ctrlgrp.cpp Control group switcher
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1999 All rights reserved.
Authors: matth Matthew F. Hillman, Microsoft
History: 10/14/93 matth Created. 26 oct 95 garykac DBCS_FILE_CHECK --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
//#include "precomp.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
//#ifndef _GUISTD_H
//#include "guistd.h"
#ifndef _CTRLGRP_H
#include "ctrlgrp.h"
//#ifndef _GLOBALS_H
//#include "globals.h"
//#include "richres.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = "ctrlgrp.cpp"; #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// DIALOGEX structures (from MFC 4.0)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct { WORD dlgVer; WORD signature; DWORD helpID; DWORD exStyle; DWORD style; WORD cdit; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; } DLGTEMPLATEEX;
typedef struct { DWORD helpID; DWORD exStyle; DWORD style; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; DWORD id; } DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX; #pragma pack(pop)
This class is used to manage switching among groups of controls in a parent window.
Primary APIs are: Create -- The pwndParent parameter is the window which will be the parent of the controls in the control groups. It is commonly a dialog. The idcAnchor parameter is the id of a control which will server as an 'anchor' for the controls. This means that the controls will created in the parent window offset by the position of the top left corner of the anchor control. This control is commonly a group box surrounding the area where the groups appear. The cgsStyle parameter specifieds whether the the controls in the groups are created right away (cgsPreCreateAll), only when that group is shown (cgsCreateOnDemand), or created each time the group is shown and destroyed when they are hidden (cgsCreateDestroyOnDemand).
AddGroup -- Adds a group of controls, which can be shown using ShowGroup. The idGroup parameter identifies the group, and is used as the parameter to ShowGroup. The idd parameter is the id of the dialog template with the layout of the controls. The pfnInit parameter, if not NULL, is a function called when the group is loaded. Note that -1 is not a legal value for idGroup (it is a distinguised value meaning no group).
RemoveGroup -- Removes the group specified by idGroup, destroying the controls if they have been created.
ShowGroup -- Show the group specified by idGroup, hiding any other group. If -1, hides all groups. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#if 0
BOOL CGControlInfo::MarkMem(IDebugContext * pdbc, long cRef) { if (pdbc->MarkMem(this,sizeof(*this),cRef)) return fTrue;
return fFalse; }
void CGControlInfo::AssertValid() const { }
void CGControlInfo::Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const { } #endif // DEBUG
//ImplementGenericArrayConstructDestruct(RGControlInfo, CGControlInfo)
//ImplementGenericArrayDebug(RGControlInfo, CGControlInfo)
ControlGroup::ControlGroup(int idGroup, int idd, void (*pfnInit)(CWnd * pwndParent)) : m_idGroup(idGroup), m_idd(idd), m_pfnInit(pfnInit), m_fLoaded(fFalse), m_fVisible(fFalse) { }
ControlGroup::~ControlGroup() { m_rgControls.RemoveAll(); }
#if 0
BOOL ControlGroup::MarkMem(IDebugContext * pdbc, long cRef) { if (pdbc->MarkMem(this,sizeof(*this),cRef)) return fTrue;
MarkCObject(pdbc,this,0); m_rgControls.MarkMem(pdbc,0);
return fFalse; }
void ControlGroup::AssertValid() const { m_rgControls.AssertValid(); }
void ControlGroup::Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const { } #endif // DEBUG
void ControlGroup::LoadGroup(CWnd * pwndParent, int xOffset, int yOffset) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
This function is mostly stolen from the Knowledge Base code for the 'multidlg' example.
That's why it uses mostly raw Windows rather than MFC conventions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HWND hDlg = NULL; HGLOBAL hDlgResMem = NULL; HRSRC hDlgRes = NULL; BYTE FAR *lpDlgRes = NULL;
// PutAssertCanThrow();
TRY { Assert(!m_fLoaded);
hDlg = pwndParent->m_hWnd; Assert(hDlg);
// Load the resource into memory and get a pointer to it.
hDlgRes = FindResource (AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(m_idd), RT_DIALOG); if (!hDlgRes) AfxThrowResourceException(); hDlgResMem = LoadResource (AfxGetResourceHandle(), hDlgRes); if (!hDlgResMem) AfxThrowResourceException(); lpDlgRes = (BYTE FAR *) LockResource (hDlgResMem); if (!lpDlgRes) AfxThrowResourceException();
LoadWin32DialogResource(hDlg, lpDlgRes, xOffset, yOffset);
m_fLoaded = fTrue;
// Free the resource which we just parsed.
UnlockResource (hDlgResMem); FreeResource (hDlgResMem);
// Send the new child an init message
if (m_pfnInit) (*m_pfnInit)(pwndParent); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (hDlgRes && hDlgResMem) { if (lpDlgRes) UnlockResource(hDlgResMem); FreeResource(hDlgResMem); } m_rgControls.RemoveAll(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL }
void ControlGroup::LoadWin32DialogResource( HWND hDlg, BYTE FAR *lpDlgRes, int xOffset, int yOffset) { BOOL fEx; RECT rc; SMALL_RECT srct; HFONT hDlgFont; DWORD style; DWORD exstyle; DWORD dwID; WORD wCurCtrl; WORD wNumOfCtrls; LPWSTR classname; WORD FAR * lpwDlgRes; char pszaClassName[256]; char pszaTitle[256];
// We need to get the font of the dialog so we can set the font of
// the child controls. If the dialog has no font set, it uses the
// default system font, and hDlgFont equals zero.
hDlgFont = (HFONT) SendMessage (hDlg, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L);
// Figure out if this is a DIALOGEX resource
fEx = ((DLGTEMPLATEEX *)lpDlgRes)->signature == 0xFFFF;
// Grab all the stuff we need out of the headers
if (fEx) { style = ((DLGTEMPLATEEX *)lpDlgRes)->style; wNumOfCtrls = ((DLGTEMPLATEEX *)lpDlgRes)->cdit; lpDlgRes += sizeof(DLGTEMPLATEEX); } else { style = ((DLGTEMPLATE *)lpDlgRes)->style; wNumOfCtrls = ((DLGTEMPLATE *)lpDlgRes)->cdit; lpDlgRes += sizeof(DLGTEMPLATE); }
// Skip the variable sized information
lpwDlgRes = (LPWORD)lpDlgRes; if (0xFFFF == *lpwDlgRes) lpwDlgRes += 2; // menu by ordinal, skip ffff & ordinal
else lpwDlgRes += wcslen(lpwDlgRes) + 1; // Menu by name or no menu at all
if (0xFFFF == *lpwDlgRes) lpwDlgRes += 2; // classname by ordinal, skip
else lpwDlgRes += wcslen(lpwDlgRes) + 1;
lpwDlgRes += wcslen(lpwDlgRes) + 1; // Pass the caption
// Some fields are present only if DS_SETFONT is specified.
if (style & DS_SETFONT) { lpwDlgRes += fEx ? 3 : 1; // skip point size, (weight, and style)
lpwDlgRes += wcslen(lpwDlgRes) + 1; // Pass face name
// Allocate space in the control info array
// The rest of the dialog template contains ControlData structures.
// We parse these structures and call CreateWindow() for each.
for (wCurCtrl = 0; wCurCtrl < wNumOfCtrls; wCurCtrl++) { // ControlData coordinates are in dialog units. We need to convert
// these to pixels before adding the anchor offset
// Should be Word Aligned
Assert(!((ULONG_PTR) lpwDlgRes & (0x1))); // Make it DWORD aligned
if (((ULONG_PTR)(lpwDlgRes)) & (0x2)) lpwDlgRes += 1;
// Get the header info we need
if (fEx) { style = ((DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX *)lpwDlgRes)->style; exstyle = ((DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX *)lpwDlgRes)->exStyle; srct = *(SMALL_RECT *)(&((DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX *)lpwDlgRes)->x); dwID = ((DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX *)lpwDlgRes)->id; lpwDlgRes = (LPWORD)((LPBYTE)lpwDlgRes + sizeof(DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX)); } else { style = ((DLGITEMTEMPLATE *)lpwDlgRes)->style; exstyle = 0; srct = *(SMALL_RECT *)(&((DLGITEMTEMPLATE *)lpwDlgRes)->x); dwID = ((DLGITEMTEMPLATE *)lpwDlgRes)->id; lpwDlgRes = (LPWORD)((LPBYTE)lpwDlgRes + sizeof(DLGITEMTEMPLATE)); }
style &= ~WS_VISIBLE; // Create invisible!
// use the rc structure as x,y,width,height
rc.top = srct.Top; rc.bottom = srct.Bottom; rc.left = srct.Left; rc.right = srct.Right;
MapDialogRect (hDlg, &rc); // Convert to pixels.
rc.left += xOffset; // Add the offset.
rc.top += yOffset;
// At this point in the ControlData structure (see "Dialog Box
// Resource" in online help), the class of the control may be
// described either with text, or as a byte with a pre-defined
// meaning.
if (*lpwDlgRes == 0xFFFF) { lpwDlgRes++; // Skip the FFFF
switch (*lpwDlgRes) { case 0x0080: classname = L"button"; // STRING_OK
break; case 0x0081: classname = EDIT_NORMAL_WIDE; //$ The strange code below fixes 3D problems
// on Win95
//if (g_fWin4 && !g_fWinNT)
exstyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; break; case 0x0082: classname = L"static"; // STRING_OK
break; case 0x0083: classname = L"listbox"; // STRING_OK
exstyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; break; case 0x0084: classname = L"scrollbar"; // STRING_OK
break; case 0x0085: classname = L"combobox"; // STRING_OK
break; default: // Next value is an atom
AssertSz(fFalse,"Illegal Class Value in Dialog Template"); //$Review: Can this be any atom or must it be an enumerated
// value from above?
} lpwDlgRes++; // passes the class identifier
} else { classname = (WCHAR *)lpwDlgRes; lpwDlgRes += wcslen(lpwDlgRes) + 1; exstyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; }
//$32 review: is this correct matt?
// Be sure to use the UNICODE function, all the data should
// be in UNICODE
m_rgControls[wCurCtrl].m_hwnd = CreateWindowExW (exstyle, classname, (LPWSTR)lpwDlgRes, style, (int) rc.left, (int) rc.top, (int) rc.right, (int) rc.bottom, hDlg, (HMENU)ULongToPtr(dwID), (HINSTANCE) AfxGetInstanceHandle(), NULL);
// There is no CreateWindowExW in Win95 so convert the strings to ANSI
if (m_rgControls[wCurCtrl].m_hwnd == NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,classname,-1,pszaClassName,256,NULL,NULL) || !WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,(LPWSTR)lpwDlgRes, -1, pszaTitle, 256, NULL,NULL)) { AssertSz(fFalse, "WideCharToMultiByteFailed"); AfxThrowResourceException(); } m_rgControls[wCurCtrl].m_hwnd = CreateWindowExA(exstyle,pszaClassName, pszaTitle, style,(int) rc.left, (int) rc.top, (int) rc.right, (int) rc.bottom, hDlg, (HMENU)ULongToPtr(dwID), (HINSTANCE) AfxGetInstanceHandle(), NULL);
if (!m_rgControls[wCurCtrl].m_hwnd) AfxThrowResourceException();
MaskAccelerator(m_rgControls[wCurCtrl].m_hwnd, fTrue); // Make sure all the accelerators are disabled
// Pass the window text
if (0xFFFF == *lpwDlgRes) lpwDlgRes += 2; else lpwDlgRes += wcslen(lpwDlgRes) + 1;
// skip over creation data
lpwDlgRes = (LPWORD)((LPBYTE)lpwDlgRes + *lpwDlgRes + 2); // see DYNDLG SDK example, this is a size word in Win32
// Even though the font is the right size (MapDialogRect() did
// this), we also need to set the font if it's not the system font.
if (hDlgFont) ::SendMessage(m_rgControls[wCurCtrl].m_hwnd,WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hDlgFont,(LPARAM)fFalse); } }
void ControlGroup::UnloadGroup() { Assert(m_fLoaded); m_rgControls.RemoveAll(); m_fLoaded = fFalse; }
void ControlGroup::ShowGroup(HDWP& hdwp, BOOL fShow, CWnd * pwnd) { long i,n; UINT rgfSwp; HWND hwndInsertAfter = NULL; if (pwnd) hwndInsertAfter = pwnd->m_hWnd;
Assert((fShow && !m_fVisible) || (m_fVisible && !fShow)); Assert(m_fLoaded);
rgfSwp = SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE |(pwnd != NULL ? 0 : SWP_NOZORDER)| (fShow ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW); for (i = 0, n = (long)m_rgControls.GetSize(); i < n; i++) { HWND hwnd = m_rgControls[i].m_hwnd; MaskAccelerator(hwnd, !fShow); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp,hwnd,hwndInsertAfter,0,0,0,0,rgfSwp); hwndInsertAfter = hwnd; } m_fVisible = fShow; }
void ControlGroup::EnableGroup(BOOL fEnable) { long i,n;
for (i = 0, n = (long)m_rgControls.GetSize(); i < n; i++) { HWND hwnd = m_rgControls[i].m_hwnd; ::EnableWindow(hwnd, fEnable); } }
void ControlGroup::AddControl(HWND hwnd) { Assert(m_fLoaded); int nNewIndex = (int)m_rgControls.Add(CGControlInfo());
m_rgControls[nNewIndex].m_hwnd = hwnd; }
void ControlGroup::RemoveControl(HWND hwnd) { long i, n; Assert(m_fLoaded);
for (i = 0, n = (long)m_rgControls.GetSize(); i < n; i++) { if (m_rgControls[i].m_hwnd == hwnd) { m_rgControls.RemoveAt(i); return; } }
Assert(fFalse); }
void ControlGroup::MaskAccelerator(HWND hwnd, BOOL fMask) { TCHAR szText[256]; TCHAR * psz; DWORD_PTR dwCtlCode; // Ignore text of controls which accept text (like edit controls)
// and of static controls which have the SS_NOPREFIX style.
dwCtlCode = SendMessage (hwnd, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0L); if (DLGC_WANTCHARS & dwCtlCode) return; if (DLGC_STATIC & dwCtlCode) { LONG lStyle; lStyle = GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if (SS_NOPREFIX & lStyle) return; }
// DBCS_OK [tatsuw]
// Don't have a really long label
Assert(GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) < DimensionOf(szText)); GetWindowText (hwnd, szText, DimensionOf(szText)); // Don't have |s in your text
Assert((!fMask) || (_tcschr(szText, TEXT('|')) == NULL)); psz = szText; while ((psz = _tcschr(psz, fMask ? TEXT('&') : TEXT('|'))) != NULL) { if (fMask && psz[1] == '&') { // Special! Ignore double ampersand
psz++; continue; } *psz = fMask ? TEXT('|') : TEXT('&'); SetWindowText(hwnd, szText); break; } }
#if 0
void RGPControlGroup::AssertValidGen(GEN *pgen) const { ControlGroup * pGroup = *(PControlGroup *)pgen; if (pGroup) pGroup->AssertValid(); }
void RGPControlGroup::MarkMemGen(IDebugContext *pdbc, GEN *pgen) { ControlGroup * pGroup = *(PControlGroup *)pgen; pGroup->MarkMem(pdbc,0); } #endif
long RGPControlGroup::GroupIndex(int idGroup) const { long i, n;
for (i = 0, n = (long)GetSize(); i < n; i++) if ((GetAt(i))->IDGroup() == idGroup) return i;
Assert(fFalse); return -1; }
ControlGroupSwitcher::ControlGroupSwitcher() : m_iGroup(-1), m_pwndParent(NULL) { }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::Create(CWnd * pwndParent, int idcAnchor, int cgsStyle) { m_pwndParent = pwndParent; m_idcAnchor = idcAnchor; m_cgsStyle = cgsStyle; ComputeAnchorOffsets(); }
ControlGroupSwitcher::~ControlGroupSwitcher() { for (long i = 0, n = (long)m_rgpGroups.GetSize(); i < n; i++) { delete m_rgpGroups[i]; m_rgpGroups[i] = NULL; } m_rgpGroups.RemoveAll(); }
#if 0
BOOL ControlGroupSwitcher::MarkMem(IDebugContext * pdbc, long cRef) { if (pdbc->MarkMem(this,sizeof(*this),cRef)) return fTrue; MarkCObject(pdbc,this,0);
return fFalse; }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::AssertValid() const { m_rgpGroups.AssertValid(); }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const { } #endif // DEBUG
void ControlGroupSwitcher::AddGroup(int idGroup, int idd, void (*pfnInit)(CWnd * pwndParent)) { ControlGroup * pGroupNew = NULL;
TRY { pGroupNew = new ControlGroup(idGroup, idd, pfnInit); m_rgpGroups.Add(pGroupNew); } CATCH_ALL(e) { delete pGroupNew; THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL
// In a stable state now. Possibly load controls which might also throw
if (m_cgsStyle == cgsPreCreateAll) pGroupNew->LoadGroup(m_pwndParent, m_xOffset, m_yOffset); }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::RemoveGroup(int idGroup) { // Don't remove group being shown! Show another group first.
Assert(idGroup != m_iGroup); long index; ControlGroup * pGroup;
index = m_rgpGroups.GroupIndex(idGroup); pGroup = m_rgpGroups[index]; delete pGroup; m_rgpGroups.RemoveAt(index); }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::EnableGroup(int idGroup, BOOL fEnable) { long index; ControlGroup * pGroup;
if (idGroup = -1) idGroup = m_iGroup;
index = m_rgpGroups.GroupIndex(idGroup); pGroup = m_rgpGroups[index]; pGroup->EnableGroup(fEnable); }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::ShowGroup(int idGroup) { ControlGroup * pGroupOld = NULL; ControlGroup * pGroupNew = NULL; HDWP hdwp; int cWindows; if (m_iGroup == idGroup) return;
cWindows = 0; if (m_iGroup != -1) { pGroupOld = m_rgpGroups.PGroup(m_iGroup); Assert(pGroupOld->FVisible()); cWindows += pGroupOld->CControls(); } if (idGroup != -1) { pGroupNew = m_rgpGroups.PGroup(idGroup); if (!pGroupNew->FLoaded()) pGroupNew->LoadGroup(m_pwndParent, m_xOffset, m_yOffset); cWindows += pGroupNew->CControls(); }
hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(cWindows); if (!hdwp) AfxThrowResourceException();
if (m_iGroup != -1) { pGroupOld->ShowGroup(hdwp,fFalse, NULL); if (m_cgsStyle == cgsCreateDestroyOnDemand) pGroupOld->UnloadGroup(); }
// Indicate we currently have no group, in case below throws
m_iGroup = -1;
if (idGroup != -1) { pGroupNew->ShowGroup(hdwp, fTrue, m_pwndParent->GetDlgItem(m_idcAnchor)); m_iGroup = idGroup; }
EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp); }
void ControlGroupSwitcher::ComputeAnchorOffsets() { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note that anchor offset is computed relative to upper left. Intended use: Make an invisible group box where you want your controls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CWnd * pwndAnchor; RECT rc; LPPOINT ppt;
pwndAnchor = m_pwndParent->GetDlgItem(m_idcAnchor); Assert(pwndAnchor);
pwndAnchor->GetWindowRect(&rc); ppt = (LPPOINT)&rc; m_pwndParent->ScreenToClient(ppt); ppt++; m_pwndParent->ScreenToClient(ppt);
m_xOffset = (int) rc.left; m_yOffset = (int) rc.top; }