/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
ACSHand.h Root node information (the root node is not displayed in the MMC framework but contains information such as all of the subnodes in this snapin). FILE HISTORY: 11/05/97 Wei Jiang Created
#ifndef _ACSHAND_H
#define _ACSHAND_H
#ifndef _HANDLERS_H
#include "handlers.h"
#include "acscomp.h"
#ifndef _STATSDLG_H
#include "statsdlg.h"
#include <list>
#include "helper.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define GETHANDLER(classname, node) (reinterpret_cast<classname *>(node->GetData(TFS_DATA_USER)))
extern UINT g_col_strid_name[]; extern int g_col_width_name[];
extern UINT g_col_strid_name_type[]; extern int g_col_width_name_type[];
extern UINT g_col_strid_name_type_desc[]; extern int g_col_width_name_type_desc[];
extern UINT g_col_strid_policy[]; extern int g_col_width_policy[]; extern const UINT g_col_count_policy;
extern UINT g_col_strid_subnet[]; extern int g_col_width_subnet[]; extern const UINT g_col_count_subnet;
// type of ACS nodes
class CACSDataObject;
// defined ACS index for the MMC verbs
// keep a public map of MMC verbs -- value defined in ACSHand.cpp
extern const MMC_CONSOLE_VERB g_mmc_verbs[ACS_TOTAL_MMC_VERBS];
// Class: CACSGenericHandle
// Generic handler class for ACS handlers
// Author: WeiJiang
struct CACSUIInfo { const UINT* m_aStaticStrIds; // if names are static, the stringIDs appear hear
UINT m_nTotalStrs; // for the UI's own's result pane
UINT* m_aColumnIds; // IDS used for columns in result pane
int* m_aColumnWidths; // column widths in result pane
bool m_bPropertyPage; // if this node has property pages
bool m_bContainer; // if this is an container
const UINT* m_aNewMenuTextIds; // array of menu items for New
const UINT* m_aNewMenuIds; // optional menu Ids for items for New
const UINT* m_aTaskMenuTextIds; // array of menu items for Task
const UINT* m_aTaskMenuIds; // optional menu Ids for items for Task
const GUID* m_pGUID; };
#define BRANCH_FLAG_GLOBAL 0x00000001
extern CACSUIInfo g_RootUIInfo; extern CACSUIInfo g_GlobalUIInfo; extern CACSUIInfo g_SubnetworksUIInfo; extern CACSUIInfo g_ProfilesUIInfo; extern CACSUIInfo g_UsersUIInfo; extern CACSUIInfo g_PolicyUIInfo; extern CACSUIInfo g_SubnetUIInfo;
class CDSObject; //============================================================================
// Class: CACSGenericHandle
// Generic handler class for ACS handlers
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSHandle : public CHandler { public:
CACSHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject, CACSUIInfo* pUIInfo);
virtual ~CACSHandle();
// base handler functionality we override
OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_HasPropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_GetString(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnAddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnCommand();
// Node Id 2 support
OVERRIDE_BaseHandlerNotify_OnDelete(); // handles delete menu item
OVERRIDE_BaseHandlerNotify_OnExpand(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_GetString(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_HasPropertyPages();
OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultSelect(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultContextHelp(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultRefresh(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultDelete(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultRename();
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_CompareItems(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_AddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_Command();
// base handler virtual function over-rides
virtual HRESULT SaveColumns(ITFSComponent *, MMC_COOKIE, LPARAM, LPARAM); HRESULT UpdateStrings(); // should call the data object to get the latest dynamic strings
virtual HRESULT ShowState(DWORD state) {m_dwShownState = state; return S_OK;}; DWORD GetShownState() { return m_dwShownState;}; // when data is changed on property page
static HRESULT NotifyDataChange(LPARAM param); // Initialize function is called after handle is created
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
virtual HRESULT ListChildren(std::list<CACSHandle*>& children){ return S_FALSE;}; virtual HRESULT GetNamesForCommandNew(int nCommandId, CStrArray& Names) SAYOK;
bool IfContainer() { return m_pUIInfo->m_bContainer;};
HRESULT AddChild(ITFSNode* pNode, CACSHandle* pHandle, ITFSNode** ppNewNode);
virtual HRESULT EditProperties() SAYOK;
virtual HRESULT Delete(ITFSNode *pNode, ITFSComponent* pComponent, BOOL bCheckPropertyPage); // bring up the property page if it's open
HRESULT BringUpPropertyPageIfOpen(ITFSNode *pNode, ITFSComponent* pComponent);
// override to clean up our per-node data structures
OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_DestroyHandler(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_DestroyResultHandler();
HRESULT IsOkToDelete() { if(m_nBranchFlag & BRANCH_FLAG_GLOBAL) { // unknown and default can not be deleted
if(wcsstr(m_pDSObject->GetName(), ACS_NAME_DEFAULTUSER)) return S_FALSE;
if(wcsstr(m_pDSObject->GetName(), ACS_NAME_UNKNOWNUSER)) return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; };
void SetBranch(UINT flag) { m_nBranchFlag = flag;}; UINT m_nBranchFlag; // glocal defined as 0x0001
public: // ICON INDEX
ULONG m_ulIconIndex; ULONG m_ulIconIndexOpen; protected: // UI Information such as Column info, if property page, context menu, if container
CACSUIInfo* m_pUIInfo;
// Handlers get strings, expand node, data object query, and menu..
CDSObject* m_pDSObject; CStrArray m_aStaticStrings; // string used for get name
CStrArray m_aDynStrings; // string used for get name
UINT m_nFirstDynCol;
DWORD m_dwShownState;
ITFSNode* m_pNode; // ref counted, releasd in Destroy
BOOL m_bACSHandleExpanded; BOOL m_bCheckPropertyPageOpen; };
#ifndef _TASK_H
#include <task.h>
class CRootTasks : public CTaskList { public: HRESULT Init(BOOL bExtension, BOOL bThisMachine, BOOL bNetServices);
private: CStringArray m_arrayMouseOverBitmaps; CStringArray m_arrayMouseOffBitmaps; CStringArray m_arrayTaskText; CStringArray m_arrayTaskHelp; };
// Class: CACSRootHandle
// Handler class for ACS Root Node
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSRootHandle : public CACSHandle { public:
CACSRootHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject) : CACSHandle(pCompData, pDSObject, &g_RootUIInfo) { m_ulIconIndex = IMAGE_IDX_CLOSEDFOLDER; m_ulIconIndexOpen = IMAGE_IDX_OPENFOLDER; };
// for task pad to extend network console
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_TaskPadNotify(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_EnumTasks();
virtual HRESULT ListChildren(std::list<CACSHandle*>& children);
protected: };
// Class: CACSPolicyContainerHandle
// Handler class for ACS Policy Containers like Users and Profiles Node
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSPolicyContainerHandle : public CACSHandle { public: CACSPolicyContainerHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject, CACSUIInfo* pUIInfo) : CACSHandle(pCompData, pDSObject, pUIInfo){};
OVERRIDE_BaseHandlerNotify_OnExpand(); virtual HRESULT ListChildren(std::list<CACSHandle*>& children);
virtual HRESULT GetNamesForCommandNew(int nCommandId, CStrArray& Names); protected: };
// Class: CACSGlobalHandle
// Handler class for ACS Global Configuration Node
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSGlobalHandle : public CACSPolicyContainerHandle { public: CACSGlobalHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject) : CACSPolicyContainerHandle(pCompData, pDSObject, &g_GlobalUIInfo) { SetBranch(BRANCH_FLAG_GLOBAL); m_ulIconIndex = IMAGE_IDX_CLOSEDFOLDER; m_ulIconIndexOpen = IMAGE_IDX_OPENFOLDER; };
protected: };
// Class: CACSSubnetContainerHandle
// Handler class for ACS Subnetwork Configurations Node
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSSubnetContainerHandle : public CACSHandle { public: CACSSubnetContainerHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject) : CACSHandle(pCompData, pDSObject, &g_SubnetworksUIInfo) { m_ulIconIndex = IMAGE_IDX_CLOSEDFOLDER; m_ulIconIndexOpen = IMAGE_IDX_OPENFOLDER; }; OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnCommand();
virtual HRESULT ListChildren(std::list<CACSHandle*>& children); virtual HRESULT GetNamesForCommandNew(int nCommandId, CStrArray& Names);
protected: };
// Class: CACSSubnetHandle
// Handler class for ACS Subnetwork
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSSubnetHandle : public CACSPolicyContainerHandle { public: CACSSubnetHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject) : CACSPolicyContainerHandle(pCompData, pDSObject, &g_SubnetUIInfo) { if ((pDSObject->GetState() & ACSDATA_STATE_NOOBJECT) != 0) { m_ulIconIndexOpen = m_ulIconIndex = IMAGE_IDX_SUBNETWORK_NO_ACSPOLICY; } else { m_ulIconIndexOpen = m_ulIconIndex = IMAGE_IDX_SUBNETWORK; } };
OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnCommand(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); // show if the data is conflict
virtual HRESULT ShowState(DWORD state);
protected: };
// Class: CACSPolicyHandle
// Handler class for ACS Policy Node
// Author: WeiJiang
class CACSPolicyHandle : public CACSHandle { public: CACSPolicyHandle(ITFSComponentData *pCompData, CDSObject* pDSObject) : CACSHandle(pCompData, pDSObject, &g_PolicyUIInfo) { m_ulIconIndex = IMAGE_IDX_POLICY; m_ulIconIndexOpen = IMAGE_IDX_POLICY; m_bDeleteUponCancel = FALSE; };
OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultDelete();
void SetDeleteOnCancelPropertyPage(ITFSNode* pNode) { m_bDeleteUponCancel = TRUE; }; void OnPropertyPageApply() { m_bDeleteUponCancel = FALSE; CACSPolicyElement* pObj = dynamic_cast<CACSPolicyElement*>(m_pDSObject);
}; void OnPropertyPageOK() { m_bDeleteUponCancel = FALSE; }; void OnPropertyPageCancel() { if(m_bDeleteUponCancel) { ASSERT(m_pNode); m_bCheckPropertyPageOpen = FALSE; Delete(m_pNode, NULL, FALSE); } };
// show if the data is conflict
virtual HRESULT ShowState(DWORD state); protected: bool m_bDeleteUponCancel; // set to true when new create policy
#endif // _ACSHAND_H