// Copyright(C) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: dsconnection.cpp
// Project: Everest
// Description: data store connection implementation
// Author: TLP
// When Who What
// ---- --- ----
// 4/6/98 TLP Original Version
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dsconnection.h"
#include "sdo.h"
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
namespace { BOOL WINAPI IsComputerLocalEx( PCWSTR computerName, COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT nameType ) throw () { WCHAR buffer[256]; DWORD nSize = sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR); BOOL success = GetComputerNameEx( nameType, buffer, &nSize );
return success && !_wcsicmp(buffer, computerName); }
BOOL WINAPI IsComputerLocal( PCWSTR computerName ) throw () { return IsComputerLocalEx( computerName, ComputerNameNetBIOS ) || IsComputerLocalEx( computerName, ComputerNameDnsHostname ) || IsComputerLocalEx( computerName, ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified ) || IsComputerLocalEx( computerName, ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS ) || IsComputerLocalEx( computerName, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname ) || IsComputerLocalEx( computerName, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified ); } }
CDsConnection::CDsConnection() : m_eState(DISCONNECTED), m_bIsRemoteServer(false), m_bIsMixedMode(false), m_bInitializedDS(false), m_pDSRoot(NULL), m_pDSRootObject(NULL), m_pDSRootContainer(NULL) { m_szServerName[0] = '\0'; m_szConfigPath[0] = '\0'; }
CDsConnection::~CDsConnection() { _ASSERT( DISCONNECTED == m_eState ); }
bool CDsConnection::SetServerName(LPCWSTR lpszServerName, bool bLocal) { bool success = false;
if ((lpszServerName != 0) && (*lpszServerName != L'\0')) { ////////
// Caller wants a specific server.
// Strip any leading backslashes.
lpszServerName += wcsspn(lpszServerName, L"\\");
// Make sure the name will fit in our buffer.
if (wcslen(lpszServerName) <= IAS_MAX_SERVER_NAME) { // Save the name ...
wcscpy(m_szServerName, lpszServerName);
// ... and determine if it's local or remote.
m_bIsRemoteServer = !IsComputerLocal(m_szServerName);
success = true; } } else if (bLocal) { ////////
// Caller wants the local machine.
DWORD dwSize = IAS_MAX_SERVER_NAME + 1; GetComputerNameW(m_szServerName, &dwSize); m_bIsRemoteServer = false; success = true; } else { ////////
// Caller wants a domain controller.
PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOW dci; DWORD error = DsGetDcNameW( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_REQUIRED, &dci ); if (!error && dci->DomainControllerName) { success = SetServerName(dci->DomainControllerName, false); NetApiBufferFree(dci); } }
IASTracePrintf("INFO CDsConnection::SetServerName ServerName = %S \n" "m_szServerName = %S IsRemoteServer %d Success = %d\n", lpszServerName, m_szServerName, m_bIsRemoteServer, success); return success; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionIAS::Connect( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszServerName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszUserName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszPassword ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; _ASSERT( DISCONNECTED == m_eState ); if ( SetServerName(lpszServerName, true) ) { m_eState = CONNECTED; hr = S_OK; } else { m_szServerName[0] = '\0'; m_szConfigPath[0] = '\0'; } return hr; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionIAS::InitializeDS() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szConfigPathBuff[IAS_MAX_CONFIG_PATH + 16];
_ASSERT( CONNECTED == m_eState ); if ( ! m_bInitializedDS ) { // Set the path to the IAS configuration database
hr = E_FAIL; if ( SetConfigPath() ) { // Create and initialize the IAS data store
CComPtr<IDataStore2> pDSRoot; hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(OleDBDataStore), NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, __uuidof(IDataStore2), (void**)&pDSRoot );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // We need to give the object permission to impersonate us. There's
// no reason to abort if this fails; we'll just try with the
// existing blanket.
wsprintf( szConfigPathBuff, TEXT("%s\\%s"), m_szConfigPath, IAS_CONFIG_DB_LOCATION );
CComBSTR bstrConfigPath(szConfigPathBuff); if (!bstrConfigPath) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
hr = pDSRoot->Initialize( bstrConfigPath, NULL, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Save references to the data store root object and root object container
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSRootObject; hr = pDSRoot->get_Root(&pDSRootObject); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> pDSRootContainer; hr = pDSRootObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSRootContainer); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pDSRoot->AddRef(); pDSRootObject->AddRef(); pDSRootContainer->AddRef(); m_pDSRoot = pDSRoot; m_pDSRootObject = pDSRootObject; m_pDSRootContainer = pDSRootContainer; m_bInitializedDS = true; } } if ( FAILED(hr) ) pDSRoot->Shutdown(); } } } } return hr; }
void CDsConnectionIAS::Disconnect() { if ( m_pDSRootContainer ) { m_pDSRootContainer->Release(); m_pDSRootContainer = NULL; } if ( m_pDSRootObject ) { m_pDSRootObject->Release(); m_pDSRootObject = NULL; } if ( m_pDSRoot ) { m_pDSRoot->Shutdown(); m_pDSRoot->Release(); m_pDSRoot = NULL; } m_szServerName[0] = '\0'; m_szConfigPath[0] = '\0'; m_eState = DISCONNECTED; }
bool CDsConnectionIAS::SetConfigPath() { bool bReturn = false; DWORD dwSize = IAS_MAX_CONFIG_PATH; DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKeyRemote = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; WCHAR *pColon; CRegKey IASKey; WCHAR szConfigPathBuff[IAS_MAX_CONFIG_PATH];
if ( m_bIsRemoteServer ) dwResult = RegConnectRegistry(m_szServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hKeyRemote);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult ) { // Open the IAS Service Key
dwResult = IASKey.Open( hKeyRemote, IAS_POLICY_REG_KEY, KEY_READ );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult ) { // Get the value of the "ProgramDir" registry entry
dwSize = IAS_MAX_CONFIG_PATH; dwResult = IASKey.QueryValue( szConfigPathBuff, (LPCTSTR)IAS_SERVICE_DIRECTORY, &dwSize ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult ) { // If remote machine then create a path to the admin share.
// Otherwise assume we're using the configuration on the local machine
if ( m_bIsRemoteServer ) { if ( IAS_MAX_CONFIG_PATH > lstrlen(m_szServerName) + dwSize ) { // Replace "Drive:" with "Drive$"
pColon = wcsrchr(szConfigPathBuff, L':'); if (pColon == NULL) { return false; } *pColon = L'$';
// Add leading "\\"
wsprintf( m_szConfigPath, TEXT("\\\\%s\\%s"), m_szServerName, szConfigPathBuff );
bReturn = true; } } else { lstrcpy(m_szConfigPath, szConfigPathBuff); bReturn = true; } } } }
IASTracePrintf("INFO CDsConnectionIAS::SetConfigPath. m_szConfigPath= %S\n" ,m_szConfigPath); return bReturn; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionAD::Connect( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszServerName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszUserName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszPassword ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( DISCONNECTED == m_eState ); if ( SetServerName(lpszServerName, false) ) { m_eState = CONNECTED; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionAD::InitializeDS() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
_ASSERT( CONNECTED == m_eState ); if ( ! m_bInitializedDS ) { _variant_t vtConfigNamingContext; _variant_t vtDefaultNamingContext;
// Get the naming contexts at the specified directory server
hr = GetNamingContexts(&vtConfigNamingContext, &vtDefaultNamingContext); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Set the domain mode - mixed or native
hr = SetMode(&vtDefaultNamingContext); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Get the path to the DS configuration information (policies & profiles)
hr = SetConfigPath(&vtConfigNamingContext); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) m_bInitializedDS = true; } } } return hr; }
void CDsConnectionAD::Disconnect() { if ( m_pDSRootContainer ) { m_pDSRootContainer->Release(); m_pDSRootContainer = NULL; } if ( m_pDSRootObject ) { m_pDSRootObject->Release(); m_pDSRootObject = NULL; } if ( m_pDSRoot ) { m_pDSRoot->Shutdown(); m_pDSRoot->Release(); m_pDSRoot = NULL; } m_eState = DISCONNECTED; m_szServerName[0] = '\0'; m_szConfigPath[0] = '\0'; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionAD::GetNamingContexts( /*[out]*/ VARIANT* pvtConfigNamingContext, /*[out]*/ VARIANT* pvtDefaultNamingContext ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwLength; _bstr_t bstrNamingContext; WCHAR szRootDSE[MAX_PATH];
// Check preconditons
_ASSERT( NULL != pvtConfigNamingContext && NULL != pvtDefaultNamingContext );
dwLength = lstrlen(IAS_NTDS_LDAP_PROVIDER) + lstrlen(m_szServerName) + lstrlen(IAS_NTDS_ROOT_DSE);
_ASSERT( MAX_PATH > dwLength ); if ( MAX_PATH > dwLength ) { wsprintf( szRootDSE, TEXT("%s%s/%s"), IAS_NTDS_LDAP_PROVIDER, m_szServerName, IAS_NTDS_ROOT_DSE );
CComPtr<IDataStore2> pDS2; hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(ADsDataStore), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataStore2, (void**)&pDS2 ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pDS2->Initialize( szRootDSE, NULL, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pRootDSE; hr = pDS2->get_Root(&pRootDSE); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { _bstr_t bstrNamingContext = IAS_NTDS_CONFIG_NAMING_CONTEXT; hr = pRootDSE->GetValue(bstrNamingContext, pvtConfigNamingContext); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { bstrNamingContext = IAS_NTDS_DEFAULT_NAMING_CONTEXT; hr = pRootDSE->GetValue(bstrNamingContext, pvtDefaultNamingContext); if ( FAILED(hr) ) VariantClear(pvtConfigNamingContext); } }
pDS2->Shutdown(); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionAD::SetMode( /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pvtDefaultNamingContext ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwLength; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
// Set the mixed mode flag based on the value of the "ntMixedDomain" property
_ASSERT ( NULL != pvtDefaultNamingContext );
dwLength = lstrlen(IAS_NTDS_LDAP_PROVIDER) + lstrlen(m_szServerName) + lstrlen(V_BSTR(pvtDefaultNamingContext));
_ASSERT( dwLength < MAX_PATH ); if ( dwLength < MAX_PATH ) { wsprintf( szPath, TEXT("%s%s/%s"), IAS_NTDS_LDAP_PROVIDER, m_szServerName, V_BSTR(pvtDefaultNamingContext) );
CComPtr<IDataStore2> pDS2; hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(ADsDataStore), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataStore2, (void**)&pDS2 ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pDS2->Initialize( szPath, NULL, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDefaultNamingContext; hr = pDS2->get_Root(&pDefaultNamingContext); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { _variant_t vtMode; hr = pDefaultNamingContext->GetValue(IAS_NTDS_MIXED_MODE_FLAG, &vtMode); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( IAS_MIXED_MODE == V_I4(&vtMode) ) m_bMixedMode = true; else m_bMixedMode = false; } }
pDS2->Shutdown(); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CDsConnectionAD::SetConfigPath( /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pvtConfigNamingContext ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwLength; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
// Set the root and root container for the IAS configuration information
_ASSERT ( NULL != pvtConfigNamingContext );
dwLength = lstrlen(IAS_NTDS_LDAP_PROVIDER) + lstrlen(m_szServerName) + lstrlen(IAS_NTDS_COMMON_NAMES) + lstrlen(V_BSTR(pvtConfigNamingContext));
_ASSERT( dwLength < MAX_PATH );
if ( dwLength < MAX_PATH ) { wsprintf( szPath, // TEXT("%s%s/%s%s"),
V_BSTR(pvtConfigNamingContext) );
CComPtr<IDataStore2> pDSRoot; hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(ADsDataStore), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataStore2, (void**)&pDSRoot ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pDSRoot->Initialize( szPath, NULL, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSRootObject; hr = pDSRoot->get_Root(&pDSRootObject); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> pDSRootContainer; hr = pDSRootObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSRootContainer); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pDSRoot->AddRef(); pDSRootObject->AddRef(); pDSRootContainer->AddRef(); m_pDSRoot = pDSRoot; m_pDSRootObject = pDSRootObject; m_pDSRootContainer = pDSRootContainer; } }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) pDSRoot->Shutdown(); } } }
return hr; }