Copyright (c) 2000-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements various FileSystem routines used by the PGM Transport
Mohammad Shabbir Alam (MAlam) 3-30-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
//******************* Pageable Routine Declarations ****************
//******************* Pageable Routine Declarations ****************
NTSTATUS BuildPgmDataFileName( IN tSEND_SESSION *pSend ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine build the string for the file name used for buffering data packets.
IN pSend -- the Send object
Return Value:
NONE -- since we don't expect any error
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING ucPortNumber; WCHAR wcPortNumber[10]; USHORT MaxFileLength; ULONG RandomNumber;
if (pPgmRegistryConfig->Flags & PGM_REGISTRY_SENDER_FILE_SPECIFIED) { MaxFileLength = pPgmRegistryConfig->ucSenderFileLocation.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); } else { MaxFileLength = sizeof (WS_DEFAULT_SENDER_FILE_LOCATION) / sizeof (WCHAR); }
// The file name is composed of the following:
// "\\T" + 2DigitRandom# + UptoMAX_USHORTPort# + ".PGM" + "\0"
MaxFileLength += 2 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 1;
if (!(pSend->pSender->DataFileName.Buffer = PgmAllocMem ((sizeof (WCHAR) * MaxFileLength), PGM_TAG('2')))) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_FILEIO, "BuildPgmDataFileName", "STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES allocating <%d> bytes\n", MaxFileLength);
pSend->pSender->DataFileName.MaximumLength = sizeof (WCHAR) * MaxFileLength; pSend->pSender->DataFileName.Length = 0;
// First, set the root directory
if (pPgmRegistryConfig->Flags & PGM_REGISTRY_SENDER_FILE_SPECIFIED) { RtlAppendUnicodeToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, pPgmRegistryConfig->ucSenderFileLocation.Buffer); } else { RtlAppendUnicodeToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, WS_DEFAULT_SENDER_FILE_LOCATION); }
RtlAppendUnicodeToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, L"\\T");
// Now, Append a random 2 digit value
ucPortNumber.MaximumLength = sizeof (wcPortNumber); ucPortNumber.Buffer = wcPortNumber; RandomNumber = GetRandomInteger (0, 99); if (RandomNumber < 10) { RtlAppendUnicodeToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, L"0"); } RtlIntegerToUnicodeString (RandomNumber, 10, &ucPortNumber); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, &ucPortNumber);
// Append the Port#
RtlIntegerToUnicodeString ((ULONG) pSend->TSIPort, 10, &ucPortNumber); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, &ucPortNumber);
// Now, add the file name extension for id
RtlAppendUnicodeToString (&pSend->pSender->DataFileName, L".PGM");
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection( IN tSEND_SESSION *pSend ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine creates the file and creates a section mapping for it. This file is used for buffering the data packets on behalf of the sender
IN pSend -- the Send object
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Final status of the create operation
--*/ { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; LARGE_INTEGER lgMaxDataFileSize; NTSTATUS Status; ULONGLONG Size, BlockSize, PacketsInWindow;
ULONG DesiredAccess; ULONG FileAttributes, AllocationAttributes; ULONG ShareAccess; ULONG CreateDisposition; ULONG CreateOptions; ULONG Protection; SIZE_T ViewSize; KAPC_STATE ApcState; BOOLEAN fAttached;
// Make sure we are currently attached to the Application process
PgmAttachToProcessForVMAccess (pSend, &ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE);
// First build the File name string
Status = BuildPgmDataFileName (pSend); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_FILEIO, "PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection", "BuildPgmDataFileName returned <%x>\n", Status);
PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE); return (Status); }
// Compute the size of the Data file required to hold 2 * Window size
// Also make it a multiple of the MTU and the FECGroupSize (if applicable)
PacketsInWindow = pSend->pAssociatedAddress->WindowSizeInBytes / pSend->pAssociatedAddress->OutIfMTU; PacketsInWindow += PacketsInWindow + pSend->FECGroupSize - 1; if (PacketsInWindow > SENDER_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PACKETS) { PacketsInWindow = SENDER_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE_PACKETS; if (pSend->pAssociatedAddress->WindowSizeInBytes > ((PacketsInWindow >> 1) * pSend->pAssociatedAddress->OutIfMTU)) { pSend->pAssociatedAddress->WindowSizeInBytes = (PacketsInWindow >> 1) * pSend->pAssociatedAddress->OutIfMTU; pSend->pAssociatedAddress->WindowSizeInMSecs = (BITS_PER_BYTE * pSend->pAssociatedAddress->WindowSizeInBytes) / pSend->pAssociatedAddress->RateKbitsPerSec; } }
BlockSize = pSend->FECGroupSize * pSend->pSender->PacketBufferSize; Size = PacketsInWindow * pSend->pSender->PacketBufferSize; Size = (Size / BlockSize) * BlockSize; pSend->pSender->MaxDataFileSize = Size; pSend->pSender->MaxPacketsInBuffer = Size / pSend->pSender->PacketBufferSize; lgMaxDataFileSize.QuadPart = Size;
PgmZeroMemory (&ObjectAttributes, sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)); InitializeObjectAttributes (&ObjectAttributes, &pSend->pSender->DataFileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL);
// We need to open the data file. This file contains data
// and will be mapped into memory. Read and Write access
// are requested.
// you let the system know that the file is likely to be short lived.
// The temporary file is created as a normal file. The system needs to do
// a minimal amount of lazy writes to the file system to keep the disk
// structures (directories and so forth) consistent. This gives the
// appearance that the file has been written to the disk. However, unless
// the Memory Manager detects an inadequate supply of free pages and
// starts writing modified pages to the disk, the Cache Manager's Lazy
// Writer may never write the data pages of this file to the disk.
// If the system has enough memory, the pages may remain in memory for
// any arbitrary amount of time. Because temporary files are generally
// short lived, there is a good chance the system will never write the pages to the disk.
ShareAccess = 0; // Gives the caller exclusive access to the open file
CreateDisposition = FILE_CREATE; // If the file already exists, fail the request and do not create or
// open the given file. If it does not, create the given file.
// Delete the file when the last handle to it is is passed to ZwClose.
PgmZeroMemory (&IoStatusBlock, sizeof(IO_STATUS_BLOCK)); Status = ZwCreateFile (&pSend->pSender->FileHandle, DesiredAccess, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, &lgMaxDataFileSize, // AllocationSize
FileAttributes, ShareAccess, CreateDisposition, CreateOptions, NULL, // EaBuffer
0); // EaLength
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_FILEIO, "PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection", "ZwCreateFile for <%wZ> returned <%x>\n", &pSend->pSender->DataFileName, Status);
PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE); pSend->pSender->FileHandle = NULL; return (Status); }
// Now we have a handle to our open test file. We now create a section
// object with this handle.
PgmZeroMemory (&ObjectAttributes, sizeof (OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)); InitializeObjectAttributes (&ObjectAttributes, NULL, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL);
Status = ZwCreateSection (&pSend->pSender->SectionHandle, DesiredAccess, &ObjectAttributes, // NULL ?
&lgMaxDataFileSize, Protection, AllocationAttributes, pSend->pSender->FileHandle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_FILEIO, "PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection", "ZwCreateSection for <%wZ> returned <%x>\n", &pSend->pSender->DataFileName, Status);
ZwClose (pSend->pSender->FileHandle); PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE); return (Status); }
// Reference the section object, if a view is mapped to the section
// object, the object is not dereferenced as the virtual address
// descriptor contains a pointer to the section object.
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (pSend->pSender->SectionHandle, 0, 0, KernelMode, &pSend->pSender->pSectionObject, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_FILEIO, "PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection", "ObReferenceObjectByHandle for SectionHandle=<%x> returned <%x>\n", pSend->pSender->SectionHandle, Status);
ZwClose (pSend->pSender->SectionHandle); ZwClose (pSend->pSender->FileHandle); PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE); return (Status); }
// Our section object has been created and linked to the file
// object that was previous opened. Now we map a view on
// this section.
ViewSize = 0; Protection = PAGE_READWRITE; Status = ZwMapViewOfSection (pSend->pSender->SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &pSend->pSender->SendDataBufferMapping, 0L, // ZeroBits
0L, // CommitSize (initially committed region)
NULL, // &SectionOffset
&ViewSize, ViewUnmap, // InheritDisposition: for child processes
0L, // AllocationType
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_FILEIO, "PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection", "ZwMapViewOfSection for <%wZ> returned <%x>\n", &pSend->pSender->DataFileName, Status);
ObDereferenceObject (pSend->pSender->pSectionObject); pSend->pSender->pSectionObject = NULL;
ZwClose (pSend->pSender->SectionHandle); pSend->pSender->SectionHandle = NULL; ZwClose (pSend->pSender->FileHandle); pSend->pSender->FileHandle = NULL; PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE); return (Status); }
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_FILEIO, "PgmCreateDataFileAndMapSection", "Mapped <%wZ> to address<%x>, Filelength=<%d>\n", &pSend->pSender->DataFileName, pSend->pSender->SendDataBufferMapping, Size);
pSend->pSender->BufferSizeAvailable = pSend->pSender->MaxDataFileSize; pSend->pSender->LeadingWindowOffset = pSend->pSender->TrailingWindowOffset = 0;
// Now, reference the process
ObReferenceObject (pSend->Process); PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CREATE_DATA_FILE); return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS PgmUnmapAndCloseDataFile( IN tSEND_SESSION *pSend ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine cleansup the file mapping and closes the file handles. The file should automatically get deleted on closing the handle since we used the FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE option while creating the file.
IN pSend -- the Send object
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Final status of the operation (STATUS_SUCCESS)
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; KAPC_STATE ApcState; BOOLEAN fAttached;
PgmAttachToProcessForVMAccess (pSend, &ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CLOSE_DATA_FILE); Status = ZwUnmapViewOfSection (NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID) pSend->pSender->SendDataBufferMapping); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status));
Status = ObDereferenceObject (pSend->pSender->pSectionObject); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status)); pSend->pSender->pSectionObject = NULL;
Status = ZwClose (pSend->pSender->SectionHandle); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status)); pSend->pSender->SectionHandle = NULL;
Status = ZwClose (pSend->pSender->FileHandle); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (Status));
PgmDetachProcess (&ApcState, &fAttached, REF_PROCESS_ATTACH_CLOSE_DATA_FILE); ObDereferenceObject (pSend->Process); // Since we had referenced it when the file was created
pSend->pSender->SendDataBufferMapping = NULL; pSend->pSender->pSectionObject = NULL; pSend->pSender->SectionHandle = NULL; pSend->pSender->FileHandle = NULL;
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_SEND, "PgmUnmapAndCloseDataFile", "pSend = <%x>\n", pSend);
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }