// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001.
// File: sprpage.cpp
// Contents: WiF Policy Snapin: Policy Description/ Manager Page.
// History: TaroonM
// 10/30/01
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sprpage.h"
#include "nfaa.h"
#include "ssidpage.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
typedef CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, PWIRELESS_PS_DATA> CSNPPSList;
// CSecPolRulesPage property page
const TCHAR CSecPolRulesPage::STICKY_SETTING_USE_SEC_POLICY_WIZARD[] = _T("UseSecPolicyWizard");
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSecPolRulesPage, CSnapinPropPage) //Taroon:: Big change here.. check if it is correct
CSecPolRulesPage::CSecPolRulesPage() : CSnapinPropPage(CSecPolRulesPage::IDD,FALSE) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSecPolRulesPage)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_iSortSubItem = 0; m_bSortOrder = TRUE; m_MMCthreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); m_pPrpSh = NULL; m_bHasWarnedPSCorruption = FALSE; m_currentWirelessPolicyData = NULL; m_bReadOnly = FALSE; }
CSecPolRulesPage::~CSecPolRulesPage() { }
void CSecPolRulesPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CSnapinPropPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSecPolRulesPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PS_LIST, m_lstActions); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSecPolRulesPage, CSnapinPropPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSecPolRulesPage)
// CSecPolRulesPage message handlers
BOOL CSecPolRulesPage::OnApply() { //if there is any sub dialog active, we cannot apply
if (m_pPrpSh) { return FALSE; } // the rules page doesn't actually have any data on it that
// the user might modify and then apply. in fact all changes
// from this page actually happen directly on the dsObjects
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != UpdateWlstore()) { PopulateListControl(); return FALSE; }
if (!m_bReadOnly) { PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; pWirelessPolicyData = GetResultObject()->GetWirelessPolicy(); UpdateWirelessPolicyData( pWirelessPolicyData, m_currentWirelessPolicyData ); } return CSnapinPropPage::OnApply(); }
HRESULT CSecPolRulesPage::UpdateWlstore() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hPolicyStore = NULL; SNP_PS_LIST::iterator theIterator; BOOL dwModified = FALSE; CComObject<CSecPolItem>* pResultItem = NULL; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData; pResultItem = GetResultObject(); hPolicyStore = pResultItem->m_pComponentDataImpl->GetPolicyStoreHandle(); ASSERT(hPolicyStore); pWirelessPolicyData = pResultItem->GetWirelessPolicy(); for(theIterator = m_NfaList.begin(); theIterator != m_NfaList.end(); theIterator++) { PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) (*theIterator); PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; switch(pNfaData->status) { case NEW: { break; } case MODIFIED: { break; } case BEREMOVED: { break; } }//switch
return hr; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnCancel() { //WirelessFreePolicyData(m_currentWirelessPolicyData);
CSnapinPropPage::OnCancel(); }
BOOL CSecPolRulesPage::OnInitDialog() { CSnapinPropPage::OnInitDialog(); DWORD dwError = 0; m_pPrpSh = NULL; // set headers on the list control
m_lstActions.InsertColumn(0,ResourcedString(IDS_COLUMN_SSIDNAME), LVCFMT_CENTER, 120, 0); m_lstActions.InsertColumn(1,ResourcedString(IDS_COLUMN_AUTHMETHOD), LVCFMT_CENTER, 80, 1); m_lstActions.InsertColumn(2,ResourcedString(IDS_COLUMN_PRIVACY), LVCFMT_CENTER, 80, 2); //m_lstActions.InsertColumn(3,ResourcedString(IDS_COLUMN_ADAPTERTYPE), LVCFMT_LEFT, 90, 3);
// set the image list
CThemeContextActivator activator; m_imagelistChecks.Create(IDB_PSTYPE, 16, 1, RGB(0,255,0)); // m_lstActions.SetImageList (&m_imagelistChecks, LVSIL_STATE);
m_lstActions.SetImageList (CImageList::FromHandle(m_imagelistChecks), LVSIL_SMALL); // turn on entire row selection
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle (m_lstActions.GetSafeHwnd(), LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // Copy the Policy Data to the m_currentWirelessPolicyData
PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; pWirelessPolicyData = GetResultObject()->GetWirelessPolicy(); dwError = CopyWirelessPolicyData( pWirelessPolicyData, &m_currentWirelessPolicyData ); if(dwError) { ReportError(IDS_DISPLAY_ERROR, 0); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); } if (pWirelessPolicyData->dwFlags & WLSTORE_READONLY) { m_bReadOnly = TRUE; } if (m_bReadOnly) { DisableControls(); } //store the rules data in m_NfaList linked list
InitialzeNfaList(); //taroonm
// fill the list control with the current PSs
PopulateListControl(); //taroonm
// Select the first list item
if (m_lstActions.GetItemCount()) { m_lstActions.SetItemState( 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); EnableDisableButtons (); } // OK, we can start paying attention to modifications made via dlg controls now.
// This should be the last call before returning from OnInitDialog.
OnFinishInitDialog(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
error: return(FALSE); }
void CSecPolRulesPage::InitialzeNfaList() { HRESULT hr; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA * ppWirelessPSData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pAWirelessPSData = NULL; DWORD i = 0; HANDLE hPolicyStore = NULL; DWORD dwNumPSObjects = 0; CComObject<CSecPolItem>* pResultItem = NULL; DWORD dwError = 0; SNP_PS_LIST::iterator theIterator; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData = NULL; // Unselect Everything First
SELECT_NO_LISTITEM( m_lstActions ); //empty the previous List
if (!m_NfaList.empty()) { for(theIterator = m_NfaList.begin();theIterator != m_NfaList.end(); ++theIterator) { pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA)(*theIterator); pWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; FreeWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData); LocalFree(pNfaData); } } m_NfaList.clear(); pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; ppWirelessPSData = pWirelessPolicyData->ppWirelessPSData; dwNumPSObjects = pWirelessPolicyData->dwNumPreferredSettings; for (i = 0; i < dwNumPSObjects; i++) { DWORD dwErrorTmp = ERROR_SUCCESS; pAWirelessPSData = *(ppWirelessPSData + i); PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData = NULL; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(SNP_PS_DATA)); if(pNfaData == NULL) { goto error; } pNfaData->status = NOTMODIFIED; //taroonm
dwError = CopyWirelessPSData(pAWirelessPSData,&pNfaData->pWirelessPSData); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); m_NfaList.push_back(pNfaData); }//for
return; error: //
// BugBug KrishnaG cleanup
// Taroon:: TODO Deallocate the m_nfa list here and report Error
ReportError(IDS_DISPLAY_ERROR, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); return; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::UnPopulateListControl () { int nIndex=0; // Make sure no items are selected so EnableDisableButtons doesn't do
// so much work when its called by the LVN_ITEMCHANGED handler. (_DEBUG only)
SELECT_NO_LISTITEM( m_lstActions ); m_lstActions.DeleteAllItems(); }
CString CSecPolRulesPage::GetColumnStrBuffer (PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData, int iColumn) { CString strBuffer; HANDLE hPolicyStore = NULL; GUID ZeroGuid; DWORD dwError = 0; BOOL bInitial = TRUE; CComObject<CSecPolItem>* pResultItem = NULL; pResultItem = GetResultObject(); hPolicyStore = pResultItem->m_pComponentDataImpl->GetPolicyStoreHandle(); switch (iColumn) { case 0: strBuffer = pWirelessPSData->pszWirelessSSID; break; case 1: if (pWirelessPSData->dwEnable8021x) { strBuffer.LoadString (IDS_8021X_ENABLED); } else { strBuffer.LoadString (IDS_8021X_DISABLED); } break; case 2: if (pWirelessPSData->dwWepEnabled) { strBuffer.LoadString (IDS_WEP_ENABLED); } else { strBuffer.LoadString (IDS_WEP_DISABLED); } break; default: ASSERT (0); strBuffer.LoadString (IDS_DATAERROR); break; } return strBuffer; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::PopulateListControl() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; LV_ITEM item; CString strBuffer; int nItem = 0; int nSubItem = 0; SNP_PS_LIST::reverse_iterator theIterator; // clear out the list control
UnPopulateListControl(); for (theIterator = m_NfaList.rbegin(); theIterator != m_NfaList.rend(); theIterator++) { pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA)(*theIterator); pWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; if( pNfaData->status == BEREMOVED || pNfaData->status == REMOVED || pNfaData->status == NEWREMOVED ) { continue; } item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; // item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE;
item.iItem = nItem; nSubItem = 0; // Set the Network type
if (pWirelessPSData->dwNetworkType == WIRELESS_NETWORK_TYPE_ADHOC) { item.iImage = 5; } if (pWirelessPSData->dwNetworkType == WIRELESS_NETWORK_TYPE_AP) { item.iImage = 3; } // "Wireless SSID"
item.iSubItem = nSubItem++; strBuffer = GetColumnStrBuffer (pWirelessPSData, 0); item.pszText = strBuffer.GetBuffer(32); item.iItem = m_lstActions.InsertItem (&item); // "Negotiation Policy
item.iSubItem = nSubItem++; strBuffer = GetColumnStrBuffer (pWirelessPSData, 1); item.pszText = strBuffer.GetBuffer(20); m_lstActions.SetItem (&item); // "Authentication Method"
item.iSubItem = nSubItem++; strBuffer = GetColumnStrBuffer (pWirelessPSData, 2); item.pszText = strBuffer.GetBuffer(20); m_lstActions.SetItem (&item); // store the pWirelessPSData
ASSERT (pWirelessPSData); VERIFY( m_lstActions.SetItemData(item.iItem, (DWORD_PTR)pNfaData) ); } EnableDisableButtons (); }
void CSecPolRulesPage::HandleSideEffectApply() { // make sure we are marked as modified
SetModified(); // The Add has been committed, canceling it is no longer possible.
// Disable the cancel button
CancelToClose(); }
int CSecPolRulesPage::DisplayPSProperties ( //PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData,
PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData, CString strTitle, BOOL bDoingAdd, BOOL* pbAfterWizardHook ) { HANDLE hPolicyStore = NULL; DWORD dwError = 0; GUID PolicyIdentifier; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; CComObject<CSecPolItem>* pResultItem = NULL; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicy = NULL; int nReturn = 0; pResultItem = GetResultObject(); hPolicyStore = pResultItem->m_pComponentDataImpl->GetPolicyStoreHandle(); pWirelessPolicy = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; PolicyIdentifier = pWirelessPolicy->PolicyIdentifier; CSingleLock cLock(&m_csDlg); CComPtr<CPSPropSheetManager> spPropshtManager = new CComObject<CPSPropSheetManager>; if (NULL == spPropshtManager.p) { ReportError(IDS_OPERATION_FAIL, E_OUTOFMEMORY); return nReturn; } // load in the property pages
CPS8021XPropPage pageAdapter; CSSIDPage pageSSID; //
spPropshtManager->SetData( GetResultObject(), pBWirelessPSData, bDoingAdd ); // theory is that if one fails, they all fail
pageAdapter.Initialize(pBWirelessPSData, GetResultObject()->m_pComponentDataImpl, pWirelessPolicy->dwFlags); pageSSID.Initialize(pBWirelessPSData, GetResultObject()->m_pComponentDataImpl, pWirelessPolicy); spPropshtManager->AddPage (&pageSSID); spPropshtManager->AddPage (&pageAdapter); spPropshtManager->GetSheet()->SetTitle (strTitle, PSH_PROPTITLE); m_pPrpSh = spPropshtManager->GetSheet(); m_pPrpSh->m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; // display the dialog
nReturn = spPropshtManager->GetSheet()->DoModal(); //nReturn = spPropshtManager->GetSheet()->Create();
cLock.Lock(); m_pPrpSh = NULL; cLock.Unlock(); if (m_bReadOnly) { return nReturn; } if (spPropshtManager->HasEverApplied()) { nReturn = IDOK; } return nReturn; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnActionAdd() { // handle the add on a different thread and then continue
// this is to fix NT bug #203059 per MFC KB article ID Q177101
GetParent()->EnableWindow (FALSE); AfxBeginThread((AFX_THREADPROC)DoThreadActionAdd, this); }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnActionUp() { //Taroon: Todo Check this is needed or not and then remvoe
//GetParent()->EnableWindow (FALSE);
CComObject<CSecPolItem>* pResultItem = NULL; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; //lower means lower indexed
PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pLowerWirelessPSData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pUpperWirelessPSData = NULL; // Only 1 item can be selected for move to be enabled
ASSERT( m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ); // ok, one of the PSs must be selected
int nIndex = m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED); if (-1 == nIndex) return; PSNP_PS_DATA pUpperNfaData; pUpperNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nIndex); pUpperWirelessPSData = pUpperNfaData->pWirelessPSData; pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; if (pWirelessPolicyData && pUpperWirelessPSData) { DWORD dwCurrentId; dwCurrentId = pUpperWirelessPSData->dwId; if (dwCurrentId != 0) { WirelessPSMoveUp(pWirelessPolicyData,dwCurrentId); // update the m_nfaList as well.
PSNP_PS_DATA pLowerNfaData = NULL; pLowerNfaData = m_NfaList[dwCurrentId-1]; pLowerWirelessPSData = pLowerNfaData->pWirelessPSData; pLowerWirelessPSData->dwId = dwCurrentId; pUpperWirelessPSData->dwId = dwCurrentId-1; m_NfaList[dwCurrentId-1] = pUpperNfaData; m_NfaList[dwCurrentId] = pLowerNfaData; PopulateListControl (); SetModified(); m_lstActions.SetItemState( dwCurrentId-1, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnActionDown() { //Taroon: Todo Check this is needed or not and then remvoe
//GetParent()->EnableWindow (FALSE);
CComObject<CSecPolItem>* pResultItem = NULL; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; //lower means lower indexed
PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pLowerWirelessPSData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pUpperWirelessPSData = NULL; DWORD dwTotalItems = 0; // Only 1 item can be selected for move to be enabled
ASSERT( m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ); // ok, one of the PSs must be selected
int nIndex = m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED); if (-1 == nIndex) return; PSNP_PS_DATA pLowerNfaData; pLowerNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nIndex); pLowerWirelessPSData = pLowerNfaData->pWirelessPSData; pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; dwTotalItems = pWirelessPolicyData->dwNumPreferredSettings; if (pWirelessPolicyData && pLowerWirelessPSData) { DWORD dwCurrentId; dwCurrentId = pLowerWirelessPSData->dwId; if (dwCurrentId < dwTotalItems -1) { WirelessPSMoveDown(pWirelessPolicyData,dwCurrentId); // update the m_nfaList as well.
PSNP_PS_DATA pUpperNfaData = NULL; pUpperNfaData = m_NfaList[dwCurrentId + 1]; pUpperWirelessPSData = pUpperNfaData->pWirelessPSData; pLowerWirelessPSData->dwId = dwCurrentId +1; pUpperWirelessPSData->dwId = dwCurrentId; m_NfaList[dwCurrentId+1] = pLowerNfaData; m_NfaList[dwCurrentId] = pUpperNfaData; PopulateListControl (); SetModified(); m_lstActions.SetItemState( dwCurrentId+1, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } }
UINT AFX_CDECL CSecPolRulesPage::DoThreadActionAdd(LPVOID pParam) { CSecPolRulesPage* pObject = (CSecPolRulesPage*)pParam; if (pObject == NULL || !pObject->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSecPolRulesPage))) return -1; // illegal parameter
DWORD dwDlgRuleThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); AttachThreadInput(dwDlgRuleThreadId, pObject->m_MMCthreadID, TRUE); HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // call back to the objects ActionAdd handler
pObject->OnThreadSafeActionAdd(); pObject->GetParent()->EnableWindow (TRUE); pObject->GetParent()->SetFocus (); CoUninitialize(); AttachThreadInput(dwDlgRuleThreadId, pObject->m_MMCthreadID, FALSE); return 0; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnThreadSafeActionAdd() { DWORD dwError = 0; BOOL bDisplayProperties = FALSE; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData = NULL; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pNewWirelessPSData = NULL; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(SNP_PS_DATA)); if(pNfaData == NULL) { ReportError(IDS_OPERATION_FAIL, E_OUTOFMEMORY); return; } //
// Create the WIRELESS_PS Object
pWirelessPSData = (PWIRELESS_PS_DATA) AllocPolMem(sizeof(WIRELESS_PS_DATA)); if(pWirelessPSData == NULL) { ReportError(IDS_OPERATION_FAIL, E_OUTOFMEMORY); return; } pNfaData->status = NEW; pNfaData->pWirelessPSData = pWirelessPSData; CString pszNewSSID; // Initialize the PWIRELESS_PS_DATA
GenerateUniquePSName(IDS_NEW_PS_NAME,pszNewSSID); SSIDDupString(pWirelessPSData->pszWirelessSSID, pszNewSSID); pWirelessPSData->dwWirelessSSIDLen = lstrlenW(pWirelessPSData->pszWirelessSSID); pWirelessPSData->dwWepEnabled = 1; pWirelessPSData->dwNetworkAuthentication = 0; pWirelessPSData->dwAutomaticKeyProvision = 1; pWirelessPSData->dwNetworkType = WIRELESS_NETWORK_TYPE_AP; pWirelessPSData->dwEnable8021x = 1; pWirelessPSData->dw8021xMode = WIRELESS_8021X_MODE_NAS_TRANSMIT_EAPOLSTART_WIRED; pWirelessPSData->dwEapType = WIRELESS_EAP_TYPE_TLS; pWirelessPSData->dwEAPDataLen = 0; pWirelessPSData->pbEAPData = NULL; pWirelessPSData->dwMachineAuthentication = 1; pWirelessPSData->dwMachineAuthenticationType = WIRELESS_MC_AUTH_TYPE_MC_ONLY; pWirelessPSData->dwGuestAuthentication = 0; pWirelessPSData->dwIEEE8021xMaxStart = 3; pWirelessPSData->dwIEEE8021xStartPeriod = 60; pWirelessPSData->dwIEEE8021xAuthPeriod = 30; pWirelessPSData->dwIEEE8021xHeldPeriod = 60; pWirelessPSData->dwId = -1; pWirelessPSData->pszDescription = AllocPolStr(L"Sample Description"); pWirelessPSData->dwDescriptionLen = 2*lstrlenW(pWirelessPSData->pszDescription); UpdateWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData); // display the dialog
int dlgRetVal = DisplayPSProperties ( pNfaData, L"New Preferred Setting", TRUE, &bDisplayProperties ); // IDOK in case we didn't use the wizard for some reason
if ((dlgRetVal == ID_WIZFINISH) || (dlgRetVal == IDOK)) { // turn on the wait cursor
CWaitCursor waitCursor; //user added new nfa rule, update the m_NfaList
UpdateWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData); pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; dwError = CopyWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData,&pNewWirelessPSData); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); dwError = WirelessAddPSToPolicy(pWirelessPolicyData, pNewWirelessPSData); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); pWirelessPSData->dwId = pNewWirelessPSData->dwId; m_NfaList.push_back(pNfaData); DWORD dwSelection = -1; dwSelection = pWirelessPSData->dwId; InitialzeNfaList(); PopulateListControl (); // Select the new item only
SELECT_NO_LISTITEM( m_lstActions ); m_lstActions.SetItemState( dwSelection, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); //HandleSideEffectApply();
SetModified(); } else { if (pWirelessPSData) { FreeWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData); } if (pNfaData) { LocalFree(pNfaData); } } return; error: ReportError(IDS_ADD_ERROR, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); return; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnActionEdit() { // handle the add on a different thread and then continue
// this is to fix NT bug #203059 per MFC KB article ID Q177101
GetParent()->EnableWindow (FALSE); AfxBeginThread((AFX_THREADPROC)DoThreadActionEdit, this); }
UINT AFX_CDECL CSecPolRulesPage::DoThreadActionEdit(LPVOID pParam) { CSecPolRulesPage* pObject = (CSecPolRulesPage*)pParam; if (pObject == NULL || !pObject->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSecPolRulesPage))) return -1; // illegal parameter
DWORD dwDlgRuleThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); AttachThreadInput(dwDlgRuleThreadId, pObject->m_MMCthreadID, TRUE); HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // call back to the objects ActionAdd handler
pObject->OnThreadSafeActionEdit(); pObject->GetParent()->EnableWindow (TRUE); pObject->GetParent()->SetFocus (); CoUninitialize(); AttachThreadInput(dwDlgRuleThreadId, pObject->m_MMCthreadID, FALSE); return 0; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnThreadSafeActionEdit() { // Only 1 item can be selected for Edit to be enabled
ASSERT( m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ); DWORD dwError = 0; // ok, one of the PSs must be selected
int nIndex = m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED); if (-1 == nIndex) return; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = NULL; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nIndex); pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; // display the dialog
if (pBWirelessPSData) { BOOL bHook = FALSE; DWORD dwError = 0; TCHAR pszTitle[60]; wsprintf(pszTitle,L"Edit %ls",pBWirelessPSData->pszWirelessSSID); if (DisplayPSProperties (pNfaData,pszTitle, FALSE, &bHook) == IDOK) { if (!m_bReadOnly) { if( pNfaData->status != NEW ) pNfaData->status = MODIFIED; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; DWORD dwCurrentId = 0; pWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; /* Taroon:RemoveRight
pWirelessPolicyData = GetResultObject()->GetWirelessPolicy(); */ pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; UpdateWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData); dwError = WirelessSetPSDataInPolicyId(pWirelessPolicyData, pWirelessPSData); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); nIndex = pWirelessPSData->dwId; SetModified(); InitialzeNfaList(); } } // PopulateListControl can disable the edit button, save its handle so we
// can reset the focus if this happens.
HWND hWndCtrl = ::GetFocus(); // always redraw the listbox, they might have managed filters or negpols even in a
// 'cancel' situation and thus we need to accurately reflect the current state
PopulateListControl (); // Select the edited item
m_lstActions.SetItemState( nIndex, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); if (::GetFocus() == NULL) ::SetFocus( hWndCtrl ); } return; error: ReportError(IDS_SAVE_ERROR, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); return; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnActionRemove() { // Something must be selected to do a remove
if (-1 == m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED)) return; // verify that they really want to do this
if (AfxMessageBox (IDS_SUREYESNO, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) != IDYES) return; HANDLE hPolicyStore = NULL; DWORD dwError = 0; hPolicyStore = GetResultObject()->m_pComponentDataImpl->GetPolicyStoreHandle(); ASSERT(hPolicyStore); // need to make sure that none of the selected items are the non-deleteable
int nIndex = -1; DWORD nDeleteIndex = -1; DWORD dwNumRemoved = 0; while (-1 != (nIndex = m_lstActions.GetNextItem( nIndex, LVNI_SELECTED ))) { PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nIndex); PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; if (pBWirelessPSData) { if( pNfaData->status != NEW ) pNfaData->status = BEREMOVED; else pNfaData->status = NEWREMOVED; nDeleteIndex = nIndex; } PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; DWORD dwCurrentId = 0; //Remove the items right here from m_nfaList and Policy Object as well
/* Taroon:RemoveRight
pWirelessPolicyData = GetResultObject()->GetWirelessPolicy(); */ pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; pWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; dwCurrentId = pWirelessPSData->dwId - dwNumRemoved; dwError = WirelessRemovePSFromPolicyId(pWirelessPolicyData,dwCurrentId); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); dwNumRemoved++; } SELECT_NO_LISTITEM( m_lstActions ); InitialzeNfaList(); // Save the currently focused control, PopulateListControl disables some
// controls so we may have to reset the focus if this happens.
CWnd *pwndFocus = GetFocus(); PopulateListControl (); // Select previous item in list only
SELECT_NO_LISTITEM( m_lstActions ); int nPrevSel = SELECT_PREV_LISTITEM( m_lstActions, nDeleteIndex ); // Fix up button focus
EnableDisableButtons(); SetPostRemoveFocus( nPrevSel, IDC_ACTION_PS_ADD, IDC_ACTION_PS_REMOVE, pwndFocus ); // If the currently selected item is non-deleteable, the Remove button is
// now disabled. Move the focus to the Add button for this case.
if (!GetDlgItem( IDC_ACTION_PS_REMOVE)->IsWindowEnabled()) { GotoDlgCtrl( GetDlgItem( IDC_ACTION_PS_ADD) ); } SetModified(); return; error: ReportError(IDS_REMOVINGERROR, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); return; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnDblclkActionslist(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // ok, sounds like maybe they have clicked something in which case
// we want to do an add
switch (pNMHDR->code) { case NM_DBLCLK: { // we only want to do the edit if ONE item is selected
if (m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ) { OnActionEdit(); } break; } default: break; } *pResult = 0; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::EnableDisableButtons () { if (m_bReadOnly) { DisableControls(); return; } // ok, one of the rules must be selected for the E/R buttons to be enabled
if (-1 != m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED)) { // Disable Edit button if multiple selection
int nSelectionCount = m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount(); // Edit is easy
SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW (IDC_ACTION_PS_EDIT, (1 == nSelectionCount)); // Enable Remove only if it all selected pols are removable type
SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW (IDC_ACTION_PS_REMOVE, PSsRemovable()); if(nSelectionCount == 1 ) { SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_UP, TRUE); SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_DOWN, TRUE); // ok, one of the PSs must be selected
int nIndex = m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED); PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; DWORD dwAdhocStart = 0; DWORD dwNumPreferredSettings = 0; /* Taroon:RemoveRight
pWirelessPolicyData = GetResultObject()->GetWirelessPolicy(); */ pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; dwAdhocStart = pWirelessPolicyData->dwNumAPNetworks; dwNumPreferredSettings = pWirelessPolicyData->dwNumPreferredSettings; if ((dwAdhocStart == nIndex) || (nIndex == 0)) { SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_UP, FALSE); } if ((dwAdhocStart == (nIndex + 1))|| (nIndex == (dwNumPreferredSettings - 1))) { SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_DOWN, FALSE); } } else { SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_UP, FALSE); SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_DOWN, FALSE); } } else { // if nothing was selected this takes care of it
void CSecPolRulesPage::DisableControls () { SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW (IDC_ACTION_PS_EDIT, FALSE); SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW (IDC_ACTION_PS_ADD, FALSE); SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW (IDC_ACTION_PS_REMOVE, FALSE); SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_UP, FALSE); SAFE_ENABLEWINDOW(IDC_PS_DOWN, FALSE); return; } BOOL CSecPolRulesPage::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { DWORD* pdwHelp = (DWORD*) &g_aHelpIDs_IDD_PS_LIST[0]; ::WinHelp ((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, c_szWlsnpHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR)(LPVOID)pdwHelp); } return CSnapinPropPage::OnHelpInfo(pHelpInfo); }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnItemchangedActionslist(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; EnableDisableButtons (); *pResult = 0; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnKeydownActionslist(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // Something must be selected to do process the key opration
if (-1 == m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1,LVNI_SELECTED)) return; LV_KEYDOWN* pLVKeyDown = (LV_KEYDOWN*)pNMHDR; if (VK_SPACE == pLVKeyDown->wVKey) { if (m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount() == 1) { int nItem; if (-1 != (nItem = m_lstActions.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED))) { PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = NULL; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nItem); pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; ASSERT(pBWirelessPSData); // Redraw the list
PopulateListControl (); // Reselect the toggled item
DWORD dwSelection = -1; dwSelection = pBWirelessPSData->dwId; m_lstActions.SetItemState( dwSelection, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } } else if (VK_DELETE == pLVKeyDown->wVKey) { if (!PSsRemovable()) return; OnActionRemove(); } *pResult = 0; }
// Function: ToggleRuleActivation
// Desc: Toggle the activation of the Security Policy Rule in the dlg's
// list control.
// Args:
// nItemIndex: the 0-based index of the list item to be toggled
HRESULT CSecPolRulesPage::ToggleRuleActivation( int nItemIndex ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nItemIndex); PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; SetModified(); return hr; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::OnDestroy() { // Note: We never receive a WM_CLOSE, so clean up here.
SNP_PS_LIST::iterator theIterator; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData = NULL; FreeWirelessPolicyData(m_currentWirelessPolicyData); // Free objects associated with list.
/* Taroon * found this leak from dh.. clearing Nfa List */ //empty the previous List
if (!m_NfaList.empty()) { for(theIterator = m_NfaList.begin();theIterator != m_NfaList.end(); ++theIterator) { pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA)(*theIterator); pWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; FreeWirelessPSData(pWirelessPSData); LocalFree(pNfaData); } } m_NfaList.clear(); CSnapinPropPage::OnDestroy(); }
BOOL CSecPolRulesPage::PSsRemovable() { if (m_lstActions.GetSelectedCount() == 0) return FALSE; BOOL bRemoveable = TRUE; int nIndex = -1; while (-1 != (nIndex = m_lstActions.GetNextItem( nIndex, LVNI_SELECTED ))) { PSNP_PS_DATA pNfaData; pNfaData = (PSNP_PS_DATA) m_lstActions.GetItemData(nIndex); PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pBWirelessPSData = pNfaData->pWirelessPSData; if (NULL == pBWirelessPSData) continue; } return bRemoveable; }
void CSecPolRulesPage::GenerateUniquePSName (UINT nID, CString& strName) { BOOL bUnique = TRUE; int iUTag = 0; CString strUName; DWORD dwError = 0; DWORD i = 0; PWIRELESS_POLICY_DATA pWirelessPolicyData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA *ppWirelessPSData = NULL; PWIRELESS_PS_DATA pWirelessPSData = NULL; DWORD dwNumPreferredSettings = 0; // if an nID was passed in then start with that
if (nID != 0) { strName.LoadString (nID); } /* Taroon:RemoveRight
pWirelessPolicyData = GetResultObject()->GetWirelessPolicy(); */ pWirelessPolicyData = m_currentWirelessPolicyData; // zip through the ps and verify name is unique
do { // only start tacking numbers on after the first pass
if (iUTag > 0) { TCHAR buff[32]; wsprintf (buff, _T(" (%d)"), iUTag); strUName = strName + buff; bUnique = TRUE; } else { strUName = strName; bUnique = TRUE; } ppWirelessPSData = pWirelessPolicyData->ppWirelessPSData; dwNumPreferredSettings = pWirelessPolicyData->dwNumPreferredSettings; for (i = 0; i < dwNumPreferredSettings ; i++) { pWirelessPSData = *(ppWirelessPSData + i); if (0 == strUName.CompareNoCase(pWirelessPSData->pszWirelessSSID)) { // set bUnique to FALSE
bUnique = FALSE; iUTag++; } } } while (bUnique == FALSE); // done
strName = strUName; }
// CSecPolPropSheetManager
BOOL CSecPolPropSheetManager::OnApply() { BOOL bRet = TRUE; //Query each page to apply
bRet = CMMCPropSheetManager::OnApply(); //if some page refuse to apply, dont do anything
if (!bRet) return bRet; ASSERT(m_pSecPolItem); if (NULL == m_pSecPolItem) return bRet; DWORD dwError = 0; dwError = WirelessSetPolicyData( m_pSecPolItem->m_pComponentDataImpl->GetPolicyStoreHandle(), m_pSecPolItem->GetWirelessPolicy() ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { ReportError(IDS_SAVE_ERROR, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); } GUID guidClientExt = CLSID_WIRELESSClientEx; GUID guidSnapin = CLSID_Snapin; m_pSecPolItem->m_pComponentDataImpl->UseGPEInformationInterface()->PolicyChanged ( TRUE, TRUE, &guidClientExt, &guidSnapin ); NotifyManagerApplied(); NotifyConsole(); return bRet; }