// Create a server entry for each address.
for (const ULONG* addr = serverAddress.begin(); addr != serverAddress.end(); ++addr) { // Don't allow them to proxy locally.
if (localAddress.contains(*addr)) { WCHAR ipAddress[16]; ias_inet_htow(ntohl(*addr), ipAddress); PCWSTR strings[3] = { address, groupName, ipAddress }; IASReportEvent( PROXY_E_LOCAL_SERVER, 3, 0, strings, NULL );
continue; }
// Look up the PerfMon counters.
RadiusRemoteServerEntry* entry = counters.getRemoteServerEntry( *addr );
// Create the new server
config.ipAddress = *addr; RemoteServerPtr outServer(new IASRemoteServer( config, entry )); outServers.push_back(outServer); } }
// Ignore any empty groups.
if (outServers.empty()) { continue; }
// Create the new group.
ServerGroupPtr outGroup(new ServerGroup( groupName, outServers.begin(), outServers.end() )); outGroups.push_back(outGroup); }
// Wow, we're finally done.
engine.setServerGroups( outGroups.begin(), outGroups.end() ); }