// Copyright(C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: sdocomponent.cpp
// Project: Everest
// Description: IAS Server Data Object - IAS Component Class Implementation
// Author: TLP 6/18/98
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <ias.h>
#include <iascomp.h>
#include <portparser.h>
#include "sdocomponent.h"
#include "sdohelperfuncs.h"
// CComponentCfg Implementation
CComponentCfg::CComponentCfg(LONG lComponentId) : m_lComponentId(lComponentId), m_pComponentCfg(NULL) { // create letter object
switch( lComponentId ) { case IAS_PROVIDER_MICROSOFT_NTSAM_AUTH: m_pComponentCfg = (CComponentCfg*) new CComponentCfgAuth(lComponentId); break;
case IAS_PROVIDER_MICROSOFT_ACCOUNTING: m_pComponentCfg = (CComponentCfg*) new CComponentCfgAccounting(lComponentId); break;
case IAS_PROTOCOL_MICROSOFT_RADIUS: m_pComponentCfg = (CComponentCfg*) new CComponentCfgRADIUS(lComponentId); break;
default: m_pComponentCfg = (CComponentCfg*) new CComponentCfgNoOp(lComponentId); break; } }
HRESULT CComponentCfgAuth::Load(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
do { // Determine if were attached to the local machine
BSTR bstrMachine = NULL; hr = (pSdoComponent->GetMachineSdo())->GetAttachedComputer(&bstrMachine); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
wchar_t computerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD size = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH; GetComputerName(computerName, &size);
LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKeyRemote = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if ( lstrcmpi(computerName, bstrMachine ) ) { // We're not attached to the local machine so connect to the
// registry of the remote machine
lResult = RegConnectRegistry( bstrMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hKeyRemote ); } SysFreeString(bstrMachine); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in NT SAM Authentication SDO - Could not attach to the remote registry.."); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
// Open the IAS key
CRegKey IASKey; lResult = IASKey.Open( hKeyRemote, IAS_POLICY_REG_KEY, KEY_READ );
if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in NT SAM Authentication SDO - Could not open IAS registry key.."); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; }
// Get the value of the Allow LAN Manager Authentication key.
// Note that this key may not even be present. In this case
// the property object will just use the schema defined default.
VARIANT vt; DWORD dwValue; lResult = IASKey.QueryValue( dwValue, (LPCTSTR) IAS_NTSAM_AUTH_ALLOW_LM );
if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { V_VT(&vt) = VT_BOOL; V_BOOL(&vt) = (dwValue ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE); hr = pSdoComponent->PutComponentProperty( PROPERTY_NTSAM_ALLOW_LM_AUTHENTICATION, &vt ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in NT SAM Authentication SDO - Could not store the Allow LM property.."); break; } } } while ( FALSE );
return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentCfgRADIUS::Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
do { CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> pDSContainer; hr = (pSdoComponent->GetComponentDataStore())->QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSContainer); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Initialize() - QueryInterface() failed..."); break; }
CComBSTR bstrClientsName(DS_OBJECT_CLIENTS); if (!bstrClientsName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSObject; hr = pDSContainer->Item( bstrClientsName, &pDSObject ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Initialize() - IDataStoreContainer::Item(Clients) failed..."); break; }
CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> pDSContainer2; hr = pDSObject->QueryInterface( IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSContainer2 ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Initialize() - QueryInterface() failed..."); break; }
hr = pSdoComponent->InitializeComponentCollection( PROPERTY_RADIUS_CLIENTS_COLLECTION, SDO_PROG_ID_CLIENT, pDSContainer2 ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
pDSObject.Release(); pDSContainer2.Release();
CComBSTR bstrVendorsName(DS_OBJECT_VENDORS); if (!bstrVendorsName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
hr = pDSContainer->Item( bstrVendorsName, &pDSObject ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Initialize() - IDataStoreContainer::Item(Vendors) failed..."); break; }
hr = pDSObject->QueryInterface( IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSContainer2 ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Initialize() - QueryInterface() failed..."); break; }
hr = pSdoComponent->InitializeComponentCollection( PROPERTY_RADIUS_VENDORS_COLLECTION, SDO_PROG_ID_VENDOR, pDSContainer2 ); } while ( FALSE );
return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentCfgRADIUS::Validate (CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
do {
// get the RADIUS authentication port value now
_variant_t varAuthValue; hr = pSdoComponent->GetProperty ( PROPERTY_RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PORT, &varAuthValue ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Validate - GetProperty () failed..."); break; } // validate the authentication port now
hr = ValidatePort (V_BSTR (&varAuthValue)); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Validate - Invalid IP Address or UDP port value specified..."); break; }
// get the RADIUS accounting port format now
_variant_t varAcctValue; hr = pSdoComponent->GetProperty ( PROPERTY_RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_PORT, &varAcctValue ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Validate - GetProperty () failed..."); break; } // validate the accounting port now
hr = ValidatePort (V_BSTR (&varAcctValue)); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Error in SDO Component - RADIUS::Validate - Invalid IP Address or UDP port value specified..."); break; } } while (FALSE);
return (hr); }
// validating the port value provided
HRESULT CComponentCfgRADIUS::ValidatePort (PWCHAR pwszPortInfo) { _ASSERT (pwszPortInfo);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CPortParser parser (pwszPortInfo); do { //
// get the IP address
DWORD dwIPAddress = 0; hr = parser.GetIPAddress(&dwIPAddress); if (S_FALSE == hr) { break; } else if (S_OK == hr) { //
// get the ports associated with this IP address
do { WORD wPort = 0; hr = parser.GetNextPort (&wPort); } while (S_OK == hr); } } while (SUCCEEDED (hr));
return (hr);
} // end of CPorts::CollectPortInfo method
HRESULT CComponentCfgAccounting::Initialize(CSdoComponent* pSdoComponent) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
do { BSTR bstrMachineName = NULL; hr = (pSdoComponent->GetMachineSdo())->GetAttachedComputer(&bstrMachineName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Accounting SDO - Could not get the name of the attached computer..."); break; } wchar_t szLogFileDir[MAX_PATH+1]; hr = ::SDOGetLogFileDirectory( bstrMachineName, MAX_PATH, szLogFileDir ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { SysFreeString(bstrMachineName); IASTracePrintf("Error in Accounting SDO - Could not get the default log file directory.."); break; } _variant_t vtLogFileDir = szLogFileDir; SysFreeString(bstrMachineName); hr = pSdoComponent->ChangePropertyDefault( PROPERTY_ACCOUNTING_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, &vtLogFileDir ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Accounting SDO - Could not store the default log file directory property.."); break; }
} while ( FALSE );
return hr; }
// CSdoComponent Implementation
CSdoComponent::CSdoComponent() : m_pComponentCfg(NULL), m_pAttachedMachine(NULL) {
CSdoComponent::~CSdoComponent() { if ( m_pComponentCfg ) delete m_pComponentCfg; if ( m_pAttachedMachine ) m_pAttachedMachine->Release(); }
HRESULT CSdoComponent::InitializeComponentCollection( /*[in]*/ LONG CollectionPropertyId, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR lpszCreateClassId, /*[in]*/ IDataStoreContainer* pDSContainer ) { _ASSERT ( m_pAttachedMachine ); return InitializeCollection( CollectionPropertyId, lpszCreateClassId, m_pAttachedMachine, pDSContainer ); }
HRESULT CSdoComponent::ChangePropertyDefault( /*[in]*/ LONG Id, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue ) { return ChangePropertyDefaultInternal(Id, pValue); }
HRESULT CSdoComponent::PutComponentProperty( /*[in]*/ LONG Id, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue ) { return PutPropertyInternal(Id, pValue); }
HRESULT CSdoComponent::FinalInitialize( /*[in]*/ bool fInitNew, /*[in]*/ ISdoMachine* pAttachedMachine ) { _ASSERT ( ! fInitNew ); HRESULT hr; do { hr = Load(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Component SDO - FinalInitialize() - Could not load component properties..."); break; } _variant_t vtComponentId; hr = GetPropertyInternal(PROPERTY_COMPONENT_ID, &vtComponentId); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Component SDO - FinalInitialize() - Could not get the component Id..."); break; } auto_ptr<CComponentCfg> pComponentCfg (new CComponentCfg(V_I4(&vtComponentId))); if ( NULL == pComponentCfg.get() ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Component SDO - FinalInitialize() - Could not create component: %lx...",V_I4(&vtComponentId)); hr = E_FAIL; break; } (m_pAttachedMachine = pAttachedMachine)->AddRef(); hr = pComponentCfg->Initialize(this); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Component SDO - FinalInitialize() - Could not initialize component: %lx...",V_I4(&vtComponentId)); break; } m_pComponentCfg = pComponentCfg.release(); hr = Load(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Component SDO - FinalInitialize() - Could not configure component: %lx...",V_I4(&vtComponentId)); break; }
} while ( FALSE );
return hr; }
HRESULT CSdoComponent::Load()
{ HRESULT hr = CSdo::Load(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( m_pComponentCfg ) hr = m_pComponentCfg->Load(this); } return hr; }
HRESULT CSdoComponent::Save() { HRESULT hr = CSdo::Save(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( m_pComponentCfg ) { hr = m_pComponentCfg->Validate (this); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { hr = m_pComponentCfg->Save(this); } } } return hr; }