/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
croot.cpp DHCP root node information (the root node is not displayed in the MMC framework but contains information such as all of the servers in this snapin). FILE HISTORY: */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "croot.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "tregkey.h"
#include "service.h"
#include "servbrow.h" // CAuthServerList
#include "ncglobal.h" // network console global defines
#include "addserv.h" // add server dialog
#include <clusapi.h>
#include "cluster.h" // cluster routines
unsigned int g_cfMachineName = RegisterClipboardFormat(L"MMC_SNAPIN_MACHINE_NAME");
CDhcpRootHandler::CDhcpRootHandler Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CDhcpRootHandler::CDhcpRootHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData) : CDhcpHandler(pCompData) { m_bMachineAdded = FALSE; m_fViewMessage = TRUE; }
CDhcpRootHandler::InitializeNode Initializes node specific data Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::InitializeNode ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CString strTemp; strTemp.LoadString(IDS_ROOT_NODENAME);
// Make the node immediately visible
SetColumnStringIDs(&aColumns[DHCPSNAP_ROOT][0]); SetColumnWidths(&aColumnWidths[DHCPSNAP_ROOT][0]);
return hrOK; }
Overridden base handler functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CDhcpRootHandler::GetString Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::GetString Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(LPCTSTR) CDhcpRootHandler::GetString ( ITFSNode * pNode, int nCol ) { if (nCol == 0 || nCol == -1) return GetDisplayName(); else return NULL; }
HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::SetGroupName(LPCTSTR pszGroupName) { CString strSnapinBaseName, strGroupName, szBuf; { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); strSnapinBaseName.LoadString(IDS_ROOT_NODENAME); } strGroupName = pszGroupName; if (strGroupName.IsEmpty()) szBuf = strSnapinBaseName; else szBuf.Format(_T("%s [%s]"), strSnapinBaseName, strGroupName); SetDisplayName(szBuf);
return hrOK; }
HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::GetGroupName(CString * pstrGroupName) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString strSnapinBaseName, strDisplayName; strSnapinBaseName.LoadString(IDS_ROOT_NODENAME);
int nBaseLength = strSnapinBaseName.GetLength() + 1; // For the space
strDisplayName = GetDisplayName();
if (strDisplayName.GetLength() == nBaseLength) pstrGroupName->Empty(); else *pstrGroupName = strDisplayName.Right(strDisplayName.GetLength() - nBaseLength);
return hrOK; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnExpand Handles enumeration of a scope item Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnExpand ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
if (m_bExpanded) return hr; // do the default handling
hr = CDhcpHandler::OnExpand(pNode, pDataObject, dwType, arg, param);
if (dwType & TFS_COMPDATA_EXTENSION) { // we are extending somebody. Get the computer name and check that machine
hr = CheckMachine(pNode, pDataObject); } else { int nVisible, nTotal; HRESULT hr = pNode->GetChildCount(&nVisible, &nTotal);
// only possibly add the local machine if the list is currently empty
if (nTotal == 0) { // check to see if we need to add the local machine to the list
hr = CheckMachine(pNode, NULL); } }
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnAddMenuItems Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpRootHandler::OnAddMenuItems ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strMenuItem;
if (type == CCT_SCOPE) { // these menu items go in the new menu,
// only visible from scope pane
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) { strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_ADD_SERVER); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_ADD_SERVER, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0 ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_BROWSE_SERVERS); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_BROWSE_SERVERS, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0 ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
if (OldServerListExists()) { // these menu items go in the new menu,
// only visible from scope pane
strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_IMPORT_OLD_LIST); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_IMPORT_OLD_LIST, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0 ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } } }
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::AddMenuItems Over-ride this to add our view menu item Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpRootHandler::AddMenuItems ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strMenuItem;
// figure out if we need to pass this to the scope pane menu handler
hr = HandleScopeMenus(cookie, pDataObject, pContextMenuCallback, pInsertionAllowed);
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_VIEW) { strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW, (m_fViewMessage) ? MF_CHECKED : 0 ); }
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnCommand Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpRootHandler::OnCommand ( ITFSNode * pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_ADD_SERVER: hr = OnCreateNewServer(pNode); break;
case IDS_BROWSE_SERVERS: hr = OnBrowseServers(pNode); break;
case IDS_IMPORT_OLD_LIST: hr = OnImportOldList(pNode); break;
default: break; }
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::Command Handles commands for the current view Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpRootHandler::Command ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, int nCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = S_OK; SPITFSNode spNode;
switch (nCommandID) { case MMCC_STANDARD_VIEW_SELECT: break;
case IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW: m_fViewMessage = !m_fViewMessage; m_spNodeMgr->GetRootNode(&spNode); UpdateResultMessage(spNode); break;
// this may have come from the scope pane handler, so pass it up
default: hr = HandleScopeCommand(cookie, nCommandID, pDataObject); break; }
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::HasPropertyPages Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::HasPropertyPages NOTE: the root node handler has to over-ride this function to handle the snapin manager property page (wizard) case!!! Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpRootHandler::HasPropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; if (dwType & TFS_COMPDATA_CREATE) { // This is the case where we are asked to bring up property
// pages when the user is adding a new snapin. These calls
// are forwarded to the root node to handle.
hr = hrFalse; } else { // we have property pages in the normal case
hr = hrFalse; } return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::CreatePropertyPages Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpRootHandler::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
Assert(pNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE) == 0); if (dwType & TFS_COMPDATA_CREATE) { //
// We are loading this snapin for the first time, put up a property
// page to allow them to name this thing.
} else { //
// Object gets deleted when the page is destroyed
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnPropertyChange Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnPropertyChange ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataobject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
return hrOK; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnGetResultViewType Return the result view that this node is going to support Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnGetResultViewType ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR * ppViewType, long * pViewOptions ) { return CDhcpHandler::OnGetResultViewType(pComponent, cookie, ppViewType, pViewOptions); }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnResultSelect For nodes with task pads, we override the select message to set the selected node. Nodes with taskpads do not get the MMCN_SHOW message which is where we normall set the selected node Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnResultSelect(ITFSComponent *pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spRootNode;
CORg(CDhcpHandler::OnResultSelect(pComponent, pDataObject, cookie, arg, lParam));
Error: return hr; }
void CDhcpRootHandler::UpdateResultMessage(ITFSNode * pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; int nMessage = ROOT_MESSAGE_NO_SERVERS; // default
int nVisible, nTotal; int i; CString strTitle, strBody, strTemp;
if (!m_fViewMessage) { ClearMessage(pNode); } else { CORg(pNode->GetChildCount(&nVisible, &nTotal));
if (nTotal > 0) { ClearMessage(pNode); } else { nMessage = ROOT_MESSAGE_NO_SERVERS;
// now build the text strings
// first entry is the title
// second entry is the icon
// third ... n entries are the body strings
for (i = 2; g_uRootMessages[nMessage][i] != 0; i++) { strTemp.LoadString(g_uRootMessages[nMessage][i]); strBody += strTemp; }
ShowMessage(pNode, strTitle, strBody, (IconIdentifier) g_uRootMessages[nMessage][1]); } }
Error: return; }
Command handlers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CDhcpRootHandler::OnCreateNewServer Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnCreateNewServer ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); HRESULT hr = hrOK;
CAddServer dlgAddServer; BOOL fServerAdded = FALSE;
dlgAddServer.SetServerList(&g_AuthServerList); if (dlgAddServer.DoModal() == IDOK) { if (IsServerInList(pNode, ::UtilCvtWstrToIpAddr(dlgAddServer.m_strIp), dlgAddServer.m_strName)) { DhcpMessageBox(IDS_ERR_HOST_ALREADY_CONNECTED); } else { AddServer(dlgAddServer.m_strIp, dlgAddServer.m_strName, TRUE); fServerAdded = TRUE; } }
if (fServerAdded) UpdateResultMessage(pNode);
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnBrowseServers Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnBrowseServers ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); HRESULT hr = hrOK; CServerBrowse dlgBrowse; BOOL fServerAdded = FALSE;
BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR; if (!g_AuthServerList.IsInitialized()) { hr = g_AuthServerList.Init(); hr = g_AuthServerList.EnumServers(); }
dlgBrowse.SetServerList(&g_AuthServerList); END_WAIT_CURSOR;
if (dlgBrowse.DoModal() == IDOK) { for (int i = 0; i < dlgBrowse.m_astrName.GetSize(); i++) { if (IsServerInList(pNode, ::UtilCvtWstrToIpAddr(dlgBrowse.m_astrIp[i]), dlgBrowse.m_astrName[i])) { DhcpMessageBox(IDS_ERR_HOST_ALREADY_CONNECTED); } else { AddServer(dlgBrowse.m_astrIp[i], dlgBrowse.m_astrName[i], TRUE); fServerAdded = TRUE; } } }
if (fServerAdded) UpdateResultMessage(pNode);
return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OnImportOldList Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::OnImportOldList ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
DWORD err = LoadOldServerList(pNode); if (err) ::DhcpMessageBox(err);
return err; }
CDhcpRootHandler::CreateLocalDhcpServer Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpRootHandler::CreateLocalDhcpServer() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString strName;
// Create the local machine
strName.LoadString (IDS_LOOPBACK_IP_ADDR); AddServer(strName, NULL, TRUE); }
CDhcpRootHandler::AddServer Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::AddServer ( LPCWSTR pServerIp, LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL bNewServer, DWORD dwServerOptions, DWORD dwRefreshInterval, BOOL bExtension ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; CDhcpServer * pDhcpServer = NULL; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; SPITFSNode spNode, spRootNode;
// Create a handler for the node
try { pDhcpServer = new CDhcpServer(m_spTFSCompData, pServerIp); pDhcpServer->SetName(pServerName); // Do this so that it will get released correctly
spHandler = pDhcpServer; } catch(...) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } CORg( hr ); //
// Create the server container information
CreateContainerTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpServerNodeType, pDhcpServer, pDhcpServer, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
pDhcpServer->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spNode); // tell the server to set the name differently in the extension case
if (dwServerOptions & SERVER_OPTION_EXTENSION) { m_bMachineAdded = TRUE; pDhcpServer->SetExtensionName(); }
// Mask out the auto refresh option because we set it next
pDhcpServer->SetServerOptions(dwServerOptions & ~SERVER_OPTION_AUTO_REFRESH);
// if we got a valid refresh interval, then set it.
if (dwRefreshInterval != 0xffffffff) pDhcpServer->SetAutoRefresh(spNode, dwServerOptions & SERVER_OPTION_AUTO_REFRESH, dwRefreshInterval);
AddServerSortedName(spNode, bNewServer);
if (bNewServer) { // need to get our node descriptor
CORg(m_spNodeMgr->GetRootNode(&spRootNode)); spRootNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_DIRTY, TRUE); }
Error: return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::IsServerInList Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CDhcpRootHandler::IsServerInList ( ITFSNode * pRootNode, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIpAddressNew, CString & strName ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIpAddressCurrent; BOOL bFound = FALSE; CString strCurrentName;
// get the enumerator for this node
spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); while (nNumReturned) { // walk the list of servers and see if it already exists
CDhcpServer * pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spCurrentNode); pServer->GetIpAddress(&dhcpIpAddressCurrent);
//if (dhcpIpAddressCurrent == dhcpIpAddressNew)
strCurrentName = pServer->GetName(); if (!strCurrentName.IsEmpty() && strName.CompareNoCase(strCurrentName) == 0) { bFound = TRUE; break; }
// get the next Server in the list
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); }
return bFound; }
CDhcpRootHandler::OldServerListExists Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CDhcpRootHandler::OldServerListExists() { RegKey rk; LONG err; BOOL bExists = TRUE; CStringList strList;
err = rk.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DHCP_REG_USER_KEY_NAME); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // the key doesn't exist, so there's nothing to import...
// just return ok
bExists = FALSE; }
err = rk.QueryValue(DHCP_REG_VALUE_HOSTS, strList); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) bExists = FALSE;
return bExists; }
CDhcpRootHandler::LoadOldServerList Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpRootHandler::LoadOldServerList ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { RegKey rk; CStringList strList ; CString * pstr ; POSITION pos ; LONG err; BOOL bServerAdded = FALSE; CString strName; DHC_HOST_INFO_STRUCT hostInfo; err = rk.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, DHCP_REG_USER_KEY_NAME); if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // the key doesn't exist, so there's nothing to import...
// just return ok
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (err) return err;
do { if ( err = rk.QueryValue( DHCP_REG_VALUE_HOSTS, strList ) ) { break ; }
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition();
if (pos == NULL) break;
for ( ; pos && (pstr = & strList.GetNext(pos)); /**/ ) { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIpAddress = UtilCvtWstrToIpAddr(*pstr);
err = ::UtilGetHostInfo(dhcpIpAddress, &hostInfo); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strName = hostInfo._chHostName; }
// check to see if the server already is in the list
// if not then add
if (!IsServerInList(pNode, dhcpIpAddress, strName)) { // is this a local machine addr? Convert to real IP
if ((dhcpIpAddress & 0xFF000000) == 127) { UtilGetLocalHostAddress(&dhcpIpAddress); UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dhcpIpAddress, pstr); }
AddServer(*pstr, strName, TRUE, 0, DHCPSNAP_REFRESH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT); bServerAdded = TRUE; } } } while ( FALSE ) ;
// Set the dirty flag if we added anything to the list
if (bServerAdded) pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_DIRTY, TRUE);
// This isn't really an error -- it just means that we didn't
// find the key name in the list
if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { Trace0("Didn't find old addresses registry key -- starting from scratch"); err = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return err ; }
CDhcpRootHandler::AddServerSortedIp Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::AddServerSortedIp ( ITFSNode * pNewNode, BOOL bNewServer ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; SPITFSNode spPrevNode; SPITFSNode spRootNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIpAddressCurrent = 0; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIpAddressTarget;
CDhcpServer * pServer;
// get our target address
pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, pNewNode); pServer->GetIpAddress(&dhcpIpAddressTarget);
// need to get our node descriptor
// get the enumerator for this node
CORg(spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned)); while (nNumReturned) { // walk the list of servers and see if it already exists
pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spCurrentNode); pServer->GetIpAddress(&dhcpIpAddressCurrent);
if (dhcpIpAddressCurrent > dhcpIpAddressTarget) { // Found where we need to put it, break out
break; }
// get the next Server in the list
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); }
// Add the node in based on the PrevNode pointer
if (spPrevNode) { if (bNewServer) { if (spPrevNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_SCOPEID) != NULL) { pNewNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_RELATIVE_FLAGS, SDI_PREVIOUS); pNewNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_RELATIVE_SCOPEID, spPrevNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_SCOPEID)); } } CORg(spRootNode->InsertChild(spPrevNode, pNewNode)); } else { // add to the head
if (m_bExpanded) { pNewNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_RELATIVE_FLAGS, SDI_FIRST); } CORg(spRootNode->AddChild(pNewNode)); }
Error: return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::AddServerSortedName Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::AddServerSortedName ( ITFSNode * pNewNode, BOOL bNewServer ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; SPITFSNode spPrevNode; SPITFSNode spRootNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0; CString strTarget, strCurrent;
CDhcpServer * pServer;
// get our target address
pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, pNewNode); strTarget = pServer->GetName();
// need to get our node descriptor
// get the enumerator for this node
CORg(spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned)); while (nNumReturned) { // walk the list of servers and see if it already exists
pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spCurrentNode); strCurrent = pServer->GetName();
if (strTarget.CompareNoCase(strCurrent) < 0) { // Found where we need to put it, break out
break; }
// get the next Server in the list
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); }
// Add the node in based on the PrevNode pointer
if (spPrevNode) { if (bNewServer) { if (spPrevNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_SCOPEID) != NULL) { pNewNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_RELATIVE_FLAGS, SDI_PREVIOUS); pNewNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_RELATIVE_SCOPEID, spPrevNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_SCOPEID)); } } CORg(spRootNode->InsertChild(spPrevNode, pNewNode)); } else { // add to the head
if (m_bExpanded) { pNewNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_RELATIVE_FLAGS, SDI_FIRST); } CORg(spRootNode->AddChild(pNewNode)); }
Error: return hr; }
CDhcpRootHandler::CheckMachine Checks to see if the DHCP server service is running on the local machine. If it is, it adds it to the list of servers. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::CheckMachine ( ITFSNode * pRootNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// Get the local machine name and check to see if the service
// is installed.
CString strMachineName; LPTSTR pBuf; DWORD dwLength = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; BOOL bExtension = (pDataObject != NULL); BOOL fInCluster = FALSE; CString strLocalIp, strLocalName, strIp; DHC_HOST_INFO_STRUCT hostInfo; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpAddress;
if (!bExtension) { // just check the local machine
pBuf = strMachineName.GetBuffer(dwLength); GetComputerName(pBuf, &dwLength); strMachineName.ReleaseBuffer();
UtilGetLocalHostAddress(&dhcpAddress); } else { // get the machine name from the data object
strMachineName = Extract<TCHAR>(pDataObject, (CLIPFORMAT) g_cfMachineName, COMPUTERNAME_LEN_MAX);
UtilGetHostAddress(strMachineName, &dhcpAddress); RemoveOldEntries(pRootNode, dhcpAddress); }
fInCluster = ::FIsComputerInRunningCluster(strMachineName); if (fInCluster) { if (GetClusterResourceIp(strMachineName, _T("DHCP Service"), strIp) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dhcpAddress = ::UtilCvtWstrToIpAddr(strIp); } }
if (fInCluster) { // get the resource name for the IP address we just got
UtilGetHostInfo(dhcpAddress, &hostInfo); strMachineName = hostInfo._chHostName; }
// check to see if the service is running
BOOL bServiceRunning; DWORD dwError = ::TFSIsServiceRunning(strMachineName, _T("DHCPServer"), &bServiceRunning); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS || !bServiceRunning) { // The following condition could happen to get here:
// o The service is not installed.
// o Couldn't access for some reason.
// o The service isn't running.
// Don't add to the list.
return hrOK; }
if (!fInCluster) { UtilGetHostInfo(dhcpAddress, &hostInfo); strMachineName = hostInfo._chHostName; }
// OK. The service is installed, so lets and add it to the list.
if (IsServerInList(pRootNode, dhcpAddress, strMachineName)) return hr;
// looks good, add to list
UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dhcpAddress, &strLocalIp);
if (bExtension) dwFlags |= SERVER_OPTION_EXTENSION;
AddServer(strLocalIp, strMachineName, TRUE, dwFlags, DHCPSNAP_REFRESH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT, bExtension);
m_bMachineAdded = TRUE;
return hr; }
// when running as an extension, it is possible that we were saved as "local machine"
// which means that if the saved console file was moved to another machine we need to remove
// the old entry that was saved
HRESULT CDhcpRootHandler::RemoveOldEntries(ITFSNode * pNode, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpAddress) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0; CDhcpServer * pServer;
// get the enumerator for this node
CORg(spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned)); while (nNumReturned) { // walk the list of servers and see if it already exists
pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spCurrentNode);
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ipaddrCurrent;
//if (ipaddrCurrent != dhcpAddress)
{ CORg (pNode->RemoveChild(spCurrentNode)); }
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); }
Error: return hr; }