// Copyright(C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: sdomachine.cpp
// Project: Everest
// Description: SDO Machine Implementation
// Author: TLP 9/1/98
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <ias.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <dsrole.h>
#include "sdomachine.h"
#include "sdofactory.h"
#include "sdo.h"
#include "dspath.h"
#include "sdodictionary.h"
#include "sdoschema.h"
#include "activeds.h"
HRESULT WINAPI IASGetLDAPPathForUser( PCWSTR computerName, PCWSTR userName, BSTR* path ) throw () { HRESULT hr;
// Check the pointers.
if (!computerName || !userName || !path) { return E_POINTER; }
// Check the string lengths, so we don't have to worry about overflow.
if (wcslen(computerName) > MAX_PATH || wcslen(userName) > MAX_PATH) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Initialize the out parameter.
*path = NULL;
// Form the LDAP path for the target computer.
WCHAR root[8 + MAX_PATH]; wcscat(wcscpy(root, L"LDAP://"), computerName);
// Get the IDirectorySearch interface.
CComPtr<IDirectorySearch> search; // tperraut 453050
hr = ADsOpenObject( root, NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION | ADS_USE_SIGNING | ADS_USE_SEALING, __uuidof(IDirectorySearch), (PVOID*)&search ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Form the search filter.
WCHAR filter[18 + MAX_PATH]; wcscat(wcscat(wcscpy(filter, L"(sAMAccountName="), userName), L")");
// Execute the search.
PWSTR attrs[] = { L"distinguishedName" }; ADS_SEARCH_HANDLE result; hr = search->ExecuteSearch( filter, attrs, 1, &result ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get the first row.
hr = search->GetFirstRow(result); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the column containing the distinguishedName.
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN column; hr = search->GetColumn(result, attrs[0], &column); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Sanity check the struct.
if (column.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_DN_STRING && column.dwNumValues) { // Extract the DN.
PCWSTR dn = column.pADsValues[0].DNString;
// Get the Pathname object.
IADsPathname* pathname; hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(Pathname), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IADsPathname), (PVOID*)&pathname );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { do { /////////
// Build the ADSI path.
hr = pathname->Set(L"LDAP", ADS_SETTYPE_PROVIDER); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
hr = pathname->Set((PWSTR)computerName, ADS_SETTYPE_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
hr = pathname->Set((PWSTR)dn, ADS_SETTYPE_DN); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
hr = pathname->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_WINDOWS, path);
} while (FALSE);
pathname->Release(); } } else { // We got back a bogus ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN struct.
hr = E_FAIL; }
// Free the column data.
search->FreeColumn(&column); } }
// Close the search handle.
return hr; }
CSdoMachine::CSdoMachine() : m_fAttached(false), m_fSchemaInitialized(false), m_pSdoSchema(NULL), m_pSdoDictionary(NULL), dsType(Directory_Unknown) {
CSdoMachine::~CSdoMachine() { if ( m_fAttached ) { m_dsIAS.Disconnect(); m_dsAD.Disconnect(); m_pSdoSchema->Release(); if ( m_pSdoDictionary ) m_pSdoDictionary->Release(); IASUninitialize(); } }
// ISdoMachine Methods
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::Attach( /*[in]*/ BSTR computerName ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( ! m_fAttached ); if ( m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
try { if ( computerName ) IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is attempting to attach to computer: '%ls'...", computerName); else IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is attempting to attach to the local computer...");
IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is initializing the IAS support services..."); if ( IASInitialize() ) { hr = m_dsIAS.Connect(computerName, NULL, NULL); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is creating the SDO schema..."); hr = CreateSDOSchema(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO has successfully attached to computer: '%ls'...",m_dsIAS.GetServerName()); m_fAttached = true; } else { m_dsIAS.Disconnect(); IASUninitialize(); } } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - Attach() - Could not connect to IAS data store..."); } } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - Attach() - Could not initialize IAS support services..."); } } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - Attach() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetDictionarySDO( /*[out]*/ IUnknown** ppDictionarySdo ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is retrieving the Dictionary SDO...");
try { do { // Check preconditions
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
_ASSERT( NULL != ppDictionarySdo ); if ( NULL == ppDictionarySdo ) { hr = E_POINTER; break; }
// The dictionary is a singleton...
if (NULL == m_pSdoDictionary) { hr = InitializeSDOSchema(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetDictionarySDO() - Could not initialize the SDO schema..."); break; }
// Create the Dictionary SDO
CComPtr<SdoDictionary> pSdoDictionary; hr = SdoDictionary::createInstance( m_dsIAS.GetConfigPath(), !m_dsIAS.IsRemoteServer(), (SdoDictionary**)&m_pSdoDictionary ); if (FAILED(hr)) { IASTraceFailure("SdoDictionary::createInstance", hr); break; } }
// Return the dictionary interface to the caller
(*ppDictionarySdo = m_pSdoDictionary)->AddRef();
} while ( FALSE ); } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetDictionarySDO() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
return hr; }
const wchar_t g_IASService[] = L"IAS"; const wchar_t g_RASService[] = L"RemoteAccess"; const wchar_t g_Sentinel[] = L"Sentinel";
LPCWSTR CSdoMachine::m_SupportedServices[MACHINE_MAX_SERVICES] = { g_IASService, g_RASService, g_Sentinel };
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetServiceSDO( /*[in]*/ IASDATASTORE dataStore, /*[in]*/ BSTR serviceName, /*[out]*/ IUnknown** ppServiceSdo ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( ( DATA_STORE_LOCAL == dataStore || DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY == dataStore ) && NULL != serviceName && NULL != ppServiceSdo );
if ( ( DATA_STORE_LOCAL != dataStore && DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY != dataStore ) || NULL == serviceName || NULL == ppServiceSdo ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is attempting to retrieve the Service SDO for service: %ls...", serviceName);
int i; for ( i = 0; i < MACHINE_MAX_SERVICES; i++ ) { if ( ! lstrcmp(serviceName, m_SupportedServices[i]) ) { break; } else { if ( ! lstrcmp(m_SupportedServices[i], g_Sentinel ) ) return E_INVALIDARG; } }
try { do { hr = InitializeSDOSchema(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetServiceSDO() - Could not initialize the SDO schema..."); break; }
CComBSTR bstrServiceName(DS_OBJECT_SERVICE); if (!bstrServiceName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSObject; hr = (m_dsIAS.GetDSRootContainer())->Item(bstrServiceName, &pDSObject); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetServiceSDO() - Could not locate IAS service data store..."); break; } CComPtr<ISdo> pSdoService; pSdoService.p = ::MakeSDO( serviceName, SDO_PROG_ID_SERVICE, static_cast<ISdoMachine*>(this), pDSObject, NULL, false ); if ( NULL == pSdoService.p ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetServiceSDO() - MakeSDO() failed..."); hr = E_FAIL; break; } hr = pSdoService->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)ppServiceSdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetServiceSDO() - QueryInterface(IDispatch) failed..."); break; }
} while ( FALSE ); } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetServiceSDO() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
return hr; }
const wchar_t DOWNLEVEL_NAME[] = L"downlevel";
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetUserSDO( /*[in]*/ IASDATASTORE eDataStore, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrUserName, /*[out]*/ IUnknown** ppUserSdo ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( ( DATA_STORE_LOCAL == eDataStore || DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY == eDataStore ) && NULL != bstrUserName && NULL != ppUserSdo );
if ( ( DATA_STORE_LOCAL != eDataStore && DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY != eDataStore ) || NULL == bstrUserName || NULL == ppUserSdo ) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Map local users to the DS if we're attached to a machine with
// a directory.
if (eDataStore == DATA_STORE_LOCAL && hasDirectory()) { eDataStore = DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY; }
// If we're connecting to a directory and the username doesn't begin with
// "LDAP://", then we'll assume it's a SAM account name.
BSTR ldapPath = NULL; if (eDataStore == DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY && wcsncmp(bstrUserName, L"LDAP://", 7)) { hr = IASGetLDAPPathForUser( m_dsIAS.GetServerName(), bstrUserName, &ldapPath ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
bstrUserName = ldapPath; }
IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO is attempting to retrieve the RAS User SDO for user: %ls...", bstrUserName);
ISdo* pSdoUser = NULL;
try { do { // Get the IDataStoreObject interface for the new User SDO.
// We'll use the IDataStoreObject interface to read/write User SDO properties.
bool fUseDownLevelAPI = false; bool fUseNetAPI = true; CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSObject; _variant_t vtSAMAccountName;
if ( DATA_STORE_DIRECTORY == eDataStore ) { // Make sure we're connected to the directory
if ( ! m_dsAD.IsConnected() ) { hr = m_dsAD.Connect(m_dsIAS.GetServerName(), NULL, NULL); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not connect to the directory data store..."); break; } }
// Make sure it's initialized.
hr = m_dsAD.InitializeDS(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not initialize the directory data store..."); break; }
// Get the user object from the directory
hr = (m_dsAD.GetDSRoot())->OpenObject(bstrUserName, &pDSObject); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not retrieve user object from DS..."); break; } // If we're connected to a dc in a mixed domain we'll need to first get the users
// SAM account name from the user object in the active directory and then treat the
// GetUserSDO() call as if the caller specified DATA_STORE_LOCAL. We also use
// downlevel APIs (SAM) because its a mixed domain.
if ( m_dsAD.IsMixedMode() ) { IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Current DC (Server) %ls is in a mixed mode domain...", m_dsAD.GetServerName()); hr = pDSObject->GetValue(IAS_NTDS_SAM_ACCOUNT_NAME, &vtSAMAccountName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Server SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not retrieve users SAM account name..."); break; } bstrUserName = V_BSTR(&vtSAMAccountName); fUseDownLevelAPI = true; pDSObject.Release(); IASTracePrintf("Server SDO - GetUserSDO() - User's SAM account name is: %ls...", (LPWSTR)bstrUserName); } else { // Use the directory data store object for all subsequent property read/write
// operations on this User SDO.
IASTracePrintf("Server SDO - GetUserSDO() - Using active directory for user properties..."); fUseNetAPI = false; } } if ( fUseNetAPI ) { // Create the net data store and aquire the data store object interfaces
// we'll use to complete the GetUserSDO() operation
CComPtr<IDataStore2> pDSNet; hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(NetDataStore), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDataStore2, (void**)&pDSNet ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - CoCreateInstance(NetDataStore) failed..."); break; }
hr = pDSNet->Initialize(NULL, NULL, NULL); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not initialize net data store..."); break; }
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSRootObject; hr = pDSNet->get_Root(&pDSRootObject); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not get Root object from net data store..."); break; }
CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> pDSContainer; hr = pDSRootObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSContainer); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer) failed..."); break; }
// Get the name of the attached computer and use it to aquire a "Server"
// (machine) object from the data store.
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSObjectMachine; if ( fUseDownLevelAPI ) { _bstr_t bstrServerName = m_dsAD.GetServerName(); IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Using server %ls with downlevel APIs...", (LPWSTR)bstrServerName); hr = pDSContainer->Item(bstrServerName, &pDSObjectMachine); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not obtain server object from net data store..."); break; }
_bstr_t bstrDownLevel = DOWNLEVEL_NAME; _variant_t vtDownLevel; V_BOOL(&vtDownLevel) = VARIANT_TRUE; V_VT(&vtDownLevel) = VT_BOOL; hr = pDSObjectMachine->PutValue(bstrDownLevel, &vtDownLevel); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not set downlevel data store mode..."); break; } } else { _bstr_t bstrServerName = m_dsIAS.GetServerName(); IASTracePrintf("Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Using server %ls with Net APIs...", (LPWSTR)bstrServerName); hr = pDSContainer->Item(bstrServerName, &pDSObjectMachine); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not obtain server object from data store..."); break; } } pDSContainer.Release();
// Get "User" object from the "Server" object. We'll use the "User" object in
// all subsequent read/write operations on the User SDO.
hr = pDSObjectMachine->QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer, (void**)&pDSContainer); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - QueryInterface(IID_IDataStoreContainer) failed..."); break; } hr = pDSContainer->Item(bstrUserName, &pDSObject); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - Could not obtain user object from data store..."); break; } } // Create and initialize the User SDO
pSdoUser = ::MakeSDO( NULL, SDO_PROG_ID_USER, static_cast<ISdoMachine*>(this), pDSObject, NULL, false ); if ( NULL == pSdoUser ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - MakeSDO() failed..."); hr = E_FAIL; } else { CComPtr<IDispatch> pSdoDispatch; hr = pSdoUser->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pSdoDispatch); if ( FAILED(hr) ) IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetUserSDO() - QueryInterface(IDispatch) failed..."); else (*ppUserSdo = pSdoDispatch)->AddRef(); } } while ( FALSE); } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Server SDO - GetUserSDO() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; }
if ( pSdoUser ) pSdoUser->Release();
if (ldapPath) { SysFreeString(ldapPath); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetOSType( /*[out]*/ IASOSTYPE* eOSType ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( NULL != eOSType ); if ( NULL == eOSType ) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Get the OS info now
HRESULT hr = m_objServerInfo.GetOSInfo ( (LPWSTR)m_dsIAS.GetServerName(), eOSType ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetOSType() failed with error: %lx...", hr);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetDomainType( /*[out]*/ IASDOMAINTYPE* eDomainType ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( NULL != eDomainType ); if ( NULL == eDomainType ) return E_INVALIDARG;
HRESULT hr = m_objServerInfo.GetDomainInfo ( OBJECT_TYPE_COMPUTER, (LPWSTR)m_dsIAS.GetServerName(), eDomainType ); if (FAILED (hr)) IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - GetDomainType() - failed with error: %lx...", hr);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::IsDirectoryAvailable( /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL* boolDirectoryAvailable ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( NULL != boolDirectoryAvailable ); if ( NULL == boolDirectoryAvailable ) return E_INVALIDARG;
*boolDirectoryAvailable = VARIANT_FALSE; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetAttachedComputer( /*[out]*/ BSTR* bstrComputerName ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( NULL != bstrComputerName ); if ( NULL == bstrComputerName ) return E_INVALIDARG;
*bstrComputerName = SysAllocString(m_dsIAS.GetServerName());
if ( NULL != *bstrComputerName ) return S_OK; else return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoMachine::GetSDOSchema( /*[out]*/ IUnknown** ppSDOSchema ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT( m_fAttached ); if ( ! m_fAttached ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( NULL != ppSDOSchema ); if ( NULL == ppSDOSchema ) return E_INVALIDARG;
(*ppSDOSchema = m_pSdoSchema)->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
// Private member functions
HRESULT CSdoMachine::CreateSDOSchema() { auto_ptr<SDO_SCHEMA_OBJ> pSchema (new SDO_SCHEMA_OBJ); HRESULT hr = pSchema->Initialize(NULL); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) m_pSdoSchema = dynamic_cast<ISdoSchema*>(pSchema.release()); return hr; }
HRESULT CSdoMachine::InitializeSDOSchema() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( ! m_fSchemaInitialized ) { // First initialize the IAS data store
hr = m_dsIAS.InitializeDS(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Get the root data store object for the SDO schema
CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> pDSRootContainer = m_dsIAS.GetDSRootContainer(); _bstr_t bstrSchemaName = SDO_SCHEMA_ROOT_OBJECT; CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pSchemaDataStore; hr = pDSRootContainer->Item(bstrSchemaName, &pSchemaDataStore); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Initialize the SDO schema from the SDO schema data store
PSDO_SCHEMA_OBJ pSchema = dynamic_cast<PSDO_SCHEMA_OBJ>(m_pSdoSchema); hr = pSchema->Initialize(pSchemaDataStore); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) m_fSchemaInitialized = true; } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - InitializeSDOSchema() - Could not locate schema data store..."); } } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in Machine SDO - InitializeSDOSchema() - Could not initialize the IAS data store..."); } } return hr; }
// Returns TRUE if the attached machine has a DS.
BOOL CSdoMachine::hasDirectory() throw () { if (dsType == Directory_Unknown) { PDSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC info; DWORD error = DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation( m_dsIAS.GetServerName(), DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic, (PBYTE*)&info ); if (error == NO_ERROR) { if (info->Flags & DSROLE_PRIMARY_DS_RUNNING) { dsType = Directory_Available; } else { dsType = Directory_None; }
NetApiBufferFree(info); } }
return dsType == Directory_Available; }